02-03 Honda Civic Si Service Manual - REDLINERS.ru

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messages, and other safety information throughout this manual. Of course, it is not ... EP3: CIVIC/K20A3 c. ...... Every 160.000 mr es 1256,000 km) or 8 years.
INTRODUCTION How to Use This Manual This manualis dividedinto 23 sections.The first pageof each seclionis markedwith a blacktab that linesup with its corresponding thumb indextab on this pageand the backcover. You can quicklyfind the first pageof eachsectionwithout lookingthrougha full tableof contents.The symbolsprintedat the top cornerof each pagecan also be used as a quick re{erencesystem.

S p e c i fi c a ti o n s


M a i n te n a n c e

Eachsectionincludes: 1. A tableof contents,or an explodedview index showingl . Partsdisassemblysequence. . Bolttorquesand threadsizes. . Pagereferencesto descriptionsin text. proceduresand tools. 2. Disassembly/assembly 3 . Inspefiron. g. 4. Testing/troubleshootin 5. Repair. 6. Adjustments.

Safety Your safety,and the satetyof others,is very important.To help you makeinformeddecisions,we have providedsafety messages,and othersafetyinformationthroughoutthis manual. Of course,it is not practicalor possibleto warn you aboutall the hazardsassociated with servicingthis vehicle.You must use your own good judgment.


You will find impoftantsafetyinformationin a varietyof forms including: . SatetyLabels- on the vehicle. . Satetv Messages preceded by a salety alert symbol A and one of threesignalwords, DANGEF,WARNING,or CAUTION. Thesesignalwords mean:

tmEnEErily;,:H,ll i":5*i5"?;rsERIousLYHuBrir HURT ir E$EEEE ys,: f#,ff ,:hl:3,:JjERrousLY tlGtltT]llilll

YoucAN b€ HUBTif vou don'tfollow

. lnstructions - howto service thisvehiclecorrectlv andsafelv. All informationcontainedin this manualis basedon the latest productinformationavailableat the time of printing.We reserve the right to makechangesat any time without notice.No part of this Oublication maVbe reDrodLrced, or storedin a retrieval system,or transmitted,in any form by any means,electronic, photocopying,recording,or otherwise,without the mechanical, priorwritten permissiono{ the publisher.This includestext, figures,and tablesAs vou readthis manual,vou will tind informationthat is precededby a @ symbol.The purposeof this messageis to help preventdamageto your vehicle,other property,or the environment,


z-tl! ^ t

FirstEdition8/2002 1,168pages HONDAMOTORCO..LTD. All RightsReserved ServicePublicationOffice Specifications applyto U.S.A.and Canada As seclion3 with *inclode SRS comoonentsi special precautionsare required when servicing.



GeneralInformation Ghassisand PaintCodes - 2 0 0 2M o d e l

. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .-.2.

Chassisand PaintCodes - 2 0 0 3M o d e l

. . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .-.3.

ldentification NumberLocations ........1-4 Warning/Caution LabelLocations......1-5


Under-hoodEmission ControlLabel ...........

.... 1-7

L i f ta n dS u p p o r P t o i n t s. . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . .1. .-.8. , . Towing


PaftsMarkingLocations...................... 1-10

GeneralInformation Model Chassisand PaintCodes- 2OO2 VehicleldentfficationNumber S H H E P 33 5 ' 2

U 300001


c d e f g h

a. Manufacturer, Make and Type of Vehicle S H H ; H O N D A O F T H EU . K .M F G . ,L T D .U . K . H O N D AP a s s e n g evre h i c l e b. Line, Body and EngineType EP3: CIVIC/K20A3 c. Body Type and Transmission Type Manual 3: 2-door HatchbacUs-speed d. VehicleGrade lSeries) 5:Si {U.S.} 5 ; S i R( C a n a d a ) 6: Si with side airbagsystem (U,S.) 6: SiR with side airbagsystem (Canada) e. CheckDigit l. ModelYear 2i 2002 g. Factory Code U : H o n d ao f U . K .M a n u f a c t u r i nign S w i n d o n , En gl a n d h. Serial Number U . S , :3 0 0 0 0 1 1-

EngineNumber K2OA3 1700001 a a. EngineType K20A3: 2.0 0 DOHCVTECSequentialMultiport Fuel-injectedengine b. Serial Number

Transmission Number NBH3



a TransmissionType N R H 3 ; s - s D e eM danual



PaintCode Code

B-92P NH-578 NH-623M R-81


Color Niqhthawk BlackPearl TaffetaWhite Satin Silver lvletallic M i l a n oR e d E u r oY e l i o wP e a r l



V€hicle ldentif ication Numbo. and Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Certification/ Color Label.



Chassisand PaintCodes- 2003Model VehicleldentificationNumber S H H E P 33 5 * 3

U 400001


c d e fg h

Manufacturer, Make and Type of Vehicle S H H : H O N D A O F T H EU . K .M F G . ,L T D .U . K . HONDAPassengervehicle Line. Body and EngineType EP3: CIVIC/K20A3 G . Body Type and Transmission Type Manual 3: 2-door HatchbacldS-speed d . Vehicle Grade (Series) 5:Si (U.S.) 5 : S i R( C a n a d a ) 6: Si with side airbagsystem (U.S.) 6: SiRwith side airbagsystem (Canada) Check Digir f. Model Year 3: 2003 Factory Code U: Hondaof U.K. Manufacturingin Swindon, England SerialNumber U.S.:400001 :700001

EngineNumber K2OA3 2700001

I a a. EngineType K20A3: 2.0 0 DOHCVTECSequentialMultiport Fuel-injectedengine b. SerialNumber

Transmission Number NRH3 - 2000001

I a TransmissionType N R H 3 : 5 - s p e eM d anual SerialNumber

PaintCode Code

B-92P B-520P NH-578

NH-623M R-81


Color Niohthawk BlackPearl V i v i d B l u eP e a r l Taffeta White Satin Silver N4etallic M i l a n oR e d EuroYellow Pearl

U , S . Canada

VehicleldentificationNumber and FederalMotor Vehicle Saletv Standard Certif ication/ Color Label.



GeneralInformation ldentificationNumber Locations

Vehicle ldentif ication Number {vlN}


Vehicle ldentificalion Numbe.lvlN)






, I O

warning/cautionLabelLocations NOTE:FRONTPASSENGER AIRBAG WARNING TAG (CHILD SEAT)is installedon the glovebox on the U.S. mooet. Passenger's Compartment: SRSINFORMATION U.Sm . odel





SIDEAIRBAG CAUTION Located on driver's ano passen9ers doorjamb(not shown)

..r' (cont'd)


GeneralInformation Warning/CautionLabelLocations(cont'dl









Under-hoodEmissionControlLabel EmissionGroupldentification

Families: Engineand Evaporative




rr-tt--[ t t l a b


c. d. e.


c d


ModelYear 2:2002 3: 2003 ManulacturerSubcode H N X :H O N D A FamilyType V: LDV Displacement SequenceCharacters V B P2: 0 0 2 X K C 2: 0 0 3

Evaporative Family:






a b

c d

Model Year 2t 2002 3: 2003 Manufacturer Subcode H N X :H O N D A c. Family Type R: EVAP/ORVR d . Canister Work Capacity e . Sequence Charactets AAH: 2002 AAA: 2003


GeneralInformation Lift and Support Points NOTE:If you are going to remove heavycomponents such as suspensionor the fuel tank from the rear of the vehicle,first supportthe front ofthe vehiclewith tall safetystands.When substantialweightis removed from the rear of the vehicle,the centerof gravity can changeand causethe vehicleto tip forward on the hoist.

FrameHoist 1. Positionthe hoist lift blocks(A),or safetystands, under the vehicle'sfront support points (B)and rear support points (C).

FloorJack 1. Set the parkingbrake. 2. Blockthe wheels that are not being lifted. 3. When liftingthe rear of the vehicle.put the gearshiftIever in reverse. 4. Positionthe floor jack underthe front jacking bracket(A) or rearjackingbracket(B),centerthe jacking bracketin the jack lift ptatform(C),and jack up the vehiclehigh enoughto fit the safetystands u n d e ri t .

0 2. Raisethe hoist a few inches,and rock the vehicle gentlyto be sure it is firmly supported. 3. Raisethe hoistto full height,and inspectthe lift pointsfor solid contactwith the lift blocks.

Safety Stands

c Positionthe safetystandsunderthe support points and adjustthem so the vehiclewill tevet. Lower the vehicleonto the stands.

To supportthe vehicleon safetystands.use the same suppon points (B and C) as for a frame hoist,Always use satetystandswhen working on or under any vehiclethat is supportedonly by a jack.


1- 8


Towing lf the vehicleneedsto be towed, call a professional towing service.Nevertow the vehiclebehind another vehiclewith just a rope or chain.lt is very dangerous. EmergencyTowing T h e r ea r et h r e ep o p u l a rm e t h o d so f t o w i n g a v e h i c l e . Flat-bedEquipment The operatorloadsthe vehicle on the backof a truck.This is the bestway of transportingthe vehicle. To accommodateflat-bedequipment.the vehicleis equippedwith towing hooks(A)and tie down hooks{B). The towing hook can be usedwith a winch to pull the vehicleonto the truck, and the tie down hooks slotscan be used to securethe vehicleto truck.

Wheel Lift Equipment The tow truck usestwo pivoting arms that go underthe tires (front or rear)and lifts them off the ground.The other two wheels remain on the ground.This is an acceptableway of towing the vehicle. Sling-typeEquipment The tow truck uses metal c a b l e sw i t h h o o k so n t h e e n d s .T h e s eh o o k sg o a r o u n d parts of the frame or suspensionand the cableslift that e n d o f t h e v e h i c l eo f f t h e g r o u n d .T h e v e h i c l e ' s suspensioa n n d b o d y c a n b e s e r i o u s l yd a m a g e di f t h i s method of towing is attemPted. lf the vehiclecannot be transportedby flat-bed,it should be towed with the front wheels off the ground lf due to damage,the vehiclemust be towed with the front wheels on the ground, do the following: . Releasethe parkingbrake. . s h i f t t h e t r a n s m i s s i o inn N e u t r a l . It is bestto tow the vehicleno farther than 50 miles (80 km), and keepthe speed below 35 mph (55 km/h).

. l m p r o p e rt o w i n g p r e p a r a t i ow n i l l d a m a g et h e transmission.Follow the above procedureexactly.lf you cannot shift the transmission,the vehicle must be transDortedon a flat-bed. . Trying to lift or tow the vehicle by the bumperswill , h e b u m p e r sa r e n o t c a u s es e r i o u sd a m a g e T designedto supportthe vehicle'sweight.


GeneralInformation PartsMarking To deter vehicletheft, certainmajor componentsare markedwith the vehicleidentificationnumber (VlN).Original partshave self-adhesivelabels.Replacementbody parts have genericself-adhesivelabels.The originalengrneor transmissionVIN plate is transferredlo a replacementengine or transmissionand attachedwith break-offbolts. NOTE:Be careful not to damagethe parts marking labelsduring body repair.Maskthe labelsbefore repairingthe part.

r a


ra Specifications


Standardsand ServiceLimits Enqine ne Electrical





Rated voltage




F i r i n go r d e r

Gap l g n i t i o nt i m i n g


A t i d l e ( c h e c kr h e


Coillrotor)resistance 5|lp flng u.u.


Brushlength Brushspringtension Output Commutator micadepth Commutator tunout Commutator O.D. Brushlength

Standard or New

12V 1 3-4 2 N G K t: Z F B 6 K 1 1 DENSO: SKJ20DR-M11 1 . 0 1 . 1 m m ( 0 . 0 3 90 . 0 4 3 in.) in neutral:8t2' ETDCat 650150rpm

Service Limit


1 . 3 m m ( O . OiSn 1. )

At 13.5V and 80A normalengine temperature At 68.F(20'C) 2.2 3.0 A 14.4mm {0_57 in.) 14.0mm (0.55in.) 10.5mm (0.41in.l 1.5mm {0.06in.) 2.9 3.5N (0.30 0.36kgf,0.7-0.8tbs) 0.50 0.80mm (0.020-0.031 in.)

0.20mm 1O.OO8 in.)

o:BlalqryL4i) max

o.o5mm(0.002 in.)

2 8 . 0m m ( 1 . 1 0 in.) 14.0 14.5mm {0.55 0.57in.)

2 7 . 0m m ( 1 . 0 6 in.) 9.0mm {0.35in.)

Enqtne Item Measurement Compression Pressurecheckat 250rpm with wide openthroftle. (SeeDesignSpecsfor rato,


Minimum Maximum vanatton

Standard or New

Service Limit

930kPa(9.5kgflcmr,135psi) 200kPa{2.0kgf/cm',28psi)


.l 2-2


nder Head Item Head




'103.95104.05 mm (4.093 4.096in.) 0.05 0.20mm (0.002 0.008in.)

Endplay No.l journal N o . 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 journals

Totalrunout Cam lobe height

Intake,primary Intake, Exhaust

(cold) clearance


Exhaust StemO.D-





S t e m - t o - g L r i d cel e a r a n c e


height stem installed

Exhaust lntake Exhaust lntake Exhaust lntake Exhaust





Intake Exhaust

I n s t a l l e dh e i g h t


Exhaust Rockerarms


lntaKe Exhaust


Service Limit

0.05mm {0.002in.)

Warpage Height

C a m s h a f tt o h o l d e r o i l c l e a r a n c e

Standard or New

0.030 0.069mm {0.001 0.003in.) 0.060 0.099mm (0.002-0.004in.) 0.03mrn (0.001in.)max. in.) 33.925mm (1.3356 in.) 2 9 . 6 3m 8 m (l.1668 in.) 34.092mm (1.3422 0.21 0.2smm 10.0080.010in.) 0.28 0.32mm (0.011 0.013in.) 5.475 5.485mm 10.21560.2159in.) 5.450 5.460mm (0.2146 0.2150in ) 0.030 0.055mm (0.0012 0.0022in.| 0.055 0.080mm (0.0022 0.0031in ) 1.25 1.55mm (0.049 0.061in.) 1.25 1.55mm (0.049 0.061in.) 4 0 . 8 -4 1 . 0m m ( 1 . 6 0 6 1 . 6 1 4 i n . ) in.) 5 4 . 6 5 4 . 8m m ( 2 . 1 5 02 . 1 5 7 (1.874 in.) 47.61mm 49.64mm (1.954in.)

0.4mm (0.02in.) 0 . 1 5m m { 0 . 0 0i6n . ) 0.15mm (0.006in.) 0.04mm {0.002in.)

5.445mm (0.214in.) 5 . 4 2m m ( 0 . 2 1i3n . ) 0.08mm (0.003in.) 0.11mm (0.004in.) 2.00mm {0.079in.) 2.00mm {0.079in.)

5.515 5.530mm |.0.21710.21174n.1 mm 5.515 5.530 \0.2111 0.2177in.l 1 5 . 2" 1 6 . 2m m ( 0 . 5 9 80 . 6 3 8 i n . ) 15.5 16.5mm (0.610 0.650in.)

5.55mm (0.219in.)

0.025 0.052mm (0.00'100.0020in.) 0.018 0.056mm (0.0007 0.0022in.)

0.08mm (0.003in.)

5 . 5 5m m { 0 . 2 1i9n . )

0.08mm (0.003in.)

lo 2-3

Standardsand ServiceLimits Enqine n q t n e Block Item Block

Measurement I Warpageof deck tsorediameter


Aori Borll

Standardor New 0.07mm (0.003in.)max. 86.010 86.020mm (3.3862 3.3866in.)


foro.. (ulur^^-"1



86.070mm (3.3886 in.)

86.000 86.010mm (3.3858 3.3862in.)

86.070mm (3.3886 in.) 0 . 0 5m m ( 0 . 0 0 2I n . J

R e b o r i n gl r m i t



SkirtO.D.at 11mm (0.4in.)from bottom of skirt

",";"* lFis,.€-"'"


Ringend gap

0 . 2 5m m ( 00 l i n . ) 85.980 85.990mm (3.3850 3.3854in.) 85.930mm (3.383'l in.) F" LetterB €s.980 r"i33846 85.920mm (3.3827 l-il?0 in.) 0.020 0.040mm (0 0008 0.0016in.) 0.05mm {0.002in.) Top 1.220 1.230mm (0.0481 0.0484in.) 1.25mm 10.049 rn ) Second 1 . 2 2 0 1 . 2 3 0m m ( 0 . 0 4 8 1 0 0 a 8 4 I n . ) 1.25mm 10.049 in.) i 2.005 2.025mm (0.0789 0.0797in.) ?.09rrl9.091lt ) i.'.f 0.13mm (0.005in ) fo.o:s o.oto.rnlo.oorao.ooza i") 0 . 1 3m m ( 0 . 0 0i5n . ) EO3t 0 056rn. {OJ01rOOO2 Second(FEDEHAL 0.025 0.060mm (0.0010 0.0024in.) 0.13mm (0.005in ) I\4OGUL) Top 0.20 0.35mm (0.008 0.014in.) 0.60mm (0.024in.)

btt"' "' A




0.40 0.55mm {0.016 0.022in.) 0.25 0.65mm (0.010 0.026in.) 0 20 0.70mm i0.008 0.028in.)

0.70mm (0.028in.) 0.75mm (0.030in.) 0.80mm 10.031 in.)

21.961 21.965mm {0.8646 0.8648in.) 2 1 . 9 5 3m m l 0 8 6 4 3 i n 0.005-*0.002 mm( 0.00020+ 0.005mm (0.0002 in.)

Pin'to-piston clearance

0.00008 in.) Connecting rod

Pin to-rod clearance Small end bore diameler L a r g e - e n db o r e d i a m e t e r ( N o r m a l )

Endplayinslalledon crankshaft Crankshaft

Main journal diameter

No. l journal No.2 journal N o .4 j o u r n a l No.5 journal No.3 journal

0.005 0.015mm (0.0002 0.0006in.) 0 . 0 2 m m l O 0 O O 8i n I 21.970 21.976mm (0.8650 0.8652in.) 4 8 . 0m m ( 1 . 8 9 in.) 0.15 0.30mm (0.006 0.012in.) 0 . 4 0m m ( 0 . 0 1i6n . ) s4.e84 s5.008mm (2.1648=16illl

5 4 . 9 7 65 5 . 0 0 m 0 m ( 2 . 1 6 4 42 - 1 6 5 4 i n )

Rodjournal diameter

4 4 . 9 7 6 4 5 . 0 0 0m m ( 1 . 1 7 0 7 1 . 1 7 1 7i n . l


0.005mm 10.0002 in.)max. 0.005mm (0.0002 in.)max. 0.10 0.35mm (0.004 0.0'14 in.) 0.03mm (0.0012 in.)max. 0.017 0.041 m m ( 0 . 0 0 0 70 . 0 0 1i6n . )

Rod/mainiournalout of,round E n dp l a y Runout . . - ' . : - - ' +

M a r n o e a r , n 9 - t o J o u r n ao t t t c t e a r a n c e No. l journal Deaflngs


0.010mm (0.0004 in.) 0.010mm (0.0004 in.) 0 . 4 5m m 1 0 . 0 1i 8 n.) 0.04mm {0.0016 in.) 0.050mm (0.0020 in.)

No.2 journal No.4 journal No.5

No.3 journa/ Bodbearingclearance

q0rr034, -rn {O'o010 0-o01r|"tl 0.055mm (0.0022in.) 0.021 0.049mm (0.0008 0.0019in.)

0.060mm (0.0024 in.)



o i








lnner-toouterrotorclearance Pumphousingto outerrotor clearance axial Pumphousing-to-rotor clearance Balancer shafts,journaldiameter


ServiceLimil Standerdor New 5.30 (5.6US qt)for engineoverhaul 4.20 (4.4US qt)for oil change,includingfilter 4.00 (4.2US qt)for oil change,withoutfilter 0.20mm (0.008in.) 0.02 0.16mm {0.001 0.006in.) in.) 0.23mm (0.009in.) 0-15 0.21mm {0.006-0.008 0.02 0.07mm (0.001 0.003in.)

No.1 journal,front shaft

0.12mm (0.005in.)

19.938 19.950mm 10.78500.7854in.) 19.92mm (0.784in.)

23.938 23.950mm (0.9424 0.9429in.) 23.92mm (0.942in.) in.l 32.93mm (1.296in.) No.2 journal,frontand 32.949 32.961mm 11.29121.2911 rearshaft in.)max. 0.005rnm (0.0002 0.070 0.135mm (0.0028 0.0053in.) 0.15mm (0.006in.) Front 0.070 0.135mm (0.0028 0.0053in.) 0.15mm (0.006in.) Rear 0.050 0.082mm (0.0020 0.0032in.) 0 . 1 0m m ( 0 . 0 0i4n . ) No. 1 iournal,front No 1 journal,rearshaft

Ealancer shafts,journaltaper shafts,end play Balancer Balancershatts,shaft-to'bear;ng clearance

shaft N o . 1 J o u r n a l ,r e a r s h a f t N o . 2 j o u r n a l ,f r o n t a n d

0.050 0.082mm (0.0020 0.0032in.) 0.060-0.120mm (0.0024 0.0047in.)

0.10mm (0.004in.i 0.15mm (0.006in.)

rear shafl



LD. shaftbearings, Balancer

20.000 20.020mm (0.1814 0.7442in.l 20.03mm (0.789in.) No. 1 journal,front shaft ZI.OZO m- tOSa+e-OSa57ir'.) 24.03mm (0.946in.) No. 1 iournal,rearshaft Z+.OOO in.) 33.09mm {1.303in.) No.2 journal,frontand 33.021 33.069mm (1.3000 1.3019 rearshaft

R e l i e f v a l v e ,o i l p r e s s u r ew i t h o i l t e m p e r a t u r ea t 1 7 6 ' F ( 8 0 " C )

At idle

7 0 k P a ( 0 . 7k q ? c m , 1 0 p s r )m i n .

At 3,000rpm


Standardor New 6 . 7L ( 7 . 1U S

engine, Coolantcapacity {includes heater,hoses,and reservoir)



0.53L (0.56US 93 123kPa(0.95 1.25kqtcm , 14 18psi) 't69 176'F(76 80'C)


8.0mm {0.31in.)min. TurnsOFF


Subtract5 15'F(3 8"C)fromactualON

a 2-5

Standardsand ServiceLimits Fueland Emissions Item Fuelpressure regulator Fueltank Engineidle

Measulement Oualification Pressurewith fuel pressuregauge connected Capacity ldlespeedwith headlights and radiator Neutral fan off F a s ti d l e


Standardor New ServiceLimit 320-370kPa13.3-'3.8 kgtcm',47 52psi)

f .


5 04 ( 1 3 . 2U Sg a l i 750 50 rpm 1,600150rpm

Clutch Item Clutchpedal

Mea3urem€nl Heightfromthe floor Stroke


D i s e n g a g e m e n th e i g h t f r o m t h e f l o o r

Clutchdisc Pressureplate

Bunouton clutchmatingsurface Bivetheaddepth Ihickness Warpage Heightof diaphragm spring fingers

Measured with specialtooland feelergauge

Slandardor New 193mm (7.60in.) 1 3 0 1 4 0m m 1 5 . 1 5 . 5 i n . ) 10 16mm (0.39 0.63in.) 1'15 mm (4.53 i n . )m i n . 0.05mm 10.002 in.)max. 1.65 2.25mm (0.065 0.089in.) 8.3 8.9mm (0.33 0.35in.) 0.03mm (0.001in.)max. 0.6mm (0.02in.)max.


0.15mm (0.006in.) 0.7mm {0.03in.) 6.0mm (0.24in.) 0 . 1 5m m ( 0 . 0 0i1n . ) 0.8mm (0-03in.)

r a

\ < c 2-6

nualTransmissionand M/T Differential


Adiust 20.75mm 10.817 in.) 3 ' 1 . 9m 3 m ( 1 . 2 5i7n . ) 27.92 m m ( 1 . 0 9i9n . )

'1.5354 in.)

38.93mm (1.5334n.)

27.987 28.000mm (1.10'191.1024in.)

2 7 . 9 3m m { 1 . 1 0i0n . )

0.02mm (0.001in.)max. in.) 44.009 44.025mm 11.73261.7333 0.06 0.16mm {0.002 0.006;n.) 23.92 23.97mm (0.94'10.944in.) in.) mm (1.3780 '1.3785 35.000-35.015

0.05mm (0.002in.) 44.08mm (1.735in.) 0 . 2 5m m ( 0 . 0 1i0n . ) 23.80mm (0.937in.) 34.95mm (1.376in.)

39.937 39 950mm (1.5723 1.512ain.|

39.88mm (1.570in.)

D i a m e t e ro f b a l l b e a r i n gc o n t a c t a r e a ( t r a n s m i s s i o nh o u s i n g s i d e )

30.020-30.0m 3 3m ( 1 . 1 8 1 91- . 1 8 2i4n . )

29.97 m m ( 1 . 1 8i0n . )

Runout innerrace 35 mm shim-to'bearing

0.02mm {0.001in.)max. 0.04 0.10mm (0.0016 0.0039in.)

0.05mm (0.002in.) Adjust

in.i 52.010 52.029mm (2.0476-2.0484 0.06 0.16mm (0.002 0.006in.) -0.904in.) 22.92 22.91$m 10.902 52.010 52.029mm (2.0476 2.0484in.) 0.06 0.16mm (0.002 0.006in.) 21.92 27.91mtn \1.099 1.101in.) 39.95 39.96mm (1.572a 1.5132in.) in.) 46.989-47.000mm (1.8499-1.8504 in.i 23.03 23.08mm (0.907-0.909 in.l 39.95 39.96mm {1.5728'-1.5732 in.) 46.989 47.000mm (1.8499 1.8504 mm (l.104 1.106in.) 28.03 28.08

52.08mm (2.050in.) n.) 0 . 2 5m m 1 0 . 0 1i 0 22.87mm (0.900in.) 52.08mm {2.050in.} 4n.) 0.25mm 10.010 in.) 27.87mm 11.097 39.97mm (1.574in.) 46.94mm (l.848in.)

Transmission Capacity fluid Endplav Mainshaft Diameter of bushingsurface D i a m e t e ro f d i s t a n c ec o l l a r

Diameter of ballbearingcontactarea (clutchhousingside) Diameter of needlebearingcontact area Diameter of ballbearingcontactarea (transmission housingside) Runout Mainshaft 3rd, t.D. 4th and sth Endplay gears Thickness Countershaft Diameterof needlebearingcontact area(clutchhousingside) of distance collarcontact Diameter alea




clearance LD. End play

Thickness Countershaft 2ndgear Countershaft 'lst gear

t.D. Endplay Thickness LD.


collar Length distance Countersha{l l . D . o.o. 2ndgear distance coliar L e n g t h



Standardor New Forfluidchange:1.50 (1.6US qt) F o ro v e r h a u1l :. 70 1 1 . 8 U Sq t ) ' l 0 . 1 7 ( 0 . 0 0 4 mm 0.007in.) 0.1 20.80 20.85mm {0.819 0.821in.) mm (1.2594 1.2598 in.) 31.984-32.000 2 7 . 9 7 72 7 s 9 0m m \ 1 . 1 0 1 -51 . 1 0 2i0n . )




38.984 39.000mm (1.5348

39.97mm (1.574in.) 46.94mm (1.848in.)

o 2-7

Standardsand ServiceLimits ?

Manual anuatTransmission I ransm and Differentialcont' Measutemenl


Nlainshaft4th and5thgears




distance collar L e n g t h B

MBSdistance LD. Len9th


Reverseidler gear

G e a r l o r e v e r s eg e a r s h a f i c l e a r a n c e




Outersynchroring-tosynchrocone clearance Synchrocone-to-gear clearance

Shift fork Reverseshift fork Shiftarm

Outersynchroring-to-gear cone clearance Fingerthickness Forkto-synchro sleeveclearance Fingerthinkness Fork-to-reverse idlergear clearance

t.D. S h i f t f o r k d i a m e t e ra t c o n l a c ta r e a S h i f t a r m ' t o - s h i f t l e v e rc l e a r a n c e

Selectlever Shiftlever

Mfi differential carrier Mfi differential pinionqear 80 mm shim

Fingerwidth Shaft-to-selectleverclearance Groove{to selectlever) Shaftto shiftarm clearance Pinionshaftcontactareal.D. C a r r i e r - t o - p i n i o ns h a f t c l e a r a n c e

DriveshaftcontactareaLD. Backlash

t.D. P i n i o ng e a r t o p i n i o n s h a f t c l e a r a n c e

80 mm shim to-bearing outerrace clearance in transmission housing

Ringpushed againstgear Ringpushed againstqear Ringpushed againstgear Ringpushed againstgear

Standardor New 32.00-32.01mm (1.2598 1.2602 in.) 38.989 39.000mm (1.5350 1.5354 in.) 51.95 52.05mm (2.045 2.049in.) 24.03 24.08mm (0.946-0.947 in.)

ServiccLimit 3 2 . 0 2m m ( 1 . 2 6i1n . ) 38.94mm (1.533in.)

28.00 28.01mm(1.102 1.103in.) 23.95 24.05mm (0.943 0.947in.) 20.016 20.043mm (0.7880 0.7891in.) 0.036 0.08amm (0.0014 0.0033in.) 0.70 1.49mm (0.028 0 059in )

2 8 . 0 2m m ( 1 . 1 0i3n . ) 20.90mm (0.832in.) 0 . 1 6m m { 0 . 0 0i6n . ) 0.4mm (0.0164n.)

0.70- '1.19 mm {0.028 0.047in.)

0.3mm (0.012in.)

0.50 1.04mm (0.020 0.041in.)

0.3mm (0.012in.)

0.95 1.68mm (0.037 0.066in.)

0.6mm (0.024in.)

7.4 7.6mm 10.29 0.30in.) 0.35 0.65mm (0.014 0.026in.i 13.4 13.7mm (0.527 0.539in.) 0.20 0.59mm (0.007 0.024in.) 13.973 '14.000 mm (0.5501 0.5512in.) 16.9 '17.0 mm (0.665 0.669in.) 0.2 0.5mm (0.008 0.020in.) 14.85 '14.95 mm (0.585 0.589in.) 0.05 0.25mm (0.002 0.010in.) 15.00 15.10mm {0.591 0.594in.) 0.013 0.07mm (0.0005 0.003in.) 18.010 18.028 mm (0.7091 0.7098in.) 0.027 0.057mm (0.0011 0.0022in.) 28.025 28.045mm (1.1033 1.1041 in.) 0.05 0.15mm {0.002 0.006in.) 1 8 . 0 4 21 8 . 0 6m 6 m ( 0 . 7 1 0 30 . 7 1 1 3 i n . ) 0.059 0.095mm (0.0023 0.0037in.) 0 0.10mm (0 0.0039in.)

1.0mm (0.039in.) 1.3mm (0.051in.)

0 . 6 2m m ( 0 . 0 2i4n . )


0.50mm (0.020in.) 0.1mm {0.004in.) 0.1mm (0.004in.l

0.15mm (0.006in.) Adjust




Rotational at outside olavmeasured

0 10mm (0 0.39in.)

at outside Startingloadmeasured

2 9 N ( 3 . 0k g f . 6 . 6 l b s )

A n g l e o f r a c kg u i d e s c r e w l o o s e n e d

n Item W h e e l a l i g n m e nCamber t


Caster TotalToe

Oualitication Front Rear Front

lrytt Rear


l n s i d ew h e e l



Outsidewheel Radial Wheelbearing




Standardor New 0'00' 45' 0'45'- 45


1"33' 11"

in.) 0-3 mm(0::0.12 lN 2 ' , mm (0.08"' ,, in.) 37'40'-2' 29'50'(Reference) 0 0.7mm (0 0.03in.) 0 - 0 . 7m m ( 0 0 . 0 3 i n . ) 0 0.05mm (0 0.002in.) 0 0.05mm (0 0.002in.)

2.0mm (0.08in.) l.5mm{0.06in.)



a 2-9

Standardsand ServiceLimits Brakes Item Parkingbrake lever Brakepedal Mastercylinder Erakedisc

M€asurement Distance traveledwhen leverpulled with 196N (20kgf, 44 lbs) ol force Pedalheight(carpetremoved) Freeplay Piston-to-pushrod clearance Thickness

Standardor New 7 8 clicks



1 8 4m m ( 7 4 / 1 6i n . )


Front Rear Front Rear Frontand rear







0 . 4 3 . 0m m ( 00 1 6 0 ' 1 1 8 in.) 0 0.4mm (0 0.02in.) 2 1 . 0m m ( 0 . 8 3 in.) 9.0mm {0.35in.)

10.0mm (0.39in.) 9.0mm {0.35in.)

19.0m 0 m (0.75 in.) 8-0mm (0.31in.i 0.10mm (0.004in.) 0.10mm (0.004in.) 0.015mm (0.0006 in.) 1 . 6m m ( 0 . 0 6 in.) 1 . 6m m ( 0 . 0 6 in.)

Air Gonditionin Item Refrige.ant


Refrigerant oil

Capacityof system Type


Capacity ofcomponents


Condenser Evaporator Eachline and

Standard or New

Service Limit

H F C1 3 4a ( B - 1 3a4) 500 550g 117.6 19.4oz) S P1 O (P/N38897-P13-A01AH or 38899-P13-A01 ) 25 m0,15/6fl ozl 45 mA111/2fl ozt 10m0 (1/3fl or)


Compressor Drivebelt

Startercoil resistance plateclearance Pulley-to-pressure

Compressor At 68"F(20"C)

1 3 0 1 5 0m 0 1 41 / 3 5 f l o z ) 3.05 3.350 0.35 0.6mm (0.014 0.024in.) Autotensioner lneedsno adjustment)









Overallwidth Overallheight


rront Rear

Groundclearance G r o s s V e h i c l eW e i g h t R a t i n g (GVWR)





{GVWR) Tvpe Cylinderarrangement Boreand stroke Displacement

ratio Compression Valvetrain system Lubrication Oil pumpdisplacement Waterpumpdisplacement

At 6,000engine rpm At 3,400engine



82 0 (87US qt)/minute

Tvpe Normaloutput

12V 30 seconds


Hourrating Directionof rotation CLUTCH

C l o c k w i s ea s v i e w e c lf r o m g e a r e n d S i n q l e p l a t ed r y , d i a p h r a g m s p r i n g

C l u t c ht v p e


Tvpe I\,1AN UAL TRANSMISSIONPrimarvreduction Gearratio

lst 2nd 3rd 4th



Watercooled.4 strokeDOHCV-ECengin( transverse Inline4'cylinder, 86 x 86 mm (3.39x 3.39in.) cuin.) 1 , 9 9 c8 m ' ( 1 2 2 9.8 Chaindrive.DOHCVTEC4 valvespercylinder Forced, wet sump,withtrochoidpumP (57.4 54.30 US qo/minute

gasolinewith 86 pumpoctanenumberor higher UNLEADED Gearreduction

F!el required STARTER

4 , 2 1 0m m { 1 6 5 .i8n . ) in.) 1,695mm 166.7 in.) 1,44m 0 m (56.7 m m ( 1 0 1 .i2n . ) 2,570 1,470mm (57.9in.) '1,470 mm (57.9in.i 152mm (5.98in.) four {4) 3,660rbs

S e a t i n gc a p a c i t y

wEtGt-iT {u.s.A.)




5th Reverse Type Gearratio

1 7 4c m ' { 2 6 . 9s7q i n . ) forward,1 reverse s-speed Svnchronized, D i r e c1t : 1 3.062 1.769 1.212 0.921 0.738 3.583 Sinolehelicalgear 4.164

o 2-11

DesignSpecifications cont' Item

Measuremeni Type Overallratio Turns,lockto-lock Steeringwheeldiameter Type








I n d e p e n d e n ts r r u l w i t h s t a b i l i T e rc. o i l s p r i n g

Rear Front Rear

Caster Totaltoe


Typeof servicebrake

Rear Front Bear

Sizeoffront and reartires Sizeo{ sparetire Compressor


Front Rear

Type Numberof cylinders Capacity Maximumspeed

D o u b l ew i s h b o n e

Telescopic, hydraulic. nitrogengas-frlled Telescopic, hydraulic, nitrogengas,filled

0"00' 0.45' 1'33' 0 mm (0 in.) I n 2 m m ( 1 / 1 6i n . ) P o w e r a s s i s t e ds e l f - a d j u s l i n gv e n t i l a t e dd i s c

Power-assisted self-adjusting soliddisc Mechanical actuating, rearwheels 4 5c m ' ( 7 . 0s q i n . ) x 2 2 8c m ' ( 4 . 3s q i n . )x 2 Pl95/6081588V T125r0 D1595M Scroll

Type Motor type

85.7m015.23 cu in.)/rev. 12,000rpm 130m0 {4 1/3floz) SP-10(P/N38897'P13-A01AH or38899-P13 A01) Corrugated fin Corrugatedfin Siroccofan 220 Wl12 V

Speed control

4 Speeo

L u b r i c a n tc a p a c i t y

Condenser Evaporator Blower


Specilication Electric, Powerassisted rackand pinion 15.1 3 6 0m m ( 1 4 . 2 in)

Front Bear Front

Typeof parkingbrake Padfriction surfacearea TIRES


Lubricanttype Type




M a x i m u m c a p a c i t y 480m" 116.900 cu ft)/h T e m p e r a t u r ec o n t r o l

Compressor clutch



Electricalpower cons!mptronat 68"F(20.C) Type Capacity

Airmixtype Dry,singleplate,poly-Vbeltdrive 42W maximumat 12V

HFC134a(R-134a) 500 550g (17.6 19.4oz)

../a 2-12




Under-hood fuse

Specitication 1 2 V 3 6A H / 5h o u r s 1 2V - . 1 . 1k W ,1 . 2k W 12V 95A,90A 80A, 60A, 50A, 40A, 30A, 20A, 15A, 10A, 7.5A

Under'dash Iuse

3 04 , 2 0 a , 1 5A , 1 0A , 7 . 5A


Battery Starter Alternator Fuses

Light bulbs

Headlight high beam Headlight low beam Frontturnsignal liqhts Front parlinq lights

Bearturn signal lights FronVrear side markerlights Brale/taillighls H i g h m o L r n tb r a k e

'12v.' 60w 12V 55W 12V 21W 12V 5W 1 2 V" 2 1 W

12V 5W 12V 21/5W 12V 5W






Backup lights platelight License Ceilinglight

12V 21W 12V 5W

Cargoarea light

12V 5W 12V 5W


'12v'.8 w

Gauge lights I n d i c a t o rl i g h t s

Sideturn signal light

LED 12V 5W


Body Specifications

Unit: mm {in.) 1.555{61.6) 1,i140(56.71



Maintenance Lubricantsand Fluids MaintenanceSchedulefor Normal Conditions Listed by Distance/Time

MaintenanceSchedulefor Severe Gonditions Listedby Distance/Time



MaintenanceSchedule Listedby Maintenance ltemfor Normal Conditions ................... 3-8 Listedby Maintenance ltem for Severe Conditions ...................3-9

Lubricantsand Fluids

For detailsof lubricationpoints and type of lubricantsto be applied,referto the illustratedindex and variouswork o v e r h a u l .l n s t a l l a t i o ne.t c . )c o n t a i n e di n e a c hs e c t i o n . ures{suchasAssem



NO. 1

Eng ine

The oil container Honda Motor Oil (P/N08798-9023). must disolavthe API Cenificationseal shown below. " AE M a k es u r ei t s a y s" F o r G a s o l i n eE n g i n e s . S Viscositv:See chart below.

2 3



Brakesvstem (includesABS line) C l u t c hl i n e Release f o r k ( m a n u a tl r a n s m i s s i o n l Throftlecableend (throttleIink) Shift and selectcable ends (manual transmission) Throttlecable end (dashboardlower panel hole) Brakeboosterclevis CIutchboosterclevis Shift lever pivot Pedalinkage Batteryterminals F u e lf i l l d o o r H o o dh i n g e sa n d h o o d l a t c h H a t c hh i n g e s , o D e ra n d l o w e r D o o rh i n o e s u Caliperpiston boot, caliperpins and boots A i r c o n d i t i o n i n cg o m p r e s s o r

HondaDOT 3 BrakeFluid*' (P/N08798-9008)


5 6 7 I 9 10 11 1'

14 16 17 18 19

S u p e rH i g hT e m p U r e aG r e a s e{ P / N0 8 7 9 8 - 9 0 0 2 ) S i l i c o n eg r e a s e

grease Multi-purpose

HondaCaliDerGrease(P/N08C30-80234lvl) o rH C o m p r e s s o r o iS l : P - 1 0( P / N3 8 8 9 7 - P 1 3 - A 0 1 A 38899-P'13-A01) a ( R - 1 3 4a ) F o rr e f r i q e r a nH t;FC'134

Recommond6dEngineOil fanges E n g i n eo i l v i s c o s i l yf o r a m b e n t t e m p e r a l u r e

-30 -20





* 1 : Always use HondaManualTransmissionFluid (MTF).Using motor oii can causestiffershifting becauseit does not containthe Drooeradditives. " 2 : Always use HondaDOT 3 BrakeFluid.Using a non-Hondabrakefluid can causecorrosionand decreasethe life of the system.



t o o o o o

o@@ a9



MaintenanceSchedule Listedby Distance/Timefor Normal Conditions Thistwo pagel/lanitenance Schedule outlinesthe minimunrequiredmaintenance. Serviceat the indicated distance or time,whichevercomes if the vehiclemeetsanyof the qualifiers in the SevereConditions first.use the lvlaintenance Schedule for Severeconditions schedule or if the vehicleis normallydrivenin Canada.

(cold)(seepage6-321r Intake: 0.21-0.25mm (0.008 0.010in.)Exhaust: 0.28 0.32mm (0.011 0.013in.) Inspectvalveclearance. (NGK)or SKJ20DR-M11 (DENSO). Replace sparkplugs.UseIZFR6K'11 1 . 0 1 . 1m m km/6 years 120,000 mi/ 192,000 fluid.UseHondaMTF(seepage13-3). I Replace transmission ! Do items in A,B,alqq., /

/ Y vcdrs

120,000 mil 192,000 Type2. 5.00 (5.3US qt).UseHondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/Coolant Beplace coolant(seepage106).Capacity: tailureto do the maintenance itemsmarkedwith an asterisk According to stateandlederalregulations, {*) will not voidthe customer's intervalto ensurelong-term warranties, However,Hondarecommends thatall maintenance services be doneat the recommended emissions reliability.



