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Sep 7, 2012 - using Odyssey blocking buffer (LiCor ... using a near-infrared imaging system (Odyssey, ... of 1/3 volume of TBS pH 11.5, 1/3 volume of.
JBC Papers in Press. Published on September 7, 2012 as Manuscript M112.406090 The latest version is at http://www.jbc.org/cgi/doi/10.1074/jbc.M112.406090

The Design and Characterisation of Receptor-selective APRIL Variants Fiona C. Kimberley1,#, Almer M. van der Sloot2,#,+, Marco Guadagnoli1,#, Katherine Cameron1, , Pascal Schneider3, J. Arnoud Marquart4, Miranda Versloot1, Luis Serrano2,5,* and Jan Paul Medema1,* 1

Lab of Exp. Oncology and Radiobiology, Center for Experimental Molecular Medicine, Academic

Medical Center, The Netherlands; 2EMBL/CRG Systems Biology Research Unit, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona,Spain; 3Department of Biochemistry, University of Lausanne, Epalinges, Switzerland; 4Experimental Vascular Medicine, Academic Medical Center, The Netherlands and 5Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain. #

These authors share first authorship; *These authors share joint senior authorship

Current Address: Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Running title: Receptor-Selective APRIL Variants

Address correspondence to: Jan Paul Medema, [email protected], Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Room G2-131, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Phone: +31 20 5667777, Fax: +31 20 6977192 and Luis Serrano, [email protected], C/ Dr. Aiguader, 88, 08003 Barcelona, Spain. Phone: +34 93 3160186,

Fax: +34 93 3160099. Keywords: APRIL; TACI; BCMA

1 I Page Copyright 2012 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

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Background: APRIL binds two receptors,

conclude that these ligands are useful tools for

BCMA and TACI, so separating signaling

studying APRIL biology in the context of

outcomes is difficult.

individual receptor activation.

Results: We used an algorithm to design a

A proliferation inducing ligand (APRIL) is a

variant of APRIL that specifically binds BCMA


and two variants that selectively bind TACI.

originally described as a tumour promoting

Conclusions: TACI and BCMA signals differ in

factor (1). Physiologically, it plays a prominent

the context of B cell stimulation.

role in humoral immunity, in particular by

Significance: These variants will help decipher

driving antibody class-switch towards IgG and

APRIL signaling in physiology and disease

IgA (2,3) and by promoting survival of plasma


cells (4). APRIL has also been identified as a












A proliferation inducing ligand (APRIL), a

transcription factor NF-κB (reviewed in (5)).

member of the TNF ligand superfamily with

APRIL is also thought to promote tumour

an important role in humoral immunity, is

formation in a number of solid malignancies,

also implicated in several cancers as a pro-

either indirectly via infiltrating cells or directly

survival factor. APRIL binds two different

via autocrine stimulation of the tumour itself

TNF receptors:

B cell maturation antigen

(1,6,7). In line with these results, we recently

(BCMA) and transmembrane activator and

identified a clear role for APRIL in supporting

cylclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), and

tumorigenesis in the gastrointestinal tract (8).

also interacts independently with heparan

APRIL binds two different receptors of the


TNF receptor superfamily: B cell maturation

shares binding of the TNF receptors with B

antigen (BCMA) and transmembrane activator

cell activation factor (BAFF), separating the

and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), which

precise signalling pathways activated by

are also bound by its homolog B cell-activating

either ligand in a given context has proven

factor (BAFF) (9-12). In addition, APRIL binds

quite difficult. In this study we have used the

to heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs),



which appear to play a predominantly structural


role by enabling APRIL cross-linking (13,14),

variant of APRIL, APRIL-R206E and two

although a distinct signalling role in different

TACI-selective variants, D132F and D132Y.

contexts cannot be eliminated. In addition to

These APRIL variants show selective activity

APRIL, TACI can also bind to HSPGs, which is

towards their receptors in several in vitro

suggested to lead to its activation (15). All these

assays. Moreover, we have used these ligands

potential binding partners make it difficult to

to show that BCMA and TACI have a distinct

unravel APRIL signalling in a given context and

role in APRIL-induced B cell stimulation. We

to assess the individual contributions of TACI

sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs).



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malignancies, possibly via the activation of


and BCMA. Therefore, it is not surprising that

APRIL-R206E, which showed clear specificity

little is known about the individual signalling

towards both human and mouse BCMA, and

pathways activated in response to signals via


each of the APRIL receptors, or precisely how

showed considerable selectivity for TACI.

these are separated in terms of the formation of

Following initial ELISAs using immobilised

distinct intracellular complexes and recruitment

receptors, we further confirmed the binding

of signalling adaptors.

Much of what is

characteristics in the context of cell-based

currently known with regards to activation of

assays, using either transfected cells in which

transcription factors and recruitment of internal

receptors were over-expressed, or endogenously

adaptors, such as TNF-receptor associated

expressing BCMA or TACI cell species. Finally,

factors (TRAFs), has been carried out using

we used these APRIL variants in a B cell assay

transfection studies (16,17), or with RNAi-

to show distinct roles for TACI and BCMA in B

mediated knock-down studies (18), which poses

cell function.






expression or simultaneous removal of multiple interactions, respectively.



