041618 PCHS Cardinal Weekly Update.pdf - Google Drive

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Door Prizes, Subs, Live DJ, Pizza,. Games, Popcorn ... "In the Still of the Night". $10 for single, $18 .... 041618 PCHS
Pacelli Cat holic High School (Grades 9-12)


Weeks of April 16 & April 23, 2018

1301 Maria Drive Stevens Point, W I 54481 P: 715.341.2442

Mr. Lawrence Theiss Principal [email protected]

OUR MISSION Continuing a tradition of inspiring the individual best from every student through a Christ-centered drive for excellence in academics, athletics, and arts.

OUR VISION Pacelli Catholic Schools is an environment that fosters the unique gifts of each student to grow as disciples of the faith and leaders for the world.

PCS Core Values Catholic Discipleship Academic Excellence

UPCOMING EVENTS M on day, Apr il 16, 2018 NO SCHOOL - Teacher Inservice - 4:00pm Track @ Weyauwega-Fremont - 4:30pm Baseball @ Almond - 4:30pm Softball @ Almond Tu esday, Apr il 17, 2018 " B" Day - Tax Day - 4:00pm Track @ Tri-County Wedn esday, Apr il 18, 2018 " C" Day - 1:00pm UWSP Opera performance Th u r sday, Apr il 19, 2018 " D" Day - 4:30 p.m. Baseball vs Wild Rose (Memorial Park/Plover) - 4:30pm Softball vs Wild Rose (Woyak-Spud) - 4:30pm Tennis vs Antigo (Goerke) Fr iday, Apr il 20, 2018 " E" Day - 11:00am Golf @ Iola-Scandinavia - 4:00pm Track @ Rosholt Sat u r day, Apr il 21, 2018 - 12:00pm Baseball Double Header @ Aquinas

M on day, Apr il 23, 2018 "A" Day - 4:30pm Baseball @ Port Edwards - 4:30pm Softball @ Port Edwards Tu esday, Apr il 24, 2018 " B" Day - 10:00am Golf CWC @ Fox Fire Golf Course - 3:00pm Boys Tennis vs. Medford (Goerke) - 4:30pm Baseball vs. Tri-County (Bukolt) - 4:30pm Softball vs Tri-County (WoyakSpud Field) Wedn esday, Apr il 25, 2018 " C" Day - 5-7:00pm PCS Appreciation (SentryWorld) Th u r sday, Apr il 26, 2018 " D" Day - 12:00pm Golf at Weymont Golf Course - 3:45pm Track @ Tri-County - 4:00pm Boys Tennis (Goerke) - 4:30pm Baseball @ Rosholt - 4:30pm Softball @ Rosholt Fr iday, Apr il 27, 2018 " E" Day - 4:00pm Softball vs. Rosholt (Woyak-Spud) Sat u r day, Apr il 28, 2018 - 8:30am Boys Tennis @ Xavier - 9:30am Baseball Doubleheader vs Amherst (Bukolt)

The above athletic dates only include varsit y compet ition and are subject to change. Since space is limited we only will put the Varsit y games in the 2 week calendar. For complet e up to date athlet ic schedules including JV and Freshmen games please click on the f ollowing link: http://www.centralwisconsinconf erence.org/g5- bin/client.cgi?G5genie=439&school_id=7 If you have any questions on how to use the link or ot her at hletic scheduling questions please contact the at hletic department at 715- 341- 2018 (John Raf lik @ jraf lik@pacellicat holicschools.com) or 715- 341- 2442 (Cindy Engebretson @ ceng@pacellicat holicschools.com).

Personal Responsibility

Portage County Alliance for Youth Presents...

Creativity Service



Post Prom Party for all Portage County Students Grades 9-12 Pacelli Cat holic Schools

April 28, 2018

at Rogers Cinema 2725 Church Street, Stevens Point

8 to 11 pm "In the Still of the Night" $10 for single, $18 for couple Faith Arts & Community Center

Door Prizes, Subs, Live DJ, Pizza, Games, Popcorn, Movies A pri l 28, 2018 11:30 p.m. 'ti l 4 a.m.

Coronation will take place at 10 pm. Parents can arrive at 9:45 p.m.

$5 at the door, No Registration Required

At t en t ion Ju n ior s

This summer UWSP will be hosting the Wisconsin Business World Summer Program July 15-18. The cost of the program is $50. Click this link for more information or see Mr. Theiss. https://www.wmc.org/programs/business-world You are invited to schedule a Junior Cardinal Conference! This is an exciting opportunity to check in with students as they plan for their future. Some of the topics discussed during this conference are: -Transcript Review & Graduation Requirements -Strength/Interest Areas -Career/Post-Secondary Planning -Testing Information -Making the most of your Senior year Parents are strongly encouraged to attend, but not required. Students can sign up and attend even if parents are unable. Please note if there is not a time that works for you, please call the counseling office at 715.342.2008 to discuss alternative appointments available. http://www.signupgenius.com/go0f0445a5a72fa4fc1-junior

In t er est ed in Su m m er Sch ool? Students planning to take summer school classes must get the class pre-approved before credit will be allowed. Forms are available in both the counseling and main offices.