Dothe itemsin partsA, B, C, D, andE as requiredfor mileage/time intervallisted. A Replace engineoillseepage8-5i. Capacity withoutlilterchange:4.0S (4.2US qt, 3.5lmp qt) Rotatetires.Followthe patternshownin the Owner'sManual Checktireinformationandcondition. B Replace engineoil filterlseepage8-6). Capacity with filterchange:4.20(4.4US qt,3.7lmp qt) Inspect frontandrearbrakes(seepage19 3i. . Checkpadsand djscsfor wear(thickness), damage,andcracks. ' Checkcalipers tor damage,leaks,andtjghtnessot mountbolts. Checkparkingbrakeadjustment. ShouldbeIullyappliedwithin7 to I clicks. Inspect tie rod ends,steeringgearbox,and boots{seepage17 5). . Checkrackgreaseandsteeringlinkage. . Checkbootsfor damageand leakinggrease . Chackfluidline{or damageand leaks. lnspectsuspensioncomponents. . Chockboltsfor tightness. . Checkconditionof balliointbootslor deterioration and damage. Inspectdriveshaftboots.Checkbootsfor cracksand boot bandsfor tightness(seepage16-3). proponioning Insp€ctbrakehosesandlines{including ABS). Checkthemastercylinder, controlvalve,andABSmodulator{ordamage andleakage. Checkall fluidlevelsandconditionot tluids;checkfor leaks.lf necessary, add MTFlseepage13'3),engioecoolant,brakefluid,and windshield washerfluid. system*.Checkcatalytic L lnspectexhaust converterheatshield, exhaustpipeand mufflerfordamage,leaks, andtightness{soepage9,8). lnspect{uellinesandconnections*. Checkfor looseconnections, cracksand deterioration; retightenlooseconnoctions and replace damagedparts(s€epage11 146). andadiustdrivebelt. l InsDect . Lookfor cracksanddamage,andinspectautotensioner(needsno adjustment). Replace the dustandpollenlilter(seepage21 39). . Replacethe dustandpollenfilterwheneverairflow lrom the heatingandcoolingsystemis lessthannormal.


Replace air cleanerelementevery30,000miles(48,000 km)(independent of time).


i I Replace brakefluidevery3 years(independent oI mileage).

* ) will not voidcustomer's According to stateandfederalregulations, failureto do the maintenance itemsmarkedwith asterisk( emissions warranties. However,Hondarecommends thatall maintsnance servicebe doneat the recommended intervalto ensurelongterm reliability.



MaintenanceSchedule Listedby Distance/Timefor SevereConditions or time,whichevercomesfirst.Usethisscheduleif the vehicleis drivenMAINLYin Canadaor in anyof the Serviceat the indicated distance (seepage3-4). il onlyOCCASIONALLY tollowingconditions; drivenin theseconditions, usethe NormalConditions schedule SevereDrivingConditions . Drivinglessthan5 miles{8 km) pertrip or, in freezingtemperatures, drivinglessthan 10miles(16km)pertrip . Drivingin extremelyhot (over90"F/32"C) conditions . Extensive deliveryvehicle. idl;ngor longperiodsof stopand go driving,suchasa taxior a commercial . Trailertowing,drivingwith a car-topcarrier,or drivingin mountainous conditions. . Drivingon muddy,dusty,or de'icedroads

R e p l a c et r a n s m i s s i o nf l u i d . U s e H o n d a M T F { s e e p a g e 1 3 3 ) .

(cold)(seepage6 32):lntake:0.21 0.25mm (0.008 0.010in.)Exhaust: 0.28 0.32mm (0.011 0.013in.) Inspectvalveclearance. 11 (NGK)or SKJ20DR'M 11 {DENSO) Replace sparkplugs.Use IZFR6K

km/ 6 years R e p l a c et r a n s m i s s i o nf l u i d . U s e H o n d a M T F ( s e ep a g e 1 3 3 ) .

mil 192,000 km/ 10years,thenevery60,000mi/ 96,000km/5 years 5.0015.3US qt) UseHondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/coo lantType2. Replace coolant(seepage10-6).Capacity:


Dothe itemsin partsA, B, C,D, E,F,and G as requiredfor mileage/time intervallisted. A q (4.2US qt,3.5lmpqt) Feplaceengineoil(seepageS5). Capacity withoutlilterchange:4.0 I Replace engjneoil filter(seepageI 6). Capacity with filterchange:4.20 14.4US qt,3.7lmp qt) Insoectfrontand rearbrakes, . Checkpadsanddiscsforwearlthickness), damage,andcracks. . Checkcalipers for damage,leaks,andtightnessof mountbolts. Lubricate doorlocks,latchesand hingeswith Hondawhitelithiumgrease. Rotatetires,if the vehiclehasbeendriventhe distancelisted.Followthe patternshownin the Owner'sManual-Checktire inflaronaoo condition, Inspecttierod ends,steeringgearbox,and boots(seepage17,5). . Checkrackgreaseandsteeringlinkage. . Checkbootsfor damageand leakinggrease. . Checklluidlinefordamageandleaks. L Inspectsuspensron components . Checkboltsfor tightness. . Checkconditionof balljointbootsfor deterioration anddamage. Inspectdriveshaft boots.Checkbootsfor cracksand bootbandsfor tightness(seepage16-3). Checkparkingbrakeadjustment. Shouldbe fullyappliedwithin7 to 9 clicks. Insp€ctbrakehosesandlioes.(including ABS). Checkthe mastercylinder,proportioning controlvalve,andABSmodulatorfor damage (seepage19-24). and leakage (see page13 3),enginecoolant,brakefluid,and Checkall fluidlevelsandconditionot lluids;checkfor leaks.lf necessary, add MTF windshield washerf luid. Inspectexhaustsystem*.Checkcatalytic converterheatshield,exhaustpipeand mufflerfor damage,leaks,andtightness(seepage9 8). Inspect fuel linesandconnections*. Checkfor looseconnections, cracksand deterioration; retightenlooseconnections and replace damagedpans(seopage11'146). (seepage22-68). Checkalllights.Checkfunction otallinteriorandexteriorlights,andthepositionofthe headlights Inspect the v€hicleunderbody. Checkthe paintfor damage,scratches, stonechippin0,anddents.


InsDectand adiustdrive belt. . Looktor cracksanddamage,and inspectautotensioner {needsno adjustment). Reolace dustand oollenfilter.

E Replace aircleanerelementevery15,000 miles124,000 km) in dustvcondition{independent ol timei otherwiseuseNormalConditions (seepage11-162). scredule F

lReplaceaircleanerelementevery30,000miles(48,000km)(independento{timei(seepagell-162). Replace brakefluidevery3 years(independent oJmileagei. H

Replacethe dustandpollenIilterevery15,000 milesifvehicleis drivenmostlywhereair hashighconcentration olsootfrom industryand dieselpoweredvehiclesj alsoreplace the dustand pollenfilteranytimeaarflowis lessthanussal(seepags21-39). A c c o r d i n gt o s t a t e a n d f e d e r a l r e g u l a t i o n s ,f a i l u r e t o d o t h e m a i n t e n a n c ei t e m s m a r k e d w i t h a s t e r i s k( * ) w i l l n o t v o i d c u s t o m e r ' s e m i s s i o n s w a r r a n t i e s .H o w e v e r , H o n d a r e c o m m e n d s t h a t a l l m a i n t e n a n c es e r v i c e sb e d o n e a t t h e r e c o m m e n d e d i n t e r v a lt o e n s u r e l o n g - t e r m r e l i a b i l i t y ,




Listedby Maintenanceltem for NormalConditions on the nextpagedo for SevereConditions in the lMaintenance Schedule if the severedrivingconditions specified Followthe NormalSchedule drivenin severedrivingconditions. not apply,and if onlyOCCASIONALLY scheduleif the vehicleis drivenMAINLYin Canada. Followthe SevereConditions ortime, distance Serviceatthe indicated whichevercomesfirst.

milesx 1,000






km x 1,000







months Replace engineoil





















192 12








R o t a t et i r e s { C h e c kt i r e i n t l a t i o na n d c o n d i t i o n a t l e a s t o n c e p e r m o n t h )

Replace engineoil filter







Inspect frontand rearbrakes C h e c kp a r k i n g b r a k e a d j u s t m e n t

Visuallyinspectthefollowingitems: . Tie-rodends,steeringgearboxand boots . Suspension components . Driveshaftboots . Brakehosesand lines(including ABSi . Allfluidlevelsandconditionof{luids . Exhaust system* . Fuellinesandconnections*






Replace dustand pollenfilter


fluid Reolace transmission Servicethefollowing items at the recommendedintervals R e p l a c ea i r c l e a n e re l e m e n t

km) Every 30,000 miles(48,000

Replace sparkplugs

Lm) Every 110,000 miles(176,000


km),otherwise adiusl onlyif noisy. Inspect miles{176,000 every110,000

I n s p e c ti d l e s p e e d *

km)or8 years Every 160.000 mres1256,000

R e p l a c ee n g i n e c o o l a n t

km)or5 miles(96,000 km)or 10years, thenevery60,000 At 120,000 miles(192,000

brakefluid Replace

Every3 years

(*) will not voidcustomer's emissions * : According itemsmarkedwith asterisk failureto do the maintenance to stateandlederalregulations, intervalto ensurelong-termreliabilityservicebe doneat the recommended thatall maintenance However,Hondarecommends warranties.


Listedby Maintenanceltem for SevereConditions Usethisschedule if the vehicleis drivenMAINLYin Canadaor in anvof thefollowinaconditions. NOTE:it onlyOCCASIONALLY drivenin these conditions, usethe NormalConditions schedute. SovereDrivingConditions . Drivinglessthan5 miles(8 km)pertrip or, in lreezingtemperatures, drivinglessthan 10miles(16km)pertrip. . Drivingin extremely hot over90 "F 132'C)conditions. . Extensive idling,or longperiodsot stop-and-go-driving, suchas a taxior a commercial deliveryvehicle. . Trailertowing,drivingwith a cartop carrier,or drivingin mountainous conditions. . Drivingon muddy,dusty,or de icedroads. Serviceat the indicated distance or time, whichevercomesfirst.

milesx 1,000


km x 1,000


months Replace engineoil Rotatetires intlationandconditionat leastonceper monthi {Checktire




























Replace every 5,000 miies18,000 km)or6 months













R e p l a c ee n g i n e o i l f i h e r

Inspectfrontand rearbrakes L u b r i c a t ea l l l o c k s ,h i n g e s ,a n d l a t c h e s

Visuallyinspectthe followingitems: . Tie rod ends,steeringgearboxand boots . Suspension components ' Driveshaftboots Checlparkingbraleadjuslment







Visuallyinspectthefollowingitems: . Brakehosesand lines{including ABSi . Allfluidlevelsandconditionoflluids . Exhaust system* . Fuellinesandconnections* . Lightsandcontrols, vehicleunderbody


Inspectand adjustdrivebeh




R e p l a c ed u s t a n d p o l l e n f i l t e r " o ' t '


Replace transmission lluid


Servicethe following items atthe recommendedinteruals Replace aircleanerelement

Every15,000 miies(24,000 km)in dustyconditions, otheMiseusenormalschedule.

Replace sparkplugs

Every 110,000 miles(176,000 km)


Inspect every110,000 miles(176,000 km),otheMise adiust onlyif noisy.

I n s p e c ti d l e s p e e d '

Every 160,000 miles(256,000 km)or8vears

Replace enginecoolant

At 120,000 miles(192,000 km)of 10years,lhen every miles(96,000 60,000 km)or5

Replace brakefluid

Every3 years

* : A c c o r d i n gt o s t a t e a n d f e d e r a l r e g u l a t i o n s ,f a i l u r e t o d o t h e m a i n t e n a n c ei t e m s m a r k e d w i t h a s t e r i s k1 * ) w i l l n o t v o i d c u s t o m e r ' s e m i s s i o n s w a r r a n t i e s .H o w e v e r , H o n d a r e c o m m e n d st h a t a l l m a i n t e n a n c es e r v i c eb e d o n e a t t h e r e c o m m e n d e d i n t e r v a lt o e n s u r e l o n g { e r m r e l i a b i l i t v . N O T E 1 : R e p l a c et h e d u s t a n d p o l l e n f i l t e r a t 1 5 , 0 0 0m i l e s / 2 4 , 0 0 0k m i f t h e v e h i c l e i s d r i v e n m o s t l y i n u r b a n a r e a st h a t h a v e h i g h c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f s o o t i n t h e a i r f r o m i n d u s t r v a n d d i e s e l - D o w e r e dv e h i c l e s .



EngineElectrical EngineElectrical SpecialTools


StartingSystem Comoonent Location Index ............... CircuitDiagram StarterCircuit Troubleshooting ClutchInterlockSwitchTest StarterSolenoid Test .............. StarterPerformance Test StarterReolacement ............... StarterOverhaul.......................


4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10

lgnition System Component LocationIndex ............... 4-15 CircuitDiagram 4-16 lgnitionTimingInspection 4-17 lgnitionCoilRemoval/1nsta11ation ....................... 4-18 SparkPlugInspection 4-19

ChargingSystem Component LocationIndex .................................. 4-2O CircuitDiagram ........................... 4-21 Charging ....................... 4-22 CircuitTroubleshooting DriveBeltInspection ................... 4-26 DriveBeftReplacement .............. 4-26 DriveBeftAuto-tensioner Inspection.................. 4-27 DriveBeftAuto-tensioner Replacement .............. 4-28 Alternator Reolacement ............. 4-29 Alternator ................ .... 4-30 Overhaul

CruiseControl Component Location Index .................................. 4-36 CircuitDiagram ........................... 4-37 Index ....................... 4-38 SymptomTroubleshooting CruiseControlUnitlnDutTest ............................. 4-40 MainSwitchTesVReolacement ........................... 4-42 .. 4-42 SeVResume/Cancel SwitchTesVReplacement CruiseControlActuatorTest ......4-43 CruiseControlActuator/Cable Replacement ......4-44 ActuatorCableAdjustment.................................. 4-45 ClutchPedalPositionSwitchTest ....................... 4-45 \.





\ C

SpecialTools Number



Tool Number

07746-0010400 07749-0010000

Description Attachment,52 x 55 mm Driver

otv 1 1


\(a 4-2

Starting System ComponentLocationIndex


- l - ar]]]ll



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\ r \ ' l \'\l I

\r\, l,

, . \ \ \ \ /





\ /'\ t l


STARTER page4 5 StanerCircuitTroubleshoot,ng, SolenoidTest,page 4-7 PerformanceTest,page4-8 Replacement,page 4-9 '10 Overhaul,page4


Starting System CircuitDiagram -

ilo.20lOA) :USAmotkl No.2!l50A) : C.nid. model





cLuTot [{Tr8LocK swtlcH

a 4-4

StarterCircuitTroubleshooting NOTE: . Airtemperaturemust be between59'and 100'F(15' and 38'C) during this procedure. . After this test, or any subsequentrepair,resetthe enginecontrolemodule (ECM)to clear any diagnostlc trouble codes (DTCS){seepage 11-4). . The batterymust be in good conditionand fully charged. . lf you disconnectthe baftery,do the ECM idle learn p r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 3 9 ) . RecommendedProcedure: . Use a startersystemtester. . Connectand operatethe equipmentin accordance with the manufacturer'sinstructions. Alternate Procedure 1. Hook up the following equipment: . Ammeter,0 400A . Voltmeter,0 20 V (accuratewithin 0.1 volt) . Tachometer,0 1200rpm

4. Checkthe batterycondition.Checkelectrical connectionsat the battery,the negativebaftery cableto body, the engine ground cablesand the starterfor loosenessand corrosion.Then try startingthe engine again. Did the statter crank the engine? YES Repairingthe looseconnectionfixed the problem.The startingsystem is now OK.! N O l f s t a r t e r w i l ln o t c r a n k t h e e n g i n ea t a l l ,g o t o step 5. lf it cranksthe engine erraticallyor too slowly, go to step 7. lf it won't disengagefrom the flywheel ring gear when you releasethe key, check for the following until you find the cause. . Solenoidplungerand switch malfunction . Dirty drive gear or damagedoverrunningclutch 5. Make sure the transmissionis in neutral,then disconnectthe startersubharness1Pconnector(A) 'lP from the enginewire harness connector(B). Connecta jumper wire from the batterypositive 'l terminalto the startersubharness P connector.

2 . Removethe No. 17 (15A)fuse from the under-dash fuse/relaybox.

3 . With the clutch pedal pressed,turn the ignition switchto start (lll). Did the starter crank the enginenormally?

Did the starter crank the engine?

YES-The startingsystem is OK.I YES-Go to step 6. NO-Go to step 4.

wire betweenthe starter NO Checkthe BLK,ANHT subharness1Pconnectorand the starter.lf wire is OK, removethe starter,and repairor replaceas necessary.

L (cont'd)


StartingSystem StarterCircuitTroubleshooting (cont'dl

ClutchInterlockSwitch Test

6. Checkthe following items in the order listeduntil you find the open circuit. . Checkthe BLIVWHTwire and connectors betweenthe under-dashfuse/relaybox and the ignition switch,and betweenthe under-dash fuse/relaybox and the starter. . Checkthe ignition switch {seepage 22-53). . Checkthe clutch interlockswitch and connector. . Checkthe startercut relay (seepage 22-51). . CheckLT GRNwire betweenthe startercut relayl under-dashfuse/relaybox and the clutch interlockswitch. . Checkthe BLKwire betweenthe clutch interlock switch and G501.

1. Disconnect the clutchinterlockswitch2Pconnector.

7, Checkthe crankingvoltageand currentdraw. ls ctanking voltagegreatet than or equal to 8.7 V and current draw less than or equal to 230 A? YES-Go to step8. NO Replacethe starter.or remove and disassembleit, and checkthese items until you find thecause. . Starterarmaturedragging . Shortedarmature winding . E x c e s s i vder a g i n e n g i n e 8 . C h e c kt h e e n g i n es p e e dw h i l ec r a n k i n gt h e e n g i n e .

2. Removethe clutch interlockswitch (A). Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminals accordingto the table. . lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe clutch interlockswitch. . lf OK, installclutch interlockswitch and adjust the pedal height (seepage 12-4l..

ls the engine speed above 100 tpm? YES Go to step 9. NO-Replace the starter,or remove and disassembleit, and checkfor the following until y o u f i n dt h e c a u s e . . Excessivelyworn starterbrushes . Open circuit in commutator brushes . Open circuit in starterarmaturecommutator segments . D i r t yo r d a m a g e dh e l i c asl p l i n e so r d r i v eg e a r . Faultydrive gear clutch 9. Removethe starter,and inspectits drive gear and the flywheel ring gear for damage.Replaceany d a m a g e dp a n s . I


Terminal \ Cl","f ri"t.tf ."tS""*Jrl




- --o

StarterSolenoidTest from thestarter 1. Disconnect the S andlvlconnectors solenoid.

2. Checkthe hold-incoil for continuitybetweenthe S terminal and the armaturehousing(ground).There should be continuity. . lf there is continuity,goto step 3. . lf there is no continuity,replacethe solenoid,


3. Checkthe pull-incoil for continuitybetween the S . h e r es h o u l db e terminaa l n d M t e r m i n a lT continuity, . lf there is continuity,the solenoidis OK. . lf there is no continuity,replacethe solenoid,


StartingSystem Starter PerformanceTest 1 , Disconnectthe wires from the S terminal and the M termrnal.

5. Disconnectthe batteryfrom the starterbody. lfthe pinion retractsimmediately,it is working properly.

Make a connectionas describedbelow using as heavya wire as possible(preterablyequivalentto the wire used for the vehicle).To avoid damaging the starter,never leavethe batteryconnectedfor more than 10 seconds, Connectthe batteryas shown. Be sure to disconnectthe startermotor wire from the solenoid. lf the starterpinion moves out, it is working propefly.

6 . Clampthe starterfirmly in a vise. 7 . Connectthe starterto the batteryas describedin the diagram below,and confirm that the motor starts and keepsrotating.

Disconnectthe batteryfrom the M terminal.lf the pinion does not retract,the hold-incoil of the solenoidis working properly.

lf the eiectriccurrent and motor speedmeet the specificationswhen the batteryvoltage is at 11.5V, the staner is working properly, Specifications: 1.1 kw

90 A or less (Electriccurrent), ot more



Starter Replacement 1. Make sure you havethe anti-theftcode for the radio. then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's presetbuttons. 2. Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the batteryfirst, then disconnectthe positivecable.

5. Disconnectthe startercable (A)from the B terminal wire on the solenoid,then disconnectthe BLK,/WHT

{ B )f r o mt h eS t e r m i n a l . 10x 1.25mm 44N.m{a.5kgf.m,33lblft)

3. Disconnectthe knocksensorconnector. 4. Removethe bolt (A) securingthe harnessbracket, then removethe intakemanifold bracket(B). A 6x1,0mm 12 N.m {1.2kgf.m, 8.7 tbt.ft)


8 x 1 . 2 5m m 9Nm 10.9kgf.m,7 lbl ft)

S'-12x12smm 6ilNm

{ 6 . 5k g l m , 4 7 l b f f t )

Removethe two bolts holdingthe starter,then removethe starter. 8 x 1.25mm 22 N,m 12.2kgt.m, 16rbf.ftl

7 . lnstallthe starterin the reverseorder of removal. Make sure the crimped side of the ring terminal (A) is facing out.

I Connectthe positivecable and negativecableto the batterY.

9 . Start the engineto make sure the starteroperates propeny.

'10.Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. 1 1 .Set the clock.


' t 2 .Performthe enginecontrol module (EcM) idle learn procedure(seepage 1'1-139).




Starter Overhaul Disassembly/Reassembly


@ @


----_2< Y1




| l-"t

nrrucs _,-ersroru Benlacement. 7-21

rG\ AalQ [=l ^oJ PISTON Removal,page7-'12 Measurement,page7-15

CONNECTINGROD End play, page7-5 Small end measurement,page7-19





PISTONPIN Removal,page7-18 I n s p e c t i o np ,a g e7 - 1 9 Installation,page7,20



ENGINEBLOCK Cylinderbore inspection,page7-'15 Warpageinspection,page7-15 C y l i n d e br o r eh o n i n g ,p a g e1 - 1 1 Ridgeremovai,step 13 on page7-13 CONNECTINGROD

CONNECTINGROD BOLT page7 24 lnspectaon,



ConnectingRod and CrankshaftEnd PlayInspection 1 . Remove the oil pump(seepage8-9).

Removethe baffleplates(seestep6 on page1 -12). 3. Measurethe connectingrod end play with a feeler gauge betweenthe connectingrod and crankshaft. ConnectingRod End Play Standard{New):0.15 0.30mm (0.006-0.012in.l 0.40mm (0.016in.l ServiceLimit

4 . lf the connectingrod end play is out-of-tolerance,

installa new connectingrod, and recheck.lf it is replacethe crankshaft(see still out-of-tolerance, page 7 -12],.

5. lnstalla dial indicatoras shown. Pushthe crankshaftfirmly away from the dial indicator,and zerothe dial againstthe end of the crankshaft.Then pull the crankshaftfirmly backtoward the indicator; the dial readingshould not exceedthe servicelimit. Crankshaft End Plav StandardlNew): 0.10-0.35 mm { 0 . 0 0 4 - 0 . 0 1 4i n . l ServiceLimit: 0.45mm {0.018in.)

replacethe thrust lf the end play is out-of-tolerance, washersand recheck.lf it is still out-of-tolerance, replacethe crankshaft.


EngineBlock CrankshaftMain BearingReplacement MainBearingClearance Inspection 1. To checkmain bearing-to-journaI oil clearance. removethe lower block and bearinghalves(see page 1 -12).. 2 , C l e a ne a c hm a i nj o u r n a la n d b e a r i n gh a l fw i t h a cleanshop towel. 3. Placeone strip of plastigageacrosseach main l o ur n a l . 4. Reinstallthe b e a r i n g sa n d l o w e rb l o c k t, h e nt o r q u e the bolts to 29 N.m {3.0kgf.m,22 lbf.ft) + 56'.

6. lf the plastigagemeasurestoo wide or too narrow, removethe crankshaft.and removethe upper half ofthe bearing.Installa new, completebearingwith the same color code{s),and recheckthe clearance. Do not file, shim, or scrapethe bearingsor the caps to adjustclearance. 7. lf the plastigageshows the clearanceis still incorrect,try the next largeror smaller bearing(the color listedabove or below that one),and check again.lf the proper clearancecannot be obtained b y u s i n gt h e a p p r o p r i a t e l a r g e ro r s m a l l e rb e a r i n g s , replacethe crankshaftand start over.

NOTE:Do not rotatethe crankshaftduring Inspeclton. 5 . R e m o v et h e l o w e rb l o c ka n d b e a r i n g sa g a i n ,a n d measurethe widest part of the plastigage. Main Bearing-to-Journal Oil Clearance N o . 1 , 2 ,4 , 5 J o u r n a l s : Standard(New):0.017 0.041mm Service Limit: No.3 Journal:

10.0007 0.0016in.l 0.050mm {0.0020 in.)

Standard{Newl:0.025- 0.049mm (0.0010 0.0019in.) ServiceLimit: 0.055mm (0.0022 in.l



Main BearingSelection

Main Journal Code Location 2. The main journal codesa{e stampedon the cran kshaft.

Crankshaft Bore Code Location 1. Numbersor lettersor bars have been stampedon the end of the block as a code for the sizeof each of the five main journal bores.Write down the crank bore codes.lf you can't readthe codes becauseof accumulateddirt and dust, do not scrub them with a wire brush or scraper.Cleanthem only with solventor detergent. No. 5 JOURNAL END) {FLYWHEEL






EngineBlock CrankshaftMain Bearing Replacement(cont'd)

ConnectingRodBearing Replacement

3. Usethe crank bore codes and crankjournal codes to selectthe appropriatereplacementbearings from the following table. NOTE: . Color code is on the edge of the bearing. . When using bearinghalvesof differentcolors.it does not matterwhich color is used in the top or bottom.

Main iournsl cooe 1

Crank ---=-> bore | 1or code IAorl --

2ot Borll

Lalgercrankbore 3or c oi__-l C o r l l l D o r t t t It

--> Smaller bearing {Thickerl

Pink f!1f;* v"rro* c,""n l



v"no*c,""" $;;fl f111f;,," cr""n $ffi


ffi#Tr,.*" i.,""* '---l-'o"*,


Creen ; g=jiff;i Brown Black



Black 6il;

Brack !l;kr


RodBearingClearance lnspection 1 . R e m o v et h e o i l p u m p ( s e ep a g e8 - 9 ) . 2. Bemovethe baffle plates(seestep 6 on page7-12). 3. Removethe connectingrod cap and bearinghalf. 4 . C l e a nt h e c r a n k s h a frto d j o u r n a la n d b e a r i n g h a l f with a clean shop towel. 5. Placeplastigageacrossthe rod journal. 6 . R e i n s t a l l t hb e e a r i n gh a l fa n d c a p ,a n dt o r q u et h e b o l t st o 2 0 N . m ( 2 . 0k g f . m ,1 4 l b f . f t )- l 9 0 " . NOTE:Do not rotatethe crankshaftduring inspection. 7 . R e m o v et h e r o d c a pa n d b e a r i n gh a l f ,a n d m e a s u r e the widest part of the plastigage. ConnectingRod Bearing-to-Journal Oil Clearance: Standard{Newl: 0.020 0.050mm (0.0008--0.0020in.l ServiceLimit: 0.060mm (0.0024in.)






8 . lf the plastigagemeasurestoo wide or too narrow, removethe upper half of the bearing,installa new, completebearingwith the same color code(s),and recheckthe clearance.Do not file. shim, or scrape the bearingsor the capsto adjustclearance.

RodBearingSelection 1. Inspecteach connectingrod for cracksand heat damage. Connecting Rod Big End Eore Code Locations

9 . lf the plastigageshows the clearanceis still incorrect,try the next largeror smaller bearing(the color listedabove or below that one),and check clearanceagaln.lf the properclearancecannot be obtainedby usingthe appropriatelarger or smaller bearing,replacethe crankshaftand stan over.

2 . E a c hr o d h a sa t o l e r a n c er a n g ef r o m 0 0 . 0 2 4m m (0.0009in.),in 0.006mm (0.0002in.) increments, dependingon the sizeof its big end bore. lt's then s t a m p e dw i t h a n u m b e ro r b a r ( 1 ,2 , 3 o r 4 / 1 l,l , l l l ,o l l l l l )i n d i c a t i n g t h e r a n g e .Y o u m a y f i n d a n y c o m b i n a t i o no f n u m b e r sa n d b a r si n a n y e n g i n e . ( H a l ft h e n u m b e ro r b a r i s s t a m p e do n t h e b e a r i n g cap,the other half on the rod.) lf you can't readthe code becauseof an accumulationof oil and varnish.do not scrub it with a wire brush or scraper.Cleanit only with solventor detergent. Normal Bore Size: 48.0 mm 11.89in.l



EngineBlock ConnectingRod BearingReplacement(cont'dl Connecting Rod Journal Code Location 3. The connectingrod journalcodesare stampedon the crankshaft. Connecting Rod Journal Code Location (Letters or Bars)





4. Use the big end bore codes and rod journalcodes to selectappropriatereplacementbearingsfrom the followingtable. NOTE: . Color code is on the edge of the bearing. . When using bearinghalvesof differentcolors,it does not matter which color is used in the top or bottom. Big end ----------> bore codo lorl


Largerbig end bore


3 ol lll

4 orllll

---------> Smallsrb.aring {Thickerl Pink

Pink/ Yollow/ Yellow Grecn


Green/ Brown Brown


Yellow Yellow/ Green



Green/ Erown/ Brown Black




Brown/ Black


Black/ Blue





OilPanRemoval 1 . Drainthe engineoil (seepage8-5).

5 . C u tt h eo i l p a n s e abl y s t r i k i n g t h e s i d e o f t h e c u t t e r to slidethecutteralongthe oil pan.

lf the engine is still in the vehicle,removethe subframe. -1 Attachthe chain hoistto the engine (seestep 35 on page 5-6). -2 Disconnectthesuspensionlower arm ball joints (seestep 3 on page 18-19). -3 Removethe rear mounl mounting bolts (see step 39 on page 5-7). -4 Removethe front mount mounting bolt (see step 40 on page 5-7). -5 Use a markerto make alignmentmarks on the referencelinesthat align with the centersof the rear subframemounting bolts.Removethe front subframe(seestep 43 on page 5-8). 6 . R e m o v et h e o i l p a n . Removethe bolts/nutssecuringthe oil pan. Drivean oil pan seal cutter betweenthe oil pan and cylinderblock.


EngineBlock Crankshaftand PistonRemoval 1 . R e m o v et h e e n g i n ea s s e m b l y( s e ep a g e5 - 2 ) . 2 . R e m o v et h e t r a n s m i s s i o (ns e ep a g e1 3 - 4 ) .

8. Removethe bearingcap bolts.To preventwarpage, unscrewthe bolts in sequence1/3turn at a time: repeatthe sequenceuntil all bolts are loosened.

3 . R e m o v et h e o i l p a n ( s e ep a g e7 - 11 ) . 4. Removethe oil pump {seepage8-9). 5. Removethe cylinderhead (seepage 6-23). 6. Removethe baffle plates. E

7. Removethe 8 mm bolts.

L Removethe lower blockand bearings,Keepall bearingsin order.




1 0 .Removethe rod caps/bearings.Keepall caps/ b e a r i n g si n o r d e r .

14. Use the wooden handleof a hammer (A)to drive out the pistons(B).

1 1 .Liftthe crankshaftout ofthe engine,being careful n o t t o d a m a g et h e j o u r n a l s .

1 5 . Reinstallthe lower block and bearingson the engine in the proper order, to.

R e i n s t a l l t h ce o n n e c t i n gr o d b e a r i n g sa n d c a p s after removingeach piston/connectingrod assembly.

1 7 .To avoid mixup on reassembly.mark each piston/ connectingrod assemblywith its cylinder number. Removethe upper bearinghalvesfrom the connectingrods.and set them asidewith their respectivecaps. t.J.

NOTE:The existingnumber on the connectingrod does not indicateits positionin the engine,it indicatesthe rod bore size.

lf you can feel a ridge of metal or hard carbon aroundthe top of eachcylinder,remove it with a r i d g er e a m e r{ A ) .F o l l o w t h er e a m e rm a n u f a c t u r e r ' s instructions.lf the ridge is not removed,it may damagethe pistonsas they are pushedout.


EngineBlock Crankshaftlnspection


Out-ol-Round and Taper


1. Removethe crankshaftfrom the cylinder block(see page7-121. 2. Cleanthe crankshaftoil passageswith pipe c l e a n e r so r a s u i t a b l eb r u s h .

6. Placethe cylinder blockon the surfaceplate. 7 . C l e a na n d i n s t a l l t h eb e a r i g n so n t h e N o . 1a n d N o . 5 j o u r n a lo f t h e c y l i n d e rb l o c k . 8. Lowerthe crankshaftinto the block.

3. Cleanthe keywayand threads. 4. Measureout-of round at the middle of each rod and main journal in two places.The differencebetween measurementson each journal must not be more than the serviceIimit. Journal Out-ot-Round Standard(New):0.005mm (0.0002in.) max. ServiceLimit; 0.010mm (0.0004in.)

. o t a t et h e 9 . M e a s u r er u n o u to n a l l m a i nj o u r n a l sR crankshafttwo completerevolutlons.The differencebetweenmeasurementson eachjournal must not be more than the servicelimit. Crankshaft Total Runout Standard(New):0.03mm 10.0012 in.l max. ServiceLimit: 0.04mm (0.0016in.l



I_JJ fl 5. Measuretaper at the edgesof each rod and main journal.The differencebetweenmeasurementson eachjournal must not be more than the service limit. JournalTaper StandardlNewl: 0.005mm (0.0002in.) max. ServiceLimit: 0.010mm {0.0004in.)


7- 14

Blockand PistonInspection 1 . Removethe crankshaftand pistons(see pageT -121. Checkthe pistonfor distortionor cracks, M e a s u r et h e p i s t o nd i a m e t e ra t a p o i n t I 1 m m { 0 . 4 in.)from the bottom of the skirt.There are two pistons(No Letteror A, and B).The standard-size letteris stampedon the top of the piston.Letters are also stampedon the blockas cylinder bore stzes. Piston Diameter: Standard(Newl: No Letter {or A): 85.980 85.990 mm (3.3850 3.3854in.) B: 85.970-85.980mm (3.3846-3.3850in.)

4. Measurewear and taper in directionX and Y at t h r e el e v e l si n e a c hc y l i n d e ra s s h o w n .l f measurementsin any cylinder are beyondthe oversizebore servicelimit. replacethe block.lf the block is to be rebored,referto step 7 after reboring. CylinderBore Size Standard(New): A or l: 86.010 86.020mm 13.3862 3.3866in.) B or ll: 86.000 86.010mm (3.3858 3.3862in.) Service Limit: 86.070 mm (3.3886in.) Oversize: O.25t 96.250 86.260 mm (3.3957 3.3961 in.) Reboringlimit: 0.25mm (0.01in.l max.

Service Limit: No Lefter lor A): 85.930mm (3.3831in.) B: 85.920mm 13.3827in.)

Bore Taper: Limit: (Differencebetween first and third measurement)0.05mm (0.002in.) 6 mm {0.2in.} First Measurement Second Measutement Third Measurement 6 mm {0.2in.}

Oversize Piston Diameter: 0.25: 86.230-85.240mm (3.3949-3.3953 in.l



EngineBlock Blockand PistonInspection(cont'd) Scoredor scratchedcylinderbores must be honed. Checkthe top of the blockfor warpage.Measure along the edgesand acrossthe centeras shown. Engine Block Warpage StandardlNew): 0.07mm (0.003in.) max. ServiceLimit: 0.10mm (0.004in.l

\ 7. Calculatethe differencebetweenthe cylinder bore diameterand the plstondiameter.lf the clearance is near or exceedsthe servicelimit, inspectthe pistonand cvlinder blockfor excessivewear. Piston-to-Cylinder Clearance StandardlNew): 0.020 0.040mm {0.0008 0.0016in.) ServiceLimit: 0.05mm (0.002in.l







CylinderHoning Only a scoredor scratchedcylinderbore should be noneo. 'L

M e a s u r et h e c y l i n d e rb o r e s{ s e ep a g e7 - 1 5 ) . lf the block is to be reused,hone the cylindersand remeasurethe bores. H o n et h e c y l i n d e rb o r e sw i t h h o n i n go i l a n d a f i n e (400grit) stone in a 60 degreecross-hatchpattern (A).Use only a rigid hone with 400 grit or finer stone such as Sunnen,Ammco, or equivalent.Do not use stonesthat are worn or broken.

3 . W h e n h o n i n gi s c o m p l e t et,h o r o u g h l yc l e a nt h e engine blockof all metal particles.Wash the cylinder boreswith hot soapywater,then dry and oil them immediatelyto preventrusting.Never use solvent,it will only redistributethe grit on the c y l i n d e rw a l l s . lf scoringor scratchesare still presentin the cylinderboresafter honing to the servicelimit, reborethe cylinder block.Some light vertical scoringand scratchingis acceptableif it is not deep enoughto catchyour fingernailand does not run the full length of the bore.


EngineBlock Piston,Pin,and ConnectingRod Replacement Disassembly

4 . Heatthe piston and connectingrod assemblyto about 158'F(70"C),then removethe piston pin.

1. Removethe pistonfrom the cylinderblock (see page7 -12). 2 . A p p l ye n g i n eo i l t o t h e p i s t o np i n s n a p r i n g s( A ) , and turn them in the ring grooves until the end gaps are lined up with the cutoutsin the piston pin b o r e s( B ) . NOTE;Takecare not to damagethe ring grooves.

\ Removeboth snap rings (A).Start at the cutout in t h e p i s t o np i n b o r e .R e m o v et h e s n a pr i n g s carefullyso they do not go flying or get lost.Wear eve protection.




Inspection NOTE:Inspectthe piston,piston pin, and connecting rod when they are at room temperature. 1. Measurethe diameterof the piston pin.

3. Checkthe differencebetweenthe DistonDin d i a m e t e ra n d p i s t o np i n h o l ed i a m e t e ri n t h e p i s t o n . Piston Pin-to-Piston Clearance Standard(Newl: -0.005 to +0.002 mm (-0.00020 to +0.00008 in.) ServiceLimit: 0.005mm (0.0002in.)

Piston Pin Diameter Standard(New):21.961 21.965mm (0.8646-0.8648in.) ServiceLimit: 21.953mm 10.8643 in.l

4 . Measurethe piston pin-to-connecting rod clearance.

2. Zerc the dial indicatorto the piston pin diameter.

Piston Pin.to-Connecting Rod Clearance Standard(New):0.005 0.015mm {0.0002 0.0006in.} ServiceLimil: 0.02mm (0.0008in.l

v (cont'd)


EngineBlock (cont'd) Piston,Pin,and ConnectingRodReplacement Reassembly 1 . I n s t a l al p i s t o np i n s n a pr i n g ( A ) .


4. Installthe piston pin (A).Assemblethe piston (B) and connectingrod (C)with the arrow (D)and the e m b o s s e dm a r k ( E )o n t h e s a m es i d e . -

Coatthe piston pin bore in the piston,the bore in the connectingrod, and the piston pin with engine oil.

3 . Heatthe pistonto about 158"F(70'C).


5 . I n s t a ltlh e r e m a i n i n gs n a pr i n g ( F ) . 6 . T u r nt h e s n a pr i n g si n t h e r i n gg r o o v e su n t i l t h e end gaps are positionedat the bottom of the piston.


7 -20

PistonRing Replacement 1. Removethe piston{rom the cylinder block(see page 7 -121.

4. Using a piston,push a new ring (A) into the c y l i n d e rb o r e 1 5 - 2 0 m m { 0 . 6 - 0 . 8 i n . )f r o m t h e bottom.

2. Using a ring expander(A),removethe old piston r i n g s( B ) .

15 20 mm (0.6 0.8 in.)

I B 3. Cleanall ring groovesthoroughlywith a squaredoff brokenring or ring groovecleanerwith a blade to fit the pislon grooves.The top and 2nd ring g r o o v e sa r e 1 . 2m m ( 0 . 0 5i n , ) w i d e T . h eo i l r i n g groove is 2.0 mm (0.08in.) wide. Filedown a blade lf necessary.Do not use a wire brush to cleanthe ring grooves,or cut the ring groovesdeeperwith t h e c l e a n i n gt o o l s . NOTE:lf the piston is to be separatedfrom the connectingrod, do not installnew rings yet.

Measurethe piston ring end-gap(B)with a feeler g au g e : . l f t h e g a p i s t o o s m a l l ,c h e c k t os e ei f y o u h a v e t h e p r o p e rr i n g sf o r y o u r e n g i n e . . l f t h e g a p i s t o o l a r g e ,r e c h e c k t h e c y l i n d ebro r e diameteragainstthe wear limits (seeslep 4 on p a g e7 - 1 5 ) . . l f t h e b o r e i s o v e r t h es e r v i c el i m i t ,t h e c y l i n d e r block must be rebored. PistonRing End-Gap Top Fing Standard(Newl: 0.20 0.35 mm (0.008 0.014in.l ServiceLimit: 0.60mm (0.024in.. SecondRing Standard(New):0.40-0.55 mm {0.016 0.022in.) ServiceLimit: 0.70mm (0.028in.) Oil Ring REKENmanufacturedring Standard(Newl: 0.25 0.65 mm (0.010 0.026in.l ServiceLimit: 0.75mm (0.030in.) FEDERALMOGUL manufacturedrino StandardlNew): 0.20 0.70mm {0.008 0.028in.} ServiceLimit: 0.80mm (0.031in.)



EngineBlock PistonRing Replacement(cont'd) 6. Installthe top ring and secondring as shown.The t o p r i n g ( A )h a sa 1 R m a r ko r n o m a r ka n dt h e s e c o n dr i n g ( B )h a sa 2 R m a r ko r 2 N D m a r k .T h e marks must be facing upward.



8. Positionthe ring end gaps as shown:



About 45"





V" 12-) V P'ffi+a \aq*-pogd

.ZR, V PistonRingoimensions: | |

| |


t J

o -

ToPRing{Standardl: A :3 . 1m m { 0 . 1 2 in.l in.) B : 1 . 2m m { 0 . 0 5 SocondRing{Standard): A : 3 . 4m m { 0 . 1 3 in.} B:'1.2mm (0.05in.i

7, Rotatethe rings in their groovesto make sure they do notbind.



9. After installinga new set of rings,measurethe ring-to-grooveclearances:

o\,"16. s


Top RingClearance Standard {New}: mm {0.0014-0.0024 in.) 0.035-0.060 ServiceLimit: 0.13mm (0.005in.) SecondRing Clearance StandardlNew): REKENmanutactured ring in.) 0.030-0.055 mm (0.0012-0.0022 FEDERALMOGUL manulactured ring 0.025-0.060mm (0.0010-0.0024in.) 0.13 mm (0.005in.) ServiceLimit:


PistonInstallation lf the crankshaftis alreadyinstalled 1. Setthe crankshafttobottom dead center(BDC)for e a c hc y l i n d e r . 2. Removethe connectingrod caps,then installthe ring compressor,and checkthat the bearingis securelyin place,

lf the crankshaftis not installed 1 . Removethe connectingrod caps.then installthe r i n g c o m p r e s s o ra, n d c h e c kt h a tt h e b e a r i n gi s s e c u r e l yi n p l a c e .

