ed Murder Inc. What arenhe facts? The indict- ments against the various
members of Murder Inc., were found In 1940-. 3 years before Newberg became.
On October 10th., last, some of the Sullivan County newspapers published an article in the form of an editorial entitled "Crime Mustn't Pay", and by implication suggested that the present incumbent in the office of District Attorney smashed Murder Inc. What a r e n h e facts? The indictments against the various members of Murder Inc., were found In 19403 years before Newberg became. District Attorney. j a c k Drucker was arrested, brought back to Sullivan County, and arraigned before New-
berg took office. Tlie bureau of. which the indictment was found in Criminal Investigation had invest- 1940. igated and helped the District AtThe record is as follows: torneys of Sullivan County, Kings 1944 — April term County. Bronx County, and Queens People vs- J a c k D r u c k e r , County break the Murder ring 3 indicted for nxrrcTer in the years before Newberg'' became Disfirst degreor convicted of trict Attorney- The Drucker case murder i n / t h e second dewas handed to Newberg ready to gree, sentenced to 25 years try. to life. 1944 — June term The accomplishments of a prosPeople vs. John James O' ecutor should be judged on his reShauness and John Muncord and not on the record of the ley — jury found defendS t a t e Police, the Bureau of Criminal ants not guilty. Investigation, or the Sheriff's office, or the record of the previous 1944 — November term District Attorney. What is NewPeople vs. Charles Scott — berg's record in the 3 years he has convicted of sodomy. Peobeen District Attorney? ple vs. Peter Rundle — convicted of arson. During the 3 years Newberg has People vs James Jackson been District Attorney, the grand juries of Sullivan County have - - convicted of burglary In found and filed 84 indictments, and third degree. • during t h a t time, he has brought 1915 -— April term to trial a total of 8 cases, one of No cases tried. which was the Drucker case In 1945 — June term People vs. AloniK) Reed — indictment dismissed. 1945 — November term No casese tried. 1946 _ April term People vs. Andrew Stewart — convicted of unlawful entry, a misdeameanor. SO. FOLLSBURG People vs. Atkins — convicted of carnal abuse. 1946 — June term SO. FALLSBURGH No cases tried. Phone 110 What has happened to the pther ' M a t . 3at., Sun. at 2:30 P. M. 76 indictments? How many have [Evenings daily 7:30 - 12:30 P. M. been disposed of by Guilty pleas? Why weren't the others tried? The article refers to safe robbers. Does Newberg take credit for FRIDAY — SATURDAY the arrest of the safe robbers now OCTOBER 25-26 in jail, who were apprehended by the New York City Police? If he does, where are the robbers in the
Only at 2:30 P. M
| Ellen Drew
Bamboo Blonde Langford
SUN. — MON. — TUES. OCTOBER 27-28-29
Marie Wilson
Bud Abbott WED.,
lous Holiday i WITH
Ruth Warrick
Night Editor WITH William Gargan
| Joan Davis —2nd
Jack Hit-
Blithe Spirit Sponsored by Exec. Comm. Fallsburg Democrats SUN. (Only) OCTOBER : Bob Hope, in
The Big Sleep Humphrey
Bogart Lauran
• i i i i i i i i i i
AHe Rosenberg was^gj*£n a bachelor dinner by a group of his Montieello friends at Tuzzeo's on Tuesday night, October 15th., preceeding his wedding to Miss Ida Liff, of'Bethel,'on "'Sunday October 20th. Judging from the picture the party was a great success. A m o n g those attending were Ben Kaplan, Victor Gordon, Samuel Slick, Dr. Lester Lipson, M . Rosenberg, Sol Levinson, Ben Goldstein, Murray Glick, Arthur Pickard, Jules Hocker, Nathan Feinberg, Max" Shapiro, Nathan Teller, Alex Giick, Jack Rubin Max Gersten, Nate Kristt, Carl Goldstein, Dr. Murray Cohn, Daniel Supbn, -Max Potash, Dave Sosen, George Gusar, Ben Graubard, Moe Kaplan, Mai C o h e n , Lou Kolodny, Jack Aks, Morris Turetsky, Raymond Sharoff; Ralph Meyers, Izzy Gelman, and the guest of honor, Abe Rosenberg,
" WASHINGTON — The Agriculture Department today stated the world wheat crop will be the» largesv 1940. Production will probably be about 5,875,000.000 bushels. Last year t h e total was about 700.000.000 bushels less—and much of the world was forced to get alop^ on short rations. • i I I
i • 11 • 11 I I
I 273 B V a y - Montieello PORTRAITS' Phone 685-W
An Experienced and
i t