Introduction. Organic reactions can be organized in two ways: What kind of
reaction ...
CHEM 3013
CHAPTER 5 Introduction Organic reactions can be organized in two ways: What kind of reaction occurs, and how the reaction takes place. Initially, it is easier to consider what kinds of reaction occur. There are four important kinds of organic reactions these are: Addition , Elimination, Substitution and Rearrangement reactions. ADDITION REACTIONS A + B
These reactants add together......
to give a single product H
B + C
This one reactant......
splits apart to form two products.
+ H
A-D + C-B
These two reactanst exchange parts......
to form these two new products
+ NaOH
+ NaCl
REARRANGEMENT REACTIONS A This single reactant......
B gives this isomeric product.
Electrophilic and Nucleophilic Reagents
Reactions usually occur at the reactive sites of molecules and ions. These sites fall mainly into two categories. One type has high electron density because:(a) the site has an unshared pair of electrons or (b) is the negatively charged end -∂ of a polar bond or (c) has C=C π electrons. Such electron rich sites are nucleophilic and the species possessing such sites are called nucleophiles or electron-donors. The second category (a) is capable of acquiring more
electrons of (b) is the +∂ end of a polar bond. These electron-deficient sites are electrophilic and the species possessing such sites are called electrophiles or electron acceptors. Many organic reactions occur by covalent bond formation between a nucleophilic and an electrophilic site. Nu: + E => Nu:E 2.
Organic Reaction Mechanisms
An overall description of how a reaction occurs is called a reaction mechanism. A mechanism describes in detail exactly what takes place at each stage of a chemical reaction. It describes what bonds are broken and in what order, and also accounts for all reactants used, products used, and the relative amounts of each. In this course we will be discussing chemistry in terms of detailed reaction mechanisms . It is essential to understand how to write and interpret curved-arrow mechanisms. By knowing a finite number of mechanisms, it is possible to generalize most of organic chemistry. a. Bond Fission/Formation All chemical reactions involve bond breaking and bond making. There are two ways in which a covalent bond between two atoms or molecular fragments can break. A bond can break in an electrically symmetrical way such that each fragment goes away with one electron of the two electron covalent bond. This symmetrical cleavage is called a homolytic process. Alternatively, the bond can break in an unsymmetrical way, with one fragment leaving with two electrons while the second fragment has none. The unsymmetrical cleavage is called a heterolytic process. Likewise, bonds can be formed by the inverse of these two processes; these are called homogenic and heterogenic bond forming processes. Processes that involve heterolytic bond breaking or heterogenic bond making are called radical reactions. A radical (sometimes called a free radical) has a single, unpaired electron in one of its orbitals. Processes that involve homolytic bond breaking or homogenic bond formation are described as polar reactions. Polar reactions involve species which have an even number of electrons, and are often charged, that is they have a positive or negative charge. Most of the reaction processes in organic chemistry involve polar reactions.
8 electrons Heterolytic
Br Cleavage
Br Bromide ion
Hydrogen ion
7 electrons Homolytic
Br Cleavage
Br Bromine radical
Hydrogen radical
Note the use of the full arrow to indicate heterolytic cleavage, while the use of the "fishhook", single barbed arrow indicates the homolytic formation of radicals. Heterolytic and Homolytic bond Cleavage
Radical Reactions
Although most radicals are electrically neutral, they are very highly reactive items because they have an odd number of electrons (usually seven) in their outer shell. Thus they do not have a stable noble gas configuration. In order to obtain a filled outer shell, radicals behave in two general ways: 1. Abstraction of an atom from another molecule, leaving behind another radical. The net result is a radical substitution reaction. or, 2. Addition of a radical to another molecule
+ H
Reactant radical
Substitution product
H3C Product radical
Addition Br Br
+ H 2C
Reactant radical Radical Reactions
C CH2 H2 Addition product radical
Many radical reactions occur via a multistep process known as a Chain Reaction. There are three basic types of steps in a radical chain reaction. They are: 1. Initiation- the initial production of radicals. The initiation step begins by homolytically cleaving relatively weak bonds to produce radicals. This step usually requires energy ( to overcome the covalent bond) in the form of heat or electromagnetic radiation (such as UV light). 2. Propagation- radicals undergo substitution or addition processes. Once the first radicals have been produced, they undergo abstraction or addition processes (depending on the substrate). Both of these reactions lead to other radicals which can cycle back into the first propagation step, a series of reactions can be repeated over and over again. 3. Termination- the chain is broken. Occasionally, two radicals may collide and form a stable product. When this happens, radicals are taken out of circulation, the reaction cycle is ended and the chain is broken. c.
