Aug 23, 2010 ... Consequent to above change in control, the registered office of the ... L&T FMP –
I (August125D A) is a close ended Scheme and can invest in.
KEY INFORMATION MEMORANDUM & APPLICATION FORM L&T FMP – I (August125D A) A Close Ended Income Scheme Offer of units at Rs.10/- per unit during the New Fund Offer New Fund Offer Opens on : August 23, 2010 New Fund Offer Closes on : August 24, 2010 L&T MUTUAL FUND 309, 3rd Floor, Trade Centre, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051. SPONSOR L&T Finance Limited Registered Office: L&T House, Ballard Estate, P.O. Box 278, Mumbai – 400 001 INVESTMENT MANAGER L&T Investment Management Limited Registered Office*: ‘Dare House’, No. 2, N S C Bose Road, Parry’s, Chennai – 600001 Head Office: 309, 3rd Floor, Trade Centre, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051. TRUSTEE L&T Mutual Fund Trustee Limited Registered Office*: ‘Dare House’, No. 2, N S C Bose Road, Parry’s, Chennai – 600001 This Key Information Memorandum (KIM) sets forth the information, which a prospective investor ought to know before investing. For further details of the Scheme/ the Mutual Fund, due diligence certificate by the AMC, Key Personnel, investors’ rights & services, risk factors, penalties & pending litigations etc. investors should, before investment, refer to the Scheme Information Document and Statement of Additional Information available free of cost at any of the investor service centers or distributors or from the website The Scheme particulars have been prepared in accordance with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1996, as amended till date, and filed with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The units being offered for public subscription have not been approved or disapproved by SEBI, nor has SEBI certified the accuracy or adequacy of this KIM. This Key Information Memorandum is dated August 12, 2010. Consequent to above change in control, the registered office of the AMC and Trustee Company shall be shifted from the State of Tamil Nadu to the State of Maharashtra, upon receipt of requisite approvals. The registered office shall be shifted to L&T House, Ballard Estate, P.O. Box 278, Mumbai – 400 001.
DISCLAIMER : As required, a copy of this Scheme Information Document has been submitted to National Stock Exchange of India Limited (hereinafter referred to as NSE). NSE has given vide its letter NSE/LIST/138412-F dated May 24, 2010 permission to the Mutual Fund to use the Exchange’s name in this Scheme Information Document as one of the stock exchanges on which the Mutual Fund’s units are proposed to be listed subject to, the Mutual Fund fulfilling the various criteria for listing. The Exchange has scrutinized this Scheme Information Document for its limited internal purpose of deciding on the matter of granting the aforesaid permission to the Mutual Fund. It is to be distinctly understood that the aforesaid permission given by NSE should not in any way be deemed or construed that the Scheme Information Document has been cleared or approved by NSE; nor does it in any manner warrant, certify or endorse the correctness or completeness of any of the contents of this Scheme Information Document; nor does it warrant that the Mutual Fund’s units will be listed or will continue to be listed on the Exchange; nor does it take any responsibility for the financial or other soundness of the Mutual Fund, its sponsors, its management or any scheme of the Mutual Fund.
Every person who desires to apply for or otherwise acquire any units of the Mutual Fund may do so pursuant to independent inquiry, investigation and analysis and shall not have any claim against the Exchange whatsoever by reason of any loss which may be suffered by such person consequent to or in connection with such subscription/ acquisition whether by reason of anything stated or omitted to be stated herein or any other reason whatsoever.
Name of Scheme Nature of the Scheme Investment Objective
Investment Plan and Options
L&T FMP – I (August125D A) A Close Ended Income Scheme. The Investment objective of the Scheme/ Plan would be to achieve growth of capital through investments made in a basket of debt/ fixed income securities maturing on or before the maturity of the Scheme/ Plan. 125 Days Maturity Plan (August125D A) There are two options available under the each Plan: 1. Dividend (Payout) 2. Growth* *If no option is specified at the time of application, the default option is Growth Option.
