talking to patients with serious illness ..... be told they can be cured and, if not, to be given certainty ... said there's no need for that we'll cure you so < laugh >.
Department of Haematology and 'Department of Medical Physics, Royal Postgraduate ... This probe was linked via an electronic thermometer to a strip chart.
Six pigeons were trained on two- and three-alternative concurrent schedules in which ... combination with a punishing effect of blackout following changeovers.
Mass vaccination to control chickenpox: The influence of zoster. (population dynamics/infectious diseases/mathematical modeling/varicella/immunization).
underlying regional differences in rates. ... deaths in the first year of life, but Logan (1954) has notedthat .... The latter more frequently attended a hospital or.
trisomy syndrome) in a family together with gonosomal numerical anomalies is ..... one case of XXY-syndrome, and another with X-trisomy in one half sib group.
Murray NMF, Thomas PK. Involvement of ... 2 Thomas PK, Walker RWH, Rudge P, et al. Chronic .... 308:5-6. 2 LaPorte RE, Tull ES, McCarty D. Monitoring.
(B) Ethidium bromide-stained 6% polyacrylamide-7 M urea gel of the same preparations of ..... Guthrie (23) with 5'-end-labeled L15 oligonucleotide (3), which hybridizes to a .... publication; and Shelley Barton, John Blume, Kathy Schaefer, and.
DONALD J. SALMON, JOSEPH J. PEAR, AND BEvERLEY A. KUHN. ST. AMANT ... of the St. Amant Centre, Dr. Carl Stephens, Director of. Psychology of theSt.
Dec 20, 1991 - By comparison with dsDNA based systems, our data suggest thatdGuo-C8-AQO induces. G to Pyr transversions. A mechanism to explain how.
Baltimore, Maryland,. 5 Q USA. ]E Henningï¬eld. G'? ,, A Radzius. =. E] Cone it Correspondence to: Jack E. Henningï¬eld, NIDA. 6* Addiction Research Center,.