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SPIN: 10479544. 46/3142-543210 - Printed on acid-free paper ... had already acquired the notions of stochastic calculus with semimartingales,. Brownian ... In the seventh chapter we study the .... measure. If H([O, 1]) ={h : h(t) =J; h(s)ds, IhlH = Ihlp[o,ll} then J1 is the ...... 1463: R. Roberts, I. Stewart (Eds.), Singularity Theory.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics Editors: A. Dold, Heidelberg F. Takens, Groningen


Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Budapest Hong Kong London Milan Paris Santa Clara Singapore Tokyo

Ali Stileyman Dstunel

An Introduction to Analysis on Wiener Space


Author Ali Siileyman Ustunel ENST, Dept. Reseaux 46, rue Barrault F-75013 Paris, France e-mail: [email protected]

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Usttinel, All Siileyman:

An introduction to analysis on Wiener space / Ali Suleyman Ustunel. - Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; Barcelona; Budapest; Hong Kong; London; Milan; Paris; Tokyo: Springer, 1995 (Lecture notes in mathematics; Vol 1610)

ISBN 3-540-60170-8 NE:GT

Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 60H07, 60H05, 60H15, 46F25, 8IT, 81Q ISBN 3-540-60170-8 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer- Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1995 Printed in Germany Typesetting: Camera-readyTj-X output by the author SPIN: 10479544 46/3142-543210 - Printed on acid-free paper

Ankara Fen Lisesi 67-70 mezunlarma .

Introduction The following pages are the notes from a seminar that I gave during the spring and some portion of the summer of 1993 at the Mathematics Institute of Oslo University. The aim of the seminars was to give a rapid but rigorous introduction for the graduate students to Analysis on Wiener space, a subject which has grown up very quickly these recent years under the impulse of the Stochastic Calculus of Variations of Paul Malliavin (cf. [12]). Although some concepts are in the preliminaries, I assumed that the students had already acquired the notions of stochastic calculus with semimartingales, Brownian motion and some rudiments of the theory of Markov processes. A small portion of the material exposed is our own research, in particular, with Moshe Zakai. The rest has been taken from the works listed in the bibliography. The first chapter deals with the definition of the (so-called) Gross-Sobolev derivative and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator which are indispensable tools of the analysis on Wiener space. In the second chapter we begin the proof of the Meyer inequalities, for which the hypercontractivity property of the OrnsteinUhlenbeck semigroup is needed. We expose this last topic in the third chapter, then come back to Meyer inequalities, and complete their proof in chapter IV. Different applications are given in next two chapters. In the seventh chapter we study the independence of some Wiener functionals with the previously developed tools. The chapter VIII is devoted to some series of moment inequalities which are important for applications like large deviations, stochastic differential equations, etc. In the last chapter we expose the contractive version of Ramer's theorem as another example of the applications of moment inequalities developed in the preceding chapter. During my visit to Oslo, I had the chance of having an ideal environment for working and a very attentive audience in the seminars. These notes have particularly profited from the serious criticism of my colleagues and friends Bernt 0ksendal, Tom Lindstrom, Ya-Zhong Hu, and the graduate students of the Mathematics department. It remains for me to express my gratitude also to Nina Haraldsson for her careful typing, and, last but not least, to Laurent Decreusefond for correcting so many errors . Ali Siileyman Ustiinel

Contents Preliminaries 1 The Brownian Motion and the Wiener Measure I

Gross-Sobolev Derivative, Divergence and Ornstein- Uhlenbeck Operator 1 The Construction of \7 and its properties 1.1 Relations with the stochastic integration. The Ornstein- Uhlenbeck Operator 2



9 10 12 16

II Meyer Inequalities 1 Some Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . 2 \7(1 + .C)-1/2 as the Riesz Transform

19 19 21

III Hypercontractivity


IV LP-Multipliers Theorem, Meyer Inequalities and Distributions 31 1 LP-Multipliers Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 V Some applications of the distributions 1 Extension of the lto-Clark formula .. 2 Lifting of S' (ffi. d) with random variables

41 42

VI Positive distributions and applications 1 Capacities and positive Wiener functionals .

53 55


VII Characterization of independence of some Wiener functionals 61 1 Independence of Wiener functionals 61 VIII Moment inequalities for Wiener functionals 1 Exponential tightness Coupling inequalities . . . . 2 3 An interpolation inequality


IX Introduction to the theorem of Ramer


69 73 77




Subject Index




Preliminaries This chapter is devoted to the basic results about the Wiener measure, Brownian motion, construction of the Ito stochastic integral and the chaos decomposition associated to it.


