Do you want to help save lives & help seniors get money for. college? ... 9t h-11t h Grade St udent s Im port ant Sc
Pacelli Cat holic High School (Grades 9-12) 1301 Maria Drive Stevens Point, W I 54481 P: 715.341.2442
Mr. Lawrence Theiss Principal
[email protected]
OUR MISSION Continuing a tradition of inspiring the individual best from every student through a Christ-centered drive for excellence in academics, athletics, and arts.
OUR VISION Pacelli Catholic Schools is an environment that fosters the unique gifts of each student to grow as disciples of the faith and leaders for the world.
Weeks of February 6 & 13
UPCOMING EVENTS Week of Feb 6, 2017
Week of Feb 13, 2017
M on , Feb. 6 "A" Day
M on , Feb. 13 "A" Day
7p - GBB @ PCHS
Tu es, Feb. 7 " B" Day -
3:30p - Curling @ St. Pt. Curling Club 7p - Boys Hockey @ Ice Hawk Arena 7:30p - BBB @ Shiocton HS 7:30p - GBB @ PCHS
Wed, Feb. 8 " C" Day -
9a - Portage Co. Teen Leadership
Th u r s, Feb. 9 " D" Day -
TBD Curling @ Marshfield 7p - Girls Hockey @ Marshfield Ice Center
Fr iday, Feb. 10 " E" Day -
9:08a - Mass 7:30p - GBB @ PCHS
Sat u r day, Feb. 11 PCS Core Values Catholic Discipleship Academic Excellence
9a - ACT Test Prep Eng/Read 2:30p - BBB @ Eau Claire Luth. HS TBD Curling
Personal Responsibility Creativity Service Respect
Pacelli Cat holic Schools
CSW Fu n ! Our Pacelli Catholic High School students went out to St. Bronislava and St. Stanislaus Elementary schools to spend time with the young students playing games. All of the PCS students had a great time.
Tu es, Feb. 14 " B" Day -
Mid Quarter TBD - Boys Hockey Regional Game 1 7:30p - BBB @ PCHS 7p - GBB @ Iola HS
Wed, Feb. 15 " C" Day Th u r s, Feb. 16 " D" Day -
TBD Boys Hockey Regional Game 2 7p - Girls Hockey Reg. @ Waupaca Expo Ctr. 7p - GBB @ Amherst HS
Fr iday, Feb. 17 " E" Day -
9:08a - Mass 7:30p - BBB @ PCHS TBD Curling State @ Wausau Curling Club TBD Boys Hockey Regional Game 3
Sat u r day, Feb. 18 -
9a - ACT Test Prep Math/Science TBD - Curling State @ Wausau Curling Club
Sch olar sh ips ar e n ow post ed!
PCHS Blood Dr ive
Scholarships for underclassmen and graduating seniors are now posted on our website.
Do you want to help save lives & help seniors get money for college? Pacelli is hosting a blood drive on February 23rd from 9 am - 2 pm in the gym. The more pints of blood we collect, the more money we will have available for scholarships for Pacelli seniors to apply for, but we need your help! If we collect 24 pints we will have $500 available, but if we collect 54 pints, we will have $750 available to distribute! Refreshments are available from area businesses. Registration is appreciated; register at, by calling 715-342-2008, or by emailing
[email protected]. Walk-ins are welcome.
Click Here for details. Students must complete the applications and submit them to the Counseling Office before Monday, April 3rd at 3:00p.m.
Have you ever t h ou gh t abou t h ost in g a st u den t ? 4 Days on ly! $125 per st u den t ! Febr u ar y 8-12 Host a Chinese student, give it a try you could impact a student! Follow this link to become a host family and learn more information or please contact: Larry Theiss, Pacelli Catholic High School,
[email protected] or at 715-341-2442 or Ellen Lopas Pacelli Catholic Middle School,
[email protected] or at 715-344-1890.
9t h -11t h Gr ade St u den t s Im por t an t Sch edu lin g Dat es & In f or m at ion -
2/13/17 Roll out Scheduling Forms & Instructions at Community Meeting, Course Request Forms available (Feb 13).
2/20/17 Parent signed Scheduling Forms due in Counseling Office by 3:00 p.m.
2/22/17 Religion classes will meet in LLC. Students will bring Chrome books to LLC and will use scheduling forms to help select classes in Skyward.
