Page 1 of 5. Pacelli Catholic. High School. (Grades 9-12). 1301Maria Drive. Stevens Point, WI 54481. P: 715.341.2442. Mr
Pacelli Cat holic High School (Grades 9-12)
August & First Week of School 1301 Maria Drive Stevens Point, W I 54481 P: 715.341.2442
Mr. Lawrence Theiss Principal
Au gu st 24
[email protected]
Personal Responsibility Creativity Service Respect
9a Freshmen FIrst Day Orientation in FACC
6:30p - Ice Cream Social
7p - Incoming Student Parent Meeting
Lu n ch M en u & Daily Bell Sch edu le Click here for the LUNCH MENU or the DAILY BELL SCHEDULE
Pacelli Catholic Schools is an environment that fosters the unique gifts of each student to grow as disciples of the faith and leaders for the world.
Academic Excellence
7:30a Jr/Sr Leaders report to FACC
Fir st Day of Sch ool!
4p - CC @ Iola-Scandinavia HS
4p - Girls Tennis @ WR Lincoln HS
Wed, Au gu st 30 "A" Day Th u r s, Au gu st 31 "A" Day 4:30p - Soccer @ PCYS Fields
Fr iday, Sept em ber 1 " E" Day
Catholic Discipleship
Continuing a tradition of inspiring the individual best from every student through a Christ-centered drive for excellence in academics, athletics, and arts.
PCS Core Values
First day of Teacher In-Service
Tu esday, Au gu st 29 "A" Day
(Scroll to the bottom of the homepage to see the calendar.)
9:08a - Mass @ Convent
7p - Football @ Manawa HS
Sat ., Sept em ber 2 -
9:30a - CC @ Wildwood Park
M on day, Sept em ber 4 NO SCHOOL Labor Day!
The above athletic dates reflect only varsity competitions due to space limitations and are subject to change. For complete up to date athletic schedules including JV and Freshman games click here. If you have any other athletic questions contact the athletic department at 715.341.2018 or
[email protected] or 715.341.2442 or
[email protected].
Im por t an t t im es f or Fr esh m an / New St u den t s & t h eir f am ilies On Thursday, August 24 we are having 3 events for out Freshman/New Students & their parents. -
Pacelli Cat holic Schools
Freshmen/New Student Orientation from 9:00a - 12:00p. There will be volunteer leaders from the Junior and Senior classes at Pacelli to help our new High School Cardinals. The orientation is focused on helping your son/daughter have a successful transition into Pacelli Catholic High School. There will also be an Ice Cream Social for Freshman, New Students & families at 6:30p pm on the front lawn.
We will then have the New Parent Orientation Meeting that will follow from 7pm - 8 pm in the FACC.
Sch ool Su pply In f or m at ion Each year students & parents wonder about a supply list. High school courses tend to be taught by different teachers and each teacher has specific supply requirements. For supplies have your student come with some of the basics: -
pencils pens loose leaf folders notebooks
On the first day of school, August 29, the high school teachers will tell students if there are any specific supplies they will need for the course.
St u den t / Par en t Ch r om ebook Agr eem en t Please review the following policies regarding technology at Pacelli Catholic High School. It is important that both the student and parent/guardian are aware of the responsible use of technology, and the consequences and fees associated with misuse, abuse, and neglect. The last page of the Chromebook Care & Use Policy Guide must be filled out completely and returned to the Technology Office, Room 236, before students can receive their Chromebook. Please contact Mr. Bushman,
[email protected], with any questions. Technology Acceptable Use Policy ( & Chromebook Care & Use Policy Guide (
St u den t / Par en t Han dbook Agr eem en t The 2017-2018 Student/Parent Handbook is posted on the Pacelli Catholic High School website at: The forms are at the End of the handbook. Please return the Acknowledgement & Consent form to the PCHS office by Th u r sday, Sept em ber 7t h .
Fr ee & Redu ced Lu n ch Applicat ion s
Par k in g In f or m at ion
Our food service program is constantly looking for ways to improve how they better serve you. One of the most important strategies includes the use of the Internet. The Pacelli Catholic Schools webpage includes everything from the lunch menus, meal prices and accessing your family?s lunch account. Click here! NOTE: We ar e in t h e pr ocess of get t in g f r ee an d r edu ced applicat ion s set u p on Sk yw ar d an d w ill let you k n ow w h en t h at is u p an d r u n n in g. Th an k you f or you r pat ien ce! All parents are encouraged to fill out a free and reduced application once we get it up and running. Families who qualify economically should apply for this cost saving benefit. As a reminder, all information filled out is confidential.
Annual cost to buy a parking permit to park in HS Lot is $100. Each vehicle that is parked in the lot must have a parking permit displayed. If family members carpool and only park one vehicle at a time in the HS lot, they can register multiple vehicles to a single permit. If they drive multiple vehicles to school on a single day, each vehicle must have a parking permit displayed. Families can begin purchasing parking permits in middle to late August. The lower lot, closest to the practice fields, gym and garage, will be reserved for student parking. The upper lot, located on the east side of the school, will be reserved for staff and visitors.
