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efficiency of oil reserves difficult to recover by physical - chemical methods. .... The application of the equation (1) for explaining experimental data shows that it gives ...... motherboard, 8GbDDR3 x 4 memory modules, HDD 1Tb x 3 storage, 2U ...
ISSN 2223-3911

Industrial Technology and Engineering Scientific technical journal

№ 1(18) 2016

Scientific technical journal The journal is being published since 2011, Periodicity: 4 issues per year

Editor in chief: Zh. Myrkhalykov

The Owner: Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management “M. Auezov SKSU” Ministry of Education and Science of RK (Shymkent)

Certificate of registration of the periodic printed publication and (or) news agency № 11566-ZH issued on 04.04.2011 by Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The journal ıs regıstered at the Internatıonal Centre for Regıstratıon of serıal edıtıons (UNESCO, Paris, France) in June 2011 under registration number ISSN 2223-3911.

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2016, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University

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EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR –IN-CHIEF Dr. Sci. Tech, Professor, Corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhumakhan Myrkhalykov DEPUTY OF EDITOR –IN-CHIEF

Doctor, Professor, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany

Eugeny Kenig

Doctor of Science, Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poznan, Poland

Marek Sikorski


Volodymyr Potapov - Dr. of Science, Professor, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Rufat Abiev - Dr. of Science, Professor, Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University), Saint Petersburg, Russia. Josef Banas – Doctor of Mathematics, Professor, Rzeszow Polytechnic University of Technology, Rzeszow, Poland. Oleg Poleshchuk – Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russia. Valikhan Bishimbayev - Dr. Sci. Tech, Professor, Academician of the NAS of RK, Astana, Kazakhstan. Boguslawa Leska – Dr. of Science, prof., Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poznan, Poland. Mikhail Baklanov – PhD, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Inter University Research Centre of Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies (IMEC), Leven, Belgium. Mira Bajirova – Dr., Assistant Professor, Paris University VI, Vanves, France. Smail Meziani - PhD, Professor, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France. Vyacheslav Narayev – Dr. of Chemistry, Professor, Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University), Saint Petersburg, Russia. Mohd Hasan Selamat – Dr., Professor, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. Alena Meshcharakova – PhD, Associate Professor, Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk, Belarus. Valeriy Kharchenko – Dr. of Science, All-Russian Institute for Electrification of Agriculture, Moscow, Russia. Abdul Rahman Nordin – Dr., Associate Professor, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia. Arnold Brener – Dr. Sci. Tech., Professor, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan. Polina Prokopovich - PhD, prof., Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom. Victor Shevko – Dr. Sci. Tech., Professor, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan Marat Satayev - Dr. Sci. Tech., Corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

Nadir Nadirov – Academician of National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dr. Sci. Tech., Professor, Scientific Industrial Center JSC "Neft" of National Engineering Academy of Republic Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Akmaral Isayeva – Dr. of Biological Sci., Professor, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan. Murat Zhurinov – Academician of National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dr. Sci. Chem., Professor, President of National Academy of Science, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Boris Dmitrevsky – Dr. Sci. Tech., Professor, Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University), Saint Petersburg, Russia. Igor Petropavlovsky – Dr. Sci. Tech., Professor, D.I. Mendeleyev Russian Chemical and Technological University, Moscow, Russia. Malik Satayev – Dr. Sci. Tech., Professor, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan.

Ivakhnenko O., Golubev V., Zhantasov M., Ziyat A., Zhantasova D., Doszhanov B. Studies of Determining of Oil Displacement Coefficient from Oil Stratum by Alkaline Flooding and Carbonated Water



Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT The studies results of determining the oil displacement coefficient by flood displacement efficiency of the models of oil stratum by alkaline flooding and carbonated water are presented. The dependence of the oil flood displacement efficiency coefficient Fdis from models of elements of oil strata of Zhanazhol and Akshabulak deposits by alkaline flooding on the volume of liquid pumped through and the dependence of oil recovery factor Fdis water flood displacement efficiency from models of elements of oil strata of these deposits by carbonated solution on the volume of liquid pumped through are shown. During providing the experimental studies for the determining the oil displacement coefficient, the samples of artificial core materials were used. For the making of models of element stratum it was guided by similar data of geologic parameters of the structure of oil reservoirs of Zhanazhol and Akshabulak deposits. The lowering of contact angle of oil wetting on the border with carbonated solution, that takes place under the influence of carbon dioxide, causes thinning of film oil. Thinning of oil film, reduction of its strength and improvement of mobility leads to focal disruptures and formation of oil droplets of various sizes. It was concluded that the flooding by carbonated solution may be a promising method of intensification of oil production when it is used as part of combined impact on the stratum combined with some physical-chemical method such as alkaline flooding. Keywords: studies, dependence, deposit, alkaline flooding, carbonated solution, models of oil strata, oil displacement coefficient. INTRODUCTION Based on the analysis of geological and physical structure of productive strata of Kazakhstan deposits and physical-chemical properties of oil and water stratum the chemical or physical-chemical methods, among which recently in most cases the principle of combined physical and chemical effect is realized, are the most acceptable methods of influence on oil strata to enhance their ultimate oil production [1-5]. Studies for the determining of the oil displacement efficiency of the models of oil strata of Zhanazhol and Akshabulak deposits by alkaline flooding were conducted in a pilot plant according to the tested methods [6]. During the making models of stratum element the authors were guided by data of geological parameters of the structure of oil collectors of Zhanazhol and Akshabulak deposits, presented in Table 1.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 05-09


Ivakhnenko O., Golubev V., Zhantasov M., Ziyat A., Zhantasova D., Doszhanov B. Studies of Determining of Oil Displacement Coefficient from Oil Stratum by Alkaline Flooding and Carbonated Water

Table 1. Filtration-capacitance characteristics of samples of core №


1 1

2 Reservoir type

2 3 4 5 6

Length, cm Diameter, cm Open porosity, % Permeability, micrometer2 Unsaturated coefficient

A core sample of A core sample of Zhanazhol deposit Akshabulak deposit 3 4 Porous and porous-vuggy porous, presented by rock- fracture, presented weakly cemented gravelites bycarbonate rocks and siltstones 100 100 50 50 9.5- 12.6 11.2-20.0 0.061-0.395 0.0028-0.03 0.82-0.89 0.51-0.61-0.75

MATERIALS AND METHODS Studies for the determining of the oil flood displacement efficiency by alkaline flooding were made inaccordance with GOST39-195-86"Oil. The method of the determining the oil displacement coefficient by water in the laboratory conditions"[7]. Studies were carried out in conditions as close as possibleto stratum ones at 70° C, which corresponds to the average stratum temperature of Zhanazhol and Akshabulak deposits. Alkaline solution NaOH of concentration of 0.4% by weight was used as displacement agentin stratum water of Zhanazhol and Akshabulak deposits. The concentration ofalkali solution NaOH equal to 0.4% by weight, accepted as the optimal one, is providing the maximum interphase tensionon the border of "oil-alkaline solution." The solution of alkali in stratum water was pumped into themodel of element of oil stratumin the form ofsolvent margins, with relativevolume of pumped through solution to the pores’ volume Vpump./Vpor.-0.5; 1.0;2.0;3.0;4.0; 5,0. Displacing alkaline solution was pumped through the element of oil stratum till the termination ofhydrocarbon phase outlet (but not less than 5pore volumes) at a flow rateof 0.5 ml /min. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of these studies are presented in Fig. 1. The presented dependences in Figure 1 show that the value of oil recovery factor/water flood displacement efficiency depends on the volume of liquid pumped through. As seen from Fig. 1, at the oil is displaced from Zhanazhol deposit from the model of element of oil stratum by alkaline solution NaOH in stratum water, with the concentration CNaOH 0.4 mass %, graph - 1, with increasing ratio Vpump./Vpor. from 0.5 to 5.0, the oil recovery factor/water flood displacement efficiency increases from 0.31 to 0.728. At the same time the main volume of oil is displaced at the ratio of Vpump./Vpor. = 3.0÷4.0. With further increase of the ratio Vpump./Vpor. from 3.0 to 5.0 oil displacement occurs less intensively, as in these conditions theresidual oil is washed out. This residual oil is in the porespacesand is being held inthembycapillary forcesthat hold back the oil, preventing its displacement. A similar relationship is observed during the Akshabulak deposit oil displacing, graphic line 2, Fig. 1. 6

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 05-09

Ivakhnenko O., Golubev V., Zhantasov M., Ziyat A., Zhantasova D., Doszhanov B. Studies of Determining of Oil Displacement Coefficient from Oil Stratum by Alkaline Flooding and Carbonated Water

Fig. 1. Dependence of oil displacement coefficient Fdis from models of elements of oil strata of Zhanazhol and Akshabulak deposits by alkaline solution on the volume of pumped liquid Incomplete displacement of oil is due to the difference of viscosities of the displacing alkaline solution and displaced oil, as a result of which oil displacement takes place mainly from high permeable zones. At this the so-called residual oil, held back by capillary forces and not displaced, remains in low permeable zones, capillaries and veins. In such cases displacement of residual oil till the end by injection of carbonated solutions into the stratum is a promising method of increase of strata oil recovery. Further studies dealt with the determination of oil recovery factor/water flood displacement efficiency from models of oil strata of Zhanazhol and Akshabulak deposits by carbonated water and were carried out at the same installation as the previous studies, and according to the same methods. In conducting studies to determine oil recovery factor/water flood displacement efficiency the same samples of artificial core materials have been used. Studies for the determining the oil displacement efficiency by alkaline flooding is provided in accordance with the paper [6]. Studies were carried out in conditions as close as possible to the strata ones at the temperature of 70 °C and pressure, equal to strata pressures of Zhanazhol (37,5-39,6 MPa) and Akshabulak (20,0 MPa) deposits. Carbonated water solution with concentration CO2 0.4% by weight instratum water of Zhanazhol and Akshabulak deposits was used as a displacement agent. Concentration of CO2 in solution of carbonized water equal to 4.0% by weight is accepted as the optimal one, providing the maximum reduction of the interphase tension on the border "oil - alkaline solution." Carbonated solution of stratum water was pumped into the model of the element of oil strata in the form of slugs, with the relative volume of the pumped through solution to the pores’ volume Vpump./Vpor. - 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0. The displacement solution was pumped through the element of oil strata till the termination of hydrocarbon phase outlet (but not less than 5 pore volumes) at a flow rate of 0.5 ml / min. The results of these studies are presented in Figure 1. Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 05-09


Ivakhnenko O., Golubev V., Zhantasov M., Ziyat A., Zhantasova D., Doszhanov B. Studies of Determining of Oil Displacement Coefficient from Oil Stratum by Alkaline Flooding and Carbonated Water

Dependences that presented in Fig.2, show the value of oil recovery factor/water flood displacement efficiency depends on the amount of pumped through liquid. As seen from Fig. 2, at displacement of oil of Zhanazhol deposit from model of element of oil stratum by carbonatedsolution of stratum water, with concentration CO2 equal to 0,4%wt, graph -1, with increase of ratio Vpump./Vpor. from 0.5 to 5.0, the oil displacement efficiency coefficient increases from 0.25 to 0.618. At the same time the main volume of oil is forced out at the ratio Vpump./Vpor.= 3.0÷4.0.With further increase of ratio Vpump./Vpor. from 3.0 to 5.0 oil displacement occurs less vigorously. A similar relationship is observed when oil of Akshabulak deposit is displaced, graph 2, Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Dependence of oil displacement efficiency coefficient Fdis. from models of elements of oil strata of Zhanazhol and Akshabulak deposits by carbonated solution on the volume of pumped liquid This regularity is explained by the fact that at contact of carbonated solution with concentration CO2 equal to 0.4% mass, due to the dissolution of carbon dioxide in oil the maximum reduction of interphase tension on the border "carbonated solution– minimal limiting angle of wetting and maximum reduction of oil viscosity is achieved, which is proved by the results of research conducted by the authors earlier. CONCLUSION As a result of viscosity reduction and volume expansion of oil under the influence of carbon dioxide the adhesive strength of oil film with core surface decreases that increases its mobility. Formation of dropping oil and improvement of solid surface wettability by water contributes to washing off oil, at that oil displacement takes place mainly from high permeable zones, fully washed off by carbonated solution at the ratio Vpump./Vpor. = 3,0 ÷ 4,0. In low permeable zones, capillaries and veins at that the still held by capillary forces and the so-called not displaced residual oil remains, the access to which is blocked by oil, saturated with carbon dioxide, blocking access into capillaries of carbonated solution. 8

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 05-09

Ivakhnenko O., Golubev V., Zhantasov M., Ziyat A., Zhantasova D., Doszhanov B. Studies of Determining of Oil Displacement Coefficient from Oil Stratum by Alkaline Flooding and Carbonated Water

Therefore, increase of ratio Vpump./Vpor. from 3.0 to 5.0 has no effect on oil production increase. Analyzing the obtained research results, one can conclude that the method of oil displacement by carbonated solution, because of insufficiently high oil recovery factor/ water flood displacement efficiency, except in certain cases, cannot find wide application. However, considering the positive effect of CO2 in the carbonated solution on physical-chemical properties of oil, flooding by carbonated solution may be a promising method for intensification of oil production when it is used as part of combined influence in combination with some physical-chemical method such as alkaline flooding. In this regard, the studies for the determining the feasibility of enhancing oil displacement efficiency coefficient by complex influence of the method of carbon-dioxidealkaline flooding were conducted. REFERENCES 1 Lenchenkova L.E. Uluchshenie effektivnosti razrabotki zapasov nefti, trudnodobyvaemykh fiziko-khimicheskimi metodami. Tezisy dok. diss. tekhn. nauk [Improvement of production efficiency of oil reserves difficult to recover by physical - chemical methods. Abstract of thesis of Doct. engin. scien. 25.00.17.]. Ufa, 2002. 49 p. 2 Izabakarov M., Efendiyev P.M., and Dadashev A.M. Experimental studies of low-viscosity oil displacement by gasalkaline mixture into long developed deposits. Pervaya vserossiskaya konferenciya “Problemy uvelicheniya dobychi nefti i gaza iz mestorozhdeni na poslednem etape ih razrabotki i deistvie podzemnogo hranilisha gaza” [First all-Russian Conference “Problems of increasing gas-oil production of deposits at the final stage of their development and operation of underground gas storage”] North-Caucasus State Technical University, 2005. 3 Abasov M.T., Gorbunov A.T., Izabakarov M. Osnovy gazoshelochnogo zapolneniya neftyanyh strat [Fundamentals of gas- alkaline flooding of oil strata. In the book "Studies on improvement of oil recovery efficiency"]. Baku, 1988. 4 Rassokhin S.G., Troitskyi V.M., and Sokolov A.F. Issledovanie vidov vodno-gazovogo vliyaniya na effectivnost smescheniya nefti po resultatam fizicheskogo modelirovaniya. Novosti nauki o gaze. [Study of the effect of modes of water-gas influence on oil displacement efficiency according to the results of physical modeling. News of gas science, V.3 (11).], 2012. 5 Telkov V.P. Razvitie tehnologii vodno-gazovogo vliyaniya na stratu putem vvedeniya nasosom-ijektorom i nasosom-kompressorom vodno-gazovoi smesi s penoobrazovatelem SAA. Tezisy cand.diss. tekhn. nauk [ Development of technology of water-gas influence on the stratum by pump -ejector and pump-compressor injection of water- gas mixtures with foamforming SAA. Abstract of diss cand. engin. sciences. 25.00.17.]. Moscow, 2009. 24 p. 6 Drozdov. N.A. Issledovaniye filtratsionnyh harakteristik smescheniya nefti vodno-gazovoi smesyami i razrabotka tehnologicheskih shem nasosno-izhektornyh system dlya vodnogazovogo vliyaniya na stratu. Tezisy cand.diss. tekhn. nauk [Research of filtration characteristics at displacement of oil by water-gas mixtures and development of technological schemes of pump- ejector systems for water-gas influence on stratum. Abstract of dis. cand. engin. sciences. 25.00.17.]. Moscow, 2012. 29 p. 7 State Standard 39-195-86. Oil. The method of determining the oil recovery displacement efficiency coefficient by water in the laboratory.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 05-09


Abdrakhmanova Kh. Physical and Chemical Model of the Specific Adsorption of Hydrogen Ions

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL MODEL OF THE SPECIFIC ADSORPTION OF HYDROGEN IONS Abdrakhmanova Kh. M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT In this article the analysis of the kinetic equation for hydrogen ions reduction in the electrochemical system is considered. Derivation of this equation is done using the Langmuir adsorption isotherm which contains the adsorptive coefficient b characterizing the electrode material. This kinetic equation correlates with the model of the elementary act received on the basis of Horiuti-Polyanyi model and the theory of a boundary layer. By means of this model the physical meaning of the adsorption heat and the mechanism of activation energy change with the change of the adsorption heat of hydrogen cations are determined. The theory of a boundary layer allows to correlate the heat of adsorption with physical properties of an electrode material and a reagent such as work function Af, the affinity to an electron , fermi’s level F. From the analysis of this kinetic equation the theoretical curves reflecting various conditions of a cation’s discharge in the electrochemical system are received. Many experimental data are described by curves similar to theoretical ones that assure us in correctness of the received equation. Key words: ions reduction, double electric layer, adsorption, activation energy, kinetic equation INTRODUCTION One of fundamental problems of electrochemical kinetics is the development of the theory of the electrode reaction elementary act. Discovering of the mechanism of the electrode reaction elementary act will help not only to explain the experimental data on electro-reduction of hydrogen ions and metal ions but also to forecast the influence of surfactants on these electrochemical reactions. Research of this problem led to creation of several theories. The most known among them: 1) Gurney's theory (1931) where the idea about "resonant transition" of an electron from metal to solution is considered; 2) HoriutiPolyanyi's theory (1935) where, by means of potential energy curves, the idea of a crucial role of bond rupture energy is developed; 3) "the thermal theory" of Airing, Bockris and others; 4) "the continual theory" or "theory of reorganization of solvent" of Dogonadze, Kuznetsov, etc. Debatable character of articles devoted to this problem shows that at present there is still no complete theory of the elementary act of the electrochemical reaction. However Horiuti-Polyanyi's theory is distinguished among them because the method of potential energy curves offered in it was taken by A.N. Frumkin as the basis for the model of the elementary act correlating with the well-known equation of the slowed-down discharge (in particular for hydrogen ions) 1:


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 10-15

Abdrakhmanova Kh. Physical and Chemical Model of the Specific Adsorption of Hydrogen Ions

i  knFc exp( 

 (  1 )nF RT

) exp( 

zF 1 ) RT


Here k is the reaction speed constant, n is the number of transferred charges, F is the Faraday's number, c is the bulk concentration of a depolarizer, 1 is the potential of a diffuse layer of the double electric layer (DEL); z is the depolarizer valence. The application of the equation (1) for explaining experimental data shows that it gives only the qualitative characteristic of the reaction caused by slowness of transfer of a charge, and it doesn't describe the nature of the electrochemical reaction’s elementary act. According to Delahey [2] the equation (1) isn't connected with any concrete model of a transient state in a boundary layer and therefore deeper analysis of an elementary act is desirable, namely: it is necessary to investigate the correlation between kinetic parameters of a reaction and molecular structure of the interacting systems. The aim of the article is to derive an equation that will take into account the activation energy of an electrochemical reaction, specific adsorption of ions depending on the nature of an electrode material and ions. MATERIALS AND METHODS To reach the aim of the article the technique of potential energy curves and the theory of boundary layer are applied. Fig. 1 shows the meaning of the technique of potential energy curves. According to this technique the transition of a proton from the state of the hydrated ion to the state of the atom adsorbed by metal represents the elementary act. Activation energy of the reaction is equal to the difference of potential energy of the system in its initial A and intermediate C states, i.e. W1. The W2 corresponds to the ionization energy of the adsorbed hydrogen atom. According to this model the stretching of the bond H+-H2O makes the content of the activation process.

The main idea of the theory of boundary layer is shown in the Fig. 2. Here  is the affinity to an electron; Af is the work function for this metal; F determines the Fermi's level; ( - A) – determines the heat of adsorption of this reagent on this electrode. This quantity includes the nature of reagent and material of an electrode. In this example reagent behaves itself as an acceptor.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 10-15


Abdrakhmanova Kh. Physical and Chemical Model of the Specific Adsorption of Hydrogen Ions

According to the theory of a boundary layer, adsorption of reagents (Fig. 2) will go until Fermi's level of a solid body doesn't fall to acceptor’s local level, as a result of transition of electrons from a solid body to this local level. The condition of the adsorption equilibrium is reached when Fermi's level coincides with the local level. This state corresponds to the certain number of the adsorbed ions depending on their nature and the nature of an electrode, in other words depending on  and Af values. The more is the difference (-A) at an initial state the more is the number of the adsorbed molecules of a reagent. According to the theory of a boundary layer this difference (-A) corresponds to the heat of adsorption H in the equation (2). Thus, the more is (-A), the more is H. At the variation of material of an electrode the value of work function Af will change and the value of the difference (-A) corresponding to the heat of adsorption H will change respectively. The results are taken by using the methods of analysis, modeling, comparison and generalization. These methods allow the interpretation of the potential energy curves on the basis of the model of boundary layer and obtain the equation of the slowed-down reduction taking into accounts the specific adsorption. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Horiuti-Polyanyi's theory allows considering the electrode material influence on the activation energy of the discharge. This influence is expressed by the adsorption heat. The more is the adsorption heat the lower is the curve for M-H (a dotted curve). The point of intersection of curves displaces downward. Thus, the increase of hydrogen atoms adsorption energy leads to decrease of the discharge activation energy. Similarly, the influence of solvents nature on the amount of activation energy is considered. The increase of proton’s solvation energy increases the activation energy thereby complicating the discharge process. The model of Horiuti and Polyanyi can be simplified by the diagram of elementary act. Fig. 2 shows the diagram of elementary act of hydrogen ion discharge.