The Brownian Motion and the Wiener Measure

1) Let W = Co([O, 1]), w E W, t E [0,1], define Wt(w) = w(t) (the coordinate functional). If we note by Bt = u{W.;s t}, then there is one and only one measure J1. on W such that

i) J1.{Wo(w) = O}

= 1,

ii) 'Vf E Cb' (R), the stochastic process process

1 t



f(Wt(w» -


is a (Bt , J1.)-martingale. J1. is called the Wiener measure. 2)

From the construction we see that for t

> s,

hence (t,w) t-> Wt(w) is a continuous additive process (i.e.,a process with independent increments) and (Wt;t E [0,1]) is also a continous martingale.

3) Stochastic Integration Let K : W x [0,1] --t R be a step process: n

Kt(w) =




a;(w) ·l[t"t.+d(t),





L a;(w) . (Wt.+.(w) -



Then we have

i.e. I is an isometry from the adapted step processes into L 2 (/-l ), hence it has a unique extension as an isometry from

where A denotes the sigma algebra on [0,1] x W generated by the adapted, left (or right) continuous processes. I( K) is called the stochastic integral of K and 1 it is denoted as Io K.dWs- If we define



11 [O,tl(S)K . dW . ,

it is easy to see that the stochastic process t .-. It (I{) is a continuous, square integrable martingale. With some localization techniques using stopping times, I can be extended to any adapted process K such that K;(w)ds < 00 a.s. In this case the process t .-. It(I{) becomes a local martingale, i.e., there exists a sequence of stopping times increasing to one, say (Tn, n E N) such that the process t .-. ItATJK) is a (square integrable) martingale.


Application: Ito formula We have following important applications of the stochastic integration: a) If 1 E C 2(R) and u, = KrdWr, then



= 1(0) +




b) &t(I(h)) = exp(


is a martingale for any h E L 2[0, 1].




+! t' !"(M.)K;ds.








4) Alternative constructions of the Brownian motion and the Wiener measure A) Let (ii; i E N) be an independent sequence of N 1(0, 1) Gaussian random variables. Let (gi) be a complete, orthonormal basis of L 2[0, 1]. Then W t defined by

is a Brownian motion. If (gi; i E N) is a complete, orthonormal basis of L 2([0, 1]), then



E is a complete orthonormal basis of H([O, 1]) (i. e., the first order Sobolev functionals on [0,1]). B) Let (0, F, P) be any abstract probability space and let H be any separable Hilbert space. If L : H - L 2(0, F, P) is a linear operator such that for any b « H, E[exp iL(h)] exp then there exists a Banach space with dense


injection H

W dense, hence W*

J1 on W such that

H is also dense and a probability measure


exp(w*, w)dJ1(w)


I j*(w*)


LU*(w*»(w) = (w*,w) almost surely. (W, H, Jl) is called an Abstract Wiener space and Jl is the Wiener measure. If H([O, 1]) {h : h(t) J; h(s)ds, IhlH Ihlp[o,ll} then J1 is the classical Wiener measure and W can be taken as Co([O, 1]).




Remark: In the case of the classical Wiener space, any element A of W* is a signed measure on [0,1], and its image in H = H([O, 1]) can be represented as j*(A)(t) = A([S, l])ds. In fact, we have for any h E H


U*(A), h)

< A,j(h) >

1 1


h( 1 )A([O, 1])

1 1



A([O, s])h(s)ds


(A([O, 1]) - '\([0, s])h(s)ds


'\([s, l])h(s)ds.



5) Let us come back to the classical Wiener space: i) It follows from the martingale convergence theorem and the monotone class theorem that the set of random variables

is dense in L 2 (J.l ), where S(Rn ) denotes the space of infinitely differentiable, rapidly decreasing functions on R". ii) It follows from (i), via the Fourier transform that the linear span of the 1 1 set {exp fo h.dW. - fo h;ds; ne L 2([0, I])} is dense in L 2 (J.l ). iii) Because of the analyticity of the characteristic function of the Wiener measure, the elements of the set in (ii) can be approached by the polynomials, hence the polynomials are dense in L 2(J.l). 5.1 Cameron­Martin Theorem: For any bounded Borel measurable function F, h E L 2[0, I], we have

This means that the process Wt(w) + the new probability measure exp( ­

h.ds is again a Brownian motion under


1 1

h.dW. - o 2



Proof: It is sufficient to show that the new probability has the same characteristic function as u: if z" E W*, then x* is a measure on [0,1] and

w­ (z", w)w

1 1


Wt(w) . x*([O, W1x*([O, 1])


t])lo ­



x*(]t, l])dWt.


