Nazi Germany and the Catholic Church during the war. 21. Nazi Propaganda. 22. The Ethiopian Crisis of 1935. 23. The Nure
1. Kaiser Wilhelm II and the 2nd Reich 2. Armenian Nationalism 3. German-Turkish relations, 1900-1915 4. Mexican Revolution 1911-1924 5. H.M.S. “Dreadnought” and the Naval Race 6. The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05 7. Communist upheaval in Germany , 1916-1919 8. Easter Rebellion of 1916 9. Mutiny in the trenches, 1916-1917 10. World War I and German East Africa 11. Verona Telegram-Cold War and Soviet Code 12. Peron and Argentina 13. Czech Revolution 1945-48: Benes and Masaryk 14. The Impact of World War I on women in the workplace 15. The Locarno treaties of 1925, and Stresemann 16. German Depression, 1920-23 17. The Lateran Treaties of 1929 18. The Washington and London naval conferences 19. Hitler’s “Weltanschauung” 20. Nazi Germany and the Catholic Church during the war 21. Nazi Propaganda 22. The Ethiopian Crisis of 1935 23. The Nuremberg Laws of Racial Purity 24. The Spanish Civil War 25. Basque seperatism 26. Russo-German Non-Aggression Pact of 1939: The Deadly Embrace 27. Leo Blum and the French Popular Front 28. Hitler and the “Final Solution” – the Fleming Thesis 29. Albert Speer: Role in continuing war 30. Iceland in World War II 31. Julius Streicher and Der Sturmer 32. Auschwitz and the Allies : the Gilbert Thesis 33. Vidkun Quisling and Nazi Norway 34. Project T-4 (Euthanasia) 35. Russo-Finnish War of 1940 36. Women and the War Effort – World War II
37. Influenza Epidemic 1918-1919 38. Irish nuetrality during World War II 39. German Youth Resistance to the Nazis 40. Nuremberg War Crimes Trials 41. Henri Petain and the Vichy Government 42. Andrei Sakharov and Soviet Repression 43. Myth of French Resistance during World War II 44. Non-Germans in the S.S. 45. Swiss neutrality in World War II 46. Soviet Purge Trials 47. Willy Brandt and Ostpolitik 48. Six Armies at Normandy – Keegan Thesis 49. Potsdam and Yalta Conferences 50. Hitler of History – Lukacs theory 51. Gandhi and Indian Nationalism 52. French and the Vietminh 53. Suez Canal Crisis, 1956 54. Hungarian Revolution 1956 55. The EEC and the Council of Europe: European federalism 56. Nassar and Arab Nationalism 57. Algerian War of Independence 58. Apartheid in South Africa 59. Charles de Gaulle and Modern France 1945-62 60. Changing Role of Women in India 61. Republican government in India : Nehru to Indira Ghandi 62. Sun Yat-sen and the 1911 Revolution 63. The “Great Leap Forward” 64. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 65. China ’s Involvement in the Korean War 66. Cambodian Genocide 67. Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism 68. Fidel Castro and the Cuban RevolutionAryan “science”