+1 1 Introduction

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ng be an (a;2) system. Put. X = n i=1Ai. We may assume that Bi. X for all i. Otherwise replace each Bi by Bi \X, and note that the resulting family remains an (a;2) ...
A Note on  -Critical Linear Hypergraphs Benny Sudakov 


J.P. Roudne as?wellas R. Aharoni and R. Ziv conjectured that every  -critical linear hypergraph has at most  +1 2 edges. In this note we prove this conjecture for   5, and obtain a nontrivial upper bound for general  .

1 Introduction A linear hypergraph H is an ordered pair H = (V; E ), where V = V (H ) is a nite set of vertices and E = E (H ) is a collection of subsets of V , called edges, such that any pair e1 ; e2 2 E satis es je1 \ e2j  1. A subset T  V is called a cover of H if it intersects every edge of H . The minimum cardinality of a cover is denoted by  (H ), and is called the covering number of H . A hypergraph is called  -critical if omitting any one of its edges reduces its covering number. Several problems in Extremal Set Theory deal with the estimation of the size of  -critical systems of given types (see [2], [3] for various examples). Erd}os, Hajnal and Moon [1] proved that any  ?  critical graph has at most  +1 edges. As a generalization of this result J.P. Roudne [2], as well as R. 2 Aharoni and R.Ziv [3] conjectured that the same estimate holds for any  -critical linear hypergraph. In this note we prove this conjecture for   5. We also show that for any   5 the number of edges in a  -critical linear hypergraph is at most  2 ? 3 + 5. It is worth noting that an easy upper bound for the number of edges in a  -critical linear hypergraph is  2 ?  + 1, as it is not too dicult to see that the maximum degree in each such hypergraph is at most  and there is a set of  ? 1 vertices that covers all the edges except one. But the trivial upper bound proves the conjecture only for  = 2. The usual framework for dealing with  -critical hypergraphs is by the so called set-pair method (see [2], [3] for more details). We start with some de nitions. De nition: A collection S = f(Ai; Bi)j1  i  ng is called an (a; b) system i it satis es the following conditions:

Ai \ Bi = ; for all 1  i  n

Department of Mathematics, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. Email: [email protected]. This research forms part of a Ph.D. thesis, written by the author under the supervision of Professor Noga Alon. Mathematics Subject Classi cation (1991): 05D05, 05D15. 


Ai \ Bj 6= ; for i 6= j jAij = a for 1  i  n and jBi \ Bj j < b for i 6= j: We denote by f (a; b) the maximum possible size of an (a; b) system. From every  -critical linear hypergraph one can construct a ( ? 1; 2) system of the same size as follows. Let H = (V; E ) be a  -critical linear hypergraph. By de nition, for any edge e 2 E one can nd a subset Xe  V such that jXej =  ? 1 and Xe intersects all the edges of H except e. Therefore the family f(Xe ; e)g forms a ( ? 1; 2) system of size jE j. Thus, the conjecture of Roudne , Aharoni and Ziv would follow from the following.

Conjecture 1.1 For all a  0: f (a; 2)  ?a . +2 2

The conjecture of Aharoni and Ziv was initially formulated in this form. They also conjectured that even more is true:

Conjecture 1.2 For all pairs a and b: f (a; b)  ?a b b. +

Note that the bound in Conjecture 1.2 is tight for all pairs a and b as shown by the following example. Let Y be a set of size a + b, then S = f(A; Y n A)j jAj = a; A  Y g forms an (a; b) system of size ?a+b b . Here we prove the following theorem.

Theorem 1.3 Conjecture 1.1 is true for all a  4. Moreover, for any a  4: f (a; 2)  a ? a + 3. 2

The proof of Theorem 1.3 is given in Section 2. In Section 3 we show how to apply this result and derive a simple upper bound for f (a; b) in general.

2 The Proof of Theorem 1.3 In this section we prove our main result. Let S = f(Ai ; Bi )j1  i  ng be an (a; 2) system. Put X = [ni=1Ai. We may assume that Bi  X for all i. Otherwise replace each Bi by Bi \ X , and note that the resulting family remains an (a; 2) system. We claim that no family of a + 2 of the sets Bi share a common point. Assume this is false, and renumber these sets as B1; : : :; Ba+2. Suppose +2 Bi. By de nition Aa+2 \ Ba+2 = ;, thus y 62 Aa+2. Therefore Aa+2 \ (Bi n fyg) 6= ; fyg = \ai=1 for all 1  i  a + 1. Since the sets Bi n fy g are pairwise disjoint for i  a + 1, we conclude that jAa+2j  a + 1. This contradiction proves the claim. The following lemma may be interesting in its own right. Lemma 2.1 Let S = f(Ai; Bi)j1  i  ng be an (a; 2) system, which contains a family of a + 1 of the sets Bi with a nonempty intersection. Then

jS j  a + 1 + f (a ? 1; 2): 2

Proof: Suppose B ; : : :; Ba have a nonempty intersection. Let fyg = \ai Bi. Consider the new 1

+1 =1


system S 0 = f(Aj nfy g; Bj )ja +2  j  ng. It is easy to see that y 2 Aj for j  a +2, since otherwise Aj \ (Bi n fyg) 6= ; for 1  i  a + 1. But the sets Bi n fyg are pairwise disjoint for 1  i  a + 1. Hence Aj has size at least a + 1, contradiction. Also y 62 Bj for j  a + 2, since any a + 2 of the sets Bj have an empty intersection. Thus S 0 is an (a ? 1; 2) system, implying that

jS j = a + 1 + jS 0 j  a + 1 + f (a ? 1; 2): 2 Now we can prove Conjecture 1.1 for a  3. Proof: The assertion is trivial for a = 0. Assuming a > 0, let S = f(Ai; Bi)j1  i  ng be an (a; 2) system and suppose a  3. If S contains a family of a +1 of the sets Bi with a nonempty intersection, then we proceed by induction using Lemma 2.1. Otherwise, since A1 \ Bi 6= ; for 2  i  n there is a point in A1 , which is contained in at least n?a 1 of the sets Bi . Thus n?a 1  a. Therefore n  a2 +1. This proves Conjecture 1.1 for a  3: 2 Before proving Theorem 1.3 we need the following additional lemma.