Polar Reactions
Polar reactions occur because of interactions between positive and negative charges on molecules. The reaction between a Lewis acid and Lewis base discussed in Chapter 2 is an example of a polar reaction. The fundamental characteristic of all polar reactions is that electron poor sites in the Electrophile react with electron rich sites in the Nucleophile . Bonds are formed when the Nucleophile donates a pair of electrons to the Electrophile. When bonds are broken, one of the two product fragments (the more electronegative one), leaves with the electron pair. empty orbital
Boron triflouride Flouride anion Lewis acid Lewis base NUCLEOPHILE ELECTROPHILE
Tetrafluoroborate anion
Polar Reaction of Electrophile and Nucleophile Most organic molecules are electrically neutral, they have no net charge. However, many bonds are polarized due to an unsymmetrical sharing of electrons in the bond as a result of differences in electronegativity of the bonded atoms. Elements more electronegative than carbon (e.g. O, N and halogens) will pull electrons away from carbon resulting in a partial positive (∂+) charge on it . Whereas elements less electronegative (most metals) will give up their electrons to carbon resulting in a partial negative charge (∂-) on it. Thus, different elements bonded to carbon may make it electron rich (i.e., a Nucleophile) or electron poor (i.e., an Electrophile). In fundamentally polar process involving polar compounds, regions of rich electron density of the Nucleophile react with regions of low electron density in the Electrophile. Consider the reaction of methyllithium with formaldehyde. Since oxygen is more electronegative than carbon, the bond in formaldehyde will be polarized toward the oxygen. This places a partial positive charge on the carbon of formaldehyde, it is the Electrophile. The methyl lithium has a partial negative charge on the carbon, it is the nucleophile. The mechanism shows
that the carbon of methyllithium with its electrons attacks the carbon of formaldehyde with the negative charge ending up on the oxygen. There is a great deal of symbolic information in the mechanism. δ+ Li δ− CH3
C δ+
O δ−
H 3C
Mechanism of Methyllithium Addition to Formaldehyde 3.
Consider the following reaction: HO- + CH 3 Cl ===> CH 3 OH + Cl We can ask ourselves many questions about this reaction. Will the chemical reaction described above occur? If it does occur, what would be the extent of the reaction? If the reaction does not occur, is there anything we can do to bring it about ? These questions can be answered if we know about the energy relationships between the starting materials and reaction products. The branch of chemistry which describes these energy relationships is known as Thermodynamics .
Extent of Reaction
Consider a large downtown office building. Before 9AM the building is empty, soon people begin to fill up the building. After a while, the number of new people going into the building to conduct business is balanced by the number of people leaving the building having completed their business. The building's population has reached a steady state, it is at equilibrium. The building's steady state population (how many people are inside) is a function of a variety of factors. All chemical reactions are, by definition, reversible. When we initiate a reaction, the reactants begin to form products. However , the products are also capable of undergoing a retrograde process to give the reactants. After a while the extent of the forward reaction is balanced by the extent of reverse reaction. The reaction is said to come to equilibrium. At equilibrium, the extent of the reaction (i.e., how much product forms and how much reactant is left) is measured by the Equilibrium Constant, Keq
6 A + B
C + D
Keq = concentration of products at equilibrium concentration of reactants Keq = [C] [D] where [A] is the concentration of [A] [B] reactant A in mol/ L at equilibrium When Keq > 1...Products favored When Keq < 1...Reactants favored Consider the equilibrium concentrations of two isomeric alkenes. H 3C H
H 3C
Keq = [Products] = 76/24 = 3.2 [Reactants] Equilibrium The equilibrium constant tells us which side of the reaction arrow is more favored. If Keq is larger than one, the product concentration is larger than the reactant concentration. The reaction will proceed from left to right as written. Conversely, if Keq is less than one, the reaction does not take place as written. For practical purposes, an equilibrim constant of 103 or larger is considered to be a complete reaction, since the amount of reactant left over would be 0.1% or less of the original amount. What determines the direction and extent of the reaction at equilibrium? For a reaction to have a favorable K eq (>1) and proceed as written, the products MUST be lower in energy than the reactants.
Free Energy and Chemical Equilibrium
The total amount of energy change during a reaction is called the Gibbs free energy change signified by the symbol ∆G˚. By convention, a favorable reaction is one in which energy is lost by the system and is signified by a negative ∆G˚ value. When ∆G˚ has a positive value, energy is absorbed by the system. One of the most important equations is the one which relates free energy (∆G˚) and the equilibrium constant K eq
7 ∆G = -RT ln Keq = -2.303RT log Keq Temp in K (C + 273) 1.9872 x 10-3 Kcal/degree-mol Gibb's Free Energy
Keq = 1016 at 25 C HO + CH3Cl CH3OH + Cl-
HO- + CH3Cl
Reaction proceeds to completion! ∆G = -RT lnKeq = -(1.986 cal/K-mol x 298 K x ln 1016) = - 22,000cal/mol = -22 Kcal/mol
∆G = -22 Kcal/mol Reaction is EXOTHERMIC CH3OH + Cl-
Free Energy Calculations
The Gibbs free energy change is attributable to two factors: Enthalpy Factor (∆H˚) - A measure of the change in energy locked up in the bonds; also called the Heat of Reaction , and, Entropy Factor (∆S˚) - A measure of the change in molecular disorder or freedom.
