promotion management 2) To have the opportunity to apply those concepts and
principles 3) To ... Advertising and Sales Promotion Project (20% of your grade).
Marketing 3140 FALL 2013 ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION Professor: Phone: Office: Office Hours: Email:
Ms. Anna Michael (901) 678-5931 FCBE 375A (Executive MBA Suite) Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10:15 – 11:15 and by appointment
[email protected] Email is the best way to get in contact with me, but please DO NOT use the email listed in eCourseware (I never check it). I am on campus Monday – Friday, however, I am often in meetings.
Text O’Guinn, Thomas C., Chris T. Allen and Richard J. Semenik, Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, 6th ed. (Southwestern, 2012) Course Description This course emphasizes the managerial aspects of planning, implementation and control of advertising and promotion. Not only will students find the course helpful to them as they embark on their marketing careers, but it will provide them with an interesting perspective on current advertising. This course is structured as a lecture/discussion/participatory class and active student participation is necessary for making it a meaningful learning experience. It is also your responsibility to keep up with assignments, all readings and exams. Learning Objectives There are four key objectives: 1) To understand the concepts of advertising and integrated brand promotion management 2) To have the opportunity to apply those concepts and principles 3) To prepare for teamwork and build oral and written communication skills 4) To deliver a comprehensive Advertising and Promotion Team Project. Prerequisites You must have passed Principles of Marketing to be registered for this course. Attendance, Lateness and Professionalism Attendance is very important for this class and 10% of your grade will be based on the level and quality in which you participate. I will not take a daily attendance, but I will sporadically give in class assignments that will directly affect your overall grade. If you are absent you will not be able to make up these assignments. We will also participate in random group activities during the class period. The level of enthusiasm in which you participate in these activities and discussion will impact your grade as well. Of course, on occasion, you may have a conflict and be unable to attend class, will need to be tardy and/or leave early. If you know you will not be able to attend class, please email me prior. While you will not be able to make up in-class activities, this will not dramatically reduce your overall grade (assuming this is not a frequent occurrence). If you must leave early, please tell me before class, sit near the door and then leave quietly. If you constantly come to continuously come to class late, it will reduce your final score. During class periods I expect you to conduct yourself in a professional manner. Please make sure your cell phones are on silence and put away.
GRADES Your performance will be based on the following criteria: Exams (3 Exams – 60% of your grade) Three exams will be given. Exams will cover material from the textbook, PowerPoint slides, in class notes and discussions and other supplementary materials. I will provide a study guide prior to each exam. Make-up exams will only be administered under extreme circumstances and if the student meets the following two conditions 1) The individual has notified me 24 hours prior to the exam 2) has an official university excused absence or a written doctor’s excuse. Even in cases of emergency, it is still your responsibility to contact me 24 hours before the exam in order to qualify for a make-up test. The makeup exams will be scheduled at my discretion. NO phones or electronic devices will be permitted during any test. If you are discovered using electronic devices during an exam period your test will be confiscated and you will receive an immediate zero. Care will be given during the preparation of exams to avoid typographical and other errors. However, mistakes do happen, and the instructor may choose to exclude any questions that may contain inadvertent errors. This is dependent solely on the discretion of the instructor. Advertising and Sales Promotion Project (20% of your grade) As a part of this course, you will be expected to complete a major project. This project will be completed in groups of four to five people. You may select your group partners and topic. Topics and groups must be submitted to me by the date listed on the course schedule. If you have any problems selecting a group or topic, please see me. Peer evaluations will be administered and the feedback will be taken into serious account. Details about the project and the requirements are listed on eCourseware. I will also hand out the directions separately. PLEASE follow the specific guidelines of the project in order to receive the highest possible grade. This project will include a comprehensive written report that requires you to apply principles of this course to a real-world company or product. This report will be handed printed, bounded and handed in. You will also be graded on a final oral presentation that will be given to the class. The quality of your written work, your in-class presentation skills and peer evaluations will be factored into your final grade for this