1 Introduction 2 An overview on E-learning ...

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Keywords: standard learning authoring tools, metadata ,asset ,SCO,IMS ... E-learning content authoring tool is software designed to create E-learning curricu-.
E-learning Content Authoring Tools and Introducing a Standard Content Constructor Engine Hossein Keynejad 1, Maryam Khademi 2, Maryam Haghshenas 3, Hoda Kabir 4 1,2,4 Islamic Azad University /South Tehran Branch /Tehran /Iran Islamic Azad University /Science & Research Branch /Tehran /Iran 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected], 4 [email protected] 3

Abstract. This paper is the final consequence of studies and investigations on producing an appropriate authoring tool in order to construct a standard interactive multimedia content in the process of E-learning. Although many tools have been developed to produce content only some of them are compatible to standards, such as SCORM and IMS. Because of this fact we intend to introduce a content constructor engine designed in our workgroup and scrutinize its capabilities. In addition to producing standard content, this engine employs knowledge management in content as well. Keywords: standard learning authoring tools, metadata ,asset ,SCO,IMS Global consortium, knowledge management in content, reusable learning object

1 Introduction E-learning content authoring tool is software designed to create E-learning curriculum. These authoring tools develop pages comprised of text, audio, image, video and animation. By organizing the pages, produced content will ease learners to track on the process of learning and appraise their progression themselves and this will apparently lead to self study. With a proper scenario, mentors and educators could observe the progression of their learners as well. So if we recognize the standards, we will be able to choose an appropriate authoring tool and provide congenial content to employ in E-learning process [1], [4].

2 An overview on E-learning constructor tools It should be considered that the main goal of using standards in E-learning is to provide standard data structures and communication protocols for E-learning object and learning process. Conforming to the standards, we will be able to supply high quality content. Regarding to the enormous domain of E-learning process and its tools, the standards have been focused on different branches. We are going to discuss on those related to content issue. In this case metadata, content packaging, content and learn-

ing material consortium, appraising educate and interactive content, included in IMS 1and SCORM2 standards, will be mentioned [2], [3]. In SCORM standard, E-learning content is created on the basis of reusable learning objects. The model which presents content in this standard is composed of three main parts: 1- Assets including media (text, audio, image, video, animation and web pages) which are introduced as valuable objects. 2- SCO3 that contains some assets and are introduced as the lowest level of component in content, in order to provide reusability. 3- Content packaging that provides methods of packing contents in the form of connectable learning units (course, chapter and modules). This standard, for each of the three parts, puts metadata in XML4 format so that they could be described. The most important E-learning standard is the one related to descriptive metadata, so it could provide the following abilities:    

Searching facilities (assessment, access and the use of learning objects) The possibility of sharing and exchanging learning objects among different E-learning systems. The possibility of automating the process of providing learning content for each learner separately, due to software factors. To standardize the description of learning resources

The defined data model for metadata in SCORM standard is divided into 9 main sections and internal parts of each section is depicted in detail (description of name, data type, maximum length and number of permitted repetitions). After the declaration about components name and structure involved in data model, the method of components implementation accompanied by XML standard is defined. The descriptions provided for each component in metadata include:    


A definition of component, its function and performance Number of permitted repetitions (how often is a component allowed to be repeated inside its parents). Pages Component ( an instance of implemented component accompanied by higher level components)

IP Multimedia Subsystem Shareable Content Object Reference Model 3 Sharable Content Object 4 Extensible Markup Language 2

In order to explain the content and its constructing process some suggestions are propounded in IMS standard as well. We are going to describe limited number of them briefly:   

IMS content packaging specification to create and share the object, content and learning elements with the capability of being reusable IMS question test specification to share test items and other appraisable devices IMS learning design specification to define learning scenarios and interactions for the use of contents and curriculums

It must be mentioned that these are only some of the categories for constructing Elearning contents in IMS [4], [6], [8], [9], [10].

3 General format of E-learning content authoring tools The most important requirements in learning and E-learning approach are tools used to design and codify the E-learning contents. Sometimes, these tools are placed in a learning content management system. Electronic content producer, which is mostly a mentor, can denote and develop learning subjects and contents, tests and assessments and the way of providing contents through these tools. Therefore, the general architecture of an electronic content authoring tool helps the mentor to put his desired content in a standard and appropriate format.

Fig.1.General architecture for an authoring tool in an electronic content

Keep in mind that all the electronic contents with different forms should be transformed to XML standard format and then they will be available for LCMS5. We have developed an electronic content constructor engine which conforms to IMS and SCORM standards. We are going to describe this engine in coming pages [4], [5], [7].

4 Some points on choosing a learning content authoring tool For selecting learning content authoring tools, we should conform to the standards and furthermore some other points must be considered. For example:        

Can we specify the feature of the content produced by an authoring tool? Which standards are supported by this authoring tool? What are the file formats provided by this authoring tool? Do we have the possibility of offering curriculums offline and online? What feature do the electronic contents, contributed by the authoring tool in a framework, have? (to select an appropriate template) What are the players and browsers needed for presenting the electronic content? Could the produced content communicate with other environments? Is it possible to employ prepared file formats (Power point, Excel, HTML, Word, PDF …) as input?

These are only some of the points about choosing a content authoring tool. So we are ought to make a list of our requirements in the beginning, and then we can go for selecting an appropriate authoring tool [1], [4], [5].