Computational design of selective variants– X-ray crystal structures of the extracellular

In order to generate a tool by which to study

domain (ECD) of murine APRIL in complex

APRIL interaction with the individual TNF

with the ECD of human TACI (PDB 1xu1) and

receptors, we decided to take advantage of

the ECD of human BCMA (PDB 1xu2) have

computational protein design (CPD) in order to

been solved at a resolution of 1.9 Å and 2.35 Å,

generate APRIL variants that can bind only one

respectively (21). Computational design of

of its receptors. We used the FoldX protein

receptor selective mutants was performed as

design algorithm (19,20) to predict amino acid

described previously (22,23,26). In short, amino

substitutions in APRIL that might switch ligand

acid residues with Van der Waals clashes, bad

binding towards one or the other receptor.

torsion angles or with a high energy in the

Previously, FoldX was successfully used to

crystal structure, were repaired by replacing the

engineer variants of TRAIL that specifically

side chain conformations (rotamers) observed in

recognize its receptors DR4 or DR5 (21-24).

the x-ray structure by lower energy rotamers;

Such a “branch-pruning” approach has the added

hydrogen bond networks were optimized using

advantage that it allows selective removal of a

the Repair PDB option of the FoldX protein

single interaction, which contrasts with knock-

design algorithm (19,27). Next, a model of

out or knock-down studies that remove all

human APRIL in complex with human TACI

interactions the target protein is involved in (25).

and human BCMA was constructed by FoldX in

In this study we generated a total of 21

silico mutagenesis of each of the non-conserved

mutant forms of the APRIL protein and tested

murine residues to its homologous human

their ability to bind either BCMA or TACI.

counterpart. Each residue in the receptor binding

Three mutants were of particular interest:

interface of human APRIL was subsequently

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mutated by FoldX to all other 19 natural



acid. The reported


occurring amino acids using the BuildModel

interaction energy was capped at +4 kcal/mol.

function. The effect on the interaction energy

Generation of Variants– Flag-tagged APRIL

with TACI and BCMA was calculated as the

variants selective for a receptor were generated

difference in interaction energy (∆∆G; in

using a Quick Change site-directed mutagenesis

kcal/mol) between the interaction energy of the

kit (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, USA)

mutant and the wild-type amino acid, using the

according to the manufacturer’s guidelines,

AnalyseComplex option. In case of preformed

using the primers listed in the supplementary

trimers, such as APRIL, the AnalyseComplex

materials section.

option was set as before (22,23,26) to consider


the monomer subunits comprising APRIL as a

APRIL (amino acid 105 to 250, numbering



according to UniprotKB/Swiss-Prot O75888)

discriminate in terms of binding energy on which

was used as the PCR template and was described

particular monomer subunit an residue that

previously (14). Plasmid DNA of clones was

interacts with the receptor is located.

isolated (BIOKÉ, Leiden, The Netherlands) and





A pcDNA3.1 construct




presence of the mutation(s) was verified by DNA

1) caused a decrease in interaction energy

sequencing. Positive clones were selected and

towards one of the receptors or 2) caused an

grown up for large-scale plasmid DNA isolation

increase in interaction energy towards one

and used for subsequent transfections.

receptor, while causing either a decrease in

Cell Culture– Human Jurkat and Raji cells

interaction energy or showing a neutral effect

and mouse A20 cells were cultured in RPMI-

towards the other receptor or 3) caused an

1640 (Gibco Life Technologies, Breda, NL).

increase in interaction energy for both receptors

Primary mouse B cells were cultured in RPMI-

but showing a different magnitude in change for


one receptor over the other. Because some

mercaptoethanol. 293T cells were cultured in

variants (mainly from the D132 series) showed

Iscove`s Modified Dulbecco Media (IMDM). All

severe intra-chain Van der Waals clashes upon

media were supplemented with 8% FCS, 2 mM

mutation it was decided to report the average

L-glutamine, 40 µg/ml penicillin and 40 U/ml

interaction energy corrected for intra-chain Van

streptomycin and maintained at 37 ˚C with 5%

der Waals clashes. This corrected interaction


energy was calculated by summing the average interaction










Expression of APRIL Variants– To test the


expression of the individual Flag-tagged APRIL

∆∆Gintraclash energy, where ∆∆Gintraclash is

variants, 293T cells were grown to 60%

the difference in intra-chain clash energy

confluence in a 6-well plate and transfected with

(∆∆Gintraclash; in kcal/mol) between the intra-

the different variants using calcium phosphate

chain clash energy of the mutant and the wild-

precipitation. Following transfection, the cells were kept in culture for 72 h before supernatant

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Amino acid substitutions were selected that:

containing the soluble mutants was harvested

form of tissue culture conditioned medium

and stored at -20°C. Expression of each of the

were then added to the plate for 2 h at 37°C.

APRIL mutants was then tested by western

Following APRIL binding, plates were

blotting and the relative concentrations assessed.

washed three times with PBS, 0.05%

Briefly, supernatants were resolved on a 15% polyacrylamide





nitrocellulose membrane and blocked overnight using





buffer United



Tween-20. Bound APRIL was detected with 1 µg/ml of HRP-coupled anti-FLAG M2 and visualized





(ABTS) (Sigma-Aldrich). The absorbance

incubated with mouse anti-FLAG-M2 (Sigma-

was read at 405 nm using a UV-VIS

Aldrich, Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands) at a

microplate reader (BioRad, Veenendaal, The

concentration of 1 in 5000 diluted in PBS/0.2%


Tween20; the secondary antibody used was

Surface Plasmon Resonance– In order to

IRD800-coupled anti-mouse IgG1 (Westburg,

further assess the binding properties of the

Leusden, The Netherlands) diluted in PBS/0.2%

mutants and to measure apparent affinities and

Tween20 and 0.02% SDS. Blots were visualised

kinetics of receptor binding, a Surface Plasmon

using a near-infrared imaging system (Odyssey,

Resonance based receptor binding assay was



performed on a Biacore 2000 (GE Healthcare,

instructions, which allows quantification of

Diegem, Belgium). Anti-FLAG-M2 monoclonal

bands to give a relative estimate of protein

antibody (Sigma-Aldrich) was diluted at a


concentration of 5µg/ml in 10 mM sodium





acetate pH 4.5 and covalently immobilized

binding of the variants to either BCMA or TACI,

(approx 1500 RU) to a CM-5 sensor chip (GE

was tested using a binding ELISA.