1 1








1 11 11 "2111 1

E[exp i

x*([t, l])dWt(w +


11 -"2111 11 111 1 -"2111 + 1 h.ds) . £( -I(h)))



x*([t, l])dWt + i








exp -"2 exp


(ix*([t, 1]) - ht} 2dt

Jor (x*([t,I]))2dt


x*([t, l])h tdt-





x*([t,l])h tdt-"2

x*([t, l])h tdt





h;dt] h;dt]



-"2 I J(x*) 1iJ. QED

Corollary (Paul Levy's Theorem) Suppose that (M t ) is a continuous 0, M? - t is again a martingale. Then (Mt ) is a martingale such that M« Brownian motion.



We have the Ito formula


= j(O) +



su. +


!"(M.) . ds.


Hence the law of {Mt : t E [0, I]} is u, 5.2 The Ito Representation Theorem: Any r.p E L 2 (p) can be represented as

r.p = E[r.p] where

J( E



1 1


L 2([0, 1] x W), adapted.

Since the Wick exponentials

can be represented as claimed, the proof follows by density.




5.3 Wiener chaos representation 1 Let K 1 = f0 h.dW., n e L 2([0, 1]). Then, from the Ito formula, we can write


1 1 1h dW + p(p - 1) 2h2ds KP1 = pl KpKp.,. 2 •• o 0 1 t = pl [(p _ 1) ' Kp- 2hto dW + (p - 1)(p 2 - 1) o 0



+ ...



' KP-3 h 2 dt 2 ] dWt,

iterating this procedure we end up on one hand with K?p = 1, on the other hand with the multiple integrals of deterministic integrands of the type




... htpdW;,' ... dW;;,


= d)" E[Fn(w)If'(W - )"h) exp().. l« h(s)dW8 = E[Fn(w)( -V'hlf'(W) + If'(W) by the fact that Fn









0 in LP (/1,).


This result tells us that we can define LP-domain of V', denoted by Domp(V') as Definition: FE Domp(V') if and only if there exists a sequencei E, ; n E N) of cylindrical functions such that Fn - F in LP and (V'Fn) is Cauchy in LP(J-I, H). Then we define The extended operator V' is called Gross-Sobolev derivative. We will denote by D p , l the linear space Domp(V') equipped with the norm IlFllp,l = 1IFIlp + IIV' FIIL-(Il,H). Remarks: 1) If X is a separable Hilbert space we can define Dp,l(X) exactly in the same way as before, the only difference is that we take Sx instead of S, i.e., the rapidly decreasing functions with values in X. Then the same closability result holds (exercise!). 2) Hence we can define Dp,1c by iteration: i) We say that FE D p ,2 ifV'F E D p ,l (H ), then write V'2p = V'(V'F). ii) FE Dp,1c if V'1c-l FE D p,1( H 0 (Ic - l )). 3) Note that, for F E Dp,lc, V'1c F is in fact with values tensor product).

(i.e. symmetric

4) From the proof we have that if F E D p ,l , h E Hi and If' is cylindrical, we have E[V'h F 'If'] = -E[F· V'hlf'] + E[I(h)· F 'If'], where I(h) is the first order Wiener integral of the (Lebesgue) density of h. If + p-l = 1), by a limiting argument, the same relation holds again. Let us note that this limiting procedure shows in fact that if V'F E LP(J-I, H) then F.I(h) E LP(J-I), i.e., F is more than p-integrable. This observation gives rise to the logarithmic Sobolev inequality.

If' E D q ,l (q-l

Derivative, Divergence and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Operator



Relations with the stochastic integration


2 !):




E['Pt/J] +


E[('V(1(+£)-1/2'P, 'V(1 + £)-1/2t/J)] E[(1 + £)-1/2'P.(1 + £)-1/2t/J] ,


E[('V(1 + £)-1/2'P, 'V(I + £)-1/2t/J)H] = E['Pt/J]- E[(1 + £)-1'P.t/J]. Since (1 + £)-1 is continuous on LP(p) (it is a contraction), we have sup IE[('V(1 + £)-1/2'P, \7(1 + £)-1/2t/J)H]1 11'1'11.:::; 1

:s cllt/Jllq, QED

Corollary 1:

We have

for any

E LP(p; H) for p E]I, 00[.


Just take the adjoint of 'V(1 + £)-1/2.