According to this model the binding energy of a cation with molecules of water defines the energy of activation E, and binding energy of a cation with an electrode surface defines the heat of adsorption H for this reaction. The main idea of the theory of Horiuti-Polyani is that there is a close relationship between the energy of activation and heat of adsorption - the more is the heat of adsorption of the main reagent, the less energy of activation of reaction. This statement agrees with charge


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 10-15

Abdrakhmanova Kh. Physical and Chemical Model of the Specific Adsorption of Hydrogen Ions

conservation law: the more electronic density in the bond of H+ - Me, the less it becomes in the bond of H2O – H+. Horiuti and Polyanyi's main achievement is the correlation of activation energy with the binding energy between proton and water and the ways of its decrease during proton attraction to the surface of a negatively charged electrode. Among all theories of the elementary act Horiuti-Polyanyi's theory most closely agrees with the ideas taken for derivation of the equation of the slowed-down reduction. This statement is confirmed by experimental data on hydrogen ions electro-reduction. However in the equation (1) there are no parameters defining influence of the nature of an electrode and solvent on the reduction speed. By consideration of this question we paid attention to the following fact. It is known that A.N. Frumkin received the equation (1) through specification of Erdey-Gruze and Folmer equation by taking into account the thin structure of DES according to Stern's model. Stern's model contains two ideas: 1) DES consists of two parts – dense and diffuse; 2) a particle in DES is affected not only by forces of an electrostatic attraction but also by forces of specific adsorption. While deriving the equation (1) A.N. Frumkin took into account only an electrostatic attraction. Forces of specific adsorption weren't included into this equation. Then the problem was specified: to receive the equation of the slowed-down reduction taking into accounts the specific adsorption. The derivation of the required equation as well as Folmer-Frumkin's equation is based on chemical kinetics activated reaction and also on the equation of adsorption isotherm of Langmuir. The detailed derivation of this equation is given in work of [3]. The considered equation looks as follows: ik  nFc 0 c exp( 

E H zF ) exp( ) exp(  ) RT RT RT


This equation includes the quantities describing directly the basic reagent (concentration, charge), the energy of activation Е describing interaction of this reagent with solvent and the quantity characterizing the nature of an electrode, namely heat of adsorption. Thus, the given equation takes into account not only electrostatic interaction (via  - quantity of external polarization), but also specific adsorption discharging cation (via Н - heat of adsorption). Comparison of the equation (2) with the equation of formal kinetics allows receiving expression for a speed constant containing the information about the reagent nature: k  exp( 

E H ) exp( ) RT RT


where E is the energy of activation equal to binding energy of reagent with molecules of solvent, H is the heat of adsorption defining chemical binding energy of reagent with an electrode surface, i.e. the quantity which defines the specific adsorption of reagent. The equation (2) corresponds to the model of the elementary act offered by Horiuti and Polyanyi. The nature of heat of adsorption can visually be presented on the basis of model of a boundary layer (Fig. 2) of [4,5]. Here  is the affinity to an electron; A is the work function for this metal; F determines the Fermi's level; ( - A) – determines the heat of adsorption of this reagent on this electrode. The more is the difference ( - А), the more is Н. This quantity includes the nature of reagent and material of an electrode. For different solids there are different values of work function A and correspondingly different values of ( - А) that Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 10-15


Abdrakhmanova Kh. Physical and Chemical Model of the Specific Adsorption of Hydrogen Ions

give different values of heat adsorption Н. It is known, that heat of adsorption is proportional to the potential jump in the dense layer of a double electric layer (DEL), i.e. to the potential jump ( - 1), caused by chemical adsorption of reagents. Therefore, this jump of potential is defined by the difference ( - А). In this example reagent behaves itself as an acceptor. From the equation (2) it follows, that the increase in heat of adsorption and consequently the increase of the potential jump on the interphase boundary leads to the proportional decrease of the energy of activation of an electrochemical reaction that will make the discharge current to increase. The equation (2) allows receiving curves (Fig. 3) similar to theoretical ones representing a certain type of kinetics. This fact specifies that the equation (2) has the general character and allows to understand the nature of the elementary act of an electrochemical reaction. The equation (2) and the corresponding adsorptive equation of Langmuir can be used for obtaining the equations taking into account the surfactant’s influence on kinetics of electrode process. Derivation of these equations is given in the work [6]. At cathode reduction the main reagent represents an acceptor whereas molecules of surfactants depending on their nature can be either acceptors or donors. Surfactant molecules by changing the heat of adsorption of the main reagent can accelerate or slow down the electrode process. The analysis of these equations allows receiving curves correlating with experimental data on reduction of reagents at presence of surfactants.

Fig.3 Curves of diffuse (1), transitional (2) and electrochemical (3) kinetics [3] CONCLUSION In this article the kinetic equation for hydrogen ions reduction taking into accounts their specific adsorption is analyzed on the basis of the theory of a boundary layer. According to this equation E is the energy of activation equal to binding energy of reagent with molecules of solvent, H is the heat of adsorption defining chemical binding energy of reagent with an electrode surface, i.e. the quantity which defines the specific adsorption of reagent. The equation (2) corresponds to the model of the elementary act offered by Horiuti and Polyanyi. The theory of a boundary layer allows to correlate the heat of adsorption with physical properties of an electrode material and a reagent such as work function Af, the affinity to an electron , Fermi’s level F. Thus ( - A) – determines the heat of adsorption of this reagent on this electrode. This quantity includes the nature of reagent and material of an electrode. The increase in heat of adsorption H leads to increase in speed of the reduction, and it means decrease of activation energy E.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 10-15

Abdrakhmanova Kh. Physical and Chemical Model of the Specific Adsorption of Hydrogen Ions

The equation (2) allows receiving curves (Fig. 3) similar to theoretical ones representing a certain type of kinetics. This fact specifies that the equation (2) has the general character and allows to understand the nature of the elementary act of an electrochemical reaction. The equation (2) and the corresponding adsorptive equation of Langmuir can be used for obtaining the equations taking into account the surfactant’s influence on kinetics of electrode process. REFERENCES 1 Perenapryazhenie vodoroda. Izbrannye trudy. Institut electrochimii imeni A.N.Frumkina AN SSSR. M., izdatelstvo Nauka.- 1988. [The overvoltage of hydrogen. Selected works. Institute of electrochemistry named after A. N. Frumkin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR]. M, Publ.house Nauka,1988. 2 Delahey P. Dvoinoi sloi i kinetika elektrodnych processov. M. Mir. [Double layer and kinetics of electrode processes]. M. World, 1967. p. 187 3 Dzhumabekova-Abdrakhmanova H.K., Altayev N. K. Fiziko-chimicheskaya teoria elementarnogo akta razryada ionov vodoroda. [Physical and chemical theory of the elementary act of electroreduction of hydrogen ions]. Nauchny journal “Poisk” Ministerstva obrazovania, cultury i zdravohranenia - Scientific journal "Poisk" MOC and H RK, series of natural sciences. Almaty, 1998. No. 4. p.22-25. 4 Nauryzbayev M. K., Dzhumabekova H.K., Altayev N. K. Sravnitelny analiz osnovnogo uravnenia elementarnogo akta electrohimicheskoi kinetiki. [The comparative analysis of the main equations for the elementary act of electrochemical kinetics]. Vestnik KazGU, seria himicheskaya -the Herald of KazSU, a chemical series. Almaty, 1997. No. 8. p. 17-22. 5 Dzhumabekova H.K., Nauryzbayev M. K., Altayev N. K. Statisticheskaya teoriya dvoinogo elektricheskogo sloya. [Statistical theory of a double electrical layer]. Trudy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-practicheskoi conferenztii. - Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference. Shymkent, M. Auezov SKSU. October, 2003. T. 2, p. 83-86. 6 Altayev N. K., Dzhumabekova H.K., Nauryzbayev M. K. Sravnitelny analiz osnovnogo uravnenia electrohimicheskoi kinetiki elementarnogo akta razryada v systeme s PAV. [The comparative analysis of the main equations of electrochemical kinetics for the elementary act of electroreduction in the system containing surfactants]. Vestnik KazGU, seria himicheskaya -the Herald of KazSU, a chemical series. Almaty, 1997. No. 8. p.108-114.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 10-15


Ved V., Lushpenko S., Mironov A. Identification Algorithms for Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of Wood Using the Inverse Problem

IDENTIFICATION ALGORITHMS FOR THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY COEFFICIENT OF WOOD USING THE INVERSE PROBLEM Ved V.1, Lushpenko S.2, Mironov A.1 NTU «KhPI», Kharkov, Ukraine “Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems”, Kharkov, Ukraine 1


E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT A realization for the challenges of thermal conductivity coefficient identification of wood by using the inverse heat conduction problem is proposed. An overview of mathematical tools involved in the construction of a mathematical model of the experiment is given. The object of research is the thermal conductivity coefficient of wood raw material. The results of this work are functions that showing dependences between thermal conductivity coefficient and certain temperatures specified using polar coordinate system. Key words: approximating, heat transfer, process, thermal conductivity INTRODUCTION Posing of the problem and formulation of the goals During the processing any material, it should be a clear understanding of all of its technological characteristics. For the correct carrying wood pyrolysis processes the key parameter is a thermal conductivity of this material. On the basis of experimental data, identification of wood thermal conductivity coefficient through the use of mathematical apparatus is provided. Processing of the results based on the inverse problems solution methodology for heat conduction. In its general form, such task assumes multiple modeling of temperature field in the investigated sample with simultaneous selection of the desired dependences between the thermal conductivity coefficients and given temperatures [1, 2]. Inverse heat conduction problem requires specifying an analytic justification and in choosing the correct mathematical techniques. The essence of the proposed algorithm consecutively is shown below in the work. Determination of the analytical framework For the creating an identification algorithm of the thermal conductivity coefficient for wood the following inputs are required. 1. A mathematical model based on the differential equation t    c  

  2t  2t  2t  q   2  2  2    , y z  c    x


t – change of the internal energy over the time. In our case, considered each  t  0; stationary state, means  16

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 16-21

Ved V., Lushpenko S., Mironov A. Identification Algorithms for Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of Wood Using the Inverse Problem

– coefficient of thermal conductivity, W/(m·K); – specific thermal capacity, J/(kg·K); – density, kg/m3;  2 t  2 t  2t , , – projection of the heat flux density vector on the coordinate axes x 2 y 2 z 2 and , respectively; q – specific heat evolution density, W/m3 [3]. 2) The geometrical characteristics of the wood sample that detail its parameters. 3) Border conditions (BC): 3a) BC of the second kind.They assume the preset of the heat flux for each point of the body surface and any moment in time. These boundary conditions are specified on the external surface of the cylinder, which is adjacent to the heater. Analytically these BC can be represented as follows:

q fl  f ( x, y, z, ) ,


q fl – the heat flux density on the body surface; x, y, z – body surface coordinates defined in therectangular Cartesian coordinates[3].

3b) BC of the third kind. They assume the preset of the ambient temperature and the law of heat exchange between the surface of the body and the environment. For a correct description the heat transfer process between the medium and the surface of the body is usually applied Newton-Richman’s law. q    (t b  t am ) ,


 – heat convection coefficient, W/m2·K; t b – body temperature, K; t am – ambient temperature, K[2].

After a series of transformations, the boundary condition of the third kind can be written as follows:

         t b  t am  .     b


Expression (4) is essentially a special case of the law of energy conservation for the body surface area [3]. The heat transfer coefficient depends on many factors. However, in many cases, the heat transfer coefficient can be considered constant, so in the future solving problems of thermal conductivity the value of will be adopted constant [4]. In ourstudy, these BC will be applied with respect to copper tube located in the center of the heat chamber, and the water that passes through it during the experiment.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 16-21


Ved V., Lushpenko S., Mironov A. Identification Algorithms for Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of Wood Using the Inverse Problem

3c) BC of the fourth kind characterize the conditions of the heat exchange for system of bodies or body with the environment by thermal conductivity laws. Here we must start from the idea that the contact between the bodies is perfect (ie, the temperatures of the contacting surfaces are the same) [4]. In such conditions we have the equality of heat flows through the contact surface, that is

 t   t    2    .    b    b

1  


In the described experiment BC of the fourth kind will take place between the outer wall of the metal tube and the inner surface of the hole in the middle of the cylinder wood sample. Differential equation (1) in combination with the terms of uniqueness, mentioned above, gives a complete mathematical formulation for the problem of determining of the specific thermal conductivity [4]. 4) Physical dependences for auxiliary elements of the experiment: water and copper – thermal conductivity coefficient (for both) and kinematic viscosity coefficient υ (just for water). 5) Definition of a number of supporting characteristics for the future mathematical model: 5a) determination of the target functions type; 5b) decision-making concerning whether the physical quantity of thermal conductivity is a function or constant (in our case it’s a function of the temperature); 5c) the question about the isotropy of heat transfer properties of the sample (in our case it’s an anisotropy); 5d) selection of the coordinate system of anisotropy (decided: axis of abscissa and applicate are directed along the fibers and sample height, and the ordinate axis directed crosswise the fibers). Nevertheless, this issue needs to be further developed, because we must correctly take into account the angle of rotation φ after repeated switching between the cylindrical and Cartesian coordinates during the calculations. 6) A set of reference points for the measurement of temperatures. MATERIALS AND METHODS The methodological basis of the model of process Having a full set of base line data, you can proceed to the consideration of the mathematical formalism of their treatment. The numerical model of the process, which is a direct problem of heat conductivity, is compiled by using the finite element method [5]. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the area, in which the search for solving differential equationsis carried out, is divided into a finite number of elements. Then it should be selected the form of the approximating function for each element. The values of the functions at the boundaries of the elements are known in advance. The coefficients of the approximating functions are usually looking for, based on the condition about equality of the values for neighboring functions on the boundaries between the elements (the nodes).Then these coefficients are expressed through values of the functions at the nodes of the elements. Then system of linear algebraic equations is compiled. The number of equations is equal to the number of unknown values of the nodes.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 16-21

Ved V., Lushpenko S., Mironov A. Identification Algorithms for Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of Wood Using the Inverse Problem

Having a numerical model, we perform the identification with extreme methods using standard root-mean-square deviation of the solutions for the direct problem from the experimental data. Then we find the target values, using Nelder-and-Meade’ method of the deformed polyhedron [6]. In the method of Nelder-and-Meade the function of independent variables is minimized with the use of vertices of the deformed polyhedron. Each vertex can be identified by the vector . The vertex (point), in which the value of is the highest, projected through the centroid (center of gravity) of other vertexes. Improved (lower) value of the objective function can be found by serial replacing the points with the maximum value of to the "best" points until wefinds a minimum of . In more detail, this algorithm can be described as follows: let

xik   xi1k  ,..., xijk  ,..., xink  , i  1,..., n  1 , T


is the i -th vertex (point) on the -th stage of the search, k  0,1,... , and let the value of the objective function in xik  be f xik  . In addition, we determine those vectors of the polyhedron, which give the maximum and minimum value of the function f (x) . Define f xik   max f xjk  ,.., f xnk1 , (7)

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

where xnk   xik  , and

f xik   min f xjk  ,.., f xnk1 ,


where xnk   xik  . Since the polyhedron consists of (n  1) vertices x1,..., xn 1 , let xn  2 be the center of gravity for all vertices except . Then the coordinates of the center are determined by formula


1 n 1  k  x  xhk, j , j  1,..., n ,  i 1 i1 n where the index indicates the coordinate direction [5]. xnk2, j 


After couple of transformations we find desired value of thermal conductivity coefficient as a function between thermal conductivity and temperature for each of the coordinate axes, chosen at the beginning: x (T ) , y (T ) , z (T ) .

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 16-21


Ved V., Lushpenko S., Mironov A. Identification Algorithms for Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of Wood Using the Inverse Problem

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The experiment was conducted for two samples of wood, representatives of different species and even different breed types - coniferous and deciduous - pine and oak. Briefly consider the results on the example of pine. The data collected using afore mentioned equipment is summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Experimental data. Wood sample – pine Stage 1 Stage 2 (0 – 150 ºС) (150 – 315 ºС) up to 120ºС

up to 150ºС

up to 170ºС

up to 220ºС

up to 275ºС

up to 315ºС

up to 350ºС

up to 425ºС

up to 500ºС

































































































Water inlet 19 ºС


up to 100ºС


Power, W

# of thermocouple

Stage 3 (315 – 500 ºС)

Water flow rate 30 ml/min

After the treatment of this information using computer-mathematical methods, the function dependencies for the thermal conductivity (defined in polar coordinates) have been obtained:


r  2.858615  0.023120  T ;


  1.507020  0.019104  T ;


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 16-21

Ved V., Lushpenko S., Mironov A. Identification Algorithms for Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of Wood Using the Inverse Problem

z  0.036863  0.144163  T .


Polar coordinates are arranged as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Arrangement of coordinates. Replacing of rectangular to the polar As you can see from the dependences, anisotropy of thermal conductive properties for all coordinate directions in the sample is observed. This issue should be considered in more detail on the subject of a full alignment of the calculated data during the switching to the usual rectangular coordinates. CONCLUSION The use of the inverse problem in the proposed algorithm permits reducing the problem of thermal conductivity coefficient identification for wood to the form of its functional dependencies along the coordinate axes. The anisotropy of the heat-conducting abilities of the wood raw material is confirmed.The necessity of the return to Cartesian coordinates during the thermal conductivity measurement in order to avoid the distortions introduced by the radial direction coordinates φ is proved. REFERENCES 1 Matsevityiy Yu.M., V.E.Ved, V.A.Ivanov, and S.F.Lushpenko, 1991. Opredelenie teploprovodnosti keramicheskih materialov metodom obratnoy zadachi teploprovodnosti – Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy journal,V 61(5), pp.816-822. 2 Ved V.E., V.A.Ivanov, and S.F.Lushpenko, 1992. Ustanovka dlya opredeleniya teploprovodnosti keramicheskih materialov – Zavodskaya laboratoriya. V.11, pp.40-42. 3 Isachenko V.P., V.A.Osipova, and A.S. Sukomel, 1965. Teploperedacha, M.-L.: Izdatelstvo «Energiya», 424 p. 4 Isachenko V.P., V.A. Osipova, and A.S. Sukomel, 1975. Teploperedacha. Uchebnik dlya vuzov. Izdanie trete, pererabotannoei dopolnennoe, M.: Izdatelstvo «Energiya», 488 p. 5 Gallager R., 1984. Metod konechnyih elementov. Osnovyi. Perevod s angliyskogo / R. Gallager, M.: Mir, 428 p. 6 Himmelblau D., 1975. Prikladnoe nelineynoe programmirovanie. Perevod s angliyskogo / M.: Mir, 534 p. Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 16-21


Evlash V., Gubsky S., Aksenova E., Borisova A., Zhelezniak Z. Ascorbic Acid Amount in Aqueous Solutions of Gelatin by Galvanostatic Coulometry Using Electrogenerated Bromine

ASCORBIC ACID AMOUNT IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF GELATIN BY GALVANOSTATIC COULOMETRY USING ELECTROGENERATED BROMINE Evlash V., Gubsky S., Aksenova E., Borisova A., Zhelezniak Z. Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Kharkiv, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT The content of ascorbic acid in 0.1-3% aqueous solution of gelatin is determined by galvanostatic coulometry. The value of the concentration of ascorbic acid in the obtained solution is 2-8% lower compared with the entered values. The difference grows with the increasing concentration of gelatin. Model gelatin solutions with mass fraction in the range of 0.1-3.0% by weight was prepared as follows: water was added to sample gelatin, then gelatin swelled for 30-40 minutes. Then gelatin was dissolved at a temperature of 40-50°C in a water bath with temperature control. After cooling the solution of gelatin to a temperature of 30-40° C, ascorbic acid was added as an aqueous solution. The proposed operation sequence in the sample preparation procedure allows getting reproducible results. Based on non-linear multiple regression suggested empirical approach to assessing the content of ascorbic of acids in aqueous solutions of gelatin. This is the basis for quantitative determination of ascorbic acid in jelly products from the rest of the food matrix. Key words: ascorbic acid, gelatin aqueous solution, galvanostatic coulometry, jelly, electrogenerated bromine

INTRODUCTION High quality, affordable products with a number of useful properties play special value in solving the problem of nutrition of different population groups. These products include jelly products based on natural fruit juice and gelatin, with the addition of vitamin C. Vitamin C (E 300 - ascorbic acid) is one of food additives that are allowed in the production of food products as antioxidant. Number of food additives is regulated by the technological instructions for the production of food. At the same time, ascorbic acid (AA) is a part of the premix along with other vitamins and minerals. If there is clearly defined system of quality control for food additives, there is no such a system for premixes because the absence of standardized requirements for their composition and standardized methods of verification in the world. It is worth noting that the development of standardized methods to quality indicators assessment is practically implemented, but there is no general guidance regarding the implementation of comprehensive research. Therefore, the development of quality requirements to premixes, which include AA, is one of the most actual problems of hygiene. However, this problem is greatly complicated by the fact that quantitative and qualitative composition of the premix largely depends on the type of food that is to be fortified. All the


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 22-31

Evlash V., Gubsky S., Aksenova E., Borisova A., Zhelezniak Z. Ascorbic Acid Amount in Aqueous Solutions of Gelatin by Galvanostatic Coulometry Using Electrogenerated Bromine

above said is the basis for carrying out the research in the search of perfect methods of AA quantitative determination in food products after fortification. It is known that vitamin C or ascorbic acid (IUPAC name (5R)-[(1s)-1,2Dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxyfuran-2(5H)-one) is a water-soluble vitamin that is not synthesized in humans and comes only with food. AA belongs to antioxidants with therapeutic properties which play a significant role in activation of the immune protection in preventing the coagulation of blood and other metabolic processes [1-4]. Methods of identification and quantification of AA content in foodstuffs and food raw materials is a complicated procedure connected with the complexity of sample preparation, characterized by low content of AA in the test object, its instability in the solution through oxidation by atmospheric oxygen, which is catalyzed by metal ions. This question is the subject of many publications including monographs [5-7]. Literature analysis shows that for the determination of AA in food systems various physicochemical methods [8-19] are used. Titrimetric method is the most widely used one, where titrant 2,6-Dichloroindophenol sodium salt hydrate, potassium iodate or potassium bromate. Used spectrophotometric methods are based on the determination of AA in the UV zone, its reaction with iodine, chemiluminescence, and reaction of dehydroascorbic acid with o-phenyl-diamine. Chromatographic methods provide more accurate and sensitive results, especially with the use of HPLC with electrochemical detection [9]. Recently application of such electrochemical methods as different Voltammetry methods, direct potentiometry and coulometry have significantly increased [8]. It worth noting that that most publications concerning the use of the above physical-chemical methods relate to ordinary food systems, such as fruit juices, herbs and extracts. As against the latter, jellied products usually incorporate rather high concentration of hydrocolloids, such as gelatin, agar or pectin. In [20] it is shown that standard method for AA determination by the titration of Voltammetry 2,6Dichloroindophenol sodium salt hydrate gives poor results relative to the reference method, due to ambiguous mechanism of AA oxidation and the need for high-quality sample preparation. Chromatographic methods [21,22] also point to sufficiently lower results of ascorbic acid content in aqueous solutions of hydrocolloids, compared with the initial amounts of AA. The authors attribute this to the interaction of AA sorption with the molecules of hydrocolloids, including gelatin and agar. Similar results are uncertainty regarding the final result was obtained by titration method [23]. These publications indicate a problem of AA specification in food matrices, which contain hydrocolloids and urgency of the research regarding competent, budgetary and express method that would allow controlling the level of AA in listed above food systems. The aim is to develop a method for determining vitamin C in aqueous solutions of hydrocolloids by galvanostatic coulometry and assess the possibility of determining the content of AA in jelly products. This includes solving the problems related to the development of methods of quantitative determination of ascorbic acid, which would have simplified the procedure for sample preparation with the ability to determine the content of AA on the background of the rest of the food matrix. To solve the tasks the method of galvanostatic coulometry was chosen. It has significant advantages as an absolute method. It does not require predetermined calibration, has available devices with sufficiently high statistical certainty and sensitivity of the result. Its use for the determination of AA in various pharmaceutical substances of vegetable origin [24,25] and for the analysis of some foods, such as juices, wine, tea and others, proved their effectiveness (e.g. [26]). MATERIALS AND METHODS Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 22-31


Evlash V., Gubsky S., Aksenova E., Borisova A., Zhelezniak Z. Ascorbic Acid Amount in Aqueous Solutions of Gelatin by Galvanostatic Coulometry Using Electrogenerated Bromine