Healthcare), using standard amine coupling






following proteins were used: human BCMA-


Fc, human TACI-Fc (both generated in-house),

guidelines (Amine coupling kit, GE Healthcare).

mouse BCMA-Fc (R&D Systems, Abingdon,

The different FLAG-APRIL variants in the form

UK), mouse TACI-Fc (R&D Systems); in all

of tissue culture supernatants were captured onto

cases the Fc portion is from human IgG1.

the chip via the FLAG-tag at 10 µl/min for 5

BCMA-Fc and TACI-Fc were coated on 96-well

min, giving an capture levels ranging from 159



to 207 RU. As a reference lane, one of the flow

Scientific, Roskilde, Denmark) at concentrations

cells was left free of soluble FLAG-APRIL, to

of 1 µg/ml and 2 µg/ml, respectively, in 0.5 M

control for any background binding. BCMA- or

sodium bicarbonate buffer pH 9.5, overnight at

TACI- Fc were then injected for 3 min over all

4°C. Plates were then blocked with 5% BSA for

four flow cells at 30 µl/min at increasing

1 h at 37°C. Soluble APRIL variants in the

concentrations (ranging from 1-50 nM) using the


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diluted 1:1 with PBS. The membrane was then

supernatants supplemented with 8 µg/ml of

Dissociation was monitored during 5 min. The

polybrene were added to 106 Fas-deficient

resulting curves were fitted using a 1:1 Langmuir

Jurkat-JOM2 cells (a kind gift of Olivier

model using BIAevaluation software 4.1. For

Micheau, University of Dijon, France) in 2 times

each combination of FLAG-APRIL and BCMA-

3 ml additions for 3 and 16 h, respectively, after

or TACI- Fc the apparent ka , kd and KD were

which time cells were cultured in RPMI 10% for

calculated from a global fit of binding curves

72 h and then selected with 0.5 µg/ml of

from at least three separate experiments. Non-

puromycin and cloned. Clones were screened for

specific binding in the reference cell was

their selective sensitivity to Fc-BAFF but not Fc-

subtracted before curve fitting. Regeneration of

EDA1 (30) and one clone (clone 112) was

the anti-FLAG antibody surface was carried out

selected for further experimentation. For the

with a 10 min injection at 30 µl/min of a mixture

killing assay, 3x104 Jurkat cells were seeded per

of 1/3 volume of TBS pH 11.5, 1/3 volume of

well in a 96 well plate and stimulated with

Ionic solution and 1/3 volume of water. The


Ionic solution was comprised of KSCN (0.46

supernatants for a period of 16h. Cells were

M), MgCl2 (1.83 M), urea (0.92 M) and

subsequently harvested, spun down and re-

guanidine-HCl (1.83 M).















containing 50 µg/ml of propidium iodide and

TACI:Fas reporter cells, and killing assay–

stored for at least 24h at 4°C (as described in

Jurkat-BCMA:Fas-2309 cl13 reporter cells were

(31)). Analysis of apoptosis was assessed by

generated as described (28). TACI:Fas Jurkat

flow cytometric measurement of PI stained


nuclei using a FACScalibur system (Becton














Dickinson, San Jose, CA, USA).

EDAR:Fas cells (29). 293T cells were transiently

Internalisation Assay– To determine receptor

transfected with pMSCVpuro-TACI:Fas and co-

internalisation, 5x105 cells were labeled with

transfected with the pHIT60 and VSV-G

phycoerythrin (PE)-conjugated anti-human or

plasmids, containing the sequences for gag-pol

anti-mouse TACI antibodies (Clones: 1A1-K21-



M22 and 8F10 respectively, BD Biosciences,

TACI:Fas encodes the haemaglutinin signal

Breda, The Netherlands) and incubated with











MAIIYLILLFTAVRG), part of the extracellular

amounts of APRIL variants for a period of 90

domain of human TACI (amino acids 2-118),

min at 37°C (the optimal time point was

amino acids VD and the transmembrane and


intracellular domains of human Fas (amino acids

Following incubation, cells were cooled on ice to

169-335). After transfection, 293T cells were

halt endocytosis, treated for 1 min with either

incubated for 48h in RPMI supplemented with

acid solution (0.154 M NaCl pH 2, to strip off

10% FCS. 6 ml of virus-containing 293T cell

surface-exposed antibody) or PBS, 1% BSA as a

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control and then analyzed by FACS for the

murine APRIL in complex with human TACI or

presence of the remaining PE-label. The efficacy

human BCMA (21) were used as templates for

of the acid stripping was tested and optimized

designing receptor-selective variants of human

previously (32). All APRIL receptor staining on

APRIL. The ECD of murine APRIL shares 85 %

lymphoma cells (mouse and human) were

sequence identity with the human form.

performed after incubation with FcR blocking

addition, neither sequence contains an insertion



or deletion relative to the other (Suppl. Fig. 1A).

Netherlands). TACI internalization was also

Models of human APRIL in complex with TACI

studied using confocal microscopy. Cells were

or BCMA were constructed by assuming an

stained with PE-conjugated anti-mouse TACI

identical protein backbone conformation and by

antibody, incubated with APRIL in conditioned

in silico mutating all non-conserved murine

medium (as described above for FACS analysis),

residues to its homologous human counterpart.





Like most other TNF family ligands, APRIL

Brunschwig Chemie, Amsterdam, NL) and

is expressed as a homotrimer that binds three

transferred onto a glass slide. Cells were kept on

receptor monomers. In contrast to many other

ice before microscopy.

