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generalized (f,g)−nonexpansive mappings in a linear norm space E. We ... Let K be a nonempty subset of a metric space
Communications in Mathematical Analysis Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 17–26, 2007


( f , g)−NONEXPANSIVE MAPPINGS Y ISHENG S ONG∗ College of Mathematics and Information Science, Henan Normal University, P.R. China, 453007.

(Communicated by Simeon Reich)

Abstract In this paper, we prove that there is the unique common fixed point of T, f , g if T is generalized ( f , g)−contractive and both (T, f ) and (T, g) are weakly compatible in a metric space (E, d). We also establish several common fixed point theorems for generalized ( f , g)−nonexpansive mappings in a linear norm space E. We apply these theorems to derive some results on the existence of common points from the set of best approximations. Our results develop and complement the various known results in the existing literatures.

AMS Subject Classification: 41A50, 47H10, 54H25. Keywords: Common fixed points, invariant approximations, generalized ( f , g)−nonexpansive mappings, weakly compatible mappings.


Introduction and Preliminaries

Let K be a nonempty subset of a metric space (E, d) and T a mapping from K to E. We shall denote the closure of K by K, the boundary of K by ∂K, and all positive integer by N, and the set of fixed points of T , {x ∈ K; x = T x}, by F(T ). When {xn } is a sequence in E, then xn → x(respectively, xn * x)will denote strong (respectively, weak) convergence of the sequence {xn } to x. A mapping T : K → E is called an ( f , g)−contraction if there exists 0 ≤ k < 1 such that d(T x, Ty) ≤ kd( f x, gy) for all x, y ∈ K. If k = 1, then T is called ( f , g)−nonexpansive. If g = f , in the above inequality, T is said to be an f −contraction (respectively, f −nonexpansive mapping). A point x ∈ K is a coincidence point (respectively, common fixed point) of f and T if f (x) = T x (respectively, x = f (x) = T x). The set of coincidence points of f and T is denoted by C( f , T ). The pair ( f , T ) is called to be ∗ Email:

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Yisheng Song

(i) compatible [6] if f xn , T xn ∈ K and lim d(T f xn , f T xn ) = 0 whenever {xn } is a sen→∞ quence such that lim T xn = lim f xn = t for some t in K; n→∞


(ii) weakly compatible if T (C( f , T )) ⊂ K and f (C( f , T )) ⊂ K such that f T x = T f x whenever x ∈ C( f , T ). Suppose that E is compact metric space and both T and f are continuous self-mapping, then ( f , T ) compatible equivalent to ( f , T ) weakly compatible [6, Theorem2.2,Corollary 2.3]. Let K be a nonempty closed convex subset of a normed space E. A mapping f : K → K is affine if K is convex and f (kx + (1 − k)y) = k f x + (1 − k) f y for all x, y ∈ K and all k ∈ [0, 1]. A subset K of a norm space E is called q−starshaped with q ∈ K if kx + (1 − k)q ∈ K for all x ∈ K and all k ∈ [0, 1]. Let T be a mapping form a q−starshaped subset K of a normed space E into itself. T is called q−affine if T (kx + (1 − k)q) = kT x + (1 − k)q for all x ∈ K and all k ∈ [0, 1]. It is easy to see that if T is q−affine, then T q = q. Let K be a q−starshaped subset of a normed space E and T, f two mappings from K to itself. Then (T, f ) is called Cq -commuting [1] if f T x = T f x for all x ∈ Cq ( f , T ), where S Cq ( f , T ) = {C( f , Tk ); 0 ≤ k ≤ 1} and Tk x = (1−k)q+kT x. Clearly, Cq −commuting maps are weakly compatible but not conversely in general. R-subcommuting and R-subweakly commuting maps are Cq -commuting but the converse does not hold in general. For more detail, see [1]. During the last four decades, several invariant approximation results have been obtained by many mathematicians[1,3-8,14-16]. Recently, in particular, with the introduction of noncommuting maps to this area, Shahzad [16] and Hussain and Khan [4] further proved several invariant approximation results in more general space. The main aims of this paper is to prove that there is the unique common fixed point of T, f , g if T is generalized ( f , g)−contractive and both (T, f ) and (T, g) are weakly compatible in a metric space (E, d). As application, we will prove the common fixed point theorems for the generalized ( f , g)−nonexpansive weakly compatible mappings. We apply these theorems to derive some results on the existence of common fixed points from the set of best approximations. Our results, on the one hand, extend and develop the work of Hussain and Jungck [3], Al-Thagafi and Shahzad [1] and Jungck [7], on the other hand, provide generalizations and complementarities of the recent work of Jungck and Sessa [5] and Shahzad [14-16].