2. P o s i t i o nt h e a r r o w( A ) f a c i n gt h e c a m c h a i ns i d eo f Ineengrne.

3. Positionthe arrow {A) facingthe cam chain side of r n ee n g t n e .



Positionthe piston in the cylinder,and tap it in u s i n gt h e w o o d e nh a n d l eo f a h a m m e r( A ) . N4aintain downward force on the ring compressor (B)to preventthe rings from expandingbefore enteringthe cylinder bore.

^ un\-.--l.


Positionthe piston in the cylinder,and tap it in u s i n gt h e w o o d e nh a n d l eo f a h a m m e r( A ) , Maintaindownward force on the ring compressor (B)to preventthe rings from expandingbefore enteringthe cylinder bore.

>-*/zi .,.'_\pf{


(( 'V,/:

Stop afterthe ring compressorpops free, and checkthe connectingrod-to-crankjournal alignmentbeforepushingthe piston into place.

4. Positionall pistonsattop dead center.

6 . Checkthe connectingrod bearingclearancewith plastigage(seepage7-8). 7 . lnspectthe connectingrod bolts (seepage 7 241. Apply engine oil to the bolt threads,then installthe rod capswith bearings.Torquethe bolts to 20 N.m {2.0kgf m, 14 lbf ft) + 90'.


EngineBlock ConnectingRod Bolt Inspection 1 . Measurethe diameterof each connectinqrod bolt at DointA and ooint B. 35 mm




Special Tools Bequired . Driver07749-0010000 . Attachment,24 x 26 mm 07746-0010700 . Oil seal driver attachment96 o7ZAD-PNAAl00 1 . I n s t a ltl h e c r a n k s h a fet n d b u s h i n gw i t h t h e s p e c i a l tools when replacingthe crankshaft.Drive in the c r a n k s h a fet n d b u s h i n gu n t i lt h e s p e c i atl o o l s bottom aqainstthe crankshaft.



Calculatethe differencein diameterbetweenpoint A a n d p o i n tB . Point A-Point B = Difference in Diameter Diflerence in Diameter: Specification:0 0.1 mm (0 0.004in.)




3 , lf the differencein diameteris out of tolerance, replacethe connectingrod bolt. e ith C h e c kt h e c o n n e c t i n gr o d b e a r i n gc l e a r a n c w plastigage{seepage7-8). C h e c kt h e m a i n b e a r i n gc l e a r a n c w e ith plastigage ( s e ep a g e7 - 6 ) . 4 . lnspecttheconnectingrod bolts (seepageT-241.




5 . I n s t a l l t h eb e a r i n gh a l v e si n t h e c y l i n d e rb l o c ka n d conneclrngrods.

12. Tightenthe connectingrod bolts to 20 N.m (2.0kgf.m, 14 lbf.ft).

6 . A p p l ya c o a to f e n g i n eo i l t o t h e m a i n b e a r i n g sa n d rod bearings.

13. Tightenthe connectingrod bolts an additional90".

7 . H o l dt h e c r a n k s h a fsto r o d j o u r n a lN o . 2 a n d r o d journal No. 3 are straightup, and lower the crankshaftinto the block. 8 . l n s t a l l t h et h r u s tw a s h e r s( A )i n t h e N o . 4 j o u r n a lo f the cylinder block.

14. Removeold liquid gasketfrom the lower block mating surfaces,bolts and bolt holes. 15. Cleanand dry the lower block mating surfaces. 16. Apply liquid gasket,P/N 08718-0009, evenlyto the cylinderblock mating surfaceof the lower block a n dt o t h e i n n e r t h r e a d o s f t h e b o l th o l e s . NOTE:Do not installthe parts if 5 minutesor more have elapsedsinceapplying liquid gasket.Instead, reapplyliquid gasketafter removing old residue.


,i, \-1

Apply liquid gasket alongthe broken line.

9 . Apply engine oil to the threadsot the connecting rod bolts,

1 0 .Seatthe rod journals into connectingrod No. 1 and connectingrod No. 4. Line up the mark (B)on the connectingrod and cap,then installthe caps and bolts finger-tight. '11. Rotate the crankshaftclockwise,and seatthe j o u r n a l si n t oc o n n e c t i n g r o d N o . 2 a n dc o n n e c t i n g rod No. 3. Line up the mark on the connectingrod and cap, then installthe caps and bolts finger-tight.



EngineBlock CrankshaftInstallation(cont'd) '17 . Putthe lower blockon lhe cylinderblock. 1 8 . Tightenthe bearingcap bolts in sequenceto 29 N.m (3.0kgf m, 22 lbf.ft).

{ 2'1. Use the specialtoolsto drive a new oil seal squarelyinto the blockto the specifiedinstalled height.


07zAo-PNAA100 Measurethe distancebetweenthe crankshaft(A) a n d o i l s e a l( B ) . Oil Seal InsialledHeight:

1 9 . Tightenthe bearingcap bolts an additional56". 20. Tightenthe I mm bolts in sequenceto 22 N.m 12.2 kgf m, 16 lbf.ft).


5.5 6.5 mm |10.22 0.26 in.l 5.5-6.5 mm {0.22 0.26in.l



OilPanlnstallation 23. Installthe baffle plates. 6x1.0mm 1 2N . m (1.2ksf m, 8.7lbf ft)

1 . Removeold liquid gasketfrom the oil pan mating surfaces,bolts,and bolt holes. 2 . Cleanand dry the oil pan mating surfaces. 3 . Apply liquid gasket,P/N 08718-0009, evenlyto the cylinderblock mating surfaceof the oil pan and to the innerthreadsof the bolt holes. NOTE:Do not installthe parts if 5 minutesor more have elapsedsinceapplying liquid gasket.Instead, reapplyliquid gasketafter removing old residue.

2 4 . I n s t a l l t h eo i l p u m p ( s e ep a g e8 - 1 4 ) . 25. Installtheoil pan (seepage7-27). Apply liquid gasket alongthe brokenline.

26. Installthecylinderhead (seepage 6-39). 27. Installthetransmission(seepage 13-8).

4. I n s t a l l t h eo i l p a n .

28. Installtheengine assembly(seepage 5-9).

5. Tightenthe bolts in two or three steps.In the final

s t e p ,t i g h t e na l l b o l t s ,i n s e q u e n c et ,o 1 2 N . m ( 1 . 2 kgf m, 8.7 lbf.ft). ( } @



EngineBlock Oil PanInstallation(cont'dl


TransmissionEndGrankshaftSeal Installation- In Car

6 . l f t h e e n g i n ei s s t i l l i n t h e v e h i c l e i,n s t a l tl h e subframe, - 1 I n s t a l l t h es u b f r a m eA. l i g nt h e r e f e r e n c e lines on the subframewith the bolt head center,then tighten the bolts (seestep 5 on page 5-10). -2 Tightenthe front mounting bolt (seestep 6 on p a g e5 - 1 0 ) . -3 Tightenthe rear mount mounting bolts (see s t e p7 o n p a g e5 - 1 1 ) . -4 Connectthe suspensionlower arm ball joints (seestep 6 on page 18-19). 7. After assembly,wait at least30 minutes before f i l l i n gt h e e n g i n ew i t h o i l .

Special Tools Required . Driver07749-0010000 . Oil seal driver attachment 96 07ZAD-PNAA100 '1.

D r y t h e c r a n k s h a fot i l s e a lh o u s i n g .

2. Use the specialtools to drive a new oil seal squarelyinto the blockto the specifiedinstalled height. 07749-0010000


tr*W(r -]t fl\ OTZAD.PNAAlOO

Measurethe distancebetweenthe crankshaft(A) a n d o i l s e a l( B ) . Oil Seal InstalledHeight: 5.5 6.5 mm 10.22-0.26in.l 5.5 6.5 mm l0.22- O.26in .l

v 7-28


EngineMechanical t--l


EngineLubrication SpecialTools Ref. No.


Tool Number 07HAA-PJ70100

\ Descriotion


Oil FilterWrench

I \-


ComponentLocationIndex WASHER


OILPAN R e m o v apl ,a g e7 1 1 page7-27 Installataon,

OILPUMP page8-8 OverhaLrl,





-&\JrI --t

ksrarr cKEr

OIL FILTERFEEDPIPE Replacement,page8-7


lN-? dczt$)

# 1 \


OILFILTER page8-6 Replacement, OIL PRESSURESWITCH SwitchTest,page8 4 Oil Pressuretest, page8'4 R e p l a c e m e npt a, g e8 1 6


EngineLubrication Oil PressureSwitch Test 1 . R e m o v et h e Y E U R E Dw i r e ( A ) f r o mt h e e n g i n eo i l pressureswitch (B).

Oil PressureTest


lf the oil pressureindicatorstayson with the engine r u n n i n g c. h e c kt h e e n g i n eo i l l e v e l .l f t h e o i l l e v e li s correct: '1.

Connecta tachometer. Removethe engine oil pressureswitch,and install a n o i l p r e s s u r eg a u g e{ A ) .

2. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe positiveterminal ( C )a n d t h e e n g i n e( g r o u n d )T. h e r es h o u l db e continuitywith the engine stopped.There should be no continuitywith the engine running. lf the switch fails to operate,checkthe engineoil l e v e l .l f t h e e n g i n eo i l l e v e li s O K .c h e c kt h e e n g i n e oil pressure.lf the oil pressureis OK, replacelhe oil Dressureswitch.



Start the engine.Shut it off immediatelyif the gauge registersno oil pressure.Repairlhe problem beforecontinuing. 4. Allow the engineto reachoperatingtemperature (fan comes on at leasttwice),The pressureshould be: EngineOil Temperature: 176'F (80'Cl EngineOil Pressure: At ldle: 70 kPa (0.7kgf/cm', 10 psi) mtntmum At 3,000rpm: 300 kPa (3.1kgf/cm',44 psi) minimum lf the oil pressureis NOT within specifications, inspectthese items: . C h e c kt h e o i l s c r e e n f o r c l o g g i n g . . Checkthe oil pump (seepage8-8). . Checkcrankshaftand connectingrod bearing clearances.

I 8-4

EngineOil Replacement 1 . Warm up the engine. 2 . R e m o v et h e d r a i nb o l t ( A ) ,a n d d r a i nt h e e n g i n eo i l .


A 44 N.m {i1.5kgf.m,33lbf.ft) Donotovertighten.

3 . Reinstallthe drain bolt with a new washer (B). R e f i l l w i t ht h e r e c o m m e n d e o d i l ( s e ep a g e3 - 2 ) . Capacity 4.0 0 (4.2US qt) at oilchange. 4.2 014.4US qt) at oilchange includingfilter. 5.3 015.6US $) after engineoverhaul. 5 . Run the enginefor more than 3 minutes.then check for oil leakage.


EngineLubrication EngineOil FilterReplacement Special Tool Fequired Oil filter wrench 07HAA-PJ70100

EngineOil Filter(3/4-turntype) 1 . R e m o v et h e o i l f i l t e r w i t h t h e s D e c i at ol o l . 2. Inspectthe threads{A) and rubber seal (B)on the new filter. Wipe off the seat on the engine block, then apply a light coat of oil to the filter rubber seal. Use only filterswith a built-inbypasssystem.

5. lf 4 numbersor marks (1 to 4 or V to VVVV) are printedaroundthe outsideof the filter, usethe following procedureto tighten the filter. . Spin the filter on until its seal lightly seatsagainst t h e b l o c k ,a n d n o t ew h i c h n u m b e ro r m a r ki s a t the bottom. . Tightenthe filter by turning it clockwise3 numbersor marksfrom the one you noted.For example,if number 2 is at the bottom when the seal is seated,tightenthe filter until the number 1 comes around the bottom.

Number when rubber seal is seated.

Number aftertightening.


I n s t a l l t h eo i l f i l t e rb y h a n d . After the rubberseal seats,tightenthe oil filter clockwisewith the specialtool. Tighten: Tighteningtorque:

3/4 turn clockwise. 12 N.m (r.2 kgf.m,8.7 lbf.ft)

N u m b eor r M a r kw h e n r u b b esr e a li s

1 or V

N u m b e ro r Mark after tightening

2 or VV

3 or VVV

4 or VVVV





2 or VV

3 or VVV

vvvv. v

6 . A f t e ri n s t a l l a t i o nf i,l l t h e e n g i n e w i t ho i l u p t o t h e specifiedlevel,run the enginefor more than 3 m i n u t e st,h e n c h e c kf o r o i l l e a k a g e .





Oil FilterFeedPipeReplacement 1 . Removethe oilfilter (seepage8-6). Removethe oil filter feed pipe.

3 . l n s t a l l t h e t w o 2 x0 1 . 5 m m n u t s ( Ao) n t o t h e n e w oil filter feed pipe. Holdthe nut with a wrench,then tighten the other nut.

4 . T i g h t e n t hoei lf i l t e r f e e p d i p e t o t h eb l o c k t o4 9N . m {5.0kgf.m,36 lbf ft),thenremovethe nutsfrom the oil filterfeedoiDe.


EngineLubrication OilPumpOverhaul ExplodedView 6x1.0mm 1 2N . m {1.2kgfm,8.7lbf.ft)


x 1 . 2 5m m 27 N.m

6x1.0mm 12 N.m 11.2kgf.m,8.7 lbt ft)

(2.8kst m, 20 lbt ft) A p p l ye n g i n o eilto the boltthreads.










t w

SEALINGBOLT 39 N.m {4.0kgf.m,29lbf.ftl





Oil PumpRemoval

6. Removethe oil pump sprocket(A),then removethe oil pump(B).

1. Setthe No. 1 piston attop deadcenter{TDC){see s t e p1 o n p a g e6 - 1 2 ) . 2 . R e m o v et h e o i l p a n ( s e e p a g e T - 1 1 ) . 3 . R e m o v ea n d d i s c a r dt h e o i l p u m p c h a i n t e n s i o n e r .

4. To hold the rear balancershaft,inserta 6 mm pin driver (A) into the maintenancehole in the lower balancershaft holderand through the rear balancer shaft.

5. Loosenthe oil pump sprocketmounting bolt.



EngineLubrication Oil PumpOverhaul{cont'dl Oil PumpInspection 1 . R e m o v et h e p u m p h o u s i n g .

{ 3. Checkth e h ousing-to-roto r axiaI clearancebetween t h e r o t o r( A )a n d p u m p h o u s i n g( B ) .l f t h e h o u s i n g to-rotoraxial clearanceexceedsthe servicelimit. r e p l a c et h e o i l p u m p . Housing"to-Rotor Axial Clearance Standard(New):0.02 0.07 mm (0.001-0.003 in.l ServiceLimit: 0.12mm (0.005in.l

Checkthe inner-to-outerrotor radialclearance betweenthe inner rotor (A) and outer rotor {B).lf the inner-to-outerrotor radialclearanceexceeds the servicelimit, replacethe oil pump. Inner Rotor-to-Outer Botor Radial Clearance Standard{New):0.02 0.16mm (0.001-0.006 in.) ServiceLimit: 0.20mm (0.008in.,

4 . Checkthe housing-to-outer rotor radialclearance

betweenthe outer rotor (A) and pump housing(B). lf the housing-to-outerrotor radialclearance exceedsthe servicelimit, replacethe oil pump.


Housing-to-Outer Rotor Radial Clearance StandardlNewl: 0.15 0.21mm (0.006-0.008in.l ServiceLimit; 0.23mm (0.009in.)

1'[1e-\1.-,-2 1

'a :.:


Inspectboth rotors and the pump housingfor scoringor other damage.Replaceparts if necessary.


8- 10

BalancerShaft Inspection 1 . Seatthe balancershaft by pushingit away from the o i l p u m p s p r o c k eet n d o f t h e o i l p u m p .

3. Removethe baffle plate (A) and upper balancer shaft holder {with bearings)(B),then removethe front balancershaft (C)and rear balancershaft (D). 9

2 . Zero the dial indicatoragainstthe end of the balancershaft,then push the balancershaft back and forth and readthe end olav. Balancer Shaft End Play: Fronl Balancer Shaft: Standard{Newl: 0.070 0.135mm {0.0028 0.0053in.} ServiceLimit: 0.15mm (0.006in.) Rear Balancer Shaft: Standard{New):0.070-0.135 mm (0.0028 0.0053in.l ServiceLimit: 0.15mm (0.006in.)










Rfl|] 3B eI ]U U +-



EngineLubrication Oil PumpOverhaul(cont'dl 4. Measure the innerdiameterof the No. 1 bearingfor thefrontbalancer shaftholeandthe rearbalancer shafthole. BearingInnerDiameier: Front: Standard(New):20.000-20.020 mm (0.7874 0.7882in.) ServiceLimit; 20.03mm (0.789in.) Rear: Standard(New):24.000-24.020mm in.) 10.9/t49-0.9457 ServiceLimit: 24.03mm (0.946in.)

( 5 . Measurethe diametersof the No. 1 journalson the front balancershaft and rear balancershaft. NO.1Journal Diameter: Front: StandardlNew): 19.938 19.950mm (0.7850 0.7854in.) ServiceLimit: 19.92mm {0.784in.) Rear: StandardlNewl: 23.938 23.950mm in.) {0.9424-0.9/129 ServiceLimit: 23.92mm (0.942in.) Front:


a Rear:



6. Cleanboth balancershaft No. 2 journalsand bearinghalveswith a cleanshop towel. 7. Placeone strip of plastigageacrosseach No.2 journal.

1 0 . A l i g nt h e p u n c hm a r ko n t h e r e a rb a l a n c esr h a f t with the centerof the two punch marks on the front balancershaft,then install'thebalancershaftsin the lower balancershaft holder

8 . Reinstallthe bearingsand upper balancershaft holder,then torque the bolts. NOTE;Do not rotatethe balancershaft durinq insDection. 9 . Removethe uooer balancershaft holder and bearingsagain,and measurethe widest part of the plastigage.lf the balancershaft No. 2 journal oil installthe new clearanceis out-of-tolerance. bearings,and recheck.lf it is still out-of-tolerance, replacethe balancershafts. No. 2 Journal Oil Clearance: StandardlNewl; 0.060 0.120mm ServiceLimit:

(0.0024 0.0047in.l 0.15mm {0.006in.) 1 1 .Apply engine oil to the threads of the 8 mm bolts (A). 6 x1.0mm '12 N.m (1.2kgt.m,8.7 lbt ft)

1 2 . I n s t a l l t h eu p p e rb a l a n c esr h a f th o l d e r( B )a n d bafile plate (C).



EngineLubrication Oil PumpOverhaul(cont'd) 1 3 . l n s t a l l t h ep u m p h o u s i n g .

Oil PumpInstallation 1. Make sure the No. 1 piston is at TDC (seestep 1 on p a g e6 - 1 2 ) . 2. Align the dowel pin{A} on the rear balancershaft with the mark (B)on the oil pump.

9%ttrc 6x1,0mm 1 2N . m (1.2kgt.m,8.7lbf.ft)






To hold the rear balancershaft, inserta 6 mm pin driver {A) into the maintenancehole in the lower balancershaft holder and through the rear balancer shaft.






8- 14

4. Apply engine oil to the threadsof the oil pump sprocketmounting bolt (A).

8. Squeezethe new oil pump chain tensioner(A),then installthe set clip (B)on it as shown. N O T ET : h e s e tc l i p i s s u p p l i e dw i t h t h e o i l p u m p chain tensioner.

A 10x 1.25mm {4 N.m (a.5kg{ m, 33 rbf.ftl



9. Installthe oil DumD chain tensioner. 6x1.0mm 12N.m(1.2kgf.m, 8.7rbf.ft)

1 0 x1 . 2 5m m ,l,t N.m {4.5kgf.m, 33 tbt.ftl

8 x 1 , 2 5m m 22N m l2.2kot m.

r6 tbt.fti

5 . L o o s e l yi n s t a l l t h eo i l p u m p( B ) t, h e ni n s t a l l t hoei l pump sprocket(C). Removethe pin driver (D). 7 . Tightenlhe oil pump mounting bolts.


8-15 I

EngineLubrication Oil PumpOverhaul(cont'dl

I Oif PressureSwitch Replacement

1 0 . R e m o v et h e s e tc l i pf r o m t h e o i l p u m p c h a i n tensioner.

1. Disconnectthe oil pressureswitchconnector,then removethe oil pressureswitch.

1 1 . I n s t a ltl h e o i l p a n ( s e ep a g e T - 2 7 ) .

2. Apply liquid gasketto the oil pressureswitch threads,then installthe oil pressureswitch.





EngineMechanical IntakeManifoldand ExhaustSystem lntakeManifoldRemovaland Installation................. 9-2 ExhaustManifoldRemovalandInstallation.............. 9-7 ExhaustPipeand MufflerReplacement ..................... 9-8



IntakeManifoldand ExhaustSystem lntakeManifoldRemovaland Installation


Exploded View:

8 x 1 , 2 5m m 22 N.m {2.2kgf.m, 16 lbf ft}

I INTAKEMANIFOLD Replaceif crackedor if mating surfaceis

GASKET Replace.


'e) w)


INTAKE MANIFOLDPLATE Replaceif crackedor if matingsurfaceis damaged.






t9 \

8 xx1.25 . 2 5mm 222 N' mm 2

kgf.m, 1 6 12.2ksf

6x1.0mm 1 2N . m {1.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ft)

8 x 1 . 2 5m m 22 N.m (2.2kgf m. 16 lbt.ft)


Removal: '1.

Removethe intakemanifoldcover.

3. Disconnecttheintakeairtemperature(lAT)sensor connector(A),and removethe breatherhose (B), then removethe air cleanerhousingcover/intake a i r d u c ta s s e m b l y( C ) .

2 . Removethe evaporativeemission(EVAP)canister hose (A),brakeboostervacuum hose (B),and vacuum hoses{C).

4. Fully open the throttle link and cruisecontrol link by hand,then removethe throttlecable (A) and cruisecontrol cable(B)from the links.Loosenthe locknuts{C).and removethe cablesfrom the bracket.




IntakeManifoldand ExhaustSystem IntakeManifoldRemovaland Installation(cont'dl 5. Be preparedto catch and clean up spilledcoolant. Removethe water bypasshoses,then plug the water bypasshoses.


9 . Removethe enginewire harnessconnectorsand w i r e h a r n e s sc l a m p sf r o m t h e i n t a k em a n i f o l d . . . . .

Four injectorconnectors ldle air control (lAC)valve connector Throttleposition(TP)sensorconnector fvlanifoldabsolutepressure{lvlAP)sensor connector . Evaporativeemission(EVAP)canister purge valve connector

'10. Removethe bolt securingthe intakemanifoldand bracket.

6 . R e l i e v e f u epl r e s s u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - ' 1 4 4 ) . 7 . R e m o v et h e f u e l l i n e ( s e e p a g e l l - 1 4 9 ) . 8. Removethe positivecrankcaseventilation(PCV) hose (A),harnessholder mounting bolt (B)and h a r n e s sc l a m pm o u n t i n gb o l t ( C ) .

1 1 .Removeallthe intakemanifold mounting bolts/ nuts.


Removethe two stud bolts (A),then removethe i n t a k em a n i f o l d( B ) .



1. Installthe intakemanifold (A)with a new gasket(B), then installand tighten the two stud bolts (C).


4 . Installthe PCVhose {A), harnessholder mounting b o l t ( B ) ,a n d h a r n e s sc l a m pm o u n t i n gb o l t( C ) .


*& \ 8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m |.2.2k91.m. 16 tbt.ft) 8 x 1.25mm 22 N.rn (2.2kgf m. 16 lbf.ttl

2. Tightenall intakemanifold mountlng bolts/nutsin a crisscrosspatternin two or three steps,beginning with the inner bolt. ?

Tightenthe bolt securingthe intakemanifold and bracket.

8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m (2.2ksf m, 16lbf.ft)

6x1.0mm 12N.m(1.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ft) 5 . I n s t a l l t h ef u e l l i n e ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 5 0 ) . 6 . Installthewater bypasshoses.

7 . I n s t a ltl h e t h r o t t l ec a b l e( s e ep a g e11 - 1 6 4 )t ,h e n a d j u s t h e c a b l e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 6 3 ) . 8 . Installthe cruisecontrol cable (seepage 4-44).then adjustthe cable (seepage 4-45).



lntake Manifoldand ExhaustSystem IntakeManifoldRemovaland Installation(cont'd) 9 . l n s t a l l t h ea i r c l e a n e rh o u s i n gc o v e r( A ) ,a n d connectthe IAT sensorconnector(B).


1 2 . I n s t a l l t h ei n t a k em a n i f o l dc o v e r . 6x1.0mm 1 2N . m l.1.2k91.m, 8.7 tbf.ftl


C l e a nu p a n y s p i l l e de n g i n ec o o l a n t .

1 0 .Installthebreatherhose(C). After installation,checkthat all tubes,hoses,and connectorsare installedcorrectly.

1 1 .lnstalltheEVAPcanisterhose(A),brakebooster

, n dv a c u u mh o s e s{ C ) . v a c u u mh o s e( B ) a Inspectfor fuel leaks.Turn the ignition switch ON (ll) (do not operatethe starter)so that the fuel pump runs for about 2 secondsand pressurizesthe fuel line. Repeatthis operationtwo or three times,then checkfor fuel leakageat any point in the fuel line. to.


Refillthe radiatorwith enginecoolant,and bleed air from the cooling systemwith the heatervalve open (seepage 10-6).



ExhaustManifoldRemovaland Installation 1 . Removethe VTECsolenoidvalve (seepage 1'1-128). 2 . Removethe driveshaftheat shield(seepage 16-19). 3 . Removethe cover and exhaustmanifold bracket,then removethe exhaustmanifold. 8 x 1 . 2 5m m 22 N.m (2.2kgf.m, 16lbt.ftl

SELF-LOCKING NUT 10x 1.25mm 44 N.m {4.5ksf.m, 33lbt.ftl Beplace.


1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 44 N.m (4.5kgt.m, 33 lbl ftl Replace. GASKET Replace.

WASHEB 10x 1.25mm 14 N.m {4.5kgl.rn, 33lbf.ft)

8 x 1-25mm 22 N.m (2.2kgI m, 16lbf.ft) Replace. Tightenthe boltsin steps, alternating sideto side.

Installthe exhaustmanifoldand tighten the bolts/nutsin a crisscrosspatternin two or three steps,beginningwith the inner bolt. 5 . Installtheother parts in the reverseorder of removal.


lntake Manifoldand ExhaustSystem ExhaustPipeand Muffler Replacement


NOTE:Use new gasketsand self-lockingnuts when reassembling.

8 x 1 . 2 5m m 22 N.m (2.2kst.m. 16lbf.ftl Replace. Tightenthe bolts in steps, alternatingside'to side. EXHAUSTPIPEB HEATSHIELD


6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgt.m,7.2 lbf ft}

GASKET Replace.


NUT SELF-LOCKING 1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 33N.m{3.4kgf.m, 25 rbf.ft) Beplace.

8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m {2.2kgf m, 16lbf.ft) Replace. Tightenthe bolts in steps, alternatingside to-side.

il4Nm (4.5 ksf.m,33 lbf.ftl

AIR FUELRATIO {A/F) SENSOR 44 N.m (it.s kgf.m, 33 lbf ftl



EngineCooling CoolingSystem Component Location Index ......................................... 10-2 Radiator CapTest ..................... .......... 10-3 RadiatorTest ............. 10-3 FanMotorTest ..........l0-4 Thermostat Test ...................... ........... 10-4 WaterPumpInspection ..................... 10-5 WaterPumpReplacement ................. 10-5 C o o l a nCt h e c k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .0. .- .6. . CoolantReplacement ......................... 10-6 Thermostat Replacement .................. 10-8 WaterPassage Installation ................ 10-9 WaterOutletInstallation .................... 10-9 Radiator andFanReplacement ................................... 10-10

FanControls C o m p o n e nLto c a t i oInn d e x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .0. .-.1. .1. . . . . . . SymptomTroubleshooting Index ............................... 10-12 CircuitDiagram .........10-13 Radiator FanCircuitTroubleshooting ........................ 10-14 Radiator FanSwitchCircuitTroubleshooting ( O p e n ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 0 - 1 6 Radiator FanSwitchCircuitTroubleshooting ( S h o r t ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 0 - 1 6 Radiator FanSwitchTest ................... 10-17 Radiator FanSwitchReolacement .............................. 10-17

CoolingSystem ComponentLocationIndex


WATER OUTLET, I n s t a l l a t i opna,g e ' 1 0 - g


WATERPUMP page10-5 Inspection, page10-5 Replacement. PIPE CONNECTING RESERVE TANK WATERPASSAGE page10-9 Installation,

THERMOSTAT Test,page10 4 page108 Replacement,


RAOIATORFAN SWITCH Test,page 10-17 page 10'17 Replacement,

RADIATOR page 10-'l0 Replacement,

A/C CONDENSER FAN ASSEMBLY Replacement,page 10'10-4 10 Fan Motor Test,page

RADIATORFAN ASSEMgLY R e p l a c e m e npta, g e1 0 - 1 0 Fan MotorTest,page 10 4

\J 10-2



1. Removethe radiatorcap {A),wet its sealwith engine coolant,then installit on the pressuretester ( B )( c o m m e r c i a l layv a i l a b l e ) .

1 . Wait untilthe engine is cool, then carefullyremove the radiatorcap and fill the radiatorwith engine coolantto the top of the filler neck. Attachthe pressuretester (A) (commercially a v a i l a b l et)o t h e r a d i a t o r .

Apply a pressureof 93 kgf/cm', l4 18 psi).

'123 kPa{0.95 1.25

3 . Checkfor a drop in pressure. 4 . lf the pressuredrops, replacethe cap. 3 . Apply a pressureot 93 '123kPa(0.95 1.25 kgf/cm',


18 psi).

4 . I n s p e cfto r e n g i n ec o o l a n tl e a k sa n d a d r o p i n

pressure. Removethe tester,and reinstallthe radiatorcap.


CoolingSystem FanMotor Test 1. Disconnectthe 2P connectorsfrom the radiatorfan motor and condenserfan motor.



Replacethe thermostatif it is open at room remperalure. To test a closedthermostatl 1. Suspendthe thermostat(A) in a containerof water. Do not let the thermometer{B)touch the bottom of t h e h o tc o n t a i n e r .

Testthe motor by connectingbatterypower to the B terminaa l n d g r o u n dt o t h e A t e r m i n a l . lf the motor fails to run or does not run smoothly, r e p t a c er L

2. Heatthe water, and checkthe temDeraturewith a thermometer.Checkthe temperatureat which the thermostatfirst opens,and at which it is fully open.


3 . Measurethe lift height of the thermostatwhen it is f u l l vo o e n . STANDARDTHERMOSTAT Lift height; above 8.0 mm (0.31in.) Starts opening: 169 176"F(76 80"C) Fullyopen: 194"F{90'Cl


10- 4


Water Pump Inspection

Water Pump Replacement

1 . Removethe drive belt (seepage 4-26),

1. Removethe drive belt (seepage 4-26).

2 . Turn the water pump pulleycounterclockwise. Checkthat it turns freely.

2 . D r a i nt h e e n g i n ec o o l a n t{ s e ep a g e1 0 - 6 ) . 3 . R e m o v et h e c r a n k s h a fpt u l l e y( s e ep a g e6 - 1 1 ) .

Checkfor signs of seal leakage.A small amount of "weeping" from the bleed holes(A) is normal.

4. Removethe six bolts securingthe water pump, then removethe water pump (A).

6x1.0mm 1 2 N m { 1 . 2k g t m , 8.7 rbf.ft)

Inspectand cleanthe O-ring groove and mating surfacewith the water passage. I n s t a l l t h ew a t e r p u m pw i t h n e w O r i n g si n t h e reverseorder of removal. 7 . C l e a nu p a n y s p i l l e de n g i n ec o o l a n t . 8 . I n s t a l l t h ec r a n k s h a fpt u l l e y( s e ep a g e6 - 1 2 ) . L R e f i l tl h e r a d i a t o w r i t h e n g i n ec o o l a n t a, n d b l e e d air from the cooling system with the heatervalve o p e n{ s e ep a g e1 0 - 6 } .


CoolingSystem GoolantCheck 1. Look at the coolantlevel in the reservetank. Make sure it is betweenthe MAX mark (A) and MIN mark (B),



1 . Startthe engine.Set the heatertemperaturecontrol dial to maximum heat.then turn off the ignition switch.Make surethe engine and radiatorare cool to the touch. Removethe radiatorcap. Removethe splashshield(seestep 23 on page5-5). Loosenthe drain plug (A),and drain the coolant.

lf the coolantlevel in the reservetank is at or below the MIN mark, add coolantto bring it up to the l\4AX mark, and inspectthe cooling system for leaks.

\ Removethe reservetank drain cap (A),and drain the coolant.



After the coolanthas drained,tighten the radiator drain plug securely.and installthe reservetank drain cap securely.

Type 2 8. Pour HondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/Coolant into the radiatorup to the baseof the filler neck. NOTE: . Always use HondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/Coolant Type 2 {P/N01999-9001).Using a non-Honda c o o l a n tc a n r e s u l ti n c o r r o s i o nc, a u s i n gt h e cooling systemto malfunctionor fail. . HondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/Coolant Type 2 is a mixture of 50% antifreezeand 507owater. Prem i x i n gi s n o t r e q u i r e d .

1 . Fillthe reservetank to the MAX mark (A) with Tvpe 2 HondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/Coolant (P/NO1999-9001).

EngineCoolant RefillCapacity includingthe reserve tank capacity of 0.53 4 (0.56 US gtl : 5.0 0 (s.3US qt)

L I n s t a l l t h er a d i a t o cr a p l o o s e l y .

1 0 .Startthe engine,and let it run until it warms up (the radiatorfan comes on at leasttwice). 1 1 .Turn off the engine.Checkthe level in the radiator, Type and add HondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/Coolant 2 if needed. P u tt h e r a d i a t o cr a p o n t i g h t l y ,t h e n r u n t h e e n g i n e a g a i na n d c h e c kf o r l e a k s . tJ.

lnstallthe splashshield(seestep 22 on page 5-12).




ThermostatReplacement 1 . D r a i nt h e e n g i n ec o o l a n t( s e ep a g e1 0 - 6 ) . 2. Removethe splashshield (seestep 23 on page 5-5). 3. Removethe lower hose,then removethe thermostat. 6 x 1 . 0m m 9.8N.m ( 1 . 0k g f . m , 7 . 2 l bf ft )


i* -



4. Installthethermostatwith a new O-ring,then installthe lower hose. 5 . I n s t a l l t h es p l a s hs h i e l d( s e es t e p2 2 o n p a g e5 - 1 2 ) . 6. Refillthe radiatorwith engine coolant,and bleed air from the cooling systemwith the heatervalve open (seepage 10_6).



Water PassageInstallation

Water Outlet lnstallation

1 . Cleanand dry the water passagemating surfaces.

I n s t a l l t hw e a t e ro u t l e (t A ) w i t ha n e wO - r i n g{ B ) ,

Apply liquid gasketP/N 08718-0009, evenlyto the c y l i n d e rb l o c km a t i n gs u r f a c eo f t h e w a t e r p a s s a g e and to the inner threadsof the bolt holes. NOTE:Do not installthe parts if 5 minutesor more h a v ee l a p s e ds i n c ea p p l y i n gl i q u i dg a s k e t I. n s t e a d , reapplyliquid gasketafter removing old residue.

1 2 N m ( 1 . 2k g t m , 8 , 7 l b ff t )

3 . I n s t a l l t h ew a t e rp a s s a g e( A ) w i t ha n e w O - r i n g( B ) .


1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 44N m {4.5kgtm.33 lbf.ft} 4. After assembly,wait at least30 minutes before f i l l i n gt h e e n g i n ew i t h o i l .


CoolingSystem Radiatorand FansReplacement


1. Drainthe enginecoolant(seepage 10-6). 2. Removethe front bumper {seepage 20,85). 3. Removethe bulkhead. 4. Removethe upper radiatorhose and lower radiatorhose. DRAINPLUG





swtTcH 24Nm

{ 2 . 1kt g l m . 1 7 l b l h l


RESERVETANK A/C CONDENSER FANASSEMBLY 9 . 8N m { 1 . 0k g f m , 7 . 2l b ff t ) CONNECTORS


5. Disconnectthe fan motor connectorsand radiatorfan switch connector,then pull the radiatorup and out. 6. Removethe fan shroud assembliesand other partsfrom the radiator. 7 . I n s t a l l t h er a d i a t o ri n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l M . a k es u r et h e u p p e ra n d l o w e rc u s h i o n sa r e s e t s e c u r e l V . 8 . I n s t a ltlh e b u l k h e a di n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l A . p p l y b o d y p a i n tt o t h e b u l k h e a dm o u n t i n gb o l t s . 9 . F i l lt h e r a d i a t o w r i t h e n g i n ec o o l a n ta n d b l e e dt h e a i r ( s e ep a g e1 0 - 6 ) .



FanControls ComponentLocationIndex UNDER.HOOD FUSE/RELAY BOX


RADIATOBFAN SWITCH Test,page 10'17 R e p l a c e m e npt a, g e ' 1 0 - 1 7



FanControls Symptom TroubleshootingIndex



Beforeperformingany troubleshootingprocedurescheck: . Fuses . Grounds . Cleanlinessand tightnessof all connectors



Radiatorfan does not run at all

RadiatorFanCircuilTroubleshooting(seepage 1O-14).

Radiatorfan does not run for enginecooling, but it runs with A,/CON

RadiatorFan Switch CircuitTroubleshooting(Open) ( s e ep a g e1 0 - 1 6 ) .

Radiatorfan runs with ignition switch ON (ll),Ay'COFF, and enginetemperaturebelow 199"F(93"C)

RadiatorFan Switch CircuitTroubleshooting(Short) (seepage 10-'16).

\ , 4




CircuitDiagram '

No.20loA): USA modd : Cm.de mod.l No.20l50A) UNDEN DASX FUSE/RELAY BOX


lG2H0TiiAClill, 0N{lllrndSTABI llll)


FanGontrols RadiatorFanCircuitTroubleshooting 1. Checkthe No. 4 (20A)fuse in the under-hood fuse/relaybox, and the No. 14 (10A)fuse in the under-dashfuse/relaybox. ls the tuse (s) OK?

( 4 . C o n n e ct th e N o . l a n d N o . 2 t e r m i n a l s o f t h e radiatorfan relay 4P socketwith a jumper wire.


YES-Go to step 2. NO- Replacethe fuse (s) and recheck.l


2. Removethe radiatorfan relayfrom the under-hood fuse/relaybox, and test it (seepage 22-51). ls the relay OK? YES Go to step 3.

T e r m i n asli d eo f I e m a l tee r m i n a l s

NO Replacethe radiatorfan relay.t Does the radiatot fan run? 3. Measurethe voltage betweenthe No. 2 terminal of the radiatorfan relay 4P socketand body ground.

YES Go to step 5. NO Go to step 6.


Disconnectthe jumper, and turn the ignition switch ON {ll}. Checkfor voltage betweenthe No. 3 terminal of the radiatorfan relay 4P socketand b o d yg r o u n d .



Terminalside of femaleterminals

ls therebatteryvoltage? YES Goto step4. NO Replace the under-hood fuse/relay box.I

Termlnalsideof femaleterminals

ls there battety voltage? YES-Go to step 9. NO Checkfor an open in the wire betweenthe under-hoodfuse/relaybox and under-dashfuse/ relay box.l



Disconnectthe radiatorfan motor 2P connector. 7 . Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 1 terminal of the radiatorfan relay 4P socketand the No. 2 terminal of the radiatorfan motor 2P connector.


9 . Reinstallthe radiatorfan relay. 1 0 .Disconnectthe radiatorfan switch 2P connector. 1 1 .Connectthe No. 1 and No. 2 terminals,of the radiatorfan switch 2P connectorwith a jumper wire. RAOIATOR FANSWITCH 2P CONNECTOR

5\-'fl \ \r--

Terminalsideof femaleterminals



I wrRE

Wiresideof femaleterminals RADIATORFAN MOTOR2P CONNECTOR

Does the radiator fan run?

ls thete continuity? YES- Replacethe radiatorfan switch.l

YES-Go to step8. N O - G o t o s t e p1 2 .

NO Repairopenin the wire betweenthe underhoodfuse/relay boxandthe radiatorfan motor2P terminalNo.2,I connector 8. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No, 1terminal of the radiatorfan motor 2P connectorand bodv g round.

Removethe jumper wire, and measurethe voltage betweenthe No, 2 terminal of the radiatorfan switch connectorand body ground, RADIATOR FANSWITCH 2P CONNECTOR





ls there battery voltage?

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls there continuity? YES Replacethe radiatorfan motor.l NO Checkfor an open in the wire between radiatorfan motor 2P connectorterminal No. 1 and body ground. lf the wire is OK, checkfor a poor g r o u n da t G 3 0 1 . 1

YES Checkfor an open in the wire between radiatorfan switch 2P connectorterminal No. 1 and body ground. lf the wire is OK, checkfor a poor g r o u n da t G 3 0 1 . 1 NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe radiator fan switchterminal No. 2 and the under-hood fuse/relaybox.l


FanControls RadiatorFanSwitch Circuit Troubleshooting(Openl 1. Disconnectthe radiatorfan switch 2P connector. 2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 3 . M e a s u r ev o l t a g eb e t w e e nt h e N o . 2 t e r m i n a lo f t h e radiatorfan switch 2P connectorand body ground. RADIATORFAN SWITCH2P CONNECTOR

RadiatorFanSwitch Circuit Troubleshooting(Short)


NOTE:After troubleshooting,perform the engine c o n t r o lm o d u l e( E C M ) i d l el e a r np r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e 11 , 1 3 9 ) . 1 . R e m o v et h e r a d i a t o fra n r e l a yf r o m t h e u n d e r - h o o d fuse/relaybox, and test it (seepage 22-51). ls the relay OK? YES Go to step 2. NO

Replacethe radiatorfan relay.I

2. Removethe radiatorfan switch,and test it (see p a g e1 0 - 1 7 ). Is the radiatot tan switch OK? YES Go to step 3. ls there battety voltage?


YES-Go to step 4.

Disconnectthe batterynegativecablefrom the battery.

NO- Repairopen in the wire betweenthe radiator fan switch 2P connectorterminal No. 2 and underhood fuse/relaybox.l Turn the ignition switch OFF,and checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. '1terminal of the radiatorfan switch 2P connectorand body ground. RADIATOBFAN SWITCX2P CONNECTOR

Replacethe radiatorfan switch.I

4 . Disconnectenginecontrol module {ECM)connector ) n d t h e u n d e r h o o df u s er e l a yb o x 1 4 P B ( 2 4 Pa connector. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 2 terminal of the radiatorfan switch 2P connectorand body grouno. RADIATORFAN SWITCH 2P CONNECTOR

ls there continuity?

lstnere continuity?