TNF ligands, the main interaction surface of a

B cell Assay– B cells were purified from

single receptor binding interface is not located in

murine splenocytes using magnetic activated cell


separation (MACS) with CD45R/B220 MACS

monomers, but instead resides mainly on the



central surface of an APRIL monomer (Fig. 1A).

Netherlands). Purified B cells were then seeded

The same can be observed for BAFF in complex

in 96-well round-bottomed microtiter plates at a

with BAFF-R (33). Inspection of the interface










density of 2x10 cells/well, and incubated with

between APRIL and BCMA or TACI reveals

diluted conditioned media containing the APRIL

that the main chain conformation of APRIL

variants. After 6 days of incubation, viability

hardly changes upon interaction with the two



different receptors, and that many side chains

supernatants were assayed for IgA by ELISA.

only show minor conformational changes. In

Coated 96-well plates (2 µg/ml anti-mouse Ig,

contrast, the main chain conformation of TACI

Southern Biotech) were blocked with PBS, 5%

and BCMA show considerable deviation in the

BSA and, following washes with PBS, 0.05%

binding interface (Fig. 1B) and relatively few

Tween-20, incubated at 37 °C for 1 h with the

conserved interactions at the amino acid level

collected supernatants. Bound IgA were detected

(Fig. 1C and D), which is a favourable starting

with HRP-labelled anti-mouse-IgA (Southern

condition for the computational protein design

Biotech) and ABTS (Sigma-Aldrich).






RESULTS Computational Design of Receptor-Selective APRIL Variants– The X-ray crystal structures of

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Due to the three-fold symmetry of the APRIL-receptor





consisting of only two adjacent APRIL monomer

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re-suspended in mounting medium (VectaShield,

subunits and a single receptor monomer subunit

conditioned culture medium of transfected HEK-

was used in the design process, similar to the one

293T cells. This is a validated approach that has

used in previous TRAIL design work (22,23,26).

been used previously (14,32). Protein expression

We used such a design unit for APRIL despite

was quantified by western blot using an anti-

the fact that the receptor-binding interface of

FLAG tag antibody (Fig. 2A). Several variants

APRIL, in contrast to TRAIL, is largely confined


to a single monomer subunit. However, the

T175D, R206E and R206M) expressed well,

presence of a few direct contacts between the

others (D132A, D205Y, D132Y, T175Y and

receptor and an adjacent APRIL monomer (i.e.

D132F) displayed reduced expression levels, and

APRIL residues 205, 206 and 208) in addition to

some (D132T, D173R, V174R and A232L) were



not secreted at all. Some of these non-secreted

inclusion of the adjacent APRIL monomer

mutants were detected in cell lysates, suggesting

necessary (Figure 1A). Residues comprising the

folding and/or secretion problems, while others

receptor interface of APRIL were identified and

were not expressed at all, possibly as a result of

each of these residues was subsequently mutated

mRNA instability or another problem (Suppl.

into all other 19 natural occurring amino acids,

Fig. 2). As our goal was to generate a useable

and contribution to the interaction energy was

soluble APRIL variant, potential causes were not




further investigated and all non-expressers were




omitted from any further studies. In addition,

interaction energy revealed several mutations

some selectivity conferring mutations were

that could confer APRIL receptor selectivity

combined into double mutant variants; however,

towards BCMA or TACI. Subsequently, several

these mutants either failed to express (D132Y-



T175Y) or did not show any binding toward both

specificity conferring mutants were combined in

BCMA and TACI (T175D-D205Y/K, T175D-

single APRIL variants to evaluate the effect on

R206E) (data not shown).


FoldX of

protein the

of single BCMA or

receptor binding by FoldX. The best performing









single mutants and combination mutants were

ELISA– APRIL variants were tested using a

selected for experimental characterization (Fig.

receptor-binding ELISA as an initial screening

1E). For the purpose of clarity, APRIL mutants

assay to examine the real in vitro TACI and

will be referred to by only the amino acid

BCMA receptor binding and to determine

substitution (e.g. R231A means APRIL-R231A).

receptor selectivity. Since we were interested in

Generation of APRIL Variants– As human

the relative changes in affinity of the APRIL

WT-APRIL does not express well as a soluble

variants for the TACI and BCMA receptors, we

recombinant protein in Escherichia coli and is

did not correct at this point for the different

difficult to purify with high yield from

expression levels of the selected mutants. Thus

mammalian cell cultures, it was decided to test

in the following experiments although binding to

FLAG-tagged APRIL variants directly from

the target receptor could seem weaker than for

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the WT variant this is not necessarily the case

one variant, H241T, showed an improved

(see below). Variants were grouped according to

selectivity towards the mTACI, R206E, D132F

their predicted binding properties (i.e. being

and D132Y showed similar binding towards

either TACI- or BCMA- specific, figure 1E).

mBCMA-Fc and mTACI-Fc as that observed

R231A, previously shown by us to be a mutation

with human receptors (mBCMA-Fc and mTACI-

that leads to loss of both TACI and BCMA

Fc Suppl. Fig. 3). The binding of APRIL to TACI and BCMA

as a negative control (14,32). Binding to human

was quantified by surface plasmon resonance

BCMA-Fc was retained by all variants predicted

(SPR) (Suppl. Fig. 4 and Table 1 and 2). WT

to selectively bind BCMA (Fig. 2B). Although

APRIL bound TACI- and BCMA- Fc, both

T175D was well expressed it showed relatively

human and mouse, with affinities comparable to

lower binding to BCMA when compared to WT-

previously published values (Table 1 and 2)

APRIL; D205Y also showed decreased binding

(9,11,12,34). The BCMA-specific mutant R206E

to BCMA.