Asset Allocation Pattern of the Scheme/Plan
Under normal circumstances, the asset allocation under the Scheme would be as follows: Instruments
Indicative allocations (% of total assets) Minimum Maximum
Risk Profile High/Medium/Low
Debt Instruments*
Money Market Instruments
*Debt instruments may include securitized debt up to 100% of the net assets & exposure in derivatives, either exchange traded or OTC, upto 100% of Net Assets as permitted by SEBI regulations. The gross investments in Debt and Money Market Instruments including Securitized Debt & Derivatives shall not exceed 100% of net assets of the Scheme/ Plan. However, following will not be considered while calculating the gross exposure: a) Instrument-wise hedged position and b) Exposure in cash and cash equivalents. The exposure to Derivatives will be calculated on notional value of the derivative contracts. Further, exposure in Derivatives will be for efficient portfolio management including hedging and in accordance with conditions as may be stipulated by SEBI / RBI from time to time. Product differentiator
L&T FMP – I (August125D A) is a close ended Scheme and can invest in debt and money market instruments maturing on or before the maturity of the Scheme/ Plan.
Risk profile of the Scheme
Being close ended in nature, the Scheme/ Plan will be listed on National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE). Investors will not be able to redeem their units during the tenor of the Scheme/ Plan and there will be redemption on the maturity of the Scheme/ Plan. However, the units held in dematerialized form can be traded on NSE. Mutual Fund Units involve investment risks including the possible loss of principal. Please read the Scheme Information Document carefully for details on risk factors before investment. Specific Risk Factors are as summarized below: • The Scheme may not be able to invest in the suitable securities falling within its investment parameters leading the Scheme to hold short term deposits of scheduled commercial banks till the monies are deployed as per the investment objective of the Scheme. • Listing of the units of the Scheme/ Plan does not necessarily guarantee their liquidity and there can be no assurance that an active secondary market for the units will develop or be maintained. Consequently, the units of the Scheme/ Plan may trade above or below their NAV. The NAV of the Scheme will fluctuate with changes in the market value of the Scheme’s holdings. The trading prices of the said units will fluctuate in accordance with the changes in their NAV as well as market supply and demand for the units. • Concentration Risk: As the Debt market in India is not so matured, there is a possibility of having high exposures to single issuers. Although these exposures would be within the regulatory limits prescribed by SEBI however they could pose additional risk to investors. Further, the investors could also be exposed to group level risks resulting from an aggregation of issuers associated with the same group. • As the Scheme propose to invest and hold the securities till maturity, any default/delay by the investee company in honouring the securities on redemption may lead to delay and/or erosion in the maturity value to the unitholders • Lack of Market Liquidity: Trading in the units of the Scheme/ Plan on the Exchange may be halted because of market conditions or for reasons that in view of Exchange Authorities or SEBI, trading in units of the Scheme is not advisable. In addition, trading in units of the Scheme is subject to trading halts caused by extraordinary market volatility and pursuant to Exchange and SEBI ‘circuit filter’ rules. There can be no assurance that the requirements of Exchange necessary to maintain the listing of units of the Scheme/ Plan will continue to be met or will remain unchanged. • Returns Risk - Investors in the scheme are not being offered any guaranteed returns. • Performance Risk - Schemes’ performance can decrease or increase, depending on a variety of factors, which may affect the values and income generated by a Scheme’s portfolio of securities. • Liquidity & Settlement Risk - Trading volumes, settlement periods and transfer procedures may restrict the liquidity of the investments of the Scheme. Apart from above, the Investors are requested to note below-mentioned risks: Tenor Risk Credit Risk 4
Measures to mitigate risks associated with the scheme
Applicable NAV (after the scheme opens for redemption/ switch)
Commingling Risk Prepayment Risk Legal Risk Interest Rate Risk Reinvestment Risk Political Risk Risk Associated with Investing in derivatives and Securitized Debt Short Selling Risk Risk of Rating Migration The interest rate risk is minimized as the Scheme/ Plan will invest in debt and money market instruments maturing on or before the maturity of the Scheme/ Plan. Further, detailed credit analysis will be performed before purchase of any debt and money market instrument. Purchase and Switch-in: Allowed only during the NFO period. Redemption and Switch-out: The applicable NAV for redemptions and switch out on maturity date will be the NAV calculated on the date of Maturity (where the units are held in physical mode). In case the Maturity date or payout date happens to be a non-business day then the applicable NAV for redemptions and switch out shall be calculated immediately on the next business day. Since the Scheme is proposed to be listed on National Stock Exchange of India Limited, the listed price would also be available on that Stock Exchange.