The following reagents with the relevant qualifications: ascorbic acid pharm. Grade (BP) (China); edible gelatin P-11 (TM "Mriya", Ukraine); potassium bromide, potassium iodide, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid – all chemical grade. Distilled water were used in the experiment with the following parameters: pH=5.9 and specific electric conductivity 4.8 µSm/sm. Model gelatin solution with mass fraction in the range of 0.1-3.0% by weight was prepared as follows: water was added to sample gelatin, then gelatin swelled for 30-40 minutes. Then gelatin was dissolved at a temperature of 40-50°C in a water bath with temperature control. After cooling the solution of gelatin to a temperature of 30-40° C, ascorbic acid was added as an aqueous solution, AA solution was prepared the same day that model systems were prepared. Then water was added to the sample, which was needed for the solution of a given weight fraction. Then the solution was mixed thoroughly for uniform distribution of AA. Standard solution of ascorbic acid were prepared by weight. Model Systems of "AA-gelatin" in water were prepared by adding appropriate aqueous AA solutions to aqueous solutions of gelatin in proportions corresponding to the final concentration value. Galvanostatic coulometry titration cell consisted of two separated cells - cathode and anode, volume 10 and 40 ml respectively, connected by a glass membrane. Plate platinum electrode with an area of about 2 cm² was used as a generator electrode. Auxiliary electrode was a graphite rod electrode. Pre-treatment of platinum electrode before measurements was carried out in three stages by holding in solution at the operating current of 5 mA: 1) for 5 minutes in a solution of 0.2 M KBr; 2) a solution of concentrated nitric acid (1:1) for 5 minutes; 3) for 15 minutes in a solution of 0.2 M sulfuric acid. Between measurements, electrodes were stored in a solution of potassium bromide or potassium iodide, depending on the type of research. The measurements were performed at 110mA current depending on the concentration of the test solution so that the titration of added weight of the sample was in the range of 150 to 300 seconds. On the one hand, this provides express method, and, on the other, a precision measurement of time. Device T-201M1 (Georgia) were used as a source of stabilized current. The combined device V7-21 with an error less than 0.2% measured the current. An electromagnetic stirrer stirred the solution in the cell. Control of the titration end point by potentiometric method was carried out by indicator electrodes: platinum redox microelectrode ЕPL-02 and Ag/AgCl reference electrode ЕVL1M4 electrodes (ZIP plant, Belarus). The potentiometric data of an electrochemical system was measured by ion meter 692 pH / ion meter (Metroohm, Switzerland) with an accuracy of 0.1 mV. The above device was used to measure temperature with an accuracy of 0,1º C and 0.002 pH units using the combined glass electrode with temperature sensor Pt1000 (Combined LL pH glass electrode with Pt 1000 temperature sensor, № 6.0238.000 Metroohm, Switzerland). The specific electric conductivity was measured by conductometer KEL-1M2 (Georgia). Bromine, obtained from 0.2 M solution of potassium bromide in the 0.1 M solution of sulfuric acid was as electrogenerated titrant. Monitoring and titration data recording (electromotive force-time) was performed electronically with the help of PicoLog Recorder v.5.24 (PicoScope Ltd., UK) program.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 22-31

Evlash V., Gubsky S., Aksenova E., Borisova A., Zhelezniak Z. Ascorbic Acid Amount in Aqueous Solutions of Gelatin by Galvanostatic Coulometry Using Electrogenerated Bromine

Timing the end of the titration and statistical processing of results of the research was performed in Excel of Microsoft Office 2010 and Sigma Plot v.11. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To study the possibility of using coulometry titration to quantify the total content of AA in the test solutions validation assessment procedure was performed for measuring the following parameters: specificity, curve fitting and its range, limit of detection, accuracy and reproducibility. For this purpose aqueous model solutions AA in the range 0,5-1800 mg/g were prepared. Calculation of AA m (mkg/g) with the experimental data was carried out using the following equation (1): m

ItM , nFm s


where I – current, t – electrolysis time, M – molar mass of the substance, F – Faraday constant, n – the number of electrons in the oxidation half-reaction titrant, m s – mass of the solution. To account the influence of impurities in electricity solution, the previous electrolysis time of this solution without AA when determining the time, was taken into account. As stated in [27], AA oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid during interaction with halogens generated in the cell. Thus there is a transfer of two electrons, which corresponds to n = 2 in the eguation (1). Fig. 1 shows the dependence of Q-f (g) solutions for AA at 9 concentrations. As it was expected, this dependence is linear with a correlation coefficient of 0.9987, which proves the linearity condition and the possibility of quantitative determination of AA in this area in the proposed analytical methodology.

Fig. 1. The dependence between content of AA (m, mg) and the amount of electricity for power generation of titrant bromine (Q, mlC) for model AA aqueous solutions

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 22-31


Evlash V., Gubsky S., Aksenova E., Borisova A., Zhelezniak Z. Ascorbic Acid Amount in Aqueous Solutions of Gelatin by Galvanostatic Coulometry Using Electrogenerated Bromine

Residual standard deviation of linear regression σ and S slope of Q-f(m) curve was used to calculate the detection limit DL and quantitation limit QL of the equations:

DL 

3 10 , QL  s s


The following results were obtained as the result of calculations by formula (2): DL=2,7 mkg/g (1,5· mole/dm3) and QL=8,1 mkg /g (4,6· mole/dm3). The specificity was evaluated by "added-found" method (Table 1).

Table 1 - Results of AA coulometric determination by generated bromine (n = 5, P = 0.95) in model aqueous solutions Substance Added , Founded , mkg/g mkg/g 0.47 0.42±0.15 0.256 4.60 4.45±0.09 0.017 17.50 17.46±0.04 0.011 69.48 68.39±0.09 0.016 Ascorbic acid 260.0 261.2±0.1 0.009 440.0 442.0±0.6 0.009 766.3 766.1±0.3 0.002 864.7 864.0±0.8 0.004 1806.5 1805.4±1.9 0.007 Accuracy and reproducibility was assessed by varying the mass of samples at three concentration levels using three masses in each level. Significant results in terms of Criteria Fischer were obtained statistically. In Fig. 2, a and b, some examples of experimental titration curve AA in water (a), AA in water-gelatin solutions (b) and gelatin aqueous solution (c) are presented.




a - AA solution with a concentration of 76.63 mg/g (I = 9,921 mA, ms = 2,030 g); b - AA solution with a concentration of 75.01 mg/g of 3% solution 26

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 22-31

Evlash V., Gubsky S., Aksenova E., Borisova A., Zhelezniak Z. Ascorbic Acid Amount in Aqueous Solutions of Gelatin by Galvanostatic Coulometry Using Electrogenerated Bromine

of gelatin (I = 9.923 mA, ms = 2.145 g); c – g 3% solution of gelatin (I = 9.919, ms = 4.140 g) Fig. 2. Listing of experimental curves (dependence of EMF (E, V) on the time (t, s), scan copy from a program PicoLog Recorder) As we can see from Fig. 2, the obtained curves have a classic look with falling part, the presence of which is characteristic for the titration of AA in redox reactions. Titration of AA aqueous solution (Fig. 2a) gives clearly determined data, with the account of sharp increase in the titration end point, which is 1 to 2 seconds with a change in electromotive force (EMF) of the indicator system by more than 250 mV. Introduction of gelatin makes the titration curve (Fig. 2b) less explicit, and the curve in the vicinity of the end point of the titration becomes less sharp. In addition, the view of the upper part of the titration curve allows conclude that the implementation of the process of gelatin oxidation, as the form of the fragment is identical to the same type of fragments on the titration curves of aqueous solutions of gelatin (Fig. 2b). Given high reactivity of the electro generated bromine, oxidation in aqueous solutions of both components was expected. However, as seen from the titration curve (Fig. 2c) gelatin oxidation occurs within 680-800 mV, while AA is oxidized at lower potentials. Such fact preconditions the implementation of the possibility of determining AA in the presence of gelatin. It should also be noted that determination of AA content in aqueous solutions of gelatin with the concentration of more than 1.5% is connected with the difficulties conditioned by the formation of gelatinous structures in 30 minutes after cooking solutions. It is a known fact connected with the formation of spatial structure by hydrogen bonds [28]. The attempts to place the sample that has spatial structure of gelatin macromolecules to electrochemical cell and perform the titration did not give adequate and reproducible results. That is why it is recommended for sampling of a structured product, heat it in water bath to a temperature of about 40° C (melt), thereby destroying spatial grid and transferring it to a liquid state, and then use for further determination of AA. As further studies show, the results of AA content, which were determined before the process of jelly formation, and after melting jelly well harmonized regardless of the number of transitions from state to liquid jelly by melting systems studied. These facts give the basis for the development of methods for determining AA in commercial food products - jelly products based on gelatin, with due regard to their state of aggregation. Table 2 shows the results of determining the content of AA in aqueous solutions of various concentrations of gelatin. Analysis of the data obtained by coulometric titration of AA-gelatin-water suggests systematic reduction of the results of AA content in relation to the amount of AA, which was initially added to the system under study. Table 2 - Results of AA amount in the systems AA-gelatin-water (n = 4 and P = 0.95) The added amount of AA , mkg/g 90.02 250.1 500.0 750.1 1000 The The founded concentration of АA and relative difference δm values concentration m m ,% m f m ,% m f m ,% m f m ,% m f m ,% f of gelatin absent 90.2 0.1 249.7 -0.2 499.2 -0.2 750.5 0.1 1001 0.1 0.1%

89.0 -2.1

245.0 -2.0

489.7 -2.1

688.3 -8.2

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 22-31




Evlash V., Gubsky S., Aksenova E., Borisova A., Zhelezniak Z. Ascorbic Acid Amount in Aqueous Solutions of Gelatin by Galvanostatic Coulometry Using Electrogenerated Bromine

1.0% 86.9 -5.1 235.5 -5.8 3.0% 85.2 -5.3 234.5 -6.2 * - The study was not performed

465.3 -6.9 466.8 -6.2

695.0 -7.3 702.4 -6.4

* 970.4 -4.3

This trend is not for aqueous AA solution without gelatin. As we can see from Table 2, relative difference is calculated by the formula (3) of the detected concentration of АA m f and added amount of AA ma ranges from - 0.1% to - 8.2%.

m 



 ma  ma


Fig. 3 shows the deviation value of the content of the added amount of AA from the concentrations of the components gelatin-water. Here, the data is presented for the system without gelatin. For this diagram, the character of linear dependence of the growth of δg value with the increasing concentration of gelatin and a almost linear dependence on the concentration of AA. The non-linear character of dependence of δg value on gelatin concentration correlates with the amount of electricity required for the titration of a unit mass of gelatin. This dependence is well approximated by a parabolic relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.99.

Fig. 3. Dependence


from the concentrations of AA and gelatin in aqueous solutions

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 22-31

Evlash V., Gubsky S., Aksenova E., Borisova A., Zhelezniak Z. Ascorbic Acid Amount in Aqueous Solutions of Gelatin by Galvanostatic Coulometry Using Electrogenerated Bromine

The increased error in the determination of AA gelatin solution (Fig. 3), which change according to the same law as the curve in Fig. 4, may indicate that despite the fact of gelatin interaction with bromine electro-generated at higher potentials than those that characterizing the end point of the titration AA, oxidation gelatin affects the process of quantifying AA. Further study of the mechanism of AA oxidation and its mathematical description of the methodology will improve the quantitative determination of AA in gelatin solution, and thus in the products based on it. However, with the account of the presented above dependencies, it is possible to consider relative error as a systematic δg error without delving into the chemistry of the phenomenon mechanism and to apply multiple non-linear regression to its approximation depending on the concentrations of the system components based on experimental data.

Fig. 4. Dependence of specific quantities of electricity (required for the titration unit mass) of concentration of gelatin Considering the above dependence we can see relative δg error as systematic, without delving into the chemistry of the reaction. Further, based on experimental data, it is possible to apply multiple non-linear regression to its approximation depending on the concentrations of the system components. Further calculations showed that the most appropriate in terms of standard deviation is the following equation that relates δg with AA gAA and gelatin gg concentrations considering the corresponding regression coefficients:

m  a0  a1m AA  a2 mg  a3 g g2 ,


where regression coefficients are equal to the following values: a0  0.061 ; a1  0.034 ; a2  7.07 ; a3  1.83 with standard deviation approximation 1.71. In equation

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 22-31


Evlash V., Gubsky S., Aksenova E., Borisova A., Zhelezniak Z. Ascorbic Acid Amount in Aqueous Solutions of Gelatin by Galvanostatic Coulometry Using Electrogenerated Bromine

(4) AA concentration is expressed in mg / 100 g of solution. To verify the proposed approach, the AA content was determined in 0.5% aqueous gelatin solution, to which AA was added to 9 mg / 100 g of solution.

CONCLUSION The data is purely empirical mathematical approach that does not reveal the chemical mechanism of the phenomenon. However, this approach is promising foundation for further research on the possibilities of using coulometry method adapted from sample preparation to determine the amount of ascorbic acid in jelly products. REFERENCES 1. Davies M.B., Austin J., Partridge D.A Vitamin C: Its Chemistry and Biochemistry. London, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1991. 154p. 2. Voet D., Voet J.G. Biochemistry, 4th ed. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 2010. 1520 p. 3. Kucharski H. Handbook of Vitamin C Research: Daily Requirements, Dietary Sources and Adverse Effects. New York, Nova Biomedical Books, 2009. 415p. 4. Handbook of Antioxidants. Ed.: Packer L., Cadenas E. New York, CRC Press, 2001. 732p. 5. Vitamins in Food: Analysis, Bioavailability, and Stability. Ed. Ball G.F.M. Oxford, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004. 787p. 6. Vitamin Analysis for the Health and Food Sciences, 2nd ed. Ed. Eitenmiller R.R. New York, CRC Press, 2007. 664p. 7. Handbook of Vitamins. Ed. Zempleni J. New York, CRC Press LLC, 2007. 489p. 8. Pisoschi A.M., Pop A.S., Serban A.I., Fafaneata C. Electrochemical methods for ascorbic acid determination, Electrochim. Acta, 2014, vol. 121, pp.443–460. 9. Russel L.F. Water-Soluble VitaminsFood (Analysis by HPLC, 3rd ed., Ed.; Nollet L., Toldra F.), New York, CRC Press, 2013. pp.32-442. 10. Letters R.B. Determination of vitamin C in pharmaceutical products with physicochemical and bioanalytical technics, Roum. Biotechnol. Lett,. 2004, vol. 9, no. 1, pp.1497– 1504. 11. Hernandez Y., Lobo M.G., Gonzalez M. Determination of vitamin C in tropical fruits: A comparative evaluation of methods, Food Chem., 2006, vol. 96, pp.654–664. 12. Journal I., Electrochemical O.F. Vitamin C Contents of Tropical Vegetables and Foods Determined by Voltammetric and Titrimetric Methods and Their Relevance to the Medicinal Uses of the Plants, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2010, vol. 5, no. October 2015, pp.105–115. 13. Fadhel D. Spectrophotometric Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Aqueous Solutions, J. of Al-Nahuai Un., 2012, vol. 15, no. 3, pp.88–94. 14. Nováková L., Solich P., Solichová D. HPLC methods for simultaneous determination of ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acids, TrAC Trends Anal. Chem., 2008, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 942–958. doi: 10.1016/j.trac.2008.08.006.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 22-31

Evlash V., Gubsky S., Aksenova E., Borisova A., Zhelezniak Z. Ascorbic Acid Amount in Aqueous Solutions of Gelatin by Galvanostatic Coulometry Using Electrogenerated Bromine

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Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 22-31


Moroz V. The Numerically-Analytic Method for the Real-Time Computer Simulation

THE NUMERICALLY-ANALYTIC METHOD FOR THE REAL-TIME COMPUTER SIMULATION Moroz V. L'viv's National Polytechnic University, L'viv, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT There is a numerically-analytic method based on the convolution integral approximation proposed in this paper. The complete convolution integral can be represented as the sum of the convolution integrals of the expanded poles and zeros that produces using Heaviside expansion theorem. The convolution integral approximation with non-zero initial condition is based on the polynomial approximation of the input signal or the excitation. The analysis of Bode diagrams of the polynomial approximation was used for rational order choice. This analysis confirmed that the first order of the polynomial approximation is most effective for common using. The proposed method was tested on the two-motor three-mass equivalent mechanical system of the swing drive of the mining shovel. Computer simulation is hundreds faster using this method relatively traditional numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. Proposed approach produces the fast and effective modeling the recurrent equations for the real-time computer simulation. This method produces computer models with accuracy like a middle-order classical numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. It is suitable for microcontroller and microcomputer application very successfully. Keywords: computer simulation, convolution integral, ordinary differential equation, real-time systems. INTRODUCTION The numerical methods intended for solving the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are widely used for calculations of transient processes of the technical system extensive range. There are no problems to solve the systems of the ODEs with smooth or low varying solutions but problems appear when solutions are complicated with the very fast components of the process. The example to show these problems using well-known environment MATLAB with Simulink can be found in 1 – the different methods give different results and the variable-step strategy (automatic step control) can't correct this situation. Additionally nowadays usage of traditional numerical methods to solve differential equations for fast computer simulation or real-time stability analysis of the technical systems is rather complex problem 2. However, the opportunity to conduct such calculations for power system monitoring, control and prediction of the fault regimes is really important. There is an intensive way to solve this problem – to increase the computation power and number of computer processors (for parallel calculations), but this method is an expensive one.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 32-41

Moroz V. The Numerically-Analytic Method for the Real-Time Computer Simulation

The problems of ODEs solution using the numerical methods is the consequence of their basic principle – all numerical methods approximate the solution by the limited Taylor series that is only suitable for continuous smooth functions. As the result modern technical systems such as electro-mechanical systems with power pulse-width modulation or mechanical systems with the hard non-linearity such as coulomb friction can't be simulated using the traditional approach because their coordinates are discontinuous. Such problem can be solved using analytical or semi-analytical (seminumerical) methods some of which are based on the calculation of the convolution integral 3, 4. The modern control systems use real-time models of the objects frequently. The training and research systems are the other users of the real-time models. The traditional approach of the real-time system design is based on z-transform or on classic numerical multistep methods for ordinary differential equations. In such a case there are some problems:  errors of the sampled signal reconstruction depend on the polynomial order of used numerical method;  numerical stability of digital models depends on used numerical method and it may be ignored when the classic z-transform using;  complicated analytical procedure used for z-transform – this procedure can't be automated even using modern mathematic programs. MATERIALS AND METHODS The proposed method is based on the convolution integral approximation that produces simple but effective recurrent modelling equations 3,4. Some problems can be solved using the presented approach:  Numerical stability – the theorem of the strong numerical stability of this formula proved in 5;  Simplicity of obtained recurrent formulas for computer simulation – they are simple and comprehensible;  Obtained equations are very effective – the operating step is limited only by the Shannon's sampling theorem. The proposed method is based on the two principles: 1) The transient behavior of the modelling object is defined and described by the one of the common methods:  system of ODE's;  transfer function W (s) ;  structured model etc., and can be decomposed on the elementary dynamic blocks. 2) The free input signal or excitation x(t ) of the modelled system is undefined symbolically that's must be approximated by the polynomial x* (t ) . This principle is used in z-transform on the basis of zero- and first-order approximation for the sampled signals. The output (response) of the dynamic system can be described by the convolution integral in the following form: t

y(t )  y0 (t )   x()  w(t  ) d , where 0

y (t )

– system's response;

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 32-41


Moroz V. The Numerically-Analytic Method for the Real-Time Computer Simulation

– system's response for non-zero initial conditions; y0 (t ) – system's input or excitation; x(t ) – impulse response of the system. w(t ) The system's response for non-zero initial conditions y0 (t ) can be written; it was shown in 3:

 n  ( j 1) n     y 0  ai s i  j     j 1  i j  , y 0 (t )  L1    A( s )       where



– inverse Laplace transform; – order of the system's transfer function W (s) ; n ( j) – j th derivative of the y0 (t  0) ; y0 A(s) – polynomial denominator of the system transfer function W (s) ; ai – i th coefficient of the denominator A(s) ;

The final equation of the system response with non-zero initial conditions is  n  ( j 1) n     y0  ai s i j    t   i j 1 j 1    x()  w(t  ) d . y (t )  L    A( s )   0    

There are two ways to create the polynomial approximation x* (t ) : 1) the explicit scheme that uses current (index " i ") and previous samples of the data – only this principle can be applied in the real-time systems; 2) the implicit scheme that uses next (index " i  1 ") and current and previous (when need) samples of the data – this principle may be applied for the computer simulation because implicit equations can be solved by the analytical or numerical method. There are simple examples below which illustrate the basis of the polynomial approximation: coefficients of the first-order approximation polynomial x * (t )  a1  t  a0 can be finding with two samples as shown below. From the explicit scheme: Coefficients using samples xi 1 and xi on the discrete time ti 1 іn ti can be solved from the following set of equations: a0  xi ; a0  xi ;      x  xi 1 a1  i .  a1  h  a0  xi 1 ;  h 


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 32-41

Moroz V. The Numerically-Analytic Method for the Real-Time Computer Simulation

From the implicit scheme: Coefficients using samples xi and xi 1 on the discrete time ti іn ti 1 can be solved from the other system of equations: a0  xi ; a1  h  a0  xi1 ;     x x a0  xi ; a1  i1 i .   h 

There are polynomials of any order which can be built using those schemes but their high orders are not optimal for the signal reconstruction. The analysis of the rational polynomial approximation order is based on the classic control theory which operates by the Bode diagrams of the investigating system. So, we describe the polynomial as a discrete filter and build a discrete transfer function for it. The Bode analysis in such case is based on two rules: t 1 i 1  Equation X i   x(t ) dt corresponds to the analytical integration which Laplace h ti 1 , where h  ti 1  ti . s t 1 i 1 * * X i   x (t ) dt corresponds to the integral of the approximation h ti

transform is  Equation

polynomial. Those polynomial approximation errors of the Bode analysis are the result of the research of the Bode errors between ideal integrator and its approximation by integral of the n-order polynomial x(*n) (t )  ant n  ...  a2t 2  a1t  a0 : t

i  X i  X i* 


1 i1 1 i1 * 1 x ( t ) dt  x (t ) dt    h ti h ti h


 x(t )  x (t )dt . *


The high frequency for the Bode analysis depends on Shannon's sampling theorem and it is twice lower than sampling frequency 0 that inverse corresponds to simulation step h . The operational frequency  for the most digital systems as the computer models is lower than sampling frequency 0 ten times at least. The resulted Bode diagrams of the frequency errors of the polynomial approximations relatively ideal integration are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The rational order of the polynomial approximation is not high than three but better result produces the first order implicit approximation: it is simple and without phase errors. The whole system impulse response w(t ) has the Laplace transformation W (s) that can be reduced into poles and zeros using Heaviside theorem because all of the real systems, that can be described by transfer functions, have the nominator polynomial order not more than denominator polynomial order 6, 7. In this case we can reduce those systems to the elementary dynamic particles (Fig. 3) 6: 1) zero poles (integration parts of the transfer function); 2) simple real poles (the first order block); 3) complex conjugate of the poles (the second order block).

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 32-41


Moroz V. The Numerically-Analytic Method for the Real-Time Computer Simulation

Explicit scheme 0-order polynomial 1-order polynomial 2-order polynomial 3-order polynomial 4-order polynomial 5-order polynomial

Phase errors, deg.

10 5 0 -5 -10 10




0 -5 Magnitude errors, %


10 -10



Relative frequency,  / 0

Fig. 1. 3D Bode plot of errors of the explicit polynomial approximation Implicit scheme 0-order polynomial 1-order polynomial 2-order polynomial 3-order polynomial 4-order polynomial 5-order polynomial

Phase errors, deg.

