08-08-11schoolboardmtg.pdf - Google Drive

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5) Contract Approvals; Sharon Uhl, Para educator Student Specific; Caleb Christensen,. Regular Route Driver; Toni Weber,
ODEBOLT-ARTHUR COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT JOINT BOARD MEETING WITH BCIG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 2011 6:30 P.M. CONFERENC ROOM-ODEBOLT The Odebolt-Arthur (OA) Community School Board of Education met in joint session with the Battle Creek Ida Grove (BCIG) Community School Board of Education on the above date and time. The following members were present: Deb Bengford, Paul Neumann, Traci Bengford, Naomi Lozier, Brad Lundell, Dani Trimble, and Jann Murphy. President Neumann called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. President Neumann read the OA Mission Statement: As an agent of the community and society, the Odebolt-Arthur School’s purpose is to provide an environment where all persons shall develop life skills by learning to learn. A motion was made by T. Bengford, seconded by D. Bengford to approve the agenda with the addition of $1,264.43 to the August Payables. All Ayes. Motion Carried. (5-0) President Neumann welcomed all visitors. A motion was made by D. Bengford, seconded by T. Bengford, to approve the consent agenda, items, which included the following: 1) Minutes; July 11, 2011 Regular Meeting; July 28, 2011 Special Meeting. 2) Current Payables; 3) Financial Reports; 4) Resignations; 5) Contract Approvals; Sharon Uhl, Para educator Student Specific; Caleb Christensen, Regular Route Driver; Toni Weber, Substitute Bus Driver; Dick Bloyer, Substitute Bus Driver; Rudy This, Substitute Bus Driver; Charles Foy, Substitute Bus Driver; Keith Fineran, Substitute Bus Driver; Chris Bender, Substitute Bus Driver; Duane Veit, Substitute Bus Driver; Rick Blum, Substitute Bus Driver; Bret Iversen, Substitute Bus Driver; Steve Walsh, Substitute Bus Driver; Larry Allen, Substitute Bus Driver. 6) Out of State / Overnight Trips; All Ayes. Motion Carried. (5-0) Superintendent Trimble reviewed the Back-to-School Schedule and Curriculum Presentation Schedule. She updated the Boards on the progress of several projects in the districts; High School locker room floors are to be epoxied tomorrow, High School hallways have fresh paint and look great, and Science lab is almost complete. A work session is scheduled for August 29, 2011 with Tim grieves and Troyce Fischer. She concluded by requesting input from the Board on Director Reports and what they would like to see for the following year. The Boards would like to hear reports for Technology, Maintenance, Activities, Nutrition, School Nurse, and Transportation. Pat Miller, OA-BCIG Principal, reported that registration went great, credit recovery went well, and fall sports started today. He concluded by informing the Boards of a class he and Mr. Henderson are taking on accessing rigor. Under Dialog and action items:

A motion was made by T. Bengford, seconded by Lundell to approve the Resolution of Support for O-A & BCIG Reorganization. Roll Call Vote: Brad Lundell-Aye, Deb Bengford-Aye, Naomi Lozier-Aye, Traci Bengford-Aye, and Paul Neumann-Aye. Motion Carried. (5-0) A motion was made by Lozier, seconded by D. Bengford to approve the Title I plan. All Ayes. Motion Carried. (5-0) Other Discussion: The next regular board meeting will be held Monday, September 12, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Office in Ida Grove. A work session will be held Monday, August 29, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Office in Ida Grove. A Motion was made by D. Bengford, seconded by T. Bengford to adjourn the meeting at 7:15p.m. All Ayes. Motion Carried. (5-0).

______________________________ Jann Murphy, Bd. Secretary

_____________________________ Paul Neumann, Bd. President