Minimum Application Amount/ Number of Units
Dividend Payout & Growth Option: Rs. 5000/- and in multiples of Re.1/thereafter.
The unit holders can liquidate their investment in units by the following methods:
1. Transfer of units through stock exchange where the Scheme/ Plan is listed; and 2. Redemption of units at the time of maturity. The Regulations require that every close-ended scheme (except Equity Linked Saving Scheme) be mandatorily listed on a recognised stock exchange. The units of the Plan/Scheme will be listed on National Stock Exchange of India Limited. Investors will not be able to redeem their units during the tenor of the Scheme and there will be redemption by the Fund on the maturity of the Scheme. However the units held in dematerialized form can be traded on the Stock Exchange. The Unit holders are given an Option to hold the units by way of an Account Statement or in Dematerialized (‘Demat’) form. The Unit holder intending to hold the units in Demat form are required to have a beneficiary account with the Depository Participant (DP) and will be required to indicate in the application the DP’s name, DP ID Number and
the beneficiary account number of the applicant with the DP. The AMC intends to register with both NSDL & CDSL. Investors to note that name provided in the application form must match with the name provided to the DP and in case of any discrepancies in this, the application will be processed under physical mode. In case Unit holders do not provide their Demat Account details, an Account Statement shall be sent to them. Such investors will not be able to trade on the stock exchange till the holdings are converted in to demat form. No redemption/repurchase of units shall be allowed prior to the maturity of the Scheme. Unit holders wishing to exit may do so through the Stock Exchange mode. The AMC shall issue units in dematerialized form to a unitholder within two business days of the receipt of valid request from the unitholder. In which case, the mode of holding of units would be in demat form. In case Unit holders do not provide their demat account details in the application form, it shall be treated as investment under physical mode and they will not be able to trade on the eligible Stock Exchange until the holding are converted into demat mode and listed on the Stock Exchange. Transfer of Units
Units held by way of an Account Statement cannot be transferred. Units held in Demat form are transferable in accordance with the provisions of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, as may be amended from time to time. Transfer can be made only in favour of transferees who are capable of holding units and having a Demat Account. The delivery instructions for transfer of units will have to be lodged with the DP in requisite form as may be required from time to time and transfer will be effected in accordance with such rules / regulations as may be in force governing transfer of securities in dematerialized mode.
Redemption of Units
Being a close ended Scheme/ Plan, no redemption/ repurchase of units shall be allowed prior to its the maturity date. Investors willing to exit may do so, only in demat mode, by selling through National Stock Exchange (NSE), where the Scheme will be listed. Units can be bought/ sold like any other stock on NSE, where it is listed. Unitholders in the Scheme can redeem their investments on the date of maturity at the applicable NAV. Please note that if any maturity day falls on a non-business day, the redemption requests will be accepted or Scheme will mature, as the case may be, on the next business day. On maturity of the Scheme, the maturity pay-out will normally be effected on the day immediately following the maturity day. However, if the maturity pay-out day falls on a non-business day, then the maturity day will be extended appropriately to ensure that both the maturity day and the payout day are continuous business days. The Fund will, under normal 6
circumstances, endeavor to dispatch the redemption cheques within 10 Business Days from the date on which the redemption transaction is effected. On the date of maturity of Scheme, the account balances will be compulsorily redeemed and proceeds will be remitted to the respective Unitholders. Despatch of repurchase (Redemption) request Benchmark Index Dividend Policy
Name of the Fund Manager
Within 10 working days from the date of Maturity of the Plan/Scheme. CRISIL Liquid Fund Index Dividend declaration and distribution shall be in accordance with SEBI Regulations as applicable from time to time. The Trustees/ AMC reserve the right to declared dividend from time to time, depending on availability of distributable surplus. Ms. Bekxy Kuriakose
Name of the Trustee Company Performance of the Scheme/ Plan Expenses of the Scheme:
L&T Mutual Fund Trustee Limited
(i) Load Structure
Entry Load : Nil In terms of SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.4/ 168230/09 dated June 30, 2009, no entry load will be charged by the Scheme to the investor effective August 1, 2009. Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors' assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributorAs per SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.4/170230/09 dated June 30, 2009, no entry load will be charged for purchase / additional purchase / switch-in accepted by the Fund with effect from August 01, 2009.
