Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST, Itanagar Arunachal Pradesh- 791 109 Ph (m)-+91-9402168938
BIPLAB DAS Scopus ID: 37017125400
To pursue a challenging career in Teaching and Research.
Educational Qualification: Degree
Year of completion
Matriculation Diploma in Mech. Engg. B.Tech in Mech. Engg., M.Tech in Mech. Engg., Ph.D
T.B.S.E., Tripura WBSCTE, Kolkata NERIST, Itanagar NIT Silchar NERIST, Itanagar
2000 2003 2006 2008 May 2014 (expected)
Teaching Experience: 1. 22th Dec, 2009 to till date- working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, North Eastern Institute of Science and Technology, Itanagar, India.
2. 18th July, 2008 to 21st Dec, 2009- worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Central Institute of Technology- Kokrajhar, India.
Publications: 1. Biplab Das, Asis Giri, (2014). Mixed convection heat transfer from a vertical fin array in the presence of vortex generator. Communicated 2. Biplab Das, Asis Giri, (2014). Conjugate conduction and convection underneath a downward facing non-isothermal extended surface: A numerical study. Communicated 3. Biplab Das, Asis Giri, (2014). Entropy Generation Analysis from an Array of Vertical Plate-Finned Heat Sink Undergoing Hydrodynamically and Thermally Developing Mixed Convection. Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer- Accepted. 4. Biplab Das, Asis Giri, (2014). Non-Boussinesq Laminar Mixed Convection in a Non-Isothermal Fin Array. Applied Thermal Engg., 63 (1). 447 – 458. doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2013.11.032.
5.Asis Giri and Biplab Das. (2012). A numerical study on entry region laminar mixed convection over shrouded vertical fin arrays. International Journal of Thermal Science (60) 212-224. doi: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2012.05.007 6.Sumita Deb Barma, Biplab Das, Asis Giri, S. Majumder, and P. K. Bose. (2011). Back propagation artificial neural network (BPANN) based performance analysis of diesel engine using biodiesel. AIP Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 3, 013101. pp. 1-12. doi: 10.1063/1.3517229 7. Barma, S.D., Das, B. and Giri, A. (2011). Effect of load level on the performance of a biodiesel run dual fuel CI engine using second law analysis. Published in the proceeding of the
8.Das Biplab, Lingfa, P., Muralidhar, M., and Kathing, C., (2011). Fried Mustard Oil as an alternative fuel. Published in the book, Renewable Energy Technology: Issues and Prospects, Excel India Publishers, ISBN: 93-80697-95-3. pp. 89-92. 9.Das Biplab, and Gupta Rajat, (2008). Performance Study of a Two-Bladed H-Darrieus Rotor with Various H/D ratios. Published in the Proceedings of REA-2008, Renewable Energy and Environment for Sustainable Environment, IIT Delhi, India, December 11-13, ISBN: 978-81-7319-993-6, pp. 572-578. 10. Das Biplab, Deb Barma, S., Deb Barma, Sumita, and Lingfa, P. (2008). Mesua Ferrea Oil: An Environmental Friendly Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engine. Published online for International Conference on Energy Security and Climate Change: Issues, Strategies, and Options (ESCC 2008) at Sofitel Centara Grand, Bangkok, Thailand, August 6-8, 2008. 11. Das Biplab, and Gupta, Rajat, (2008). Comparative Study of a Three-Bladed H-Darrieus Rotor with a Two-Bladed H-Darrieus Rotor with Various H/D Ratio. Published in the Proceeding CD of International Conference on Energy Security and Climate Change: Issues, Strategies, and Options (ESCC 2008) at Sofitel Centara Grand, Bangkok, Thailand, August 6-8, 2008. 12. Das Biplab, Lingfa, P., Mishra, P., Khan, I., & Saha, A., (2008). Experimental Investigation of Mesua Ferrea Oil as Alternative Fuel. Published in the Proceeding of International Seminar on Non-Conventional Energy Sources and Urban-Rural Economy in Developing Countries (COGEN-2008), Institution of Engineers, Nagpur, February 9-10, pp. 76-79.
Books published
1. Gouri Shankar, Biplab Das and Radak Blange, “Renewable Energy Technology: Issues and Prospects”, Excel India Publishers, India, September, 2011, ISBN: 93-80697-95-3.