YES Replacethe radiatorfan switch.t

YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe radiator f a n s w i t c h2 P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 2 a n d u n d e r hood fuse/relaybox.l

NO Checkfor an open in the wire betweenthe radiatorfan switch 2P connectorterminal No. 1 and body ground. lf the wire is OK, checkfor a poor g r o u n da t G 3 0 1 . 1



NO Replacethe under-hoodfuse/relaybox.t



RadiatorFanSwitch Test

RadiatorFanSwitch Replacement

NOTE:Bleedair from the cooling system after installing the radiatorfan switch (seepage 10-6). 1, Removethe radiatorfan switchfrom the radiator ( s e ep a g e1 0 - 1 7 ) .

1 . Disconnectthe radiatorfan switch connector,then removethe radiatorfan switch (A). A 24 N m (2.4kgt.m,17lbt.ftl

2 . S u s p e n dt h e r a d i a t ofra n s w i t c h( A )i n a c o n t a i n e r of water as shown.

2. Installthe radiatorfan switchwith a new O-ring(B).

3. Heatthe water, and checkthe temperaturewith a thermometer.Do not let the thermometer(B)touch the bottom of the hot conlainer. 4. Measurethe continuitybetweenterminal No. 1 and terminal No. 2 accordingto the table. Termina

\ Operation

lTemperature 203'F ON 196" (91" gs"C) swtTcH 5' 15'F {3' 8'C) lowel OFF than the temoerature when it goes on



Fueland Emissions Fueland EmissionsSystems SpecialTools 1't-2 General Troubleshooting Information I I-J DTCTroubleshooting lndex .... 11-7 SymptomTroubleshooting 1ndex............... 11 - 1 0 SystemDescriptions ................ 11-12 Howto SetReadiness Codes.. 11-46

PGM-FlSystem Component Location Index .... 11-49 D T CT r o u b l e s h o o t i n. .g. . . . . . . . .11-52 ... MILCircuitTroubleshooting ... 11-97 DLCCircuitTroubleshooting .. 1 1 - 1 0 9 InjectorReplacement ............... 11-111 A,/FSensorReplacement .........1 1 - 1 1 3 HO2S Secondary Replacement 11-113 ECTSensorReolacement.......1 1 - 1 1 4 CMPSensorB {TDCSensor) Replacement 11-114 I A TS e n s oR r e p l a c e m e.n. t. . . . . 1. .1 - 1 1 5 KnockSensorReplacement .... 1 1 - 1 1 5 CKPSensorReolacement .......1 1 - 1 1 6

VTEC/VTC LocationIndex .... 11-117 Comoonent D T CT r o u b l e s h o o t i n. .g. . . . . . . . .1.1. .- 11 8 VTCOil ControlSolenoid ValveRemoval/Test ............. 11-127 CMPSensorA Replacement ... 11-128 VTECSolenoid Valve R e m o v a l / l n s o e c t.i .o. n. . . . . . .11-128 ...

ldle ControlSystem Location Index Component

11-129 . . . . . . . . . . .1. .I.- 1 3 0 D T CT r o u b l e s h o o t i n g A,/CSignalCircuit T r o u b l e s h o o t i n.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . .I .t.-. t.5 5 AlternatorFRSignalCircuit T r o u b l e s h o o t i n.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 1. .-. 1 3 4 EPSSignalCircuit T r o u b l e s h o o t i n.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1. .-1. 3 5 Brake PedalPosition SwitchSignal Troubleshooting ............. Circuit 11 - 1 3 7 ldle SpeedInspection 11 - 1 3 8 E C Ml d l el e a r nP r o c e d u r e. . . . . . .11 - 1 3 9

FuelSupplySystem ComponentLocationIndex 11 - 1 4 0 FuelPump Circuit Troubleshooting 1 1 - 1 4 1 F u e lP r e s s rue R e l i e v i n g. . . . . . . . .1. .1 - 1 4 4

F u eP l r e s s u r e T e s. .t. . . . . . . . . . . .1. 1. .-.1. 4 5 FueL l i n e sI n s p e c t i o.n. . . . . . . . . .1. .1. .- 1 4 6 FuelLine/Ouick-Connect FittingsPrecautions............. 11-148 FuelLine/Ou ick-Con nect F i t t i n gR s e m o v a l. . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 1. .-.1. 4 9 FuelLine/Ou ick-Con nect F i t t i n glsn s t a l l a t i o.n. . . . . . . . . .1. .1. .- 1 5 0 FuelPressure Regulator R e p l a c e m e .n.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .1. .-.1. .5. 2 FuelFifterReplacement ........... 11-152 FuelPump/Fuel GaugeSending . .1. .-.1 5 3 U n i t R e D l a c e m e. .n. t. . . . . . . . . 1 F u eP l u l s a t i oDna m o e r R e p 1 a c e m e. n . .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .1. .-.1. .5. 4 F u eT l a n kR e o l a c e m e n . .t. . . . . . .1. 1. - 1 5 5 F u eGl a u g e S e n dUi n igt T e s. .t . . . .1. 1 - 1 5 6 11-158 LowFuellndicatorTest .................

IntakeAir System C o m o o n e nLt o c a t i o nI n d e x . . . . 1 1 - 1 5 9 T h r o t t l eB o d y T e s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .1. .-.1 6 0 IntakeAir BypassControl T h e r m aV l a l v eT e s t . . . . . . . . . . .1. .1. - 1 6 1 A i r C l e a n eR r e o l a c e m e n .t . . . . . .1. 1 - 1 6 2 A i r C l e a n eE r lement R e o l a c e m e n.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .1. .-.1. .6 2 ThrottleCableAdjustment ...... 11-163 ThrottleCable Removal/lnstallation ............ 11-164 Th rottleBody Removal/ Installation .. 11-165 Th rottleBody Disassembly/ R e a s s e m b l v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .1. .- .1. 6. 6

CatalyticConverterSystem D T CT r o u b l e s h o o t i n. .g. . . . . . . . .1.1. .- 1 6 7

PCVSystem D T CT r o u b l e s h o o t i n g. . . . . . . . . . .1. .1.- 1 6 8 PCVValveInsDection a n dT e s t . . . . . .11 -1 6 9 P C VV a l v eR e o l a c e m e n.t. . . . . . . .1.1 - 1 6 9

EVAPSystem C o m p o n e nLt o c a t i o nI n d e x . . . . 1 1 - 1 7 0 D T C T r o u b l e s h o o t i n.g. . . . . . . . . .1. .1. - 1 7 1 EVAPTwo Way ValveTest ......11-186 FuelTank VaoorControl ValveTest ... 11-187 E V A PC a n i s t eR r e p l a c e m e n.t. . 1 1 - 1 8 9 FuelTank VaoorControl V a l v eR e o l a c e m e n.t. . . . . . . . . .1. .1.- 1 8 9

Fueland EmissionsSystems SpecialTools Rel. No.

(L) @


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Tool Number





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Description V a c u u mP u m p / G a u g e0, 3 0 i n . H g Vacuum/Pressure Gauge.0 4 in.Hg BackprobeSet Fuel PressureGaugeAdapter PressureGaugeAdapter FuelSenderWrench Hose,Oil Pressure A,/TPressureHose A,/TLow PressureGaugeW/Panel A,/TPressureHose,2,210 mm A,/TPressureHoseAdapter F u e lP r e s s u r eG a u g e FuelPressureGauoeSet

A973X-041-XXXXX 07JAZ-0010008 07sAz-001000A 07vAJ-0040100 07NAJ-P07010A 07xAA-001010A 07zAJ-S5AA200 07406-0020201 07406-0070300 OTMAJ-PY4O11A 07MAJ-PY40120 07406-004000A 07zAJ-S5A0100



i-==.€ *==-.2'l -1,40-2, -3,@-4


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\\d o





GeneralTroubleshooting Information IntermittentFailures The term "intermittentfailure" means a svstem mav have had a failure.but it checksOK now. lf the MalfunctionIndicatorLamp (MlL)on the dash does not come on, checkfor Doorconnectionsor looseterminals at all connectorsrelatedto the circuitthat Vou are troubleshooting.

2. lf the MIL stayson, connectthe HondaPGM Tester (A) or an OBD ll scantool to the Data Link Connector{DLC)(B) locatedunderthe driver'sside o f t h ed a s h b o a r d .

Opensand Shorts "Ooen" and "Short" are common electricalterms.An open is a breakin a wire or at a connection.A short is an accidentalconnectionof a wire to ground or to anotherwire. In simple electronics,this usuallymeans somethingwon't work at all. With complex electronics ( s u c ha s E C M s ) t h i sc a n s o m e t i m e sm e a ns o m e t h i n g works, but not the way it's supposedto.

How to Usethe PGMTesteror a ScanTool 3 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . lf the MIL {Malfunction Indicator Lamp} has come on '1. S t a r tt h e e n g i n ea n d c h e c kt h e M I L { A ) . N O T E l: f t h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hi s t u r n e dO N ( l l ) ,a n d the engine is not started,the MIL will stay on for 1 5 2 0 s e c o n d s( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 6 ) .

K->;"PN/.- -:::--d V-: !


Checkthe DiagnosticTroubleCode (DTC)and note it. Also checkthe freezedata.Referto the DTC T r o u b l e s h o o t i nIgn d e x ,a n d b e g i nt h e a p p r o p r i a t e troubleshootingprocedure. 5 . lf you do not find any DTCS,go to MIL circuit t r o u b l e s h o o t i n(gs e ep a g e1 1 - 9 7 ) . NOTE: . Freezedata indicatesthe engineconditionswhen the first malfunction,misfire,or fuel trim malfunction was detected. . The scantool and the Honda PGM Testercan readthe DTC,freezedata,currentdata,and other Engine Controll\4odule{EClvl)data. . For specificoperations,referto the user's manual that came with the scantool or HondaPGl\4Tester. lf the MIL did not stay lf the MIL did not come on but there is a driveability problem,referto the Symptom TroubleshootingIndex i n t h i ss e c t i o n . lf you can't duplicate the DTC Some of the troubleshootingin this sectionrequires you to resetthe ECM and try to duplicatethe DTC.lf rhe problem is intermittentand you can't duplicatethe code, d o n o t c o n t i n u et h r o u g ht h e p r o c e d u r eT. o d o s o w i l l o n l y r e s u l ti n c o n f u s i o na n d ,p o s s i b l ya, n e e d l e s s l y r e p l a c e dE C M .



Fueland EmissionsSystems


GeneralTroubleshootingInformation(cont'dl How to Resetthe ECM You can resetthe ECM in eitherof two ways: . U s et h e O B Dl l s c a n t o o lo r H o n d aP G M T e s t e r t o resetthe ECM memory. Seethe OBD ll scantool or HondaPGI\4Testeruser's manualsfor specificinstructions. ' Turn the ignition switch OFF,and removethe No. 6 ECU{ECM}(15A)fuse (A)from the under-hoodfuse/ r e l a vb o x ( B l f o r 1 0 s e c o n d s .

How to Removethe ECMfor Testing 1. Removethe passenger'sdashboardlower cover {seepage 20-63),the passenger'skick panel (see page 20-63),and the glove box (seepage 20-63). 2. Removethe ECM mounting bolts (B)and the ECM


9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m,7.2lbt.ft} 3 . R e m o v et h e E C M ( B ) .

How to Enda TroubleshootingSession (requiredafterany troubleshootingl


4. Installthe ECM in the reverseorder of removal.

1. Resetthe ECM as describedabove. 2 . D o t h e E C Mi d l e l e a r np r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 3 9 ) 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 4. DisconnecttheOBD ll scantool or Honda PGM Testerfrom the DLC. NOTE:The ECM is part of the immobilizersystem. lf vou replacethe ECM,it will have a different immobilizercode. In order for the engineto start, you must rewritethe immobilizercode with the Honda PGM Tester.

\- ta 11-4

How to TroubleshootCircuitsat the ECM Special Tools Required . DigitalMultimeterKS-AHM-32-003 (1) or a commerciallyavailabledigital multimeter . BackprobeSet 07SAZ-0010004 (2) 1. Connectthe backprobeadapters(A) to the stacking patchcords (B),and connectthe cords to a digital m u l t i m e t e (r C ) .

2 . U s i n gt h e w i r e i n s u l a t i o n a s a g u i d ef o r t h e contouredtip ofthe backprobeadapter,gently slide the tip into the connectorfrom the wire side until it touchesthe end of the wire terminal. 3. lf you cannot get to the wire side of the connector or the wire side is sealed(A),disconnectthe connectorand probe the terminals(B)from the terminal side. Do not force the Drobeinto the connector.

Do not puncturethe insulationon a wire. Puncturescan causeDooror intermittent electricalconnections.




Fueland EmissionsSystems Information(cont'd) GeneralTroubleshooting ECMUpdatingand Substitutionfor Testing Special Tools Bequired HondaInterfaceModule (HlM) EOS05435570


How to Substitute the ECM '1.

Removethe ECMf rom the vehicle.

2. Installa known-goodECM in the vehicle. Usethis procedurewhen you haveto substitute a known-goodECM in a troubleshootingprocedure. does not alreadyhave U pdatethe ECMonly if the ECN4 the latestsoftwareloaded, NOTE; . lMakesure the batteryis fully chargedbeforeyou updatethe ECN4. . To preventECMdamageduring the update,do not turn the ignition switch OFF,and do not use any of the vehicle'selectricaldevices(light,horn, radio,etc. ).

3 . R e w r i t et h e i m m o b i l i z ecr o d ew i t h t h e E C M replacementprocedurefrom the Honda PGM Tester.lt allows you to startthe engine. 4. After completingyour tests,reinstallthe original E C Ma n d r e w r i t et h e i m m o b i l i z ecr o d ew i t h t h e E C Mr e p l a c e m e nptr o c e d u r e o n t h e H o n d aP G M T e s t e ra g a i n .

How to Update the ECM 1. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).Do not startthe e n gI n e . 2. Connectthe HondalnterfaceModule (HlM)to the Data Link Connector{DLC)(A) locatedunderthe d r i v e r ' ss i d eo f d a s h b o a r d .



Do the ECM updateprocedureas describedon the HlN4label and in the ECM updatesystem.




DTCTroubleshootingIndex DTC Temporary DTC Detection ltem {MlLindication*) P 0 0 1 (05 6 ) VariableValveTiming Control{VTC)Oil Control P 0 0 1 (15 6 )


P 0 1 0 (73 ) P 0 1 0 (83 ) P 0 1 1 2( 1 0 )

(10) P01r3 P 0 1 1 6{ 8 6 )


S o l e n o i dV a l v eM a l f u n c t i o n VariableValveTiming Control(WC) System Malfunction

Note { s e ep a g e11 ' 11 8 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 -11 9 )

(MAP)SensorCircuit ManifoldAbsolutePressure LowVoltaqe (MAP)SensorCircuit ManifoldAbsolutePressure HiqhVoltaqe

( s e ep a g e1 ' l - 5 2 1

IntakeAir Temperature(lAT)SensorCircuitLow Voltaoe IntakeAir Temperature(lAT)SensorCircuitHigh Voltaoe EnglneCoolantTemperature(ECT)Sensor Range/ PerformanceProblem

(seepage 11-55)

( s e ep a g e1 1 - 5 3 )

(seepage '11-56) { s e ep a g e1 1 - 5 7 )

P0117 {6)

(ECT)SensorCircuit EngineCoolantTemperature LowVoltaqe

( s e ep a g e1 1 - 5 8 )

P 0 1 1{86 )

EngineCoolantTemperature(ECT)SensorCircuit Hiqh Voltaqe Throttle Position(TP)SensorCircuitLow Voltaqe Throttle Posltion(TP)SensorCircuitHiqh Voltaoe CoolinqSVStemMalfunction Air Fuel Ratio(Ay'F) Sensor(Sensor1) No Activity Detected SecondaryHeatedOxygen Sensor (SecondaryHO2S) (Sensor2) CircuitLow Voltaqe SecondaryHeatedOxygen Sensor (SecondaryHO2S) ( S e n s o2 r ) C i r c u i tH i q hV o l t a q e SecondaryHeatedOxygen Sensor (SecondaryH02S) ( S e n s o2 r )SlowResDonse SecondaryHeatedOxygen Sensor(SecondaryH02S) (Sensor2) HeaterCircuitMalfunction

{ s e ep a g e1 1 - 5 9 )

P 0 1 2 t27 \ P 0 1 2 {37 ) P 0 1 2 8( 8 7 ) P 0 1 3 4( 4 1 )


P 0 1 3 (76 3 )


P 0 1 3 8( 6 3 )


P 0 1 3 (96 3 )


P 0 1 4 1( 6 5 ) P 0 1 7 1( 4 5 ) PO112l'45)

PO\11 PO\l2

P0300andany of P 0 3 0 (17 1 ) (721 PO302 P0303(73) P0304(74) P0301(7'1)

P0300andany of P0301 P0302 P0303 P0304 P0301 No. 1 Cyl n d e rM i s f i r e P0302 No.2 Cvl n d e rM i s f i r e P0303 N o . 3 C v l nder Misfire

FuelSvstemToo Lean FuelSystemToo Rich R a n d o mM i s f i r e

( s e eD a q e1 1 - 6 0 ) ( s e ep a q e1 1 - 6 2 ) ( s e eD a q e1 1 - 6 4 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 6 5 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 6 5 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 6 6 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 6 7 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 6 8 ) ( s e ep a q e1 1 - 7 0 ) ( s e eo a o e1 1 - 7 0 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 1 )

{ s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 2 ) { s e ep a q e11 - 7 2 ) ( s e eo a q e1 1 - 7 2 ) P0303(73) P0304{74) P0304 N o . 4 C v l nder Misfire {seeDaqe11-72) " ; T h e s e D T C sa r e i n d i c a t e db y a b l i n k i n gm a l f u n c t i o ni n d i c a t o lra m p ( M l L ) w h e nt h e S C Ss e r v i c es i g n a l i n e i s jumped with the Honda PGM Tester. P0302(721



Fueland EmissionsSystems DTCTroubleshootingIndex(cont'd)




PO4i{ P 0 4 5 1( 9 1 )




( s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 8 )

CamshaftPosition(CMP)SensorA No CamshaftPosition(CMP)SensorA Intermiftent

( s e eo a q e1 1 - 1 2 1 i s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 2 1 )

Phqse G Yetrgb-le VelyeTiTing_controlll/T!)

s e eo a o e1 1 - 1 2 2 CqJalystSystemElficie-ncy Below Threshold s e eo a q e11 -1 6 7 ( F T PS ) e n s o rR a n g e / P e r f o r m a n c e( s e e p a g e l l 1 7 1 ) F u e lT a n kP r e s s u r e SensorCircuitLow V FuelTank Pressure(FTP)SensorCircuitHigh V V e h i c l eS D e e dS e n s o r C i r c u i tM a l fu n c t i o n E n g i n eC o n t r o M l o d u l e( E C N 4P)o w e rS o u r c eC i r c u i l


s e eD a q e1 1 - 1 3 0 ) ( s e ep a g e11 - 8 1 )

SeriaC l o m m u n i c a t i o Ln i n kM a l f u n c t i o n

Referto the l\4ultiplex ControlSystem T r o u b l e s h o o t i n{gs e e

P 1 1 0(61 3 )

(BARO) Barometric Pressure SensorRange/ PerformanP c er o b l e m

( s e ep a g e11 - 8 3 )

P 1 1 0(?1 3

( B A R OS ) e n s o rC i r c u i tL o w BarometriP c ressure

( s e ep a S e11 ' 8 3 )

P 11 0 8( t s '

( B A R OS ) e n s o rC i r c u i tH i g h BarometriP c ressure

{ s e ep a g e1 1 - 8 3 )



T h r o t t l eP o s i t i o n{ T P iS e n s o rS i g n a lL o w e rT h a n

( s e ep a g e1 1 - 6 3 )

P1122ll J


T h r o t t l eP o s i t i o n( T P )S e n s o rS i g n a lH i g h e rT h a n

tsee page I r-oJ,

i j 1 1 2 8( 5 )


Pr 158 (48)

(l\,4AP M a n i { o l dA b s o l u t eP r e s s u r e S }e n s o rS i g n a l G;tp"s" 1154) Loqer Than Expected ( * " p a S e11 5 4 ) ManifoldAbsolutePreisure (MAP)SeiiioiSgnul H i q h e rT h a nE x ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 8 4 ) A i r F u e lR a t i o( A V FS) e n s o r( S e n s o r1 ) R a n g e / R e r f o r m a n cP eroblem A i r F u e lR a t i o { A " FS) e n s o r{ S e n s o 1 r ) A F S T e r m i n a l ( s e ep a g e11 - 8 5 )

P 11 5 9( 4 8 )

'l) A i r F u e lR a t i o1 A V FS)e n s o ri s e n s o r A F S+ T e r m i n a l ( s e ep a g e11 - 8 6 )

P 1 1 6 3( 6 1 P 1 1 6 4( 6 1 )

Air FuelRatio{A,/F)Sensor{SensorI ) Slow Response ( s e ep a g e 11 - 8 8 ) A i r F u e lR a t i o( A / F )S e n s o r( S e n s o r1 ) R a n g e /

P 11 2 9( 5 ) P 1 1 5 7( 4 8 )



P 11 6 6( 4 1 )

( s e ep a g e1 1 - 8 9 ) Air Fuel Ratio(4,/F)Sensor(Sensor1) HeaterCircuit Malfunction Air Fuel Ratio(A,/F)Sensor(Sensor1) HeaterSystem ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 9 1 ) P 11 6 7( 4 1 )' Malfunction " : T h e s eD T C Sa r e i n d i c a t e db y a b l i n k i n gM I L w h e n t h e S C Ss e r v l c es i g n a l i n e i s j u m p e dw i t h t h e H o n d aP G M Tester. * 1 r' 0 2 m o d e l




DTC Temporary DTC Detectionltem {MlLindication*l P1259t22J VTECSystem l\4alfunction P1291t20\ ElectricalLoad Detector(ELD)CircuitLow Voltaqe P1298(20) ElectricalLoad Detector(ELD)CircuitHiqh Voltaqe P 1 3 6 1( 8 )

P 1 3 6 (28 ) P'r456(90)


(90) P14s7


P 1 5 0 (51 0 9 )


(14) P1519 P 1 6 0 7( )

CamshaftPosition(CMP)SensorB (Top DeadCenter (TDC)Sensor)IntermittentSional InterruDtion CamshaftPosition(CMP)Sensor B (Top DeadCenter ( T D C )S e n s o r N ) o Siqnal EvaporativeEmissions(EVAP)ControlSystem Leakaqe(FuelTank Svstem) EvaporativeEmissions(EVAP)ControlSystem Leakaqe(EVAPCanisterSvstem) PositiveCrankcaseVentilation(PCV)Air Leakaqe ldle Air Control(lAC)ValveCircuitMalfunction

EnginC e o n t r oM l o d u l e( E C MI)n t e r n aCl i r c u i t Malfunction

Page ( s e eD a q e1 1 - 1 2 3 ) ( s e eD a q el 1 - 9 2 ) ( s e eo a o e1 1 - 9 3 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 9 5 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 9 5 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 7 5 ) ( s e ep a g e1 ' l - 1 8 0 ) ( s e eo a q e1 1 - 1 6 8 1 { s e ep a q e1 1 - 1 3 1 ) ( s e ep a g e11 - 9 6 )

" : TheseDTCSare indicatedby a blinking MIL when the SCSservicesignal line is jumped with the Honda PGM Tester.


Fueland EmissionsSystems Symptom TroubleshootingIndex


When the vehiclehas one of these symptoms,checkthe diagnostictrouble code (DTC)with the scantool. lf there is no DTC,do the diagnosticprocedurefor the symptom, in the sequencelisted,until you find the cause. Svmotom E n g i n ew i l l n o t s t ar t (MlL works OK, no DTCSset)

Diaqnostic procedure 1. Testthe battery{seepage 22-50). 2. Testthe starter(seepage 4-8). 3. Troubleshootthe fuel pump circult(seepage 11 141).

E n g i n ew i l l n o t s t a r t( M l L comes on and stayson, or n e v e rc o m e so n a t a l l ,n o DTCSset) Enginewill not start (immobilizerindicatorstays on or flashs)

Troubleshootthe l\4lLcircuit(seepage 1

Hardstarting (MlLworksOK,no DTCS set)

1. Testthe battery(seepage22-50). 2 . C h e c k t h ef u e l p r e s s u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 4 5 ) .

Coldfast idle too low (MlL works OK. no DTCSset) Coldfast idle too high (MlL works OK, no DTCSset)

1 . D o t h e E C Mi d l e l e a r np r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 3 9 ) . 2 . C h e c k t h ei d l e s D e e d( s e ep a q e1 1 - 1 3 8 ) . ' ] D o t h e E C I \ 4i d l e l e a r np r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e11 -1 3 9 ) . 2. C h e c k t h ei d l es p e e d{ s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 3 8 ) . '1-'163). the throttlecable (seepage 1 3 . Inspect/adjust Inspectand test the throttle body {seepage 11-160}. ( s e ep a g e1 1 - ' 1 3 9 ) .I n t a k ea i r l e a k s 1 . D o t h e E C Mi d l e l e a r np r o c e d u r e 2 . C h e c kt h e i d l es p e e d( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 3 8 ) . 3, Inspecvadjustth e throttlecable (seepage 11''163). 4. Insoectand test the throttle bodv (seepaqe 11-160) 1 . D o t h e E C I Vi d I l e l e a r np r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e11 -1 3 9 ) . Vacuum hose clogged/ cracked/poor 2. TroubleshootthealternatorFRsignalcircuit (see p a g e1 1 - ' 1 3 4 ) . connectron 3. InsDectand test the throttle bodv {seepaqe 11-160). 1 . D o t h e E C Mi d l e l e a r np r o c e d u r e { s e ep a g e1 ' j - 1 3 9 ) . t e a l t e r n a t oFr Rs i g n a lc i r c u i t ( s e e 2 . T r o u b l e s h o ot h p a g e1 1 - 1 3 4 ) .

ldle speedfluctuates (MlL works OK, no DTCSset)

After warming up, idle speed is below specificationswith no load {MlL works OK, no DTCSset) After warming up, idle speed is above specificationswith no toao (MlL works OK. no DTCSset) Low power (MlL works OK, no DTCSset)

E n g i n es t a l l s (MlL works OK. no DTCSset)


Also check lor Low compressron N o i g n i t i o ns p a r k l n t a k ea i r l e a k s L o c k e du p e n g i n e B r o k e nt i m i n gc h a i n Contaminatedfuel

Troubleshootthe immobilizersystem (seepage 22-165).

1 . C h e c kt h e f u e l p r e s s u r e ( s e e p a g e l l - 1 4 5 ) . 2. Inspectand test the th roftle body (seepage 11-160). 3 . I n s p e c v a d j u tsht e t h r o t t l ec a b l e( s e ep a g e1 1 - ' 1 6 3 ) .

1. 2. 3. 4.

D o t h e E C Mi d l el e a r np r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 ' l ' 1 3 9 ) . C h e c kt h e f u e l p r e s s u r e { s e e p a g e l l - 1 4 5 ) . C h e c kt h e i d l es p e e d( s e ep a g eI 1 - 1 3 8 ) . Troubleshootthebrakepedal positionswitch signal c i r c u i t( s e ep a q e1 1 - 1 3 7 ) .

Low compression I n t a k ea i r l e a k s Contaminatedfuel


Low compressron C a m s h a ftti m i n g problem E n g i n eo i l l e v e l prootem l n t a k ea i r l e a k s F a u l t yh a r n e s sa n d sensorconnections



Symptom Difficultto refuel (MlL works OK. no DTCSset)

Fueloverflowsduring refueling (No DTCSset)

Diagnosticprocedure 1 . T e s t t h e f u e lt a n kv a p o rc o n t r o lv a l v e { s e e p a g e1 ' l 2. 1471. I n s p e ctth e f u e lt a n kv a p o rc o n t r o ls i g n a lt u b e 3. betweenthe fuel pipe and the fuel tank vapor control valve. 4. Inspectthe fuel tank vapor vent tube betweenthe EVAPcanisterand the fuel tank vapor control valve. Checkthe EVAPcanister. Replacethe fuel tank vapor control valve (seepage '11 189).

Also checktor M a l f u n c t i o n i ngga s s t a t i o nf i l l i n gn o z z l e .

Malfunctioninggas stationfilling nozzle.


Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions



ElectronicControl System The functionsof the fuel and emlssioncontrol systemsare managedby the enginecontrol module (ECM). Fail-safeFunction When an abnormalityoccursin the signalfrom a sensor,the ECI\4ignoresthat signaland assumesa pre-programmed value for that sensorthat allowsthe enqineto continueto run. Back-up Function When an abnormalityoccursin the ECM,the injectorsare controlledby a back-upcircuitindependentof the systemto p e r m i tm i n i m a ld r i v i n g . Self-diagnosis When an abnormalityoccursin the signalfrom a sensor,the ECM suppliesground for the malfunctionindicatorlamp {MlL) and storesthe diagnostictrouble code {DTC)in erasablememory.When the ignition is first turned on, the EClvl suppliesground to the l\4lLfor 15 to 20 secondsto checkthe M lL bulb condition. Two Driving Cycle Detection Method "two driving cycle detectionmethod" is usedfor some self-diagnostic functions. To preventfalse indications,the When an abnormalityoccurs,the ECM storesit in its memory. When the same abnormalityrecursafterthe ignition s w i t c hi s t u r n e dO F Fa n d O N ( l l )a g a i n ,t h e E C Mt u r n so n t h e M l L .




ECMData You can retrievedata from the ECI\4by connectingthe OBD ll scantool or the Honda PGM Testerto the data link connector(DLC).The items listedin the table below conform to SAE recommendedpractice.The HondaPGM Tester also readsdata beyondthat recommendedby SAEto help you find the causesof intermittentproblems. The "operatingvalues" listedare approximateand may vary dependingon the environmentand the individual vehicle. Unlessnoted otherwise,"at idle speed" means idling with the enginecompletelywarmed up in the neutralposition, and the A,/Cand all Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC}

lf the ECM delectsa problem, it will store it as a code consistingof one letterand four numbers.Dependingon the problem,an SAE-definedcode (Poxxx)or a Honda, definedcode {P1xxx)will be output to the tester.

l f n o p r o b l e mi s detected,there is no ourpul.


TheECI\4 computesenginespeedfromthe signalssent N e a r l yt h e s a m ea s position(CKP)sensor.Thisdatais fromthe crankshaft tachometerindication usedfor determining thetimeandamountof injectedfuel. At idle speed;

Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)

The ECMconvertspulsesignalsfrom the vehiclespeed sensor(VSS).

N e a r l yt h e s a m ea s speedometer indication

The absolutepressurecausedin the intakemanifold by e n g i n el o a da n d s p e e d .



Nearlythe same as almospnencpressure. At idle speed:about 20 4'1kPa ( 1 5 0 3 1 0m m H g , 6 - 1 2 i n . H q ) . 0 . 71 . 3V The ECTsensorconvertscoolanttemperatureinto voltage W i t h c o l d e n g i n e : and signalsthe ECM.The sensor is a thermistorwhose S a m ea s a m b i e n t internalresistancechangeswith coolanttempetature.The temperatureand IAT ECM usesthe voltagesignalsfrom the ECTsensorto With enginewarmed determinethe amount of injectedfuel. u p ; a b o u t1 1 6 2 ' 1 2 " F

1 0 0 ' c ) . 0 . 5 - 0 .v8

Air Fuel Ratio ( A y ' FS)e n s o r . (Sensor1)

Secondary Heated Oxygen Sensor (Secondary H02S, Sensor2)

The A,/Fsensordetectsthe oxygen content in the exhaust 0.0- 1.25 V g a s a n d s e n d sv o l t a g es i g n a l st o t h e E c l v l ,B a s e d o n t h e s e 8 . 0 1 1 . 0 m A ( P G M signals,the ECMcontrolsthe airlfuel ratio.When the I Tester) oxygen contentis high (that is, when the ratio is leaner At idle speed: than the stoichiometricratio),the voltagesignal is Iower. about 0.1 0.9 V When the oxygencontent is low (that is, when the ralio is richerthan the stoichiometricratio).the voltagesignal is higher.The A'lFsensorsignalsare electricalcurrentthat are indicatedas voltaqe on the The HO2Sdetectsthe oxygen contentin the exhaustgas 0 . 0 1 . 2 5V a n d s e n d sv o l t a g es i g n a l st o t h e E C M .B a s e do n t h e s e At idle speed: signals,the ECMcontrolsthe airlfuel ratio.When the a b o u t0 . 1 0 . 9V oxygen contentis high (that is, when the ratio is leaner than the stoichiometricratio),the voltagesignal is lower. When the oxygen content is low (that is, when the ratio is r i c h e rt h a nt h e s t o i c h i o m e t r irca t i o ) t, h e v o l t a g es i g n a li s




Fueland EmissionsSystems

r a

SystemDescriptions(cont'd) ECMData(cont'd) Description "open" or "closed". Fuelsystem statusis indicatedas Closed:Basedon the A,/FSensoroutput,the ECM determinesthe airlfuel ratio and controlsthe amount of injectedfuel. Open: lgnoringAy'FSensoroutput,the ECM refersto signalsfrom the throttle position{TP),manifoldabsolute pressure(MAP),intakeair temperature(lAT),barometric pressure(BARO),and enginecoolanttemperature(ECT)) sensorsto controlthe amount of iniectedfuel. The airlfuel ratio correctioncoefficientfor correctingthe Short Term amount of injectedfuel when the fuel system status FuelTrim is "closed." When the ratio is leanerthan the sloichiometricratio,the ECM increasesshort term fuel trim gradually,and the amount of iniectedfuel increases. The airlfuel ratio graduallygets richer,causinga lower oxygen content in the exhaustgas. Consequently,the short term fuel trim is lowered,and the ECM reducesthe amount of injectedfuel. This cvcle keepsthe airlfuelratio closeto the stoichiometricratio when in closedloop status. Long term fuel trim is computedfrom short term fuel trim LongTerm and indicateschangesoccurringin the fuel supply system F u eT l rim over a long period. l f l o n gt e r m f u e lt r l m i s h i g h e rt h a n 1 . 0 0t,h e a m o u n lo f injectedfuel must be increased.lf it is lower than 1.00,the amount of injectedfuel must be reduced. The IAT sensorconvertsintakeair temperatureinto IntakeAir Temperature v o l t a g ea n d s i g n a l st h e E C M .W h e n i n t a k ea i r temperatureis low, the internalresistanceofthe sensor {IAT) increases,and the voltagesignal is higher. Basedon the acceleratorpedal position,the opening Throttle anole of the throttlevalve is indicated. Position lgnitiontiming is the ignition advanceangle set by the lgnition ECM.The ECM matchesignitiontiming to driving Timing conditions.

Data FuelSystem Status

Calculated L o a dV a l u e (cLV)

cLV is the enoine load calculatedfrom IMAPdata.

Opera'tingValue At idle speed:closed



o.7 1.5


0.8 1.2


w W i t h c o l de n g i n e : S a m ea s a m b i e n t a n dE C T temperature


At idle speed: a b o u t1 0% At idle speed:8" t 5" | ' t u L w n e nr n e > L ) s e r v i c es i g n a l i n e i s jumped with the Honda PGM Tester At idle speed: 12 34% At 2.500rpm with no toao: 't4- 34%





J/-\ -1\_/



I )


T UNDER.HOOD FUSE/RELAY BOX: (8oA) ONo. 19BATTERY ONo.6 ECU(ECM)(15A1 (3)No.20lG {40A1 {Canada:50A} ONo.l4 OPTION {40A1 €)No.9 BACKuP (7.5A1 lo)No.7 HORN,STOP{15A} UNDER.DASH FUSE/RELAY BOX: ONo. 17FUELPUMP {15A} @No.,t ACG{10A) ONo.1 IGNCOIL(1sA) q)No.10METER (7.5A) 0)No.14A/C CLUTCH RELAY IlOA) @No.2+B LAF(A/F) (2OA) HEATER



Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'dl























wEcorl N o . 2 l G N l l l O NC O I L







Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'd)











ECMInputsand Outputsat ConnectorA (31P)

2 1 AFS]TC ]GP2 '10 SG2


3 IGPl

^:^ I -:,

12 ACV


23 HTC+ LG2

6 AFS+

15 T6 TPS AFS_ 26 25 CMPB CMPA(rDc)



18 1 9 2A V S S IVAP vcc2



27 28 29 30 tGPts,lrcPts3tGPts2GPLS 1

Wire side ol femaleterminals NOTE:Standardbatteryvoltageis 12V. Terminal Who color numb€r ELKAVHT

forminal name







4 5 6 1 9 10 12








Withignit'onswitchON {ll):batteryvoltage Withfullywarmedup enginerunnang: 0V

Powersourcefor the ECM circuit Powersourcefor the ECM

Withthe ignitionswitchON 1ll):batteryvoltage Withthe ionitionswitchOFF:about0 V Withthe ignitionswatch ON {ll):batteryvoltage Withthe ionitionswitchOFF:about0 V Lessthan 1.0V at all times Lessthan 1.0V at all times

Groundforthe ECMcircuit Groundforthe ECMcircuit DetectsAy'Fsensor {sensor1)signal Detects CKPsensorsignal


Detectsknocksensorsiqnal Sensorqrounr Sensorqroun( DrivesIACvalve

pulses Withenqineknocking: Lessthan1.0Vat elltimes L e s s t h a 1n . 0 Va t a l l t i m e s Withenginerunningrdutycontrolled

Detects TPsensorsignal

Withthrottlefullyopen:about4.8V Withthronlefullvclosed:ahout0-5V

Detects!y'Fsensor ( s e n s o1r) s i g n a l Detects VSSsignal

WathignitionswitchON (lli andfrontwheels rotating: cyclesfrom about0 V to about5 V or



Fueland EmissionsSystems

\. il

SystemDescriptions{cont'd) ECMInputsand Outputsat ConnectorA (31P)


2 GP2

3 IGPl

4 PG2

12 10 11 SG2 sG1 IACV 22 23 AFS LG2 HTC+

5 6 PG.1 AFS+ '15 1 6 TPS AFS_

26 25 CMPB Ct\.4PA (rDc)



18 1 9 20 V S S IVAP vcc2




Wire side of femaleterminals NOTE:Standard batteryvoltageis 12V. [€rminal namo Description Jorminal Wirecolor number 19 DetectsMAPsensorsignal GRN/RED MAP(MANIFOLD PRESSURE ABSOLUTE SENSOR) YEUBLU VCC2(SENSOR VOLTAGE) P r o v i d e ss e n s o r v o l t a g e 20


YEURED VCC](SENSOB VOLTAGE) Provides sensorvoltage


AFSHTC- (AIRFUEL Detectsa,/Fsensorheater RATIO(A"iFiSENSOR voltage + SIDE) HEATER CONTROL BRN?ryE L LG2(LOGIC GROUND roundfor the ECMcircu 1(L roundfor the ECMcircu BRN?ryE L D e t e c t sC M P s e n s o r A BLU,^/VHT CMPA (CAMSHAFT A) stonal POSITION SENSOR Detects GRN CMPB CAMSHAFT CMPsensor8 (TDc (CMP)SENSOB sensor) POSITION B (TDC(TOPDEADCENTER SENSORi) I G P L S 4{ N o .4 I G N I T I O N DrivesNo, 4 ignitioncoi BRN

23 24 25 26








Signal With ignitionswitchON (ll):about3 V A t i d l e : a b o u t 1 . 0V ( d e p e n d i n go n e n g i n e s p e e d )

With ignitionswitchON {ll):about5 V WithionitionswitchOFF:about0V WithignitionswitchON {ll):about5 V With ionitionswitchOFF:about0V W i t h i g n ; t i o ns w i t c h O N l l l ) : b a n e r y v o l t a g e

\. Lessthan1.0V at alltimes L e s st h a n

'1.0 V at alltimes

Withenginerunning:pulses Withenginerunning:pulses

WithignitionswitchON (ll)rabout0 v Withenginerunning:pulses

O r i v e s N o . 3 r g n i t i o nc o i DrivesNo.2 ignitioncoil

DrivesNo. I ignitioncoil





Wire side o{ femaleterminals

NOTE:Standardbafteryvoltageis 12V. Terminal numo€t


[erminal name


BLUAvHT VTC+ lVTCOILCONTBOL DrivesVTCoilcontrol 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



18 21



Drives o. 4 iniector Drives o.3 iniector Drives o . 2 i n i e c t o r DrivesNo. 1 iniector Drivesradiatorfan relay

Signal WithignitionswitchON (ll):0 V At idle:dutycontrolled

With radiatorfan running:about0 V With radiatorfan stopped:battervvoltaoe Drivesreverselocksolenoid Withvehiclespeedbelow9.4mph (15km/h): batteryvoltage Withvehiclespeedabove12.5mph (20km/h):0 V Withthe ignitionswitchON (ll):about0.1 4.8V DetectsECTsensorsignal COOLANT REDAVHT ECT(ENGINE ideoendino on enoinecoolanttemDerature) TFMPFRATURE SENSOR) VTEcoil pressure Withengineat low enginespeed:about0 . Detects BLU/BLK VTPSW(VTECOIL Wirhenoineat hiohenoinesoeed:battervvoltaqe PRFSSTIRF SWITCH) switch sional L signal With ignitionswit'chON (ll):about0 V L Detects alternator WHT/BLU ALTL(ALTEBNATOR Whh enoinerunnino:battervvoltaqe SIGNAII FBsignal Withenginerunning:about0 V- 5 V FR Deteclsalternator WHT/RED ALTF(ALTERNATOR load) on electrical S I GN A L I {deoendinq DrivesVIECsolenoidvalve A t i d l e : a b o u t 0 V GRN/YEL VTS {VTECSOLENOID With ignitionswitchON {ll):about0.1V 4.8v l.lcnen.iino on intakeairtemoerature) Withenginerunning:about0 V 5 V control Sendsalternator (.lcocn.lino on electrical ioad) purge Withenginerunning,enginecoolantbelow149'F DrivesEVAPcanister batteryvoltage valve 165'C): Withenginerunning,enginecoolantabove149'F 165"C): dutvcontrolled W i t h t h e i g n i t i o n s w i t c h O N ( l l ) :0 V BLK/Vr'HT VTC (VTCOILCONTROL DrivesVTCoilcontrol SOIFNOIDVALVE SIDE)






Fueland EmissionsSystems L

SystemDescriptions(cont'dl ECMlnputsand Outputsat ConnectorE (31P}

1 iMo FPR





6 1 $1025 MRLY HTC 16 14 15 18 FTP ELD EPS ACC LD 21 26 rMo NEP CD


4 SG3


20 21 Z/VBS VSV 29


30 31 WEN MIL

Wire side of femaleterminals NOTE:Standardbatteryvoltageis '12V. Terminal Wire color number GRNI/EL 2

3 4 5 6







IMOFPR(IMMOBILIZER D r i v e s P G M F l m a i n r e l a y 2 FLJEL PUMPRELAYI WHT/RED SHO2S(SECONDARY DetectssecondaryHO2S HEATED OXYGENSENSOR {sensor2) signal (SECONDARY HO2S), SENSOR 2r BRN/YEL LG3(LOGIC GROUND) cround forthe ECM/PCM controlcircuit PNK SG3{SENSOR GBOUND) Sensororound YEUELU VCC3{SENSOR VOLTAGE) Providessensorvoltage



ferminal name


0Vfor2 secondsafterturningignitionswitchON {ll).then battervvoltaoe WiththrottleJullyopenedfrom idlewith fully warmedup engine:above0.6V Withthrottlequicklyclosed:below0.4V Lessthan1.0V at all times Lessthan 1.0V at all times With ignitionswitchON (ll):about5 V With ionitionswitchOFF:about0 V With ignitionswitch ON (ll):bafteryvoltage Wilh fullvwarmedup enginerunning:dul, controlled

WithignitionswirchON {ll):0 V


With ignition switch ON (ll): battery voltage With iqnition switch OFF: about 0 V

D e t e c r si g n i t i o n s i g n a l


WithignitionswitchON (ll):about0 V With ignitionswitchOFF:batteryvoltage

AFSHTCR {AIRFUELBATIO Drivesairfuel ratiosensor (Iy'F)SENSOR HEATER heaterrelay CONTROLRELAY)



WithignitionswitchON (ll)andfuelfill capopen: about2.5V DetectsELDsignal WithignitionswjtchON itt):aOoutO.t V l-gV (deDendino on electrical load) DetectsPowersteeringload At idlewith steeringwheelin straightahead srgnal position:about0 V At idlewith steeringwheelatfulllock:momentary DetectsFTPsensorsignal

ACC(Ay'C CLUTCH RELAY) DrivesP,/Cclutch relay

Withcompressor ON:about0 V With comoressorOFF:battervvoltaoe



ECMInputsand Outputsat ConnectorE (31P)


2 t M o $.c2s FPR

14 FTP





15 ELD


26 NEP

21 20 2,4/BS VSV


21 lvo CD

9 tGl



30 31 WEN MIL

Wire side of femaleterminals

NOTE:Standardbatteryvoltageis 12V. Terminal Wire color 20 21

22 23

21 29



DrivesEVAPbypass (EVAP)BYPASSsolenoidvalve EMISSION SOLENOID VALVE) DrivesEVAPcanistervent LT GRN/RED VSV (EVAPORATIVE shutvalve EI\4ISSION iEVAP) VENTSHUT CANISTEB VALVE) Detects brake pedal WHT/BLK BKSWlBRAKEPEDAL POSITION SWITCH) o o s i t i o ns w i t c h s i o n a l scan LT BLU K-LIN E Sendsand receives YEL







WithignitionswitchON (ll):bafteryvoltage W i t h i g n i l i o n s w i t c h O N ( l l ) :b a t t e r y v o l t a g e

With brakepedalreleased: about0 V With hrake nedal nresse.l: batterv voltaoe

With ignitionswitchON (li)rpulsesor battery

With ignitionswitchON (ll):about5 V Withenoinerunninounderload:DUlses Outputsenginespeedpulse Withenginerunning:pulses C o m m u n i c a t e sw i t h mrltinleYeontrolunit

D e t e c t si m r n o b i l i z e rs i g n a l

checksignalshortedwith the PGM O e t e c t ss e r v i c ec h e c k s i g n a l Withthe service Tester:about0 V Wiih rheservicechecksionalooened:about5 V




D e t e c t sw r i t e e n a b l e s i g n a l

W i t h i g n i t i o n s w i t c h O N ( l l ) :a b o u t 0 V


WithMILturnedON:about0 V WithMILturnedOFF:battervvoltaqe



Fueland EmissionsSystems !