Common fixed point theorems

Let K be a nonempty subset of a metric space (E, d) and T, f , g be three mappings on K. In this section, we will study the common fixed point theorems of a generalized ( f , g)−contraction and a generalized ( f , g)−onexpansive mapping. Now, we introduce the concepts of the generalized ( f , g)−contraction. A mapping T : K → E is called a generalized ( f , g)−contraction if there exists a constant r ∈ [0, 1) such that d(T x, Ty) ≤r max{(d( f x, gy)), d(T x, f x), d(Ty, gy), 1 [d( f x, Ty) + d(T x, gy)]} for all x, y ∈ K. 2


Common fixed points and invariant approximations


It is obvious that the generalized ( f , g)−contraction contains the ( f , g)−contraction and the Kannan’s mapping (a mapping T is a Kannan’s mapping if d(T x, Ty) ≤ 21 [d(x, T x) + d(Ty, y) for all x, y ∈ K)( see Refs. Reich [11, 12]) as the special cases. Furthermore, the contraction is its main subclass also (when f = g = I in ( f , g)−contraction). Example 1. Let E = (−∞, +∞) be endowed with the Euclidean metric d(x, y) = |x − y|. Assumed that K = [0, 1] and f , g : K → K are given by f (x) = g(x) = 13 x2 for all x ∈ [0, 1]. Let T : K → K be defined by T x = 29 x2 , x ∈ K. Then T is a generalized ( f , g)−contraction with a constant r = 32 and C( f , T ) = F(g, T ) = {0} = F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g). In fact, 2 2 1 2 d(T x, Ty) = |x2 − y2 | = ( |x2 − y2 |) = d( f x, gy). 9 3 3 3 Example 2. Assumed that E is as Example 1 and K = [0, 1]. Let f , g : K → E be respectively given by f (x) = x−1, g(x) = x2 −1. If T : K → E is defined by T x = 12 (x2 +1), then T is a generalized ( f , g)−contraction with a constant r = 21 . Indeed, if y ≤ x, then d(T x, Ty) = 12 (x2 − y2 ) ≤ 12 (x − y2 ) = 12 d( f x, gy) since x2 ≤ x. If x < y, then 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 d(T x, Ty) = (y2 − x2 ) ≤ ≤ + x2 − x = |x − 1 − (x2 + 1)| = d( f x, T x) 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 since the function ϕ(x) = 34 + 14 x2 − 21 x is nonincreasing in [0, 1] and min ϕ(x) = 12 . Clearly, / C(g, T ) = 0/ and F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g) = 0. / C( f , T ) = 0,


Example 3. Assumed that E, K are as Example 2 and f , g : K → E are given by f (x) = 2x, x ∈ K and by g(x) = 2x2 for x ∈ K, respectively. Let T x = 12 x2 , x ∈ K. Then T is a generalized ( f , g)−contraction with a constant r = 12 . In fact, if y ≤ x, then d(T x, Ty) = 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 (x − y ) ≤ 2 (x − y ) = 4 d( f x, gy); if x < y, then d(T x, Ty) = 2 (y − x ) ≤ 2 y ≤ 4 y = 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 |2y − 2 y | = 2 d(gy, Ty). Clearly, T (K) = [0, 2 ], g(K) = [0, 2] and f (K) = [0, 2] and C( f , T ) = C(g, T ) = {0} = F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g). Next, we give our main results which assures C( f , T ) = C(g, T ) 6= 0/ and F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ / F(g) 6= 0. Theorem 2.1 Let K be a subset of a metric space (E, d), and T, f , g : K → E three T mappings with T (K) ⊂ f (K) g(K). Suppose that T (K) is complete, and T is a generalized ( f , g)−contraction with a constant r ∈ [0, 1). Then neither C(T, f ) nor C(T, g) is empty. Moreover, if, in addition, both (T, f ) and (T, g) are weakly compatible, then F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g) is singleton.