Training/ Seminar / Workshop attended: September 2011- attended three days International Conference and Utility Exhibition 2011, on Power and Energy Systems: Issues and Prospects for Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, September 28-30, 2011. September 2011- attended two days National Seminar on ‘Renewable Energy Technology: Issues and Prospects’ conducted by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST, Itanagar, India. September 2010- attended two days National Seminar on ‘Renewable Energy Technology: Issues and Prospects’ conducted by Dept. of Mechanical and Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NERIST, Itanagar, India. March 2009- attended 2-days Regional Seminar on “Bio-fuels in North East India: Issues and Prospects” conducted by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST, Itanagar, India. December 2008- attended International Conference on “Renewable Energy Asia” & 4th SEE Forum Meeting, organized by IIT Delhi, India. February 2008- attended 2 days “National Workshop on Engineering Materials and Equipments”, jointly conducted by NIT Silchar, India and Institute of Public Health Engineering, India. February 2008- attended 2 days seminar on “Non Conventional Energy Sources and Urban/Rural Economy in Developing Countries”, conducted by IEI, Nagpur Local Centre, India.
Short term Courses attended: August 2011-attended 12 days AICTE sponsored Staff Development programme on “Soft Commutating in Engineering Application”, conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST, Itanagar, India. January 2010-attended 12 days AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Programme on “Soft Commutating in Engineering Application”, conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST, Itanagar, India. September 2008- attended 5-days courses on “Hydrogen Fuel and its Applications”, organized by Centre for Energy, IIT Guwahati, India
Membership: 1. Student member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME), USA (Membership no. 9454919) from Aug. 2007-Aug. 2008. 2. Life member of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), India, Membership number: LM67505. 3. Life member of the Biogas Forum India (BiGFIN), India, membership number: LM0039. 4. Life member of the Indian Society for heat and Mass Transfer (ISHMT), India.
Awards: 1. Awarded ‘Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Award’, by Indian International Friendship Society, New Delhi, India. 2. Awarded Institution Silver Medal for scoring highest CPI in M.Tech in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Silchar, India. 3. PG Scholarships awarded from UGC, New Delhi for the year 2006- 2007 for pursuing M.Tech at NIT-Silchar, India. 4. Paper presented in the Workshop NWEME-2008 awarded Third Best Paper. 5. Received Merit Scholarships from Tripura State Govt. during Post-matriculation scholarships for pursuing under graduate programme in NERIST, India.
Professional Activities: 1. Member of NERIST Entrance exam 2013 (NEE 2013) committee. 2. Departmental representative of Institute TEQIP committee, NERIST, September, 2011 onwards. 3. Faculty Co-ordinator of the NERIST Techno Management festival 2010 and 2012. 4. Center Representative of NERIST Entrance Examination 2010 and 2012, Kohima Centre, Nagaland. 5. Warden NERIST boy’s Hostel (Block –D), NERIST, Itanagar from June, 2012 to till date. 6.
Warden CIT Boy’s Hostel (Habrubari Boy’s Hostel), Kokrajhar, Assam during September 2008 to December 2009.
Other Professional Activities:
1. Organized as a joint Coordinator, TEQIP sponsored Faculty Development Programme on ‘Computational and Experimental Aspects in Thermal Sciences”, during 27th Feb to 2nd March, 2012 at NERIST. 2. Organized as a joint Coordinator, AICTE sponsored a two days National Seminar on ‘Renewable Energy Technology: Issues and Prospects’ at NERIST, during 2-3 September, 2011. 3. Organized as a joint Coordinator, NABARD sponsored Five days Farmers’ Training programme on ‘Biodiesel and its Economic Benefits’, during 27-31 October, at NERIST. 4. Organized as a joint Convener, DST and MNRE sponsored two days National Seminar on ‘Renewable Energy Technology: Issues and Prospects’ at NERIST, during 22-23 September, 2010. 5. Co-Principal Investigator of the DST sponsored project” Establishment and Demonstration of Biodiesel Reactor System at NERIST”, completed August, 2011.
References: 1. Prof. Rajat Gupta Director, NIT Srinagar, India Email:
[email protected] 2. Prof. Asis Giri Head Mechanical Engg. Deptt, North Eastern regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST), Itanagar, India. Email:
[email protected]