SystemDescriptions(cont'dl VacuumHoseRouting












Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'd) PGM-FISystem The ProgrammedFuel Injection(PGM-Fl)system is a sequentialmultiport fuel injectionsystem.

CamshaftPosition(CMPISensorB (TopDeadCenter (TDCISensor) TheCMPsensorB (TDCsensor)detectsthe positionof the No.1 cylinderasa reference for sequential fuel injectionto eachcylinder.

Air Conditioning {A/C) Compressor Glutch Relay When the ECfMreceivesa demandfor coolingfrom the Ay'Csystem,it delaysthe compressorfrom being energized,and enrichesthe mixture to assuresmooth transitionto the AVCmode. Air Fuel Ratio lA/Fl Sensor The Ay'FSensoroperatesover a wide airlfuel range.The Ay'FSensoris installedupstreamof the TWC, and sends signalsto the ECMwhich variesthe durationof fuel injectionaccordingly.





Crankshaft Position (CKPISensor The CKPsensordetectscrankshaftsoeedand determinesignitiontiming and timing for fuel injection of each cylinderas well as detectingengine misfire.


Barometric Pressure {BAROI Sensor The BAROsensoris insidethe ECM.lt convens atmosphericpressureinto a voltagesignalthat the ECM usesto modify the basicdurationof the fuel injection discharge.

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)Sensor The ECTsensoris a temperaturedependentresistor (thermistor).The resistanceof the thermistordecreases as the enginecoolanttemperatureincreases. TERMINAL



lgnition Timing Control The ECMcontainsthe memory for basicignitiontiming at variousengine speedsand manifold absolute pressure.lt also adjuststhe timing accordingto engine coolanttemperature. Iniector Timing and Duration The ECM containsthe memory for basicdischarge d u r a t i o na t v a r i o u se n g i n es p e e d sa n d m a n i f o l d pressures.The basicdischargeduration,after being read out from the memory, is further modified by signalssent from varioussensorsto obtain the final d i s c h a r g ed u r a t i o n . By monitoring long term fuel trim, the ECMdetectslong term malfunctionsin the fuel systemand sets a DiagnosticTrouble Code{DTC). Intake Air Temperature (lAT) Sensor The IAT sensoris a temperaturedependentresistor {thermistor).The resistanceof the thermistor decreases as the intakeair temDeratureincreases.

MalfunctionIndicatorLamp lMlLl Indication{ln relation to ReadinessCodes) "readinesscodes" that are part The vehiclehas certain of the on-boarddiagnosticsfor the emissionssystems. lf the vehicle'sbafteryhas been disconnectedor gone dead.if the DTCShave been cleared,or if the ECM has been reset.these codesare set to incomplete.In some states,part of the emissionstesting is to make sure these codes are set to comDlete.lf all of them are not set to complete,the vehiclemay fail the test and the test cannot be finished. To checkif the readinesscodes are set to complete, turn the ignition switch ON (ll). but do not startthe e n g i n e . T h e M I L w ci lol m e o n f o r l S 2 0 s e c o n d sl f. i t then goes off, the readinesscodesare set to complete, lf it blinksseveraltimes,one or more readinesscodes are not set to comolete.To set each code, drive the v e h i c l eo r r u n t h e e n g i n ea s d e s c r i b e di n t h e proceduresto set them in this section(seepage 11-46). Manifold Absolute Pressure {MAP) Senso] The MAP sensorconvertsmanifoldabsolutepressure i n t oe l e c t r i c asl i g n a l st o t h e E C M . SENSOR UNIT

Knock Sensor The knockcontrol system adjuststhe ignitiontiming to minimizeknock.




Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'dl Secondary Heated Oxygen Sensor (Secondary HO2S) The secondaryHO2Sdetectsthe oxygen content in the exhaustgas downstreamof the three way catalytic converter(TWC)and sendssignalsto the ECMwhich checksthe efficiencyof the TWC.To stabilizeits output, the sensorhas an internalheater.The secondarvHO2S i s i n s t a l l e di n t h e T W C .

( Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) The VSS is driven by the differential.lt generatesa pulsedsignalfrom an input of 5 volts.The number of pulsesper minute increases/decreases with the speed of the vehicle. BEARING




Starting Control When the engine is started,the ECM providesa rich mixture by increasinginjectorduration.

( Throttle Position ITP)Sensor The TP sensoris a potentiometerconnectedto the throttlevalve shaft.As the throttle positionchanges,the sensorvariesthe signalvoltageto the ECM.The TP sensoris not replaceableapart from the throftle body.






wEc/wc The i-WEC has a VTC (VariableValveTiming Control)mechanismon the intakecamshaftin additionto the usual VTEC. This mechanismimprovesfuel efficiencyand reducesexhaustemissionsat all Ievelsof engine speed,vehiclespeed. a n d e n g i n el o a d . The VTECmechanismchangesthe valve lift and timing by using more than one cam profile. The VTCchangesthe phaseof the intakecamshaftvia oil pressure.lt changesthe intakevalve timing continuously. HIGH


LOW\ Usethe greaseincludedin the inboardboot set.











| (hA \t/


^ *fL-f



-ffi -ffi \:7 \--l CALIPER PINA \

BRAKE HOSE/ / / / / / /




MasterCylinderReplacement NOTE:Do not spill brakefluid on the vehicle;it may damagethe paint;if brakefluid does contactthe paint, wash it off immediatelywith water, r s s e m b l y( A ) . 1 , R e m o v et h e a i r c l e a n e a

3 . R e m o v et h e c l u t c hr e s e r v o i (r B )a n d e n g i n e w i r e harnessclip (C)from the mastercylindermounting b a s e( D ) . 4. Removethe reservoircap and brakefuid from the reservoir. 5. Removethe reservoir(E)on the mastercylinder m o u n t r n gD a s e . 6, Disconnectthe brakelines (F)from the master cylinder (G).To preventspills,cover the hosejoints with rags or shop towels. 7. Removethe mastercylinder mounting nuts {H)and washers. 8. Removethe mastercylinderfrom the brakebooster. Be carefulnot to bend or damagethe brakelines when removingthe mastercylinder.

2, Disconnectthe brakefluid level sensorconnector (A).

9. Removethe rod seal (l) from the mastercylinder. 10. Installthe mastercylinder in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items:

1 5N . m {1.5kgt.m,11 lbt.ft)

. Replaceall the rubber partswith new ones wheneverthe mastercylinder is removed. . Checkthe pushrodclearancebeforeinstallingthe mastercylinder.and adjust it if necessary(see p a g e1 9 - 1 6 ) . . Use a new rod seal on reassemblY . Coatthe inner bore lip and outer circumference of the new rod seal {A) with the recommended seal greasein the mastercylinderset. . I n s t a l l t h er o d s e a lo n t o t h e m a s t e rc y l i n d e rw i t h its groovedside (B)towardthe mastercylinder. . Checkthe brakepedal height and free play after t h e m a s t e rc y l i n d e ra, n d a d j u s ti t i f installing necessary(seepage 19-6).


ConventionalBrakeComponents MasterCylinderInspection NOTE: . Beforereassembling,checkthat alI partsare f ree of dust and other foreign particles. . D o n o t t r y t o d i s a s s e m b l e t hm e astercylinder assembly.Replacethe mastercylinder assemblywith a new part if necessary. . Do not allow dirt or foreign matterto contaminatethe b r a k ef l u i d . RESERVOIB CAP unecKIor otocKage


of vent holes. ,--l

RESERVOIR r ' , , . J \ +


RESERvOIRSEAL Checklor damaoe and deterioration.

BrakeBoosterPushrodClearance Adjustment SpecialToolsRequired Pushrodadjustmentgauge07JAG-SD40100 NOTE:Brakeboosterpushrod-to-piston clearancemust be checkedand adjustmentsmade, if necessarV,before installingthe mastercylinder. 1 . S e t t h e s p e c i atlo o l ( A )o n t h e m a s t e r c y l i n d ebr o d v (B),push in the centershaft (C)until the top of it contactsthe end of the secondarypiston {D) by t u r n i n gt h e a d j u s t i n gn u t ( E ) .

STRAINER Removeaccumulated seotment.

RESERVOIR HOSES Inspecthosesfor damage,leaks,and deterioration.

MASTER CYLINDER Checkfor leaks,rust,anddamage

Without disturbingthe centershaft'sposition, installthe specialtool(A) backwardson the booster. 1 5N m { r . 5 11tbf.ftl

Installthe mastercylinder nuts (B),and tighten them to the specifiedtorque. Conneclthe boosterin line with a vacuum gauge { C )0 - 1 0 1 k P a{ 0 ' - 7 6 0m m H g ,3 0 i n . H g )t o t h e booster'senginevacuum supply,and maintainan e n g i n es p e e dt h a tw i l l d e l i v e r6 6 k P a( 5 0 0m m H g , 2 0 i n . H g )v a c u u m .


5. With a feelergauge (A),measurethe clearance betweenthe gauge body and the adjustingnut (B) as snown, lf the clearancebetweenthe gauge body and the adjustingnut is 0.4 mm (0.02in.),the pushrod-topistonclearanceis 0 mm. However.if the clearance betweenthe gauge body and the adjustingnut is clearanceis 0 4 mm 0 mm, the pushrod-to-piston {0.02in.) or more. Thereforeit must be adjusted and rechecked.

9 . C h e c kt h e p u s h r o dl e n g t h( A )a s s h o w n i f t h e boosteris removed,lf the length is incorrect, loosenthe pushrodlocknut(B),and turn the clevis (C)in or out to adjust. A 1 1 6m m { 4 . 6i n . )

Clearance: 0-0./t mm (0-0.02 in.)

1 0 x 1 . 0m m 1.5 N'm 11.5kgf.m,11 lbf.ftl

1 0 . I n s t a l l t h em a s t e rc y l i n d e r( s e ep a g el 9 - 1 5 )

lf the clearanceis incorrect,loosenthe star locknut (A).and turn the adjuster(B)in or out to adjust. . Adjustthe clearancewhile the specifiedvacuum is appiiedto the booster. . Holdthe clevis(C)while adjusting. A 22N.n 0 0.4mm l0 -0.02in.)

07JAG-SO40100 7. Tightenthe star locknutsecurely. 8. Removethe specialtool (D).


Gonventional BrakeComponents


BrakeBoosterTest FunctionalTest 1. With the enginestopped,pressthe brakepedal severaltimes to depletethe vacuum reservoir,then pressthe pedal hard, and hold itfor 15 seconds.lf the pedalsinks,eitherthe mastercylinderis bypassinginternally,or the brakesystem (master c y l i n d e rl,i n e s .m o d u l a t o ro, r c a l i p e r si)s l e a k i n g .

3. Disconnectthe brakeboostervacuum hose (check valve built-in)(A) at the boosterside.

2. Startthe enginewith the brakepedal pressed.lf the pedal sinksslightly,the vacuum boosteris working properly.lf the pedal heightdoes not vary, the boosteror checkvalve is faulty. 3. With the engine running,pressthe brakepedal l i g h t l y .l f t h e b r a k ep e d a ls i n k sm o r e t h a n 1 Om m {3/8 in,) in 3 minutes,the mastercylinder is faulty. A slight changein pedal heightwhen the Ay'C compressorcycleson and off is normal.(TheA,/C compressorload changesthe vacuum availableto the booster.)

LeakTest 1. Pressthe brakepedalwith the engine running,then stop the engine.lf the pedal height does not vary while pressedfor 30 seconds,the vacuum booster is OK. lf the pedal rises,the boosteris faulty. 2. With the engine stopped,pressthe brakepedal severaltimes using normal pressure.When the pedal is first pressed,it should oe row. On consecutiveapplications,the pedal height s h o u l dg r a d u a l l yr i s e .l f t h e p e d a lp o s i t i o nd o e s n o t varv, checkthe boostercheckvalve.

4 . Startthe engine,and let it idle.Thereshould be v a c u u ma v a i l a b l el .f n o v a c u u mi s a v a i l a b l et ,h e checkvalve is not working properly.Repiacethe brakeboostervacuum hose and checkvalve,and relesI. 5 . Reconnectthe brakeboostervacuum nose. Startthe engine,and then pinch the brakebooster vacuum hose betweenthe checkvalve and the booster, Turn the ignition switch OFF,and wait 30 seconds, Pressthe brakepedal severaltimes using normal pressure, When the pedal is first pressed,it should be low. On consecutiveapplications,the pedal height s h o u l dg r a d u a l l yr i s e . . lf the pedal positiondoes notvary, replacethe brakebooster. . lf the pedal positionvaries,replacethe brake boostervacuum hose/checkvalve assembly.


BrakeBoosterReplacement 1 . R e m o v et h e m a s t e rc y l i n d e r( s e ep a g e1 9 - 1 5 ) .

5 . R e m o v et h e c l i p ( A )a n dt h e j o i n t p i n ( B ) .a n d disconnecttheyoke from the brakepedal.

Removethe mastercylinder brakelines {A) from t h e b r a k el i n ec l i p .


alu i

' - /


c 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbf.ft)

Removethe vacuum hose mounting bracket(B). Disconnectthe vacuum hose {C)from the brake booster.

{'l.3kgf.m,9lbf.ftl Removethe brakeboostermounting nuts (C). 7 . Removethe brakebooster(A)from the engine comparlmenr.


. Be carefulnot to damagethe booster surfacesand threadsof the boosterstud bolts. . Be carefulnot to bend or damagethe b r a k el i n e s .

lnstallthe brakeboosterin the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Adjustthe pushrodclearancebeforeinstalling the brakebooster(seepage 19-16). . U s ea n e w c l i pw h e n e v e ri n s t a l l i n g . . After installingthe brakeboosterand master cylinder,fill the reservoirwith new brakefluid, bleedthe brakesystem (seepage 19-8),and adjustthe brakepedal height and free play (see p a g e1 9 - 6 ) ,


Conventional BrakeComponents RearBrakePadsInspectionand Replacement Replacement Frequentinhalationof brakepad dust, regardlessof materialcomposition,could be hazardousto your h e ah h . . Avoid breathingdust particles. . Never use an air hose or brushto clean brake assemblies,Use an OSHA-approvedvacuum cleaner.

1. Removethe bolt (A) and brakehose {B}from the mounting bracket.

Inspection '1.

Raisethe rear of the vehicle,and supportjt with safetystandsin the proper location(seepage 1-8). Removethe rearwheels,

2. Checkthe thicknessof the inner pad (A) andouter pad (B).Do not includethe thicknessof the brake pad backingplate. Brakepad thickness: Standard: 8.5 9.5 mm {0.33-0.37 in.} Servicelimit: 1.6 mm (0.06in.)

Removethe caliperbolts (C),and removethe caliper(D)from the caliperbracket.

3 . R e m o v et h e p a d s h i m s( A )a n d p a d s( B ) .


t {




3 . lf the brakepad thicknessis lessthan the service l i m i t ,r e p l a c ea l l t h e p a d sa s a s e t .



r\ )




tI A

4. Removethe pad retainers(A).and checkthe caliper pins for free movement. :.i _ _l

11. Rotatethe caliperpiston clockwiseinto the cylinder, then align the cutout (A) in the pistonwith the tab {B) on the inner pad by turning the piston backso t h e c a l i p e rc a n b e i n s t a l l e do n t h e p a d .L u b r i c a t e the boot with rubbergreaseto avoid twisting the Distonboot. lf the piston boot is twisted,back it out so it is positionedproperly.

8 x 1 . 2 5m m 22 N.m l2.2kgt m, 16rbl.ttl

5. Cleanthe caliperthoroughly;remove any rust.and checkfor groovesand cracks. 6, Checkthe brakedisc for damageand cracks. 7 . Apply Dow CorningMolykoteM77 greaseto the retainerson their mating surfacesagainstthe caliperbracket, .ar

8 . Installthe pad retainers.Wipe excessgreaseoffthe retainers.Contaminatedbrakediscs and pads reducestoppingability.Keepgreaseoff the discs a n dp a d s . 9 . Apply Dow CorningMolykotelvl77greaseto both sidesof the pad shims {A),the backof the pads (B), and the other areasindicatedby the arrows.Wipe excessgreaseoff the shim. Contaminatedbrake discs and pads reducestoppingability.Keep greaseoff the discsand pads.

. .-.

D 8 x 1.25mm 23Nm {2.3kgf.m, 17rbf.ft)

I n s t a l l t h eb r a k ec a l i p e r( C )a n d c a l i p e rb o l t s( D ) . and tighten the boltsto the specifiedtorque.

1 3 .I n s t a l l t h eb r a k eh o s e( E ) . 1 4 . Pressthe brakepedal severaltimes to make sure the brakeworks, then test-drive. NOTE:Engagementof the brakemay requirea greeterpedal strokeimmediatelyafterthe brake pads have been replacedas a set. Several applicationsof the brakepedalwill restorethe n o r m a lp e d a ls t r o k e , 1 5 . C h e c kt h e p a r k i n gb r a k ea d j u s t m e n{ts e ep a g e1 9 - 7 ) . 1 0 . I n s t a l l t h eb r a k ep a d sa n d p a d s h i m sc o r r e c t l y . I n s t a l l t h ep a d sw i r h t h e w e a r i n d i c a t o r {sC )o n t h e inside. lf you are reusingthe pads,always reinstallthe brakepads in their originalpositionsto preventa momentaryloss of brakingefficiency.

1 6 . A f t e ri n s t a l l a t i o nc ,h e c kf o r l e a k sa t h o s ea n d l i n e joints or connections,and retightenif necessarY.


Conventional BrakeComponents RearBrakeDiscInspection Runout

Thicknessand Parallelism

1. Raisethe rear of the vehicle,and support it with safetystandsin the proper location(seepage 1-8). Removethe rear wheels,

1. Raisethe rear of the vehicle,and supportwith safetystandsin the proper location(seepage l-g). Removethe rearwheels.

2. Removethe brakepads (seepage 19-20).

2. Removethe brakepads {seepage 19 20).

3. Inspectthe disc surfacefor damageand cracks. Cleanthe discthoroughly,and remove all rust,

3, Using a micrometer,measurediscthicknessat , p p r o x i m a t e l4y5 ' a p a r ta n d 1 0 m m e i g h tp o i n t s a {0.4 in.)from the outer edge of the disc.

4. lnstallsuitable f lat washers(A) and wheel nuts, and tighten the nuts to the specifiedtorque to hold the brakedisc securelyagainstthe hub.

BrakeDiscThickness: Standard:9.9-10.1 mm (0.389 0.397in.l Max. RetinishingLimit: 9.0 mm (0.35in.) BrakeDiscParallelism: 0.016mm 10.0006in.) max.

108N.m (11.0kgf.m,80lbf.ft) Set up the dial gauge againstthe brakedisc as shown. and measurethe runout at 10 mm (0.4in.) from the outer edge of the disc. Brake Disc Runout; ServiceLimit: 0.10mm {0.004in.) lf the disc is beyondthe servicelimit, refinishthe brakedisc. Max. RefinishLimit: 9.0 mm (0.35in.) NOTE: . l f t h e b r a k ed i s ci s b e y o n d t h e s e r v i c lei m i t f o r refinishing,replaceit (seepage 18-26). . A new disc should be refinishedif its runout is g r e a t e rt h a n0 . 1 0m m ( 0 . 0 0 4i n . ) .


4 . lf the smallestmeasurementis lessthan the max. refinishinglimit, replacethe brakedisc (seepage 18-26). lf the disc is beyondthe servicelimit for parallelism, refinishthe brakedisc with an on-carbrakelathe.


Frequentinhalationof brakepad dust, regardlessof materialcomposition,could be hazardousto your health. ' Avoid breathingdust particles. . Never use an air hose or brushto clean brakeassemblies.Use an OSHA-approvedvacuum cleaner' Remove,disassemble,inspect,reassemble,and installthe caliper,and note these items: . D o n o t s p i l lb r a k ef l u i d o n t h e v e h i c l e i;t m a y d a m a g et h e p a i n t ;i f b r a k ef l u i d g e t so n t h e p a i n t ,w a s h i t o f f immediatelywith water. . To preventdripping.cover disconnectedhosejoints with rags or shop towels. . C l e a n a l lp a r t s i n b r a k e f l u i d a n d a i r d r y ; b l o w o u t a lpl a s s a g e s w i t ch o m p r e s s e a dir' . Beforereassembling,checkthat all parts are free of dust and other foreign particles . Replacepans with new ones as specifiedin the illustration. . Make sure no dirt or other foreign matter contaminatesthe brakefluid. . When reusingpads,always reinstallthemin their originalpositionsto preventloss of b raking efficiency. . Do not reusedrainedbrakefluid. . U s eo n l y c l e a nH o n d aD O T3 b r a k ef l u i d .N o n - H o n d a b r a k ef l u i d c a nc a u s ec o r r o s i o na n d s h o r t e nt h e l i f eo f t h e system. . Do not mix differentbrandsot brakefluid as they may not be compatible. . C o a t t h ep i s t o n ,p i s t o ns e a lg r o o v e ,a n d c a l i p e rb o r ew i t h c l e a nb r a k ef l u i d . . Make sure no greaseor oil gets on the brakediscsor pads. . R e p l a c e a lrlu b b e rp a r t sw i t h n e w o n e sw h e n e v e rd i s a s s e m b l e d . . After installingthe caliper,checkthe brakehose and line for leaks,interference.and twisting. oG

BOLT 3 4 N . m( 3 . 5k g f m , 2 5 l b t f t ) WASHERS

, nonau."rip6r qreas€lP/N 08c30-aoa4Ml


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olT-J,.o"c. lii.'i rz.rrgr..


2 7 N m { 2 . 8 k g ft .mm, , 20 tbf.ftr






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CUP Beplace.

O.RING Beplace.

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10 MM FLANGE BOLTS 55 N m (5.6 lgf-m, 4r lbt ft)


ConventionalBrakeComponents BrakeHosesand LinesInspection


1. Inspectthe brakehosesfordamage,deterioration,leaks,interference,andtwisting. 2. Checkthe brakelinesfor damage,rusting.and leakage.Also checkfor bent brakelines. 3. Checkfor leaksat hose and line joints or connections,and retightenif necessary. 4. Checkthe mastercylinderand ABS modulator unit for damageand leakage. NOTE:Replacethe brakehose clip wheneverthe brakehose is serviced.

BRAKELINE-to-BRAKE HOSE 15 N.m (1.5kgf.m, 11 lbf.ftl

BRAKEHOSE-to-CALIPER lBANJOBOLTI 3il N.m {3.5kgf.m.25lbt'ft) BLEEO SCREW 9 N.m{0.9kgf.m,7lbf.ftl ABS MODULATORUNIT-Io-BRAKELINE 15N.m{1.5kgf m.11lbf.ftl


/,i'i' ,/ ,l t




MASTERCYLINDEB-to-BRAKE LINE 15 N m {1.5kgt.m,ll lbf.ft)

BRAKEHOSE.tO-CALIPER {BANJO BOLTI 34 N.m {3.5kgf.m,25 lbl.ft) BLEEDSCBEW 9 N.m 10.9kgf.m, 7 lbf ft)



BRAKELINE 15N.m11.5kgf m, 11lbf.ft) BRAKELINE-Io-BRAKEHOSE 15 N.m (1.5kgf.m,11lbf.ftl

BrakeHoseReplacement NOTE: . Do not spill brakefluid on the vehicle;it may damage the paint;if brakefluid gets on the paint,wash it off immediatelywith water. . To preventdripping,cover disconnectedline joints with rags or shop towels. . Beforereassembling,checkthat all parts are free of dust and other foreign particles. . Replacepartswith new ones wheneverspecifiedto do so.

6. Installthe brakehose bracket(A)on the damper with the flange bolt (B)first, then connectthe brake hose (C)to the caliperwith the banjo bolt {D) and n e w s e a l i n gw a s h e r s( E ) .

1. Replacethe brakehose (A) if the hose is twisted, cracked,or if it leaks.

7. lnstallthe hose onto the hose bracketon the bodv with a new hose clip (A).

i !

1 0 x 1 . 0m m 15 N.m (1.5kgf.m, 1t tbt.ftl

Disconnectthe brakehosefrom the brakeline (B) using a 10 mm flare nut wrench {C) Removethe flange bolt (A),and removethe brake hose bracketsfrom the damper.

Connectthe brakeline to the brakehose. 9 . After installingthe brakehose,bleedthe brake system (seepage l9-8).

1 0 .Do the following checks: I x 1 . 2 5m m

. Checkthe brakehose and line joint for leaks,and tighten if necessary. . Checkthe brakehosesfor interferenceand twisting.

4. R e m o v ea n d d i s c a r dt h e h o s ec l i p ( B ) .

Removethe banjo bolt (C),and removethe brake h o s e( D ){ r o m t h e c a l i p e r .




ParkingBrakeCableReplacement ExplodedView



L e PARKING BRAKECABLE for stiffness, Check binding,anddamage.


8 x 1.25 22 N.m 12.2kgl

NOTE: . The parkingbrakecablesmust not be bent or distorted.This will leadto stiff operationand prematurefailure. . Referto the ExplodedView as neededduring this proceoure. 1 . R e l e a s teh e p a r k i n gb r a k el e v e rf u l l y .

7 . l n s t a l l t h en e w c a b l ei n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f removal.and note these items: . Be careful not to bend or distortthe cable. . M a k es u r et h e p a r k i n gb r a k ec a b l ec l i p i s f u l l y seatedon the cable housing. . Do the parkingbrakecable adjuslment(seepage 1 9 - 7) .

2. Removethe rearconsole(seepage 20-57).

4 . Removethe parkingbrakecableclip (A) from the

b r a k ec a b l e( B ) .

Disconnecttheparkingbrakecablefrom the lever

{c). 6 . Removethe parkingbrakecable mounting hardware,then removethe cable.


Brakes BrakeComponents................ 19-1 Conventional ABS (Anti-lockBrakeSystem)Components C o m o o n e nLto c a t i olnn d e x . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .9. .-.3. .0. . . . . . . Troubleshooting Information....................... 19-31 General .............. 19-34 DTCTroubleshooting Index 19-35 SymptomTroubleshooting Index ...,........................... ................. ........... 19-36 SystemDescription .........19-42 CircuitDiagram .......... 19-45 DTCTroubleshooting ............... 19-52 ABSIndicator ...................... CircuitTroubleshooting BrakeSystemIndicator Circuit T r o u b l e s h o o t i n. .g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 9 - 5 5 ABSModulator-Control UnitRemovaland ............. 19-57 lnstallation 19-59 WheelSensorInsoection ................... .............. 19-59 WheelSensorReolacement

ABSGomponents ComponentLocationIndex


RIGHT-REAR WHEELSENSOR page19-59 Inspection, page19-59 Replacement, UNDER.OASH FUSE/RELAY BOX


\L LEFT.REAR WHEELSENSOR Inspection,page 19-59 page 19-59 Replacement, DATA LINKCONNECTOR I16PI RIGHT.FRONT WHEELSENSOR Inspection,page 19-59 page 19-59 Replacement,

ABSMODULATOR.CONTROL UNIT page19'57 Removal andInstallation,


LEFT-FRONT WHEELSENSOR page19-59 Inspection, page1959 Replacement,

GeneralTroubleshootingInformation ABS Indicator


. lf the system is OK,theABS indicatorgoes off 2 secondsafter turning the ignition switch ON (ll) without startingthe engine,and then comes on again and goes off 2 secondslater after startingthe engine. This occursbecausethe ABS control unitisturned on by the lG2 power source. . The ABS indicatorcomes on when the ABS control unit detectsa problem in the system.However,even though the system is operatingproperly,the indicator will come on underthese conditions: - Only the drive wheels rotate - One drive wheel is stuck - The vehiclegoes into a spin - The ABS continuesto operatefor a long time. - The vehicleis subjectedto an electricalsignal disturbance

. The memory can hold three DTCS.However,when the same DTCis detectedmore than once,the more recentDTCis written over the earlierone. Therefore,when the same problem is detected repeatedly,it is memorizedas a single DTC. . The DTCsare in the order they occurred,beginning with the most recent. . The DTCSare memorizedin the EEPROM(nonvolatile memory).Therefore.the memorizedDTCs are not clearedwhen the batteryis disconnected,the ignition switch is turned off, or the system returnsto normal. Do the specifiedproceduresto clearthe DTCs.

To determinethe actualcauseof the problem,question the customeraboutthe problem.taking the above condilionsinto consideration. . When a Droblemis detectedand lhe ABS indicator comes on, there are caseswhen the indicatorstays on until the ignition switch is turned OFF,and cases when the indicatorgoes off automaticallywhen the sYstemreturnsto normal. - DTC61: The ABS indicatorgoes off automatically when the system returnsto normal. - D T C1 1 ,1 3 , 1 5 , 1 7, 3 1 , 3 2 , 3 3 ,3 4 ,3 5 ,3 6 ,3 7 ,3 8 ,5 4 , or 81: The ABS indicatorstayson until the ignition switch is turned OFFwhether or not the system returnsto normal. - D f C 1 2 ,1 4 ,1 6 ,1 a , 2 1 , 5 1 , 5 2o, r 5 3 ;T h e A B S indicatorgoes off when the vehicleis driven again and the system is OK afterthe ignition switch is t u r n e df r o m O F Ft o O N { l l } .

Self-diagnosis . Self-diagnosiscan be classifiedinto two categories: - I n i t i ad l iagnosis: Done right after the enginestarts and until the ABS indicatorgoes off - R e g u l ad r iagnosis: D o n er i g h t a f t e r t h ei n i t i a d l i a g n o s i su n t i lt h e ignition switch is turned OFF . When a problem is detectedby self-diagnosis, the system does the following: - Turnsthe ABS indicatoron - Memorizesthe DTC - StopsABS control

Kickback The pump motor operateswhen the ABS is functioning, and the fluid in the reservoiris forced out to the master k t t h e b r a k ep e d a l . c y l i n d e rc, a u s i n gk i c k b a c a

PumpMotor . The pump motor operateswhen the ABS is functioning. . The ABS control unit checksthe pump motor operationwhen the vehicleis startedthe first time after the ignition switch is turned ON (ll).You may hearthe motor operateat this time, but it is normal.



ABSComponents GeneralTroubleshootingInformation(cont'd) How to TroubleshootABS DTCs The troubleshootingflowchartproceduresassumethat the causeof the oroblem is still Dresentand the ABS indicatoris still on. Followingthe flowchartwhen the ABS indicatordoes not come on can resultin incorrect diagnosis. The connectorillustrationsshow the female terminal connectorswith a singleoutline and the male terminal connectorswith a double outline. 1. Ouestionthe customeraboutthe conditionswhen the problem occured,and try to reproducethe same conditionsfor troubleshooting.Find out when the ABS indicatorcame on, such as during ABS control,after ABS control,when the vehicle was at a certainspeed,etc.

2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) ,a n df o l l o wt h e prompts on the PGM Testerto displaythe DTC{S) on the screen.After determiningthe DTC,referto the DTCTroubleshootingIndex. NOTE:Seethe HondaPGM Testeruser'smanual for specificinstructions. Service Check Signal (SCS)Circuit Method: 1. With the ignition switch OFF,connectthe Honda PGM Tester(A)to the 16Pdata link connector(DLC) (BI underthe driver'sside of the dashboard.

2. When the ABS indicatordoes not come on during the test-drive,but troubleshootingis done basedon the DTC,checkfor looseconnectors.poor terminal contact,etc.,beforeyou starttroubleshooting. 3. After troubleshooting,clearthe DTC,disconnect the HondaPGM Tester.and test-drivethe vehicle. Make sure the ABS indicatordoes not come on.

How to RetrieveABS DTCs Honda PGM Tester Method: 1, Wjth the ignition switch OFF,connectthe Honda PGMTester(A)to the 16Pdata link connector(DLC) (B) under the driver'sside of the dashboard.


2. Short the SCScircuitto body ground usingthe HondaPGM Tester. 3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).

4. The blinkingfrequencyindicatesthe DTC.DTCSare indicatedby a seriesof long and short blinks.One l o n gb l i n ke q u a l s1 0 s h o n b l i n k s A . d d t h e l o n ga n d short blinkstogetherto determinethe DTC.After determiningthe DTC,referto the DTC T r o u b l e s h o o t i nI gn d e x .

How to ClearABS DTCs Honda PGM Tester Method: 1. With the ignition switch OFF,connectthe Honda P G MT e s t e r( A ) t o t h e l 6 P d a t a l i n kc o n n e c t o (r D L C ) { B }u n d e rt h e d r i v e r ' ss i d eo f t h e d a s h b o a r d .

NOTE: . lf the DTCis not memorized,the ABS indicator will go off for 3.6 seconds,and then come back on. . lf the ABS indicatorstayson, troubleshootfor "ABS indicator does not go off" (seestep 1 on page 19-53). Th€ system will not indicate the DTC unless these conditions are met: . The brakepedal is not pressed. . The ignitionswitch is turned ON {ll). . The SCScircuitis shortedto body ground before t h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hi s t u r n e dO N ( l l ) . Example ot DTC15 Long blink

Short blinks {five timesl

T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) ,a n d c l e a r t h e DTC(s)by following the screenprompts on the PGM Tester. NOTE:Seethe HondaPGl\4Testeruser's manual for sDeclfic instructions.

Examole of DTC 22 Long blinks (two times)

Cycling the lgnition Switch Method: C l e a rt h e D T Cb y t u r n i n gt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l )t h e n O F Fa t l e a s t2 0 t i m e s .

5 . Turn the ignition swltch OFF, Disconnectthe HondaPGM Testerfrom the DLC.


ABSGomponents DTCTroubleshootingIndex DTC DTC:11

DTC:12 DTC:13 DTC:14 DTC;15

DTC:16 DTC:17


Drc:2l DTC:3'l DTC:32 DTC:33 DTC:34 DTC:35 DTC;36 DTC:37 DTC:38 DTC:51

DTC:52 DTC:53 DTC:54 DTC:61



Detection ltem Rioht-frontwheel sensor{ooen/shortto bodv qround/shortto power) Faultv riqht-frontwheel sensoroulse siqnal Left-frontwheel sensor{oDen/shortto bodv qround/shortto power) Faultvleft-frontwheel sensorDulsesrqnal Riqht-rearwheel sensor(oDen/shortto bodv qround/shortto power) F a u l t vr i q h t - r e awr h e e ls e n s o ro u l s es i q n a l Left-rearwheel sensor (open/shortto bodv qround/shortto power) Faultvleft-rearwheel sensorDulsesiqnal d ulser) C o n t i n u o uo s D e r a t i o (nc h i o D e D Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid S ol en oi d S ol en o i d S o l en oi d lvlotor Iocked lvlotor stuck off lMotorstuckon Main relav stuckoff lG2 voltaqe cPU (CentralProcessinqUnit)

Note (seeoaoe 19-45) {seeoaoe 19-46) (seeoaqe 19-45) (seepaqe 19-46) (seeDaqe19-45) (seepaqe 19-46) (seeDaoe'19-45) (seeDaqe'19-46) (seepaqe 19-47) (seeDaoe19-48) { s e eD a q e1 9 - 4 8 ) {seeDaoe19'48) lsee oaqe 19-48) (seepaqe 19-48) (seeDaqe19-48) (seeDaqe19-48) (seeDaoe19-48) ( s e eD a q e1 9 - 4 8 ) (seeDaoe19-49) (seeDaoe19-50) ( s e ep a q e1 9 - 5 1 { s e eo a q e1 9 - 5 ' l {seepaqe 19-52)

Symptom Troubleshooting Index Symptom ABS indicatordoes nol come on ABS indicatordoes not go off and no ABS DTCis stored Brakesystem indicatordoes nol come on Brakesystem indicatordoes not go off and no ABS DTCis stored

Diagnostic procedure ABS IndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting(seepage 19-52) ABS IndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting{seestep 1 on Daqe19-53) BrakeSystem lndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting (seepaqe 19-55)

Also check for

BrakeSystemIndicator CircuitTroubleshooting (seesteo1 on Daqe19-55)


ABS Gomponents SystemDescription ABSControlUnit Inputsand Outputsfor 31PConnector

1 2

4 5 6 7 B I

1 6 1 1 1B 1 9


1 41 5

20 ?1/t/t/l/t/

Wire side of temaleterminals

Terminal number

Wire color

Terminal sign


Measurement Terminals Conditionsllgnition


switch ON (ll))





F R S( + )



F L S( _ )




9 11








(+) RRS F R S( - )

F L S{ + )

R L S( + )

Detects righfrear wneetsensor srgnal Detectsright-front wneetsensor srgnal


S p i nw h e e l a t AC:0.053V or I turn/second above Wheel

Detectsleft-front wneet sensor srgnal


Detectsleft-rear wneetsensor srgnal

8 9

Communications with HondaPGM rester DTCindication

Oscilloscope 0 . 1 5V p - po r above

Terminal number

Wire color









14 t5








Measurement Terminals Conditions {lgnition

Detectsbrake switchsiqnal

I 4 - GN D

Powersource for activating the svstem Ground forthe motor 0umD


Powersourcefor the oumDmotor Powersourcefor thevalverelav Groundfor the modulator assemDtv


DrivesABS indicator


EBD Drivesbrake (Electronic brake systemindicator distribution)

switch oN lll)) Brakepedal Pressed Released




Eattery voltaoe Baftery voltage Below 0.3V


Battery voltaoe


Battery voltaoe


ABS indicator 2 1 - G N D Brakesystem indicator

Below 0.3V ON OFF OFF

ONfor bulb cnecK

A b o u t1 1V Below 1 V

Below 0.3V 8attery voltage

( c o n t ' d)


ABS Gomponents SystemDescription(cont'd) Features When the brakepedal is pressedduring driving,the wheels can lock beforethe vehiclecomesto a stop. In such an event.the maneuverabilityof the vehicleis reducedif the front wheels are locked,and the stabilityof the vehicleis reducedif the rearwheels are locked,creatingan extremelyunstablecondition.The ABS preciselycontrolsthe slip rate of the wheelsto ensuremaximum grip force from the tires,therebyensuringthe maneuverabilityand stabilityof thevehicle. The ABS calculatesthe slip rate of the wheels basedon the vehiclespeedand the wheel speed,then it controlsthe brakefluid pressureto reachthe target slip rate. Grip Force of Tire and Road Surface TARGETSLIPRATE




ABSControlUnit Main Control The ABS control unit detectsthe wheel speed basedon the wheel sensorsignal it received,then it calculatesthe vehiclespeed basedon the detectedwheel speed.The control unit detectsthe vehiclespeedduring deceleration basedon the rate of deceleration. The ABS control unit calculatesthe slip rate of eachwheel and transmitsthe control signalto the modulatorunit solenoidvalve when the slip rate is high. The pressurereductioncontrol hasthree modes: pressurereducing,pressureretaining,and pressureintensifying. T---

Self-diagnosisFunction 1 . T h e A B S c o n t r ou ln i t i s e q u i p p e d w i t h a m a i n C P U a n d a s u b - C P U . E a c h C P U c h e c k s t h e o t h e r f o r p r o b l e m s . 2. The CPUScheckthe circuitof the system. 3 . T h e A B S c o n t r oul n i t t u r n so n t h e A B S i n di c a t o rw h e n t h e u n i t d e t e c t s ap r o b l e ma n d t h e u n i ts t o p st h e s y s t e m . 4. The self-diagnosiscan be classifiedinto thesetwo categories: . l n i t i a ld i a g n o s i s . R e g u l ad r iagnosis On-boardDiagnosisFunction The ABS can be diagnosedwith the Honda PGM Tester. The ALB Checkercannot be usedwith this system.For air bleedingand checkingwheel sensorsignals.usethe Honda PGM Tester.Seethe Honda PGMTesteruser's manualfor specificoperatinginstructions.