2017-2018 Upperclassmen Course Requests are colored coded - Seniors: YELLOW, Juniors: BLUE and Sophomores: GREEN.
Course Description Guide is available on the Pacelli website or at
Check prerequisites, Pacelli graduation requirements and college admission requirements.
Be sure to fill in alternative courses because official course offerings may change.
Forms are due Monday, February 20, WITH a parent signature.
Courses will be added in Skyward during Religion classes on Wednesday, February 22, ONLY if your form is turned in WITH a parent signature.
Opportunities will be available through summer to make schedule changes.
Lu n ch M en u & Daily Bell Sch edu le Click here for the LUNCH MENU or the DAILY BELL SCHEDULE (Scroll to the bottom of the homepage to see the calendar.)
Car din al Spor t s Hock eyThe Pacelli Co-op hockey team traveled to Reedsburg for a make-up game against the Reedsburg/Wisconsin Dells Co-op team on Monday, Jan. 30th. The Cardinals lost 9-1. Daniel Mitch had the only goal and was assisted by Richard Zupan. Trevin Milbauer had 29 saves in the goal. On Tuesday ,1/31 the Cardinals hosted the Wausau East/Merrill Bluejacks at Ice Hawk Arena. The Cardinals were defeated by the Bluejacks 4-0. Trevin Milbauer had 16 saves in the goal. The Cardinals are currently 3-12-2 and their next game is Tuesday, Feb. 7th when they host Black River Falls at Ice Hawk Arena, face-off is set for 7:00 pm. Gir ls Hock eyThe Pacelli Co-op Girls Hockey Team lost to Hayward on Saturday, Jan. 28th 3-1. On Tuesday, Jan. 31st they beat Chippewa Falls/Menomonie 6-1. Currently the Pacelli Co-op Team has an 11-9 record and their next game is on Monday, 2/6 when they travel to Eau Claire for a 7:00 pm game. Boys Bask et ballThe Pacelli Boys Basketball Team took a break from the conference schedule as they traveled to Antigo for a non-conference game on Friday, Jan. 27th. The Cardinals lost that game 76-44. Leading the Cardinals was Andrew Blanker with 17 points and Mitch Miller added 16 points and 6 rebounds. The Cardinals got right back to conference play as they hosted the Bears from Bonduel High School on Tuesday, 1/31. The Cardinals defeated the Bears 74-51. AJFirminhac had a great game after coming back from an injury where he missed several games. AJled the Cardinals with 16 points and 14 rebounds. Andrew Blanker had 16 points, Garrett Parks had 10 points and Mitch Miller added 9 points. Ethan Jansch came off the bench and grabbed 9 rebounds for the Cardinals. The Cardinals are currently 7-8 overall and 3-5 in the conference. Their next game is on Tuesday, 2/7 when they travel to Shiocton to take on the Chiefs in a CWC-8 match-up. Tip-off is set for 7:30 pm. Gir ls Bask et ballThe Girls Basketball Team hosted the Amherst Falcons on Saturday, 1/28 in a make-up game and they lost 54-10. On Tuesday Jan. 31st the Cardinals traveled to Bonduel to take on the Bears in a CWC-8 game and they lost 64-36. Leading the Cardinals were Sarah Mueller with 10 points. Chrissy Shafranski and Liz Krupka each had 6 points and Katherine On t o St at e! Mueller added 5 points. Congratulations to our On Thursday, 2/2 the Cardinals hosted the Chargers of fabulous Dance Team. Wittenberg/Birnamwood in a CWC-8 match-up. The Cardinals They got 1st place lost 52-28. The Cardinals were led by Sarah Mueller who had Poms and 5th place Jazz 7 points and 6 rebounds. Chrissy Shafranski added 6 points. on their routines! The Cardinals have a 5-11 overall record and 2-7 conference They are the 2017 record. Their next game is on Tuesday Feb. 7th when they Regional High School host the Chiefs of Shiocton High School in a CWC-8 game. Championships Tip-off is set for 7:30 pm. Division 5 Pom. Dan ceThey went to State this Congratulations to the Dance Team as took First Place at past weekend! Regionals in New Richmond on Saturday 1/28. With the victory the Dance Team advanced to the State Meet on Saturday, 2/4 in LaCrosse. Good Luck to the Dance Team at State!!