Proof. Let x0 be any fixed element in K. Since T (K) ⊂ f (K) ∩ g(K), there is a sequence {xn } in K such that T x2n = f x2n+1 and T x2n+1 = gx2n+2 for all n ≥ 0.


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It follows from Eq.(2.1) that d(T x2n+1 , T x2n ) ≤r max{d( f x2n+1 , gx2n ), d(T x2n+1 , f x2n+1 ), d(T x2n , gx2n ), 1 [d( f x2n+1 , T x2n ) + d(T x2n+1 , gx2n )]} 2 =r max{d(T x2n , T x2n−1 ), d(T x2n+1 , T x2n ), d(T x2n , T x2n−1 ), 1 [d(T x2n , T x2n ) + d(T x2n+1 , T x2n−1 )]} 2 1 ≤r max{d(T x2n , T x2n−1 ), [d(T x2n+1 , T x2n ) + d(T x2n , T x2n−1 )]}. 2 And d(T x2n−1 , T x2n ) ≤r max{d( f x2n−1 , gx2n ), d(T x2n−1 , f x2n−1 ), d(T x2n , gx2n ), 1 [d( f x2n−1 , T x2n ) + d(T x2n−1 , gx2n )]} 2 =r max{d(T x2n−2 , T x2n−1 ), d(T x2n−1 , T x2n−2 ), d(T x2n , T x2n−1 ), 1 [d(T x2n−2 , T x2n ) + d(T x2n−1 , T x2n−1 )]} 2 1 ≤r max{d(T x2n−2 , T x2n−1 ), [d(T x2n−2 , T x2n−1 ) + d(T x2n−1 , T x2n )]}. 2 Thus we have proved that for all n ≥ 0, d(T xn+1 , T xn ) ≤ rd(T xn−1 , T xn ) ≤ rn d(T x1 , T x0 ). Hence for all m ≥ n ≥ 0, noting r ∈ [0, 1), a constant, d(T xm , T xn ) ≤






∑ d(T xi , T xi+1 ) ≤ ∑ ri d(T x1 , T x0 ) ≤ 1 − r d(T x1 , T x0 ).

Then d(T xm , T xn ) → 0, as m, n → ∞. That is, {T xn } is a Cauchy sequence. Since T (K) is complete, then {T xn } converges to some z ∈ T (K), and by the definition of {T xn }, we obtain that lim gx2n = z = lim f x2n+1 .




Hence there exists u, v ∈ K such that f u = z = gv (since T (K) ⊂ f (K) g(K)). Let ε be any positive number and N a large enough natural number such that for any n > N, d(z, gx2n ) < ε, d(T xn , z) < ε, d( f x2n+1 , z) < ε.

