Matthew Mayes ... 100 North Main Street, Frank Knisely - Dublin Dairy Queen, Kenny Buchanan â 117 North .... 060914 -
MINUTES OF DUBLIN BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014 CALL TO ORDER: The June 9, 2014 Council Meeting was held in Borough Hall at 119 Maple Avenue, Dublin, and called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Council President Jeffrey Sharer. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Mayor: Chris Hayes Council: John Munley Robert Pavlek Jeffrey Sharer Matthew Mayes APPOINTED OFFICIALS Borough Manager: Borough Solicitor: Borough Engineer: Police Chief Fire Chief * Not present
Jamie Priester Brent Smith * Gary Mast
William Wert Michael Kracht, Esq. Thomas F. Zarko, P.E. * Brian Lehman Kevin Nugent * **late arrival
VISITORS REGISTERED: Florence Rodgers - 114 South Main Street, Carol & Rod Shultz – 100 North Main Street, Frank Knisely - Dublin Dairy Queen, Kenny Buchanan – 117 North Main Street, and Jo Hohenwarter – 100 North Main Street. Phil Meyers – Dublin Fire Company President. COMMUNITY COMMENTS: – Florence Rodgers thanked Gary Mast for his efforts on coordinating Dublin Day & Art Festival. Jeffrey Sharer seconded the comment. Mr. Mast thanked Florence and commented that there were many individuals on the team that help pull it together. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – May 27, 2014: After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Gary Mast, seconded by John Munley, all present voted in favor to approve the meeting meetings of May 27, 2014. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. JUNE 6, 2014 BILLS LIST: Mr. Wert presented to Council for approval the current bills list. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Robert Pavlek, seconded by Jamie Priester, all present voted in favor to approve the Bill List of the June 6, 2014. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. BOROUGH OFFICIALS REPORTS 1. Dublin Fire Company: Phil Meyers presented to Council a written report for Dublin Fire Company for month May. Gary Mast thanked Phil and the Dublin Fire Company for hosting this year’s Community Day on the Fire Company grounds that helped make the event success.
June 9, 2014
Mr. Mayes asked how the carnival preparations were preceding and asked if there was any consideration in combining the carnival with community day. Mr. Meyers stated that Chief Nugent handles the carnival and was not at liberty to comment. 2. Mayor: Mr. Hayes thanked everyone involved with the successful Community Day. By all accounts the event was well run and the layout was very good. 3. Borough Manager: Mr. Wert presented some highlights from his written report as follows: a. Per Capita Tax bills: The Borough was notified by Berkheimer that the 2014 Per Capita Tax bills were inadvertently delivered to the Lehigh Valley Post Office on May 27th, instead of June 27th as intended. Due to this error the forms are now on their way to the taxpayers of the borough. The early mailing does not affect the due date(s) of the payment, just the mailed on date (reads July 1, 2014). The due date for a payment at discount reads 09/03/14, base due on of before 11/03/14 and penalty after 11/03/14. b. PMRS Pension Audit: The Penna. Dept. of the Auditor General has begun its three year audit of the Borough’s Uniform & Non-Uniform Pension Plans. It is anticipated to be completed by the end of the month. c. Permits: Mr. referenced the number of permit applications being processed. Mr. Sharer asked about the shed permit on 141 Olde Pilgrim Road regarding the existing sanitary sewer easement that exists in the backyard. Mr. Wert responded that the permit was issued with the contingency that should the Borough need to access the easement; the property owner will be required to move the shed at his own expense. Mr. Mast inquired about the new business in the shopping center, Drag-NJuice. Mr. Wert responded that the permit is being reviewed. It is a retail use that sells e-cigarettes and accessories. Mr. Wert will address the new sign that has been installed. 4. Police Chief: Chief Lehman presented a written report for the month of May. Chief Lehman reported that the there has been a spree of recent identity thefts and encouraged residents to monitor their credit card use and accounts. The Department has received the Police motorcycle from Plymouth Township. Chief Lehman and Sgt. Kirk have completed the required motorcycle training course. The motorcycle will be painted and placed into service in the coming weeks. All officers successfully completed the mandatory, annual firearms training. 5. Borough Engineer: No Report 6. Borough Solicitor: No Report 2
June 9, 2014