ABSComponents SystemDescription(cont'd) ABSModulator The ABS modulatorconsistsof the inlet solenoidvalves,outlet solenoidvalves,reservoir,pump, pump motor, and the damping chamber.The modulator reducesthe caliperfluid pressuredirectly.lt is a circulating-typemodulator b e c a u s e t h eb r a k e f l u i d c i r c u l a t e s t h r o u g h t h e c a l i p e r , r e s e r v o i r , a n d t h e m a s t e r c y l i n d e r . T h e h y d r a u l i ch caos n t r o l three modes:pressureintensifying,pressureretaining,and pressurereducing.The hydrauliccircuitis an independent four-channeltype o ,n e c h a n n efl o r e a c hw h e e l .

Pressureintensifyingmode: Inletvalveopen,outlel valve closed M a s t e rc y l i n d e fr l u i d i s p u m p e do u t t o t h e c a l i p e r . Pressureretainingmode:

lnlet valve closed,outlet valve closed Caliperfluid is retainedby the inlet valve and outlet valve.


Inletvalve closed,outlet valve open Caliperfluid flows through the outlet valveto the reservoir.


When startingthe pressurereducingmode,the pump motor is ON. When stoppingABS operation,the pump motor is OFF. T h e c a l i p e rf l u i d i s p u m p e do u t b y t h e p u m p ,t h r o u g ht h e d a m p i n gc h a m b e rt,o t h e m a s t e rc v l i n d e r .


t WheelSensors The wheel sensorsare the magneticcontactlesstype. As the gear pulserteeth rotate pastthe wheel sensor'smagnetic coil, AC current is generated.The AC frequencychangesin accordancewith the wheel speed.The ABS control unit detectsthe wheel sensorsignalfrequencyand therebydetectsthe wheel speed. GEARPULSER





Wheel Speed and Modulator Control VEJ!q!ESPEEq 8E!EEETqE



MoroR -,.

I l t



When the wheel speeddrops sharplybelow the vehiclespeed,the inlet valve closesand il necessary,the outlet valve opens momentarilyto reducethe caliperfluid pressure.The pump motor startsat this time. As the wheel speed is restored,and the outlet valve closes,the inlet valve opens momentarilyto increasethe caliperfluid pressure.


ABSGomponents CircuitDiagram


L "*'*" lJ5 Il

rI * *r +' tl ? l I





lo+-sN LqF**,

*- :ffrre, *riq.r.srbm



q_ L








5 67 1011121 31 415 1 1

1l2l3l,/15 1 2 3 4 8


1 2 3




1 2

4 5 6 7 8 I

16 1 1 1 8 1 9

1112 1 415 20 21/1,/1,/vl,/l


Wire side of femaleterminals


WHEELSENSOR2PCONNECTORS FRONT J --T:-l L q t t / ) l 'lt L_.:-:J r \-r-----Tr' e:l

Terminalside of femaleterminals



tslTt?t I tL |

/J 1T-1\ \t rlziJ

T e r m i n asl i d eo f m a l el e r m i n a l s


,/ ,/

6 7 8 9 10 11n213

DTCTroubleshooting DTC11,13,15,17:WheelSensor (Open/Short to Power) to BodyGround/Short

5. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe appropriate wheelsensor(+ ) circuitterminalandbodyground { s e et a b l e ) .

1. Disconnectthe ABS control unit 31Pconnector.

DTC 2. Start the engine. 3. Measurethe voltagebetweenthe appropriate w h e e ls e n s o r( * ) c i r c u i t t e r m i n a lo f t h e A B S control unit 31Pconnectorand body ground (see table).

DTC 11(Rioht-front) 13(Left-front)

Appropriate Terminal

11 (Riqht-front)

N o .5 : F R S( + )

13(Left-front) 1 5( R i o h t - r e a r ) 17(Left-rear)

N o . 7 : F L S( * )

No.2R : R S( * ) N o . 9R L S( + l


ADpropriate Terminal N o . 5 :F R S( t ) N o , 7 : F L S( * )

15 {Riqht-rear} 17 (Left-rear)

N o .2 : R R S( * ) N o . 9R t S( f )


F R S{ + I I G N R / B L K } F L SI + I ( B L U R R S{ + ) (GNR/YEL)

W i r eside Wire s i d eof femaleterminals

ls therecontinuity?


YES Goto step6. NO-Go to step7. Wiresideof femaleterminals ls thete battery voltage? YES Repairshort to power in the (+) circuitwire betweenthe ABS modulator-controlunit and the appropriatewheel sensor.I NO Go to step 4. 4. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

Disconnectthe harness2P connectorfrom the appropriatewheel sensor,then checkfor continuity b e t w e e nt h e 1 + ) a n d ( ) t e r m i n a l so f t h e h a r n e s s and body ground. ls there continuity? Y E S - R e p a i rs h o r t t o b o d y g r o u n di n t h e ( + ) o r { ) circuitwire betweenthe ABS modulator-control unit and the wheel sensor.l NO Repiacethe wheel sensor.l



ABS Components DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl 7. Checkthe resistancebetweenthe appropriate w h e e ls e n s o r( + ) a n d ( ) c i r c u i t e r m i n a l s{ s e e ta ble).

DTC 11 {Riqht-front)

'13 {Left-front)

1 5( R i o h t - r e a r ) 17 (Left-rear)

Appropriate Terminal *lSide l+) Side N o . 5 :F R S( * ) N o . 4 : F R1S- ) N o .7 : F L S{ + i N o . 6F: L S( (-) No.2:RBS {+) N o .1 : R B S N o . 9 :R L S1 - N o . 8B : L S( -


DTC12,14, 16,18:WheelSensorPutse Signal NOTE:lf the ABS indicatorcomes on for the reasons describedbelow,the indicatorgoes off when you testd r i v et h e v e h i c l ea t 3 1 m p h ( 5 0k m / n l . . Only the drive wheel rotated . T h e v e h i c l es p u n . Electricalnoise 1 . V i s u a l l yc h e c kf o r a p p r o p r i a t w e h e e ls e n s o r a n d pulserinstallationand condition(seetable).

DTC 12 14 18

Appropriate Wheel Sensor Riqht-front Left-front Riqht-rear Left-rear

Ate they installed correctly and not damaged? YES-Go to step 2, Wire side of femaleterminals

NO Reinstallor replacethe appropriatewheel s e n s o ro r p u l s e r , I Is the rcsistance between 450

2,000 A ?

YES Checkfor a looseABS control unit3lP connector.lf necessary.substitutea known-good ABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.l

2. Disconnectthe ABS control unit 31Pconnector. 3 . Measurethe resistancebetweenthe appropriate w h e e ls e n s o r( f ) a n d ( ) c i r c u i t e r m i n a l s( s e e table).

NO Go to step 8.

DTC Disconnectthe harness2P connectorfrom the appropriatewheel sensor,and checkthe resistance b e t w e e nt h e ( + ) a n d { ) t e r m i n a l s o ft h e w h e e l sensor.

12 {Rioht-front) 14 (Left-front) 1 6( R i q h t . r e a r ) 18 (Left-read

ls the resistance between 450- 2,000 Q ?

Appropriate Terminal l*) Side ) Side N o . 5 : F (B*S No.4:FBS N o . 7 ; F Ll *S No,6:FLS N o . 2R: R(S* N o1 . :BRS N o . 9B: L S 1No.8:RLS

Y E S - R e p a i ro p e ni n t h e ( + ) o r ( - ) c i r c u i tw i r e ,o r short betweenthe (+) circuitwire and the { ) circuitwire betweenthe ABS modulator-control u n i ta n d t h e w h e e ls e n s o r . l NO Replace t h e w h e e ls e n s o r . l ls therc less than 450 Q ? YES Go to step 1. N O - G o t o s t e p4 .



4. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe appropriate w h e e ls e n s o r( + ) c i r c u i t t e r m l n aal n d o t h e r w h e e l s e n s o r( + ) c i r c u i t e r m i n a l s( s e et a b l e ) .

DTC Appropiate Terminal 12 No.5: F R W( * i '14 No.7: FLWIT.) to No.2; RRW(T-) No.9: 18 R L W( * )

Other Terminal

(Chipped Operation DTC21:Continuous pulser) 1. Clearthe DTC,then disconnectthe HondaPGM tesler.




2. Test-drivethe vehicleat 19 mph (30 km/h)or more.




Doesthe ABS indicator come on and is DTC 21 indicated?





N o .7


YES Go to step 3.

ls there continuity? YES Repairshort in the wires betweenthe appropriatewheel sensorand the other wheel s e n s o rh a r n e s s e s . l NO Clearthe DTC,disconnectthe Honda PGM Tester,and test-drivethe vehicle.lf the ABS indicatorcomes on and the same DTCis indicated, replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.l

NO The system is OK at this time.l 3. Checkthe pulsergear for a chippedtooth. ls the pulser OK? YES Checkfor a looseABS control unit 31P connector.lf necessary,substitutea known-good ABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.l NO Replacethe driveshaftor hub unit (chipped p u l s e rg e a r ) . 1

Disconnectthe harness2P connectorfrom the appropriatewheel sensorand checkthe resistance b e t w e e nt h e ( + ) s i d ea n dt h e ( - ) s i d eo f t h e w h e e l sensor. ls there lessthan 450 Q ? YES Replacethe wheel sensor. NO- Repairshort to wire betweenthe appropriate w h e e ls e n s o r( + ) a n d ( - ) c i r c u i t s . l


ABSComponents DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC31,32.33,34,35,36,37,38:Solenoid 1. Clearthe DTC,thendisconnect the HondaPGN4 Tester. 2. Test-drive thevehicle. Doesthe ABSindicator comeon and are DTCs 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 indicated? YES Replace theABSmodulator-control unit.t NO Thesystemis OKat thistime.t

DTC51:Motor Locked '1.

C h e c kt h e N o . 1 0 ( 4 0 A ) f u s ei n t h e u n d e r - h o o d f u s e / retayDox. ls the tuse OK?

YES-Reinstall the fuse, and go to step 2. NO- Replacethe fuse, and recheck.l 2. Disconnectthe ABS control unit 31Pconnector. 3. Measurethe voltagebetweenthe ABS control unit 3 1 Pc o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 1 7a n d b o d y g r o u n d . ABS CONTROLUNIT31PCONNECTOR

I Wiresideof femaleterminals

ls thete battery voltage? YES Go to step 4. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe N o . 1 0 (40A)fuse and the ABS control unit.l


4. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe ABS control unit 31P connectorterminal No. 16 and body ground. ABS CONTROLUNIT31PCONNECTOR

DTG52:MotorStuckOFF 1 . C h e c tkh eN o .1 0 ( 4 0 Af )u s ei n t h eu n d e r - h o o d box. fuse/relay ls thef useOK? YES-Reinstall the fuse, and go to step 2. NO-Replace the fuse, and recheck.l|

2. Disconnectthe ABS control unit 31Pconnector. 3 . Measurethe voltage betweenthe ABS control unit Wire side of femaleterminals

ls there continuity?

3 1 Pc o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 1 7 a n d b o d y g r o u n d UNIT31PCONNECTOR ABSCONTROL

YES-Go to step 5. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ABS control unit and body ground (G202).1 Reconnectthe ABS control unit 31Pconnector. 6. Clearthe DTC,then disconnectthe HondaPGM tester.

Wire side of femaleterminals

7 . Test-drivethe vehicleat 6 mph (10 km/h) or more. ls there battery voltage? Doesthe ABSindicator come on, and is DTC 51 indicated?

YES-Go to step 4.

YES Replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.l

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe N o . 1 0 (40A)fuse and the ABS control unit.l

NO The system is OK at this time.l



ABS Components DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl 4. Checkfor continuitvbetweenthe ABS control unit 3 1 Pc o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 1 6 a n db o d y g r o u n d . ABSCONTROL UNIT31PCONNECTOR

DTC53:MotorStuckON 1 . C l e a rt h e D T C t, h e n d i s c o n n e ct th e H o n d ap GM Tester. 2. Test-drivethe vehicle. Does the ABS indicatot come on and is DTC 53 indicated? YES -Go to step 3. NO- lntermittentfailure,the system is OK at this trme.l

Wiresideol femaleterminals

3 . Disconnectthe ABS control unit 31Pconnector. ls there continuity? YES-Check for looseterminalsin the ABS control unit 31Pconnector.lf necessary,substitutea known-goodABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.l

Checkfor continuitybetweenthe ABS control unit 3 1 Pc o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o , 1 6 a n d b o d y g r o u n d . ABSCONTROL UNIT3,IPCONNECTOR

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ABS c o n t r o lu n i ta n d b o d y g r o u n d( G 2 0 2 ) . 1

Wiresideof femaleterminals

ls therc continuity? YES-Replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.t NO-Repair open in the wire betweenthe ABS c o n t r o lu n i ta n d b o d y g r o u n d( G 2 0 2 ) . I


DTC54:MainRelayStuckOFF 1 . C h e c k t h eN o . 8 ( 2 0 A )f u s e i n t h e u n d e r - h o o fdu s e / f u s ei f i t i s O K . r e l a yb o x ,a n d r e i n s t a l l t h e ls the f use OK?

DTC61:lG2Voltage N O T EC : h e c kt h e N o . 1 1 ( 7 . 5 A f)u s e i n t h e u n d e r - d a s h fuse/relaybox beforetroubleshooting. 1 . C l e a rt h e D T C ,t h e n d i s c o n n e ct th e H o n d aP G M tesler.

YES-Go to step 2. 2. Test drive the vehicle. NO Replacethe fuse, and recheck.l 2. Disconnectthe ABS control unit 31Pconnector. the voltagebetweenthe ABS control unit 3. l\4easure c o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 1 8 a n d b o d y g r o u n d .

Doesthe ABS indicator come on and is DTC 61 indicated? YES Go to step 3. NO The system is OK at this time.l


t e A B S c o n t r o lu n i t 3 l P c o n n e c t o r . 3 . D i s c o n n e ct h 4 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 5. Measurethe voltage betweenthe ABS control unit 3 1 Pc o n n e c t o r t e r m i n aNl o . 1 5 a n d b o d y g r o u n d . ABSCONTROL UNIT31PCONNECTOR

Wiresideof femaleterminals

Is there battety voltage? YES Replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.l NO-Repair open in the wire betweenthe ABS control unit and the under-hoodfuse/relaybox.I

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls there battery voltage? YES Replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.l NO - Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ABS control unit and the under-hood{use/relaybox.l


ABSComponents DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC81:CPU(Central Processing Unit) 1. Clearthe DTC,then disconnectthe HondaPGM Tester. 2. Test-drivethe vehicle. Does the ABS indicator come on and is DTC 81 indicated?

ABS IndicatorGircuit Troubleshooting ABS indicator does not come on 1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) ,a n d w a t c ht h e A B S indicator. Does the ABS indicator come on? YES The system is OK at this time.I

YES Replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.l NO Go to step 2, NO-The system is OK at this time. t Pull up the parkingbrakelever. Does the btake system indicator come on? YES Go to step 3. NO Repairopen in the indicatorpower source circuit.lf necassary,substitutea known-goodABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.I . Blown No, 10 (7.5A)fuse. . O p e ni n t h e w i r e b e t w e e nt h e N o . 1 0 ( 7 . 5 A ) f u s e a n dl h e g a u g ea s s e m b l y , . Open circuitinsidethe fuse box.

3 . Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. Disconnectthe ABS control unit 31Pconnector.

5. T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . Does the ABS indicator come on? YES-Check for looseterminalsin the ABS control unit 31Pconnector.lf necessary,substitutea known-goodABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.l NO Go to step 6. 6 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. 7 . Removethe gauge assembly(seepage 22-64).


8 . Disconnectthe gaugeassemblyconnectorA (22P). 9 . Checkfor continuitybetweengauge assembly connectorA {22P)terminal No, 12 and body ground. A (22P) CONNECTOR GAUGEASSEMBLY

ABS indicator does not go off fuse/ 1. ChecktheNo.8 (20Alfusein the under-hood relaybox,andreinstallthefuseif it is OK. ls the fuse OK? YES Goto step2. lf thefuseis NO-Replacethefuse,andrecheck. blown,checkfor a shonto bodygroundin thisfuse circuit.ll thecircuitis OK,replacetheABS modulator-control unit.I Checkthe No. 11 (7.5A)fuse in the under-dash fuse/relaybox, and reinstallthe fuse if it is OK.

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls the f use OK? ls there continuity?

YES Go to step 3.

YES- Repairshon to body ground in the wire betweenthe gaugeassemblyand the ABS control unit.l

NO Replacethe fuse, and recheck.If the fuse is blown, checkfor a shortto body ground in this fuse circuit.lf the circuit is OK, replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.I

NO Go to step 10.

'10.Disconnectthe gaugeassemblyconnectorB (22P). 1 1 .Checkfor continuitybetweengauge assembly

3 . Disconnectthe ABS control unit 31Pconnector. Measurethe voltage betweenterminal No. l8 and body ground.

connectorB (22P)terminal No. 12 and body ground. UNIT3lP CONNECTOR A8S CONTROL B (22PI GAUGEASSEMBLY CONNECTOR

Wire side of femaleterminals

Wiresideol Iemaleterminals ls there battery voltage? ls there continuity? YES-Go to step 5. YES Checkfor looseterminalsin the gauge assemblyconnectors.lf the connectorsare OK, replacethe gaugeassembly.l

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe No. 8 (20A)fuse and the ABS control unit.l

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe gauge a s s e m b l ya n d b o d y g r o u n d( G 5 0 1 ) . 1 (cont'd)


ABSComponents ABS IndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting(cont'dl 5. Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll). 6 . Measurethe voltage betweenthe ABS control unit

10. Connectthe ABS control unit3lPconnector t e r m i n a lN o . 2 0 a n d b o d y g r o u n dw i t h a j u m p e r wire.

31PconnectorterminaI No. 15 and body ground. ABSCONTROLUNIT31PCONNECTOR


Wire side of femaleterminats

Wiresideof femaleterminals

Does the ABS indicator go off?

Is there battety voltage?

YES-Check for looseterminalsin the ABS control unil 31Pconnector.lf necessary,substitutea known-goodABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.I

YES-Go to step 7. NO-Repair open in the wire betweenthe No. 11 (7.5A)fuse and the ABS control unit.I 1 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. 8 . Checkfor continuitybetweenthe ABS control unit 31Pconnectorterminal No. 19 and body ground. ABSCONTROL UNIT31PCONNECTOB

Wire side ot Iemaleterminals

NO Go to step 11. 'l '1.

Removethe gaugeassembly,and leavethe connectorsconnected.Connectthe gauge a s s e m b l yc o n n e c t oA r ( 2 2 P t)e r m i n a lN o . ' 1 2a n d body ground with a jumper wire. GAUGEASSEMBLY CONNECTOR A (22P)

Wiresideof femaleterminals

ls there continuity?

Does the ABS indicator go off?

YES Go to step 9.

YES-Repair open in the wire betweenthe gauge a s s e m b l ya n d t h e A B S c o n t r o lu n i t . I

NO-Repair open in the wire betweenthe ABS control unit and body ground (G202).t 9 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .


NO-Check for loosegauge assemblyconnectors. lf the connectorsare OK, replacethe printedcircuit b o a r di n t h e g a u g ea s s e m b l y . l


BrakeSystemIndicatorGircuitTroubleshooting Brakesystem indicator does not come on '1.

Disconnectthe m ultiplexcontroI unit l3Pconnector and the ABS control unit 31Pconnector.

Brakesystem indicatordoes not go off 1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N { l l ) . t h e p a r k i n gb r a k e . 2. Release

2. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe ABS control unit 3 l P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o , 2 1 a n d b o d y g r o u n d . ABS CONTROLUNIT31PCONNECTOR

Does the brake system indicatot go ofl after several seconds? YES The system is OK at this time.l NO Go to step 3. 3. Checkthe brakefluid level. ls the level OK? YES Go to step 4.

Wire side of femaleterminals

NO Refillthe brakefluid, and recheck.l 4. Checkthe ABS indicator.

ls there continuity? Does the ABS indicator stay on? YES Repairshort to body ground in the wire betweenthe multiplexcontrol unit and the ABS c o n t r o lu n i t . l NO Go to multiplexcontrol system trou bleshootinglsee page 22''172).a

YES Readthe ABS DTC(seestep 1 on page 19-32). and do the applicabletroubleshootingfor the DTC NO Go to step 5. 5. Turn the ignition switch OFF. t e A B S c o n t r o lu n i t 3 l P c o n n e c t o r . 6 . D i s c o n n e ct h 7 . C o n n e ctth e A B S c o n t r o lu n i t3 1 Pc o n n e c t o r t e r m i n a lN o . 2 1 a n d b o d y g r o u n dw i t h a j u m p e r


W i r es r d eo f l e m a l el e r m i n a l s



ABSComponents BrakeSystemIndicatorGircuitTroubleshooting(cont'd) 8 . Turn the ignititonswitch ON (ll). 9 . Checkthe brakesystem indicator. Does the brake system indicatot go off? YES-Replace the ABS modulator-controlunit.l NO-Go to step 10.

1 0 .Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 1 1 .Connectthe multiplexcontrol unit 13Pconnector

'l t e r m i n a lN o . a n d b o d y g r o u n dw i t h a j u m p e rw i r e . MULTIPLEX CONTROL UNIT13PCONNECTOR


\ Wiresideof femaleterminals

12. Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll). 1 3 .Checkthe brakesystem indicator. Does the btake system indicatot go off? YES Repairopen in the wire betweenthe multiplexcontrol unit and the ABS control unit.l NO Go to multiplexcontrol system troubleshooting (seepage22-172).a


ABS Modulator-ControlUnit Removaland lnstallation NOTE: . D o n o t s p i l lb r a k ef l u i d o n t h e v e h i c l e i;t m a y d a m a g et h e p a i n Ui f b r a k e f l u i d g e t s o n t h e p a i n t , w a s h i t o f f immediatelywith water. . Becarefulnot to damageor deform the brakelines during removal and installation. . To preventthe brakefluid from flowing, plug and cover the hose ends and joints with a shop towel orequivalent malenal.

Removal '1.

Turn the ignitionswitch OFF.

2 . P u l lu p t h e l o c k ( A )o f t h e A B S c o n t r o u l nit3lPconnector(B),thendisconnecttheconnector. FLARENUT l5 N.m (1.5kgt.m,11lbt.ftl





I mm NUT 8.8N.m {0.9kgl m.6.5lbfft)


\---' 6 mm BOLT 9.8N.m 11.0ksf.m,7.2lbf.ft)



ABS Gomponents ABS Modulator-ControlUnit Removaland Installation{cont'dl 3. Disconnectthesix brakelines. 4. Removethe two I mm nuts. 5. Removethe ABS modulator-controlunit (C).

Installation '1.

I n s t a l l t h e A B Sm o d u l a t o r c o n t r oul n i t ,t h e nt i g h t e nt h e t w o 8 m m n u t s .

2. Align the connectingsurfaceofthe ABS control unit 3'lP connector. 3 . P u s h i n t h e l o c k o f t h e A B S c o n t r oul n i t3 1 Pc o n n e c t o ur n t i ly o u h e a ri t c l i c ki n t o p l a c e t. h e nc o n n e c t h e c o n n e c t o r . 4. Connectthe six brakeIines. 5. Bleedthe brakesystem,startingwith the front wheels. 6. Connectthe PGMTester,and do the solenoidfunctiontest for each wheel. 7. Bleedthe brakesystem again,staning with the front wheels. 8. Startthe engine,and checkthat the ABS indicatorand brakesystem indicatorgo off. 9. Disconnectthe Honda PGMTester.Test-drivethe vehicle,and checkthat the ABS indicatorand brakeqvqtem i n d i c a t odr o n o t c o m e o n .




1 . Inspectthe front and rear pulsersfor chippedor damagedteeth.

NOTE:Inslallthe sensorscarefullyto avoid twisting the wtres.

2. Measurethe air gap betweenthe wheel sensorand


the pulserall the way around while rotatingthe pulser.Removethe rear brakedisc to measurethe gap on the rearwheel sensor.lf the gap exceeds 1 . 0m m ( 0 . 0 4i n . ) ,c h e c kf o r a b e n ts u s p e n s i o a nrm.

6 mm BOLT 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ftl

Standard: Front; 0.4- 1.0mm (0.02-0.04 in.) Rear: 0.2 1.0mm (0.01 0.04 in.l Front:

0.4 '1.0mm 10.02 0.0'l in.l



6 mm BOLT 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ftl


Rear: 6 mmBOLT 9.8 N.m 11.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ft)

6 mm BOLT 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf'm,

7.2rbr.ft) Bear:

0.2 1.0mm {0.01 0.04in.}


Body Doors C o m p o n e nLto c a t i oInn d e x . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2 D o o rP a n eR l e m o v a l / l n s t a l l a t i o. .n. . . , . . . . . .20,4 .... DoorOuterHandleReplacement 20-6 DoorLatchReplacement 20-7 DoorGlassand Regulator Replacement 20-9 D o o rS a s hT r i mR e p l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. .0. .t.0. . DoorGlassOuterWeatherstrip Replacement 20- 10 Beplacement DoorWeatherstrip 20-11 D o o rG l a s sA d j u s t m e n t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-11 .......... D o o rP o s i t i oA n d j u s t m e n .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-12 ......... D o o rS t r i k eA r d i u s t m e n.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .0. .1. 3. . . . .


........ C o m p o n e nLto c a t i o Inn d e x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-14 P o w e rM i r r o rR e p l a c e m e n. .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. 0 . .-. 1. .5. . M i r r o rH o l d e R r e p l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-15 ........ Rearview M i r r o rR e p 1 a c e m e.n. t. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. 0. .-.1. .6


C o m p o n e nLto c a t i o Inn d e x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. 0 . .1 . .1. . . W i n d s h i e lR deplacement 20-19 ........ B e a rW i n d o wR e p 1 a c e m e.n. .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-25 ........ O u a r t eG r l a s sR e p l a c e m e n. .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-29


C o m p o n e nLto c a t i o Inn d e x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20,35 ........ Index SymptomTroubleshooting 20-36 t d j u s t m e n.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-37 .......... G l a s sH e i g hA 20-31 G l a s sR e p l a c e m e n t W i n dD e fl e c t o r8 e p 1 a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-38 ....... D r a i nC h a n n eRl e p 1 a c e m e.n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 . . . .39 .... .......... S u n s h a dR e e p l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-40 Motor Replacement 20-41 Frameand DrainTubeReplacement............ 20,42 D r a i nC h a n n eSl l i d e a r n dC a b l eA s s e m b l y Replacement 20 44 L i m i tS w i t c hA d j u s t m e n .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-46 .......... ClosinoForceand ODeninaDraqCheck ......20,44


........ C o m p o n e nLto c a t i oInn d e x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-49 Trim Removal/lnstallation DoorArea .......... 20 50 Trim Removal/lnstallation -RearSideArea 20-51 Trim Removal/lnstallation -CargoFloorArea 20-52 Trim Removal/lnstallation-Hatch Area .........20-53 HeadlinerRemoval/lnstallation 20-54 * C a r p eR ............ t e p 1 a c e m e.n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-55


Frontand Rear Consoles, Removal/lnstallation 20-57 FrontConsoleDisassembly/Reassembly .....20-58

Dashboard InstrumentPanelRemoval/lnstallation ........20-59 Driver'sDashboardLowerCover RemovatInstallation 20-59 Driver'sDashboardUnderCover Removat Installation 20-60 Oriver'sPocketRemoval/lnstallation ............ 20,60 ShiftLeverTrim Removal/lnstallation ..........2 0 6 1 C e n t eP r a n eR l e m o v a l / l n s t a l l a t i. o. .n. . . . . . . .20-62 .... Passenger's DashboardLowerCover Removal/lnstallation 20-63 x GloveBox Removal/lnstallation 20-63 Dashboard SideVent R e m o v a l / l n s t a l l a t i. o. .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . .0. .-.6. .4. . . . BeverageHolderRemoval/lnstallation ........20-64 Driver'sTrayRemoval/lnstallation ............... 20-65 Passenger's Tray Removal/lnstallation ........20 65 * DashboardRemoval/lnstallation .................. 20-66 S t e e r i"n H q a n q eB r e a mR e o l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . .2. 0. - 6 8


ComponentLocationIndex ........................... 20-10 * FrontSeatRemoval/lnstallation ................... 20-11 * FrontSeatDisassembly/ R e a s s e m b l y - D r i v e. .r .' s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. .0. .-.7. .3. . . . * FrontSeatDisassembly/ R e a s s e m b l y - P a s s e n g. .e.r. '.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. 0 . .-. 7. .4. . * F r o n tS e a tC o v e rR e p l a c e m e n. .t . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .O. .-.7. 5 R e a rS e a tR e m o v a l / 1 n s t a 1 1.a. t. i. o. .n. . . . . . . . .2. .0. -. .8.0 RearSeat-back LatchReplacement.............. 20-81 RearSeat-backStriker Replacement............ 20-81 RearSeat-back CoverReplacement............. 20-82 R e a rS e a tC u s h i o n C o v e rR e p l a c e m e n. .t . . . .2. 0 . 8 4


F r o n tB u m p e R r e m o v a l / l n s t a l l a t .i o . .n. . . . . . .20,85 ... R e a rB u m o e R r e m o v a l / l n s t a l l a t.i.o. .n. . . . . . .20-86 .... Hood Adjustment 20-47 H o o dS e a lR e p l a c e m e n t 20,88 H o o dI n s u l a t oRr e p 1 a c e m e.n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20,89 .......


Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. 0 . .-. 9. 0 H a t c hS u p p o nS t r u tR e p l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . .2. .0.-. 9 1 HatchWeatherstriD Reo1acement ................. 20-92

FuelFill Door Adiustment


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. 0 . .-. 9. 3

F r o n tG r i l l eR e p l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . 20-94 CowlCoversReplac"rn""t .. . ..................... 20-95 A p i l l a rC o r n eTr r i mR e p l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . .20-96 .... R o o fl M o l d i nR g e p l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-97 ........ RearLicenseTrim Replacement 20,98 H a t c hS p o i l e8r e p 1 a c e m e .n.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-99 ........ E m b l e mR e p 1 a c e m e.n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 0 - 1 0 0

Fenderwell FrontInnerFenderReplacement 20-102 F r o n tF e n d eFr a i r i n gR e p l a c e m e n. .t . . . . . . . . .2. .0. .- 1 0 3 FuelPipeProtectorReplacement 20-104 R e a rA i r O u t l e R t e p 1 a c e m e.n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-'to4 .......


C o m p o n e nLto c a t i oInn d e x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .0. -. 1 . .0. .5 H o o dO p e n eC r a b l eR e p l a c e m e n. .t . . . . . . . . . .2. .0.-. 1 0 6 * FueF l i l lD o o rO p e n eC r able Replacement 20 107 H o o dL a t c hR e p 1 a c e m e .n. t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. 0 . .-.1. .0. .8. FueF l i l lD o o rO p e n eR r e p l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . .2.0. .- 1 0 9 H a t c hH a n d l eR e p l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .0. -. 1 .1. .0. H a t c hL a t c hR e p l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .0.-. 1. .1. .0. H a t c hL o c kC y l i n d eRr e p l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . .20-111 ....


SubframeReplacement................................. 20-112 FrameStiffener,Brace,and Gusset Replacement ............. 20-113 r Fremp RFnrir Chrrr

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. 0 . -114






page20-10 Replacement,

DOOR Adiustment, Position page20-12

K-p IJ



W2"' Ya \J


t DOORWEATHERSTRIP page20-'l'l Replacement,




GLASS page20-9 Replacement, Adjustment,page20-11


@ REGULATOR page20-9 Replacement, RETAINERCLIP







v4,,(, E ) i l - /6X@ W ( STRIKER Adjustment,page20-13



Doors Door PanelRemoval/lnstallation SpecialToolsRequired Trim pad remover,Snap-onA 177Aor equivalent, c o m m e r c i a l la yvailable. NOTE:When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape, and apply protectivetape around the relatedparts.to preventdamage.

3. Removethe armrestcover (A).Takecare not to scratchthe door panel. -1 Pry out the front edge of the cover to release the hooks(B). -2 Pry out the bottom and rear edge of the cover to releasethe hooks(C). -3 Pry out along the top to releasethe tabs (D).

1. Removethe mirror mount cover (seepage 20-15). 2. Inserta hex wrench through the hole (A) in the door grip base(B),Pushthe door grip cover (C)out to r e l e a s et h e h o o k( D )a n d t a b ( E ) ,a n d p u l l o u t t h e cover to releasethe tabs (F)and hook (G) by hand, then removethe cover.

4 . Removethe screws(A, B), and releasethe tabs (C),

then removethe door grip base(D).Removethe screw (A) securingthe door panelfrom the armrest portion. FastgngrLocations A> : Screw,3 B > : Screw,5


5. Pull out the switch panel (A)to releasethe hook (B), then removethe panelfrom the door panel. Disconnectthe power window switch connector(C).

7. Disconnectthe inner handlecable {A) from the i n n e rh a n d l e( B ) ,a n d d i s c o n n e c t t h p e o w e rd o o r lock switch connector(C){driver's).Takecare not to bend the cable.

8. Detachthe harnessclip (A)from the door panel (B). B Releasethe clipsthat hold the door panel (A) with a commerciallyavailabletrim pad remover (B),then removethe door panel by pulling it upward. Removethe door panelwith as little bendingas possibleto avoid creasingor breakingit, FastenerLocations

> : Clip,9

ffi EtA

95 mm (3.74in.l

12 mm r q---------i.0.17in.l r : Bolt,1 IIilE

6x1.0mm 8 N.m {0.8 kgf.m, 6 lbf.ftl



Doors Door LatchReplacement(cont'dl 5 . Disconnectthe cylinder rod (seestep 4 on page 206). 6 . Disconnectthe outer handle rod (seestep 5 on page 20-6). 7 . Disconnectthe actuatorconnectors(A),and release t h e i n n e rh a n d l ec a b l e( B ) f r o mt h e d o o r b y d e t a c h i n gt h e c a b l ec l i p ( C i .

8 . Removethe screws,then removethe latch{A) through the hole in the door. Takecare not to bend the outer handle rod (B),cylinderrod (C),lock rod ( D ) ,a n d i n n e rh a n d l ec a b l e( E ) . FastenerLocations ) : Screw U.#

6x1.0mm 5Nm {0.5kgf.m, 4 tbf.ft)


9. Installthe latch in the reverseorder of removal,and notethese rtems: . [Vlakesure the actuatorconneclorsare pluggedin properly,and that each rod and cable are connectedsecurely. . W h e n r e i n s t a l l i ntgh e d o o r p a n e l ,m a k es u r et h e plasticcover is installedproperly,and is sealed aroundthe coversperimeter. . M a k es u r et h e d o o r l o c k sa n d o p e n sp r o p e r l y .

Door Glassand RegulatorReplacement NOTE:Put on glovesto protectyour hands. 1. Removethese items: . Door panel (seepage 20-4) . Plasticcover.as necessary(seepage 20-2) 2 . C a r e f u l l yr a i s et h e g l a s s( A )u n t i ly o u c a n s e e t h e bolts,then removethem. Carefullypull the glass out through the window slot.Takecare not to drop the glass insidethe door. FastenerLocations ):Boh,2

3. Disconnectand detachthe connector(A) and h a r n e s sc l i p ( B )f r o m t h e d o o r . FastonorLocations C>: Bolt.1 D>: Bolt,5

6x1.0mm 8 N.m (0.8kgf.m, 6 rbf.ftl

@ Removethe bolts(C),andloosenthe bolts(D),then removethe regulator(E)throughthe holein the door, greaseto allthe sliding Applymultipurpose surfaces of the regulator(A)whereshown.

6x1.0mm 9.8 N m {1.0kgl.m, 7.2 lbf.ftl

Installtheglassand regulatorin the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . R o l l t h eg l a s su p a n d d o w n t o s e ei f i t m o v e s freely without binding. . Make sure that there is no clearancebetweenthe g l a s sa n d g l a s sr u n c h a n n e w l h e n t h e g l a s si s ctoseo. . Adjust the positionof the glassas necessary(see p a g e2 0 - 11 ) . . Checkfor water leaks(seestep 7 on page20-121. . Test-driveand checkfor wind noiseand rattles. . W h e n r e i n s t a l l i ntgh e d o o r p a n e l ,m a k es u r et h e plasticcover is installedproperlyand sealed around its perimeter.


Doors Door SashTrim Replacement

Door GlassOuterWeatherstrip Replacement

NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe door. 1. Removethe door glassouter weatherstrip. 2. Pull backthe door weatherstrip(A) at the rear upper corner,and removethe screw. Fasten6r Location ) : Screw, I

NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare not to scratchthe door 1 . R e m o v et h e p o w e rm i r r o r( s e ep a g e2 0 - 1 5 ) . 2. Startingat the front, pry the door glassouter weatherstrip(A) up to detachthe clips (B),and releasethe weatherstripfrom the door sashtrim (C),then removethe weatherstrip. Fastener Locations


3 . Lift up the door sashtrim {B)to releasethe hooks (C),then removethe trim. lnstallthe trim in the reverseorder of removal.

3 . Installthe weatherstripin the reverseorder ot removal,and replaceany damagedclips.



Door WeatherstripReplacement

Door GlassAdjustment

NOTE: . Takecare not to scratchthe door. . Use a clip removerto removethe clips.

NOTE: . Checkthe weatherstripsand glassrun channelfor damageor deterioration,and replacethem if necessary. . Wipe the run channelcleanwith a shop towel. . Lubricatethe run channelwith Shin-Etsugrease P/N 08798-9013.

1. At the A-pillar,removethe door stop mounting bolt (A). FastenerLocations A > : B o t t ,1


C > : C l i p ,1 8

1. Placethe vehicleon a firm, level surface. 2. Removethese items: . Door panel (seepage 20-4) . Plasticcover {see page20'2) 3. Carefullymove the glass (A) until you can seethe glass mounting bolts (B),then loosenthem.

' 14.----' 'r, .,'o-,,tL' .

.rrt B 6x1.0mm 9.8N.m(1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ft) Pushthe glassagainstthe channel(C),then tighten the glass mounting bolts. Detachthe clips (8, C),then removethe door weatherstrip(D).

Checkthat the glassmoves smoothly.

Installthe weatherstripin the reverseorder of removaland note these items: . Replaceany damagedclips. . Make sure the weatherstripis installedln the h o l d e r( E )s e c u r e l y . . A p p l y l i q u i dt h r e a dl o c kt o d o o r s t o p m o u n t i n g bolt beforeinstallation. . Checkfor water leaks(seestep 7 on page20-'121. . Test-driveand checkfor wind noase.



Doors DoorGlassAdiustment{cont'd) 6. Raisethe glassfully, and checkfor gaps.Checkthat the glass(A) contactsthe glass run channel(B) evenrv.

Door PositionAdiustment


NOTE;Checkfor equal gaps betweenthe front, rear, and bottom door edgesand the body. Checkthat the door and body edges are parallel. 1. Placethe vehicleon a firm, levelsurfacewhen adjustingthe door. 2. Adjust at the hinges{A): . Removethe front innerfender (seepage 20-102) and front fenderfairing (seepage 20-103). Loosenthe hinge mounting bolts (B) slightly,and move the door backwardor forward, uD or down as necessaryto equalizethe gaps. . Placea shop towel (C)on the jack (D)to prevent damageto the door when adjustingthe door.

7 . Checkfor water leaks.Run water over the roof and on the sealingarea as shown, and note these items: . . . .

U s ea 1 2 m m ( 1 / 2i n . )d i a m e t e rh o s e( A ) . Adjust the rate of water flow as shown {B). Do not use a nozzle. H o l dt h e h o s ea b o u t3 0 0 m m ( 1 2i n . )a w a y f r o m the door (C).

\ t,



\e 300mm {12in.l

Attachthe plasticcover,and installthe door panel (seepage 20-4). 9. Test-driveand checkfor wind noise.



29 N.m (3.0kgf.m, 22 tbt.trl

Door StrikerAdjustment 3. Checkthat the door and body edges are parallel.lf necessary,adjustthe door cushions(A)to make the rear of the door flush with the bodv.

M a k es u r et h e d o o r l a t c h e s e c u r e l yw i t h o u ts l a m m i n g it. lf necessary,adjustthe striker(A):The strikernuts a r ef i x e d ,b u t t h e s t r i k e rc a n b e a d j u s t e ds l i g h t l yu p o r d o w n ,a n d i n o r o u t . 1. Loosenthe screws(B),rhen inserta shop towel (C) betweenthe body and striker.

Apply body paintto the hinge mounting bolts and a r o u n dt h e h i n g e s . 5 . Checkfor water leaks(seestep 7 on page 20-12). Test-driveand checkfor wind noise.

8 x 1 . 2 5m m 18 N.m 11.8kgf m, 13 lbf.ft)

Lightlytlghten the screws. Wrap the strikerwith a shop towel, then adjustthe s t r i k e rb y t a p p i n gi t w i t h a p l a s t i ch a m m e r( D ) .D o not tap the strikertoo hard. Loosenthe screws,and removethe shop towel.

5 . Lightlytighten the screws. 6 . Hold the outer handleout, and push the door againstthe body to be sure the strikerallows a flush fit, lf the door latchesproperly,tighten the screwsand recheck.


Mirrors ComponentLocationIndex

POWERMIRRORACTUATOR page22-1'18 Replacement,

.a\ b\.\ | \ \-r LOWERRUBBERDAM



Glass ComponentLocationIndex(cont'd)


- UPPER CLIP tsetl adhesive-typel ..,////

\n iT-


l/ / Pll


/nJ l"


/ LowERcLrp





('03model) page20-100 Replacement.



OUARTER GLASS page20-29 Beplacement,


R €AR CLIP (Self-adhesive-type)

WindshieldReplacement NOTE: . Puton glovesto protectyour hands, . Weareyeprotection whilecuttingthe glassadhesive with pianowire. . Useseatcoversto avoiddamaging the seats.

Removethe cowl covers(seepage 20-95). 4. Removethe molding (A) from the upper edge of the

windshield(B).lf necessary,cut the molding with a utility knife.

1. Removetheseitems: . Rearview mirror(seepage20-16) . Windshield wiperarms(seepage22-145) 2. Pullup the sidetrim (A)to release the clips(B)from (C),andpullthetrim rearwardto the retainers releaseit fromthecliD(D)thenremovethetrim from eachsideof thewindshield.

lf the old windshieldis to be reinstalled,make alignmentmarks acrossthe glassand body with a greasepencil. Pull down the front portionof the headliner(see page 20-54).Takecare not to bend the headliner excessively,or you may creaseor breakit. 7 . Apply protectivetape along the edge of the dashboardand body. Using an awl, make a hole through the rubber dam, adhesive.and dashboard sealfrom insidethe vehicleat the corner ponion ot the windshield.Pusha pieceof piano wire through the hole, and wrap each end around a pieceof wood.