10 5 0 -5 -10 10




0 -5 Magnitude errors, %


10 -10



Relative frequency,  / 0

Fig. 2. 3D Bode plot of errors of the implicit polynomial approximation So, the complete convolution integral can be represented as a sum of the convolution integrals of the k expanded parts: t



k 1



y(t )  y0 (t )   x()  w(t  ) d   y0 k (t )    x()  wk (t  ) d .


k 1 0

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 32-41

Moroz V. The Numerically-Analytic Method for the Real-Time Computer Simulation


In te g r a to r

T 2 s 2  2Ts  1 2


1 Ts

- o r d e r b lo c k

0 1


-o r d e r b lo c k

K Ts  1

Fig. 3. Types of elementary dynamic blocks The real poles are the universal representation of the set of poles because zero pole (integrator) is the particle occasion of the real pole, for example, and corresponds to the ordinary differential equation. The pair of the complex poles can be represented as the connection of the real and zero poles 6, 7 that can be described by two first order differential equations. The impulse response of the block with the real pole is the fading exponent 1  Th w1 (t )  e where h is the time step and T corresponds to the real pole. The first order T (the best choice for an author view (Fig. 1, 2) is an explicit polynomial approximation used for signal approximation x* (t ) produces response of first-order pole for non-zero initial conditions and free input as the result: t  1   y T  s  y1 (t )  y01 (t )   x* ()  w1 (t  ) d  L1  0    (a1  a0 ) e T d  T  T  s 1  0 0 t

 y (0)  e

t T


t  1  xi 1  xi  T     xi   e d . T 0 h  t

Let us replace t by h and calculate integral on time distance ti  t  ti1 . We obtain the modelling recurrent formula after the simple algebraic conversion: h h h  T    yi 1  yi  e T  1  e T   xi  1  1  e T    ( xi  xi 1 ) .  h      

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The proposed method was tested on such electro-mechanical objects as electrical circuits and electric drive systems. The one shown in Fig. 4 is the two-motor three-mass equivalent mechanical system of the swing drive of the mining shovel. The notations: ia – motors' current; u a – motors' voltage; J M 1, J M 2 – motors' inertia; M11, M12 – motors'

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 32-41


Moroz V. The Numerically-Analytic Method for the Real-Time Computer Simulation

electromagnetic torque; 11,12 – motors' angular velocity; 1 ,2 – angles of the shafts deformation;  – gap's value in the swing drive; C11,C12 – shafts' elastance in the swing drive;  – viscous friction in shafts; M c 2 – coulomb friction; 2 – output angular velocity of the swing drive; J 2 – inertia of main mechanical part.

Fig. 4. Two-motor three-mass mechanical system of the mining shovel This branched three-mass equivalent mechanical system is described by non-linear sixorder system of ordinary differential equation (see below). The main problem for traditional numerical methods for ordinary differential equations is stiff non-linearity – gaps in the swing drive and coulomb friction in shafts. This model is unsuitable for solving by the classic numerical methods for ordinary differential equations because their solutions have singular points. This fact produces some problems during computer simulation of such systems with stiff non-linearity because the traditional numerical methods used for ordinary differential equations approximate the solving function by the limited Taylor series and they are useful only for "smooth" solutions 8.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 32-41

Moroz V. The Numerically-Analytic Method for the Real-Time Computer Simulation

ua  C1  11  C2  M 2  dia ; Ta dt  ia  Ra  M 11  C1  ia ;  M 12  C2  ia ;  dM 1 M 11  M v1    11  2   ;  dt J M1   dM 2 M 12  M v 2    12  2   ;  dt J M 2   0 , if 1   2 ; (1)   1  1   2  sign 1 , if 1   2 ;   ( 2 ) 0 , if 2   2 ; 2    2   2  sign 2 , if 2   2 ;  (1) M v1  C11  1 ;  M  C  ( 2 ) ; 12 2  v2 d   1  dt  11  2 ;   d 2     ; 12 2  dt  d M  M v 2  M c 2  sign( 2 )  2  v1 ,  dt J2

where C1 ,C2 – motors' constants; – summarized resistance and time constants of motor's circuit; Ra , Ta M v1 , M v 2 – viscous torques in the shafts. Simulation results for this model are shown in the Fig. 5 (the shaft torques) and Fig. 6 (the angular velocity of shafts). Simulation time for the proposed simulation method using MATLAB environment on old Intel Celeron-1400 processor was 0.05 s and over 46 s and more for the standard MATLAB functions for ordinary differential equations ode23, ode45 and ode113. The MATLAB functions for the stiff ordinary differential equations (ode23s, ode23s, ode23tb, and ode15s) didn't work properly because gaps and coulomb friction were presented in the mechanical joints. The root-mean-square (RMS) relative errors of the proposed formula weren't more than 0.25% for the torques and were less than 0.18% for the angular velocity comparing to MATLAB numerical methods with 106 tolerance.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 32-41


Moroz V. The Numerically-Analytic Method for the Real-Time Computer Simulation

1-st shaft torque 2-nd shaft torque


M11, M12, Nm

400 200 0 -200




3 t, c




Fig. 5. Simulation results: shaft torques  M1  M2 2

,  M2 ,  2 , c M1


12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0



3 t, c




Fig. 6. Simulation results: angular velocity CONCLUSION The proposed method based on the convolution integral approximation is suitable for the real-time computer simulation and produces the effective recurrent modelling formulas with the good tolerance. Using the proposed method for producing computer models provides high-speed simulation with accuracy like a middle-order (third- or fourth-order) classical numeric methods for ordinary differential equations. It is easy to use and understand these modelling


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 32-41

Moroz V. The Numerically-Analytic Method for the Real-Time Computer Simulation

equations. They are suitable for real-time simulation or control (or other high-speed) systems using low-productive microprocessors and micro-controllers especially. The proposed approach is suitable for various problems’ solution in the field of engineering. Main advantages of the proposed method are following:  obtained modeling equations are numerically stable and independent on the step size;  computer simulation using the proposed equation is very fast and suitable for real-time simulations of such the observers in modern control systems;  the proposed approach produces quite simple, but effective equations that are suitable for simulation of linear and non-linear dynamic objects. REFERENCES 1 Shampine L., Reichelt M. The MATLAB ODE Suite. Available at: https://www.mathworks.com/help/pdf_doc/otherdocs/ode_suite.pdf (accessed December 2015) 2 High Performance Computing in Power and Energy Systems / Siddhartha Kumar Khaitan and Anshul Gupta (Eds.) // Power Systems Series. – Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. 384 p. [ISBN 978-3-642-32682-0]. 3 Moroz V. Calculations of Electrical Circuits Using the Convolution Integral Approximations. Trudy 7 Mezhdunarodnogo seminara “Vychislitelnye problem electricheskoi inzhenerii” [Proc. of VII International Workshop "Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering" CPEE'06 (under auspices IEEE)]. Ukraine, Odessa. August 27-30., 2006. pp. 115-117. 4 Moroz V. Computer simulation of the electromechanical systems using convolution integral. Elektrotechnika, 14 (2009). Uniwersytet technologiczno-przyrodniczy im. Jana 1 Jędrzeja Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy. Zeszyty naukowe NR 254. pp. 17-24. (ISSN 0209-0570) 5 Moroz V. Efektyvni rekurentni formuly dlia kompiuternoho modeliuvannia elektromekhanichnykh system. Trudy Lvovskogo Natsionalnogo Politehnicheskogo universiteta “Energiya I elektromehanicheskie sistemy”. [Effective recurrent formulas for electromechanical systems computer simulation]. Proc. of L'viv's National Polytechnic University "Power energy and electromechanical systems". Ukraine 2007, No 597. pp. 311. 6 Dorf R.C. "Modern Control Systems", 5th Edition. Addison-Wesley Series in Electrical Engineering. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990. 604 p. 7 Siebert W. "Circuits, Signals and Systems", London. The MIT Press, 1986. 8 Moroz V. High-Speed Precise Simulation Using Modified Z-Transform. Trudy 13 Mezhdunarodnogo simposiuma po elektricheskoi inzhenerii. [Proceedings of the XIII International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering ISTET'05]. L'viv, Ukraine. July 4-7, 2005. pp. 184-186.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 32-41


Moroz M., Maksin V., Kaplunenko V. Technologies of Entomologists within the Framework of the Convention of Biological Variety Maintenance



NationalUniversity of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Institute of Nanobiotechnologies and Resource Reservation, Kiev, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT In accordance with United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP in 1992) it is to mark three key conceptions that determine global activity of entomologists on up-to-date environmental preservation: 1 – maintenance of specific variety of insects; 2 – the balanced use of biological resources of insects for the necessities of humanity; 3 – a compatible receipt on just basis of benefit that is related to application of domestic types of insects and their genetic resources. Within the framework of United Nations Environmental Program we offer technologies, which assist creation and recreation of mass cultures of insects. The basic task of our researches is development of theoretical and applied bases of selection, breeding of insects, improvement of compounding artificial nourishing environments, and similarly methods of optimization of a structure of laboratory populations and industrial cultures adequately to the aim of their breeding. Keywords: United Nations Environmental Program, industrial cultures, hemocytes, enocytiodes, manganese nanoaquacytrate, Podisus maculiventris Say. INTRODUCTION Long-term researches formed the artificial populations of useful types of different genotypes. It was found out that the genetic structure of the artificially formed population limits its heterogeneity and viability. On a background the optimal action of stress abiotic and biotic factors adaptive micropopulations are created with the set of proof properties [4,5,6]. One of factors of influence on the population of useful kinds is trophic one. It is a set that the heterogeneous feeding in the diets of useful kinds allows to educe high expression of genes comparatively with influence of factors of age and morphological signs [1,2,5]. It is important to say that the intensive development of nanotechnology leads to the biosphere different nature of synthetic nanomaterials. To assess their effects on the position of entomophagous environmental safety is important. As monitoring studies shown, it is important to estimate the toxicological properties of nanomaterials themselves as well as their derivatives in the form of ionic and molecular compounds formed by the interaction of both pure reagents and components of the biosphere. Results of experimental research on cultures of beneficial insects brought perspectives of nanoaquacytratees [6]. The synthesis of citrates significantly cheaper than metals and chemical products makes it possible to obtain the required purity in the form of aqueous solutions. Their concentrations vary widely depending on the process parameters. The use of nanotechnology at an early stage to obtain nanoaquacytratees can achieve their high purity with no secondary contaminants because 42

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Moroz M., Maksin V., Kaplunenko V. Technologies of Entomologists within the Framework of the Convention of Biological Variety Maintenance

nonconventional chemical reactions were used. There are no nanoparticles in the final product because they immediately, after their obtaining react with clean food acids, including citric ones. The usage of deionized water and pure metals are a guarantee of their ecological and biological safety. For maintenance of optimized typical cultures of useful kinds we offer the nanocorrection of rations of natural and synthetic diets. In the process of nanotechnologies’ use we have set reactions of populations of useful silkworms and zoophags on influence of abiotic and biotic factors from position of genetic and ecological conformities of development. Using nanotechnologies we formed the adaptive micropopulation as Antheraea pernyi Guerin-Meneville (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), Chouioia cunea Jang. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae, Tetrastichinae), Macrolophus nubilis H.S. (Hemiptera: Miridae), Ambliseulus brevispinis Kennett.(Parasitiformes: Phytoseiidae), Phytoseiulus persimilis Ath.-Henr. (Parasitiformes: Phytoseiidae), Orius leavigatus Fieb. and Orius niger Wolff. (Hemiptera, Anthocoridae). They differ from paternal populations by physiology and etology properties [4, 6]. Using nanotechnologies the individuals of population positively react on the change of abiotic and biotic factors, and during realization of the technological programs they are more competitive comparatively with a biological feedstock. Using nanotechnologies we educed changes of physiology and biochemical processes, that provide firmness and functionality in the changeable ecological terms of individuals of micropopulation Antheraeapernyi GuerinMeneville, Chouioiacunea Jang., Macrolophusnubilis H.S., Ambliseulusbrevispinis Kennett., Phytoseiuluspersimilis Ath.-Henr., Oriusleavigatus Fieb. and Oriusniger Wolff [3,4,5,6]. We have found modification and restrictive factors by means of nanotechnologies that allowed to influence on tolerance in desirable direction, spatially-ontological structure, to optimize formation of difficult and inadequate mutual relations between individuals of micropopulation. It is experimentally well-proven that formation of adaptive micropopulation of useful kinds and their optimization will assist the balanced use, maintenance of genetic and biological resources, ecological equilibrium in an ecosystem [1,2,6]. The study aims to: Study the possibility of using manganese nanoaquacytrate correction lifecycle Podisusmaculiventris Say. To achieve this goal the following tasks are settled: To conduct a retrospective analysis of environmental conditions and their joint actions on manganese nanoaquacytrate lifecycle Podisusmaculiventris Say. MATERIALS AND METHODS The laboratory population Podisusmaculiventris Say was cultivated in accordance with biological characteristics of the species. Artificial food was natural replacement feed. This environment consisted primarily of cattle meat and sucrose solution. During the experimental trials the addition of ascorbic acid, salt mixture, chicken yolk was found improving nutritional value to Podisusmaculiventris Say. Thus the environment used for experiments consisted of: 200 g beef liver, 200 g of fatty beef (containing about 15 g of fat on fresh weight), 24 ml of sucrose (5%), 1 g ascorbic acid, 2 g of Wesson salt and 20 g of fresh egg yolk. All the ingredients were mixed in a blender until smooth. They were stored in a mode of deep-frozen (-20 0C) in small foil packets. If you're on an artificial diet the feeding larvae and imago were placed in plastic containers (18x11x6 cm and 24x16x8 cm respectively). The larvae were

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 42-46


Moroz M., Maksin V., Kaplunenko V. Technologies of Entomologists within the Framework of the Convention of Biological Variety Maintenance

placed in abundance and replenished daily. Water was fed through the soaked paper in a plastic saucer (2.5 cm diameter). The larvae of the first age that has just hatched four repetitions of 10 individuals were placed in ventilated disc Petri dish (9x1.5 cm), and the achievement of the 4th century, nymphs were placed in a large Petri dishes (14x2 cm). Humidity was maintained at 80%. The development was held twice a day; the presence of ekzuviyu was used to determine molting. The control of survival in the larval stage and performance of imago was performed once a day. Fine Podisusmaculiventris Say grown on an artificial diet was studied from the second generation. To study the dynamics of females laying the eggs were placed individually in Petri dishes (14x2 cm) of filter paper. Every day the record of deferred eggs was taken. To avoid cannibalism egg, eggs were taken from Petri dishes and accounted. Fertility and viability females were reared on an artificial diet studied individually for each individual. In experimental versions of an artificial diet for Podisusmaculiventris Say the optimal doses and added nanoaquacytrate complex of biogenic manganese were 0.00005–0.0005% concentration. Control animals Podisusmaculiventris Say grown larvae in Galleria mellonella L. The experiments were conducted in a klimochamber under the temperature 24±10C, humidity 75 ± 5% and photoperiod of 16 hours. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It was established that at the use of beneficial insects of nanoaquacytratees there is probable presence of two strategies for implementing protection systems at an early stage action on biogenic elements. As opposed to the background of general metabolic activation, optimal concentrations of manganese nanoaquacytrate form a protective reaction to reduce the effects of negative influence of abiotic factors. Conversely, high concentrations of manganese nanoaquacytrate violate the activation of protection reactions, reduce metabolism of Podisusmaculiventris Say.

Fig. 1. Effect of manganese nanoaquacytrate on the formation of non-specific immunity of the fourth age larvae Podisusmaculiventris Say. According to the data presented in Fig. 1 manganese nanoaquacytrate larvae of the fourth age Podisusmaculiventris Say formed ontogenetic differences in the implementation of 44

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Moroz M., Maksin V., Kaplunenko V. Technologies of Entomologists within the Framework of the Convention of Biological Variety Maintenance

protective reactions. With increased concentration of manganese in nanoaquacytrate artificial diet in the larval hemolymph the fourth age increases fate of hemocyte enocytiod which performs phagocytic function and influence of the formation of specific immunity Podisusmaculiventris Say. Availability of adaptive response in the fourth age larvae Podisusmaculiventris Say allows to exist specific and long-term biochemical protection reactions. These processes are related to ontogenetic particularities Podisus maculiventris Say, as the physiological functionality larva differs from adults. Larvae life is longer depending on their immunity to the negative impact of environmental factors. Our studies refute the idea of an insurmountable border between innate and adaptive protective system of beneficial insects [1,2,3,6]. The effects of manganese nanoaquacytrate in an artificial diet on larvae viability of forming the fourth age of Podisusmaculiventris Say is shown in Fig. 2. According to the results the minimum sustainability indicators the fourth age of larvae Podisusmaculiventris Say were watched in research variants (67%), where the number of manganese nanoaquacytrate in an artificial diet was 0.0005%, which is 4 percent less than in the control sample.

Fig. 2. Effect of manganese nanoaquacytrate in an artificial diet on larvae viability of forming the fourth age of Podisusmaculiventris Say The highest indicators of the sustainability were marked at introduction of manganese nanoaquacytrate into the artificial diet in concentrations of 0.0001- 0.0002%, respectively 89% and 93%, which is 18 and 22 percent compared with a control option. The results are an important proof of ontogenetic mechanisms of biochemical protective mechanisms in larvae of the fourth age of Podisusmaculiventris Say. According to the research results we can conclude that manganese nanoaquacytrate provides the adaptive plasticity during the development of postembryonic Podisusmaculiventris Say. In-depth study of these processes may alter the overall picture of the biochemical mechanisms of resistance of beneficial insects to adverse environmental factors in their feeding on the artificial diet in laboratory and industrial conditions.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 42-46


Moroz M., Maksin V., Kaplunenko V. Technologies of Entomologists within the Framework of the Convention of Biological Variety Maintenance

CONCLUSION When using the manganese nanoaquacytrate in the artificial diet has set ontogenetic changes in the body of Podisusmaculiventris Say and the possibility of their use for the diagnosis of physiological state population. The ontogenesis of Podisusmaculiventris Say are critical periods of the metamorphosis characterizing the restructuring many functional systems and increased sensitivity of these systems to external influences. The biological activity of the manganese nanoaquacytrate in the artificial diet of Podisusmaculiventris Say is expressed in changing morphogenetic processes that correlate with their vitality and resistance to environmental factors. Using manganese nanoaquacytrate in the artificial diet of Podisusmaculiventris Say strengthens plazmocytic possible phagocytosis, which is the basis of cellular immunity of beneficial insects. REFERENCES 1 Moroz M.S. Features of adaptation syndrome of useful insects at nanocorection mineral rations. Trudy 8 Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Aktualnye problem ecologii” [Proceedings of the VIII International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of ecology"]. Grodno. GGU, 2012. Issue 1. pp.123 – 124. 2 Moroz M.S. Effect of citrate selenium on the physiological indicators of test culture Lymantria dispar L. Trudy konferentsii posvyashennoi 100 letiu vydaushegosya uchonogo i entomologa Dyadechko M. P. [Proceedings of the conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of the outstanding scientist and entomologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences Dyadechko M. P. Kyiv, December 21, 2012]. Kyiv, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 2012. pp. 65-67. 3 Moroz M.S. Nanoaquachaelats as biogenic chemical elements during optimization of feeding of zoophags in the artificial biotechnical system. Meshdunarodny Nauchny Electronny jurnal “Biosfera zemli b kachestvo zhizni” - International Scientific Electronic Journal “Earth Bioresources and Life Quality”, no. 4(2013). Available at: http://gcheraejournal.nubip.edu.ua. 4 Moroz М. S. Optimization of basic vital functions of useful insects of Anthocoridae family. Tezisy Mezhdunarodnoi Nauchnoi Prikladnoi konferentsii. [Abstracts of International Scientific Applied Conference «Carpathian Environmental Conference» CEC-2011. Mukachevo-Uzhhorod, Ukraine, May 15-18, 2011]. Mukachevo-Uzhhorod. 2011. pp. 51-52. 5 Moroz M.S. Nano materials in entomological techniques. Trudy Mezhdunarodnoi Nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii posvyashennoi 50 letiu fakulteta Ohrana rastenii. [Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference dedicated to 50th anniversary of plant protection faculty. Kyiv, October 15-18, 2012]. Kyiv, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 2012. pp. 88-89. 6 Moroz M.S. Maintenance of biological variety of useful insects by optimization of experimental technocenosis. Trudy 8 Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Aktualnye problem ecologii” [Proceedings of the VIII International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of ecology". Grodno, 24-26 October 2012 г]. Grodno, GGU, 2012. Issue 1, pp. 78-80.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 42-46

Nikonov O., Shulyakov V. Development of Intelligent Internet Technologies for Efficiency Upgrading of Vehicle Application

DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLIGENT INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES FOR EFFICIENCY UPGRADING OF VEHICLE APPLICATION Nikonov O., Shulyakov V. Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University Kharkiv, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT The Web-based technologies for highly efficient application of vehicles with the observation of requirements of reliability, no-failure operation, robustness, fuel efficiency, application safety, environment, ergonomics etc. are proposed. The Internet technologies controlling recording, processing and presentation of data to traffic participants in the realtime mode both for operational decision-making by the analysis of traffic situations and for data accumulation have been developed. The transport portal and a prototype of the information and communication complex have been devised. The prototype software of the on-board information and communication complex and the transport portal modules has been developed. Software, technical and hardware solutions of the on-board information and communicative complex interaction with the transport portal have been worked out. Network interfaces and data transfer protocols have been defined. The prototype testing of the on-board information and communication complex, the analysis of the channel capacity and data recording throughput tools have been carried out. Technical means for the provision of scalability and adaptation of the internet technology to increasing a number of users have been defined. Procedures for implementation of the internet technologies have been developed. The introduction of the internet technologies at the level of city government authorities and quality inspection and road product certification which improves the quality of decision-making by controlling transport services has been carried out. Keywords: internet technology, vehicle, vehicle maintenance, transport portal. INTRODUCTION One of the major problems in the transport complex is creation of conditions for highly efficient application of vehicles with the observation of requirements of reliability, no-failure operation, robustness, fuel efficiency, application safety, environment, ergonomics etc. Because of this the development of technologies which are aimed at this problem solving is by far urgent. The practice of creating modern automotive instruments and devices, units and systems was ahead of the theory of the information analysis and synthesis of complicated systems. Existing separate solutions by information support of transport call for generalization, standardization and unification, definition of new special requirements on the creation of computer systems and networks in transport.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 47-52


Nikonov O., Shulyakov V. Development of Intelligent Internet Technologies for Efficiency Upgrading of Vehicle Application