Common fixed points and invariant approximations


It follows from Eq.(2.1)that d(Tu, z) − ε ≤d(Tu, T x2n ) ≤r max{d( f u, gx2n ), d(Tu, f u), d(T x2n , gx2n ), 1 [d( f u, T x2n ) + d(Tu, gx2n )]} 2 ≤r max{d(z, gx2n ), d(Tu, z), d(T x2n , z) + d(z, gx2n ), 1 [d(z, T x2n ) + d(Tu, z) + d(z, gx2n )]} 2 1 ≤r max{ε, d(Tu, z), 2ε, [2ε + d(Tu, z)]}. 2 Case 1. 2rε ≥ d(Tu, z) − ε. Then 3ε ≥ d(Tu, z). ε Case 2. rd(Tu, z) ≥ d(Tu, z) − ε. Then ≥ d(Tu, z). 1−r d(Tu, z)) Case 3. r(ε + ) ≥ d(Tu, z) − ε. Then 4ε ≥ d(Tu, z). 2 Since ε is a arbitrary positive number, Tu = z. / (i) is proved. We have proved that u ∈ C(T, f ). Similarly, we also have v ∈ C(T, g) 6= 0. Next we prove (ii). As (T, f ) and (T, g) are weakly compatible and Tu = f u = z = T v = gv, then gz = gT v = T gv = T z = T f u = f Tu = f z. We claim that z is a common fixed point of T, f , g. Suppose z 6= T z, then d(z, T z) =d(Tu, T z) ≤ r max{(d( f u, gz)), d(Tu, f u), d(T z, gz), 1 [d( f u, T z) + d(Tu, gz)]} 2 1 ≤r max{(d(z, T z)), 0, 0, [d(z, T z) + d(z, T z)]} 2 ≤rd(z, T z). T


Which is a contradiction. Therefore z ∈ F(T ) F( f ) F(g). If there exists another point v ∈ K such that v = T v = gv = f v, then using similar to above argumentation we get d(z, v) = d(T z, T v) ≤r max{(d( f z, gv)), d(T z, f z), d(T v, gv), 1 [d( f z, T v) + d(T z, gv)]} 2 ≤rd(z, v). Hence z = v. The proof is complete. Corollary 2.2 Let K be a subset of a metric space (E, d), and T, f , g : K → K three T mappings with T (K) ⊂ f (K) g(K). Suppose that T (K) is complete, and T is a generalized ( f , g)−contraction with a constant r ∈ [0, 1). Then neither C(T, f ) nor C(T, g) is empty. Moreover, if, in addition, both (T, f ) and (T, g) are weakly compatible, then F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g) is singleton.


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Corollary 2.3 Let K be a subset of a metric space (E, d), and T, f , g : K → K three mappings. Assumed that T is a ( f , g)-contractive mapping with a constant r ∈ (0, 1). Suppose / Morethat T (K) ⊂ f (K) ∩ g(K) and T (K) is complete, then C(T, f ) 6= 0/ and C(T, g) 6= 0. over, if both (T, f ) and (T, g) are weakly compatible, then F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g) is singleton. Theorem 2.1 and Corollary 2.2 and 2.3 contains the Banach Contraction Principle as a special case( f = g = I, an identic operator). It generalizes Hussain and Jungck [3, Theorem 2.1], Al-Thagafi and Shahzad [1, Theorem 2.1 ]. It also extends Shahzad [15, Lemma 2.1] and Pant [8, Theorem 1]. Let K be a nonempty q−starshaped subset of a normed space E. A mapping T : K → K is called to be generalized ( f , g)−onexpansive if ∀x, y ∈ K, kT x − Tyk ≤ max{k f x − gyk, d( f x, [T x, q]), d(gy, [Ty, q]), 1 [d( f x, [Ty, q]) + d(gy, [T x, q])]}. 2


As an application of the above results of the generalized ( f , g)−contraction, we obtain the following results in a normed space E. Theorem 2.4 Let K be a nonempty q−starshaped subset of a normed space E, and T, f , g : K → K be three continuous mappings and T be a generalized ( f , g)−onexpansive mapping. Suppose that both (T, f ) and (T, g) are Cq −commuting, and both f and g are / q−affine. If T (K) is a compact subset of f (K) ∩ g(K), then F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g) 6= 0. Proof. Let {kn } be a strictly decreasing sequence in (0, 1) such that lim kn = 1. For each n, n→∞ let Tn be a mapping defined by Tn x = (1 − kn )q + kn T x, ∀x ∈ K. Then, for all n, Tn (K) ⊂ f (K) ∩ g(K) by q−starshapedness of K and q−affiness of f and g. Thus for all x, y ∈ K, kTn x − Tn yk ≤kn kT x − Tyk ≤kn max{k f x − gyk, d( f x, [T x, q]), d(gy, [Ty, q]), 1 [d( f x, [Ty, q]) + d(gy, [T x, q])]} 2 ≤kn max{k f x − gyk, k f x − Tn xk, kgy − Tn yk, 1 [k f x − Tn yk + kgy − Tn xk]}, 2 then Tn , f , g satisfy Eq.(2.2) with a coefficient r = kn ∈ (0, 1). Note that (T, f ) and (T, g) are Cq −commuting, and f and g are q−affine, then q ∈ F( f ) ∩ F(g) [1]. If Tn x = f x = gx, we have Tn f x = (1 − kn )q + kn T f x = (1 − kn ) f q + kn f T x = f ((1 − kn )q + kn T x) = f Tn x. Namely, (Tn , f ) is weakly compatible. Similarly, (Tn , g) is weakly compatible also. As T (K) is compact, then T (K) is complete [9, 13]. It follows from Corollary 2.2 that for each n, there exists the unique xn ∈ K such that xn = f xn = gxn = kn T xn + (1 − kn )q.


