[1] Editorial board member of: International Journal of ...

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Ammar H. Al-Dujaili, University of Jordan, Joradn. •. J.K. Basu, Indian Institute of Technology, India. •. Mohammad Reza Ehsani, Isfahan University of Technology ...
Prof. LOUTFY H. MADKOUR present at Editorial Board of the following Journals: [1] Editorial board member of: International Journal of Industrial Chemistry (IJIC) Published by the Springer. [email protected] http://www.springer.com/chemistry/industrial+chemistry+and+chemical+engi neering/journal/40090?detailsPage=editorialBoard [2] Editorial board member of: E-Cronicon Chemistry (EC Chemistry) https://www.ecronicon.com/chemistry.php https://www.ecronicon.com/chemistry-editorial-panel.php [3] Editorial board member of: BAOJ Chemistry http://bioaccent.org/chemistry/index.php http://bioaccent.org/chemistry/editorialboard.php Prof. LOUTFY H. MADKOUR present as a Reviewer for the following Journals: [4]Reviewer: of Journal Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Published by the American Chemical Society (A C S). [5]Reviewer: of Monatshefte fur Chemie-Chemical Monthly, Published By the Springer. [email protected] [6]Reviewer: of International Journal of Industrial Chemistry (IJIC), Published By the Springer. [email protected] [7] Member: of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). [8] Member of: Egyptian Chemical Society (E C S). [9]Member: of Egyptian Corrosion Bulletin Society.

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

International Journal of Industrial Chemistry Editor-in-Chief: H.A. Zamani ISSN: 2228-5547 (electronic version) Journal no. 40090

International Journal of Industrial Chemistry Editor-in-Chief Hassan Ali Zamani Islamic Azad University, Iran E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor

Mohammad Reza Abedi, Islamic Azad University, Iran Associate Editors

Mohamad Reza Ganjali, University of Tehran, Iran

Prof.V.K. Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

Majid Mohammadhosseini, Islamic Azad University, Iran

Ali Niazi, Islamic Azad University, Iran Editorial Board

Mahdi Adib, University of Tehran, Iran

Ammar H. Al-Dujaili, University of Jordan, Joradn

J.K. Basu, Indian Institute of Technology, India

Mohammad Reza Ehsani, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

Rayendra Goyal, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

W. A. Herrmann, Technische Universität München, Germany

Ali Reza Khataee, University of Tabriz, Iran

Mike Lyons, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Loutfy H. Madkour, Al-Baha University, Saudi Arabia

Seyed Mahmoud Mousavi, University of Mashhad, Iran

Nurhidayatullaili Muhd Julkapli, University Malaya, Malaysia

Mohsen Nasr Esfahany, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

Azizollah Nezhadali, Payame Noor University, Iran

Ali Niazi, Islamic Azad University, Iran

Prof K.D.P Nigam, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India

Parviz Norouzi, University of Tehran, Iran

Toribio Fernández Otero, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain

Raj Rajagopalan, National University of Singapore, Singapore

K. Singh, Indian Institute of Technology, India

Vijay Kumar Thakur, Washington State University, USA

Edson A. Ticianelli, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

King Lun Yeung, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

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EC Chemistry EC Chemistry (ECCH) journal publishes peer-reviewed open access articles in all the arenas of chemistry that includes inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biological chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, industrial and engineering chemistry, nanochemistry, computational chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, phytochemistry and all the relevant topics. The journal desires to publish quality articles in all the thirst areas of chemistry.

Highlights   

Internationally profound journal that Publishes articles on various disciplines of Chemistry. Thorough Double blinded peer review. Prompt Acknowledgement after acceptance of article for peer review.

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Rapid Publication after the article is peer reviewed through eminent reviewers. Acceptance and Publication of papers with excellence, novelty and originality. Issue of Publication Certificate to author. High visibility of your Published work.