MATERIALS AND METHODS In connection with the constant information social development and its industrial component, new transport systems and machines have achieved much success in sophistication of highly informative level. Thus, the new contradiction between swift development of informatization means and methods of complicated objects and systems and heterogeneous nature of the existing subsystems and links of the transport complex has evolved. Elimination of this contradiction makes possible conditions for highly efficient application of vehicles at all levels of the transport infrastructure. Laws and practice of information technologies application became the basis of intellectualization of transport machinery and systems and it was embodied in researches by telematics, mechatronics and synergetics which were carried out by Vlasov V.M., Zhankaziev S.V., Shalabayev E.V., Przhibil M., Svitek M., Haken H. [1-4]. However, in their researches it was not embodied such problem solution of contemporaneity as solution of contradictions between achieving a high level of the society informatization and swift development of the transport telematics and the existing state of heterogeneous computing resources on transport. The creation of the unified information space of transportation carriers is presented possibilities for the execution of computations which were previously accessible only for supercomputer solutions at the expense of distribution of computational processes between computer resources of movement participants. This will allow for the receiving to road user (transportation carriers) the economic analogue of the powerful system and giving conditions for creation of a new service of computing resources allocation to order. The aim of the research is development and introduction of web-based technologies for upgrading of vehicle application efficiency as well as for the whole transport complex as a whole. The internet technologies are to provide the synergetic integration of computing resources of all road traffic participants – from a separate vehicle to the corporative level of the transportation carrier. These technologies are designed for monitoring both a separate vehicle and the transport city system or a region as a whole and they are to locate a vehicle, to determine movement environment state and to provide road users (vehicle drivers, transportation carriers) by data about a vehicle state and a transport system as a whole. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The developed web-based technologies provide data recording, processing and their presentation to all traffic participants in the real-time mode both for operational decisionmaking by the analysis of traffic situations and for data accumulation. Information functions of problem solving of continuous monitoring of the transport network are beneficial for reducing costs to the improvement of the existing transport systems. Thus, the quality of decision making on transport service management of large cities and regions is improved. Created web-based technologies are based on the following principles [5-10]: - the active integration of vehicle information resources of traffic users and transportation carriers of local, regional and national levels; - creation of the distributed control system of the transport complex; - the synergetic self-organization of subsystems and transport complex links; - the application of X-by-wire and Wireless technologies; - mechatronization of vehicles and their systems.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 47-52

Nikonov O., Shulyakov V. Development of Intelligent Internet Technologies for Efficiency Upgrading of Vehicle Application

These organization principles of transport systems have a certain analogy with the society informatization and they can be realized on the basis of unified information space creation in transport. As the physical realization of such space the distributed system of computing resources of the transport internet portal makes itself evident. The source of information for this portal is the distributed network of information and communication systems installed on board of vehicles. Software and hardware of internet technologies (information and communication complex) enables to conduct: - monitoring of vehicle technical state and the psychophysical state of a driver; - video observation of the traffic environment state of transport systems; - environmental monitoring (air pollution registration); - pavement state assessment (evenness and road-holding capacity); - data binding about the automobile road state to a certain point of the street-road network route in view of vehicle speed variation at the time of measurements; - process control of measurements and viewing retrospective information; - electronic database formation for traffic environment state monitoring; - processing the measurement results and data accumulation about the transport system state. The input data for the information and communication complex are indices of the whole number of vehicle transducers its current coordinates in space and speed. These data are processed and from them the packet is formed which is transferred to the transport portal using wireless communication facilities. Data are transferred and stored in the clear text format (ASCII). However the data packet itself is formed in accordance with accepted TCP/IP protocols of the internet. Additional information in the system is video data about the traffic environment state. This information requires higher capacity of communication channels. The initial data of the system is a specific location of vehicles (equipped by the information and communication complex) and it is well represented in the transport portal adjacent to parameters of their traffic. The transport portal user gets access to cartographic data, textual and graphical information about the state of transport routes. The information and communication complex is a system which is built into a transportation facility. The location of the equipment on the vehicle board is determined in accordance with a make of a vehicle and the availability of issued places for positioning of the electronic equipment and the complete set of the complexborne itself (for example, in an issued place of 1-DIN (180x50mm) the auto radio-tape recorder siting). In the case of the absence of an issued place of equipment mounting of the information and communication complex it should be determined a set of measures as to vehicle field changes (for example, additional equipment in a special laboratory of the Kharkov national automobile and highway university). The onboard system is modular and, when the occasion requires it has the technical potentialities to increase channels of data record. The structural board system consists of the following modules: - the microcontroller system of data record about dynamic traffic characteristics and a vehicle state with the network interface module; - GPS-signal receiver; - the video observation module and the communication equipment. All systems have off-line storages, which in the case of communication loss between the communication module and the web portal will allow to restore data which has been recorded. Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 47-52


Nikonov O., Shulyakov V. Development of Intelligent Internet Technologies for Efficiency Upgrading of Vehicle Application

For communication with the transport portal technologies on the basis of the cellular radio: 3G at the rate of data transfer in the region of 144 kbit/s or more and 4G (WiMAX) at the rate of data transfer no more than 40 Mbit/s. Internet technologies are based at the two-level automotive information and communication system which contains the information and communication complex built into a vehicle and the transport portal in the internet information environment. The integral part of internet technologies is a distributed system of user support by data about the state of vehicles and the system as a whole. Requirements to no-failure operation indices of the information and communication complex are set for separate functions: - mean-time-to first-failure of the information and communication complex in the operation with normal conditions is no less than 100 000 hours; - mean-time of serviceable condition restoration of the information and communication complex by unit replacing or the device module is no more than 1 hour with regard to trouble shooting time; - service life of hardware components of the information and communication complex is no less than 3 years; - no-failure operation at the development stage is supported analytical (calculation) method with the exponential law of failure rate distribution in the process of operation by the calculation of operational reliability on the basis of serviceability monitoring; - maintainability at this point of development is confirmed by the calculation method on data derived from the expert estimation of reconditioning time at the process of operation by value calculation of the maintainability index based on its observation. Mounting, operation and repairs to hardware components of the information and communication complex must be performed taking into account the requirements described in their service forms and records. For information protection of developed technologies provision is made for: - the system of passwords for the personnel which provides the authorized access to information arrays; - the information which is stored and transferred is protected from loss in case of emergency when the power supply is turned off. Software requirements. The software is sufficient to implement all functions of the information and communication complex as well as it provides a possibility to replace and to add its software modules in order to modify and to build up the functional potentialities. To test chosen technical solutions and to finish the functional system algorithm and verification of the accuracy of measurements a prototype of the information and communication complex has been developed and the setting-up procedure of the operating version of the transport portal has been carried out. The transport internet portal provides traffic users by navigation problem solving, vehicle and network state estimation and recommendations for their improvement. The transport internet portal has been developed with application of the general system software (table 1) and it is being operated using it now. The transport web portal takes account limitations of the available tools of wireless communication systems, that is the channel capacity from 100 Kbit/s to 10 Mbit, as well as coverage limitations and possible communication disconnections. The architecture of the portal platform accounts for the existing decisions of the IT infrastructure of the transport carriers, for example, the availability of Proxy-server.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 47-52

Nikonov O., Shulyakov V. Development of Intelligent Internet Technologies for Efficiency Upgrading of Vehicle Application

Table 1 - Software specification of the transport portal Purpose Characteristics Linux and Windows server systems using 1. Portal platform virtualization technology 2. Server of applications Apache and IIS with PHP support The combination of control systems by website content on the basis of PHP. Joomla – the basic 3. Content saving facilities portal. WordPress – the blog of users. Moodle – user training and polls The development of client-server applications, for 4. Specific problem solving the most part in PHP 5. Database control system My SQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server The application of encryption technologies, 6. Information protection support protection from unauthorized interference through a facilities password system The transport and web portal contains the completed set web 2.0 services in the unified component architecture. Services have both server components and complete graphic interface components for the final user implemented in the same style. The server of the transport portal is consistent with requirements of the necessity and sufficiency to perform corresponding tasks with regard to the increase of computation bodies as the information flow enhancement (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Server on the basis of INTEL Xeon E3-1240 processor, INTEL S1200BTLR motherboard, 8GbDDR3 x 4 memory modules, HDD 1Tb x 3 storage, 2U CSV UNI server case The web-portal interface has a possibility to represent cartographical data, information in the form of tables and graphical data as well as takes into account current tendencies for data presentation and it is intuitive and intelligible for users. Working places of final users of the system should be built mostly on existing computing facilities of transportation carriers.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 47-52


Nikonov O., Shulyakov V. Development of Intelligent Internet Technologies for Efficiency Upgrading of Vehicle Application

CONCLUSION As a result of the work the prototype of the information and communication complex has been produced; the operating version of the transport portal on the server has been created; the prototype software of the onboard information and communication complex and transport portal modules has been developed; software, hardware and technical solutions of interactions of the onboard information and communication complex with the transport portal have been devised; network interfaces and protocols of data transfer have been determined; data processing procedure has been developed; the prototype tests of the onboard information and communication complex have been carried out; the analysis of the channel capacity and recording data facilities has been performed; technical tools to achieve scalability and adaptation of the internet technology to increase a number of users have been determined; procedures of web-technology introduction have been devised; the introduction of webtechnologies at the level of the city authorities and the quality inspection and certification of road product, application in study hours in training specialists for transport of Ukraine, use for scientific research of the transport university have been performed. REFERENCES 1 Vlasov V.M., V.B.Nikolaev, Postolit A.V. Informatsionnyie tehnologii na avtomobilnom transporte [Information technologies in road transport]. Moscow, MADI (GTU), 2006, 283 p. 2 Przhibyil P., Svitek M. Telematika na transporte [Transport telematics]. Moscow, MADI (GTU), 2003, 540 p. 3 Haken G. Sinergetika [Synergetics]. M.: Mir, 1980, 404 p. 4 Haken G. Sinergetika. Ierarhiya neustoychivostey v samoorganizuyuschihsya sistemah i ustroystvah [Synergetics. The hierarchy of instabilities in self-organizing systems and devices]. Moscow, Mir, 1985, 419 p. 5 Nikonov O.Y., Nazarov O.S. Intelektualna informatsiyno-keruyucha sistema transportnogo dizelya: navchalniy posibnik [Intelligent information management system of a diesel of transport: Tutorial]. Kharkiv, NTU «KHPI», 2011, 80 p. 6 Aleksiev V.O., Aleksiev O.P., Vidmish A.A., Habarov V.O. Interaktivniy monitoring avtomobilnih dorig [Interactive monitoring of roads]. Vinnitsya: VNTU, 2012, 160 p. 7 Aleksiev V.O., Aleksiev O.P., Nikonov O.Y. MehatronIka, telematika, sinergetika u transportnih dodatkah: navchalniy posIbnik [Mechatronics, telematics, synergy in transport applications: Tutorial]. Kharkiv, HNAHU, 2012, 212 p. 8 Aleksiev V.O. Vizualne modelyuvannya informatsiynih resursiv transportnoyi infrastrukturi [Visual modeling information resources of transport infrastructure]. Bionika intelektu: nauk.-tehn. zhurnal. [Bionics intelligence: scientific-technical journal], no.75, 2011, pp. 52-57. 9 Aleksiev V.O., Vidmish A.A. Tsifrova nervova sistema avtomobilyu [Digital nervous system of the car]. Mashinobuduvannya ta transport: Visnik SevNTU [Machinery and transport: Journal of SevNTU], no.121, 2011, pp. 165-168. 10 Nikonov O.Y., Shulyakov V.N. Integrirovannyie informatsionno-upravlyayuschie telematicheskie sistemyi transportnyih sredstv [Integrated information management telematics vehicles]. Avtomobilnyiy transport [Automobile transport], no.27, 2010, pp. 83-87.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 47-52

Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies

SWITCHED INDUCTOR-TYPE ELECTRICAL DRIVE IS A PERSPECTIVE TOOL FOR INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University Kharkiv, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT The electrical drives consume about 70 % of total generated energy in the world. The induction drive is a most widely used in various industries; however it has well-known disadvantages such as a comparatively low power factor. The electrical drive based on switched inductor motor with independent electromagnetic excitation as a good alternative to the induction drive because of various advantages related to the energy efficiency. At the same time this type of drive is sensitive for the coordinating and parametric disturbances which may affect energy efficiency and quality of control in various technological processes. This paper proposes the method of the development of control laws based on an idea of the reversibility of the Lyapunov direct method for the stability analysis, and using the instantaneous value of energy as the predetermined Lyapunov function. This will ensure effective operation with a lesser sensitivity to variations of the motor’s parameters, as well as the simplicity of realization of control system. Modelling of the proposed electrical drive is confirmed by a good control performance and the workability of the system. Results of this study will support further application of the switched inductor electrical drive in the industrial technologies. Key words: electrical drive, switched inductor motor, control laws, quality of control, modelling INTRODUCTION In many industries, the promising alternative for the most widely used induction electrical drive is one based on a switched inductor motor. Main advantages of such type of motors [1] are: high efficiency factor within a wide speed range; power factor is about 100%; a simple design and low production costs; high manufacturability and reliability; a wider speed control range in a zone of reduced magnetic flux; an easier heat removal. There are several types of inductor motors. This study is dedicated to switched inductor motor with independent electromagnetic excitation (SIM IE). It has a passive rotor with toothed chain and a stator with a classic distributed “star” 3-phase winding. Additionally, there is an excitation winding which is supplied from a direct current source. Electromagnetic flow of this motor, in its nature, is active. Miscalculations during identification of the parameters of the equivalent circuit of the SIM IE can be caused by assumptions used in an applied methodology, as well as by the lack of basic information. During the motor operation, resistance of windings may be changed because of heating, and inertia moment may be deviated through changes of the kinematics. These parametric deviations resulted in differences between estimated and actual parameters of the electrical drive, which, in turn, leads to worsening of control performance. Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64


Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies

Naturally, the SIM IE, as well as other types of alternating current motors, is an interrelated controlled object, substantially dependent on influence of inducted eddy currents. In this case, electrical drive control requires compensation of negative influence of these coordinate disturbances. Solution of the above mentioned problems by the classic methods of the automatic control theory, under the under conditions of uncertainties in a mathematical model, is rather complicated, because necessary additional algorithms of identification, adaptation or compensation. Analysis of methods for control law optimization shown [2] that solutions can be found based on a concept of reverse task of dynamics in combination with minimization of local functionals of instantaneous values of energies [3-5]. The reverse task of dynamics is the identification of the control law which would ensure a given quality of control with desired static and dynamic performance of the system. The proposed method is based on an idea of the reversibility of the Lyapunov direct method for the stability analysis. This allows defining control laws which ensure that a closed loop has the predetermined Lyapunov function in form of the instantaneous value of energy. In this case, the specificity of optimization is not obtaining the absolute minimum of the quality functional, as usually used in traditional systems, but rather getting a certain minimal value which would assure a technically allowable dynamic error of the system. The presented paper’s aim is the identification of respective control laws which would allow a lesser sensitivity to variations of the motor’s parameters, as well as the simplicity of realization of the control system, and consequently ensure good control performance of electrical drive, required for most of industrial technologies. MATERIALS AND METHODS A mathematical model of SIM IE in the coordinate system (d-q), oriented by the rotor magnetic axis, can be described by known non-liner equation system (1).  did di  1   u d  Rs id  Lm f   q ;   Ls  dt   dt  di  q  1 u q  Rs iq   d ; Ls  dt   di f  1  u  R i  L did ; f f f m  dt Lf  dt    d t  1 M  M ; c  dt J   L i  L i ; s d m f  d  q  Ls iq ;   f  L f i f  Lm id ;  M  3Z p  d iq   q id ;

where i d , i q and u d , u q – d-axis and q-axis stator currents and voltages respectively; i f and u f – excitation current and voltage; 54

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64


Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies

  Z pr and r – electrical and angular rotor speed; Z p – pole couple number; J – inertia moment; M , M c – electromagnetic motor torque and load torque;

 d ,  q ,  f – d- and q-axis, as well as excitation winding fluxes; Ls , L f , Lm – stator, excitation winding and mutual inductance;

Rs , R f – stator and excitation winding resistances. It is shown (1) that motor’s coordinates are interrelated because of the existing nonlinearity caused by the operation of multiplication and coordinative disturbances. In classic control systems, compensation of the negative influence of coordinative disturbances is to be realized through setting specific feedbacks, the effectiveness of which depends on the accuracy of motor’s parameters. It is also possible to identify control laws based on the static decomposition of the controlled object (1) resulting in complication of the control system. In this study, solution is being found through the dynamic decomposition [6], by using optimization method proposed in the paper [3]. In this case, the initial system (1) should be transformed into system (2). di f During the control system design, coordinate deviations F1  Lm   q , dt di F2   d F2  d , and F3  Lm d are usually interpreted as indeterminate, but value dt limited F1  F1 max , F2  F2 max , F3  F3 max , while values of control signals u d , u q , ] u f are sufficient for their compensation. In this case, a problem of the regulating the interrelated controlled object (1) comes to finding solution of local tasks to control four liner subsystems (2).  did  Ls dt  Rs id  u d  F1 ;   diq  Ls dt  Rs iq  u q  F2 ;   di f  Ls dt  R f i f  u f  F3 ;   d t  M  Mc; J  dt  d  Ls id  Lm i f ;   q  Ls iq ;   L i  L i ; f f m d  f  M  3Z p  d i q   q i d ; 


From the control point of view, the SIM IE is a similar to a classic synchronous motor, and its constructive features allow applying the direct vector control system with rotor position orientation. Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64


Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies

The vector control system, according to first four differential equations of the system (2) consist of four control loops: for stator d-axis current i d , q-axis current i q , excitation current i f , and motor speed r . The speed loop is external to the internal loop of current i q . This current defines a value of the electromagnetic torque of a motor. The excitation current i f can be easily controlled within the range 1:8. This allows increasing a range of speed control with a constant power, in comparison with induction motor. An object of the local control loop for the stator current i d according to the 1st equation of the system (2) Ls

did  Rs id  u d  F1 dt


It can be described by the first order of linear differential equation with control signal u d and disturbance F1 . A desired equation of the closed current loop, which defines expected control performance, can also be described by the first order differential equation [4,5] z   0id z   0id id*


where id* – referenced current. The equation (4) enables a type 1 astatic system for control variable, as well as smooth (with no overcontrol) current transients. Required transient time tn  3 /  0id , is defined only by the coefficient  0id . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The extent to which the real current control process is close to desirable one can be estimated through the functional, which depends on inductance-normalized instantaneous energy of the magnetic field by the 1st derivation of the current. Gud  

1 z(t )  id t 2 2

For the minimizing the functional, the gradient law of the 1st order can be used: dud t  dGud   id dt dud where id – a constant.



Substituting (3) and (5) into (6), the control law for the current id can be obtained ud t   kid z  id  (7) where kid  id / Ls – the gain coefficient of the controller. Necessary condition for a convergence of the functional minimization process with t→∞


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64

Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies

dG ud  0 dt G ud   0


corresponds to a mark rule

 

sign kid  sign1 / Ls 


A variable z in the control law (7) plays a role of a necessary derivative on the current, which can be found in real time from the equation (4) through closing feedback on the current component z  id

z   0id id*  id


Integrating both parts of the equation (7) and taking into account (10), the control law for the current i d can be finally obtained: ud t   kid z  id ; 1


z   0id  id*  id dt. 0

The block diagram of the current i d controller, based on the equation (11) is presented in Fig.1. id*

1 p

ud 0Id

kId id

Fig.1 - Block diagram of current controller i d Contrary to classic controllers, the designed one does not contain parameters of the controlled object (1), and has only the parameter  0id which defines the desired equation of the closed-loop system performance (4). The differential equation of closed control loop of the current i d can be derived through substituting the control law (11) to (3):

k k  k  id   Rs  id id  id 0id  id  id 0id  id* L  Ls Ls  s Ls 


It demonstrates that control process is asymptotically stable. According to the Hurwitz ki  0 i  R ki  criterion, coefficients of the equation (12) are positive d d  0 ,  s  d   0 . Ls  Ls Ls  It is important that the stability of the control loop is maintained under unlimited

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64


Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies

increasing of the controller gain coefficient k id   ; and real (12) and designed (4) control processes are fully coincident. This is made obvious, if to divide all elements of the equation (12) by the coefficient k id / Ls under condition k id  

R  Ls id   s  1 i d   0id i d   0id i*d .  ki  k id  d 


This specificity provides the dynamic decomposition of the system (1) and the robustness to parametric disturbances. During operation, the interrelated system is broke down into relatively independent local control loops, with their transients which run in accordance with the desired performance equation (4). Clearly, if the gain coefficient of the controller is technically limited, there is a dynamic error which is set through technical requirements to the quality of control. The transfer function of the open loop of the current id , which was obtained based on (12), kid  0id

Wr  p  

id  p  Ls  * id  p    R ki   p  p   s  d   Ls Ls  


shows that real system is of the type 1 astatic for control variable without a static error. According to (14), if the controller gain is increasing, the actual speed merit factor of the current control system, kid  0id D 

Ls kid

Rs  Ls Ls

 0i


Rs 1 kid


approximates to the predetermined value set in accordance with (4) Dz  0id . This ensures the maximal permissible dynamic error of the current control. During the development of the current control law, a small uncompensated time constant of the power frequency convertor Тµ , which is in the closed loop, was not taken into consideration. Assessment of its influence in form of the 1st order aperiodic unit can be carried out through the 3rd order differential equation of the closed loop system which is derived similarly to (12)

ki  0 i ki  0 i  R ki   T R  Tid  1   s id   s  d id  d d  id  d d  id* Ls  Ls Ls   Ls Ls 


According to the Hurwitz criterion, the current loop stability can be achieved under the following condition: 58

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64

Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies

 T Rs  Rs kid  T kid  0id 1      L Ls  Ls s  Ls 


Assuming that k id   , the stability condition can be finally presented as follows:

 0i  d

1 Rs  T Ls


Thus, the time constant of the power frequency convertor Тµ limits a time response of the system, which is set by the coefficient a0d. Similarly, following the 2nd equation of the system (2)


diq dt

 R si q  u q  F2


and the desired equation (4) the control law for the current i q , which is proportional to a motor’s torque, can be obtained

u q (t)  k iq (z  i q ); (20)


z   0iq  (i*q  i q )dt. 0

As seen from (20), the control law for stator current i q also does not have parameters of the object (1) and its performance is similar to one for current i d (11). The block diagram of the current controller i q , which is developed based on the equation (20), is presented in Fig.2. iq*

1 p

uq 0Iq

kIq iq

Fig. 2. Block diagram of the current controller i q Following the 3rd equation of the system (1) di Ls f  R f if  u f  F3 dt the control law of the excitation current i f can be derived:

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64



Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies

u f (t)  k if (z  i f ); t


z   0if  (i*f  i f )dt. 0

Block diagram of the excitation current controller i f is shown in Fig. 3 if*


1 p


kIf if

Fig. 3. Block diagram of excitation current controller i f A speed control loop consists of the optimized internal loop of the current i q and the local controlled object which is described by the 4th equation of the system (1) J

dr  M  Mc . dt


Developing the speed control law and respective controller, inertia of the optimized loop of the current is not to be taken into consideration. The object, described by (23), is the integrating unit. Therefore, in order to achieve the type 1 astatism, the desired equation of the closed speed loop is of the 1st order as well:

z  0z  0*.


