1. Natural history 2. Mathematics - Google Sites

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Q: How many different dolphins species are in Gibraltar? What's their name? A: There are three species of dolphin common

1. Natural history 1. Q: Which is the name of the subfamily Barbary Macaques belongs to? A: The macaques belong to the subfamily called Cercopithecinae. 2. Q: How many different dolphins species are in Gibraltar? What's their name? A: There are three species of dolphin commonly found in the Bay and Strait of Gibraltar. They are the Common Dolphin, the Striped Dolphin and the larger Bottle-nosed Dolphin. 3. Q: When did the Alameda Garden open? A: Alameda Garden was opened in 1816. 4. Q: How many feet long were the Siege Tunnels originally? A: Originally the tunnel was only 82 feet in length, but by the end of World War II, the tunnels had reached a winding distance of over 30 miles. 5. Q: What is the name of the cave were the Neolithic inhabitants of Gibraltar used to live? A: St Michael's Cave - an impressive natural grotto used by the Neolithic inhabitants of the Rock.

2. Mathematics 1. Q: Do you know what the British currency is? How many pounds can you get with €50? A: The pound. It is approximately £41.41

2. Q: It is time to eat. You are going to choose your favorite meal, what will you order to spend as much as possible under €10? A: They can only spend £ 8.28. But they have several possibilities, for example: - Chicken, bacon & BBC sauce £4.49 - Ice cream sundae £2.69 - Tea £0.99 TOTAL £8.17 3. Q: What is the area of Gibraltar more or less? How many inhabitants live in Gibraltar? Which countries do they come from? A: It measures less than six square kilometres in total. It is inhabited by around 30,000 people made up of Gibraltarians, British, Moroccans, Indians and Spanish. 4. Q: How many bus routes are there in Gibraltar? A: There are five bus routes in Gibraltar 5. You are in a hurry; you need to buy a gift for your little sister… what are the opening hours in Gibraltar? A: The majority of shops open from 09.00 to 18.00 Monday to Friday although some remain open a bit later. On Saturday most shops close at 13.30 with a minority opened till 4.00.

3. History 1. Q: What is the origin of the name Gibraltar? A: Jebal Tarik (Mountain of Tarik). The General Tarik was the Governor of Tangier. He defeated the Gothic King Roderick. 2. Q: When did Gibraltar get a coat of arms? Can you describe it? What is the meaning of the symbols on it?

A: 1540 AD / It is a castle and a key. The castle represents the value of Gibraltar as a fortress and the key symbolizes the idea that Gibraltar is the entrance to the Peninsula. 3. Q: When did Spain cede Gibraltar to Britain in perpetuity? A: In 1713 / the Treaty of Utrecht. 4. Q: What did Franco do regarding Gibraltar? Why? A: Franco closes the frontier in 1969/To defend his claim for Gibraltar. 5. Q: When was Gibraltarian frontier with Spain opened fully? A: In 1985.

1. Highlights and other curiosities 1. Q: What is the name of the monument located at the entrance of the upper nature reserve? A: The Pillars of Hercules. 2. Q: Walking around the town, you will end up in the main square. What is its name? What can you find there? A: Grand Casemates Square busy commercial area with shpos, bars, restaurants… 3. Q: What is the Europa Point? A: This is the southern tip of Gibraltar. The closest point between Europe and Africa. You can see Africa from this point. 4. Q: Where can you see the remains of a Neanderthal man? A: Gibraltar Museum 5. Q: Why is a ceremony held at Trafalgar Square every year? A: To commemorate the famous battle of Trafalgar.