Methods in ECE III: Early literacy & writing (literacy and language theory and
research, print awareness, group reading, evaluating books); Math (math theory.
FHS-ECE Two-Year Program Plan First Year Fall 2013 FHS 410 (online 3 credits) CRN: 18390 Foundations in ECE:
Winter 2014 FHS 410 (online 3 credits) Curriculum in ECE
Summer 2014 FHS 328 (intensive 4 credits) Theories of Family Systems
Overview of major curriculum models & theories in ECE; research on curriculum models; using curriculum to address individual children’s needs; examining different curricula, evaluating curricula & designing curricula; including parents in the curriculum and classroom.
Spring 2014 FHS 410 (online 3 credits) Assessment in ECE Observing young children & interpreting classroom observations; overview of different types of assessments and current research; data-based decision making; understanding & communicating assessment results; addressing diversity and cultural bias in assessment; assessing classroom environments; involving parents in assessment process.
Theories of human development that shape early childhood, how theories inform classroom practices and teaching; diversity of children, families, and programs in ECE; typical and atypical development; ethical standards and policies in ECE and human services; global influences and trends in early childhood. FHS 410 (online 1 credit) CRN: 18388 Methods in ECE I:
FHS 410 (online 1 credit) Methods in ECE II:
FHS 410 (online 1 credit) Methods in ECE III:
FHS 406 (2 credits) Field Study
Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP); classroom environment & using technology, infant/toddler environments; working with and including diverse families; health, nutrition & breast-feeding support & resources; child safety, abuse, neglect & reporting.
Communication and language skills, supporting English Language Learners; social competence—infants, toddlers, preschoolers, encouraging positive behavior, Positive Behavior Support overview.
Human service emphasis (e. g. DHS, DYS, nonprofit agency working with adults or children, drug & alcohol treatment center, child abuse prevention program, poverty/hunger aide)
FHS 330 (intensive 4 credits): CRN 18397 Individual and Group Interventions I:
FHS 331 (intensive 3 credits) Individual and Group Interventions II:
Early literacy & writing (literacy and language theory and research, print awareness, group reading, evaluating books); Math (math theory & research, counting & cardinality, addition & subtraction, measurement, geometry, math practices.) Embedding art, creativity, & selfexpression in instruction. English Language Learners and anti-bias materials. FHS (410) (intensive 4 credits) Addressing Challenging Behavior
Using an Ecological framework for understanding family risk and resilience. Basic listening and interviewing skills. Understanding motivational interviewing, stages of change, and suicide prevention. Intervention strategies with diverse groups.
Skills in working with staff and intervention groups in social service, school, and human service settings. Group development & interventions. Working with multicultural and diverse groups. Ethics and problem solving in the workplace. Developing resources and materials. 7.0 Total credits
Understanding the function, maintenance, and context of challenging behaviors. Working as a team to develop a plan and using data to inform progress. Including parents in addressing challenging behavior. Introduction to the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual (DSM), behavioral disorders. 8.0 Total credits
Supervision in the Human Service Field Study, group supervision meetings. Reflective supervision practices.
8.0 Total credits
Child development across the life span within the context of families and society from an ecological perspective; theories of family development models and how it affects young children; healthy parenting and teen parents; family violence; foster families; advocacy and home visiting models.
FHS 407 (1 credit) Seminar of Supervision
7.0 Total credits
Second Year Fall 2014 FHS 410 (online 2 credits) Supporting Young Children in Inclusive Environments I:
Winter 2015 FHS 410 (online 2 credits) Supporting Young Children in Inclusive Environments II:
Spring 2015 FHS 410 (online 2 credits) Program Management & Administration in Early Childhood Settings:
Rights of children with special needs; referral process; EI & ECSE services and teaming; inclusive classrooms; curriculum modifications and embedded learning opportunities,
Targeted support for young children with special needs, intensive supports for children with special needs; assessment, monitoring progress, linking services, and evaluating services; communicating with families, working in collaboration with EI/ECSE professionals. FHS 406 (2 credits Field Study
Accepted business practices, legal and regulatory requirements, data management systems, budgets. Strategic planning and goal setting. Professional development and leadership.
EI/ECSE emphasis (e.g. home visiting with EI specialist, reverse mainstream classroom, ECSE consultation.
Head Start emphasis-working in a different setting or role than current position.
Choose from Human Services, EI/ECSE, or Head Start emphasis.
FHS 407 (1 credit) Seminar of Supervision:
FHS 407 (1 credit) Seminar of Supervision:
FHS 407 (1 credit) Seminar of Supervision:
Supervision in the EI/ECSE Field Study, group supervision meetings. FHS 327 (intensive 4 credits) Organizations in Human Services:
Supervision in Head Start, group supervision meetings. FHS 420 (intensive 4 credits) Research in Human Services:
Supervision in Field Study site, group supervision meetings. FHS (216) (intensive 4 credits) Diversity in Human Services
The history of Head Start (e. g. civil rights movement, maximum feasible participation); history of Early Head Start, Federal entitlement programs; programs to reduce poverty and inequality.
Evidenced based practices, evaluating research, program evaluation, and data collection methods.
Understanding diverse families and individuals, power and privilege, awareness of biases.
FHS 496 (1 credits) Senior Project Proposal:
FHS 497 (2 credits) Senior Project Presentation:
Develop a written proposal for a project with Field Study site. 10.0 Total credits
Formal presentation of project for peers, faculty, & professionals. 11.0 Total credits
FHS 406 (2 credits) Field Study
9.0 Total credits
FHS 406 (2 credits) Field Study-Advanced
Total Credits for Major 60 credits total for major