∆G˚ = ∆H˚ - T∆S˚
For the reaction described above ∆H˚ = -18 Kcal/mole and ∆S˚ = + 13 eu ( entropy is expressed as entropy units, eu, which mean cal/ K-mol). The driving force for the reaction comes mostly from bond-energy changes. A carbon-oxygen bond is stronger than a carbon-chlorine bond. The formation of stronger bonds is usually an important component of the driving force of a reaction. c.
Bond Dissociation Energies
The amount of energy required to break a bond and produce radical fragments is termed the Bond Dissociation Energy, symbolized by DH˚. Since energy is released when a bond is formed (negative Enthalpy), and absorbed when it is broken (positive Enthalpy), the bond dissociation energy DH˚ is positive on bond breaking and negative on bond forming. In a typical reaction in which bonds are broken and new bonds are formed, the overall Enthalpy of Reaction is a function of all the bonds broken and formed: ∆H˚ = (Sum of DH˚ for bonds broken) - (Sum of DH˚ for bonds formed)
8 Potential Function for diatomic hydrogen molecule (H2).
Separated hydrogen atoms
BOND DISSOCIATION ENERGY Energy amount required to break H-H bond
∆H = DH = +104 Kcal/mol (Energy Absorbed)
∆H = DH = -104 Kcal/mol
(Energy Released)
In a reaction where only one bond is broken or formed, the Enthalpy of Reaction is equal to the Bond Dissociation Energy Bond Dissociation Energy
HO- + CH3-Cl
C-Cl Bond Broken
CH3-OH + Cl-
DH Kcal/mol C-Cl 81 C-O 99
C-O Bond formed
∆H = Bonds Broken - Bonds Formed = 81-99 = -18 Kcal/mol Calculation of Enthalpy of Reaction 4.
Reaction Kinetics
The reaction of hydrogen and oxygen:, 2 H2 + O2 => 2 H 2O ∆G˚ = - 44 Kcal /mol has a very large, exothermic driving force. Yet the reaction as written is extremely slow, in fact non-existent, at room temperature. Thermodynamics will tell us whether a reaction will proceed at room temperature, it does not tell us at what rate it will occur. Kinetics is the branch of science which studies the rate of reactions. In order for a reaction to occur, reactant molecules must collide, energy is transferred during this collision and reorganization of bonds and atoms must occur. Reactions generally involve an energy barrier that must be surmounted in going from reactants to products. This barrier exists because molecules tend to repel one another, and this repulsion must be overcome by forcing the reactants together so that bond reorganiztion can occur. The energy barrier is called the energy of activation, (∆G ‡ ). A graphical depiction of the energy changes that occur in a given chemical reaction is called a reaction energy diagram, or, reaction profile. The
vertical axis of the profile represents total energy; the horizontal axis represents reaction progress from reactant (left side of plot) to products (right side of plot). a.
Transition State Theory
The difference in stability between products and reactants is determined by ∆G˚, which specifies what the value of an equilibrium constant would be for the reaction. This value says absolutely nothing about the rate at which a given chemical reaction will occur. The rate of a reaction can be predicted by employing the points of Transition State Theory. i. The rate of a chemical reaction is specified by a an equation known as the Rate Law. For a simple reaction A + B => C the Rate Law would be: ∆[C]/∆t = k[A][B] ii.
The rate constant is a function of the activation energy by the following expression:
k = e -∆G‡/RT The consequences to the above expression are two fold: 1. The larger the activation barrier (∆G ‡ ), the slower the rate. 2. The higher the temperature, the faster the reaction rate. The rates for forward and reverse directions of the reaction are a function of the activation barriers for the forward and reverse directions. iii.
As reactants change into products they pass through a high energy, unstable state of maximum free energy called the transition state, (T . S . ).
The equilibrium constant is a function of the rate of reaction in both the forward and reverse reaction: K eq = k forward /k reverse
Likewise the equilibrium constant is a function of the activation barriers in the forward and reverse direction.
transition state E N E R G Y
Activation energy for reverse direction
products reactants
Reaction Coordinate Reaction Profile of a Chemical Reaction
Activation energy for forward direction
Multistep Reactions
Consider a multi-step reaction: A + B = = > C = = > D . A free energy minimum between reactants A&B and Products D exists and is called an intermediate (C). An intermediate is an isolatable species, and as such, is different from a transition state. Reactions with an intermediate have at least two transition states. The overall rate for a multi-step reaction is the rate for the slowest step in the forward direction. This Rate Determining Step corresponds to the transition state with the greatest free energy (tallest barrier). TS #1 E N E R G Y
TS #2 C A + B
intermediate D
products The Rate Determining Step is A + B ==> C REACTION COORDINATE
TS #2 TS #1 E N E R G Y
C A + B
intermediate D
products The Rate Determining Step is C ==> D REACTION COORDINATE Free Energy Diagram of a Multi-Step Reaction