Dew's hundred-penny box Michael carefully protects this magical box filled with
one hundred years of memories freely shared between his aunt and Michael.
Respect Respecting themselves, others and the world around them Picture Books Title
Arthur's Teacher Trouble by Marc Brown
Third-grader Arthur is amazed when he is chosen to be in the school spellathon.
The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners by Stan Berenstain
Mama Bear comes up with a plan to correct the Bear family's rude behavior.
Big Words for Little People by Jamie Lee Curtis
A big sister teaches her younger siblings some important words, like "responsibility," "perseverance," and "respect."
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
Chrysanthemum loves her name until she starts going to school and the other children begin to make fun of it.
The Copycat fish by Gail Donovan
Rainbow Fish is very annoyed when he finds his every move being copied by the young fish Tug, but he soon learns the value of working together.
David Goes To School by David Shannon
David's activities in school include chewing gum, talking out of turn, and engaging in a food fight, causing his teacher to say over and over, "No, David!"
The Dot by Peter Reynolds
Vashti believes that she cannot draw, but her art teacher's encouragement leads her to change her mind.
Edward the Emu by Sheena Knowles
Tired of being an emu, Edward decides to try being like other animals at the zoo, but he soon discovers that being himself is the best after all.
Elvis the camel by Barbara Devine
Recounts the true story of a camel whose comfortable life is threatened after he is hit by a truck late one night.
The Eensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out! (Big Time!) by Troy Cummings
Frightened after the scary waterspout incident, the Eensy Weensy Spider needs some encouragement from her friend the ladybug before she will try climbing again.
Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown
After a bulletin board falls on Stanley while he is sleeping, he finds that being flat has its advantages.
The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns
Dissatisfied with its shape, a triangle keeps asking the local shapeshifter to add more lines and angles until it doesn't know which side is up.
The Hundred Penny Box by Sharon Mathis
Michael has a special relationship with his great-great aunt Dew who is a hundred years old. Worried that his mother doesn’t understand the importance of Aunt Dew’s hundred-penny box Michael carefully protects this magical box filled with one hundred years of memories freely shared between his aunt and Michael.
The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown
Points out how all things, from an apple to a spoon, and from the sky to a shoe, have certain important qualities that are special about them, and that the most important thing about you is that you are you.
Respect Title
Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein
Little Red Chicken wants Papa to read her a bedtime story, but interrupts him almost as soon as he begins each tale.
Just a Dream by Chris Van Allsburg
After a dream about life in the future, which swept Walter around the world demonstrating the effects of pollution, he transforms into a more environmentally conscious citizen.
Let’s Get Along by Pamela Hill Nettleton (NF)
Frank B. Wize, advice columnist, talks to kids about tolerance and treating other people with respect.
Manners at a friends Home by Terri DeGezelle (NF)
Shows how to behave when visiting a friend's house, covering such topics as introductions, sharing, being helpful, and respecting the family's rules, and includes a related activity.
Martha Doesn’t Say Sorry by Samantha Berger
Young Martha learns that she must apologize for her bad behavior if she wants people to cooperate with her.
Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney
As a child Alice Rumphius resolved that when she grew up she would go to faraway places, live by the sea in her old age, and do something to make the world more beautiful--and she does all those things, the last being the most difficult of all.
Miss Nelson is Missing! by Harry Allard
The kids in Room 207 take advantage of their teacher's good nature until she disappears and they are faced with a vile substitute.
Mr. Lincoln's Way by Patricia Polacco
When Mr. Lincoln, "the coolest principal in the whole world," discovers that Eugene, the school bully, knows a lot about birds, he uses this interest to help Eugene overcome his intolerance.
The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi
A story about a young Korean girl who thinks she will choose an American name when she comes to live in America in order to fit in better. However in the end she decides that her name, Unhei meaning Grace, reflects herself and her culture. A lesson in cultural understanding in the classroom.
Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs by Tomie de Paola
Four-year-old Tommy enjoys his relationship with both his grandmother and greatgrandmother, but eventually learns to face their inevitable death.
The OK Book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
A character enumerates a great many things that it enjoys doing, although not great at any of them, knowing that someday it will excel at something.
Piggybook by Anthony Browne
These are the childhood memories of Tomie de Paola as he lovingly recreates a time when he was four years old and had a 94 year old grandmother who lived upstairs and a younger grandmother living downstairs and they all shared the same house.
Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco
Two men bond despite the difference in their skin color during the Civil War when Pinkus Aylee rescues Sheldon Curtis. Pinkus brings Sheldon to his home where his mother nurtures them back to health. Marauders kill Pinkus’ mother and soon they are captured and separated in a Confederate camps.
Respect Kimberley Jane Pryor
Photographs and simple text demonstrated to young readers six ways to show respect for family, friends, and neighbors.
Respect Title
Respect Lucia Raatma
Describes respect as a virtue and suggests ways in which children can recognize and practice being respectful.
Ruby the Copycat by Peggy Rathmann
Ruby wants to fit in on her first day at school, so she begins to copy her classmate Angela; but then Ruby's teacher shows her how much fun it is to just be herself.
Screen of Frogs by Shelia Hamanaka
A spoiled rich man in Japan discovers a respect for nature in time to turn his life around.
Sometimes You Get What You Want by Meredith Gary
A brother and sister go through their day learning that life is a balance between getting what they want, and respecting the wants and needs of others.
Story of a Dolphin by Katherine Orr
A dolphin who likes people, but people on the island are not so considerate and must be educated in how to respect the dolphin's rights and feelings.
Time to Say "Please"! by Mo Willems
Presents a children's book and board game on the reasons why it is important to say "please."
The Ugly Duckling Jerry Pinkney
An ugly duckling spends an unhappy year ostracized by the other animals before he grows into a beautiful swan.
Whoever You Are by Mem Fox
Despite the differences between people around the world, there are similarities that join us together, such as pain, joy, and love.
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
After he is sent to bed without supper for behaving like a wild thing, Max dreams of a voyage to the island where the wild things are.
Words Are Not for Hurting by Elizabeth Verdick
Encourages toddlers and preschoolers to express themselves using helpful, not hurtful, words. Includes a note for parents and caregivers.
Yes Day! by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
A little boy gets everything he asks for on Yes Day, a special day that only comes once a year.
Yo! Yes! By Chris Raschka Two lonely characters, one black and one white, meet on the street and become friends.
Respect Chapter Books Title
Backbeard and the Birthday Suit by Matthew McElliogott
When his tattered, smelly clothes are finally ruined at a rowdy birthday party, Backbeard, history's dirtiest, hairiest pirate, goes to Edwin's Fine Fashions, gussies up in dandy clothes, and worries that the other pirates will no longer respect him.
Brother Eagle, Sister Sky by Chief Seattle (NF)
A Suquamish Indian chief describes his people's respect and love for the earth, and concern for its destruction.
Holes by Louis Sachar
When Stanley Yelnats is sentenced to dig holes at Camp Green Lake, his quest to discover what he is digging for leads to danger, adventure and a confrontation with his family's past.
Loser by Jerry Spinelli
Even though his classmates from first grade on have considered him strange and a loser, Donald Zinkoff's optimism and exuberance and the support of his loving family do not allow him to feel that way about himself.
My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George
A young boy relates his adventures during the year he spends living alone in the Catskill Mountains including his struggle for survival, his dependence on nature, his animal friends, and his ultimate realization that he needs human companionship.
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Marty finds a lost beagle in the hills behind his West Virginia home, and tries to hide it from his family and the dog's real owner, a mean-spirited man known to shoot deer out of season and to mistreat his dogs.
Small Steps by Louis Sachar
A companion volume to mega bestseller Holes Readers are reunited with Armpit and X-Ray in this brilliantly plotted and masterfully told adventure story.