Page 1 of 3. Last Day of MCAE Fall 2014 Tutoring is Wednesday 12-10-14. MCAE Instructional Center: Walk-In Tutoring Hour
Last Day of MCAE Fall 2014 Tutoring is Wednesday 12-10-14 MCAE Instructional Center: Walk-In T ut or i n g H o ur s Fall 2014 Appleby Hall (ApH): Rooms 029, 149, 151, 322 Updated 12-9-14
Mo nday
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T hu rs da y
Morgan Anderson Math to Calculus 1; Biochemistry to BIOC 4331 (Structure/Catalysis/ Metabolism ) [Major = Biochemistry] (Rm 151)
Blaise Beavogui Pre-Calculus to Math 5XXX [major = Math] (Rm 151)
Cara Desmond
9-11am (ApH 27A)
Writing (ApH 027A)
4-6pm (ApH 27A)
Dinh Do Pre-Calculus to MATH 2263 (Multivariable Calculus); Intro Physics to PHYS 2311 (Modern Physics), Intro C/C++ Programming [major = Electrical Engineering] (Rm 151)
VanDon Duong Pre-Calculus to Math 4XXX, Intro Chemistry to Organic Chemistry I & II, General Biology, Intro Physics to PHYS 2XXX, Microeconomics [majors = Physics/Biomed Engineering; minors = Math/Chemistry) (Rm 151)
Prosperity Eneh Pre-Calculus to Calculus 1, Intro Statistics, Intro Biology to BIOL 4003 (Molecular Biology); General Microbiology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Intro Chemistry to CHEM 2302 (Organic Chemistry 2) [major = Pharmacy] (Rm 151)
Vanessa Goodthunder 11am-1pm (ApH 322)
Dakota Language (ApH 322)
2-4pm (ApH 322)
11am-1pm (ApH 322)
Hussein A. Hussein Intro Astronomy, Pre-Calculus through Calculus 2, Intro Physics [major = Computer Science / Math] (Rm 151)
This schedule is available online: For questions about this schedule please contact us Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence (MCAE) Instructional Center University of Minnesota 128 Pleasant Street SE (140 Appleby Hall) Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 624-5493
[email protected]
Fr id ay
Last Day of MCAE Fall 2014 Tutoring is Wednesday 12-10-14 MCAE Instructional Center: Walk-In T ut or i n g H o ur s Fall 2014 Appleby Hall (ApH): Rooms 029, 149, 151, 322 Updated 12-9-14
Mo nday
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Alexandra Johnson 3:30-4:30pm (ApH 322)
Ojibwe Language (ApH 322)
3:30-4:30pm (ApH 322)
Linda Kerandi Intro Chemistry to CHEM 2302 (Organic Chemistry 2), Intro Biology, Intro Statistics, Math to Calculus 1 [major = Biochemistry /African American Studies] (Rm 151)
Eileen Lee Intro Psychology, General Biology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Statistics to STAT 3021, ECON 1101 (Microeconomics) [ major = Kinesiology/Public Health] (Rm 151)
Jiawei Li Intro Biology, Intro Chemistry to CHEM 2301 (Organic Chemistry) [major= /Biochemistry] (Rm 151)
Sarah Lucas Intro Biology, Pre-Calculus to MATH 1031 (College Algebra and Probability), Intro Chemistry to CHEM 1062 (Chemical Principles), Intro Psychology [major: Genetics/Cell Biology] (Rm 151)
Ian MacDonald Pre-Calculus to Calculus 1 & 2; Intro Physics to Physics 2601 (Quantum Physics), Intro C/C++ Programming [major = Physics] (Rm 151)
Cassandra Manungo Pre-calculus to Math 1272 (Calculus 2), Chemistry to CHEM 2302 (Organic Chemistry 2) [major = Chemical Engineering] (Rm 151)
This schedule is available online: For questions about this schedule please contact us Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence (MCAE) Instructional Center University of Minnesota 128 Pleasant Street SE (140 Appleby Hall) Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 624-5493
[email protected]
Fr id ay
Last Day of MCAE Fall 2014 Tutoring is Wednesday 12-10-14 MCAE Instructional Center: Walk-In T ut or i n g H o ur s Fall 2014 Appleby Hall (ApH): Rooms 029, 149, 151, 322 Updated 12-9-14
Lydia Negussie Writing (Rm 027A & STSS 530-A)
Mo nday
(ApH 027)
(ApH 027)
(ApH 027)
Hayley Olson
We d n es da y
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12-2pm (ApH 322)
Ojibwe Language (ApH 322)
Jenna Ryynanen Spanish to SPAN 3015 Kaka Siu Pre-Calculus to Calculus 1 & 2; Statistics to STAT 3xxx [major = Math, minor=Statistics] (Rm 151)
Jon Swan Human Physiology, Organic Chemistry 1 & 2, Biochemistry, Nutrition [major = Nutrition] (Rm 151)
Jennifer Vang Intro Biology to BIOL 4003 (Genetics), Biochemistry, Intro Chemistry to CHEM 2302 (Organic Chemistry 2), Intro Statistics [major = Biology] (Rm 151)
Bernardo Villalba Cahue Intro Math to Math 3XXX; Intro Comp Science to Java; Intro Physics to PHYS 2503 (Modern Physics) [major = Math/Computer Science]
Samir Zahar Pre-Calculus to Math 5XXX; Microeconomics/Applied Microeconomics; Accounting [major = Math, Actuarial Science] (Rm 151)
Amanuel Zewdie Physics 1 & 2, Intro Chemistry to Organic Chemistry 2, Intro Microeconomics, Intro Physiology, Intro Biology to BIOL 4004, Pre-Calculus & Calculus 1 [major = Biochemistry] (Rm 151 )
This schedule is available online: For questions about this schedule please contact us Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence (MCAE) Instructional Center University of Minnesota 128 Pleasant Street SE (140 Appleby Hall) Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 624-5493
[email protected]
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