To reduce the influence of the dynamics of the control current loop i q on speed control performance, a coefficient of the equation (24) should be identified under condition 0iq  (3  5)0 . It is necessary to find a control function of a speed controller in a way that actual speed control performance would approximate to desired one set by the equation (24). The extent of such approximation can be estimated by means of the functional * G(i1q )

1 2  z(t)  (t) 2


To minimize this functional, similarly to the current loop, the gradient law of the 1st order can be used:

di*q (t) dt

  

dG(i*q ) di*q

where  >0 is a constant. Substituting (25) to (26) the speed control law can be obtained


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64


Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies

i*q (t)  k  (z  )


z   0  (*  )dt

where k is the gain coefficient of a speed controller. Based on the equation (27), the speed controller of the 1st order can be designed. Its black diagram is presented in Fig. 4. * 1 p

iq* 0

k 

Fig. 4. Block diagram of the 1st order speed controller The speed controller, similarly to current controllers, contains only parameters of the desired control law and does not have parameters of the controlled object (1). Increasing the gain coefficient of the speed controller will result in approximation of dynamic processes in the loop to the desired ones, set by the equation (24). The system, according to the Hurwitz criterion, is stable even if the gain coefficient of the speed controller is unlimitedly increased kω→∞. The developed speed control law (27) provides a type 1 astatic system for control variable. The technological conditions may require ensuring the type 2 astatism. In this case, the control law has to be designed based on the desired equation (24) with an order of one unit higher than an order of the equation of the local object (23)

z  1z  0z  1*  0*.


Variation of two coefficients  0 , 1 of the equation (28) can be used, based on well-known methods, to set desired performance indicators of speed control, such as particularly a response time and a value of overcontrol. Based on the above presented methodology, the optimized speed control law will be obtained as follows: i*q (t)  k   z   z   f 0dt


f 0   0   (*  )dt  1 (*  )

Block diagram of 2nd order speed controller, designed based on the equation (29), is presented in Fig. 5

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64


Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies


1 p


1 p

iq* k

1 

Fig. 5. Block diagram of the 2nd order speed controller This controller also has only parameters of the desired differential equation of the speed closed loop (28). The developed vector control system was investigated through modelling with the following parameters of the SIM IE: rated power Pн=208 кW; rated motor torque Мн=663 Nm; rated current Ін=458 А; rated speed nн=3000 rpm. Controllers had parameters as follows: current controller іd:  0id =500, k id =250; current controller іq:  0iq =500, k iq =260; current controller іf:  0if =50, k if =250; speed controller:  0 =150, k  =50. Fig. 6 presents transients of referenced speed ω* during the electrical drive start period. Transients of motor torque during start and applying the constant load torque (at time t=5 s), equal to rated motor torque, are shown in Fig. 7. In the steady state the motor torque is equal to load torque M=663 Nm. Fig. 8 presents speed tracking error under variation of the stator resistance Rs: Rs = 0.0029  (rated value), Rs = 0.00145 (0.5 rated value) and Rs = 0.0058  (2.0 rated value). As seen, this parametric disturbance does not affect the dynamic performance of the proposed system: three transients are identical, no recognizable differences. The maximal dynamic speed error during start is not over 4 rad/s, and during the applying the load torque - 3.3  * , rad/s.

Fig. 6. Transients of referenced speed Fig. 9 presents transients of speed error under variation of the inertia moment J of electrical drive: J= 3.6 kgm2 (rated value); J= 7.2 kgm2 (2 rated value) and J= 10.8 kgm2 ( 3 62

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64

Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies

rated value). It is seen that variation of the inertia moment does not influence the system dynamic performance. The maximal speed error is 4.8 rad/s during the start, and 2.5 rad/s under the load torque applied.

Fig. 7. Transients of motor toque

Fig. 8. Transients of speed error under stator winding resistance variation Графік перехідного процесу похибки відпрацювання швидкості  ~, рад/c 5

J ном J ном * 2 J ном * 1/2





 , рад/c














t, c

Fig. 9. Transients of speed error under inertia moment variation

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64


Ostroverkhov M., Pyzhov V. Switched Inductor-Type Electrical Drive is a Perspective Tool for Industrial Technologies

The results of study presented above, clearly demonstrate that the electrical drive with SIM IE, designed based on the proposed methodology, has good control performance, is simple for development, and allows required operation under the parametric disturbances. CONCLUSION The proposed electrical drive is based on the switched inductor motor with independent electromagnetic excitation (SIM IE) can be designed on the relatively simple methodology, applying a concept of reverse task of dynamics in combination with minimization of local functionals of instantaneous values of energies. This approach allows practical development of the controllers of the electro-mechanical system which would ensure a given quality of control and adequately simple practical realization under conditions of variation of the parameters of the controlled object and the uncertainties in a mathematical model. As a result, this type of electrical drive can be recommended for further development and promotion, to be used in technological processes and installations of various industries. REFERENCES 1 Коzаchenko V., Rusakov A., Sorokin A., Kochanov A. "Switched reluctance drive – a promising direction of development of modern controlled electric drive", Novosti teplosnabzheniya, no. 11, 2011, pp. 24–26. 2 Potapenko E.M., Kazurova A.E. Precision control uncertain objects. Comparison of methods of control. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov Dneprodzherzhinskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta [Collection of scientific works Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University], 2007, pp. 353-356. 3 Krut’ko P. D. Robustly stable structures of control systems of high dynamic precision. Algorithms and dynamics of control of model objects. Moscow, Izvestija RAN, TiSU, no.2, 2005, pp. 120–140. 4 Ostroverkhov N., Buryk N. Сontrol of coordinates electric drives based on the concept of inverse dynamics problems for minimization local functionals momentary values of energy. Elektrotehnika i elektroenergetika, no. 1, 2011, pp. 41–49. 5 Ostroverkhov N. Method for the synthesis of regulators of electromechanical systems based on of the concept of inverse problems of dynamics in combination with the minimization of local functionals of the instantaneous motion energy values. Kiev, Vestnik NTU "KPI", no.30, 2008, pp. 100-105. 6 Chernous'ko F.L., Anan'evskij I.M., Reshmin S.A. Methods of control nonlnear mechanical systems. Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2006.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 53-64

Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

DEVELOPMENT OF THE FURNITURE CLUSTER IN SOUTH KAZAKHSTAN REGION Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT The furniture market of South-Kazakhstan Region dynamically grows. For the development of the furniture market has an influence the growing of the building constructions and increasing of local population incomes. Every year, in the region, a number of enterprises in the production and sale of furniture rise. In 2014, in Shymkent, a large furniture factory for the production of corps furniture was launched. However, the furniture market of South-Kazakhstan region is characterized by low competitiveness. The main reasons the low competitiveness of the furniture producers are the high share of imports, weak state support, the lack of effective approaches to business management, lack of investment, low involvement of marketing tools in the process of interaction with customers, the use of weak innovation. In this paper, a model of the furniture cluster in South Kazakhstan region proposes, that will increase the efficiency of the furniture market of region. Enterprises of South-Kazakhstan region furniture cluster may specialize in the supply of materials, the production of furniture components and facades, mirrors and glass processing, synthetic veneer, foam rubber, countertops and windowsills, edging materials with applied adhesives. In addition, enterprises entering into cluster will produce building and laminated chipboard, fiberboard, and plywood for the production of housing, office furniture and a number of other related auxiliary furniture accessories. Keywords: furniture market, furniture manufacturing, small and medium businesses, competition, imported furniture, sale of furniture, furniture cluster. INTRODUCTION The furniture market has a special place in the economy. The production and consumption of furniture is largely define social and cultural level of society. The need of furniture, depending on the living conditions and the economic conditions of society increases or decreases, but never disappears. Products of industry have a great demand, the production of furniture closest to the competitive level in comparison with other consumer goods, durables. Among the unresolved issues in the furniture industry of Kazakhstan is the absence of the industry development strategy on the long-range future, the inefficiency of the system of enterprise management, low technical level of furniture production, the lack of a proper system of marketing, low level of skills of managers and staff. In this regard, for the ensuring the effective operation of the furniture enterprises urgent need to restructure the furniture industry, including the development and implementation of

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 65-76


Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

financial, social and technical measures aimed at forming effective core competitive furniture enterprises, provides real the effective demand for furniture. MATERIALS AND METHODS As the theoretical basis of the study were the works of Russian and foreign scientists, data of the Statistics Department of South-Kazakhstan region (SKR), Program of Forced Industrial-Innovative Development of Kazakhstan for 2010-2020. We have used the following methods: traditional content analysis of documents and statistical methods of data analysis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Currently, the furniture market of SKR dynamically grows. The annual expansion of production in recent years is hold by various estimates on the level of 10-20%. The development of the furniture market in the first place, as in the whole country due to the commissioning of new premises and growth of living standards. Furniture market SKR repeats the market trends real estate. So the most difficult construction year 2009 was difficult for the furniture market. However, support for entrepreneurship from the state and local authorities, investment activity has allowed the region the beginning of 2010 to talk about stabilization of the situation in the market. The active development of furniture production in South Kazakhstan contributes the availability of labour and big enough market. The development of the market of furniture influenced support the government policies of entrepreneurship development in the sectors of the economy. SKR is one of the places of Kazakhstan where rapidly develop small and medium businesses enterprises. The largest numbers of small and medium-sized enterprises are concentrated in Shymkent. Small and medium business of the Shymkent city continues to be a main source of incoming of the municipal state treasury. Its share composed 61% of the city wide budget revenues. In the region, for the support of the development of entrepreneurship business incubators operate, industrial and industrial zones where built production and storage facilities provided by businesses on preferential terms. State financial support of the small and medium-sized businesses is through a system of guarantee of "Small Entrepreneurship Development Fund". Since, June 2007, a regional branch of JSC "Small Entrepreneurship Development Fund" of SKR. In 2009, it was signed a memorandum on cooperation between the SKR Akimat and JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund" Damu ". This cooperation was signed for the providing to the SKR entrepreneurs of both financial and non-financial support, aimed at qualitative development and strengthening of the role of small and medium-sized businesses in the process of diversification of the economy of the city. As part of the measures set out in the memorandum, in Shymkent started the program "Business Advisor". The project is designed "Damu" fund to support entrepreneurship and implemented with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan and People’s Democratic Party "NurOtan". With the support of small business, development by local authorities in South Kazakhstan is actively developing furniture market, appears small and medium-sized enterprises, creatingnew jobs.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 65-76

Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

Currently, there are dozens of SKR furniture manufacturers and trade for the sale of furniture salons. The main furniture manufacturers are concentrated in the city of Shymkent. In 2014 in Shymkent launched into operation the first in Kazakhstan, the largest furniture factory. The factory is equipped with modern imported equipment. Every year this enterprise plans to produce a half thousand sets of upholstered furniture and the same mattress. In the future, it will manufacture the corps furniture. Investors from Azerbaijan have invested 15 mln USD in the new production. As a result, 30 percent of these funds, the Government will reimburse to the enterprise. Also will be provided a preferential taxation. Now at a furniture factory employs more than a hundred people. Medium-sized enterprises, the number of employees that do not exceed 100 people. One of these companies is the company "Kazmedpribor", which produces medical furniture and equipment, mobile medical systems and mobile systems, total of 200 items. The company is a leader among manufacturers of Kazakhstan. In addition, medium enterprises include "Zhihaz" LLP, "Baiterek LLP and Ko", "EgeShymkent" LLP, specializing in the production of softfurniture. Enterprises "South Professional Service" LLP, "Gelato" LLP, "ART FURNITURE" LLP, except for household appliances made even office furniture. Other enterprises are small and registered as individual entrepreneurs or work at all without registration. Many of them make furniture at home or in the garage, and then rent it for the implementation of the stores, focused mainly to the buyer with an income below the average. Table 1 presents the furniture production in SKR for the last 5 years. Table 1- Furniture in South Kazakhstan Region from 2010 to 2014, units 2010 Manufacture of furniture from wood for the bedroom, dining room and living room 2612 Manufacture of kitchen furniture 312 Production of wooden office furniture 17284 Note: Data of the Statistics of SKR, 2015.





3574 335

35692 240

10847 1518

7037 507





From 2010 to 2014 it was increased the production of furniture made of wood for the bedroom, dining room and living by 62.8%, manufacture of kitchen furniture increased by 38.4%. Production of wooden office furniture has decreased over the same period by 36.9%. In the total production of furniture of Kazakhstan a SKR share was 1.7%, in 2014. According to our estimates, about 80% of all manufactured upholstered furniture in SKR accounted for small businesses and "manufacturers of garage". The bulk of the furniture market takes home furniture, which accounts for about 70% of the total market, the market for office furniture - about 25%. The rest of the furniture market about 5% - specialized furniture segment (medical furniture, catering, recreation, etc.). It is understandable that people are buying furniture is not for one day, and the results of our study, more than half the population has kitchen, wall, furniture and, of course, a wardrobe. However, the owners of the population cabinets - coupe were in the minority. Consumer interests, first: -quality materials and accessories; -price; Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 65-76


Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

-outward appearance; -service and additional benefits (choice of colour, material, tint, size, according to the required parameters). In recent years, among the main factors influencing the purchase of furniture, called the quality and price, and it turned out that quality takes precedence over price significantly (Figure 1), and thus confirms the shift in demand towards non-price competition.

Fig. 1. The main factors that determine the purchase of furniture Focusing on brand preserved only wealthy people, for whom the purchase of furniture is both a matter of prestige. Selecting the "upper class" based on the fame or popularity of the company producing country in certain social circles. In the furniture, market in Shymkent around 50 companies that compete with each other in the production of furniture. However, over 73% of Shymkent citizens want to purchase the imported furniture manufacturer and only 8.1% - domestic. No matter people is amounted 2%. The leader in the preferences is Belarusian producer - 18%. The most important seems to us study the features of the scope of the implementation of furniture products, because the problem of marketing is one of the major problems of the developed market economy. Retail trade on urban administrations and districts for 2010-2014 as presented in table, KZT. Table 2 - The volume of retail sales of city administration and districts of the region for 2010-2014, thousand (KZT) Cities and districts 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 In region Shymkent Aris Kentau Turkistan Baidibek Kazygurt Makhtaral Ordabasy Otyrar Sairam 68

905 841 746 433 3393 836 14292 64 6 033 49 580 835 27 580

2 368 175 2 070 605 5 384 21 957 21957 50 20 931 102 620 813 33691

3 446 441 2 782 874 6 981 31 344 152 983 65 41 371 63 078 160815 43682

4 601 309 4 048 928 73 515 14 996 136 150 2 707 41 018 22714 28605 6309 44076

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 65-76

3 864 809 2 779 645 59 814 19 410 190 945 3 609 196 501 28296 61299 5581 6238

Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

Table 2 continuation Saryagash Sozak Tolebi Tyulkubas Shardara

30064 1053 6183 9210 10285

33 603 5 684 8 516 11 793 32 003

94 529 1 243 11 805 15 291 40 380

112 999 5490 14677 15729 33396

163 375 5738 208418 105010 30930

Note: Data of the Statistics of SKR, 2015

In general, in region the volume of retail sales of municipal administration and districts of the region for the years 2010-2014 was increased by 76.5% or 3864809 thousand KZT, in 2014. The bulk of the retail furniture is accounted for by Shymkent – 71.9%, Tolebi District – 5.4%, Kazygurt District – 5.1%, Turkestan – 4.9%. The lowest sales are accounted for by Baidibek – 0.09%, Otyrar – 0.1%, Sozak – 0.1%, Sairam – 0.2%. Traditionally, the expensive imported furniture has demand in Shymkent and Turkestan, in districts has leading position the domestic manufacturers. Since the beginning of the crisis the number of buyers in furniture stores of SKR sharply drops. According to the market participants, in times of crisis sales of upholstered furniture in the furniture market SKR fell by an average of 50%. According to the employees of the furniture salon, attendance and sales in this period sharply drops. However, since 2010, the sales turnover began to increase gradually. The last three years, it is marked not only high activity of buyers, and their willingness to updates furnishing their homes, even though the home furniture remain quite presentable. Today, many people want to replace upholstered furniture after 4 years of operation, a corps - through 5. The most frequently update the children's rooms - every 2-3 years. Most rare - furniture for bath, kitchen and bedroom (every 5-7 years). Overwhelming majority of customers (86.3%) among the reasons for the purchase of furniture called the repair of an apartment and buying a new accommodation (Fig. 2), indicating the need for constant monitoring of the real estate market in the region.

moral aging, 9.0%

Fig. 2. The reason for the purchase of new furniture The most popular types of furniture are: soft furniture, walls and kitchen (Figure 3).

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 65-76


Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

Fig. 3. The most popular types of home furniture In the hot season, the demand for upholstered furniture (usually August and December months) small businesses are able to increase the production volumes of its products. "Garage manufacturers' working not only without weekends, but almost without a break for night's repose. Medium-sized enterprises prefer not to enter into direct competition with small entrepreneurs in the segment of soft furniture economy class, mainly focusing on the midprice segment, at least - to the premium class. The special features of the regional furniture market should include the weak development of wholesale and retail of distribution routes. Here there is an acute shortage of modern wholesale distribution structures, working on "all at once", as such an organization requires a large capital investment and increases the expenditure budget of local traders. Working through a network of independent dealers also has significant drawbacks, which can reduce only by establishing a long-term partnership, backed by strict implementation of commitments on both sides. Today, furniture salons try to solve the problem of the systems, wide assortment of furniture in style and quality, the creation of a stock of furniture in different price categories and many intermediary margins. However, it remains to be an acceptable solution to solve a number of important tasks, which can be grouped into two alternate groups - the "make or buy", i.e. remain seized of the establishment of a network of firm salons or more commonly use the services of dealers, agents and commissioners. A serious problem is the constant increasing competition from not only domestic, but also large foreign companies, which are increasingly part of their furniture production and distribution network was transferred to SKR (for example, "Shatura" - Russia). As experts note, wooden furniture will always be in demand: it is beautiful, natural and offers a wide assortment of designs for any interior style. In addition, using various materials (particleboard, fibreboard, chipboard, plates of dry fibber), it can be reduced the cost of production, attracting buyers with different financial capabilities. However, almost all raw materials and semifinished products to local producers have to buy abroad because domestic wood industry, despite the availability of raw materials, are not able to provide high quality products. If the need of the furniture industry in the chipboard and fibreboard can still be satisfied by domestic production, it is more modern materials (plates of dry fibber and even wood panels), about 85% are purchased abroad [1]. 70

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 65-76

Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

Currently, in the demand for wood furniture products has leading position the medium and low price range (and corresponding quality), which occupies more than 75% of the market. If before the basis of demand was classical furniture with simple geometric proportions and mainly dark colours, but now the consumer craves bright individuality and exclusivity in the interior environment. Overall, wholesale sales of household furniture for the years 2009-2013 of the city administration and districts of the region is shown in table 3 (KZT). Analysis of the data table shows that during the period from 2010 to 2014 the volume of wholesale trade of household furniture for city administration and districts of the region rose by 34.6%. In this segment, the leader is Shymkent, which accounts for 98.9% of total sales of household furniture. Second place takes Turkestan – 1.1%. 0.1% is accounted for by Kazygurt, Ordabasy, Sozak region, area or other areas do not produce household furniture or no data on them. Table 3 - The volume of wholesale trade of household furniture for city administration and districts of the region for 2010-2014, thousand (KZT) Cities and districts 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 In region 972 133 1 416 298 1 909 267 Shymkent 972133 1321 099 1 760 164 Aris 6 802 Kentau 680 Turkistan 38880 Baidibek Kazygurt 11793 Makhtaral Ordabasy Otyrar Sairam 40 019 128934 Saryagash Sozak 16 300 Tolebi Tyulkubas Shardara 894 Note: Data of the Statistics of SKR, 2015.

1 558 531 1 480 271 24199 4 553 825 31 080 866 36 -

2 809 049 2 773 218 32193 188 3355 95 -

Office furniture has a second position after household furniture of the total sales of SKR and, accordingly, the development of direction considered perspective enough. Despite decrease in sales volumes by the reasons of crisis in the economy, in theory the market of office furniture can serve as a kind of indicator of economic development, which in detail reflects the modern trends of large and small companies, which are the main consumers of this segment. The operational furniture has a highest demand in the segment of office furniture. It composed half of total sales. Approximately 15% is office furniturefor the managers. In equal parts are in demand these kinds of furniture: furniture for bargaining (10%), furniture for reception (10%) and office partitions (10%) [1]. Wholesale sales of office furniture fell sharply in 2014 compared with 2010. The reason for this reduction is that many organizations before the financial crisis actively update its Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 65-76


Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

furniture, as we have said update period is on average 4-5 years. The second reason is due to the crisis, the deteriorating economic situation; a number of companies went bankrupt or became in every way economizetheir costs, including those on the furniture. With increasing competition in the furniture market SKO new players to enter the market requires large enough investment. Payback period of average production in 2-3 years. It considered a good indicator. The only chance to get a quick profit - offer consumers a fundamentally new product that was not on the market early. The second option is a small production of ordered furniture that is not preferable for the grand enterprises. A problem in the production of soft furniture in SKR today is the almost complete lack of professional designers who can come up with and implement new ideas and new forms. Recently, in a fashion minimalism and high-tech - emphasized simple furnishings without any external frills become a very common attribute of both office and residential premises. These models designed and easy going, even artisanal producers. Some fundamental innovations, such as new models of mechanisms in the market for a long time does not appear. Companies often borrow ideas from each other. The study of foreign experience shows that in countries where the development of the furniture industry, there are quite large enterprise companies, equipped with modern technology with high productivity. Due to economies of scale, they are able to produce goods more cheaply than our Kazakh furniture makers are. In Turkey, China, South Korea and some other countries, there are special industrial zones, which with the help of the state and industry associations has created favourable conditions for the development of enterprises for the production of furniture. In Kazakhstan, under the state industrial and innovation policy in order to develop the manufacturing sector, in our view, the state is as necessary to create conditions for the formation of large holdings in companies for the production of furniture. It is also necessary to create a special industrial zone, which will develop clusters of furniture. In Kazakhstan the potential for the development of the furniture cluster has regions of East Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Almaty regions. However, in our opinion, in the SKR as it is possible to create a furniture cluster. The absence of forests in the SKR (in contrast to the above-mentioned regions) will not hinder the development of the cluster. In the context of the SKR great importance the development of related cooperative ties with the chemical industry, metal processing, glass production, light industry, and others. The analysis showed that the factors determining the economic growth of enterprises operating in the furniture market are the presence of investment in research, development, manufacture, marketing resources, and development of integration ties. The complexity of the (complex) productionlatitude also of assortment are essential for economic growth. Great importance is such a factor as the experience, the degree of development of production. In SKR not yet created the conditions for the formation of cluster development. Companies furniture industry region are not yet ready to form strategic alliances. The strategy of development based on the desire to capture a bigger share of the market, the division of spheres of influence. However, the relationship with suppliers of raw materials and other materials characterized by already high level of contractual relations based on a high level of confidence. In our opinion, it is already common cluster initiatives could be joint projects, market research, and product. A distinctive feature of the regional market of SKR is its clear segmentation in areas that do not allow push together the major players that have the ability to communicate and share experiences. For relatively free niche in the regional furniture, market include production of children's and office furniture and furniture accessories. The peculiarity of the furniture market area is the presence of companies that do not have their own production, and 72

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Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

work on trading orders. Specificity of the furniture market of SKR for the creation large enterprises is a relatively high cost of entering to the market. The main components of a successful business is a significant investment, expensive equipment, and most importantly - skilled personnel. As well as sufficiently difficult is the opening of offices in other regions; it requires large investments of capital, large areas, the cost of transportation. Not low costs needed to purchase and delivery of hardware. The transport component in delivery of materials and semi-finished product is still cheaper than importing finished furniture. Sometimes, cheaper the raw materials bring by truck and make the furniture than to import finished furniture. Therefore, at the initial stage it assumed that the company would be mainly engaged in assembling furniture. A key factor for economic benefit and competitive advantage is to optimize the costs of producers at least 20% by renting space at a rate below the market, carry out joint advertising campaigns, the concentration of production, office and trade in one place. Formation of specialized clusters, including management companies, wholesale and service regional warehouses operating in a single economic and technological scheme with the manufacturers of lumber, container boards, veneer, planed products, mouldings, glued structures will stimulate the creation of enterprises for the primary processing and deeper timber. This will allow reorient economic growth based on the growth of products with high benefit, reduction of import dependence, the emergence of woodworking. In the context of increased competition, the company used a variety of strategies to strengthen its competitive position. The main competitive strategy becomes a strategy of product differentiation based on different methods: the expansion of services, manufacture products on individual projects, ranging from colouring and finishing dimensions, the development of new collections, processing models, which allows to respond quickly to market needs, fast and free shipping, free design project, the restoration works. Create a furniture cluster in the South Kazakhstan region has certain risks and, above all, will depend on the development of the housing market, changes in demand, production of raw materials, the dynamics and structure of imports, the development of other related industries. In addition, there are a number of factors that are difficult, and in some cases, it is impossible to quantify. This is primarily institutional factors. In many ways, the economic growth in the furniture industry would be determined by progress in the implementation of national projects in the whole country, and in some regions. We have developed a model structure of the furniture industry cluster in SKR that can serve as the basis for determining the directions of development of inter-sectoral linkages of enterprises in this sector (Fig. 4).