Aim and scope Chemistry is a rapidly evolving and a highly interdisciplinary field, with a wide spectrum of areas in the related field. The journal mainly focuses on the emerging research in the field of chemistry that helps to produce potent and safe compounds with a rapid and high efficiency. The journal places a strong emphasis by creating an awareness of the issues that are influencing the future direction of pharmaceutical chemistry. The journal delightfully accepts emerging themes and provides in-depth analysis of the medicinal agents including therapeutic approaches. Major subject areas of interest in chemistry include, but are not restricted to the following fields : Discovery, design, synthesis and evaluation of bioactive agents, Green chemistry, Neglected diseases and Orphan drugs, Pharmacogenomics, Proteomics and Toxicology, Drug discovery technologies, Design and synthesis of novel lead compounds, Computational approaches to synthesis and modeling, Biophysical techniques for structural characterisation, Overviews of novel therapeutic strategies and emerging targets, Drug targeting and delivery, ADME/Tox investigations, Bio-Organic chemistry, Hydrocarbons, Metallo-Organic compounds, Physical chemistry, Drug chemistry, Organic reaction mechanism, Stereo chemistry, Organic chemistry, Industrial chemistry, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Heterocyclic chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Microwave chemistry, Total synthesis of natural products and multi component reactions, Analytical chemistry, Nuclear chemistry. All the emerging chemistry related arenas are accepted by the journal. EC Chemistry journal delightfully accepts original work in all the emerging areas of research in the field of chemistry at [email protected]

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EC Chemistry Editorial Panel Wagner Marcelo Luis, Buenos Aire University, USA Daniela Helou, Northern Virginia Community College, USA

Julio Alvarez-Builla, University of Alcala, Spain Samer Haidar, Damascus University, Germany Yagang Zhang, Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, China Robert Frederic Woolley, ICTQ, Brazil Jose Paulo Mota, New University of Lisbon, Portugal Elio Santacesaria, University of Naples Federico II, Italy Paolo Grieco, University of Naples Federico II, Italy Wei Chu, Sichuan University, China O P Nautiyal, Harayama University, India Loutfy H Madkour, Al Baha University, Saudi Arabia Arthur Ragauskas, University of Tennessee, USA Ajay Mishra, University of South Africa, South Africa Kannappan Ramu, University of Oklahoma, USA Salih Hacini, University of Oran, Algeria Rick Mc Cullough, Harvard University, USA Ashraf Abadi, German University, Egypt Giovanni P Rachiero, University of Basel, Switzerland Ali Gamal Al-kaf, Sana University, Yemen Martin Schueler, European University, Spain Gyula Batta, University of Debrecen, Hungary Irene Panderi, University of Athens, Greece Rajni Mathur, Govt PG College, India Gamal A El-Hiti, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Rafa Luque, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, China Pabitra Chattopadhyay, The University of Burdwan, India Narendra Singh Bhandari, Kumaun University Nanital, India Jothilingam Sivapackiam, Washington University School of Medicine, USA

Syed Shabudeen, Kumaraguru College of Technology, India Dhananjay Vithalrao Mane, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, India Patricia Perez Galan, Taros Chemicals GmbH, Germany Davood Nematollahi, Bu Ali sina University, Iran Annamalai Senthil Kumar, Vellore Institute of Technology, India Richard Van Doren, Metropolitan Solutions, USA Dakhil Taha, Babylon University, Iraq Anne Lise Girard, Robert Morris University, USA Gregory Chatel, University of Poitiers, France Muhanned Jamiel, University of Baghdad, Iraq Ourida Saidi, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Muhammad Ehsan Chattha, Govt Degree College Chichawatni, Pakistan Solhe Alshahateet, Mutah University, Jordan Andrei Komarov, Technical Resources International Inc, USA Hitesh Shah, M K Bhavnagar University, India David Gunn, Thales Nano Inc, USA Imad Hamadneh, The University of Jordan, Jordan Adriana Segall, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Nader Noroozi Pesyan, Urmia University, Iran Mohammad G Dekamin, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran Snehal Lokhandwala, Shroff S R Rotary Institute of Chemical Technology, India Rasheed Jamhour, Tafila Technical University, Jordan Mohamed AbdEl-Atty Mohamed Ahmed, Egyptian University, Egypt Vinoth Kumar, Providence University, Taiwan Maria Joao C P Carvalho de Matos, University of Chile, Chile Rajesh Kavali, CABIS Labs Pvt Ltd, India Md Nurunnabi, Korea National University of Transportation, Korea