Being a new Scheme, it does not have any performance track record. New Fund Offer Period and Continuous Offer
Exit Load: Since the Scheme will be listed on the Stock Exchange, no exit load will be charged (ii) Recurring Expenses (% of weekly Average Net Assets)
Expected to be incurred on an on-going basis (i) On the first Rs.100 crore of the average daily net assets of the scheme2.25% (ii) On the next Rs.300 crore of the average daily net assets of the scheme2.00% (iii) On the next Rs.300 crore of the average daily net assets of the scheme1.75% (iv) On the balance of the assets of the scheme - 1.50%. For detail break-up, please refer to page number 9.
Tax treatment for the Investors (Unitholders)
Investors are advised to refer to the details in the Statement of Additional Information. In view of the individual nature of tax consequences, each Investor / Unit holder is advised to consult his / her own professional tax advisor.
Daily Net Asset Value (NAV) Publication
The AMC will calculate and disclose the NAVs of the Scheme at the close of every Business Day. NAV of the Scheme shall be made available at all Investor Service Centers of the AMC. The AMC shall have the NAV published in two daily newspapers. The AMC shall update the NAVs on the website of the Fund and of the Association of Mutual Funds in India - AMFI ( by 9.00 p.m. on every Business Day. In case of any delay, the reasons for such delay would be explained to AMFI in writing. If the NAVs are not available before commencement of Business Hours on the following day due to any reason, the Fund shall issue a press release giving reasons and explaining when the Fund would be able to publish the NAVs. Since the Scheme is proposed to be listed on National Stock Exchange of India Limited, the listed price would also be available on that Stock Exchange.
For Investor Grievances please contact
Name and Address of the Registrar COMPUTER AGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES PVT. LTD. Registered Office: New No. 10, Old No.178, M.G.R.Salai, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Unit holder’s Information
Accounts statement (on each transaction), Annual financial results and Half yearly portfolio disclosure shall be provided to the unitholders by post / e-mail / by way of an advertisement at least, in one National English daily and one regional newspaper in the language of the region where the head office of the mutual fund is located, within one month from the close of each half year (i.e. 31st March and 30th September).
L&T MUTUAL FUND John Vijayan Investor Grievance Officer 309, 3rd Floor, Trade Centre, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051. Phone: 022 6136 6600 Fax : 022 6136 6603/04 Website: OR Any of the Investor Service Centers of L&T Mutual Fund.
Recurring Expenses: The total annual recurring expenses are estimated at 2.25% of the average daily net assets of the Scheme, as given below. These expenses are subject to inter-se change and may increase/decrease as per actual and/or any change in the SEBI regulations. (% per annum of average daily net assets) (Rs. in Crore) Description
First 100
Next 300
Next 300
Investment Management & Advisory Fees Registrar & Transfer Agent Fees Custodian Fees Trustee Fees Audit Fee Rating Fee Distribution & Brokerage Other expenses as permitted by SEBI regulations Total Annual Recurring Expenses
1.25% 0.25% 0.05% 0.05% 0.10% 0.10% 0.35% 0.10% 2.25%
1.00% 0.25% 0.05% 0.05% 0.10% 0.10% 0.35% 0.10% 2.00%
0.90% 0.30% 0.05% 0.05% 0.10% 0.30% 0.05% 1.75%
On the Balance 0.80% 0.30% 0.05% 0.10% 0.25% 1.50%
Estimate of recurring expenses have been made in good faith as per information available to the AMC and the total expenses may be more than as specified in the table below. Expenses over and above the following limits specified by SEBI will be borne by the AMC. This information is provided to assist the investor in understanding the various costs & expenses that the investor will bear directly or indirectly. However Initial Issue expenses to be borne by AMC.