Corollary 2:


We have

i) 1I'V'Pllp :S cpll(1 + £)1/2'Pllp

ii) 11(1 + £)1/2'Pllp

:s cp(II'Pllp + 11'V'Pllp)·


i) 1I'V'Pllp

= II 'V(1 + £)-1/2(1 + £)1/2'Pllp :s cpll(1 + £)1/2'Pllp .

ii) 11(1 + £)1/2'Pllp = 11(1 + £)-1/2(1 + £)'Pllp

= 11(1 + £)-1/2(1 + 8'V)'Pllp :s 11(1 + £)-1/2'Pllp + 11(1 + £)-1/28'V'Pllp

s 11'Pllp + cpll'V'Pllp,

where the last inequality follows from the Corollary 1.


Chapter III

Hypercontractivity Hypercontractivity We know that the semi-group of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck is a bounded operator on LP(J.l), for any P E [1,00]. In fact for p E]I,oo[, it is more than bounded. It increases the degree of integrability, this property is called hypercontraetivity and it is used to show the continuity of linear operators on LP(J.l)-spaces defined via the Wiener chaos decomposition or the spectral decomposition of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator. We shall use it in the next chapter to complete the proof of the Meyer inequalities. Hypercontractivity has been first discovered by E. Nelson, here we follow the proof given by [14]. In the sequel we shall show that this result can be proved using the Ito formula. Let (n, A, P) be a probability space with (Bt ; t E R+) being a filtration. We take two Brownian motions (Xt;t 0) and (Yt;t 0) which are not necessarily independent, i.e., X and Yare two continuous, real martingales such that (Xl-t) and (Y? -t) are again martingales (with respect to (Bt}) and that X, - X. and Yi - Y. are independent of B., for t > s. Moreover there exists (Pt; t E R+), progressively measurable with values in [-1, 1] such that t


is again a (Bt)-martingale. Let us denote by

X t = u(X.; s ::; t),


= u(Y.; s ::; t)

i. e., the correponding filtrations of X and Y and by X and by Y their respective supremum. Lemma 1:

1) For any 'f! E L 1 (n, X, P), t

0, we have




For any 1/J E L 1(O,Y, P), t

0, we have


= E[1/JIYt] a.s.

Proof: 1) From Levy's theorem, we have also that (Xt) is an (Xt}-Brownian motion. Hence

J 00

LP is also continuous. is U --> Applying Riesz-Thorin interpolation theorem, which says that if Lq and L 2 --> L 2 then it is LP --> LP for any p such that is in the interval

we obtain



1;8 , ()

where = %+ E]O, 1[. Choose q large enough such that () :::::: I (if necessary). Hence we have

= J«no,()).


Similar argument holds for p E]I, 2[ by duality. We have

L (L




= L

L In(Fn) L ak L £-k In(Fn) L ak£-k .!:i.noF . ak





We also have

J 00


J 00



.Oo; ..\ E has a dense span in H (i.e. the linear combinations from it is a dense set). Then the real-valued (F>.)-martingale defined by

is a Brownian motion with a deterministic time change and (.1'>.;..\ E canonical filtration completed with the negligeable sets. Example: t

Let H


= H1([0, 1]), define

is its

A as the operator defined by Ah(t)


f sh(s)ds.

Then A is a self-adjoint operator on H with a continuous spectrum o which is equal to [0,1]. Moreover we have

J t

(p>.h)(t) =



and Oo(t)



l[o,ll(s)ds satisfies the hypothesis of the above theorem. no is o called the vacuum vector (in physics). This is the main example, since all the (separable) Hilbert spaces are isomorphic, we can carry this time structure to any abstract Hilbert-Wiener space as long as we do not need any particular structure of time.

Chapter V

Some applications of the distributions Introduction In this chapter we give some applications of the extended versions of the derivative and the divergence operators. First we give an extension of the Ito­Clark formula to the space of the scalar distributions. We refer the reader to [2J and [17] for the developments of this formula in the case of Sobolev differentiable Wiener functionals. Let us briefly explain the problem: although, we know from the Ito representation theorem, that each square integrable Wiener functional can be represented as the stochastic integral of an adapted process, without the use of the distributions, we can not calculate this process, since any square integrable random variable is not neccessarily in D 2 ,1 , hence it is not Sobolev differentiable in the ordinary sense. As it will explained, this problem is completely solved using the differentiation in the sense of distributions. Afterwards we give a straightforward application of this result to prove a 0 ­ 1 law for the Wiener measure. At the second section we construct the composition of the tempered distributions with nondegenerate Wiener functionals as Meyer­Watanabe distributions. This construction carries also the information that the probability density of a nondegenerate random variable is not only infinitely differentiable but also it is rapidly decreasing. The same idea is then applied to prove the regularity of the solutions of the Zakai equation for the filtering of non­linear diffusions.