Lemma 2.2 Let S = f(Ai; Bi)j1  i  ng be an (a; 2) system, such that all Ai; 1  i  n are

pairwise disjoint. Then jS j  2a + 1.

Proof: Since all Ai are pairwise disjoint and Bi \ Aj 6= ; for i 6= j , it follows that jBij  n ? 1 for all i. By de nition of an (a; 2) system, jBi \ Bj j  1. Therefore, since Bi  [nj=1 Aj for all i,


n i=1

Aij = an  j [

n i=1

Bi j 

n X i=1

jBij ?

X i i: (3) Let jFa j = a ? t. By our assumptions we have that jFi j  a and Pa1 jFij = a2 ? a + 3: Therefore t  1 and at least t + 2 families, namely F1; : : :; Ft+2 have size a precisely. We give a detailed proof that A(1) 1 \ A1 = ;. The same reasoning can be used to show that all (i) other sets Aj do not intersect A1 . for i  t + 2. Claim 1: xi 62 A(1) 1 (1) Proof: Since x1 2 B1(1), by de nition x1 62 A(1) for some 2  i  t + 2. 1 . Assume, rst, that xi 2 A1 (1) We claim in this case that all xi , 2  i  t + 2, belong to A1 . Without loss of generality assume intersects Bi(j ) for all i. but xj does not for some j > 2. By de nition A(1) that x2 belongs to A(1) 1 1 has also a nonempty intersection with Bi(j ) n fxj g for all i. Since any a + 1 of the sets Bi Then A(1) 1 are disjoint we have that x2 62 Bi(j ) . Note that \i Bi(j ) = fxj g, thus Bi(j ) n fxj g are pairwise disjoint. has size at least a + 1, contradiction. Therefore all xi , 2  i  t + 2, belong to A(1) Therefore A(1) 1 . 1 (1) Since any a + 1 of the sets Bi are disjoint, xj 62 Bi for all i and 2  j  t + 2. By de nition A(1) 1 (1) (1) intersects Bi for i  2. Therefore we conclude that jA1 j  (t + 1) + (a ? 1) = a + t  a + 1, contradiction. Hence no xi , i  t + 2, belongs to A(1) 1 : 2 (1) Claim 2: xk 62 A1 for all k  t + 3. for 1  i  t + 2 we have that Proof: Since xi 62 A(1) 1 (i) A(1) 6 ;; for 1  j  a and for 2  i  t + 2: 1 \ Bj n fxi g = (1) belongs to t + 1 of the sets Bi , one from We also have that jA(1) 1 j = a. Therefore each point in A1 (1) each of the families F2; : : :; Ft+2. Suppose xk belongs to A1 for some k  t + 3. Since Fk is disjoint from Fi for 1  i  t + 2 we conclude that xk belongs to t + 1 + jFk j  t + 1 + a ? t = a + 1 of the sets Bi , contradiction. 2 is disjoint from A1 , since A1 = fx1 ; : : :; xag. Claim 1 together with Claim 2 prove that A(1) 1 (i) Similarly, each Aj is disjoint from A1 . Therefore all the sets Ai are pairwise disjoint. Thus by Lemma 2.2 jS j  2a + 1 < a2 ? a + 4; contradiction. This completes the proof of Theorem 1.3. 2

3 Concluding remarks It is not clear how to adapt our combinatorial method to get a good upper bound for f (a; b) in general. Perhaps some algebraic tools will be useful here. Note however that the following simple 4

observation, together with Theorem 1.3 gives some upper bound for the size of general (a; b) systems.

Proposition 3.1 For all pairs a and b: f (a; b + 1)  af (a; b) + 1. Proof: Let S = f(Ai; Bi)j1  i  ng be an (a; b) system. Suppose that A = fx ; : : :; xag. For 1


every xi consider the family Fi = f(Aj ; Bj )g of pairs in S where fBj g are all the sets Bi which contain the point xi . It is easy to see that f(A(ji); Bj(i) ) nfxigg forms an (a; b ? 1) system. Therefore jFij  f (a; b ? 1). Since S = [ai=1 Fi [ f(A1; B1)g then, (i)

jS j 

a X i=1



jFij + 1  af (a; b ? 1) + 1: 2

Acknowledgement: I am grateful to Noga Alon for his suggestions and comments on an early version of this paper.

References [1] P. Erd}os, A. Hajnal and J. Moon, A problem in graph theory, Amer. Math. Monthly 71 (1964), 1107-1110. [2] Z. Furedi, Matchings and covers in hypergraphs, Graphs and Combinatorics 4 (1988), 115-206. [3] Z. Tuza, Applications of the set-pair method in extremal hypergraph theory, Extremal problems for nite sets, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 3, Budapest, 1994, 479-514.