Submission of Application : Duly completed applications along with full payment must be remitted at the designated Collection Centres or may be routed through Agents of L&T Mutual Fund.
Furnishing a copy of PAN is mandatory with effect from January 1, 2008. For all investors (including jointholders, guardian in case of minor & NRIs).
The AMC is also acting as POS at the address of its Head office at 309, 3rd Floor, Trade Centre, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051
As per current SEBI Regulations, it is mandatory for the unitholders to specify their complete bank details in the application for subscription and redemption of units.
DEMAT ACCOUNT DETAILS (Mandatory for listing)
Investors who wish to complete the KYC requirements have to submit a completed Application Form for KYC along with all the prescribed documents listed in the KYC application Form, at any of the Point of Service (‘POS’). The KYC Form is available at our website ( and AMFI website ( POS are the designated centers appointed by the Central Agency for receiving application forms, checking the documents and issuing the acknowledgement thereof. List of POS and location of POS is available at our website ( and Accordingly, Investors investing Rs. 50000 or more (or such other limits as specified by SEBI/AMFI from time to time) will have to obtain an acknowledgement from CVL confirming that the KYC requirements have been complied with. The said acknowledgement will be issued by CVL based on the following:
The Scheme being close ended, no premature redemption can be made through redemption instruction to the Mutual Fund until maturity. However, the Scheme will be listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and unitholders may avail of this facility for their transactions. In case Unit holders do not provide their demat account details, it shall be treated as investment under physical mode and they will not be able to trade on the stock exchange until the holding are converted into demat mode and listed on the stock exchange. Investors applying as joint holders, need to provide Demat details of their Joint Demat Account.
All cheques and bank drafts must be drawn in favour of the L&T FMP - I (August125D A) and crossed “Account Payee only”. A separate cheque or bank draft must accompany each application.
Presently, it is mandatory for all applications for subscription of value of Rs. 50,000/- and above (or such other limits as specified by SEBI/AMFI from time to time) to ensure completion of KYC requirements for all the applicants (guardian in case of minor) in the application for subscription. The KYC completion status will be validated with the records of the Central Agency by the Registrar on an ongoing basis. In case of non completion of KYC formalities any further subscriptions of Rs. 50000 and above (or such other limits as specified by SEBI/AMFI from time to time) will not be accepted from the investor.
Applications located in a place where there is no designated bank branch, may send their application, accompanied by a separate “Account Payee only” demand draft in favour of the respective scheme at the following address. L&T Investment Management Ltd. 309, 3rd Floor, Trade Centre, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051, India. Such investors may recover bank charges for the demand draft (as may be specified by AMFI / SEBI from time to time) from the scheme by way of deduction from the amount of investment,
Applications not complete in any respect are liable to be rejected. The investors should specify in the applications whether they are investing under dividend (regular) option or cumulative option. Please note that if no option is specified, then the amount will be treated as invested in growth option.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE NOMINATION SECTION 1. The nomination can be made only by individuals holding units on their own behalf singly or jointly. Non-individuals including Society, Trust, Body Corporate, Partnership Firm, Karta of Hindu Undivided Family, holder of Power of Attorney cannot nominate. If the units are held jointly, all jointholders will sign the nomination form. 2. A minor can be nominated and in that event, the name and address of the guardian of the minor nominee shall be provided by the unitholder. If no guardian is provided, nomination of minor will be invalid. The guardian should be a person other than the Unitholder. Nomination can also be in favour of the Central Govt., State Govt., local authority, any person designated by virtue of his office or a religious charitable trust. 3. The Nominee shall not be a trust other than a religious or charitable trust, society, body corporate, partnership firm, Karta of Hindu Undivided Family or a Power of Attorney holder. A non-resident Indian can be a Nominee subject to the exchange controls in force, from time to time. 4. Nomination in respect of the units stands rescinded upon the transfer of units. 5. The nomination facility extended under the Scheme is subject to existing laws. The AMC shall, subject to production of such evidence which in their opinion is sufficient, proceed to effect the payment/transfer to the Nominee(s). Transfer of units/payment to the nominee(s) of the sums shall discharge the Mutual Fund / AMC of all liability towards the estate of the deceased Unit holder and his/her/their successors/legal heirs.