Glass WindshieldReplacement(cont'd) W i t h a h e l p e ro n t h e o u t s i d e p, u l l t h e p i a n ow i r e { A ) backand forth in a sawing motion. Hold the piano wire as closeto the windshield(B)as possibleto preventdamageto the body and dashboard. Carefullycut through the rubber dam and adhesive ( C )a r o u n dt h e e n t i r ew i n d s h i e l d .




10. With a knife,scrapethe old adhesivesmooth to a thicknessof about 2 mm (0.08in.) on the bonding surfacearoundthe entirewindshieldopening flange: . Do not scrapedown to the paintedsurfaceofthe body; damagedpaint will interferewith proper bonding. . Removethe rubber dam and fastenersfrom the oooy. 11. Cleanthe body bonding surfacewith a sponge dampenedin alcohol.After cleaning,keepoil, greaseand water from getting on the cleansurface.

,,t""""""""',-\ i-.. -1:-,


-= -.--

12. lf the old windshieldis to be reinstalled,use a puttv knifeto scrapeoff all of the old adhesive,the fastenersand the rubber dam from the windshield. Cleanthe insideface and the edge of the windshieldwith alcoholwhere new adhesiveis to be applied.Make sure the bondingsurfaceis kept free of water, oil, and grease.




Glue the side rubber dams (A) and lower rubber dam (B)with adhesivetape (NITTO501M,or equivalent).Glue the fasteners(C)with adhesive tape (3M 4215,or equivalent)to the insideface of t h e w i n d s h i e l d{ D )a s s h o w n :

1 4 . G l u et h e m o l d i n g( A ) w i t ha d h e s i v et a p e{ B ) ( 3 M 4 2 1 2 ,o r e q u i v a l e n t ) t toh e u p p e re d g eo f t h e w i n d s h i e l d( C ) ; . B e s u r et h e a l i g n m e n m t a r k( D )o f t h e m o l d i n g l i n e su p w i t h t h e a l i g n m e n m t a r k( E )o f t h e windshield. . Be carefulnot to touch the windshieldwhere a d h e s i v ew i l l b e a p p l i e d .

. Be sure the rubber dams and fastenersline uD withthealignmenm t a r k s( E ) . . Be carefulnot to touch the windshieldwhere a d h e s i v ew i l l b e a o o l i e d .


Installthe fasteners(A),retalners(B, C),and clips (D)to lhe body. FastenerLocations A>:Fastener.2 B>:Retainer,2


C > : R e t a i n e r , 6O> : C l i p , 2



Glass WindshieldReplacement(cont'dl t o . Set the windshieldin the opening,and centerit.

Make alignmentmarks (A) acrossthe windshield and body with a greasepencilat the four points shown. Be careful not to touch the windshield w h e r ea d h e s i v ew i l l b e a p p l i e d .

18. With a sponge,apply a light coat of glassprimer aroundthe edge of the windshield(A) betweenthe d a m s ( B )a n d m o l d i n g{ C )a s s h o w n ,t h e n l i g h t l y wipe it off with gauzeor cheesecloth: . A p p l yg l a s sp r i m e rt o t h e m o l d i n g . . Do not apply body primer to the windshield,and do not get body and glassprimer spongesmixed

up. . Nevertouch the primed surfaceswith your hands. lf you do, the adhesivemay not bond to the w i n d s h i e l dp r o p e r l yc. a u s i n ga l e a ka f t e r t h e w i n d s h i e l di s i n s t a l l e d . . Keepwater. dust, and abrasivematerialsaway from the primed surface. 'l',,1rr Applyglassprimerhere.

) - ' G1)'r'

1 7 . R e m o v et h e w i n d s h i e l d .

l l


,,/ ll\ tl





19. With a sponge,apply a light coat of body primer to the originaladhesiveremainingaroundthe windshieldopeningflange, Letthe body primer dry for at least 10 minutes: . Do not apply glassprimer to the body, and be carefulnot to mix up glassand body primer sponges. . Nevertouch the primed surfaceswith your hands. . l\4askoff the dashboardbefore paintingthe flange.

21. Packadhesiveinto the cartridgewithout air pockets to ensurecontinuousdelivery.Putthe cartridgein a caulkinggun, and run a bead of adhesive(A) aroundthe edge of the windshield(B) betweenthe d a m s ( C )a n d m o l d i n g( D )a s s h o w n .A p p l yt h e adhesivewithin 30 minutesafter applyingthe glass primer. Make a slightlythickerbead at each corner.

l'1fifr.,1: ?mm

n ,..-

in.l 10.28 A..

20 mm (0.79in.l


$?I.",x1"u.80."., trl .,r []\"


- '

20. Beforefilling a cartridge,cut a


in the end of the

n o z z l e( A )a s s h o w n .

c.. N \F1

2 m m I 'Zn l in.}I {0.08 l A 12 mm (0.47in.)


U s es u c t i o nc u p st o h o l dt h e w i n d s h i e l do v e rt h e t a r k sm a d ei n o p e n i n ga , l i g ni t w i t h t h e a l i g n m e n m step 16,and set it down on the adhesive.Lightly p u s ho n t h e w i n d s h i e l du n t i li t s e d g e sa r ef u l l y s e a t e do n t h e a d h e s i v ea l l t h e w a y a r o u n d .D o n o t open or closethe doors until the adhesiveis dry.

7 mm {0.27in.)



Glass WindshieldReplacement(cont'd) 23. Scrapeor wipe the excessadhesiveoff with a putty knife or towel. To remove adhesivefrom a painted surfaceor the windshield,wipe with a soft shop towel dampensdwith alcohol.

24. Let the adhesivedry for at least t hour, then spray

27. On both sidesofthe windshield,installthe side trim (Alto the clip (B),then set the bottom edge of the side trim over the cowl cover (C),and align the c l i p s( D ) w i t ht h e r e t a i n e r (sE ) ,a n d p u s ho n t h e c l i p portionsof the trim until the trim is fully seatedon thewindshield.

water over the windshieldand checkfor leaks. Mark Ieakingareas,and let the windshielddry, then seal with sealant: . Let the vehiclestand for at least4 hours after windshieldinstallation.lf the vehiclehas to be usedwithin the first 4 hours,it must be driven slowly. . Keepthe windshielddry for the first hour after installation. Reinstallthecowl covers(seepage 20-95). NOTE:Thecowl cover clips may not set properlyif the windshieldadhesiveis too wet. Installthe clips (A, B) on both side trim {C).lf the clip (D) is damaged,replacethe side trim and clips as an assembly. A: Grey B :B l u e

28. R e i n s t a al l l l r e m a i n i n gr e m o v e dp a r t s .I n s t a l l t h e rearviewmirror afterthe adhesivehas dried thoroughly. NOTE:Advise the customernot to do the following things for 2 to 3 days: . S l a mt h e d o o r sw i t h a l l t h e w i n d o w sr o l l e du p . . Twist the body excessively(suchas when going i n a n d o u t o f d r i v e w a y sa t a n a n g l eo r d r i v i n g over rough, unevenroads).


RearWindow Replacement NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Wear eye protectionwhile cuttingthe glassadhesive w i t h p i a n ow i r e . . Use seatcoversto avoid damagingany surfaces. . Do not damagethe rearwindow defoggergrid lines a n dt e r m i n a l s .

6. With a helperon the outside,pull the piano wire (A) backand Jorthin a sawing motion. Holdthe piano wire as closeto the rearwindow (B)as possibleto preventdamageto the hatch,and carefullycut t h r o u g ht h e a d h e s i v e{ C }a r o u n dt h e e n t i r er e a r

1 . Removethese items: . Hatchlower trim panel (seepage 20-53) . Hatchspoiler(seepage 20-99) Removethese items: . High mount brakelight {seepage 22-821 . Rearwindow wiper motor {see page22-1461 Disconnectthe rearwindow defoggerconnectors (A).

Cutting positions:

4 . lf the old rear window is to be reinstalled,make alignmentmarksacrossthe glassand body with a g r e a s ep e n c r l , 7 . C a r e f u l l yr e m o v et h e r e a rw i n d o w . Apply protectivetape along the insideand outside e d g e so f t h e h a t c h .U s i n ga n a w l , m a k ea h o l e t h r o u g ht h e a d h e s i v ef r o m i n s i d et h e v e h i c l ea t t h e corner portionof the rearwindow. Pushthe piano w i r e t h r o u g ht h e h o l e ,a n d w r a p e a c he n d a r o u n da pieceof wood,



Glass RearWindow Replacement(cont'd) With a putty kniie. scrapethe old adhesivesmooth to a thicknessof about 2 mm (0.08in.) on the bonding surfacearoundthe entire rear window openingflange: . Do not scraDedown to the Daintedsurfaceof the body; damagedpaint will interferewith proper bonding . Removethe fastenersfrom the tailqate. Cleanthe hatch bonding surfacewith a sponge dampenedin alcohol.After cleaning,keepoil, greaseand water from getting on the surface,

1 0 .lf the old rearwindow is to be reinstalled,use a putty knifeto scrapeoff all of the old adhesive,the fastenersand the rubberdams from the rear window. Cleanthe insideface and the edge oi the rear window with alcoholwhere new adhesiveis to be applied.Make sure the bonding surfaceis kept free of water, oil and grease.

1 1 . G l u et h e s i d eu p p e rf a s t e n e r s( A )a n d s i d e l o w e r fasteners{B)with adhesivetape {3M 5312,or e q u i v a l e n tG ) . l u et h e u p p e rr u b b e rd a m s ( C ) w i t h adhesivetape (NITTO501fM,or equivalent)and glue the lower rubberdam (D)with adhesivetape (3M 4216,or equivalent)to the insideface of the rearwindow (E)as shown. Beforeinstallingthe lower rubber dam, apply primer (3M N-200,or equivalent)to the areasbetweenthe alignment marks {F),then glue the rubber dam on. lf necessary,glue the spoilerfasteners(G)with adhesivetape (3M 5671,or equivalent)to the outsideface of the rearwindow: . Be sure the side upper fasteners,and upper r u b b e rd a m s l i n e u p w i t h a l i g n m e n m t a r k s{ H ,l ) . . Be sure both ends of the lower rubber dam line up with the edge of the glass, . Be sure the spoilerfastenersline up with a l i g n m e nm t a r k s{ J ) . . Be carefulnot to touch the rearwindow where a d h e s i v ew i l l b e a D o l i e d . 1,1,.,1,' : Applyprimerhere. G E



12. Glue the side upperfasteners(A) andsidelower fasteners(B)with adhesivetape (3M 5312,or equivalent)tothe hatch as shown. FastonerLocations A>: Fastener, 2


2 B >: Fastener,


ar\\ itf,

1 5 . W i t h a s p o n g ea , p p l ya l i g h tc o a to f g l a s sp r i m e r along the edge of the rear window (A),upper rubber dams (B),and lower rubberdam (C)as shown, then lightly wipe it off with gauzeor cheesecloth: . With the printeddots (D) on the rearwindow as a guide, apply the glassprimer to both side portionsof the rearwindow. . Do not apply body primer to the rearwindow, and do not get hatchand glass primer sponges m i x e du p . . Nevertouch the primed surfaceswith your hands. lf you do, the adhesivemay not bond to the rear window properly.causinga leak afterthe rear w i n d o wi s i n s t a l l e d . . Keepwater, dust, and abrasivematerialsaway from the primed surface. ..


: Applyglasspiimer here.

Set the rearwindow in the opening,and centerit. Align the clips (A) of the rearwindow with the holes i n t h e o p e n i n gf l a n g e .M a k ea l i g n m e n m t a r k s( B ) acrossthe rearwindow, hatch,and body with a greasepencilat the four pointsshown. Be careful not to touch the rearwindow where adhesivewill beapplied.

1 4 . R e m o v et h e r e a rw i n d o w .





RearWindow Replacement(cont'd) 1 6 .With a sponge,apply a light coat of body primer to t h e o r i g i n aa l d h e s i v er e m a i n i n ga r o u n dt h e r e a r window openingflange. Letthe body primer dry for at least 10 minutes; . Do not apply glassprimer to the body, and be carefulnot to mix up glassand body primer sponges. . Nevertouch the primed surfaceswith your hands. ',,,,,': Applybodyprimerhe.e.

18. Packadhesiveinto the cartridgewithout air pockets to ensurecontinuousdelivery.Putthe cartridgein a caulkinggun, and run a bead of adhesive(A) aroundthe edge of the rearwindow (B)as shown. With the glassprimer (C)you appliedin step 15 as a guide,apply the adhesiveto both side portionsof the rearwindow. Apply the adhesivewithin 30 minutesafter applyingthe glassprimer. fMakea slightlythicker bead at each corner. 12 mm r, 10.47in.) ,\




20 mm in.l 10.79 2mm {0.08in.)

1 7 . Beforefilling a cartridge,cut a nozzle{A} as shown.

"V" in the end ofthe

7 mm (0.27in.)




OuarterGlassReplacement 19. Use suctioncups to hold the rearwindow over the opening.align it with the alignmentmarks you '13, made in step and set it down on the adhesive. Lightlypush on the rearwindow until its edgesare fully seatedon the adhesiveall the way around.Do not open or closethe doors until the adhesiveis dry. 20. Scrapeor wipe the excessadhesiveoff with a putty knife or towel. To removeadhesivefrom a painted surfaceor the rearwindow, use a soft shop towel dampenedwith alcohol. 21. Letthe adhesivedry for at least 'l hour,thenspray water over the rear window and checkfor leaks. Mark the leakingareas,let the rear window dry, then sealwith sealant.Let the vehiclestandfor at least4 hours after rearwindow installation,lf the vehiclehas to be used within the first 4 hours,it must be driven slowly.

NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Wear eye protectionwhile cuftingthe glassadhesive with piano wire, . Use seatcoversto avoid damagingany surfaces. 1 . R e m o v et h e C - p i l l atrr i m ( s e ep a g e2 0 - 5 1 ) . lf necessary,removethe rear side trim panel (see page 20-51) and B-pillarupper trim (seepage 2050). 2. Removethe front seal {A) from the front edge of the glass (B).lf necessary,cut the seal with a utility knife.

2 2 . R e i n s t a l l a lrle m a i n i n gr e m o v e dp a r t s . NOTE:Advise the customernot to do the following things for 2 to 3 days: . S l a mt h e d o o r sw i t h a l l t h e w i n d o w sr o l l e du p . . Twist the body excessively(suchas when going i n a n d o u t o f d r i v e w a y sa t a n a n g l eo r d r i v i n g over rough, unevenroads).



Glass OuarterGlassReplacement(cont'dl 3 . Apply protectivetape to along the insideand outsideedgesof the body. Using an awl, make a hole through the adhesivefrom insidethe vehicle. Pusha pieceof piano wire through the hole, and wrap each end around a pieceof wood. With a helperon the outside,pull the piano wire (A) backand forth in a sawing motion. Holdthe piano wire as closeto the quarterglass(B) as possibleto preventdamageto the body, and carefullycut through the adhesive(C)aroundthe entirequarter grass.

6 . With a putty knife,scrapethe old adhesivesmooth to a thicknessof about 2 mm (0.08in.) on the bonding surfacearoundthe entirequaner glass o p e n i n gf l a n g e : . Do not scrapedown to the paintedsurfaceof the body; damagedpaint will interferewith proper bonding . Removethe clips from the body. 7 . Cleanthe body bondingsurfacewith a sponge d a m p e n e di n a l c o h o lA . f t e rc l e a n i n gk. e e po i l , greaseand water from getting on the surface. lf the old quarter glassis to be reinstalled,use a putty knifeto scrapeoff all of the old adhesiveand the rubberdam from the glass.Cleanthe inside face and the edge of the glasswith alcoholwhere new adhesiveis to be applied.Make sure the bonding surfaceis keptfree of water, oil, and grease.


5. Carefullyremovethe quarterglass.


9. Set the quarterglass(A) in the opening,and center i t . F r o mi n s i d et h e v e h i c l e m , a k ea n a l i g n m e n m t ark (B)to the quarterglasswhere the rear clip will be installedwith a greasepencil.Be careful not to l o u c ht h e g l a s sw h e r ea d h e s i v ew i l l b e a p p l i e d .

11 . A l i g nt h e u p p e rc l i p { A )a n d l o w e rc l i p ( B )w i t h t h e edge of the quarter glass(C),then anachthem with adhesivetape (NITTO571,or equivalent)to the insideface of the quarter glass,and align the center of the rearclip (D)with the alignmentmark (E)you made in step 9, and attach it with adhesivetape (3 M 4215,or equivalent)to the insideface of the quarterglassas shown. Be carefulnot to touch the glasswhere the adhesivetape will be applied. 25.5mm { 1 . 0i n . )

10. Removethe quarterglass.



Glass OuarterGlassReplacement(cont'dl Firstglue the front seal (A)with adhesivetape {31\4 4 2 1 3 ,o r e q u i v a l e n t a ) .n d g l u et h e r u b b e rd a m ( B ) with adhesivetape (NITTO501M,or equivalent)to the insldeface of the quarterglass(C)as shown. Beforeinstallingthe front seal and rubber dam, a p p l yp r i m e r( 3 M N - 2 0 0 o, r e q u i v a l e n t ) t toh e i n s i d e tace of the glass.then glue the seal on: . Be sure the front seal lines upwiththe bottom and front edgesof the glass. . Be careful not to touch the glasswhere adhesive will beaoolied. .,1.,,/:/| Apply prlJnerhete.

30 mm 1 1 . 1i8n . l


'13. With a sponge,apply a light coat of glassprimer along the edge of the rubber dam (A) and front seal (B)as shown, then lightly wipe it off with gauzeor cheesecloth: With the printeddots (C)on the quarterglass(D) as a guide, apply the glass primer to the upper and lower corner ponions of the quarterglass. Do not apply body primer to the quaner glass, and do not get body and glassprimer sponges m r x e du p . Nevertouch the primed surfaceswith your hands. lf you do, the adhesivemay not bond to the quarterglassproperly,causinga leak afterthe quarterglassis inslalled. Keepwater, dust, and abrasivematerialsaway from the primed surface.

50 mm I {1.97in.1 /

\ t


v - -

i--l '100mm {3.9i1in.) 45 mm { 1 . 7 7i n . } 6 mm (0.24in.) 3.5 mm {0.r4 in.l

1 1m m lo.i(} in.)


14, With a sponge.apply a light coat of body primer to t h e o r i g i n aa l d h e s i v er e m a i n i n ga r o u n dt h e q u a r t e r glassopeningflange.Let the body primer dry for at least 10 minutes: . Do not apply glass primer to the body, and be carefulnot to mix up glassand body primer sponges. . Nevertouch the primed surfaceswith your hands. )'/ii,/ii. I Apply bodv prime. here, 20 mm (0.79in.)



16. Packadhesiveinto the cartridgewithout air pockets to ensurecontinuousdelivery.Putthe cartridgein a caulkinggun, and run a bead of adhesive(A) around the edge of the rubber dam (B) as shown. W i t h t h e g l a s sp r i m e r( C ) y o ua p p l i e di n s t e p 1 3 o n the quarterglass (D)as a guide. apply the adhesive to the upper and lower corner portionsof the quarterglass.Apply the adhesivewithin 30 minutesafter applyingthe glass primer. lvlakea slightlythickerbead at each corner.

l.:J611, ;\

2mm {0.08in.)

7mm {0.28in.) 3mm { 0 . ' 1 2i n . }




20 mm {0.79in.)


Beforefilling a cartridge,cut a "V" in the end ofthe nozzle(A) as shown.

'10mm (0.39in.)

7 mm 10.27in.)

( c o n l ' d)


Glass OuarterGlassReplacement(cont'd) 17. Use suctioncups (A)to hold the quarterglassover the opening.align it with the clips (B)and set it down on the adhesive.Lightly push on the quarter glass until its edges are fully seatedon the adhesiveall the way around.Do not open or close the doors untilthe adhesiveis drv.

18. Scrapeor wipe the excessadhesiveoff with a putty knife or towel. To remove adhesivefrom a painted surfaceor the quarterglass,use a soft shop towel dampenedwith alcohol. 19. Let the adhesivedry for at least t hour,thenspray water over the quarterglassand checkfor leaks, Mark the leakingareas,let the quarterglassdry, then sealwith sealant.Let the vehiclestand for at least4 hours after quarterglassinstallation.lf the vehiclehasto be usedwithin the first 4 hours.it must be driven slowlv. 20. Reinstallall remainingremoved parts. NOTE:Advisethe customernot to do the following things for 2 to 3 days: . Slam the doors with all the windows rolled up. . Twist the body excessively(suchas when going in and out of drivewaysat an angle or driving over rough, unevenroads).


Moonroof ComponentLocationIndex

GLASS HeightAdjustment,page 20 37 paqe 20-37 Replacement, C l o s i n oF o r c ea n d O o e n i n" oD r a o Check;page20-48 DRAINCHANNEL page20-39 Replacement,



_-""-\\q @?a:Screw,2B>:

Screw, 2

3. Installthedeflector(A) in the reverseorder of removal,and checkthat lhe deflectorarm base (B) and deflectorlink pivot base (C)line up with the s a m ea l i g n m e n lti n e s( D ) .l f n e c e s s a r ya,d j u s t h e m forward or backwardso the edge of the deflector seal (E)touchesthe roof panel (F)evenly.Each base must be moved the same amount for adjustment.lf the deflectorseal and roof panel make a rubbing sound, move the deflector backwardas necessaryto positionit properly. 4il mm ( 1 . 7i n . ) _



' a -- ' -



DrainChannelReplacement 1 . Removethe moonroof glass(seepage 20-37).

4 . R e m o v et h e d r a i nc h a n n e (l A ) .

2 . With the moonroofwrench,move both glass brackets(A) to the positionwhere the moonroof normally pivots down, and removethe screws s e c u r i n gt h e d r a i nc h a n n e (l B ) . FastenerLocations ) : Screw,2


I n s t a l l t h ec h a n n e il n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l , and notethese items:

Releasethe drain channel(A)from both hooks{B) o f t h e d r a i nc h a n n e sl l i d e rb y p u l l i n gt h e d r a i n channelforward,

P u s ht h e d r a i nc h a n n e o l n t ot h e h o o k su n t i la faint click is heard. Checkthe glass height adjustment(seepage 2031). Checkfor water leaks.Letthe water run freely from a hose without a nozzle.Do not use a high-pressure spray.


Moonroof SunshadeReplacement 1 . R e m o v et h e d r a i nc h a n n e l . Slidethe sunshade(A) until you can see both s u n s h a d es l i d e rs p a c e r s( B ) .

4. While liftingthe front portionofthe sunshade(A), move the sunshadeforward until you can see both s u n s h a d er e a rh o o k s( B ) .D o n o t d a m a g et h e s u n s h a d ea n d h o o k s .



> : Screw,4

) : Screw,4




3. Removethe screws,then remove both spacers.


5. Removethe screws,then remove both hooks.

Motor Replacement 6. Removethe sunshade(A),

1 . Removethe headliner(seepage 20-54). Put on glovesto protectyour hands.Disconneclthe connector(A),and removethe bolts,then remove the motor (B).

::lll' =r'"'------.-.. --.,

FastenerLocations >:Bolt,2


\ ?


@@ ,

.. 7 . Removeboth front sunshadebasesliders (A) and b o t h r e a rs u n s h a d eb a s es l i d e r s( B ) {0.9kgf.m. 7 rbf.ftl t'-^'

' a {

Installthe motor in the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: . lvlakesurethe connectoris plugged in properly. . Checkthe motor operation.

8 . I n s t a l l t h es u n s h a d ei n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l , and checkthe glassheight adjustment(seepage 20-37). 9 . Checkfor water leaks.Let the water run freely from a hose without a nozzle.Do not use a high-pressure spray.


Moonroof Frameand DrainTubeReplacement 1 . Removethese items: . Headliner(seepage 20-54) . Moonroof glass(seepage20-37)

2. Put on glovesto protectyou r hands.Disconnectthe motor connector(A),open/close-tilt/close switch connector {B),moonroof control unit connector{C),auto-stopswitch connector(D),and the drain tubes (Ei,and removethe

moonroofrelays(F). FastenorLocations

> : Bolt,10


irl /^


6x1.0mm 9.8N.m (1.0kgf.m,7.2lbfft) Removethe interiorharness(G) by detachingthe harnessclips (H). 4 . With an assistantholdingthe frame (l). removethe bolts,startingat the rear,and releasethe rear hooks (J) by

moving the f rame forward,then removethe frame. 5 . With the help of an assistant,carefullyremovethe frame through the passenger'sdoor opening.Takecare not to scratchthe interiortrim and body, or tear the seat covers.


6. To removea front drain valve (A)from the body, removethe kick panel,left or right (seepage 20-50). Tie a string to the end of the drain tube, then pull the front drain tube (B)down out of the front pillar.

1 . To remove a rear drain valve (A)from the cargo compartment,removethe rear side trim panel (see p a g e2 0 - 5 1 ) . D e t a tchhe c l i p s( B ) ,t h e n r e m o v et h e d r a i nt u b e ( C ) , B

8 . I n s t a l l t h ef r a m ea n d d r a i nt u b e i n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e r of removal,and note these items: . B e f o r ei n s t a l l i n g t h e f r a m e ,c l e a rt h e d r a i nt u b e s and drain valves using compressedair. . Checkthe frame seal. . C l e a nt h e s u r f a c eo f t h e f r a m e . . When installingthe frame, first attachthe rear hooks into the body holes. . Make sure the connectorsare plugged in properly. . When connectingthe drain tube, slide it overthe f r a m en o z z l ea t l e a s t1 0 m m ( 0 . 3 9i n . ) . .Installthetubeclip(A o )n t h e d r a i nt u b e( B )a s shown.


tI I


9 . Checkfor water leaks.Let the water run freely from a hosewithout a nozzle.Do not use a high-pressure spray.


Moonroof DrainChannelSliderand CableAssemblyReplacement 1. Removethe frame (seepage 20-42). 2. Removethese partsfrom the frame:

5 . P i v o t t h eg l a s sb r a c k e (t A )d o w n b y s l i d i n gt h e l i n k lifter (B) back,then slide both glassbracketsback with the link lifter.

. Sunshade(seepage 20-40) . Moonroof motor (seepage 20-41) 3. Put on glovesto protectyour hands,Removethe screws(A, B),then removethe slide stops (C)and cabletube rear brackets(D).Removethe bolts (E) from the cabletube side bracket(F)and the cable tube mounting screws(G)from both sidesof the f r a m e( H ) . FastenerLocations A> rScrew.2 B): Screw,2 E > : B o l t , 2

@ r):

@ S l i d et h e c a b l ea s s e m b l y( A )a n d b o t hg l a s s brackets(B) back,then removethem from the f r a m e( C ) .

Screw 6\-'1

Position switch side: 6x1.0mm g , aN . m c A

No switch sidel

o B


6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m 11.0kgf.m,7.2 lbf.ft)


Detachthe onen switch connectorclip {l)from the frame.


7 . R e m o v et h e d r a i nc h a n n e sl l i d e r ( A )f r o m t h e g l a s s bracket(B).

8 . I n s t a l l t h es l i d e ra n d c a b l ea s s e m b l yi n t h e r e v e r s e o r d e ro f r e m o v a l a, n d n o t et h e s ei t e m s ; . D a m a g e dp a r t ss h o u l db e r e p l a c e d . ' Apply multipurposegreaseto the glassbracket ( A )a n d g u i d er a i lp o r t i o no f t h e f r a m e ( B ) indicatedby the arrows. . Beforereinstallingthe motor, make sure both l i n kl i f t e r sa r e p a r a l l e la, n d i n t h e f u l l y c l o s e d position. . Beforereinstallingthe motor, installtheframe a n d g l a s s t, h e nc h e c kt h e o p e n i n gd r a g ( s e ep a g e 20-481.

B \

\ ----lll

---':rdrt'Irrt fl u,t La/J' I ll l$=-r:-


Moonroof Limit Switch Adjustment 1. Removethe headliner(seepage 20-54).

Fullyclosedpositionadiustment 2. With the moonroof wrench,closethe glass(A) fully: . Make sure both link lifters(B)are parallel,and in the positionshown. . Checkthe g lassfit to the roof panel and the glass height (seepage 20-37).

5x0.8mm 5 N.m {0.5kgf.m,4lbf.ft)

3 . W i t h a n o p e n - e n dw r e n c h ,l o o s e nt h e l i m i ts w i t c hm o u n t i n gb o l t s( C ) . 4. Adjust the limit switch (D): ' Move the switch plate (E)a little at a time, then secureit atthe positionwhere you hear a faint clickwhen the switch cam (F) pushesthe positionswitch (open/close). . Checkthat the switch plate contactsthe switch bracket(G).


Auto-stop position adiustment 5. With the moonroofwrench.operatethe glass(A)to the auto-stopposition.


. , G

\_-_:_t+#1 : Clip,2 B > r C l i p , 3 C > : C l i p , ? (Black)

2ffi Tl|t


FRONTSEATBELT UPPER ANCHORBOLT 7/16-20 UNF 32 N m (3.3kgf m,24 lbf.ft)

,"lF \r{









Trim Removal/lnstallation- RearSideArea NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage. . Takecare not to bend or scratchthe trim and panels. '1.

To removethe rear side trim panel,removethese items: . Rearseat cushionand rear seat-back(seepage20-80) . Cargofloor mat and cargo areafloor (seepage 20-52) . R e a rt r i m p a n e l{ s e ep a g e 2 0 - 5 2 )

2 . Removethe trim as shown. On the right side,disconnectthe cargo compartmentlight connector.

3 . Installthetrim in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Replace a n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Make sure the cargo compartmentlight connectoris pluggedin properly. . l f t h e t h r e a d s o n t h e r e a r s i d e t r i m p a n e lm o u n t i n gs e l f - t a p p i nEg Ts c r e w sa r ew o r n o u t , u s ea n o v e r s i z e sd e l f t a p p i n gE T s c r e w( P / N9 0 1 3 7 - S 1 A - E1o)1m a d es p e c i f i c a l lfyo r t h i s a p p l i c a t i o n . . W h e ni n s t a l l i n g t h e r e a rs i d es h e l f ,s l i pt h e r e a rs e a tb e l tt h r o u g ht h e s l i t i n t h e t r i m . ' A p p l y i i q u i dt h r e a dl o c k t ot h e a n c h o rb o l t sb e f o r er e i n s t a l l a t i o n . . Beforeinstallingthe anchorbolts,make sure there are no twists or kinks in the belt. Fasten€r Locations A>:Clip,11

B> rClip,2

c>rClap,l -..:.:' TRIM S I D ES H E L F




scREws 5x0.8mm { 0 . 4k g f m , 3 l b f . f t )

.. F . -\ *: : :- . n: \ ,/\





FRONTSEAT AELT LOWERANCHORBOLT REARSEAT BELTLOWER \ 7/16-20UNF ANCHOF BOLT \ 32 N.m 7/16-20UNF \ { 3 . 3k g f m , 2 4 l b t . t t ) 32 N m (3.3 kgf m, 24 lbf ft, \ L O W E RANCHORCAP


lnteriorTrim - CargoFloorArea Trim Removal/lnstallation NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . When jrying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage' . Takecare notto bend or scratchthe trim and panels. ( s e ep a g e2 3 - 1 1 ) ' 1 . T o r e m o v et h e r e a rt r i m p a n e l ,r e m o v et h e c h i l ds e a tt e t h e ra n c h o r 2. Removethe trim as shown. , n d r e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s ' 3 . I n s t a l l t h et r i m i n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l a Fastener Locations

A > :C l i p , 3 B > : C l i p . 4 j-= E T r






7 To rearsade trim panel.

To rearsidetrim panel.



Trim Removal/lnstallation- HatchArea NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage. . Takecare not to bend or scratchthe trim and panels. 1. Removethe trim in the sequenceshown. . . . .

Hatchuppertrim panel Left hatchside trim Righthatchside trim Hatchlower trim panel

2 . I n s t a l l t h et r i m i n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l a , n d r e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . Fastener Locations

o> A>;crip,a B>:crip,2 .>,l,l,Jil,l3

"-{q .1 \.



n l f nl t gg





a- ,,) I

t7, f.




=- -1






InteriorTrim HeadlinerRemovaUlnstallation NOTE: . When prying with a flat-tip screwdriver,wrap itwith protectivetape to preventdamage. . Takecare not to bend and scratchthe headliner. . Be carefulnot to damagethe dashboardand other interiortrim. 1. Removethese items:

3. From both rear passenger's,removethe caps (A), and removethe screws,then removethe grab h a n d l e s( B ) . FastenerLocations > : Screw,4 t , t;---iJ

. A-pillartrim, both sides(seepage 20-50) . B-pillau r p p e r t r i m ,b o t h s i d e s( s e ep a g e2 0 - 5 0 ) . Hatchweatherstrip,as necessary{seepage 2092\ . C - p i l l atrr i m , b o t hs i d e s( s e ep a g e2 0 - 5 1 ) . Moonroof switch (seepage22-'112) . Spotlights(seepage 22-961 . Ceilinglight (seepage 22-96) Removethe sunvisor{A) and holder {B)from both srdes. -1 -2 -3 -4

Removethe caps {C). Removethe screws. Removethe sunvisorfrom the body and holder. Using a flat-tipscrewdriver,push the hook (D), a n d t u r n t h e h o l d e r9 0 ' . t h e n p u l l i t o u t .

FastenerLocations > : Screw,4

r(\'-r \)*

5x0.8mm 5 N.m {0.5kst m.4lbf ft}


)e 5x0.8mm 4 N.m {0.4 kgf.m, 3 lbf.ft}

CarpetReplacement 4. Removethe headliner. -1 Removethe socketplug (A). - 2 R e m o v et h e r e m a i n i n gd o o r o p e n i n gt r i m { B } from each roof portion. -3 Detachthe clips (C),and releasethe fasteners ( D )b y p u l l i n gt h e f r o n t p o r t i o no f t h e h e a d l i n e r (E)down. -4 With the help of an assislant,releasethe clips (F)of the headlinerfrom the moonroof frame ( G ) ,a n d r e l e a s et h e h e a d l i n efrr o m t h e c l i p s( H ) by slidingthe headlinerforward, and lowering the headliner. -5 Removethe headlinerthrough the passenger's opening. FastenerLocations C>:Clip,3





SRScomponentsare locatedin this area.Reviewthe SRScomponentlocations(seepage 23-13)and the precautionsand procedures(seepage23-14)in the SRS sectionbefore performingrepairsor service. NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare not to damage,wrinkle. or twist the carpet. . Be carefulnot to damagethe dashboardor other interiortrim pieces. 1. Removethese items: . Frontseats,both sides(seepage 20-111 . Driver'sdashboardunder cover (seepage 20-60) . Passenger'sdashboardIower cover (seepage 20-631 . Rearseatcushion(seepage 20-80) . Kick panels,both sides(seepage 20-50) . Door silltrim, both sides(seepage 20-50) . Consoles,front and rear (seepage20-57) 2 . R e m o v et h e n u t ( A ) ,a n d u s i n ga h e xw r e n c h , releasethe clip (B),then removethe footrest(C). FastenerLocations Aa:Nut,1

B):Clip,'l --'1


tj=\-/I 5 . Installthe headlinerin the reverseorder of removal, and note these items:





A 6x1.0mm 9.8Nm 11.0kgf m,7.2 lbf.ft)


. W h e n r e i n s t a l l i ntgh e h e a d l i n etrh r o u g ht h e passenger'sdoor opening,be carefulnot to fold or bend it, Also, be carefulnot to scratchthe DOOy. . C h e c kt h a t b o t hs i d e so f t h e h e a d l i n ear r e securelyattachedto the trim. . R e p l a c ea n y c l i p st h a t r e m a i ni n t h e r o o f d u r i n g r e m o v a lR . e i n s t a l l t h cel i p sb a c ki n t h e h e a d l i n e r before installation.



InteriorTrim CarpetReplacement(cont'dl Using a utility knife,cut the carpet(A) underthe heaterareas(B),and cut out the parkingbrakelever area (C)as shown, then pull backthe carpet. A


4 . Removethe clip (A),and releasethe fasteners(B). Pullthe carpetout from both rear side trim panels (D),then removethe carpet(C). FastenerLocation A >: Clip.1 &z



5. Installthecarpetin the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: . T a k ec a r en o t t o d a m a g e w , r i n k l e ,o r t w i s t t h e carpeL . Make sure the seat harnessesare routed correctly. . S l i pt h e c a r p e tu n d e rt h e r e a rs i d et r i m p a n e lo n each side properly. . Replace t h e c l i p i f i t ' sd a m a g e d . . Reattachthe cut areasunder the heateraround the parkingbrakelever with a wire tie. . When installingnew carpet,cut the carpet(A) underthe heaterareas(B),and around the parkingbrakelever (C).After installingthe new carpet,slip the carpetfrom the driver's and passenger'sside through the spacebetweenthe heaterunit and body, and reattachthe cut area {C)around the parkingbrakeleverwith wire ties.


Consoles Console,Frontand RearRemoval/lnstallation NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe front seal, dashboard,and relatedparts. 1 . R e m o v et h e r e a rc o n s o l e( A ) . -1 Slidethe front seatforward fully on each side. -2 Removethe screws{B)from the rear portionof the rearconsole, -3 Slidethe front seat rearwardfully on each side. - 4 P u l l t h ef r o n t p o r t i o no f t h e r e a rc o n s o l eu p t o detachthe clips (C)and hooks (D),then release the rearconsolefrom the front console(E). - 5 S t a r t i n ga t t h e r e a r ,p u l l t h e r e a rc o n s o l eu p , then remove it.

2. Removethe front console(A). - 1 P u l lo u t t h e d a s h b o a r dc e n t e rl o w e rc o v e r{ B ) to detachthe clips (C). -2 Dlsconnectthe accessorypower socket c o n n e c t o(rD ) . 3 R e m o v et h e c o n s o l eb o x m a t ( E ) . - 4 R e m o v et h e b o l t s( F ) ,s c r e w s( G ) ,a n d c l i p s( H ) . -5 Gently pull out the front consoleto releasethe h o o k s( l ) a n dp i n s ( J ) . FastenerLocations C > : C l i p , 3 F > i B o l t , 2 G > : S c r e w . 2H ) : C l i p , 2

*..4' * q ' 4!-J - L } * fFJ \ . / -,-('E9'/ d

FastenerLocations C >: Clip,2 B >:Screw,2


98Nm (1.0kgt.m,7.2lbf.ft) Installthe consolein the reverseorder of removal, and note these ltems: . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Make sure the accessorypower socketconnector i s p l u g g e di n p r o p e r l y . . P u s ht h e c l i p si n t o p l a c es e c u r e l y .


Consoles Front ConsoleDisassembly/Reassembly NOTE;Takecare not to scratchthe consoleand relatedparts.

Fastener Locations ):Screw,8







Dashboard InstrumentPanelRemoval/ Installation

Driver'sDashboardLower Cover Removal/lnstallation

NOTE: . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape, and apply protectivetape aroundthe relatedparts,to preventdamage. . Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand related parts.

NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand relatedParts.

1. Tilt the steeringcolumn down.

1. Removethe driver'sdashboardlower cover (A). -1 Turn the lock knob (B)90". -2 Gently pull out the left side to releasethe h o o k s( C ) , -3 Pull out the panelto releasethe hooks (D).

2. Removethe steeringcolumn upper cover {seepage 17,9). Removethe instrumentpanel (A). -1 Gently pull out along the bottom to releasethe c l i p s( B )a n d h o o k s( C ) . -2 Gently pull out the upper portionto releasethe c l i p s( D )a n d h o o k s( E ) . FastenerLocations

B> : c l i p . 2

D D:,C l i p , 2 ^*, Installthecover in the reverseorder of removal, and push the hook portions into placesecurely.

4 . Installthe panel in the reverseorder of removal, and push the clip and hook portionsinto place securery.


Dashboard Driver'sDashboardUnderCover Removal/lnstallation

Driver'sPocketRemoval/ lnstallation

NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand relatedparts.

NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand related p an s .

1. Removethe driver'sdashboardunder cover (A). - 1 T u r nt h e l o c kk n o b( B )9 0 ' . -2 Gentlypull down the rear edgeto releasethe clip(C). -3 Pullthe cover away to releaseit from the clip {D). FastenerLocations C >: Clip.1


1. Removethe driver's pocket(A) -1 Removethe driver'sdashboardunder cover. -2 Removethe screws(B). -3 From behindthe dashboard,push the pocket b a c kb y h a n dt o r e l e a s et h e c l i p s( C ) . 4 Release t h e h o o k( D ) . FastenerLocations B):Screw,2 C>: Clip,2 ','"\5




Installthecover in the reverseorder of removal, and push the clip portion into placesecurely.


2 . Installthe pocketin the reverseorder of removal, and push the clip portionsinto placesecurely.

Shift LeverTrim Removal/lnstallation NOTE: . Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand related parts. . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. 1. Removethe glove box (seepage20-63).

4. Pull outthe shift levertrim (A) by hand to release t h e r e m a i n i n gc l l p s( 8 , C ) a n d h o o k s( D ) ,a n d disconnectthe hazardwarning switch connector(El, then removethe trim. FastenerLocations B >:Clip,1 C > : C l ; p1,

2. Removethe shift knob.


D>: Hook,3


, ,

U s i n ga r a t c h ew t r e n c ha n d a n 1 1 i n c he x t e n s i o n (A)wrapped with a shop towel (B),carefullyinsert the extensionthrough the glove box opening,and push the shift levertrim (C)from underthe trim to releasethe clips (D)and hooks (E)of the left side. Fastener Locations

D>clip,2 i:F \V

E> H o o k , 2 .-a7 \rt1

Installthe trim in the reverseorder of removal,and note these rtems. . Make sure the hazardwarning switch connectot is plugged in properly. . Pushthe clip and hook portionsinto place securely,



Dashboard DashboardCenterPanelRemoval/lnstallation NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape, and apply protectivetape around the relatedparts,to preventdamage. . Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand related parts. 1. Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, the write down the frequenciesfor the preset buttons.

4. Pull out the centerpanel (A)to releasethe clips (B) and hooks (C),and removethe harnessholder (D) from the bracket(E).Disconnectthe audio unit connector(F),antennalead (G),heaterswitch connector(H)and heatercontrol unit connectors(l). FastenerLocations B ): Clip,8

*4 , F

2 . Removethese items: . Driver'sdashboardlower cover (seepage20-59) . Passenger'sdashboardlower cover (seepage 20-63). . Glove box (seepage20-63). . Shift levertrim {seepage20-61). From the glove box and driver'sdashboardIower cover openings,loosenthe bolts (A) securingthe centerpanel (B). Fastener Locations A): Bolt,2



x 0.8 mm 5Nm

Installthe panel in the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: Make sure eachconnectoris pluggedin properly, and antennalead is connectedproperly. Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely. Reconnectthe negativecableto the battery. idle learn procedure{seepage Do the ECN4/PCt\4 1l-139). Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio.then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. Resetthe clock.