project. Individual Homework Assignments (10% of your grade) Three individual assignments will be due throughout the semester. I will post the homework assignments along with their due dates on eCourseware. All four homework assignments should be turned in on eCourseware via the Dropbox. You may also bring a printed hard-copy to class, but you MUST have submitted your homework on the course Web site as well by the designated due date in order to receive credit. These assignments will be graded for the quality of ideas, grammar and overall thoroughness. They are to be completed ALONE. Late assignments will not be accepted. They can, however, be turned in early. Class Contribution/ Discussion (10% of your grade) As stated previously in this syllabus, class attendance and engagement will account for a portion of your overall grade. I will randomly assign projects, discussion questions, quizzes, etc. throughout the course 2
of the semester. If you are present and your work is of substantial quality, you will receive high marks. These assignments cannot be made-up. While attendance is not mandatory (i.e. I will not ask you to sign an attendance sheet), coming to class will this portion of your final grade, as well has help make this a meaningful class. Grading Scale A = 90% and above B = 80% - 89.9% C = 70% - 79.9% D = 60% - 69.9% F = Under 60% I reserve the right to curve the final grade structure so that students may benefit. In addition, minus and pluses may be assigned to individual assignments. Grade adjustments MAY be considered for students on the cusp of a letter grade based on the students’ engagement and work quality throughout the semester. Late Work Many reasons are given for late work (e.g. flat tires, printer problems, illness, oversleeping, etc.). However, all work must be turned in ON TIME in order to receive full credit. Plan and schedule your time and have back-up systems in place so you can complete your work by the deadlines. Meeting deadlines is critical to success in business. I suggest you begin now to develop good work habits. In the case of truly extenuating circumstances, please let me know as soon as possible! Academic Honesty Cheating, plagiarism or any student misconduct is not allowed. Any student caught cheating will receive a zero for the assigned work. The University’s policies on cheating and other types of student misconduct are covered in the academic misconduct section of the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures of the Student Handbook. These policies will be strictly enforced in this class. See these policies at All of your written work will need to be done in Microsoft Word and submitted through the Dropbox on eCourseware. These assignments will be analyzed with plagiarism software prior to grading. Therefore, make sure rewrite ideas in your own words or give proper citation for others’ work. Cheating is disrespectful to all parties involved and I take it very seriously. I expect you to conduct yourselves as honest professionals with sound moral character. Bottom line – just don’t cheat! Disability Statement The Fogelman College of Business and Economics complies with the ADA in making the reasonable accommodations for qualified students. If you have an established disability as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act and would like to request accommodation, please see me as soon as possible. Class Schedule A detailed class schedule is posted online and as an appendix to this course syllabus. I reserve the right to make changes to the schedule as necessary. It is your responsibility to keep up with these changes as well as any content you might have missed.
Tentative Course Schedule Marketing 3140 Fall 2013 ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION Date Tuesday, August 27 Thursday, August 29 Tuesday, September 3 Thursday, September 5 Tuesday, September 10
Course Introduction World of Advertising & IBP Structure of Industry Social, Ethical, Legal Issues Social, Ethical, Legal Issues
Thursday, September 12
Consumer Behavior
Tuesday, September 17 Thursday, September 19 Tuesday, September 24 Thursday, September 26 Tuesday, October 1 Thursday, October 3 Tuesday, October 8 Thursday, October 10 Tuesday, October 15 Thursday, October 17 Tuesday, October 22 Thursday, October 24 Tuesday, October 29 Thursday, October 31 Tuesday, November 5 Thursday, November 7 Tuesday, November 12 Thursday, November 14 Tuesday, November 19 Thursday, November 21 Tuesday, November 26 Thursday, November 28 Tuesday, December 3
Assignment Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 4; Homework # 1 Due Chapter 5; Teams & Project Topics Due Chapter 6 Homework # 2 Due Chapters 1 - 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Market Segmentation Work Session/ Study Day EXAM 1 Research Planning Ad & IBP Managing Creative & IBP Creative Message Strategy Exectuing the Creative FALL BREAK Work Session/ Study Day EXAM 2 Chapters 7 - 11 Media Planning Essentials Chapter 12 Traditional Media Chapter 13 Digital & Social Media Chapter 14 Sales Promotion Chapter 15; Homework # 3 Due Event Sponsorship Chapter 16 Direct Marketing & PR Chapter 17 & 18 Work Session/ Study Day EXAM 3 Chapters 12 - 18 Work Session Team Presentations ALL Projects & Peer Evaluations Due THANKSGIVING Team Presentations (This schedule is subject to change. Any changes will be announced in class.)