5 Introduction to content construction engine (case study) For preparing this software, we have been scrutinized about the end user requirements, dominant attributes to compete with similar software and time, financial and technical restrictions and finally the fundamental features were recognized. Some of the influential features in this software are mentioned bellow: 


To simulate books Outmost efforts were made in order to make the similarity of this work with original book to build confidence in end user. Due to respect the principles of interaction, we had to change some exercises in this software and in this

Learning Content Management System

  

process we talked with some reliable experts to keep the exercise originality. To add signs This feature allows the user to mark the desired page with a text label, so that he becomes able to access the same page whenever is required. To add notes The user is able to add notes in each page and in the next reference he could find the attached note under a notation. Quick access to book contents Using a hierarchical menu, different parts are classified properly. To zoom in pages In order to obtain a better view of pages, the user can employ this feature. To complement the book contents In addition to keep similarity between the software content and book content, the efforts were made to add more educational items as complementary, so that a suitable assessment could b provided. To create an interactive environment Tenets in this software are based on multimedia and interactive deportment. In order to increase the motivation and interest of the user to keep studying and doing exercises, interactive practices are created. Reportage of the user activities If we use this feature it helps us to have an accurate report of the user performance on content. Creating username Each user must create his username to observe the notes, allegories and reports related to him. Searching abilities This software allows user to search a word on the text. After the process of searching a list containing desired word will be shown. By choosing one of them, the user can jump to the page directly.

6 Use case model for the content presented by this engine In this part we will demonstrate the use case model which was designed to employ in our engine.

User Registration User

User Identification

Simulating Books

Search Thematic List

Jump To Desired Page

User Performane Report

Navigate On Pages List Of Results

Graphic List Of Pages Printing Pages

Book Presentation

Managing Notes

Interactive Activities

Selective Tests

Managing Signs

Zoom In

Zoom Out Add Note

Show Reports

Delete Note Course Test

Show One Or Two Pages Automatic Playback Add Sign

Comprehensive Test Delete Sign

Fig.2.Use case model used in the introduced engine

7 Technical features in content constructor engine The main attributes which are related to technical outlook in software developing process, can be mention as below: 

Component based The produced engine is distributed in a collection of standard components. So, modular components could be easily added or deleted from this collection. By using Flash CS4 and Action Script 3.0 capabilities, we can develop our desired components and customize them congruous to our requirements. Usage of XML In order to make communication between internal and external components, XML format is employed. IMS and SCORM compliance Produced content via this engine, supports SCORM standard completely and the text, audio, image, video, animation and pages are known as SCO assets. Besides the format used in assessments and tests are based on IMS standard, so that the assessments are relevant to educational content and

could be used in appraisal reports to provide reportage for each role congenial to a particular knowledge management overview. Knowledge management ability In content coding scenario, the content is classified in order to help user to gain his required knowledge depending on his role. To present content in the form of online and offline Content constructor engine is designed to use HTML as its main format and Cascading Style Sheet as a pattern to present content. These patterns are examined by script languages as well and each page will be presented after being rendered. Hence in the online presentation, when a page is opened it will be loaded and shown at the same moment. This attribute will also make able the content to perform on a low bandwidth.

8 Conclusion Although many tools have been developed to produce content but only some of them are compatible to standards. Because of this fact, we intend to present the criteria and properties to choose best tools. In addition, we introduced a content constructor engine which is designed and produced in our academic group. This engine demonstrates standard contents and besides some new features is included. The most significant characteristic used in this software is to display the produced content in form of both offline and online. When the considered band width is not available for the user (learner or mentor), the offline phase is recommended in the process of learning and for reaching higher performance a web service is employed to transfer user’s information. Some of other attributes in the engine are: simulating variable books, adding notes, interactive environment, searching abilities and reportage of user actions. It must be mentioned that the engine we made has capability to use knowledge management in content, as well.

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Biographies Hossein Keynejad – Is born in Tehran on 1965 and has earned M.Sc. degree in applied mathematics from Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran in 1992 and B.Sc. degree in applied mathematics from Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran in 1985. He has published “Multimedia Environments” book in Persian. He is interested in E-learning and multimedia fields. Mr. Keynejad is a faculty member in Islamic Azad University, south Tehran branch and Project manager on producing contents in Soroush Mehr Company. Maryam Khademi – is born in Boroujerd on 1967 and she received B.Sc. in Pure Mathematics from Tarbiat Moaalem University, Tehran, Iran in 1989, M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics from Islamic Azad University North Tehran Branch, Iran in 1991, M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran in 1993, and Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from University of Tehran in 2004. She has very publication in different fields and her CV is located on link: http://old.azad.ac.ir/faculty/khademi89.htm. She is interested in finite groups Theory, Graph Theory, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Khademi is the faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Tehran south branch. Maryam Haghshenas – is born in Bijar on 1985 and has earned B.Sc. degree in Computer Hardware engineering from Islamic Azad University, south Tehran branch on 2007 and is M.Sc. degree student in IT management at Islamic Azad University, Science & Research branch. She has published “Information technology security & service management system” in Information Society of Iran journal on July 2010. She is interested in E-learning & Indexing on components of multimedia & authoring tools and IT System management. Ms. Haghshenas is a member of Young Researchers Club at Islamic Azad University, Tehran south branch and also a member of the Information Technology Management Association at Islamic Azad University, Science &Research Branch. Hoda Kabir – is born in London on 1985 and has earned a bachelor’s degree in Computer Software Engineering from Islamic Azad University, south Tehran branch on 2010. She is interested in producing E-learning content, artificial intelligent & Multimedia fields. Ms. Kabir is a member of Young Researchers Club at Islamic Azad University, South Tehran branch.