If you need any help filling out your application, please call the PCS Food Service Coordinator, Carolyn Orlowski at 715-342-2442 or email at
[email protected] If you have any other questions or concerns regarding food service, please feel free to call at any time. We are always here ready to help! M eal Pr ices f or 2017-18 f or Gr ades 9-12 Lunch $3.05, Extra Milk $.40, Reduced Lunch $.40, Alacarte $1.60
Sch ool Clot h es Sh oppin g As a Catholic School system, PACELLI CATHOLIC SCHOOLS promotes the virtues of modesty and self-respect. Student dress and personal grooming not only demonstrate respect for ourselves and others but also reflect the seriousness with which children and young people approach all their efforts as students. With a goal of promoting a genuine Christian learning environment, the PCS Commission has established the dress code that will govern student dress in all PCS. Please follow this link for the details of the dress code .
We will not be assigning parking spaces to anyone. Parking in the lot will be first-come, first-served. The only distinction will be that students need to be parking in the lower lot. To get the 2017-2018 PCHS Student Vehicle Registration for Parking please follow this link or stop in the PCHS office. Please read over the Important Parking Rules! We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of these new procedures. The parking lot will be checked frequently by Pacelli Catholic Schools Staff and issued tickets. Violators will be issued tickets that can be paid to Pacelli Catholic Schools Central Office. The First Violation: $10, Second Violation: $20, Third and Subsequent Violations: $50 & possible fine from the City along with being towed. Unpaid tickets issued by PCS will be added to your family fees.
Open Cam pu s Rem in der During school hours, the student is the responsibility of the school. A student is to remain on campus from 7:40 until the end of the school day ? generally 2:50PM. Leaving the building/campus without permission will result in an unexcused absence or detention. Please note that even when the parent excuses a student, the school reserves the right to count the absence as unexcused. The Sen ior s at Pacelli Catholic High School are allowed to go off campus for lunch if they are in academic good standing and have a written permission form from their parent. This privilege is NOT f or u n der classm en and a note from their parent does not excuse them. You can stop by the office to get the form or here is a link for the form
Cou n selin g New s -
Schedules- Schedules for 2017-2018 will be released during the first week of August. Once again we will be setting up appointment times for students to discuss their schedule questions in early August. Watch your emails for a link to Sign-Up Genius and for more details about scheduling. If you have a schedule change request, please wait for the Sign-Up Genius email to schedule a time in August.
Transcripts- Reminder: As you begin applying for colleges, we will be using Naviance to request and send transcripts. We can teach students in September or if they attend an Essay Workshop.
Essay Workshops- We invite all seniors to join us for a workshop to help prepare college applications. We will answer general questions about the application process and help you get started with the essays some colleges require. We will also discuss recommendation letters. While not required, we highly recommend you have some specific colleges in mind. Please mark your calendar to meet with us on one of the following days if you are interested in this opportunity. The meeting is on Thursday, August 3rd 1:30-3:30p.m. Please email Kim Auer if you plan on attending.
For any questions contact Mrs. Shafranski at
[email protected] or Mrs, Auer at
[email protected]. You can call the Student Services/Counseling Office (715)342-2008
Involvement Hours Pacelli Catholic High School students should begin logging their 15 involvement hours starting right now. It is a great advantage to complete the hours before the start of school. The involvement hours may be composed of community, parish or school activities. This will be a graduation requirement that PCHS students complete 15 hours per school year (total of 60 hours over four years). Adjustments will be made for students transferring to Pacelli. Activities that are required for class do not count towards involvement. For more information about Involvement Hours, click the link:
Ou r Fir st M ass of t h e Sch ool Year ! We look forward to you joining us for our first Mass of the 2017-18 school year. It will be on Friday, Sept 1, in the Convent Chapel at 9:08. There is not a better way to start off a faith filled school year. Please remember the dress code: Mass Day attire: Boys should wear long pants (no shorts), shirt or sweater. Ties are optional. Girls should wear dress slacks, skirts or dresses of modest length. Blouses and/or tops of dresses should not be low cut, have bare shoulders or spaghetti straps.
Hom ecom in g 2017 Sept em ber 17 - 23 Here?s a quick overview of the 2017 Homecoming Festivities. More details will be planned by the Junior/Senior Leadership Team when they meet in late July. We will include those details in our August CWUs. General Theme: Stars, Galaxy/Star Wars Sunday, September 17 Class Hallway Decorating Monday, September 18 - Dress Up Day (theme to be determined) Tuesday, September 19 - Power Buff Game Day Wednesday, September 20 - Powder Puff Game Day Thursday, September 21 - Homecoming Mass at Convent Chapel Friday, September 22 - Homecoming Pep Assembly, Homecoming Parade, and Football Game Saturday, September 23 - Homecoming Dance
Pacelli Cat h olic High Sch ool Of f ice Hou r s The High School will be going back to their regular hours M-Th 7:00a to 3:30p and Fri 7-3p starting Monday, August 7.