Don't m iss t h e bu s!

Parents, it's not too early to sign up for busing for the 2018-2019 school year! This is a YEARLY requirement. Follow this link to the Stevens Point Schools website: https://www.pointschools.net/Page/5387

If you do not have computer access or need help, please call 715.345.5477 for assistance.

An y Way You Slice It , You ar e Am azin g Thank you to all families who came out to Polito's Pizza on April 11th to support the fundraising efforts of the Pacelli Catholic Middle School Student Leadership Team!

Let 's Go t o t h e Oper a!

Have you ever wanted to make a difference in a young person's life? If so, Global Outreach, a Catholic student exchange program is the chance in a lifetime. Our students from five countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, and Slovakia, study in U.S. Catholic high schools during their junior year and return to their countries to make a difference in their schools, in the Church, and in their society. We hope that next year we will be able to send students to Pacelli High School again, but this can only happen if host families can be found for the students. Please open the door of your home and heart to a wonderful young person who will not only bring something special to the school, but also to your home. Students arrive in early August 2018 and return around June 15, 2019. Testimonials can be found athttps://globaloutreachprogram.com/. To learn more please contact Barbara TotaBoryczka, Executive Director, at (920) 540-3085 or email at [email protected] or contact Fr. Larry Seidl, Spiritual Director, at (920) 412-0320 or email at [email protected].

Teach er Appr eciat ion Week - Week of M ay 7 "To teach is to touch a life forever." On Tuesday, May 8th we would like to show our teachers and staff at Pacelli Catholic High School how much we appreciate them by having a luncheon in their honor. If you care to donate, please go to the Signup Genius link: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0a4cacac2aa1f85-thank

On Wednesday, April 18th the UWSP Opera Workshop production of SUOR ANGELICA by Puccini will be held in the convent chapel at 1pm. The production will last approximately an hour with a short Q and A afterward. All are welcome to come and enjoy the show. The SUOR ANGELICA is an opera traditionally sung in Italian, "this version is in English"is a one act opera by Giacomo Puccini, about traditional life at the convent. During the opera the nuns discuss their desires. While the Monitor believes that any desire at all is wrong, Sister Genevieve confesses that she wishes to see lambs again because she used to be a shepherdess when she was a girl, and Sister Dolcina wishes for something good to eat. Sister Angelica claims to have no desires, but as soon as she says so, the nuns begin gossiping ? Sister Angelica has lied, because her true desire is to hear from her wealthy, noble family, whom she has not heard from in seven years. Rumors are that she was sent to the convent in punishment. Vit er bo Cor e A five-day summer, residential program for rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students which offers education, reflection, and experience on Catholic Social Teaching themes and principles using St. Francis of Assisi as a model for action. Each day will include; -

Prayer Interaction with leaders in the field Direct service

Viterbo?s residence halls will be home for the week and all meals will be furnished. Students arrive on Sunday late afternoon and depart on Friday afternoon. Space is limited to 30 participants. Cost is $375 which covers room and board for the week. Dates for 2018 have been set: June 10-15, 2018! Registration is now open! Click here to register.

Sen ior Even t s / Year En d Act ivit ies DATE





5/7 - 5/18/18



AP Exams




9:08 am

Last PCHS Mass (Parents and families invited. Students should wear mass day attire.)

Convent, Fr. Charlie



9:10 - 9:40 am

NHS Induction Ceremony

FACC (Modified A Day)



6:30 - 8:30 pm

Baccalaureate Mass (Reception to follow)

St. Bronislava Parish Fr. Ed Shuttleworth



10:00 - 11:00 am

Sr. Jane Epping and Senior Awards Announce Distinguished Alum (Fr Bill Menzel) and limited number of 8th grade scholarships




Approx. 11:30 am

Graduation Practice




Approx 12:15 pm

Senior Picnic (Just for Seniors; sponsored by Home and School and Junior Parents)

Outside the gym lobby



1:00 - 2:30 pm

Graduation Ceremony (Doors open for general seating at noon; Seniors should report to Mr. Schmoll's classroom at 12:15 pm)




10:00 pm - 4:00 am

Project Graduation


Car din al Spor t s

Our wintery conditions are causing headaches for Pacelli's Spring Sports Teams!!