Mohamed Elbagerma, Misurata University, Libya Novriyandi Hanif, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia Fatemeh Salehi Karoonian, University of Applied Science, Iran Prasanta Kumar Mitra, Sikkim Manipal University, India Khalid Maher, University of Zakho, Iraq Ratnesh Das, Dr Harisingh Gour Central University, India Ali I Al Mosawi, Technical Institute-Babylon, Iraq Shaymaa Abbas Abdulsada, University of Kufa, Iraq Mahmoud Hadwan, Babylon University, Iraq Mohsen Shahlaei, KUMS, Iran Gamal El-Hiti, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Pedro Julio Villegas, University of Belize, Belize Sarvendra Kumar, Tokyo University of Science, Japan Mohamed Alqalla, Kuwait Petrochemicals Industries Company, Kuwait

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BAOJ Chemistry is a peer reviewed journal the presents latest papers and articles in the domain of chemistry. This journal meets holistically the information needs of chemists, pharmacists, micro-biologists, and other members of the scientific community. Authors can publish their papers and articles relating to different aspects of chemistry: Amino acids study, Bioactive plant products, Bio-organic chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Chemoenzymatic and enantioselective synthesis of organic compounds, Combinatorial chemistry, Computational chemistry, Enzymes in organic synthesis, Heterocyclic compounds, In organic Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Metal-catalyzed asymmetric reactions, Modelling of materials, Molecular modelling and drug design, Natural products, Nature of materials research, Organic reaction mechanism, Peptides and proteins, Physical Chemistry, Physicochemical aspects of their fabrication, Phyto-chemistry, Practical organic chemistry, Properties and applications, Reagents in organic synthesis, Research that broadly embraces the interface between chemistry and biology, Secondary metabolites, Spectroscopy in characterization of organic compounds, Structural analysis, Structure-activity relationships, Synthesis and structural characterisation, Synthesis of chiral compounds, Synthesis of fullerenes, and Theoretical organic chemistry.

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Dear Loutfy H Madkour,

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Thank you for your prompt response.

It would be a euphoric feeling to have you as our Eminent Editorial Board Member.

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We are glad to inform you that we have updated you as an Editor for BAOJ Chemistry. Please visit the link below

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http://bioaccent.org/chemistry/editorialboard.php and kindly let us know for any further modifications.

 

We are glad to announce you that we are going to launch our first issue with our editorial board members by the end of June. We are inviting all of them who are related in the fields of Chemistry. I request you to kindly submit your work to us.

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Hope to receive your support for the grant release of inaugural issue.

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Please do not hesitate to contact us for any queries.

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Sincerely yours

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David Morales Morales

Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico USA

Peter E Hughes

Professor, St Joseph School of Nursing USA

Suresh Valiyaveettil

Associate Professor National University of Singapore Singapore

MV Ramana Reddy

Associate Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine USA

SP Goswami

Research Sr. Group Leader, Kotra Pharma(M) SDN BHD


Troy Lister

Head of Chemistry at Spero Therapeutics in Cambridge USA

Xiaochun Chen

Assistant Professor at School of Medicine University of Maryland USA

Zhenzhong Guo

Dr of Université Lyon 1

Yagang Zhang

professor, The Chinese Academy of Sciences


Nadhir Al Ansari

Professor, Lulea University of Technology Sweden

Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain

New Jersey Institute of Technology USA

Saoussen Hammami

Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Sciences, Monastir Africa

Puneet Anand

Research Associate, Case Western Reserve University USA

Harshad K Shete

Texas A & M University USA

Goutam Brahmachari

Professor, Chemistry Department, Visva Bharati University India

Kazi Ahsan Jamil

Associate Professor, Centre of Preclinical Science, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia

Chhandashri Bhattacharya

Indiana University Southeast USA

Gamal A El Hiti

Professor, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University Saudi Arabia

Loutfy H Madkour

Professor, Chemistry Department, Al-Baha University, Saudi Arabia

Hamid Hussein Mohsen

Assistant Professor at Hajjah University yemen

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