Par k in g ar ou n d PCHS du r in g t h e su m m er Thank you all for your ongoing patience as the city continues to rebuild Prentice Street. The city contractors have recently finished with most of the underground work and are starting to do the final grading. The intersection at Maria and Prentice should be open by Monday, August 14. After which they will begin pouring the curb, gutters, sidewalks, and driveway aprons. The city is hoping to have one of Pacelli?s parking lot aprons open by August 29. Unfortunately, this is a week late for us. As we begin our back-to-school activities (inservices, orientation, etc.), teachers, staff & students are asked to park on North Prentice, Maria Drive, and Vincent Street. The city has assured me that the intersection of Maria and Prentice will be safe to cross. The city is planning on having everything finished in early September before Panacea. Again, thank you for your patience. We look forward to seeing many of you in the next few weeks.
Pacelli Com m u n it y Gar den The Pacelli Community Garden is growing nicely! Anyone interested in volunteering may join in the fun on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6 pm. In the event of rain, the work will be postponed until Saturday morning at 9 am. For more information, contact Michelle Shulfer at 715-592-4477 (h) or 715-600-4145 (cell).
Rem in der At h let es In order to be eligible to play sports this fall the athletes need the following forms turned in: - Physical or Alternate Card - Concussion Form - Emergency Form - Handbook Sign Off Form All these forms can be found on the Pacelli Website under Athletics or follow this link Athletic Forms
Car din al Spor t s Fall season h as st ar t ed: The Cardinals Fall Season officially started on Tuesday, August 1st as football had their first practice. The other sports which includes Volleyball, Soccer, Girls Tennis and Cross Country will be starting as follows: -
Cr oss Cou n t r y will start practicing on Monday, August 14th at 6pm at Pacelli. Their first meet is on Tuesday, August 29th 4:00 at Iola.
Gir ls Ten n is Their first meet is on Tuesday, August 15th when they travel to Fox Valley Lutheran for a 4:00 match.
Volleyball begins their 2017 season with their first practice on Monday, August 14th with conditioning from 7:00-8:00 am and practice from 5:30-8:30 pm at Pacelli. A parent meeting will be at 5:30 pm on the 14th. Their first game is on Tuesday, August 22nd when they will travel to Oshkosh to compete in the Chaos at the Kolf Classic Tournament, starting at 2:30 pm.
The Soccer Team?s first practice will also be on Monday, August 14th from 8-10am at the UWSP Track. Their first game is on Tuesday, August 22nd when they travel to St. Mary?s Catholic for a 5:00 pm game.
PE Waiver s If you are playing a sport and want to use it as one of your two sports seasons required to earn a PE credit, the PE waiver form needs to be submitted to the counseling office before the season begins. Both sports seasons must be completed before the end of your junior year. To get a copy of the form, please click on the link below. If you have any questions, please stop in the counseling office. Athletic Forms - PE Waiver is the last on the list
Pan acea 2017 Pacelli 2017 Bask et Raf f le Yes, you did read correctly! We haven?t ended school and we?re talking PANACEA. Why? It is less hectic for staff and families when donations have been requested in advance. This year we are blending a bit of old and new ideas for the fantastic baskets. Each school, Pacelli, PCM S, Sain t St eph en?s an d Sain t Br on islava will be responsible for cr eat in g 4 bask et s (a t ot al of 16 bask et s f or t h e syst em ). Baskets will be displayed outside the gym (Silent Auction area). Eight of these baskets will be raffled on Saturday and the other 8 on Sunday. All baskets will be displayed on Friday night but tickets cannot be purchased until Saturday or Sunday.
WIN M E! Follow t h e lin k below t o h ave a ch an ce at w in n in g t h is beau t if u l t r u ck an d f or m or e in f or m at ion ! h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2u IW7Y7
Wh y ar e t h e bask et s bein g r af f led t h is w ay???? Wisconsin Law prohibits selling a universal raffle ticket (6 tickets for 5, put in any basket) for multiple day raffles. Implementation of this law significantly changed how the basket raffle was organized last year which created confusion and decreased sales. Hopefully bringing back a larger number of baskets, auctioned on specific days following state law will yield better sales and less confusion. * * Please follow this link for more information and to get the Basket Raffle form. Here are the baskets we would like donations for from PCHS. Pacelli Cat h olic High Sch ool Bask et s: -
Driver ?s Education ~ Gas Cards, Oil Change Coupons, $ Summer Vacation ~ $$ (purchase room at Grand Geneva or another hotel that gives us B1G1) School Spirit ~ $$ for sportswear Spring Break ~ $$
PCHS Gr adu at in g Class of 2017: -
?Off To College? Basket ~ Monetary Donation
With Kind Regards, The Basket Raffle Committee Bonnie Baumann (
[email protected]), Heidi Stolt (
[email protected]) and Deb Sepeda (
[email protected])