Keywords: Teaching, Speaking Skill, Problem-Solving Method. A. Background ...
reflective method of solving the problem, namely an ..... metode Problem-.
[email protected] ABSTRACT The objectives of this research entitled “Teaching Speaking Skill Using Problem-Solving Method at Class Tenth of SMA Bina Muda Cicalengka” was to find out whether or not teaching speaking skill using problemsolving method increased the students’ speaking skill at class tenth of SMA Bina Muda Cicalengka. The research used quantitative method with one group pretest-posttest design. The instrument of this study was the test. The Population of this research 47 of class tenth students of SMA Bina Muda Cicalengka. The sample was entire population. The data of this research were collected by using the pretest and posttest to the students’ sample. The results of the data analysis showed that: the mean of pretest score was 53.51, the mean of posttest score was 75.74, and t-observed was 10.10. The t-critical value with degree of freedom (df) = 46 and significance level at 0.05 was 2.3. Based on the analysis above the alternative hypothesis of this research was accepted, because the t-observed was bigger than t-critical value (10.10 > 2.3). It could also be concluded that teaching speaking skill using problem-solving method increased the students’ speaking skill.
Keywords: Teaching, Speaking Skill, Problem-Solving Method unable to express his idea in English after having studied it for some years.
A. Background English is the international language that everyone must always prevail against the era of globalization. Indonesia, as the one of big countries in the world, has an important role to get involved in it to make its people well. The Indonesian government tries to find out the best ways that Indonesian people role play not only in Indonesia but also in the world by mastering the international language, English. The Indonesian government provides many facilities, formal and informal; to help the Indonesian people can learn English easily in the shorter time relatively. And this is in line with one of the purposes of government listed in the statute that its contents on the general welfare and intellectual life of the nation.
Based on the background above the writer has conducted a research entitled Teaching Speaking Skill Using Problem-Solving Method. There are several aims of this study has such aims as; 1. To find out whether using problem-solving method can increased students’ speaking skill. 2. To find out how far problem-solving method can improve students’ speaking skill . There are several aims of writing this paper, among other things could be put forwards as follows:
Learning English subject involves 4 (four) skills, they are reading, listening, speaking and writing. Learning English means learning language components and language skills. Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling are examples of language components. Among the four skills, speaking is often considered as the most difficult skill to be learned by the students. Brown and Yule (1983) states that: “learning to talk in the foreign language is often considered being one of the most difficult aspects of language learning for the teacher to help the students with”. Helping the students develop the speaking skill not merely so that they can pass examination but also for more general use when they want to use the English in the outside world. They may need for further study, work or leisure, so that they would not be among the many people who
1. It is would like to know how far Problem-Solving method is effective in teaching English to improve the speaking skill. 2. It is would like to know how far Problem-Solving method can improve the speaking skill. B. Theoretical Foundation 1. Method of Teaching According to Dewey (in Trianto, 2007:17) the reflective method of solving the problem, namely an active thinking process, be careful, which is based on thought process towards definitive conclusions through five steps:
1. Students identify the problem, the problem came from outside the student's own 2. The next student would investigate and analyzed the difficulty and determine the issues it faces. 3. And then he connects these essays is the result of analysis or each other, and the possibilities to solve such problems in the act he was led by his own experience. 4. Then he considered the possibility of an answer or a hypothesis with the consequences of each 5. Then he tried to practice the one that considers the best possible solutions. Results will prove whether or not solving the problem really is, when solving a problem that is not quite right, it would be tried on other possibilities to be found solving the right problem. Problem-solving that is true, that is useful for life.
that must be obeyed by the whole group (Tarigan, 2008:40). Group discussion took place when the people who are interested in a particular matter gathered to discuss it on purpose in hopes to arrive at a resolution of the or explanation. A group is dynamic whole with properties different with properties of its members. In other words, a group showed a plurality of persons, but the final destination if which you want to achieve is a single rather than plural. To avoid in order not to lose the direction of the group one of its member designated or appointed as chairman or discussion leader. 3. Definition of Speaking “Speaking is also one of the language arts that is most frequently used by people all over the world”. The art of speaking is very complex. It requires the simultaneous use of the number of abilities which often develop at different rates. Generally, there are at least four components of speaking skill concerned, they are: comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency (Hornby, 1995:826).
But these measures are not viewed as rigid and mechanistic, that is not absolutely to follow that order. Students can move back and forth, between the problem and hypotheses to the evidence, to the conclusion within the confines of the rules vary. Thus it can be said that the instructional approach is similar to a scientific study in which a hypothesis can be tested and formulated. Dewey further recommends that forms the content of the student experience begins and ends in the pattern of the structure of subjects.
Based on the description above we can conclude that the speaking is a process of change in the shape of the speaker’s message to be conveyed to the listener trough the language as the medium. And speaking skill were divided into the types of speaking, the purpose of speaking, the barriers of speaking, the signs of speaking, and assessments of speaking.
Problem-Solving method is a way of presenting the lesson by presenting the material as a starting point the discussion of issues to be analyzed and synthesized in an attempt to find a solution or answer by the students. On (http// 0603356_chapter2.pdf/2012) (Sudirman, 1978:146).