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS: 1. Revitalization & Visioning Plan: a. Historic District – Authorization to engage Heritage Conservancy: Mr. Wert presented to Council the proposal from Heritage Conservancy to perform the historic district inventory to identify the boundaries and properties within the boundaries that would be eligible to create a local historic district under the authority of Penna. Act 167. This inventory would be submitted to the Penna. Historic & Museum Commission (PHMC) for approval. If approved by PHMC, Council then could consider drafting an ordinance. The proposal does not require Carter Van Dyke’s services at this time. Once the district is identified and approved by PHMC, Mr. Van Dyke could then draft an ordinance if authorized by Council. It is anticipated that the inventory could take up to six (6) months to complete. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by John Munley, seconded by Gary Mast, all present voted in favor to authorize engaging Heritage Conservancy to perform the historic district inventory to identify the boundaries and properties within the boundaries that would be eligible to create a local historic district under the authority of Penna. Act 167. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. Mr. Wert updated Council on the b. Multimodal Grant Applications: progress of the two grant applications, one through PennDOT and DCED. The project would construct sixteen (16) pedestrian crosswalks at seven (7) locations on Main Street at cost not to exceed $150,000.00. The grants require a thirty percent (30%) match that equates to $45,000.00 contribution from the Borough if awarded. As required as part of the grant applications, Mr. Wert presented for Council’s consideration RESOLTUION 2014-06 authorizing grant application to the Penna. Commonwealth Financing Authority through the Department of Community & Economic Development and RESOLUTION 2014-07 authorizing a grant application to Penna. Department of Transportation. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Mathew Mayes, seconded by John Munley, members Munley, Sharer and Mayes voted to adopt RESOLUTIONS 2014-06 and 2014-07 authorizing the submittal of two (2) separate grant applications for the pedestrian crosswalks project at a total cost of $150,000.00 that has a thirty percent (30%) match that equates to $45,000.00 contribution from the Borough if awarded. Members Mast, Pavlek and Priester voted against the motion. TIE VOTE 3-3. Mayor Hayes broke the tie voting in favor to adopt RESOLUTIONS 2014-06 and 2014-07. MOTION CARRIED 4-3. 2. Rutherford Subdivision: a. RESOLUTION 2014-08 – Denial of Acceptance of Public Improvements: Mr. Kracht presented to Council for their consideration Resolution 201408 formally denying the request from Mr. Rutherford to close the subdivision and land development project at 172-174 Elephant Road. 3
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Mr. Kracht explained to Council that there is still some work to be completed at the site therefore is deemed incomplete. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Gary Mast, seconded by Jamie Priester, all present voted in favor to adopt RESOLUTION 2014-08 – Denial of Acceptance of Public Improvements. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. b. Partial Escrow Release Approval - $4,487,00: Mr. Kracht reviewed the letter prepared by Mr. Zarko whereas Mr. Rutherford has completed some of the required public/site improvement construction at the development site and is recommending partial release of escrow funds in the amount of $4,487.00. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Mathew Mayes, seconded by John Munley, all present voted in favor to a partial escrow release (Release #3) in the amount of $4,487.00. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Community Day: Gary Mast provided Council with a final report of the Community Day Event. Total revenue - $7,334.15, total expenses - $9,786.67. This resulted in using $2,452.52 of the Community Day Fund Balance. The event was great success. Mr. Mast thanked the staff, the Fire Company and all the planning team for their efforts. Mr. Mast also thanked all the business that supported the event as sponsors and participants. Mr. Mast will work with President Sharer and Mayor Hayes to send out thank you letters to all sponsors and business participants. OTHER BUSINESS: None COMMUNITY COMMENTS: None COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL: Mr. Sharer announced that the next Council meeting is July 14, 2014 and that he will not be in attendance. ADJOURNMENT: ON A MOTION by Gary Mast, Mr. Sharer declared the meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm. Respectfully submitted, Date Approved: ____________
_____________________________________ William Wert, Manager/Secretary/Treasurer