1. What is Imaging - Eiva

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The following is a quick start guide on how to get the program up and going. Starting the program pops up an empty dtm on the center of the screen. Each pixel ...
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Imaging Help and Manual


What is Imaging

Imaging produces graphical output of multibeam and sidescan survey data. It generates DTM models, sets coloring and light to data, and exports georeferenced images as geotiff or Google Earth exports. The program is designed to be user friendly and fast in performance, data analysis and interaction.

Imaging Copenhagen Harbor DTM


Getting Started

The following is a quick start guide on how to get the program up and going. Starting the program pops up an empty dtm on the center of the screen. Each pixel in the dtm represents a square cell in the dtm. The default size of this dtm (number of cells horizontally and vertically) is determined in the setup.xml file in the bin directory. This file is intended to also hold statrup information such as showing or hiding project explorer and palette panels (use Escape or F4 keys to toggle those) Setup.xml in the bin directory: FALSE FALSE TRUE 600 600

An empty DTM at startup

Use Drag and Drop from File Explorer Imaging supports drag and drop, so you can drop one or more survey files directly onto the terrain from the file explorer.

Imaging supports drag and drop Imaging will automatically adjust the cell size of the dtm when the files are loading. This is done by doubling the cells size when dataset is too large for the current cell- and DTM size. When loading has finished, you can see the resulting cell size and a scale bar indicator in the lower right corner of the program.

Terrain cell size and scale bar Moving the mouse cursor over the terrain lists cell information in the status bar. You will see the average z value of the cell, the number of beams contained in the cell, and the difference (span) between the minimum and the maximum z.

Pan, Zoom and Crop

You will see files appear in the project (1) while loading Click the Pan Hand (2) when loading has finished and use Left Mouse Button and Mouse Wheel to zoom closer to the cells at a particularly good view. If you've pressed Escape or F4 to toggle explorer and palette panels you'll have a large terrain the size of your sceeen.

Zoom closer using mouse left button and wheel

Click "Crop and Remodel" to regenerate the DTM in better resolution When the view has been placed property you can click Crop and Remodel to regenerate the terrain at the selected view, so that one pixel on the screen will be one terrain cell. Clicking the button will crop the terrain to the view, and resize the cell size to fit the view.

The Spotlight Double click the terrain to get hold of the light source. The light will be locked to the mouse and you can enlighten the terrain from different angles using the spot when hovering the mouse. The Mouse Wheel will alter the opening angle of the spot, and you can exaggerate the z scale using shift + mouse wheel.

Quick Modeling for better looks

Fill empty cells and smooth for better looks Sometimes you will come up so close, that many of the cells in the terrain will end up empty, not having received any points after a reload. In this case it might be a good idea to Fill Empty Cells, to close those holes artificially. You can also apply smoothing to the entire DTM clicking the Smooth button on the toolbar.


Terrain analysis

Imaging can be used to get a quick overview of your terrain data. At your fingers are a number of different tools for giving you an overview of what your survey files contains.

DTM profile Click the Profile button on the toolbar to open the profile pane on the bottom of the screen. What you see in the profile view is the black average surface, with the gray areas representing minimum and maximum z values. You can double click the profile in the 2D view to lock it to the mouse, leaving your pointing finger free for the mouse wheel for rotating and scaling the size of the profile (Shift)

Profile window in lower panel

Histograms and Time Series Windows Imaging collects data information about each file as it loads. A histogram of z values is automatically build when importing files, enabling you to see z distribution. Right click the Project node to open a number of different histogram windows.

Z histogram for a points in the data Right click a file in the project explorer to bring up time series graphcs for each particular file in question. You can choose to have two series shown in the same window. Select primary and secondary graphs using the buttons in top of the window.

Time series window revealing sensor values at each moment in time

3D window Click the 3D button on the toolbar to watch the terrain in 3D. You can rotate the terrain around the target point using the mouse. Move the target points using ADWS, QE and RV keys. Shift + Mouse Wheel will alter the z scaling of the 3D view.

3D Window


Exporting Imagery

From the file menu you can export the dtm to geotiff or to Google Earth. These features are protected by dongle but will watermark the output if no dongle is found.

Copenhagen Harbor in Google Earth


Automated export

It is possible to automatically split a larger dataset into smaller tiles holding local dtms. Two methods are available: regular grid and chart definition file. Regular grid: Lays out tiles side by side Chart definition file: Reads chart areas from .cdf file. #n 1 2 3

east 445824.13 445958.53 446100.61

north 6206832.84 6206868.68 6206903.24

angle 10 10 10

width [m] 180 180 180

height [m] 80 80 80

Click start button to being batch process.


Mouse and the Keyboard

Imaging has a lot of feature locked to the mouse and the mouse wheel. In general, objects have mouse wheel functionality and secondary functionality using the shift key. In the 2D view you can move objects by dragging them, but you can also double click them to lock them to the mouse.


The Menu

The menu bar contains commands for the program. This is a complete list of all commands, some of which are also available on the toolbar. File-New clears the terrain and removes all files from the project explorer. File-Open, Save and Save As... opens and saves itm file, Imaging Terrain Model. An itm file is infact a zip file containg the whole terrain model. File-Add Files... opens a file opening dialog for adding survey files to the DTM. This is the same as the button on the toolbar, and also the same as dropping files from the file explorer.

File-Monitor Directory... lets you monitor a directory for new files. This is intended for monitoring NaviScan output directory, so that files are automatically loaded when generated by NaviScan. File-Export Bitmap... exports geotiff of bmp/tfw images to your harddrive. File-Export Google Earth... exports Google Earth kmz files for showing in Google Earth. You might need to check on geodesy when exporting, since Google Earth expects WGS 84 coordinates. View menu toggles windows of different kinds, and lets you choose color scheme for terrain coloring Tools-Geodesy... opens the geodesy settings dialog. Here you can alter the geodesy to use when importing files. The geodesy settings are used 1) when converting from geographic coordinates when importing files. 2) For converting to geographic coordinates when typing position on the window title bar, and 3) for converting to geographic coordinates when exporting to Google Earth. Tools-Save Settings as Default saves your current terrain size and panels toggle state to the settings.xml file in the bin directory of the program. Help-Language chooses language to use. You can find all translations in the translations.txt file located in the in directory.


The Toolbar

New... clears the terrain Add Files... adds new survey file to the terrain. This is the same as draw and drop from the file explorer. Refresh button reloads all files. This is used to remove filling and smoothing, and to apply new reader settings.

Color Mode buttons are used to select color scheme to use for the terrain. Select average z, minimum z, density, span and sidescan coloring. Light button toggles light source on/off. Shadow button toggles true shadow casting on/off. Depth Plane button selects depth plane tool for adding horizontal transparent depth planes to the terrain. Target button adds new targets to the project. Targets pop up under the targets node in the project tree. You can save targets to disk from the targets node context menu. Profile button toggles profile pane on/off. Fill Empty Cells button searches the terrain for empty cells that have active neighbors and makes an averaging to find a proper value. Smooth button performs a 3x3 smoothing through out the entire terrain. 3D button toggles 3D window on off. Fit button reloads the terrain with a slightly altered cell size, so that the entire dataset fits the dtm resolution selected. Zoom Rect button lets you define a new area for DTM generation. Use mouse wheen to adjust size of recangle to fit your needs. Pan button toggles pan mode on off. In pan mode, use mouse wheel to zoom closer to the terrain. Zoom buttons + and - alters the screen cell size 1:1 button resets cell size to one cell per pixel. Crop and remodel button crops the terrain at current view location and reloads the files.