Common fixed points and invariant approximations


It follows from the compactness of T (K) that there exists {xni } ⊂ {xn } and z ∈ K such that T xni → z ∈ T (K). Thus, noticing Eq.(2.3), xni = f xni = gxni = kni T xni + (1 − kni )q → z(i → ∞).


The continuity of T and f and g imply T xni → T z and f xni → f z and gxni → gz, respectively. Hence, noting Eq.(2.4), we get z = T z = f z = gz. This finishes the proof. Corollary 2.5 Let K be a nonempty q−starshaped subset of a normed space E, and T : K → K a nonexpansive mapping and T (K) ⊂ K. If T (K) is compact subset of K, then / F(T ) 6= 0. Theorem 2.4 generalizes and develops Hussain and Jungck [3, Theorem 2.2(i)], AlThagafi and Shahzad [1, Theorem 2.2 ], Jungck [7, Theorem 3.1] and Shahzad [15, Lemma 2.2 ]. Theorem 2.6 Let K be a nonempty q−starshaped subset of a Banach space E, and T, f , g : K → K three weakly continuous mappings and and T be a generalized ( f , g)−onexpansive mapping. Assumed that T (K) is weakly compact subset of f (K) ∩ g(K). If both (T, f ) and / (T, g) are Cq −commuting, and f , g are q−affine, then F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g) 6= 0. Proof. Let {kn } be a strictly decreasing sequence in (0, 1) such that lim kn = 1. By the n→∞

proof of Theorem 2.4, there is a common approximate fixed sequence {xn } ∈ T (K) of f , g, T . Since f , g, T are weakly continuous and T (K) is weakly compact, then the weak cluster z of {xn } is a common fixed point of f , g, T . The proof is completed. Theorem 2.6 extends, develops and complements Hussain and Jungck [3, Theorem 2.2(ii),2.3], Al-Thagafi and Shahzad [1, Theorem 2.4 ] and Shahzad [14, Theorem 3 ]. Corollary 2.7 Let K be a nonempty weakly compact and q−starshaped subset of a Banach space E, T, f , g : K → K three weakly continuous mappings such that T (K) ⊂ f (K) ∩ g(K). Assumed that (T, f ) and (T, g) are Cq −commuting, and f and g are q−affine. If T is / ( f , g)−nonexpansive mapping, then F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g) 6= 0.


Invariant approximations results

In this section, several invariant approximations results, a further application of the main results in section 2, are obtained. Recall that the set PK (u) = {x ∈ K; d(x, u) = d(u, K)} is called the set of best approximations to u ∈ E out of K, where d(u, K) = inf d(y, u) [13]. y∈K

Theorem 3.1 Let K be a subset of a normed space E, u ∈ E, and T, f , g : K → K three continuous mappings. Assumed that PK (u) is nonempty q−starshaped, T (PK (u)) ⊂ PK (u)


