She was informed by the new owner of the property where OMG is located. He said that the Library would have to vacate it
MINUTES of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bridgeport Public Library and Reading Room held at the Burroughs-Saden Library 925 Broad Street, Bridgeport, CT on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. Present: Directors O’Donnell, Errichetti, Christy (entered 6:13pm), Cunningham, Greenberg, Osborne-Gant (entered 7:55pm), Brown, Holden, Baraka Interim City Librarian Baldino Absent: City Council Liaison Salter Presenters; Michael Ayles, Joseph Culotta of Antinozzi Associates, Anthony Stewart and Chiquita Stephenson of Ashlar Construction Co. Call to Order Vice-President Baraka called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. President O’Donnell arrived immediately thereafter. Director Errichetti made a MOTION accept the agenda. The Motion was seconded by Director Holden and approved by all Directors present. A MOTION to alter the order of the agenda was made by Director Holden to allow for a presentation on representatives of Antinozzi Associates and Ashlar Construction regarding construction issues Director Errichetti seconded the motion and all Directors present unanimously approved the motion. Mr. Ayles, Mr. Culotta and Mr. Stewart updated the Board of Directors on the construction schedule for the new Newfield Branch. He informed the Board that Geotech was selected to perform soil tests and that they are scheduled to complete soil tests by October 31st and that it would take two to three weeks for the civil and structural engineers report and that they can’t move until they get the report. Construction documents would take approximately 12 weeks, which keeps the project roughly on schedule for groundbreaking in spring 2018. A MOTION was made by Director Errichetti to hire GZA for $8,990 to perform soil/geothermal testimony Newfield property. The Motion was seconded by Director Holden and approved by all directors present The Directors discussed the need for a Zoning change to unify both of the pieces of the Newfield site. It was decided to try to get approval at the next Planning and Zoning Meeting on November 22. If all documents are not complete, the next meeting will be held in January. Ms. Sanderson presented the Board of Directors with an overview of the E-rate Grant Program and Offered to work together with the construction teams and Library to make sure that the BPL takes advantages of current funding for technological infrastructure and consumption. Director O’Donnell thanked her for her assistance and willingness to help the Library staff navigate the latest iteration of the E-rate Program.
Mr. Stewart indicated that he was aware of the difficulties in finding a suitable location for the current Newfield Library. Mr. Stewart volunteered to prepare a cost analysis of the rehabilitation of the current building until the completion of the new branch. The Board unanimously agreed to consider any proposal he should offer. Interim City Librarian Baldino called attention to the safety hazard of heavy trucks and earthmoving equipment at the current site. Director Baraka suggested that the community be made aware of the dangerous trucks. President O’Donnell said that he would inform the council members. Any discussion of the Upper East Main Street property was postponed until more specific information could be gathered. Approval of the Minutes: A MOTION to approve minutes of the September meeting with corrections was made by Director Errichetti, seconded by Director Holden and approved with one abstention by Director Baraka. Treasurer’s Report Director Errichetti reported to the Board of Directors that he projects an $80,000 surplus in the salary account. However, the library remains understaffed from 2015-16 positions due to the hiring freeze and that he had not renewed the insurance policy on the Klein collection. Payment of Invoices Director Errichetti presented a MOTION for the approval of monthly vouchers in the amount of $335,963.46. Highlighted expenses were two invoices of $100,00 each to Baker Taylor for book purchases, $40,000 to EBSCO for 2018 magazine subscription renewals, $10,080.00 to Proquest for 6mos of NY Times subscription, $15,900.00 to State of CT (Cen) for 2018 computer connection. The Motion for payment was seconded by Director Holden and unanimously approved. Unfinished Business Director O’Donnell informed the Board of Directors of circumstances that would prevent the leasing of property at 1277 Stratford Avenue and the temporary relocation of the Newfield Branch to that site. City Librarian Baldino reminded the Board of Directors that they had been unable to find any other suitable property in the area. The Directors discussed the condition of the present site and service alternatives. Director Errichetti offered a MOTION to continue Newfield service at the present location service until Nov 30. Director Brown seconded the MOTION. Director Baraka offered another MOTION to continue service, along with remodeling, at the current location until the new building is completed. Mr. Errichetti offered an amendment to Director Baraka’s MOTION which she accepted and which became the final MOTION. It read: The Board of Directors of the Bridgeport Public Library remains committed to the maintenance of essential library service in the East End until the completion of the construction of the new Newfield Branch either at an improved current location or other facilities. Following discussion, the MOTION was approved by a vote of six to one (AYE Errichetti, Christy, Cunningham, and Greenberg, Brown. Baraka NAY: Director Holden)
The Directors inquired into the status of the United Illuminating solar project. Assistant City Librarian Soltis said he would ask the Maintenance Supervisor, Brad Baldwin, about it. Interim City Librarian Balding reported that the cataloguing of the Klein Collection should be finished by the end of the month and it will be available for viewing. The Board of Directors will then be able to consider options for the collection’s future.
