06--MCAE Fall Tutors Schedule 2014.pdf - Google Drive

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Page 1 of 3. Last Day of MCAE Fall 2014 Tutoring is Wednesday 12-10-14. MCAE Instructional Center: Walk-In Tutoring Hour
Last Day of MCAE Fall 2014 Tutoring is Wednesday 12-10-14 MCAE Instructional Center: Walk-In T ut or i n g H o ur s Fall 2014 Appleby Hall (ApH): Rooms 029, 149, 151, 322 Updated 12-9-14

Mo nday


We d n es da y

T hu rs da y

Morgan Anderson Math to Calculus 1; Biochemistry to BIOC 4331 (Structure/Catalysis/ Metabolism ) [Major = Biochemistry] (Rm 151)


Blaise Beavogui Pre-Calculus to Math 5XXX [major = Math] (Rm 151)


Cara Desmond

9-11am (ApH 27A)

Writing (ApH 027A)

4-6pm (ApH 27A)

Dinh Do Pre-Calculus to MATH 2263 (Multivariable Calculus); Intro Physics to PHYS 2311 (Modern Physics), Intro C/C++ Programming [major = Electrical Engineering] (Rm 151)



VanDon Duong Pre-Calculus to Math 4XXX, Intro Chemistry to Organic Chemistry I & II, General Biology, Intro Physics to PHYS 2XXX, Microeconomics [majors = Physics/Biomed Engineering; minors = Math/Chemistry) (Rm 151)


Prosperity Eneh Pre-Calculus to Calculus 1, Intro Statistics, Intro Biology to BIOL 4003 (Molecular Biology); General Microbiology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Intro Chemistry to CHEM 2302 (Organic Chemistry 2) [major = Pharmacy] (Rm 151)


Vanessa Goodthunder 11am-1pm (ApH 322)

Dakota Language (ApH 322)

2-4pm (ApH 322)

11am-1pm (ApH 322)

Hussein A. Hussein Intro Astronomy, Pre-Calculus through Calculus 2, Intro Physics [major = Computer Science / Math] (Rm 151)

This schedule is available online: https://diversity.umn.edu/multicultural/instructionalcenter For questions about this schedule please contact us Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence (MCAE) Instructional Center University of Minnesota 128 Pleasant Street SE (140 Appleby Hall) Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 624-5493 [email protected]

Fr id ay

Last Day of MCAE Fall 2014 Tutoring is Wednesday 12-10-14 MCAE Instructional Center: Walk-In T ut or i n g H o ur s Fall 2014 Appleby Hall (ApH): Rooms 029, 149, 151, 322 Updated 12-9-14

Mo nday


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T hu rs da y

Alexandra Johnson 3:30-4:30pm (ApH 322)

Ojibwe Language (ApH 322)

3:30-4:30pm (ApH 322)

Linda Kerandi Intro Chemistry to CHEM 2302 (Organic Chemistry 2), Intro Biology, Intro Statistics, Math to Calculus 1 [major = Biochemistry /African American Studies] (Rm 151)


Eileen Lee Intro Psychology, General Biology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Statistics to STAT 3021, ECON 1101 (Microeconomics) [ major = Kinesiology/Public Health] (Rm 151)


Jiawei Li Intro Biology, Intro Chemistry to CHEM 2301 (Organic Chemistry) [major= /Biochemistry] (Rm 151)



Sarah Lucas Intro Biology, Pre-Calculus to MATH 1031 (College Algebra and Probability), Intro Chemistry to CHEM 1062 (Chemical Principles), Intro Psychology [major: Genetics/Cell Biology] (Rm 151)

Ian MacDonald Pre-Calculus to Calculus 1 & 2; Intro Physics to Physics 2601 (Quantum Physics), Intro C/C++ Programming [major = Physics] (Rm 151)

Cassandra Manungo Pre-calculus to Math 1272 (Calculus 2), Chemistry to CHEM 2302 (Organic Chemistry 2) [major = Chemical Engineering] (Rm 151)







This schedule is available online: https://diversity.umn.edu/multicultural/instructionalcenter For questions about this schedule please contact us Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence (MCAE) Instructional Center University of Minnesota 128 Pleasant Street SE (140 Appleby Hall) Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 624-5493 [email protected]

Fr id ay

Last Day of MCAE Fall 2014 Tutoring is Wednesday 12-10-14 MCAE Instructional Center: Walk-In T ut or i n g H o ur s Fall 2014 Appleby Hall (ApH): Rooms 029, 149, 151, 322 Updated 12-9-14

Lydia Negussie Writing (Rm 027A & STSS 530-A)

Mo nday





(ApH 027)

(ApH 027)

(ApH 027)

Hayley Olson

We d n es da y

T hu rs da y

12-2pm (ApH 322)

Ojibwe Language (ApH 322)

Jenna Ryynanen Spanish to SPAN 3015 Kaka Siu Pre-Calculus to Calculus 1 & 2; Statistics to STAT 3xxx [major = Math, minor=Statistics] (Rm 151)


Jon Swan Human Physiology, Organic Chemistry 1 & 2, Biochemistry, Nutrition [major = Nutrition] (Rm 151)


Jennifer Vang Intro Biology to BIOL 4003 (Genetics), Biochemistry, Intro Chemistry to CHEM 2302 (Organic Chemistry 2), Intro Statistics [major = Biology] (Rm 151)


Bernardo Villalba Cahue Intro Math to Math 3XXX; Intro Comp Science to Java; Intro Physics to PHYS 2503 (Modern Physics) [major = Math/Computer Science]

Samir Zahar Pre-Calculus to Math 5XXX; Microeconomics/Applied Microeconomics; Accounting [major = Math, Actuarial Science] (Rm 151)


Amanuel Zewdie Physics 1 & 2, Intro Chemistry to Organic Chemistry 2, Intro Microeconomics, Intro Physiology, Intro Biology to BIOL 4004, Pre-Calculus & Calculus 1 [major = Biochemistry] (Rm 151 )


This schedule is available online: https://diversity.umn.edu/multicultural/instructionalcenter For questions about this schedule please contact us Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence (MCAE) Instructional Center University of Minnesota 128 Pleasant Street SE (140 Appleby Hall) Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 624-5493 [email protected]

Fr id ay