However, R206M and R206E

bound both human and mouse BCMA with

retained a binding profile towards BCMA

affinities comparable to WT-APRIL, while its

comparable to WT-APRIL.

binding to TACI was obviously reduced.

In contrast, when tested for binding towards

Comparison of the affinities of R206E for

human TACI-Fc, all these single variants

BCMA and TACI shows that this variant is 25-

showed significantly reduced binding compared

fold more selective for BCMA than for TACI.

to WT-APRIL. Therefore, all variants predicted


to selectively bind BCMA indeed showed

D132Y and D132F could not be produced in

enhanced selectivity towards BCMA. However,

sufficient quantities to obtain reliable SPR

binding of R206E to TACI-Fc was completely

readings. Taken together, these initial screening

lost, indicating not only enhanced BCMA

assays highlight one variant, R206E, with

selectivity, but complete specificity. All APRIL

specificity for BCMA, and two variants, D132F

mutants designed for being TACI-selective,

and D132Y, with selectivity towards TACI. All

retained binding to both BCMA and TACI, yet

of these mutants bind similarly to human and

showed a preferential binding for TACI at the

mouse receptors.




expense of BCMA (Fig. 2C). Mutants with the

R206E shows specificity for BCMA, while

best TACI to BCMA binding ratio were D132Y

D132F and D132Y show selectivity towards

and D132F.

TACI– In order to study receptor selectivity of

Although both the TACI or BCMA variants

APRIL variants in a standardized cell-based

were not specifically designed to bind murine

assay, BCMA:Fas- and TACI:Fas- expressing

receptors, the ligands were also tested for their

Jurkat cells were used as a reporter system (28).

binding to the homologous mouse receptors

In this assay, binding of APRIL to chimeric

which share ~70% sequence identity with their

receptors triggers the pro-apoptotic Fas signaling

human counterparts (Suppl. Fig. 1B). Although

pathway, leading to cell death. Reporter cells

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binding, but not binding to HSPGs, was included

indeed expressed their respective chimeric

Jurkat killing assays. In contrast, R206E failed to

receptors on the surface, as shown by FACS

trigger TACI internalization and was comparable

staining (Fig. 3A). Both WT APRIL and R206E

to the “receptor-dead” R231A variant or to the

efficiently killed BCMA:Fas-expressing cells

mock control, where acid treatment completely

(Fig. 3B), but only WT APRIL, and not R206E,

quenched the extracellular PE signal due to lack

killed TACI:Fas reporter cells (Fig. 3C).

of TACI internalisation (Fig. 4A and B). Similar

Conversely, D132F and D132Y showed reduced

results were obtained on the human lymphoma

activity on BCMA:Fas Jurkat cells (Fig. 3B), but

cell line Raji, for which we recently showed

enhanced activity on TACI:Fas Jurkat cells when

expression of both TACI and BCMA (32) (Fig.

compared to WT APRIL (Fig. 3C). Cell death

4C). These results point to the inability of R206E

was also evident at the morphological level, with

to stimulate endogenous TACI.

numerous apoptotic blebs forming as early as 1h Thus, the






receptor specificity of R206E, and selectivity of

APRIL variants were tested for their activity on

D132F and D132Y were confirmed in a cell-

freshly isolated mouse B220+ splenocytes, which

based assay.

are known to respond to APRIL by increasing

D132F and D132Y, but not R206E, triggered

survival and IgA production (14,32). WT APRIL

TACI internalisation on endogenously expressed

increased the number of live murine B cells

receptors– In order to test whether the R206E

remaining after 6 days of culture by a factor of 2

variant would also be unable to stimulate

(Fig. 5A) and also doubled the levels of IgA

endogenous WT TACI, we used a receptor

compared to the control (Fig. 5B). TACI-

internalisation assay (32). We chose the mouse

selective APRIL variants were slightly more

A20 cell line that has been shown to express

potent than WT at increasing cell survival (Fig.

high amounts of TACI (10,32). Treatment with

5A), although IgA production was not found to

WT-APRIL for 90 min at 37°C triggered TACI

be proportionally increased (Fig. 5B and C). In

internalisation, as shown by the high-PE signal

contrast, the BCMA-specific variant R206E

retained after acid treatment, which marks the

failed to increase live cell numbers, yet partially

antibody that was internalised, together with the

increased IgA levels in cell supernatants (Fig.

receptor (Fig. 4A, panel 3, marked box).

5A and B). This suggests that APRIL variants

Visualisation of stimulated cells by confocal

might prove useful at dissecting TACI- or

microscopy confirmed in a more direct way that

BCMA- dependent B cell responses.

TACI was internalised (Suppl. Fig.5). The two


TACI selective ligands, D132F and D132Y,

APRIL is a well-studied protein as a

efficiently triggered TACI internalisation at

consequence of its role in several pathological

levels even higher than those achieved with WT


APRIL (Fig. 4B, panel 5 and 6, marked boxes),

autoimmunity (reviewed in (5)). The high

in accordance with the ELISA binding and


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such of





growth many

and B-cell

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post-treatment initiation (Fig. 3D).

Distinct effects of APRIL variants on B

malignancies prompted a therapeutic study in

towards one or the other of its receptors. While

our laboratory aimed at blocking APRIL

the majority of the variants exhibited good

signalling for therapeutic purposes (32). APRIL

expression, some showed a reduced expression

binds two receptors: BCMA and TACI, but the

(D205Y, T175Y, D132Y, D132F, D132A) and

knowledge of which receptor mediates APRIL

others were not expressed (D132T, D173R,

signalling in different contexts is limited. In

V174R, A232L). Analysis of these non-

order to address this, we set out to develop

expressing variants suggest that they had folding

receptor-selective variants.

or secretion problems, indicating that some

Receptor-selective TNF family ligands have

residues in APRIL could play a role in those

been previously generated by employing rational

processes aside from being involved in receptor

design or directed evolution based methods.