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 65-76


Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

Fig. 4. Organizational and structural model of the furniture cluster in SKR Furniture cluster expedient taken outside the city limits in the range of 5-10 kilometres and build on it production and industrial zone, which will host the cluster, for example. It is advisable to place a cluster of "High-Tech Park," it is up to 3 large companies with expensive imported equipment. One company, as we have noted, was built and put into operation. Furniture should be a very wide range, and 2-3 large companies cannot offer the market all the different models. That is why necessary a large number of enterprises that will make their design projects and implement them in production. If necessary to attract foreign designers. Specialized enterprises should become the most important factor in the development of the furniture cluster of SKR. Small businesses can be specialized in the supply of materials, the production of furniture components and facades, mirrors and glass processing, synthetic 74

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Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

veneer, foam rubber, countertops and window sills, edging materials with applied adhesives. Medium-sized companies will be specialized in the production of plate materials: building and laminated particleboard and fibreboard, construction and cement-shaving plate (DSP and GSP), plates of dry fibber (MDF), plywood, manufacturing cabinet, office furniture and etc. In addition to the home and office furniture enterprise will also produce metal hangers, waste baskets and a number of other related auxiliary furniture accessories. It is necessary to develop the related production. The SKR forest, of course, does not grow; the wood has to be imported from other regions of Kazakhstan and Russia. But to build the company for the production of plastics and their products, we believe it is possible. To manage the furniture industry from the point of Government view is almost impossible. It is diversified. There are so many diverse businesses, which employ a large number of people. The Government's role will be to create certain conditions and to help to develop it. Government’s aid may be, for example, in the allocation of land for production and industrial zone where production facilities will be built to provide entrepreneurs with preferential terms. The premises must be equipped with communication, storage, access roads. Besides production buildings it is necessary to construct a building for retail and office space. For furniture manufacturers by Government should provide interest-free long-term loans and tax incentives, there should be introduced mechanisms of outsourcing and consulting services, information support should be provided and regulatory support should be implemented. The best form of investment in the furniture industry should be a system of public procurement. Along with the approval of the architectural appearance of the new buildings at the same time it is necessary to hold a competition for their furnishing for the best design project. Improvement of the efficiency of the furniture cluster will contribute to the adoption of a regional program to provide, schools and medical establishments with furniture. In SKR, as in the all over Kazakhstan, there are serious problems, one of which is the lack of a specialized institution for the staff training for industry needs. This problem can be solved by creating of secondary institutions, with a wide range of specialties for the furniture market. Profiling Specialities on which training will be carried out, is "Master of carpenter and furniture production." The educational institution will produce not only specialists in the production of furniture, but experts on its sale, advertising, designers, managers, economists, accountants, etc. At M.Auezov’ South Kazakhstan State University at the Department of "Architecture and Design", it is possible to open a specialty "Technology of Wood Processing." Experience of the development of furniture clusters in developed countries shows that preferably to create public non-profit the organization that will represent the interests of manufacturers of furniture field, will organize business training with the assistance of the best foreign specialists, will create a single electronic and printed catalog of furniture manufacturers, will hold exhibitions. As one of the points of growth of small and mediumsized businesses it can be considered to create a business incubator [3]. Furniture production is actively developed in SKR, which is represented mainly by small enterprises. To create a furniture cluster it must be admitted the furniture industry as one of the most promising sectors of the economy of the South-Kazakhstan region that needs the support of the Government. The development of the furniture industry cluster in SKR will contribute to the development of many conjugated industries, replacement of imports of domestic production, for example, upholstery fabrics, accessories. Creating of the cluster - an objective process, but Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 65-76


Niyazbekova R., Ilasheva S., Polezhaeva I., Kalmanova N., Bekmanova G. Development of the Furniture Cluster in South Kazakhstan Region

regional industrial policy has a great importance. Also, its development will depend largely on the actions of local authorities to support regional producer, and the companies themselves, understanding market trends and developing perspective directions of production and sales of their own products. Thus, in the SKR have favorable conditions for the effective development of the furniture market. The offered model of the furniture of the cluster will allow the SKR furniture manufacturers to purchase, with the help of the state, production facilities, equipped with modern production lines, set up production of higher quality and competitive furniture, cut their costs and improve productivity. REFERENCES 1 A strategic Plan of Kazakhstan development till 2020 Available at: http://akorda.kz/ru 2 Socio-economic development of the South-Kazakhstan Region / Statistical collected book Statistical collected book, 2015 - 131p. Edited by: Abildabekova A. - Shymkent, 2015 3 On the state and prospects of development of the furniture and woodworking industry of Kazakhstan / According to the materials of the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 65-76

Beisenova M., Alzhanova А., Dosmuratova E., Polezhaeva I. Economic Effect of Development of Electricity Trade Between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

ECONOMIC EFFECT OF DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRICITY TRADE BETWEEN KAZAKHSTAN AND KYRGYZSTAN Beisenova M., Alzhanova А., Dosmuratova E., Polezhaeva I. M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT In this article the authors tried to make an analysis of economic effect from the electricity trade between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan and gave many indicators to prove it. It is impossible to estimate completely costs of the un-cooperation although they are apparently very great. The single source development of states needs to be considered from the point of view of limited natural mineral resources, scientific-and-technical, technological and economic capabilities, etc. Processes of slow harmonization of interests of Central Asian countries are caused by weakness of communications traffic infrastructure, economic potential, keeping political and social instability, and foreign policy course. So when increasing prices for oil, coal, natural gas, railway transit rate and reduction of fuel supply from Kazakhstan, the mode of the Toktogulsky reservoir was transferred on the power regime to increase electric power generation for internal consumption and its export. And at disintegration of uniform power economy and violations of annually developed schedules-forecasts of reservoir operation the negative consequences became to be manifested in southern regions of Kazakhstan: high water content and inflow to the Shardara reservoir in the winter time, flooding of population centers and production objects, forced idle discharges into the Arnasay flat located in Uzbekistan’s territory and lack aquatic of water resources to the vegetation beginning. Keywords: Hydro power resources, electricity consumption, power generation, water supply, the integrated power system, the electric power. INTRODUCTION The world practice and experience of countries’ development testifies that the state regulation leads to effective implementation of the regional policy. The electricity trade in regions of Kazakhstan is focused on improvement of production quality, introduction of high technologies, change of directions of energy use and their sources of financing. Value and formation of the regional energy policy is caused by a variety of reasons: - deployment of the energy system in regions doesn’t have enough means; - features influencing on energy processes are inherent for each region. For these reasons the role of local authorities for energy effective use put in regions sharply increases. Therefore electricity consumption in Kazakhstan becomes possible on reduced prices, an effect appears at the expense of increase in cheap electric power import and decrease in internal generation which is reflected as in the consumer, and an ecological situation in both states that leads to mutual increase of the welfare based on ecology-economic efficiency of Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 77-82


Beisenova M., Alzhanova А., Dosmuratova E., Polezhaeva I. Economic Effect of Development of Electricity Trade Between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

the regional cooperation due to use of effects of production specialization and cooperation of the States – trade parties [1]. One of main holding brakes in development of regional electric power trade is distinction of price levels for the electric power and energy carriers for a domestic and foreign market in the countries of the region though it should be noted that such situation isn't a feature of the region and it often occurs in the world practice. An effect from seasonal purchase of the electric power will consist in that its generation at Kyrgyzstan’s hydroelectric power station is cheaper, than the same volume generated at combined heat and power plant of Kazakhstan [2]. MATERIALS AND METHODS The research of domestic and foreign scientists, data of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan statistically formed a theoretical basis of research, the Program of the forced industrial innovative development of Kazakhstan for 2010-2020.The following methods of research were used: traditional content analysis of documents, statistical methods of data analysis. Kyrgyzstan takes the third place in a rating of countries of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in hydro power potential, conceding only to Russia and Tajikistan. At the same time Kyrgyzstan is the most energy-dependent country, using only 10% of available hydro resources (Table 1). Table 1 - Hydro power resources of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan [3] Hydro power resources (potential, billion kWh / year) Gross1 Technical2 Economic3 Developed4 Country Share Share in Share in Share in Total in CIS Total Total Total CIS(%) CIS (%) CIS (%) (%) Kazakhstan 170 4.18 30 1.37 23.5 1.83 9 3.9 Kyrgyzstan 249 6.1 99 4.5 55 4.27 14 6.1 Our research requires the value of the developed hydropower potential, i.e. hydro power actually used whereas the other ones represent potential stocks. The development of electrical power engineering of Kyrgyzstan was accompanied in recent years by increase a share of the electric power generated by hydroelectric power stations up to 94.5% (in 2011) and decrease in a share of the electric power generated by thermal power plants (Fig. 1).For 20yearsthe electricity consumption increased by 44% due to decrease in consumption of gas by 14.5%, coal by 10% and fuel oil by 7.4%. Thus, the load on electrical power engineering significantly increased. Daily electricity consumption in summer time makes 22 million kWh while in winter time it increases more than by 3 times and makes approximately 71 million kWh. Thus the main load falling on hydroelectric power station is considerably reduced during the summer period that is also accompanied with problems [4]. In our case the Toktogulsky reservoir is of special interest. Initially its construction was designated for water collecting and supply to Central Asian (CA) countries and for power generation for internal consumption, i.e. the energetic-irrigational mode was supported.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 77-82

Beisenova M., Alzhanova А., Dosmuratova E., Polezhaeva I. Economic Effect of Development of Electricity Trade Between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

So in the Soviet period the regional model of interchange by the electric power and energy resources taking into account advantages of collaboration within the integrated power system (IPS) acted as it was planned in the project.

Fig. 1. Electric power generation on electric power system of Kyrgyzstan, one million kWh

Fig. 2. Seasonal nature of demand for the electric power, heat power and water In 90th years the model of barter interchanges in electric power and energy resources acted. In legal relations the signing of annual agreements on water supply by Kyrgyzstan and the advancing compensated supply of fuel by Kazakhstan and gas by Uzbekistan with obligatory purchases of electric power of the Naryn cascade became a basis of interstate cooperation of the Syr-Darya basin countries. The mechanism of the intergovernmental agreement conclusion is very difficult and long since it has to take into account various factors in relations not only between economic entities, but also between states. But this scheme didn't solve the problem as the practice showed [5]. As representatives of the program for improvement of natural resources’ management in CA report, traditional consumers of the electric power in neighboring countries pay bills reluctantly for the electric power, in addition there is no appropriate structure of prices. The problem is aggravated with a lack of the electric power for internal application in Kyrgyzstan [6]. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Introduction of market mechanisms in electricity trade and mainly in energy resources trade led to violation of the operating models. The models of the electrical power market Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 77-82


Beisenova M., Alzhanova А., Dosmuratova E., Polezhaeva I. Economic Effect of Development of Electricity Trade Between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

offered by various international organizations and institutions didn't take into account the main feature of IPS of CA action – close interrelation of the power and water modes. So for example, it would be favorable to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to import hydro power from the existing hydroelectric power stations in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in summertime. Uzbekistan and partly Kazakhstan could export heat power in winter, and also to become the transit countries and third-party suppliers in electric power trade. Thereat in recent years Kazakhstan which was earlier importing the electric power became the exportoriented country. However to use a difference in limit costs of production between the countries and a seasonal difference, much higher level of transparency of a power complex for each country is required. So growth of electric power trade inside the region could give considerable benefits. The CA countries satisfy internal demand at lower price, than if they relied only on use of internal resources. According to the graph (Fig. 3) it is possible to explain an effect from creation of electric power trade the between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. One of main holding brakes in development of regional electric power trade is distinction of price levels for the electric power and energy carriers for a domestic and foreign market in the countries of the region though it should be noted that such situation isn't a feature of the region and it often occurs in the world practice. In this case an effect from seasonal purchase of the electric power will consist in that its generation at Kyrgyzstan’s hydroelectric power station is cheaper, than the same volume generated at combined heat and power plant of Kazakhstan, at that possibilities of the last one are sufficient. Let's assume that Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan decided to develop electric power trade. As a result of trade creation Kazakhstan will reduce power generation volumes by 50% due to import at lower prices, internal consumption will make: due to internal production – 4.45 billion kWh and import of 9 billion kWh. The net profit from creation of trade development is limited by the sum of effect of protection and effect of consumption ((8,9 - 4,45) x 5,12) x ½ + ((13,45 - 9) x 5,12) x ½ = 22,784 tenge against an income effect in (9 - 8,9) x 5,12 = 0,512 tenge without trade development [7].


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 77-82

Beisenova M., Alzhanova А., Dosmuratova E., Polezhaeva I. Economic Effect of Development of Electricity Trade Between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

Q – electricity generation, one billion kWh; P – price, tenge; E –electricity generation and consumption in Kazakhstan; Dd – a straight line of domestic demand in Kazakhstan; Sd – a straight line of the internal offer in Kazakhstan; Pd – the price of the electric power for Kazakhstan in a case of refusal from the trade; S1 – a curve of the cumulative internal and external offer on the price of 6,12 tenge; S2 – a curve of the cumulative offer of the electric power by Kyrgyzstan to Kazakhstan at the price of 11.24 tenge; L – a difference in prices for electricity in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan; K, M – trade creation; a, b, c, d, e, f, g – effects from consumption Fig. 3. Effect of creation of electric power trade as a result of integration of Central Asian countries Kazakhstan in 2013 bought the electric power in Kyrgyzstan on 4 cents, or, if $1 = 153 tenge, $0.04 or 6,12 tenge for 1 kW • h. [5,6]. We will note, in 2012 and 2011 the export price of 1 kW • h of the electric power was 2.8 cents, in 2010 – 3.4 cents. In Kazakhstan the realization price of 1 kW of the electric power in 2013 was 11.24 tenge (for the population, for legal entities the tariff for the electric power is even higher) [7], but because of annual emergency situations on the Syrdarya river, a tariff for the electric power, including costs for elimination of negative consequences, actually increases to Pd, and in a point E at the price of Pd the line of domestic demand and the offer are crossed [8]. The internal consumption covered due to internal production and import makes 8,9 + 0,1 = 9 billion kWh (Q0Q3 = Q0Q2 + Q2Q4). In 2013 the governments of two countries agreed about the export to Kazakhstan of 500 million kW • h of the electric power, but Kyrgyzstan Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 77-82


Beisenova M., Alzhanova А., Dosmuratova E., Polezhaeva I. Economic Effect of Development of Electricity Trade Between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

was ready to consider a question to increase the export of the electric power to 1 billion kW • h [9]. Capability of trade creation forms domestic market of Kazakhstan. By our calculations as a result of trade implementation the net profit of trade development is limited with effects of protection b and consumption d which exceed in the sum an income effect of Kazakhstan in a case of refusal from the trade. Growth of consumption is based on that as a result of cooperation Q3Q4 billion kWh began to be imported at reduced price of 6,12 tenge. CONCLUSION It is impossible to estimate completely costs of the un-cooperation although they are apparently very great. The single source development of states needs to be considered from the point of view of limited natural mineral resources, scientific-and-technical, technological and economic capabilities, etc. Processes of slow harmonization of interests of Central Asian countries are caused by weakness of communications traffic infrastructure, economic potential, keeping political and social instability, and foreign policy course [10]. Thus at the present stage there is a need of creation of cooperation market bases in addition to establishment of the contract relations between trans-border states. REFERENCES 1 Current trends in improvement of water resource management in the states – participants of the CIS. – Almaty, 2013. – 52p. 2 Almakunova R. Energetika Kyrgyzstana: WHO is guilty and WHAT to do? KNIA "Kabar", http://www .kabar.kg/rus/kabar/full/28546 3 http://www.gov.kg/the Statistical data characterizing the modern provision of a power supply system of Kyrgyzstan 4 Questions of regional cooperation in OES TsA at the Meeting of Coordinating committee of the energy sector of TsARES. Almaty, 2009. 5 Electric power cost for Kazakhstan grew by 1,5 times. Available at: http://www.vb.kg/237220. 6 Kazfin - currency rates. Available at: http://kazfin.info 7 Electric power cost for the population of Kazakhstan in 2013. Available at: http://newtariffs.ru Tariffs 8 Kireev A. International economy. In 2 h. – H. I. International microeconomics: movement of goods and factors of production. Manual for higher education institutions. – Moscow.: International relations, 2002. – 416 p. 9 Kyrgyzstan will monthly pay $20 million for import of the electric power from Kazakhstan. Shymkent, KP, on December 4, 2014. 10 Isingarin N. Water is life, and life is a friendship//BM. – 2001. - No. 5. – pp. 7.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 77-82

Kharchenko V., Daus Yu. The Analysis of Challenges to Integration of Distributed Generation Systems

THE ANALYSIS OF CHALLENGES TO INTEGRATION OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION SYSTEMS Kharchenko V.1, Daus Yu.2 Federal State Budgetary Scientific and Research Institution «All-Russian Research Institute for Electrification of Agriculture», Moscow, Russia. 2 Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of High Education "Don State Agrarian University", Zernograd, Russia. 1

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT The conducted analysis of published in the open access materials on distributed generation integration revealed the challenges that the designer faces during the forming the structure and selecting the parameters of micropower systems. They are high capital investment in renewable energy, low interest of supplying organizations, technical and economic obstacles to distributed generation sources’ connection to electric grids. The equipment market for the solar energy conversion offers a great number of photovoltaic panels with capacity ranging from 10 to 320 W with different efficiency factors. To assess the possible electricity production by solar generation unit in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation there must be taken into account the solar energy potential of the area and the technological development level of solar energy conversion. Applying panels of different parameters results that the area occupied by solar panels ranges from tens to thousands of square meters. Considering that the specific panel cost is from 150 to 540 $/m2, unambiguous solutions for choosing the most effective variant do not exist. However, it is possible to enhance the microgrids’ functioning only by integration into the designing practice of the complex approach that addresses the tasks of design, selection of electrical energy source capacity and location. Herewith an essential value has the application of methods for accurate assessment of the technical and economic renewable energy potential for the specific location of the generating equipment. Keywords: distributed generation, micropower network, the cost of electricity. INTRODUCTION Connection of distributed electrical installations based on renewable energy conversion to the electricity network as an additional electricity source in the proximity to consumers was called micropower network [1 - 3]. The application of such power supply systems allows extensive use of local fuel-free energy sources, reduces environmental pollution and operating costs. However, in microgrid there change such technical and economic parameters of the network as losses, electricity cost, voltage level and reliability. Thus to design an efficient microgrid it is necessary to solve a number of problems that are justification of the generation source parameters search of connection location to the network, technical implementation of network connection, the economic substantiation of its parameters.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 83-88


Kharchenko V., Daus Yu. The Analysis of Challenges to Integration of Distributed Generation Systems

Parameters of generating installation based on renewable energy conversion depend on the selection of voltage level, consumers’ capacity and the primary energy source potential of the region considering the technical, social, environmental and other restrictions. At the same time there can be used both energy storage devices and the available spare capacity of Unified Energy System to compensate the variable nature of the solar or wind energy. The parameters of the generating installation depend on the voltage level, consumers’ capacity, the value of primary energy source potential of the region, technical restrictions. Depending on the electric power source capacity, its connection to power system is possible on three levels: to the substations of 110 kV and above; to distribution networks of 6 ... 35 kV; low voltage networks [3]. However, currently small power microgrids at a voltage of 0.4 kV are the most widely used. Possible structural scheme of microgrid is presented at Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Possible structure of microgrid scheme One of the main scientific directions in the field of optimum microgrids structure formation is selection of the capacity and location of the distributed generation sources [1]. To solve the problem there are applied various mathematical and optimization models: traditional, based on the methods of non-linear, quadratic programming, heuristic score algorithms, models that imitate the evolution processes. The developed algorithms allow taking into account the reduction of electric power losses, improvement of voltage indicators, increase of the electricity supply reliability, as well as changes in economic indicators. In designing microgrids selection of source location is mostly carried out in two ways: the 84

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Kharchenko V., Daus Yu. The Analysis of Challenges to Integration of Distributed Generation Systems

selection of the optimal connection point of the specified capacity source and the determination of the most efficient capacity of the source connected to a specified network point [4]. However, it is necessary to be aware that when distributed generation source is connected to power grid network itself also becomes not optimal and needs to modernize its structure and parameters. Reconstruction of the network will provide a further reduction of electricity losses and, consequently, the cost of electricity transfer [4] thus it will provide economic incentives in the long term. The issue of electrical network reconfiguration considering distributed generation sources should be the basis for the development of automated design and management systems of microgrids. The task of establishment and technical implementation of renewable energy electrical installations connection as part of microgrid is now quite resolved. Connection to any system is performed using the modules and complete devices. Standard parameters of the electrical energy are often obtained by built-in power electronics. [3] In designing, modernization, operation of the microgrids it is necessary to choose the most economically viable option. In design practice in the energy sector as criteria for assessing the cost-effectiveness there are generally accepted annual costs, but in modern market economy conditions approaches based on their application are insufficient. According to [5] as a criteria for selecting an option there can be used a maximum economic effect. On its basis, a system of indicators and criteria of economic capital investments efficiency was created. One of the basic indicators of capital investments efficiency is the sum of discounted net cash flows for the accounting period, which is called integral discounted net profit. To assess the calculations results reliability there is used such additional parameter as internal rate of return. As an extra indicator, the period of capital return and the profitability of income are also recommended to be used. [6, 7] All of the above indicators include the following quantities [4]: capital investments; operating costs; depreciation deductions; costs to cover electricity losses; income tax; value added tax; payment of interest on the loan; revenues from the electricity transportation; revenues from sales of electricity from renewable energy sources. In addition, the requirements to determining the capital investments economic efficiency in the power systems also recommend to consider a possible reduction in power supply reliability and electric energy quality, technical, environmental and social factors. To ensure electricity generation expediency and consider fully the impact of other factors on the economic efficiency its general indicators should be considered comprehensively. The indicator that allows doing this can be the electricity cost, which is the principle economic efficiency indicator of any power system [8]. If accept limitation of its value as the criterion this can be the basis for selection of its management mode, provide costeffective electric energy production considering peculiarities of generation and consumption modes [9, 10]. Selection of limitation requires analysis of existing tariffs for electric energy. The purpose of the proposed research is to assess the possible capacity of electric power generation by solar generation unit in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation taking into account the solar energy potential of the area and the of technological development level of solar energy conversion MATERIALS AND METHODS Specific forecasted generation electrical energy is determined according to the formula:

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Kharchenko V., Daus Yu. The Analysis of Challenges to Integration of Distributed Generation Systems

w  Rsum 

p ph 1000

 ph


where Rsum is the value of total solar radiation that is determined by calculating the hourly sum of each insolation component by the method proposed in [7]. The angle of the receiving surface is assumed as recommended in [11] equal to the latitude of the placement point with orientation to the south; Pph ,  ph are rated power (W) and efficiency factor (relative units) of solar photovoltaic panels. At the equipment market for solar electric installations there are presented photovoltaic panels ranging from 10 to 320 watts with an uneven pitch. As the constituent elements there was considered the application of photovoltaic panels of such manufacturers as Solarland (China), Astroenergy (Taiwan), LG (Korea), RZMP, FSM (Russian Federation). [12 -16] RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig.2 shows the calculated dependence of the specific electric power generation by photovoltaic panels on their power for such large cities of the Southern Federal District as Astrakhan and Rostov-on-Don.