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is compact, f (PK (u)) ∩ g(PK (u)) = PK (u), f and g are q−affine on PK (u). Suppose (T, f ) and (T, g) are Cq −commuting and satisfy for all x ∈ PK (u) ∪ {u},   if y = u, k f x − guk kT x − Tyk ≤ max{k f x − gyk, d( f x, [T x, q]), d(gy, [Ty, q]), (3.1)  1 if y ∈ PK (u). 2 [d( f x, [Ty, q]) + d(gy, [T x, q])]} / Then PK (u) ∩ F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g) 6= 0. Proof. Since T (PK (u)) ⊂ PK (u) = f (PK (u))∩g(PK (u)) is compact, the results follows from Theorem 2.4 (K = PK (u)). Theorem 3.2 Let K be a subset of a Banach space E, u ∈ E, and T, f , g : K → K three weakly continuous mappings. Assume that PK (u) is nonempty q−starshaped, f (PK (u)) ∩ g(PK (u)) = PK (u), T (PK (u)) ⊂ PK (u) is weakly compact, f and g are q−affine on PK (u). Suppose (T, f ) and (T, g) are Cq −commuting and satisfy Eq.(3.1) for all x ∈ PK (u) ∪ {u}. / Then PK (u) ∩ F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g) 6= 0. Proof. Since T (PK (u)) ⊂ PK (u) = f (PK (u)) ∩ g(PK (u)) is weakly compact, the results follows from Theorem 2.6 with K = PK (u). The following Theorem 3.3 develops, improves and complements Hussain and Jungck [3, Theorem 2.8-2.11], Al-Thagafi and Shahzad [1, Theorem 4.3, 3.3]. We further note that in our results the following two assumptions are not used: (a) f − T is demiclosed; (b) E satisfies Opial’s condition. Theorem 3.3 Let K be a nonempty subset of a Banach space E with T (∂K) ⊂ K and u ∈ F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g), where T, f , g : K → K are three weakly continuous mappings. Assume that PK (u) is nonempty q−starshaped and weakly compact, f (PK (u)) ∩ g(PK (u)) = PK (u), f and g are q−affine. Suppose that (T, f ) and (T, g) are Cq −commuting on PK (u) and / satisfy Eq.(3.1) for all x ∈ PK (u) ∪ {u}. Then PK (u) ∩ F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g) 6= 0. Proof. Let x ∈ PK (u). Then kx − uk = d(u, K) and for all k ∈ (0, 1), kkx + (1 − k)u − uk = kkx − uk < d(u, K). / and so x ∈ ∂K ∩ K. Since T (∂K) ⊂ K, it follows Thus {kx + (1 − k)u; k ∈ (0, 1)} ∩ K = 0, that T x ∈ K. Since f x, gx ∈ Pk (u) and T, f , g satisfy Eq.(3.1) on PK (u) ∪ {u}, we have kT x − uk = kT x − Tuk ≤ k f x − f uk = k f x − uk = d(u, K) and hence T x ∈ PK (u). Therefore, T (PK (u)) ⊂ PK (u). Since PK (u) is weakly compact, then PK (u) is closed [13, 2]. Thus T (PK (u)) ⊂ PK (u) = f (PK (u)) ∩ g(PK (u)). Now the result follows from Theorem 2.6 with K = PK (u). Theorem 3.4 Let K be a nonempty subset of a normed space E with T (∂K ∩ K) ⊂ K and u ∈ F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g), where T, f , g : K → K are three continuous mappings. Assume that PK (u) is nonempty q−starshaped and compact, f (PK (u)) ∩ g(PK (u)) = PK (u), f and g are q−affine on PK (u). Suppose that (T, f ) and (T, g) are Cq −commuting on PK (u) and / satisfy Eq.(3.1) for all x ∈ PK (u) ∪ {u}. Then PK (u) ∩ F(T ) ∩ F( f ) ∩ F(g) 6= 0.

Common fixed points and invariant approximations


Proof. To obtain the result, use an argument similar to that in Theorem 3.3 and apply Theorem 2.6 instead of Theorem 2.4.

Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Professor Pee Ji Lin and Professor Simeon Reich and the anonymous referee for their valuable suggestions which helps to improve this manuscript.

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