Rational design approaches have been previously

variants, the four designed variants showed

used to design receptor selective TNF-α variants

preferred binding to BCMA compared to APRIL

(35) and TRAIL variants (22,23,26,36). Directed

and one, R206E, showed clear specificity

evolution methods employing phage-display

towards both human and mouse BCMA. R206E

were also used to generate receptor selective

retained an affinity towards BCMA comparable

TRAIL variants (37), a receptor selective TNFα

to that of WT-APRIL and also demonstrated

antagonist (38) and a LIGHT/LTβ variant that

comparable activity in cellular assays. R206E

does not bind DcR3 (39). In addition, selective

showed no binding to mouse TACI-Fc and much

receptor activation can also be achieved by the

decreased binding to human TACI-Fc as

use of receptor specific agonistic antibodies

assessed by SPR, as well as an inability to bind

(40,41) or other binding scaffolds (42). Whilst

and activate TACI at the cell surface.

these approaches can be equally useful, factors

design of variants specific towards TACI was

such as stoichiometry of receptor activation (40)

less successful, as only two variants (D132F and

and prolonged activation due to a longer half-life

D132Y) were found to have significantly

must be taken into account.

reduced binding to, and activation of, BCMA,

employing a protein design algorithm to


whilst retaining an acceptable level of TACI binding.

engineer receptor selective APRIL ligands that

Inspection of the humanized APRIL-BCMA

are structurally similar to the WT ligand. Our

and APRIL-TACI structures does not explain the

previous work on TRAIL variants showed that


this approach was feasible, even though we had

Explanations could be that the human APRIL

to construct a model of human APRIL in

may have some backbone changes compared to

complex with human TACI and BCMA (22,26).

the murine structure used as a template to model

Using the FoldX protein design algorithm, we

the human sequence, or conformational changes

generated a panel of amino acid substitutions

in APRIL upon mutation that eliminate the

that were predicted to direct binding of APRIL


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We decided to use a rational design strategy

In the case of the BCMA selective

Evaluation of the FoldX energy terms and

largely explains the TACI selective behaviour of

structural analysis of R206E indicates that the

D132F and D132Y. The three described APRIL variants were

by reducing the binding affinity towards the

effective at activating both over-expressed and

TACI receptor; the binding affinity towards

endogenously occurring APRIL receptors. In

BCMA remains largely unchanged. This is due

line with previous studies based on receptor

to the removal of hydrogen bonds with the side

knock-out experiments (28), we observed that

chain of Gln95Taci and the backbone oxygen of

only the TACI-selective APRIL ligands, and not

Ser91Taci in the APRIL-TACI complex upon

the BCMA-specific R206E (Fig. 5A), were able

mutation (Fig. 6A). In contrast, the backbone

to increase proliferation and/or survival of

atoms of the corresponding stretch of amino

murine B cells. After 6 days, both D132F and

acids in BCMA are further away from Arg206,

D132Y produced an even higher number of live

such that formation of a side-chain/back bone

cells than WT APRIL. This also fits our results

hydrogen bond is not possible.

where the two TACI variants were shown to be

For D132F and D132Y, structural analysis

more active than WT APRIL on the Jurkat

reveals that in the APRIL-BCMA complex,

TACI:Fas killing (Fig. 3C) and on endogenous

Asp132 of APRIL is involved in an electrostatic

TACI internalization (Fig. 4B and C).

interaction with Arg27 of BCMA, whereas in the

IgA screening of supernatants revealed that

APRIL-TACI complex, Asp132 is not involved

different mechanisms could be involved in IgA

in any specific interactions with the receptor,


except for a (weak) hydrogen bond with

stimulation produced a lower, but evident, IgA






(Fig 6B). Substituting Asp132 with Phe

titer without increasing the number of live cells.

or Tyr does not have unfavourable consequences

Of note, stimulation of B cells with 30x more

for the interaction with TACI, loss of the

concentrated R206E (not diluted to match the

hydrogen bond with Gln99Taci is compensated by

concentration of the lower expressing D132Y

a more favourable Van der Waals interaction

and D132F), still did not present a difference in

energy and (de)solvation energy. In contrast,

live cell numbers compared to the negative

upon substitution of Asp132 to Phe or Tyr, the

controls (Suppl. Fig. 6), yet stimulated small



amounts of IgA. This might be due to the

is destroyed and both Phe and Tyr

survival of a small population of pre-existing







IgA producing cells (28), perhaps long lived

conformation. Thus, the loss of an electrostatic

plasma cells shown to depend on BCMA (4). On

interaction and Van der Waals clashes with

the other hand, the TACI selective variants

either receptor residues or intra-chain residues

produced higher IgA levels than R206E, despite

upon binding to BCMA, in combination with

their lower affinity for BCMA. This might be

favourable interactions upon binding to TACI,

explained by previous findings where TACI and





BAFF-R, but not BCMA, were shown to be

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high specificity for BCMA is mainly achieved






various stages of development. BCMA and

suggesting formation of newly formed IgA

TACI are expressed in a temporal fashion during

producing cells (2,43).

B cell development (44), potentially leading to different populations in the different KO mice.

BCMA serve different roles during B cell

In addition, the concept of TRAF (the internal

stimulation. Further work should focus on the

regulators) sharing has been reported for the

molecular signals that define this difference.