Fig. 2. Dependence of the specific electric power generation by photovoltaic panels on their capacity In the area of photovoltaic panels rated power of 10 - 180 Watts there is observed a linearly increasing dependence, due to the fact that in this section contains photovoltaic panels of predominantly one manufacturer (Solarland), with efficiency factor of 16%. It should be noted that photovoltaic panels of the same range of the Russian manufacturers have the same efficiency. For photovoltaic panels with capacity of more than 200 W a linear dependence is 86

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Kharchenko V., Daus Yu. The Analysis of Challenges to Integration of Distributed Generation Systems

not clear, as there range is represented by a large number of photovoltaic panels of different companies. There were calculated without regard to the consumption and the generation modes the required number photovoltaic panels Nph of different power Pph, land area occupied by them Sgeo, as well as power generation Wgen, if power consumption is 4 thousand kW·h/year. The calculation results are presented in Table 1. As it is seen at Table 1, the area occupied by photovoltaic panels ranges from tens to thousands of square meters. Considering that the specific panel cost is from 150 to 540 $/m2, unambiguous solutions for choosing the most effective variant do not exist. Table 1 - Dependence of the specific photovoltaic panels electric power generation on their capacity Sgeo, Wgen, Pph, Sgeo, Wgen, Pph, W Nph Nph м2 kW·h/year W м2 kW·h/year 10 15068 1172.5 4000 190 66 59.8 4031 20 3947 586.3 4001 200 72 65.2 4031 30 1974 391.0 4002 240 47 53.5 4082 45 1024 260.8 4004 250 46 54.7 4080 48 1047 244.4 4003 260 40 46.4 4065 50 850 234.5 4000 270 38 44.1 4010 60 614 195.5 4001 280 34 40.4 4029 70 409 167.8 4008 285 33 39.2 4052 80 399 146.8 4006 300 30 34.8 4074 85 275 138.1 4005 310 28 38.4 4027 100 244 117.4 4004 315 26 36.2 4081 140 119 84.2 4021 320 27 37.1 4045 180 63 65.5 4023 CONCLUSION The conducted analysis of published in the open access materials revealed that the main challenges to the widespread integration of micro power networks are high capital investment in renewable energy, low interest of supplying organizations because of reducing the volume of transmitted electricity, technical and economic obstacles to distributed generation sources connection to the electric grids. It is possible to enhance the microgrids functioning by integration into the designing practice of the complex approach that addresses the tasks of design, selection of electrical energy source capacity and location. Herewith essential value has the application of methods for accurate assessment of the technical and economic renewable energy potential for the specific location of the generating equipment. REFERENCES 1 P. Dondi, D. Bayomi, C. Haerdi, D. Julian, and M. Suter «Network intergration of distributed power generation», London, United Kingdom, 2002, pp. 1-9. 2 Kharchenko V.V., Adomavichus V.B., Gusarov. V.A. Mikroset' na osnove VIJe kak instrument koncepcii raspredelennoj jenergetiki [Microgrid based on renewable energy sources as a tool of the distributed energy concept]. Al'ternativnaja jenergetika i jekologija – Alternative Energy and Ecology, 2013, no. 02 (119), pp. 80 - 85.

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Kharchenko V., Daus Yu. The Analysis of Challenges to Integration of Distributed Generation Systems

3 Prakhovnik A.V., Popov V.A., Yarmolyuk E.S., Kokorin M.T. Perspektivy i puti razvitija raspredelennoj generacii v Ukraine [Prospects and ways of distributed generation development of in Ukraine]. Energetika: ekonomіka, tehnologії, ekologіja – Energetics: economy, technology, ecology, 2012, no.2, pp. 7-14. 4 Budzko I.A., Suhl N.M. Jelektrosnabzhenie sel'skogo hozjajstva [Power supply of agriculture]. Moscow, Agropromizdat, 1974, 446 p. 5 Popov V.A., Yarmolyuk E.S., Tkachenko V.V., Sahragard S.B. K voprosu racional'noj integracii istochnikov raspredelennoj generacii [On the question of rational integration of distributed generation sources]. Pracі Іnstitutu elektrodinamіki Nacіonal'noї akademії nauk Ukraїni. Zbіrnik naukovih prac' – Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Scientific works, 2011, part 1, pp. 111-121. 6 Astakhov Yu. N., Cheremisin N.M. Ob ocenke naibolee celesoobraznogo reshenija tehniko-jekonomicheskih zadach jelektrosnabzhenija [An estimate of the most appropriate technical and economic tasks solutions of power supply]. Jenergetika – Energy, 1982, no.7, pр. 34 - 40. 7 Padalko L.P. Metody tehniko-jekonomicheskih raschetov v uslovijah rynochnoj jekonomiki [Methods of technical and economic calculations under market economy conditions]. «Jenergetika». Izvestija VUZov – "Energy". Proceedings of the universities, 1993, no.1-2, pp. 118-120. 8 Nikolaev V.G. Nauchno-tehnicheskie i informacionnye vozmozhnosti povyshenija jeffektivnosti i minimizacii zatrat pri proektnyh vetrojenergeticheskih izyskanijah [Scientific technical and information opportunities to improve efficiency and minimize costs in the design wind prospecting]. Malaja energetika – Small Energetics, 2009, no.1-2 (10), pp. 1523. 9 Kachan Yu.G., Bratkovskaya E.A., Dyachenko V.V. O vozmozhnostjah usovershenstvovanija programm jenergosberezhenija v sistemah jelektrosnabzhenija predprijatij [On the possibilities of improving the energy efficiency programs in the power supply systems of enterprises]. Energetika: ekonomіka, tehnologії, ekologіja – Energy: economy, technology, ecology, 2012, no.1 (30). pp. 54-58. 10 Barkov K.V., Yelistratov V.V. On economic potential assessment of the small hydropower of Russia considering the electricity transmission losses. Materialy V Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Netradicionnaja jenergetika ХХI veka» [Proc.5th Int. scientific and practical conference "Alternative Energy of XXI century"]. Moscow, 2004, pp. 84 - 88. (In Russian) 11 Vissarionov, V.I., Derjugina, G.V., Kuznecov, V.A., Malinin, N.K. Solnechnaja jenergetika: ucheb.posobie dlja vuzov [Solar Energy: textbook for universities], Moscow, Izdatelskiy dom MEI, 276 p. 12 Official web site of Astronergy (2015). Available at:http://www.astronergy.com (accessed October 2015). 13 Official web site of Solarland®USA. Solar Technology and Solutions (2015). Available at: www.solarlandusa.com (accessed October 2015). 14 Official web site of LG Solar (2015).Available at: http://www.lg-solar.com (accessed October 2015). 15 Official web site of Ryazan Plant of ceramic-metal devices (2015). Available at: http://www.rmcip.ru (accessed October 2015). 16 Official web site of Free Energy Company (2015). Available at: http://www.solarroof.ru.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 83-88

Vetokhin S., Tulekbayeva A., Sabyrkhanov D. Morphological Approach in Inventive Act and Management



Belarussian State Technological University, Minsk, Belarus M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT History of morphological approach by Fritz Zwicky is considered in brief. The tree methods, which are in the background of the approach, are considered. They are the methods of denial and design, systematic coverage of the knowledge field and, finally, morphological box, which is called sometimes as the box of ideas or possibilities. It is shown the necessity of their simultaneous application to have the most reliable result. A modern version of this technology of analysis and creation named General Morphological Analysis, which is offered by Swedish Morphological Society, is introduced. Some examples of good practice of the approach implementation are given. New abilities of the approach application in decision making are displayed. Brazilian San Paolo authorities used it for the city public traffic development. Thomson Reuters Derwent Innovation Index applied it to collect patent text datasets. A huge potential ability of the morphological approach for inventory is demonstrated. The approach study in universities and within adult education programs in science and engineering is recommended. Key words: Zwicky, morphological box, system, knowledge, problem solving INTRODUCTION There are two main tools in creative perception; they are analysis and synthesis. The first of them is absolutely necessary for knowing the nature of things but the last one is for creation the better world. Invention requires both these tools. First of all it concerns the analysis of a selected issue that can be a physical mean, method or matter. The second step includes criticism of the object and search of its weak points or unsatisfactory properties. Then, it should be defined one or more components, bonds between them, or stages in the process that are responsible for the fond drawback. Finally, the inventor decides what namely should be changed. Just this succession is in the base of morphological approach (MA) or analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Brief history of the method It seems the term “morphology” comes from Greek (morphê) where it means the study of form or structure in modern. The term is in use in linguistics, biology and now in engineering with the same interpretation. J.W. von Goethe (1749-1832) was the first who used morphology as a scientific method and introduced it to denote the principles of formation and transformation of organic bodies

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 89-95


Vetokhin S., Tulekbayeva A., Sabyrkhanov D. Morphological Approach in Inventive Act and Management

[1]. Concentrating on the form and quality, rather than on the function and quantity, this approach produced generalizations about the combinatorial logic of biological structures. During the late 1940s, a generalized form of MA was proposed by Fritz Zwicky who was the Swiss-born astrophysicist and aerospace scientist at California Institute of Technology [2]. That was a method for structuring and investigating the set of bonds and relationships, which present in multi-dimensional problem complexes. F. Zwicky applied it to astrophysics as successful as to construction of power systems [3]. He also founded the Society for Morphological Research and permanently advanced the "morphological approach" until his death in 1974 [4]. Probably, the approach could be effective in re-engineering processes in industry [5]. More recently, MA has been applied by a number of researchers in the USA and Europe in the field of policy analysis and future studies [6, 7]. Nowadays, the most intensive development of MA runs due to the investigations by Swedish Morphological Society (http://www.swemorph.com). The Society offered General Morphological Analysis (GMA) as a computer-aided method for structuring and analyzing the total set of relationships contained in multi-dimensional, non-quantifiable, problem complexes. It can be used for modeling complex policy and planning issues, developing scenario and strategy laboratories, and analyzing organizational and stakeholder structures. The methodology of MA In fact, the Zwicky’s MA includes three methods that should be used consistently to be most effective. They are the methods of denial and design, systematic coverage of the knowledge field and, finally, morphological box, which is called sometimes as the box of ideas or possibilities. Let’s run through them. The method of negation and construction. The method is based on the principle: "Any statement formulated in the final and full definition of the term, can’t be the absolutely true." In other words, any rule, any law, any condition is the matter of doubt, because they have a limited scope. This principle is confirmed by the whole history of science. Even its basic postulates, which profess to be an absolute true pass in a due course into private statements a particular area, giving way to the next "general" law. It was with Newtonian mechanics before the theory of relativity, with the classic laws of black-body radiation that were explained by quantum mechanics, or with the indivisibility of an atom till the discovery of radioactivity, and so on. As the first step of the method it requires to identify and to list the attributes of the object (natural, technical or social system, any object of any nature and elemental composition, real or imagined), its characteristics, properties or other features that are essential for the performance of its main useful function, which are necessary to reach the goal of the object as a system. The next step is to examine critically the role and opportunities of the identified attribute, relationships between elements of the system. The traditional and conventional ones should be under the most suspicious in the sense of their optimization especially. In general, just disclosures need to be corrected. At some point doubts become well founded, at least at the level of intuition that makes it possible to move to the final stage, which is construction of a modified object which attributes are replaced with new components and their relations which bring the better characteristics. Some parts of the object could be leaved the former ones. If the result is unsatisfactory, one needs to continue the review of the system to obtain an opportunity of the next replacement. The method of systematic coverage of the knowledge field. The method of negation and construction is oriented mainly for creation of new technical objects. That means it is focused on inventor’s activity. The method of systematic coverage of the field is a method of science 90

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 89-95

Vetokhin S., Tulekbayeva A., Sabyrkhanov D. Morphological Approach in Inventive Act and Management

and research that could be applied for inventory to create principally new products and technology, which don’t have a prototype, mainly. But it starts with the same steps as the previous method did. The morphological box. This is the final stage in Zwicky’s morphological approach [2]. Briefly, to build the box it’s necessary to decompose an analyzed system into its functional subsystems; then, one generates alternatives that achieve each subsystem’s function using, for example, brainstorming; finally, the separate alternatives should be combined in new ways, subsection by subsection. Some of the combinations are uninteresting, some are infeasible, but, through an imagination and luck, some occur to be both interesting and feasible enough to be considered for further practical application. According to John Gibson [8], the box should be constructed by a special team, and there are several points of practice: a) The subsectors should be completed – that is, taken together, they should define the complete system. b) The subsectors should express functions but not technologies. c) The team should brainstorm alternatives for each subsector separately to avoid prefiguring final combinations. d) When considering the combinations of subsector alternatives, the team should not dismiss unlikely out of hand but should seek to make even the unusual combinations work. The created box could be a multidimensional construction that requires more imagination or multicolumn tables that are simpler to build but don’t show a volume cell in the box that is dissipated through the flat cells of the table columns. Obviously, the Gibson’s approach includes all three Zwicky’s methods. Indeed, “d” requires unusual combination that meets the method of negation and construction. The same time, “a” corresponds to the method of systematic coverage of the knowledge field. There is an innovative “b” that introduces functions instead of components. The last one could be important for the future development of the morphological approach cutting the number of subsectors because the amount of functions or technologies is less then components that are available to realize the technological idea. F. Zwicky in his multiple patents used MA successfully. For example, in his US patent on jet propulsion motors [9] the optimization of fuel and its injection were investigated and claimed. The morphological idea was in combination of factors that affected the motor. This resulted in a new fuel mix and oxygen-adding regime. Similarly, F. Zwicky solved the problem of insufficient fuel combustion in jet motors through investigations of the combustion process. He found the partial degradation of fuel and offered to inject water simultaneously with a propellant [10]. May be, nowadays inventors of water injection in automobile combustion motors are just his followings. MA could be a preliminary stage in TRIZ (Theory of invention tasks decision) methods that are now in common use across the word, for example, at Siemens [11]. In fact, the lists of physical effects and techniques in TRIZ are the same in Zwicki’s box but stated in advance and introduced into TRIZ algorithm. Likewise, the triggers’ list in synectics [12] is a morphological box of mind switching technique. Using the MA box is considered as an important instrument for new products design [13]. Actually, the box is offered to construct after requirement for a new product definition and patent search. It is outlined to put into the box functions but not technical components to get a good decision.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 89-95


Vetokhin S., Tulekbayeva A., Sabyrkhanov D. Morphological Approach in Inventive Act and Management

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sometimes, MA becomes a provocation for further developers and inventors. Such a situation appeared across the discussion of the problem of toner removing from a paper surface to avoid it recycling. Thomas A. M. Counsell1, Julian M. Allwood analyzed [14] all the offered techniques and built their morphological box of four parts (Fig. 1). Further analysis resulted in a few ways of paper treatment. They are laser ablation, washing in a solvent and selective wear. The initial evaluation shows the experiments surrounding each approach are not yet completed, but we can make some tentative comparisons between the three methods. Operationally the laser ablation approach appears the most effective, removing most print, but under our current experimental conditions it is very slow–it would take 3 hours to clean a sheet that had 5% print cover. The solvent is almost as effective, but some of the pigment in the toner is redeposited on the paper surface once the polymer is dissolved, and a method of recycling the solvent is likely to be required. The wear process produces sheets that are visibly less clean than virgin paper, but could be usable. The operational challenge will be to clean the abrasive surface to allow it to be repeatedly used. The experiments in un-printing toner have not yet resulted in a method that is as good as conventional recycling. However, the initial results reported here suggest there is potential in un-printing and plenty of research to be done: in developing a low cost laser that can ablate print, in pinpointing the solubility of toners and in understanding the mechanisms of selectively wearing a polymer from a paper surface. Obviously, it is necessary to create the next box to solve the problem of repeated use of paper without it recycling.

Fig. 1. Morphological box for un-printed toner 92

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 89-95

Vetokhin S., Tulekbayeva A., Sabyrkhanov D. Morphological Approach in Inventive Act and Management

The approach was developed by Xu Feng and Leng Fuhai for improved patent technology creation [15]. The idea permitted to utilize the advantages of both patent information analysis and morphological analysis to provide more detailed information. Authors [15] stressed in the article that current patent technology morphological analysis methods are largely reliant on manual expertise in the construction of morphological boxes with few approaches to the evaluation of future morphological configurations. They developed a patent text mining and informetric-based patent technology morphological analysis technique. They defined basic parameters of the morphological box as the factors in factor analysis with patent keywords’ matrix, and the clusters in clustering analysis with factor scores. Patent citation, year of patent registration, keyword frequency, and contributing factors served to evaluate future morphological configurations. The method was applied for the Thomson Reuters Derwent Innovation Index to collect patent text datasets. This method seems to be feasible for the implementation of patent technology morphological analysis. It provides advantages in terms of cost and time reductions during morphological box construction and more flexible methods for evaluating morphological configurations. Innovation management includes MA in the list of recommended tools for technology searching observation [16]. This recommendation concerns the active phase of new more reliable technology search. The analysis should be complimented with patent investigations to cut the volume of a box and to avoid decision doubling. Traditional inventive and “surrounding” area was widened in the management direction for effective decision making process. MA occurred applied, for example, in Brazilian San Paolo in the public traffic development [17]. The investigation included a survey of possible decisions that was in use in different countries since 30th of the XX-th century. The elaborated scenario gave a rich and detailed picture of feasible future world that enables the planner to clearly identify and understand problems, challenges and opportunities. The critical analysis led to long term envisioning, the prospection of future scenarios might be understood as a valuable support instrument to corporate investment decisions, competitive intelligence, new products, markets, etc. The Administration Institute Foundation´s (FIA/USP) Future Studies’ Program [18] developed such long-term scenario. The variables were structured [17] into four logical groups: SCOPE, as related to the purpose of use; VEHICLE, as related to the structural architecture and propulsion system: powertrain, energy storage and performance; INFRA-STRUCTURE, road restriction and energy supply/recharge; BUSINESS MODEL. These groups were decomposed into some distinct levels that gave rise to other variables (18 parameters or variables). Attempts were made not to restrict suggestions at this stage. The structuring of variables is presented in Fig. 2.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 89-95


Vetokhin S., Tulekbayeva A., Sabyrkhanov D. Morphological Approach in Inventive Act and Management

Fig. 2. Variables in structure of vehicle transport system Corresponding 4-dimensional morphological box contains over 12 million of combinations that became the subject of the further analysis. It was the first step, which concerned different limitations, cut the amount to 2 thousand. The next stages took into consideration the local industrial opportunities and population preferences. Finally, a complementary evaluation of economic feasibility resulted in the recommendation to produce midsized four wheels’ vehicles with a complex hybrid motorization even for a single passenger. CONCLUSION The method of MA demonstrates its effectiveness not only in science as it was dedicated originally. The inventory and innovation management are the compatible areas of its application with visible practical results. The recent progress in the MA development shows its new abilities, firstly in alternatives’ selection that makes the approach as more algorithmic and easier in application. These permit to recommend its study in universities and for adult education programs in science and engineering. References 1 Goethe J.W. von. On Granite. Scientific Studies. 1988. V. 12, pp.131-134. 2 Zwicky F. Discovery, Invention, Research - Through the Morphological Approach. Toronto: The Macmillan Company, 1969. – 276 p.


Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 89-95

Vetokhin S., Tulekbayeva A., Sabyrkhanov D. Morphological Approach in Inventive Act and Management

3 Ritchey, T. "Fritz Zwicky, Morphologie and Policy Analysis", presented at the 16th EURO Conference on Operational Analysis, Brussels, 1998. 4 Greenstein J., Wilson A. Remembering Zwicky. – Engineering and Science, 1974, 37, pp.15-19. 5 Andrew Y. C. Nee, Bin Song, Soh-Khim Ong. Re-engineering Manufacturing for Sustainability: Proceedings of the 20th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Singapore 17-19 April, 2013. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013. – 738 p. 6 Coyle R. G., McGlone G. R. Projection Scenarios for South-east Asia and the South-west Pacific. – Futures, 1995, V. 27(1), pp. 65-79. 7 Godet M. From Anticipation to Action: A Handbook of Strategic Prospective, UNESCO Publishing, Paris, 1994. – 283 p. 8 Gibson J. E., Scherer W. T., Gibson W. F. How to Do Systems Analysis. Willey, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2007. – 400 p. 9 James C, Frederick E., Zwicky F., Arthur S. Operation of jet propulsion motors with nitroparaffin. US Patent 2433943. 1944. 10 Zwicky F. Apparatus for jet propulsion through water. US Patent 2974626. 1948. 11 Adunka. R. Lessons learned in the introduction of TRIZ at Siemens A&D. – Proceedings of the TRIZ-future conference November 06.-08., 2007 Frankfurt, Germany. 2007. Kassel university press, pp. 127-129. 12 Gordon W. J. J. Synectics: The Development of Creative Capacity. 1961. New York: Harper and row, Publishers, 180 p. 13 Wimmer W., Zust R., Kun-Mo Lee. Ecodesign implementation: An Systematic Guidance on Integration Environmental Consideration into Product Development. 2012. Springer. 140 p. 14 Counsell T, Allwood J. Un-printing toner: Early results. – Proceedings of 13th CIRP International conference on life cycle engineering. Leuven, 2006, pp. 453-457. 15 Xu Feng, Leng Fuhai. Patent text mining and informetric-based patent technology morphological analysis: An empirical study. – Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 2012, No. 24(5), pp. 467-479. 16 Bullinger A. Innovation and Ontologies: Structuring the Early Stages of Innovation Management. Dissertation Technische Universität München, 2008, - 430 p. 17 da Silva L.L.C. Morphological analysis of the introduction of electric vehicles in São Paulo’s urban traffic. – Future Studies Research Journal. 2011, v. 3, n. 1, pp. 14 – 36. 18 Wright J. T. C.; Spers R. G. O país no futuro: aspectos metodológicos e cenários. – Estudos Avançados, 2006, v.20, N 56, pp. 13-28.

Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2016, 1(18): 89-95



Aleksandridi E. Khamzayeva S. Alibekov R. Seitmagzimova G. Abdrakhmanova Kh.K.

Signed for print on 23.03.2016 Format 70x100 1/16. Offset paper Accounting-publishing list. Circulation 120 copies.

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