6. The cancellation of nomination can be made only by those individuals who hold units on their own behalf singly or jointly and who made the original nomination. (Please note that if one of the joint holder dies other surviving holder cannot cancel.) 7. On cancellation of the nomination, the nomination shall stand rescinded and the Asset Management Company shall not be under any obligation to transfer the units in favour of the Nominee. 8. Nomination shall be registered only if the form is filled in completely. 9. Nomination can be made for maximum of 3 nominees. In case of multiple nominees, the percentage of allocation/ share in favour of each of the nominees should be indicated against their name and such allocation/ share should be in whole numbers without any decimals making a total of 100 percent. In the event of Unit holders not indicating the percentage of allocation/ share for each of the nominees, the Mutual Fund/ the AMC, by invoking default option shall settle the claim equally amongst all the nominees. 10.The investor(s) by signing this nomination form is/are deemed to have read and understood the provisions of Regulation 29 A of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996, read with SEBI circular dated Feb. 16, 2004 and/ or any amendments thereto or any rules/ regulations framed in pursuance thereof governing the nomination facility and agree/s to be bound by the same. For multiple nomination form please contact the nearest AMC office or Registrar. The form can be obtained from the website
L&T FMP – I (August125D A)
New Fund Offer Opens on August 23, 2010 New Fund Offer Closes on August 24, 2010
Application form for Resident Indian and NRIs/ PIOs/FIIs
Application No.:
DISTRIBUTOR INFORMATION (Only empanelled Distributors / Brokers will be permitted to distribute Units) Distributor / Broker ARN Sub-Broker Code
PDF - 10000
ARN - 11770 1 2
Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors' assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor. EXISTING UNITHOLDER INFORMATION (Please fill in your Folio No. below. Please furnish PAN details in Section 2 and then proceed to Section 3) Folio Name of Sole / No. First UnitHolder APPLICANT'S PERSONAL DETAILS (Please fill in block letters. Use one box for one alphabet leaving one box blank between two words)
First / Sole Applicant Name
Gender (Please )
Date of Birth D D M M Y
Enclosed copy of (Please
PAN Proof
Gender (Please
Mr. Ms. M/s.
Date of Birth D D M M Y
Enclosed copy of ( )
Guardian’s PAN*
PAN Proof
KYC Compliance Proof
Country of Residence
Address for Correspondence [P.O. Box Address is not sufficient]
City Contact Details Phone O Phone R
Pin Code
State Extn.
I/We wish to receive updates via SMS on my mobile (Please ) e-mail# #Investors providing e-mail ID would mandatorily receive only E-statement of accounts in lieu of physical statement of accounts. Please refer to page no. 9. Overseas Address (Mandatory in case of NRI / FII applicant in addition to mailing address)
State Status (Please )
Occupation of Sole / First Applicant (Please ) Private Sector Service Agriculturist Retired Housewife Student
Public Sector / Government Service Business Professional Forex Dealer Others (Please specify) _______________________________
KYC Compliance Proof
Guardian (if Sole / First Applicant is a Minor) Contact Person (in case of Non-individual Investors only) Name
Mr. Ms. M/s.