Passenger's DashboardLower CoverRemoval/lnstallation NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand relatedparts. 1. Removethe passenger'sdashboardlower cover (A). -1 Gently pull down the rear edge to releasethe c t i p s( B ) . -2 Pullthe cover away to releasethe pins (C)from t h e h o l d e r s( D ) . FastenerLocations B>: Clip,3


I jl

GloveBox Removal/lnstallation SRScomponentsare locatedin this area.Reviewthe S R Sc o m p o n e n lto c a t i o n s( s e ep a g e2 3 - 1 3 a ) n dt h e p r e c a u t i o nasn d p r o c e d u r e (ss e ep a g e2 3 1 4 )i n t h e S R S sectionbeforeperformingrepairsor service. NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand relatedparts. 1. Removethe passenger'sdashboardlower cover. 2. While holding the glove box (A),removethe glove box stop (B)on each side. FastenerLocalions >Boh.2 .-6\

{Ill .-: Screw, 2

) : Clip,

? ri)


\s I




, 6 x 1 . 0m m / 9.eN.n ,/ 11.0kgl m, 1.2tbt.ttl ./ SIDESPACER

a \









Hood Adjustment '1. Slightly looseneach hood hinge bolt, 2 . Adjustthe hood (A) alignmentin this sequence. . A d j u s t t h e h o o d r i g h t a n d l e f t , a s w e al l s f o r w a r da n d r e a r w a r db, y u s i n gt h e e l o n g a t e dh o l e so n t h e h o o dh i n g e (B). . Turn the hood edge cushions(C),as necessary,to makethe hood iit flush with the body at the front and side edges.

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgl.m,7.2 lbf.ftl

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ft}

3 . Adjustthe hood latch (D)to obtainthe proper height at the forward edge,and move the hood latch right or left until the striker(E)is centeredin the hood latch. Tighteneach bolt securely.



Hood Adjustment(cont'd) 5. Checkthat the hood opens properlyand locks securely. 6. Apply body paint to the hinge mounting bolts and a r o u n dt h e h i n g e s .

HoodSealReplacement 1 . Using a clip remover,detachthe clips,then remove the hood seal (A).Takecare not to scratchthe hood. Fastener Locations

7. Apply multipurposegreaseto each locationof the hood latch and hood hinge as indicatedby the arrows.

I n s t a l l t h es e a li n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l a, n d note these items: . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . P u s ht h e c l i p si n t o p l a c es e c u r e l y .

. :I


HoodInsulatorReplacement 1 . D i s c o n n e ct h t e w i n d s h i e l dw a s h e rt u b e s( A ) . FastenerLocations '10 ) : Clip,



,2V..=-' (


Using a clip remover,detachthe clips. Releasethe h o o k s( B ) ,t h e n r e m o v et h e h o o di n s u l a t o (r C ) .T a k e care not to scratchthe hood. I n s t a l l t h ei n s u l a t o irn t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l , and note these items: . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Pushthe clips into placesecurely.


Hatch Adjustment 1. Removethe support strut from each side (seepage 20-91). 2 . R e m o v e t h e C - p i l l a r t r i m f r o m e a c h s i d e ( s e e p a g e 2 0 - 5 ' l ) ,daonw dn p tuhl le r e a r p o n i o n o f t h e h e a d l i n e r ( s e e page20-54).Takecare not to bend the headlinerexcessively. 3. Removethe reartrim panel (seepage 20-52). 4, Slightly looseneach bolt and nut. 5 . A d j u s t t h eh a t c h( A )a l i g n m e n it n t h e f o l l o w i n gs e q u e n c e . . Adjustthe hatch hinges(B) right and left, as well as forward and rearward,using th e elongatedholes. 'Turnthehatchedgecushions(C),inoroutasnecessary,tomakethehatch(D).fitflushwiththebodyattheside edges. . Adjustthe fit betweenthe hatch and hatchopening by moving the striker(D).

8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m {2.2kgf.m,16lbf.ft}

8 x 1.25mm 18 N.m 11.8kgf.m, 13 lbf.ft)



HatchSupportStrut Replacement Tighteneach bolt and nut securely. 7 . Checkthat the hatchopens properlyand locks securery. Reinstallthe supportstruts securely.

1 . With the help of an assistant,use a flat-tip screwdriver(A)to pry the supportstrut clips (B) from each end of the supportstrut (C)at the hatch and body, then releasethe supportstrut from the pivot bolts (D).Do not removethe clips from the supportstrut.

9 . R e i n s t a lal l l r e m a i n i n gr e m o v e dp a r t s . 1 0 .Apply multipurposegreaseto the pivot portion of the hatch hinges{A) as indicatedby the arrows.

D 8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m(2.2kgf.m,16lbf ft) 2 . Set the clips (A) to the original position,then reattachthe supportstrut (B)on the pivot bolts (C) by pushingon the supportstrut.


Hatch HatchWeatherstripReplacement 1 . R e m o v et h e h a t c hw e a t h e r s t r i{pA ) b y p u l l i n g o u t on it.

t a r k{ B )o n t h e h a t c h 2 . L o c a t et h e p a i n t e da l i g n m e n m weatherstrip.Allgn the paintedmark with the alignmenttab in the the centerof the hatchopening, p l l t h ew a y a n d i n s t a l tl h e h a t c hw e a t h e r s t r i a around in the directionshown. Make surethere are no wrinklesin the weatherstrip. 3. Checkfor water leaks.


FuelFill Door Adjustment 1. Removethe nut (A),and removethe fuel fill door o p e ns p r i n g{ B ) .

5x0.8mm 1.8Nm (0.18kgf.m, 1.3rbf.ft) >t=-

7. Apply multipurposegreaseto each location indicatedby the arrows.

8 . Apply body paint to the hinge mounting bolts and around the hinges,


2 . S l i g h t l yl o o s e nt h e h i n g em o u n t i n gb o l t s( A ) . 3 . A d j u s tt h e f u e lf i l l d o o r ( B )i n o r o u t u n t i li t ' sf l u s h with the body, and up or down as necessaryto a^rr.li7a



T i g h t e nt h e h i n g em o u n t i n gb o l t s . 5 . R e i n s t a l l t h feu e lf i l l d o o r s p r i n g . 6 . Checkthat the fuel f ill door opens properlyand lockssecurely,and checkthat the rear of the door is flush with the body.


ExteriorTrim FrontGrille Replacement 1 . Removethe front bumper (seepage 20-85).

2 . Removethe front grille (A),Takecare not to scratch the front bumper (B). -1 -2 -3 -4

Removethe screws (C). Removethe clips (D). Releasethe bottom hooks(E)ofthe grille, Pull out the boftom of the grille to releasethe u p p e rh o o k s( F ) . - 5 P u l lo u t t h e g r i l l et o r e l e a s et h e s l i t s( G ) f r o m the ribs {H),then removethe grille. FastqnErLocations C >:Screw.4 D ) : Clip, 4 ll




3 . I n s t a l l t h eg r i l l ei n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l , a n d r e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . Reinstallthe front bumper.



Cowl CoversReplacement 1 . R e m o v et h e w i n d s h i e l dw i p e r a r m s ( s e ep a g e2 2 - 1 4 5 ) . 2. Removethe windshieldsidetrim from both sides(seestep 2 on page 20-19). 3. Pullthe hood rear seal (A) away from the cowl covers,then remove it, and using a clip remover,detachthe clips (B)from the cowl covers.Takecare not to scratchthe cowl covers. FastenerLocations B> rClip,3 C>:Clip,8

:- :::: = - --::;-:

4 . Detachthe clips (C)by carefullypulling the passenger'scowl cover {D) upward,to releasethe hooks{E),and pull out the cover forward to releasethe hooks(F),then removethe cover.Takecare not to scratchthe body, Detachthe clips (C)by carefullypulling the driver'scowl cover (G) upward.and pull out the cover forward to releasethe hooks(H),then removethe cover.Takecare not to scratchthe body. Installthecovers in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely. . Reinstallboth windshieldside trim properly(seestep 26 on page 20-24).


ExteriorTrim A-PillarCornerTrim Replacement 1 . Open the door. Wrap a flat-tipscrewdriverwith protectivetape, and apply protectivetape aroundlhe body to preventdamage.Carefullyinserta flat-tip screwdrivernext to the upper clip, and detachthe c l i p b y p r y i n go n t h e A - p i l l a rc o r n e rt r i m ( A ) .T a k e care not to scratchthe body and relatedparts.

5 . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . H o l dt h e t r i m u p , a n df i t t h e u p p e rc l i p a n d l o w e r c l i p si n t ot h e h o l e si n t h e b o d y ,t h e n p u s ho n t h e t r i m u n t i lt h e c l i p ss n a pi n t op i a c e .


3 . Closethe door half-way. Pullthe A-pillercornertrim (A) out to detachthe lower clips,then removethe trim. FastenerLocations



RoofMolding Replacement 1 . Apply protectivetape to the body (A).Using a flat-tipscrewdriverwrapped with protectivetape (B),pry up on the roof molding (C).Takecare not to scratchthe bodv.

4, Pull up and releasethe rear bracket(A)from the pin (B),then removethe roof molding (C).

..:.::.l. g

5 . Installthe molding in the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: . T a k ec a r en o t t o d a m a g et h e w i n d s h i e l dm o l d i n g . . Make sure the roof molding is installedsecurely. Pull up and slidethe roof molding to releasethe front bracket(D)from the pin (E). Pull up the front portion of roof molding.


ExteriorTrim RearLicenseTrim Replacement NOTE:Put on glovesto protectyour hands. 1. Removethe hatch lower trim panel (seepage 20-

3 . F r o mi n s i d et h e h a t c h ,r e l e a s et h e c l i p s( A , B ) w h i l e h o l d i n gt h e r e a rl i c e n s et r i m ( C ) ,t h e n r e m o v el h e trim, Takecare not to scratchthe hatch. FastenerLocations

2. On insidethe hatch.removethe bolts securingthe r e a rl i c e n s et r i m ( A )a n d h a t c hl o c kc y l i n d e r( B ) . FastenerLocations

A>:Clip,2 B>:Clip.2


\ ! -


> : Bolt,2


4 . I n s t a l l t h et r i m i n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l a , nd

note these rtems:

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ftl


. Replaceany damagedclips. . Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely.


HatchSpoilerReplacement NOTE:Put on glovesto protectyour hands. 'l.

Removethe hatch upper trim (seepage 20-53).

2. Removethe high mount brakelight (seepage2282).

4 . F r o mi n s i d et h e h a t c h ,r e l e a s et h e c l i p s ,w h i l e p u l l i n gt h e h a t c hs p o i l e r( A )a w a y ,a n d r e l e a s et h e fasteners(B),then removethe spoiler.Takecare not to scratchthe body. FastenerLocations > : C l i p2.

3. From insidethe hatch,removethe bolts {A} and n u t s( B ) .


Fastener Locaiions

A>: Bolt,2 Bar Nut,


/,fl v_/

$. A 5 . I n s t a l l t h es p o i l e ri n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l , and note these items: 5x1.0mm 9.8Nm (1.0kgf.m.7.2lbf.ft)

R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . Replaceany damagedfasteners.Before installingthe fastenerto the spoiler,cleanthe spoilerbonding surfacewith a sponge d a m p e n e di n a l c o h o l G r ith . l u et h e f a s t e n e w a d h e s i v et a p e( 3 M 5 6 7 1 ,o r e q u i v a l e n t ) t toh e spoiler. Pushthe clip and fastenerportions into place securely.


ExteriorTrim EmblemReplacement NOTE:When removingthe emblem,take care not to scratchthe body. 1. To removethe front

"H" emblem and front type emblem, removethe front bumper (seepage 20-85)

2. Cleanthe bonding surfacewith a spongedampenedin alcohol.After cleaning,keepoil, grease,and water from getting on the surface. 3 . A p p l yt h e e m b l e m ,w h e r es h o w n . . Wheninstalling t h e s i d ei - V T E Ce m b l e mo n t h e b o d y ,a l i g nt h e a p p l i c a t i otna p ew i t h t h e e d g eo f t h e w h e e la r c h , then pressthe emblem into place,and removethe applicationtape. . ' 0 3 m o d e l :W h e n i n s t a l l i n g t h e L E Ve m b l e mo n t h e q u a r t e rg l a s s ,a l i g nt h e a p p l i c a t i o tna p ew i t h t h e e d g eo f t h e , n d r e m o v et h e b l a c kc e r a m i ca n d a l i g n m e n m t a r ko n t h e q u a r t e rg l a s s t, h e n p r e s st h e e m b l e mi n t o p l a c e a a p p l i c a t i o tna p e .











REAR"H" EMBLEM Unit: mm {in.l Adhesivetape:

3M 4213E,o. equivalent Thickness:0.8mm (0.03in.) REAR"H'' EMBLEM


Edoeol the blackceramic.

LEVEMBLEM Ontoinsideface


of the guarterglass. HATCHLINE



34 11.3) , ilg




.,!!ll,'nt (1.s31

50 {'!,9?) CIVICEMBLEM

E d g eo f t h e hatch.




Edge of the hatch.

Right Side:

63 (2.5)







y' Li.Est

Edgeof the wheel arch.








4. After installingthe front "H" enblem and front type emblem, reinstallthe front bumper.


Fenderwell FrontInnerFenderReplacement NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe body. 1, Removethe front inner fender (A). -1 On the backofthe wheel arch,removethe screws(B). - 2 F r o mu n d e r t h e f r o n tb u m p e r ( C )r, e m o v e t h e s c r e w( B )s e c ur i n gt h e f r o n t b u m p e r .s p l a s hs h i e l d( D ) ,a n d f r o n t inner fender,and removethe clip (E)securingthe front air spoiler,front bumper,and front inner fender. - 3 F r o m t h e w h e e la r c h ,r e m o v et h e c l i p s{ F ,G ) s e c u r i n gt h e f r o n t i n n e rf e n d e r( a n ds p l a s hs h i e l d )o n t h e b o d y . - 4 R e l e a s teh e h o o k( H )o f t h e s p l a s hs h i e l d , t h e nr e m o v e t h e f r o n it n n e r f e n d e r . FastenerLocations B):Screw,4




F > : C l i p ,1


2. Installthe inner fender in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . P u s ht h e c l i p si n t o p l a c es e c u r e l y .


Front FenderFairingReplacement 1 . Removethe front inner fender as necessary(see p a g e2 0 - 1 O 2 1 . Open the front door. From outsidethe door, r e m o v et h e u p p e rc l i p ( A ) ,a n d f r o m i n s i d et h e d o o r , removethe lower clip (A) securingthe front fender f a i r i n g( B )a n d f r o n tf e n d e r( C ) . FastenerLocations

3. From the wheel arch, removethe clip (A),and releasethe clip (B),then removethe front fender f a i r i n g( C ) . FastenerLocations A > : C l i p1,

B > : C l i p1,

J*.' -@




6x1.0mm 9,8 N.m 11.0kgl.m, 7.2 lbl.ft)

E >:Clip,3



Using a clip remover,detachthe clips (E),and removethe grommet (F)from the body, then removethe hood openercablefrom the vehicle.Takecare not to bend the cable. 4 . I n s t a l l t h ec a b l ei n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l a , n d r e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s .


FuelFill Door OpenerCableReplacement SRScomponentsare locatedin this area.Reviewthe SRScomponentlocations(seepage 23-13)and the precautions and procedures(seepage 23-14)in the SRSsectionbeforeperformingrepairsor service. NOTE; . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare notto scratchthe body and relatedparts. 1. Removethese items from the left side of the vehicle: . D o o rs i l l t r i m { s e ep a g e2 0 - 5 0 ) . R e a rs i d et r i m p a n e l( s e ep a g e2 0 - 5 1 )

2 . Pullthe carpetbackas necessary(seepage 20-55). 5.

Disconnectthe fuel fill door openercable (A)from the opener(B) (seestep 3 on page 20-109). FastenerLocations C > : C u s h i o n t a p e1,

D > : C l i p 1,

E > : Clip,2

4 . K C m o d e l :R e m o v e t h el e f tm i d d l ef l o o rc r o s s - m e m b egru s s e t( s e ep a g e2 0 - 1 1 3 ) . 5 . R e m o v et h e c u s h i o nt a p e{ C ) ,a n d r e l e a s et h e c a b l ef r o m t h e c l i p s( D ,E ) . 6 . R e m o v e t h e f u efli l l d o o r l a t c h( F ) f r o m t h eb o d y b y t u r n i n gi t 9 0 ' . 7. Removethe fuel fill door openercablefrom the vehicle.Takecare not to bend the cable 8 . I n s t a lt lh e o p e n e r c a b l e i n t h e r e v e r s e o r d e r o f r e m o v a l , r e p l a c e t h e c u s h i o n t a p e , a n d r e p l a c e t h e c l i p i f i t i s oamageo.


Openers Hood LatchReplacement NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare not to scratchthe body. 1. Removethe bolts,then removethe hood latch (A) from the body. FastenerLocations > i Bolt,3

--------------' 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ft)

Disconnectthe hood openercable (B)from the hood latch.Takecare not to bend the cable.


Installthe hood latch in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Apply multipurposegreaseto each locationof the hood latch indicatedby the arrows. . Make sure the hood openercable is connected properly. . Make sure the cableactuatesthe latch beforeyou closethe hood, . Adjustthe hood latchalignment(seestep 3 on page 20-87). . M a k es u r et h e h o o do p e n sp r o p e r l ya n d l o c k s securely.

FuelFillDoorOpenerReplacement 1 . Using a flat-tipscrewdriverwrapped with protectivetape, detachthe hooks(A) by prying the front side cap (B),then remove it from the left door s i l l t r i m ( C ) ,a n d l o o s e nt h e b o l t ( D )s e c u r i n gt h e f u e lf i l l d o o r o p e n e r .

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m 11.0kgf m,7.2 lbf.ft)

2. Removethe left door sill trim (seepage 20-50i. 3 . R e m o v et h e o p e n e r( A l f r o m t h e b o l t{ B ) .

4. Disconnectthe fuel fill door openercable (A),then removethe openeriB). Takecare not to bend the c ao t e .

5 . Installthe opener in the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: lMakesure the openercable is connected properly. lvlakesure the fuel fill door opens properlyand lockssecurely.


Openers HatchHandleReplacement


NOTE:Put on glovesto protectyour hands.

NOTE:Put on glovesto protectyour hands. '1.

1. Removethese items: . Hatchlower trim panel (seepage 20-53) . Rear licensetrim panel (seepage 20-98) 2. Removethe rearwindow wiper motor (seepage 22-1461. 3. Disconnectthe hatch o p e n e rc a b l e1 A ) f r o mt h e h a t c hh a n d l e( B ) ,a n d removethe nuts. Fastener Locations

a : Nut,

6x1.0mm 9.8N.m

(1.0 kg{.m,7 2 tbt.{t\

Removethe hatch lowertrim panel (seepage 2053).

2. Disconnectthe hatch openercable (A),cylinder rod (B).hatchactuatorconnector(C).and hatch latch switch connector{D).and detachthe hatch actuator connectorand hatch latch switch connectorfrom the hatch. FaslenerLocations ) : Bolt,3


()rI a ,t.

4. Pull outthe hatch handle(A),then remove it.



i-'-3;li9#k g tm , 7 . 2 l bfft l 11,0

R e m o v et h e b o l t s ,t h e n p u l l t h eh a t c hl a t c h( E )o u t , then remove it. I n s t a l l t h el a t c hi n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l a, n d notethese items: . Make sure each connectoris plugged in properly, and the rod and cableare connectedproperly. . l\4akesure the cable actuatesthe latch beforeyou c l o s et h e h a t c h . . Make sure the hatch opens properlyand locks securely. I n s t a l l t h eh a n d l ei n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l . and note these items:

lMake surethe hatchopenercableis connected securely. M a k es u r et h eh a t c ho p e n sp r o p e r l y .


HatchLockCylinderReplacement NOTE;Put on glovesto protectyour hands. '1.

Removethese items: . Hatchlower trim panel (seepage 20-53). . Rearlicensetrim (seepage 20-98).

4. Installthe lock cylinder in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Make sure the rod is connectedproperly. . Make sure the hatchopens properlyand locks securely.

2. Disconnectthe cylinder rod (A)

- . .

From outsidethe hatch,removethe bolt securing the lock cylinder{A}.From insidethe hatch,pull the l o c kc y l i n d e ro u t b y r e l e a s i n tgh e h o o k( B ) . Fastener Location 6 x 1 . 0m m 9.8Nm (1.0kgf m,7.2lbt.ftl

> : Bolt,1

rS'l-. u-ar



Frame SubframeReplacement SubframeTorque NOTE:After looseningthe subframemounting bolts,be sureto replacethem with new ones.



REFERENCE HOLE ( B o d yS i d e )






To body. I

n E SPECIAL ' 1 4x 1 . 5mBOLTS m 103 N.m (10.5kgf.m,75lbf.ft) Replace.


FrameStiffener,Brace,and GussetReplacement FrameStiffener,Brace,and GussetTorque NOTE:When installingthe middle floor cross member braceor gussets,torque the mounting hardwarein the following sequenceto avoid damageto the quarterpanel.



8 x 1 . 2 5m m 29 N.m (3.0kgf m,22 lbf ft)

To body. model: Canada

U.S.model: 1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 38 N.m (3.9kgf.m.28lbf.ftl



__!:::-| -

1 0 x 1 . 2 5m m 38 N m (3.9 kgt.m, 28 lbf.ftl


1 0 x 1 . 2 5m m 38Nm (3.9kgf.m,28 lbl.ftl


Frame FrameRepairChart Top view

Unit:mm {in.} o: Inner diametel

a b1 b2 b3 cl c2 c3

Forsublrameo1510.59) Forenginemount e13 (0.511 Forenginemount o13 (0.51) Forenginemount rl3 (0.51) Formanualtransmission mouoto13{0.5' Formanualtransmission mounto13 10.5' Formanualt.ansmission mo!nt d13{0.51)

o I g h

Fordampermounts11.5{0.45} For damper centero78 (3.07) Fordampermounts11.5(0.451 Fordampeimountd11.510.45) Forsubframeo15 {0.591 Localinghole s25 {0.98} Locatingholee50 (1.97)





m n p q

Locatinghole d25 (0.981 Fortrailing.rm rl3 10.51) Locatinghole o25 (0.981 Locatinghole s20 (0.79) Trailingarm center Reardampercenter Forupperarm o13 (0.51)

t1, t2

x1 x2

Fortrailingarm d13 (0.511 For upper arm bracketcenterrl5 {0.59) Locatingholes13 (0.51) Foruppe.arm o13{0.511 For rear lower arm cent€r Locatingholes50 (1.97) Locatinghole s20 (0.79) Locatinghole o25 (0.981





FrameRepairChart(cont'dl Sideview

Unitrmm {in.) o: InnerdiameteJ

a b1 b2 b3 cl c2 c3

For subframe015 {0.59} Forenginemount o13 (0.511 Forenginemount 01310.51) Forenginemount 113(0.511 Formanualtransmission mount 013{0.51) Formanualtrensmission mount 613{0.51} Formanualtrrnsmissionmounro13{0.51}

o e I

s h i

Fordampermounto11.5{0.45) For damper centerr78 {3.07} Fordampermounto11.5(0.45) Fordampermountr11.5{0./t5l Forsubtrameel5 10.591 Locatinghole o25 (0.98) Locatinghole s 11.97)










FrameRepairChart(cont'dl Sideview

Unitrmm {in.) o: InnerdiameteJ

a b1 b2 b3 cl c2 c3

For subframe015 {0.59} Forenginemount o13 (0.511 Forenginemount 01310.51) Forenginemount 113(0.511 Formanualtransmission mount 013{0.51) Formanualtrensmission mount 613{0.51} Formanualtrrnsmissionmounro13{0.51}

o e I

s h i

Fordampermounto11.5{0.45) For damper centerr78 {3.07} Fordampermounto11.5(0.45) Fordampermountr11.5{0./t5l Forsubtrameel5 10.591 Locatinghole o25 (0.98) Locatinghole s 11.97)








m p q

Locatinghole o25 {0.98) Fortrailingarm 613 {0.511 Locatinghole d25 {0.98} Locatinghole r20 {0.79) Trailingarm center Reardamper centel Forupperarm o13 (0.51)


xl x2

Fortrailingarm s13 {0.51} For upper arm bracketcenter o15 {0.591 Locatingholeo13{0.51} Forupperarm d13{0.51) For rear lower arm centei Locatingholeo50{1.97} Locatinghole a20 {0.79} Locetinghole s25 (0.98)


HVAC(Heating, Ventilation, andAir Gonditioningl HeatingandAir Conditioning 21-2 SpecialTools Comoonent Location lndex ........z t-'5 A/CService Tiosand Precautions z t-o A,/CRefrigerant Oil ReDlacement z t-o Troubleshooting General lnformation 21-8 Index .......21-9 DTCTroubleshooting SymptomTroubleshooting 1ndex.............. 21-10 21-11 SystemDescription..................... CircuitDiagram 21-14 D T CT r o u b l e s h o o t i n. .g. . . . . . . . . . .z. .t .- .t .o Recirculation ControlMotor .......... CircuitTroubleshooting 21-25 HeaterControlPowerandGround Troubleshooting ........21-27 Circuits Condenser FanCircuit Troubleshooting ...................... 21-28 Fans Radiator andCondenser CommonCircuit ...................... 21-29 Troubfeshooting Compressor ClutchCircuit T r o u b l e s h o o t i n. .g. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . .1. .-.3. .0 A,/CPressureSwitchCircuit ...................... 21-32 Troubleshooting Air Mix ControlMotor ............. 21-34 TestandReolacement ModeControlMotor ............. 21-35 TestandReplacement Recirculation ControlMotor ............. 21-36 TestandReolacement Evaporator Temperature Sensor andTest ............. 21-31 Reolacement Test ................. 21-38 PowerTransistor HeaterControlPaneland PushSwitchAssemblv RemovalandInstallation........21-38

DustandPollenFilter Reolacement ..21-39 BlowerUnitRemovaland ......21-39 lnstallation BlowerUnitComoonents R e D l a c e m e .n. t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .1. .- .4. 1. . . Evaporator Core ..21-42 Reolacement *HeaterUnit/Core ..21-43 ReDlacement HeaterValveCable .....21-46 Adjustment .......... 21-47 CompressorReplacement 21-48 Comoressor ClutchCheck .......... Comoressor ClutchOverhaul.....21-49 ThermalProtector Compressor R e o 1 a c e m e.n. .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .1. .- .5. 1. . . ReliefValve Comoressor R e o l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .1. .- .5. 1. . . 21-52 Reolacement............ Condenser Recovery .................. 21-53 Refrigerant ...................... 21-54 SystemEvacuation 21-55 SystemCharginS......................... 21-56 LeakTest.................. Refrigerant 21-57 A,/CSvstemTests ........................

HVAC{Heating,Ventilation,and Air Conditioning) SpecialTools Ret.No.


Tool Number





att-,,/'Tt e^t"'

T 21-2



Otv 2

Heatingand Air Gonditioning ComponentLocationIndex


EVAPORATOR CORE (Built-in theheaterunit) B e p l a c e m epnat ,g e2 1 4 2



COMPRESSOR Beplacement,page21 47 CONOENSEB ClutchCheck,page21-48 page 21-52 Replacement, C l u t c hO v e r h a u lp, a g e2 1 - 4 9 ThermalProtectorCheck,page21-48 page21 51 ThermalProtectorReplacement, R e l i eV f a l v eR e p l a c e m e npta, g e2 1 5 1

Heatingand Air Conditioning ComponentLocationIndex(cont'dl


Tesl, page 22-51


Test, page 22-5I













CONDENSERFAN Test, page 22-51







HEATER UNIT/CORE page21-43 Beplacement,

BLOWEN UNIT page21-39 Removal andInstallation, BLOWERUNITCOMPONENTS page21-41 Replacement,

HEATERVALVECABLE page21-46 Adjustment,

DUSTAND POLLEN FILTER page21'39 Replacement, RECIRCULATION CONTROLMOTOR Test,page21-36 page21-36 Replacement, MODE CONTROLMOTOR Test,page21-35 page21-35 Replacement, POWERTRANSISTOR Test,page 21-38

AIR MIX CONTROLMOTOR Test,page21'34 page21'34 Replacement, EVAPORATORTEMPERATURE SENSOR page 21-37 Replacement, Test,page21-37

PUSH SWITCHASSEMBLY Removaland Installation,page21'38

HEATERCONTROLPANEL RemovalandInstallation,page21 38


HeatingandAir Conditioning A/C ServiceTips and Precautions

A/C Refrigerant Oll Replacement R e c o m m e n d eP d A Go i l : K E I H I NS P 1 0 :

Compressedair mixed with R-134aforms a combustible vapor. T h e v a p o rc a n b u r n o r e x p l o d ec a u s i n gs e r i o u s injury. Never use compressedair to pressuretest R - 1 3 4 as e r v i c ee q u i p m e not r v e h i c l ea i r c o n d i t i o n i n sg y s t e m s .

A i r c o n d i t i o n i n gr e f r i g e r a not r l u b r i c a nvt a p o r can irritateyour eyes,nose,or throat. Be carefulwhen connectingserviceequipment. Do not breatherefrigerantor vapor. T h e a i r c o n d i t i o n i n sg y s t e mu s e sH F C - 1 3 4(aR - 1 3 4 a ) r e fr i g e r a n at n d p o l y a l k y l e n e g l y c(oPl A G )r e fr i g e r a n ot i l , w i t h C F C ' 1 2( R - 1 2r)e f r i g e r a n t w h i c ha r e n o t c o m p a t i b l e r e f r i g e r a not r m i n e r a l l i l .D o n o t u s eR - ' 1 2 andminerao oil in this system,and do not aftemptto use R 12 s e r v i c i n ge q u i p m e n td; a m a g et o t h e a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g t ill result. s y s t e mo r y o u r s e r v i c i n ge q u i p m e nw U s eo n l y s e r v i c ee q u i p m e ntth a t i s U . L . - l i s t eadn d i s certifiedto meet the requirementsof SAE J2210to r e m o v eR - 1 3 4 af r o m t h e a i r c o n d i t i o n i n sg y s t e m . lf accidentalsystem dischargeoccurs,ventilatethe w o r k a r e ab e f o r er e s u m i n gs e r v i c e .

. P/N38897-Pl3-A01AH:'120m0 i4 fl oz) . P/N38899-P13'A01: 40 m0 i1 1/3fl oz) Add the recommendedrefrigerantoil in the amount listedif you replaceany of the following parts. . T o a v o i dc o n t a m i n a t i o nd.o n o t r e t u r nt h e o i l t o t h e c o n t a i n eor n c ed i s p e n s e da, n d n e v e rm i x i t w i t h o t h e r refrigerantoils. . l m m e d i a t e la y f'teu r s i n gt h e o i l , r e i n s t a l l t h e c a po n the container,and seal it to avoid moisture aosorpron. . D o n o t s p i l lt h e r e f r i g e r a not i l o n t h e v e h i c l e i;t m a y damagethe paint. lf it gets on the paint,wash it off immediately. , . 9l m p . o z ) C o n d e n s e r. . . . . . . . . . . 2m5A\ 5 1 6t l . o z 0 '1.4 E v a p o r a t o r. . . . . . . . .4. 5 . m0 (1113Il.oz, lmp.oz) '10 L i n eo r h o s e . . . . . . . . . m 0 { 1 / 3f l . o z , 0 . 4l m p . o z ) '10 R e c e i v e r / D r y e.r. . . m 0 ( ' 1 1f3l . o z , 0 . 4l m p . o z ) Leakagerepair ....25 m0,1516 Il oz,0.9 lmp.oz) . .o rc o m p r e s s orre p l a c e m e n l , C o m p r e s s o r. . . . . . . F s u b t r a ctth e v o l u m eo f o i l d r a i n e d from the removedcompressorfrom 1 3 0m 0 ( 4 1 / 3 f l . o z4, . 6 l m p . o z )a, n d d r a i nt h e c a l c u l a t e vdo l u m eo f o i l '130 f rom the new compressor: m0 i . 4 1 1 f3l . o z , 4 . 6l m p . o z ) V o l u m eo f removedcompressor= Volume to d r a i nf r o m n e w c o m p r e s s o r .

R - 1 3 4 as e r v i c ee q u i p m e not r v e h i c l ea i r c o n d i t i o n i n g systemsshould not be pressuretested or leaktested withcompressed air.

NOTE:Evenif no oil is drainedfrom the removedcompressor,don't d rain more than 50 m0 \1 2/3 fl.oz, ' 1 . 8l m p o z ) f r o mt h e n e w compressor.

A d d i t i o n ahl e a l t ha n d s a f e t yi n f o r m a t i o nm a y b e obtainedfrom the refrigerantand lubricant manufacturers. . Always disconnectthe negativecablefrom the parts. b a t t e r yw h e n e v e r e p l a c i n ga i r c o n d i t i o n i n g . Keepmoistureand dirt out of the system.When d i s c o n n e c t i nagn y l i n e s ,p l u go r c a pt h e f i t t i n g s immediately;don't removethe caps or plugs until iust be{oreyou reconnecteach line. ' B e f o r ec o n n e c t i n g a n y h o s eo r l i n e ,a p p l ya f e w d r o p s of relrigerantoil to the O-ring. . W h e nt i g h t e n i n go r l o o s e n i n ga f i t t i n g ,u s ea s e c o n d wrench to supportthe matchingfitting. . W h e n d i s c h a r g i ntgh e s y s t e m u , s ea R - ' 1 3 4 a station;don't refrigerantrecovery/recycling/charging releaserefrigerantinto the atmosphere.





l i





/- a\





r /

\:)-) -/


_ 0L

I "o*tttu" _*lH ,lEL.-


A: 130 m0 {4 l/3 tl.oz,4.6lmp.oz)






Dischargehoseto the compressor{6 x 1.0 mm) : 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m,7.2 lbl.ft} Dischargehoseto the condenser(5 x 1.0mml : 9.8 N.m {1.0kgt.m,7.2 lbf ft) Condenserline to the condenser(6 x 1.0mm) : 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf,m,7.2 lbt.ft} Condenserfine to the receiver/dryer{6 x 1.0mm} : 9.8 N.m (1.0kgt.fi,7.2lbt.ltl ReceiverlineAtothe receiver/dryer{6 x 1.0mm} : 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m. 7.2 lbf.ft} Receiverline A to the receiveiline B : 13 N.m (1.3kgr.m,9.4 lbf.ft) Receiverline B and the suctionline to the evaporator(6 x 1.0mm) :9.8 N.m 11.0kgf.m,7,2 lbf.ft) Suction line to the suction hose : 3l N m {3.2 kgf.m, 23 lbf ftl Suctionhose1o the compressor(6 x 1.0mm) : 9.8 N.m 11.0kgf.m.?.2 lbf.lt) Compressorto the compressor b.acket {8 x 1.25 mm) : 22 N m {2.2 kgt.m, 16 lbf.ft) Compr€ssorbracketto the engineblock {10 x 1.25mm} : ,14N.m 14.5kgf.m,33 lbf.ft)


Heatingand Air Conditioning GeneralTroubleshootingInformation How to Retrievea DTC The heatercontrol panel has a self-diagnosisfunction.To run the self-diagnosisfunction,do the following: 1 . T u r nt h e f a n s w i t c hO F F . 2. Pressandholdthe recirculationcontrol switch andthe rearwindow defoooerswitch down. 3 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c ho N { l l i . 4. Releaseboth switches.The recirculationindicatorand the rearwindow defoggerindicatorcome on. The recirculationindicatorgoes off 3 secondslater and the Ay'Cindicatorcomes on. then the self-diagnosiswill begin. About 10 secondslater,the self-diagnosiswill finish and the A,/Cindicatorgoes off. .lfanytroubleisfound.therecirculationindicatorblinksthediagnostictroublecode(DTC)toindicateafaulty circuil or comDonent. . lf the system is OK, the recirculationindicatorstaysoff.








Examole of DTC indication Pattern IDTC7)

DTC 7 Recirculation + indicatot Recirculation+ indicalor go6s oft


Reseiting the Selt-diagnosis Function Turn the ignition switch OFFto cancelthe self-diagnosisfunction.After completingrepairwork, run the self-diagnosis f u n c t i o na o a i nt o m a k es u r et h a t t h e r ea r e n o o t h e rm a l f u n c t i o n s .


DTCTroubleshootingIndex DTC{Recirculation IndicationBlinks) 7 8 9

10 11

12 13 14

Detection ltem A n o p e n i n t h e a i r m i x c o n t r o lm o t o rc i r c u i t A short ln the air mix control motor circuit A p r o b l e mi n t h e a i r m i x c o n t r o l i n k a q ed, o o r ,o r m o t o r An open or shon in the mode control motor circuit A p r o b l e mi n t h e m o d ec o n t r o l i n k a g ed, o o r s ,o r m o t o r A p r o b l e mi n t h e b l o w e rm o t o rc i r c u i t A problem in the EEPROMin the heatercontrol panel; the control oanel must be reolaced An ooen in the evaDoratortemDeraturesensorcircuit A short in the evaDoralortemoeraturesensorcircuit

Page ( s e ep a q e2 1 - 1 6 ) ( s e eD a o e2 1 - ' 1 6 ) ( s e ep a q e2 1 -1 7 ) ( s e eo a q e2 1 - 1 8 ) ( s e ep a q e2 1 1 9 1 ( s e ep a q e2 1 - 2 0 ) ( s e ep a g e2 1 - 3 8 ) (seepaqe 21-23) ( s e eo a q e2 1 - 2 4 1

In case of multiple problems,the recirculationindicatorwill indicateonly the DTCwith the least number of blinks. ln caseof an intermittentfailure,the heatercontrol panelwill storethe DTCuntil the ignition is turned off.


Heatingand Air Conditioning \

Index SymptomTroubleshooting


Also check for Svmptom Diagnosticprocedure RecirculationControl Motor Recirculationcontrol doors do not C l e a n l i n e sasn d t i g h t n e s so f a l l changebetweenFreshand Recirculate CircuitTroubleshooting(seepage connectors 21 251 HeaterControlPowerandGround B l o w nf u s eN o .' 1 4( 1 0 Ai)n t h e Both heaterand Ay'Cdo not work

(see CircuitsTroubleshooting page21-27) Condenserfan does not run at all (but radiatorfan runs with the Ay'Con) Both fans do not run with the A,/Con

Compressorclutchdoes not engage (both fans run with A,/Con) A/C system does not come on (both fans and compressor)

fuse/relay box under-dash Poorgroundat G501 C l e a n l i n easns dt i g h t n e sosf a l l conneclors

. P o o rg r o u n da t G 3 0 1 . C l e a n l i n e sasn d t i g h t n e s so f a l l connectors R a d i a t oarn dC o n d e n s e Fra n s B l o w nf u s eN o . 1 ( 2 0 A )a n d N o . 4 CommonCircuitTroubleshooting (20A)in the under-hoodfuse/relay ( s e ep a g e2 1 - 2 9 ) box P o o rg r o u n da t G 3 0 l C l e a n l i n e sasn dt i g h t n e s so f a l l connectors CompressorClutchCircuit C l e a n l i n e sasn dt i g h t n e s so f a l l T r o u b l e s h o o t i n(qs e eD a q e2 1 - 3 0 ) connectors Ay'CPressureSwitch Circuit B l o w nf u s eN o . 1 ( 2 0 A )a n d N o . 4 (20A)in the under-hoodfuse/relay T r o u b l e s h o o t i n(gs e ep a g e2 1 - 3 2 ) box Poor ground at G301 C l e a n l i n e sasn dt i g h t n e s so f a l l connectors

C o n d e n s eFr a nC i r c u i t Troubleshooting{seepage 21-28)



! 21-10


SystemDescription HeaterControlPanelInputsandOutputs HEATERCONTFOLPANELCONNECIORS



W res deoitema eterm nals


Wire color \ln Y

2 3


5 6 7 8 I


10 11












on Wire color



2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9









al' 'TDr ri


10 11

14 ic

16 17 18 19 20










MODE4 MODE3 M O D E2 M O D E1 I G N( P o w e d (Not used)



Heatingand Air Gonditioning SystemDescription(cont'dl The air conditioningsystem removesheatfrom the passengercompartmentby circulatingrefrigerantthrough the system as shown below.



\ r\,u



(Metersthe required amount of refrigerant into the evaporator)

APOBATORTEMPERATURE SENSOR THERMALPROTECTOR (Opensthe compressorclutchcircuit when the compressottemperature becomestoo high)

A/C PRESSURESWITCH When the refriqerantis below 196kPa(2.0kgi/cm',28psi) or above3,140kPa(32 kgf/cm' 455 psi),the Py'cpressure switchopensthe circuitto the Py'Cswitch and stopsthe air conditioningto protectthe compressor-

RELIEF VALVE (Relieves pressure at thecompressor w h e nt h ep r e s s u ri e st o oh i g h )

A/C COMPRESSOR (Suctionand comoression)

RECEIVER/DRYER (Trapsdebris,and \-^ removesmorsturel

/CONDENSER (Radiationof heat)



-:--l [ '.... Low PREsSUBE LrourD tffi


refrigerantwhich does not containchlorofluorocarbons.Pay attentionto the This vehicleuses HFC-134a(R-'134a) following serviceitems: . D o n o t m i x r e f r i g e r a n tCs F C - 1 2 ( R - 1 2a) n d H F C - 1 3 4(aR - 1 3 4 aT) .h e ya r e n o t c o m p a t i b l e . '!0) . U s eo n l y t h e r e c o m m e n d e p d o l y a l k y l e n e g l y c(oPl A G) r e f r i g e r na t o i l ( K E l H l NS P designedfortheR-134a (PAG) recommended refrigerant with retrigerant oil will resultin compressor.Intermixingthe oil any other compressorfailure. . AllAy'Csystem parts (compressor,dischargeline, suction line,evaporator,condenser,receiver/dryer. expansion valve,O-ringsfor joints) have to be designedfor refrigerantR 134a.Do not exchangewith R-'12parts. . Use a halogengas leakdetectordesignedfor refrigerantR-134a. . R-12and R-134arefrigerantservicingequipmentare not interchangeable. Use only a recovery/recycling/charging s t a t i o nt h a t i s U . L . - l i s t eadn d i s c e r t i f i e dt o m e e tt h e r e q u i r e m e n tosf S A EJ 2 2 1 0t o s e r v i c eR - 1 3 4 a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g system. . Always recoverthe refrigerantR-134awith an approvedrecovery/recycling/charging stationbeforedisconnecting any Ay'Cfifting.


HeatingandAir Conditioning GircuitDiagram UNDEN rcODFUSVRELIYSOX


|GNUION SWTCfi lG2HoI ii 0l\lllll

+. \

C}F rG2/









PBorEcro8 I


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