TNF family, which may also be a limitation of

R206E should prove useful in future research to

the KO approach (45,46).

decipher the signal transduction elicited by

In summary, our current data show that APRIL

APRIL through BCMA, and D132F/Y in signal

variants have been generated that can selectively

transduction mediated via TACI. We feel that

activate either TACI or BCMA. These variants

such a “branch-pruning” approach for examining

open up the possibility for future in vitro and in

receptor contribution could be more informative


than using cells from receptor knock-out mice

understanding of this intricate subfamily of TNF

(or in RNAi mediated knockdown studies in

receptors and ligands and also help better

vitro) as it selectively removes only a single


interaction (23). This could be important in

physiological processes and in various disease

terms of downstream signals, which may rely on














the presence of one or the other receptor at

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Acknowledgments– We thank Olivier Micheau (University of Dijon, France) for the gift of Fasdeficient Jurkat JOM2 cells, Michael Hahne (Institut de Ge´netique Mole´culaire de Montpellier, France) for the gift of the BCMA-Fc and TACI-Fc producing cell lines and Laure Willen (Department of Biochemistry, University of Lausanne) for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from the Dutch cancer society (UvA 2007-3750), the Swiss National Science Foundation (to PS) and the E.U. (PROSPECTS, grant agreement number HEALTH-F4-2008-201648 and TRIDENT, grant agreement number FP6-LIFESCIHEALTH-37686, both to L.S.). A.M.S. was partially supported by a Juan de la Cierva fellowship.

FIG. LEGENDS Fig. 1. Crystal Structures of APRIL in complex with BCMA and TACI and prediction of the APRIL selective mutants. (A) Front view of APRIL (light and dark green) in complex with TACI (orange) or BCMA (blue). The APRIL-TACI and APRIL-BCMA complexes are superimposed. APRIL monomers are depicted using a molecular surface representation and main chain coordinates of the receptors are depicted in cartoon style. For clarity only a single receptor unit is depicted and two ligand monomers are shown. The TACI and BCMA receptor-binding interface of APRIL is mapped in red on the APRIL surface. In contrast to most other TNF family ligands, the receptorbinding interface resides only for a small part in the cleft between two adjacent ligand monomers, as most of the interaction surface is located on the central surface of a single APRIL monomer. (B) Detailed view of TACI and BCMA in complex with APRIL. Selected APRIL residues involved in interaction with the receptors are depicted (c-atoms of APRIL in complex with BCMA or TACI are light green or dark green, respectively). (C) Detailed view of TACI (orange) and BCMA (blue) residues involved in APRIL binding. TACI and BCMA show a RMSD of 1.45 Å upon superposition

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46. Gardam, S., Sierro, F., Basten, A., Mackay, F., and Brink, R. (2008) TRAF2 and TRAF3 signal adapters act cooperatively to control the maturation and survival signals delivered to B cells by the BAFF receptor Immunity. 28, 391-401

(calculated over 95 main chain atoms), the main chain coordinates show a larger displacement Cterminally of the beta-sheet. The interacting residues of BCMA or TACI are relatively non-conserved. Labels of BCMA residues are colored blue and TACI in black, cysteine bridges are colored yellow. D) Structure based alignment of the ECD ligand-binding domain of human BCMA and human TACI. Brackets indicate cysteine bridge connectivity. Full bars depict conserved residues. (E) FoldX interaction energy. Interaction free energy between APRIL variants and BCMA or TACI is calculated as the difference with the interaction energy of wild type APRIL and expressed as ∆∆G in kcal/mol. The FoldX interaction energy is corrected for unfavourable intra-chain Van der Waals clashes upon mutation (see methods). Variants are grouped as TACI-specific or BCMA-specific. R231A, a previously constructed APRIL variant unable to bind both receptors, was used as control. Structure images were generated using Pymol (www.pymol.org) and based on PDB IDs 1xu1 and 1xu2 (21).

of APRIL variants in conditioned medium by transient transfection of 293T cells. Supernatants (10µl of each) were analyzed by anti-FLAG immunoblotting. Upper panel: mutants predicted to be selective for BCMA. Lower panel: mutants predicted to be selective for TACI. All mutants were checked more than 3 times following independent rounds of transfection to assess their expression. B and C) Receptor binding ELISA to compare binding of the predicted BCMA- and TACI-specific APRIL variants to human BCMA-Fc and TACI-Fc. Bars, from left to right, represent doubling dilutions of the conditioned media starting from undiluted media. Relevant APRIL variants are shown with dark grey bars, WT APRIL with black bars and other variants with light grey bars. This is representative of three separate experiments performed with independent APRIL-containing cell conditioned media. R231A APRIL variant does not bind any of the APRIL receptors (negative binding control). Fig. 3. R206E shows specificity for BCMA while D132Y and D132F show selectivity for TACI. Binding activity of the ligands was tested on TACI:Fas and BCMA:Fas expressing reporter cells. The ligand binding is directly associated with induced cell death. A) Staining for human BCMA and TACI on Jurkat BCMA:Fas (left) and Jurkat JOM2 TACI:Fas cells (right). B) and C) Measurement of cell death produced after 16 h treatment with doubling dilutions of the APRIL variants on BCMA:Fas (B) and TACI:Fas (C) reporter cells. D) Microscopic pictures (40X) of Jurkat-BCMA-Fas (top) and Jurkat-TACI-Fas (bottom) cells after 1h stimulation with the indicated APRIL variants. Conditioned media were matched for APRIL amounts before incubation.