Second Applicant
Gender (Please
Enclosed copy of (Please
Third Applicant
Gender (Please
PAN Proof
Date of Birth D D M M Y
Date of Birth D D M M Y
KYC Compliance Proof Female
Enclosed copy of (Please OR Joint OR
PAN Proof KYC Compliance Proof Anyone OR Survivor
PoA Holder Details (If the investment is being made by a Constituted Attorney please furnish the details of PoA Holder)
Gender (Please
Mr. Ms. M/s.
Zip Code Others ____________________
Mr. Ms. M/s.
PAN* Mode of Holding (Please Name
Body Corporate
Mr. Ms. M/s.
Country Society / Club HUF
Enclosed copy of (Please
PAN Proof
KYC Compliance Proof
* PAN Proof is mandatory for all Applicants, irrespective of the amount of investment. Please attach a copy of PAN Card. KYC is mandatory, if amount invested is Rs. 50,000 or more (or such limits as specified by SEBI/AMFI from time to time). BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS (MANDATORY as per SEBI Guidelines)
A/c. No.
Account Type (Please
Bank Name Branch Address MICR Code (9- digit number next to your Cheque No.) Account to Account transfer facility for redemptions available (Please HDFC Bank ICICI Bank KOTAK MAHINDRA Bank AXIS Bank
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP (To be filled by the Applicant)
City IFS Code any one) Please enclose copy of your cheque leaf. RTGS/NEFT (IFS Code is Mandatory)
Application No.:
Received from Mr. / Ms. / M/s_____________________________________________________________________________________ an application for Units of Scheme L&T FMP – I (August125D A) Option (Please
Dividend Payout
Cheque / DD No. __________________________________________________________________________________ Dated ____________________________________ Drawn on (Bank) _____________________________________________________________________________Amount (Rs.) _______________________________________ Total Cheque Please Note : All purchases are subject to realisation of cheques / demand drafts.
Signature, Stamp & Date
L&T FMP – I (August125D A)
Dividend Facility (please
Dividend Payout
(*Default facility)
4A. LUMP SUM INVESTMENT Investment DD charges Amount (Rs.) (Rs.) Amount in words Cheque / Mode of Cheque / DD / Fund Transfer / ______________ DD* No. Payment Drawn on
Net Amount (Cheque / DD amount) (Rs.) Dated
Bank Branch City Account Type (please
A/c. No.
The details of the bank account provided above pertain to my/our own bank account in my/our name Yes No. If No, my relationship with the bank account holder is Spouse Child Parent Relative Sibling Friend Others. Application Form without this information may be rejected * Please mention the application No. on the reverse of the Cheque / DD. Please ensure there is only one Cheque / DD per Application Form. Cheque/DD must be drawn in favour of L&T FMP - I (August125D A) and crossed ‘account payee only.
4B. NOMINATION DETAILS I/We hereby nominate the undermentioned Nominee to receive the amounts to my/our credit in event of my/our death. I/We also understand that all payments and settlements made to such Nominee and signature of the Nominee acknowledged receipt thereof, shall be a valid discharge by the AMC/Mutual Fund / Trustees. Name of the Nominee Mr Ms. M/s. Address of the Nominee (please provide full address) PIN Code Relationship with minor
Name of the Guardian (if nominee is minor)
Signature of Guardian / Nominee
Address of Guardian PIN Code
5 ELECTRONIC CLEARING SERVICES (ECS) DIVIDEND PAYMENTS You may choose to receive dividends in your bank account through the Electronic Clearing Service (only in select cities). Unitholders who do not opt for the ECS facility will receive dividends by cheques payable at par/DD I/We authorise L&T Mutual Fund to credit my/our dividend through ECS (Please ) * Please enclose photocopy of your cheque leaf. The 9-digit MICR Code number of my/our Bank & Branch is
This is a 9- digit number next to your Cheque No.
