Avenue, Dublin, and called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Council President Jeffrey Sharer. The Pledge. of Allegiance was reci
MINUTES OF DUBLIN BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, MAY 27, 2014 CALL TO ORDER: The May 27, 2014 Council Meeting was held in Borough Hall at 119 Maple Avenue, Dublin, and called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Council President Jeffrey Sharer. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Mayor: Chris Hayes Council: John Munley Robert Pavlek * Jeffrey Sharer Matthew Mayes
Jamie Priester Brent Smith * Gary Mast
APPOINTED OFFICIALS Borough Manager: Borough Solicitor: Borough Engineer: Police Chief Fire Chief * Not present
William Wert Michael Kracht, Esq. Thomas F. Zarko, P.E. Brian Lehman * Kevin Nugent * **late arrival
VISITORS REGISTERED: Florence Rodgers - 114 South Main Street, Carol Shultz – 100 North Main Street, Frank Knisely – Dairy Queen, Dan Rymdeika – 114 Deep Run Road, Bob McClain – 141 Olde Pilgrim Road, Phil Meyers – 126 North Main Street. COMMUNITY COMMENTS: – Mr. Meyers inquired how many meetings can a member of Council miss before being removed. Michael Kracht responded that the Penna. Borough Code has procedures in place that state a Council can be removed for missing two (2) meeting with cause. Other than that, it’s the discretion of Council. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – APRIL 28, 2014: After some discussion, ON A MOTION by Mathew Mayes, seconded by Gary Mast, all present voted in favor to approve the minutes of the April 28, 2014 Council Meeting. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – MAY 12, 2014: After some discussion, ON A MOTION by John Munley, seconded by Jamie Priester, all present voted in favor to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2014 Council Meeting. Motion carried 5-0. MAY 22, 2014 BILLS LIST: After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Gary Mast, seconded by John Munley, all present voted in favor to approve the Bill List of the May22, 2014. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS: a) Dublin Borough Revitalization & Visioning Plan Update: i) Resolution 2014-05 - DVRPC TCDI Grant Application - May 30, 2014 application - Mr. Wert provided for Council’s consideration Resolution 2014-05 which authorizes the participation in the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s Transportation & Community Development Initiative (TCDI) Grant Program. The grant application is to seek funding for components of the Revitalization & Visioning Plan to include the: Zoning Ordinance Revisions to Historic Area, Town Center Area; a parking study for on-street parking and public parking, new Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance to implement form based zoning standards; and develop a schematic design with cost estimate for the relief road identified in the Borough’s Comprehensive Plan. The maximum grant amount is $100,000.00 with a twenty-
May 27, 2014
percent (20%) Borough match for a total project cost of $120,000.00. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by John Munley, seconded by Mathew Mayes, members Munley, Mayes and Priester voted in favor to approve the Resolution 2014-05 authorizing submittal of a TCDI Grant application to include the: Zoning Ordinance Revisions to Historic Area, Town Center Area; a parking study for on-street parking and public parking, new Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance to implement form based zoning standards; and develop a schematic design with cost estimate for the relief road identified in the Borough’s Comprehensive Plan. Members Mast and Sharer voted nay. Motion carried 3-2. ii)
Historic District Public Meeting Briefing: Mayor Hayes provided Council with a briefing of the public meeting held on May 19, 2014 at the Dublin Firehouse regarding the proposed historic district. Mr. Hayes thanked the Fire Company for hosting the event and all those for attending and providing input and feedback. There were nearly 100 attendees. The meeting was an opportunity to learn about the proposal, voice their concerns or support of the proposal. Included in the Council meeting packets Mr. Hayes provided a copy of the thank you letter along with a summary question and answer sheet which compiles all of the written questions received at the meeting. Michael Kracht commented that he appreciated the Q&A sheet but suggested it was too long and could be shortened to assist the public. Mr. Hayes agreed and will work with Mr. Wert to provide a one page, two sided document that would be included with the thank you letter and posted on the website. Mr. Mayes complimented Mr. Hayes on how he handled the meeting and questioning. Mrs. Priester asked if procedurally, could a referendum question be put on a ballot to the voters. Mr. Kracht confirmed this is a possibility however Mr. Hayes expressed concerned that it would exclude residents who are not registered voters. Discussion occurred about the next step in the process. Mr. Hayes discussed that having the availability to answer specific questions regarding potential projects and provide details about possible impacts to a property owner within a historic district. Mr. Wert commented that the next step would be to engage the Jeff Marshall from the Heritage Conservancy to complete the inventory, define the suggested district boundaries based on the inventory and begin defining the components of the ordinance. After some discussion, Council agreed to table the discussion until Council’s June 9, 2014 to determine whether or not to engage the Heritage Conservancy.
iii) UPDATE - Multimodal Transportation Fund Program (DCED & PennDOT) Application: Mr. Zarko presented for their consideration a revised project scope to the Multimodal Transportation Fund grant applications. CKS has completed a preliminary cost estimate for the proposed crosswalks at nine (9) locations along Main Street at $245,000.00 and does not include the proposed bike path line markings. The cost is this high due to the proposed twenty-five (25) crosswalks that would require thirty-two (32) ADA ramps at those crosswalk. Mr. Zarko is recommending eliminating lower priority locations and limiting the number of crosswalks at each location to meet the $150,000.00 maximum Council previously authorized. Mr. Zarko is looking for authorization from Council the change the scope of the project. Discussion occurred. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Mathew Mayes, seconded by John Munley, members Sharer, Munley, Mayes and Priester voted in favor to approve 2
May 27, 2014
changing of the scope of the project to reduce the number of crosswalks and ADA ramps to meet the total project cost of $150,000.00. Member Mast voted nay. Motion carried 4-1. b) Dublin Fire Police Request – Chalfont Borough 5K Race, Saturday, June 7, 2014: Mr. Wert presented to Council for their consideration a request for Dublin Fire Police from Chalfont Borough to assist with a 5K Race on June 7, 2014. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Jamie Priester, seconded by Gary Mast, all present voted in favor to approve the request from Chalfont Borough for Dublin Fire Police on June 7, 2014. Motion carried 5-0. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Dublin Day & Art Festival: Mr. Mast provided Council with an update to planning and preparations for this year’s event to be held on June 1, 2014 at the firehouse from 12-noon to 5pm. Mr. Mast announced that the final details are coming together nicely. Total revenue todate is approximately $6,500.00. Mr. Mast is seeking volunteers on Friday and Sunday morning for set up. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Wert reported that the Police Department Motorcycle purchased from Plymouth Township through a community donation has been delivered. Sgt. Kirk and Chief Lehman will be receiving training next week and the bike will be modified to suit the Department’s needs. COMMUNITY COMMENTS: Mr. Bob McClain asked about the status of a shed permit. Mr. Wert responded by stating that he has been working with the solicitor regarding the sanitary sewer easement that traverses Mr. McClain’s rear property line to determine if the existing shed can be replaced. Mr. Wert will be in contact with Mr. McClain once a determination has been made. COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL: Mr. Mast asked about when the work for phase two of the Supplee Park will begin. Mr. Zarko responded that the work will be bid out in early fall in order to secure the pricing for 2015 construction. Discussion occurred. ADJOURNMENT: ON A MOTION by John Munley, Mr. Sharer declared the meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Date Approved: ____________
_____________________________________ William Wert, Manager/Secretary/Treasurer