Correspondence and Communication Director O’Donnell shared electronically a copy of a letter from Mr. Dailey, a Library patron and art lover, suggesting alternatives for the display of the Klein Collection City Librarian’s Report Interim City Librarian Baldino gave the Board of Directors an update on facility and personnel issues at all of the library facilities. She reported that the elevator at Burroughs-Sadden had been repaired and that the installation of the security gate at the parking area was underway. The fire safety issues raised by the Fire Marshall on his visit had been addressed and that the Fire Marshall was due to revisit at the end of November. She reiterated the ongoing health and safety issues at the current Newfield branch. She informed the Directors that the exterminator had again been called to deal with infestation and expressed concern that unsanitary conditions posed a hazard to both patrons and staff. She recommended, “that the Newfield Branch be closed until the new building was completed. If it is to remain open, I recommend that it close at 4:30p.m. Daily.” She was informed by the new owner of the property where OMG is located. He said that the Library would have to vacate its current location so that he can open a Walk-in clinic. He suggested that the library relocate to the rear of the building to a space 20% smaller than its present location. She said she has driven around the neighborhood, but has been unable to find a suitable location for the move. At Director Baraka’s suggestion the BOE has been contacted regarding shared use of the Parent Center property. However, the lease is up in December of 2018, which might require another move. A roof leak has been repaired at Black Rock branch and any reports of insect infestations have been addressed promptly. She reported that she had a second meeting with Marsha Matto, Chair of the UB School of Interior Design to discuss the possibility of a semester long design project for students addressing a renovation of an area of the library. Interim City Librarian Baldino updated the Directors on the formation of a Safety Committee chaired by Assistant City Librarian Soltis and informed them of meeting scheduled with John Gomes regarding library issues to be held at Burroughs-Saden on October 20th. In response to complaints regarding the inconsistent enforcement of polices, Interim City Librarian informed the Board of Directors that she had distributed copies of all City of Bridgeport employment policies to department heads to, in turn, distribute to all library employees. Employees will acknowledge receipt of the policies and supervisors will equitably enforce them.
Report of Facilities Committee In addition to the prior discussion on the Newfield designs, Director Errichetti reported that they expected to close on the property on Shelton Street before the end of October. There would be no taxes owned until January Report of Finance Committee Director Errichetti reported that debt service charges were still being levied against the Budget. The People’s Security Account had been closed, a second account was opened at Morgan Stanley and a new account has been opened at Peoples’ Bank. Regarding the referendum, he reported that the PAC had been formed and that the petition had been filed with the Town Clerk. Contributions toward the referendum initiative had begun to be received. Due to the short time until Election Day, Directors expressed concern about the ability to design and print materials with cash on hand. As permitted by election law, Director Greenberg offered a MOTION to authorize to use of up to $14,422. In non-levy funds, if necessary, in three installments to subsidize referendum publicity costs. The MOTION was seconded by Director Errichetti and passed by a vote of six to zero with two abstentions. (AYE: Baraka, Greenberg, Errichetti, Brown, Christy, Cunningham NAY 0 ABSTENTIONS: Holden. Osborne-Gant) Interim City Librarian reported that approximately $10,000 in fines for patrons had been forgiven during the month of September to encourage use of library cards. Report of Governance (Nominations) Committee No report Report of Personnel Committee No report City Librarian Search Committee No report. Report of Marketing Committee No report Report of the Friends of the Library Director Errichetti reminded Directors that the Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Bridgeport Library would be held on October 26, at 6 pm. in the third floor classroom at Burroughs-Saden. President O’Donnell will speak on the status of Library expansion Initiatives. New Business Director Greenberg made a MOTION for Directors only to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation at 8:25 pm. The motion was seconded by Director Errichetti and unanimously approved.
Motion to Adjourn The Directors emerged from Executive Session at 8:46pm. No action was taken. Director Greenberg offered a MOTION to adjourn at 8:50pm. The Motion was seconded by Director Holden and unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 pm. Respectfully submitted by, Anne Cunningham Ass’t Secretary