OTHER SERVICES (Optional) E-mail Services (please ) I/We wish to receive the following documents via e-mail in lieu of physical document(s) Account Statement All other Statutory Communications Marketing Updates e-mail
Other E-mail Services (Please ) Daily NAV
Weekly Market Review
Event Updates
T-PIN Services (Please ) Would you like a T-PIN assigned? (T-PIN : For Internet based Transactions)
tick any one)
Depository Participant Name Depository Participant (DP) ID
Beneficiary Account Number
DECLARATION & SIGNATURE(S) I/We have read and understood the contents of the Scheme Information Document of the Scheme(s) of L&T Mutual Fund. I/We hereby apply to the trustee of L&T Mutual Fund for units of respective Schemes of L&T Mutual Fund, as indicated above and agree to abide by the terms, conditions, rules and regulations of the relevant Scheme(s). I/We hereby declare and confirm that the amount invested in the Scheme(s) indicated above is in no way in contravention of any Act, Rules, Regulations, Notifications or Directions of the provisions of the Income Tax Act, Anti Money Laundering Laws or any other applicable laws enacted by the Government of India from time to time. I/We have understood the details of the scheme and I/We have not received nor have been induced by any rebate or gifts, directly or indirectly in making this investment. I/We confirm that the funds invested in the Scheme, legally belong to me/us. If the fund is not satisfied with regard to the completion of the “Know Your Customer” process for me/us, I/We hereby authorize the Mutual Fund to redeem the funds invested in the Scheme at the applicable NAV prevailing on the date of such redemption and initiate such other action that may be required by the law. The ARN holder has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other mode), payable to him for the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us. Applicantsother than Individuals/HUF: I/We certify that as per the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, byelaws, trust deed, Partnership Deed and resolutions passed by the Company/Firm/Trust. I/We are authorized to enter into this transaction for and on behalf of the Company/Firm/Trust. Please ( ) Yes No For NRIs only: I/We confirm that I am/we are Non Residents of Indian Nationality/Origin and that I/we have remitted funds from abroad through approved banking channels or from funds in my/our Non-Resident External/Non-Resident Ordinary/FCNR Account. I/We confirm that details provided by me/us are true and correct. Date:
Sole / First Applicant / Guardian
Second Applicant
Third Applicant
L&T Investment Management Limited - Branches Ahmedabad: 9898029991, Bengaluru: 080-42497000/32952142, Baroda: 9898598644, Bhopal: 0755-2552452-53/9893654246, Bhubaneshwar: 9937062565 Chandigarh: 0172 – 3068051 / 9878406940, Chennai: 044-66881190 / 98400 96828/ 9003072863, Cochin: 0484- 6533130/ 9895168160, Coimbatore: 0422 4504047- 48 / 9994997599, Durgapur: 9932241935, Goa: 0832 2422720/ 9923285799, Hyderabad: 040 64557001/9849523638, Hubli: 0836 -4264140/ 9886105569 Indore: 0731 4286032 / 9826012555, Jaipur: 0141 4043108/4043101/9950852103, Jalandhar: 9872838208, Jamshedpur: 9334289963, Kanpur: 98392-96100, Kolhapur: 0231 6614834-5/9923539066, Kolkata: 033- 66262709/10/ 98315 00225, Lucknow: 0522 4003245 / 3052460 / 098381 19887, Ludhiana: 0161 5029019 / 9878114700, Madurai:9865966013,Mangalore:0824-2443609/9663027893,Mumbai(H.O.): 022- 61366600/ 61366601, Mumbai (Fort): 022-61155555 Mumbai (Deonar): 022-61130908/ 61130910 Nagpur: 0712 6621511 / 9372695617, Nashik: 0253 6611791 / 6619211/ 9960025000, New Delhi: 011 49533301-02, Pune: 020-32912911/ 25510468, Rajkot: 0281-2480131, Raipur: 0771 4224107 / 9926808555, Rourkela: 9437648485, Siliguri: 0353 2545474/ 9800202292, Surat: Tel.: 0261 - 6641610 Vijaywada: 9676785656, Vishakhapatnam: 0891 6620401/9676970777, Trichy: 9952142228, Trivandrum: 9605601122
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