Fig. 4. D132F and D132Y but not R206E, triggered TACI internalisation on endogenously expressed receptors. Cells were stained with a PE-coupled anti-TACI antibody and incubated with the indicated ligands for 1 h at 37°C to allow receptor internalisation. Subsequently, cells were placed on ice to halt membrane movements and then treated with either PBS (control) or acid solution (pH 2) to strip off labelled receptors that were not internalised. A) Example of FACS profile of the TACI

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Fig. 2. Production and receptor binding properties of the APRIL mutants. A) Protein expression

internalisation for A20 cells. The high PE signal that remained after acid treatment (marked boxes) reflects TACI being internalised and protected inside cells. B) Quantification of figure 4A expressed as % of APRIL induced TACI internalisation. C) Quantification of TACI internalisation for human Raji cells.

Fig. 5. Differential effects of APRIL variants on B splenocytes survival and IgA production. Primary mouse splenocytes were positively selected for B220 and stimulated for 6 days with the indicated ligands in conditioned medium diluted 1:1 in normal medium. After 6 days, PI negative cells (live cells) were counted A) and supernatants were screened for soluble IgA levels B). C) Graphs representing the ratio between IgA and number of live B cells stimulated. Due to the different concentrations of ligands produced in conditioned medium, the concentration of all the variants were adjusted to that of the lowest expresser, D132F. Error bars represent SEM among triplicates.

structure R206 makes hydrogen bonds with TACI, whereas in the WT APRIL-BCMA crystal structure R206 is not involved in the interaction with BCMA. The E206 substitution in TACI and BCMA is not involved in hydrogen bond interactions. B) Structural consequences of the D132F and D132Y substitution. In the WT APRIL-BCMA structure, Asp132 (D132) is involved in a favourable electrostatic interaction with Arg27, whereas in the WT APRIL-TACI complex, Asp132 accepts a (weak) hydrogen bond from Gln99 (Q99) of TACI. The loss of this hydrogen bond due to the F132 and Y132 substitution is compensated in TACI by favourable Van der Waals interactions, whereas in BCMA the Phe or Tyr either clashes with Arg27 (R27) or with the main chain oxygen of Ser131 (S131) of APRIL. TACI is depicted in orange, BCMA in blue and APRIL in green. The D132F and D132Y structures are superimposed; residues that differ are indicated in lighter shades of blue, green and orange. Hydrogen bonds are shown as an orange dotted line and Van der Waals clashes are shown as a black dotted line.

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Fig. 6. A) Structural consequences of the R206E substitution. In the WT APRIL-TACI crystal

TABLES Table 1a. Affinities for Human BCMA-Fc Protein

ka (M-1s-1)

kd (s-1)

KD (M)


5.3±0.1 105

2.0±0.1 10-4

3.8±0.1 10-10


3.3±0.0 105

1.5±0.0 10-4

4.6±0.0 10-10

Table 1b. Affinities for Mouse BCMA-Fc Protein

ka (M-1s-1)

kd (s-1)

KD (M)


8.9±0.0 105

1.3±0.0 10-4

1.4±0.1 10-10


16±0.0 105

1.5±0.0 10-4

0.95± 0.3 10-10

Table 1. Affinities for Human and Mouse BCMA as measured by BIAcore. The numbers represent the average of a global fit using three curves from separate experiments.


ka (M-1s-1)

kd (s-1)

KD (M)


1.1±0.1 105

4.1±0.1 10-4

39±3 10-10


20±29 105

100±90 10-4

110±120 10-10


4.9±0.0 105

1.6±0.0 10-4

3.2±0.0 10-10

Table 2b. Affinities for Mouse TACI-Fc Protein

ka (M-1s-1)

kd (s-1)

KD (M)


1.7±0.1 105

7.5±0.1 10-4

44±1 10-10


RU too low, no fit

Table 2. Affinities for Human and Mouse TACI as measured by BIAcore.

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Table 2a. Affinities for Human TACI-Fc


TACI selective


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T175D D205Y R206E R206M


D132A D132F D132T D132Y D173R V174R T175F T175L T175Y A232L R233A R233E H241T



E. BCMA selective


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∆∆ G interaction (kcal/mol)

Figure 1. B.



5Y 5K 6E 20 D20 20 IL R D Y M CK - APR E D_ 5D_ 5D_ 5D 5 6 6 5 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 O T D2 T1 R2 R2 T1 T1 M T1 W


Y 75 T1 _ L Y A R F E Y T A T R F Y L 32 132 132 173 174 132 232 33 233 241 175 175 175 132 A D R2 R T D T D1 D H D D V T



BCMA-Fc coating

1.0 0.8

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0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.8

TACI-Fc coating




T W T1 75 Y

R2 06 E R2 06 M

R2 31 A


T1 75 F


D2 05 Y

T1 75 D


BCMA-Fc coating

1.0 0.8


0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.8

TACI-Fc coating




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R2 31 A

D1 32 F

D1 32 Y

D1 32 A

T1 75 L

H2 41 T

R2 33 A R2 33 E


Figure 3.















R231A WT R206E D132F D132Y


0 1








cond. media dilutions, 1 in:


Jurkat TACI:Fas

Jurkat BCMA:Fas


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cond. media dilutions, 1 in:




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% intact nuclei


R2 31 A W R2 T 06 D1 E 32 D1 F 32 Y





24 I Page Acid


81.5% 2.45%

81.1% 29.5%

83.4% 1.58%



APRIL induced TACI internalisation (%)


APRIL induced TACI internalisation (%)


A. 0.95%


C. 80






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R2 31 A W R2 T 06 D1 E 32 D1 F 32 Y




Figure 4.

B. A20



20 0













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25 I Page B.

R2 WT 0 D 6E 13 D1 2Y 32 F


IgA/n. live cells (x103)

Live cells

OD 405 nm


M O R CK 23 1A R WT 20 D 6E 13 D 2Y 13 2F

M O R2 CK 31 A R2 WT 0 D 6E 13 D1 2Y 32 F

n. PI - cells

Figure 5.








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D132F/Y WT

Figure 6.