C. Research Methodology 1. Research Design There are a number of research methodologies can be used in education research an experiment design, such as one-shot case study one group pretest posttest design, static group comparison, etc. considering the objectives and the problem in this study, the writer decided to use one group pretest posttest design. “one group pretest posttest design differs from the other design that the questionnaire is administered twice: once as a pretest (O1) before students start writing with the word processor (X) and again as a posttest (O2) after students have used the words processor, one could argue that design 2 is superior to design 1 because the instructor can compare students pretest posttest attitudes to see if three has been an improvement (Crowl, 1996:290).
“Problem-Solving method is a method of problem-solving in a rational, logical, correct, and precise with a useful alternative solution”. On (http// 03356_chapter2.pdf/2012) (Azhar, 1993:96). The second opinion is based on the above, it can be concluded that the problem-solving method is a method to solving the problem as starting point for discussion, researched, analyzed to seek alternative solution that are useful for students. 2. Definition of Discussion “Discussion is essentially a method to solve the problems with the process of group thinking.” Therefore, the discussion is a cooperative activity or coordinated activities that contain certain basic steps
The one group pretest and posttest design could be illustrated as follow: 2
treatment to get additional data for authentic assessment.
O1 X O2 O1 O2
e. Data Collections The data were taken from the result of the tests (pretest and posttest) that have been given to the students before and after teaching the students. The data were taken collected to be analyzed.
= Pretest score (before giving the treatment) = Posttest score (after giving the treatment).
In using one group pretest posttest design, the writer formed a study group which each group consisted of five (5) students and two groups consisted of six (6) students. The total number was 47 students. The writer was using pretest as the first tested to analyzed the students speaking ability before giving a treatment and posttest given to analyzed the students speaking ability after given the treatment.
Data Analysis In analyzing the collected data the writer used ttest formula with significant level at 5% (Crowl, 1996:388) T-test Formula:
2. Research Method In this research the writer used the quantitative research where the study design to test hypothesis through the use of objective instruments and statistical analysis.
1 2
Quantitative research methods are used to examine question that can base the answered by collecting statistically analyzing data that are in numerical form. (Crowl, 1991:10).
1 – -
= mean of pretest = mean of posttest = standard deviation of pretest = standards deviation of posttest
4. Data Collection Technique To collect the data of this research, the writer used one group pretest design, the pretest was conducted 7th April 2012. The posttest took on 8 th May 2012 at class tenth of SMA Bina Muda Cicalengka. The following are the results of the pretest and posttest score.
3. Research Procedure a. Population and Samples SMA BINA MUDA CICALENGKA is chosen as the site of the research. The samples of the research are 47 students from tenth grade classes. b. Research Instrument The writer used two kinds of test as the instrument of the research; pretest which was given to the students before the writer gave the treatment, and posttest which was given after the students got the treatment.
And for the data values each students speaking skills of observation, researcher enter into the grading scale listed in the table below. It is implemented so that researcher can draw conclusions about the level of success or level of students’ skills in speaking and learning outcomes of students in English language teaching by implementing problem-solving methods. The following is a table of its scale:
c. Pretest and Posttest Both of the pretest and posttest that was given to the students had the same problem. There are 5 questions of oral test, each questions gave 20 points if the students answered correctly. One by one the students have an interview with the teacher based on the guided interview questions.
Table 3.1 Rating Scale for Each Student Rating Scale 00 – 59 60 – 79 80 – 100
d. Questionnaire A questionnaire is a research instruments consisting of a series of questions and other prompts the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case (http// 2). The questionnaire is given to the students after
Category Poor Good Exelent
D. The Research Findings and Discussions 1. Pretest Score Table 4.1 Pretest Score No 1 2
N A1 A2
X 60 50
X 3600 2500
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Total Average
A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 A37 A38 A39 A40 A41 A42 A43 A44 A45 A46 A47
50 50 55 40 50 60 70 50 60 60 60 60 50 45 40 50 60 60 50 70 65 55 40 50 50 50 50 65 55 50 40 45 60 50 50 50 60 60 50 50 55 55 50 60 50 ∑2515 53,51
b. Standard Deviation
2500 2500 3025 1600 2500 3600 4900 2500 3600 3600 3600 3600 2500 2025 1600 2500 3600 3600 2500 4900 4225 3025 1600 2500 2500 2500 2500 4225 3025 2500 1600 2025 3600 2500 2500 2500 3600 3600 2500 2500 3025 3025 2500 3600 2500 ∑137025
(∑ ) (
= = =√
) ,
= √2779,60 = 52,72
And the standard deviation of the pretest value is 52,72 2. Posttest Score Table 4.2 Posttest Score No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
a. Mean
=∑ n = 2515 47 = 53,51
So, the mean of the pretest value is 53,51
N A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36
X 75 70 70 70 75 70 70 80 90 70 80 85 80 85 75 70 70 75 80 85 75 70 85 75 75 75 75 75 80 85 80 80 70 70 80 70
X 5625 4900 4900 4900 5625 4900 4900 6400 8100 4900 6400 7225 6400 7225 5625 4900 4900 5625 6400 7225 5625 4900 7225 5625 5625 5625 5625 5625 6400 7225 6400 6400 4900 4900 6400 4900
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Total Average
A37 A38 A39 A40 A41 A42 A43 A44 A45 A46 A47
70 75 70 70 70 85 70 70 80 85 75 ∑3560 75,74
So, the last result from the t-test is 10,10
4900 5625 4900 4900 4900 7225 4900 4900 6400 7225 5625 ∑267075
B. Discussion The data analysis shows that: M1 = 53,52 M2 = 75,74 tobs = 10,10 The critical value with degree of freedom (df) = 47 – 1 = 46 And the level of significant 5%
a. Mean
Based on the data analysis above. The writer concluded that the alternative hypothesis was accepted because the t obs was higher than the ttable ( 10,10 > 2,3 ). It also meant that learn English with problem-solving method can improve the students speaking ability.
= ∑ n = 3560 47 = 75,74
So, the mean of the posttest value is 75,74
C. The Processing of Questionnaires Data
b. Standard Deviation S=
Table 4.3 The Questionnaires Data Analysis
(∑ ) (
= = =√
= 2,3
N o
) ,
= 5681,25 = 75,37 And the standard deviation of the posttest value is 75,37 2
c. The degrees of freedom df = n – 1 n = the number of the students df = 47 – 1 df = 46 The critical value of t-table at the 0,05 level of significance for this degree of freedom 5% from 46 was 2,3
The last calculation is the t-test t= 1 – 2 t = 53,51 – 75,74 5,27 – 7,53 t = - 22,23 22 t = 10,10
Apakah menurut kamu pelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan metode ProblemSolving sangat menarik? Apakah menurut kamu metode Problem-Solving sangat menguntungkan dan membantu pelajaran bahasa Inggris, khusus nya speaking? Apakah menurut kamu dengan metode ProblemSolving dapat meningkatkan prestasi dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Bagaimana menurut kamu setelah menggunakan metode ProblemSolving pelajaran bahasa Inggris
Tidak Menarik
Sangat Menarik
Tidak Mengun tungkan
Mengun tungkan
Sangat Mengunt ungkan
Tidak Mening katkan
Biasa Saja
Sangat Meningk atkan
Menyena ngkan dan mudah
sangat menjadi mudah? Apakah menurut kamu metode Problem-Solving diperlukan dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris khusus nya speaking? Apakah menurut kamu metode Problem-Solving penting bila digunakan secara berkesinambungan ?
Tidak Perlu
Sangat Perlu
Tidak Penting
Sangat Penting
solving methods need to be enriched with a more real case studies for learning would be more attractive. Besides the use of appropriate methods of teachers must also considers factors other support so that students are skilled to speak, for example, determine the extent of the problem is tiered according to student’s ability or situation and the current state of learning. BIBLIOGRAPHY Crowl, Thomas K. (1996). Fundamental of Educational Research. London: Brown and Bench Mark Production
Based on the results of the Questionnaires, the writer concludes that: the achievement of students in participating of the learning speaking skill used problem-solving method is high as much as 68%, it could also help the students become more willing to argue, with ideas and make students speaking better.
Hornby, A. S. (1995). Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press
And Relevancies of the methods used to study the actions and views of the needs of students in his special English lessons for improving speaking skill are relevant. It can be seen from the percentage of questionnaire data analysis in which students select “menarik” (Interesting) column as much as 64%, “menguntungkan” (advantages) column as much as 70%, “biasa saja” (usual) column as much as 68%, “biasa (tidak terlalu sulit)” (usual/un difficult) column as much as 51,5%, “perlu” (need) column as much as 44,7%, and “penting” (important) column as much as 66%.
Olii, Helena. (2008), Public Speaking. Jakarta: PT. Indeks
Nunan, David. (1991). Language Teaching Methodology: A Text Book For Teachers. Uk: Prentice Hall International
Trianto. (2009). Mendesain Model Pembelajaran Inovatif-Progresif: Konsep, Landasan, dan Implementasinya Pada Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group. Wadsworth, Yoland. (1984). Do It Yourself Social Research. Australia: Impact Printing (Vic) Pty Ltd Engineering Subject Centre. (2012). Problems and Problem Solving. [online] available at: http// asp. [09 May 2012]
E. Conclusions and Suggestions 1. Conclusions Based on the analysis above can be summarized as follow: a. Applications of problem-solving methods in learning English speaking specially of his ability to improve speaking skills to be effective enough to be one of the methods to be used for educators. b. Speaking skills by using the method of problemsolving work and can improve speaking skill competency. This can be seen from the results of tobs is greater than the t-table is the value (10,10 > 2,3) and questionnaire data analysis value.
Sudirman. (1978). Metode Problem-Solving. [online]. Available at: http// 0603356_chapter2.pdf/2012 [march, 05 2012].
2. Suggestions To all the English teachers all over the area who teach in Senior High School, these research results can be relevant source to mix in your daily teaching learning process. And Application of problem6