Extension of the Ito-Clark formula

Let F be any integrable random variable. Then we know that F can be represented as

J 1

= E[F] +


H.dW. ,


where (H.; s E [0,1]) is an adapted process such that, it is unique and

J 1



1), then we also have

J 1

E [(

IH.1 2 ds

f/2] < +=.


One question is how to calculate the process H. In fact, below we will extend the Ito representation and answer to the above question for any FED' [i.e., the Meyer­Watanabe distributions). We begin with: Lemma 1

again to D(H), i.e. 71" : D(H) Proof:



Let { E D(H), then 7I"{ defined by

D(H) is continuous.





= 71"£(, hence

We have

J!u + (J + (J + 1

E [(












< CpE [


£k/2i.1 2ds



where the last inequality follows from the convexity inequalities of the dual predictable projections (c.f. Dellacherie­Meyer, Vol. 2). QED Lemma 2:


71": D(H)


D(H) extends as a continuous mapping to D'(H)





E D(H), then we have, for k

> 0,

11(1 + .C)-k/2 7r llp 1I1r(1 + .C)-k/2 llp

111r lIp,-k

cplI(1 + .C)-k/2ell p

< cpll lIp,- k, then the proof follows since D(H) is dense in D'(H).


Before going further let us give a notation: if F is in some Dp , } then its GrossSobolev derivative V'F gives an H ­valued random variable. Hence t 1--+ V'F(t) is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure on [0,1], we denote by D.F its Radon­Nikodym derivative with respect to the Lebesgue measure. Note that it is ds X dJl­almost everywhere well­defined. Lemma 3:

Let ep ED, then we have

J }








+ s-v»,

Moreover 7rV'ep E D(H). Proof:

Let U be an element of L 2 (Jl , H) such that u(t)


= f u.ds with (Ut; t E

o [0,1]) being an adapted and bounded process. Then we have, from the Girsanov theorem,

J 1

E[ep(w + Au(w)). exp( -A



u.dW. - A 2

J }

u.ds)]= E[ep].


Differentiating both sides at A = 0, we obtain:

J i

E[(V'ep(w), u) - ep


= 0,



J }

E[(V'ep, u)] = E[ep





Furthermore 1


[J D. R d ® R d is a smooth function of polynomial growth. Hence Iii ED. Then from the dominated convergence theorem we have Iii ---+ "Yii in LP as well as V'k"Yii QED Lemma 2

V'1"Yij (this follows againfrom "Y' . u· = Id).

Let G ED. Then we have,

VI E S(R d )

i) E[8;f(F).G] = E[J(F).li(G)] where G ...... li(G) is linear and for any 1 < r < sup



£y in S' on the other hand

j p,(F + y).f(y)dy


j p,(y)f(y + F)dy



On the other hand, for




As a corollary of this result, combined with the lifting of S' to D', we can show the following: For any T E S'(R d ) , one has the following:






T(xt) - T(x$) =

AT(x$)ds +


(1ij(X$)' ojT(x$)dW;,

where the Lebesgue integral is a Bochner integral, the stochastic integral is as defined at the first section of this chapter and we have used the following notation:

Lifting of S' (lR d)


Applications to the filtering of the diffusions Suppose that Yt =




+ B,

h(x 8)ds

where h E Cf(R d ) ® R d , B is another

Brownian motion independent of w above. (Yt; t E [0,1]) is called an (noisy) observation of (Xt). Let Yt = U{Y8; s E [0, t]} be the observed data till t. The filtering problem consists of calculating the random measure f ..-. E(f(xt>IYd. Let pO be the probability defined by

dpo where Zt = exp







random variable yt, we have:

= ZlldP

Ih(x8W ds. Then for any bounded, Yt-measurable

= EO[Zt!(xdYd EO[E[Zt!(xdIYt] . Yd =



E[EO[;tlYtlEO[Zt!(xdIYt]' Yt], hence


= EO[Zt!(xdIYtl . EO [ZtIYt]

If we want to study the smoothness of the measure f ..-. E(f(xdIYt], then from the above formula, we see that it is sufficient to study the smoothness of f ..-. EO[Zt/(xt)IYt]. The reason for the use of pO is that wand (Yt; t E [0,1]) are two independent Brownian motions under pO (this follows directly from Paul Levy's theorem of the characterization of the Brownian motion). After this preliminaries, we can prove the following 'I'heorem Suppose that the map f ..-. f(xt) from S(Rd ) into D has a continuous extension as a map from S' (Rd) into D'. Then the measure f ..-. E(f( Xt)IYt] has a density in S(R d ) .

Proof: As explained above, it is sufficient to prove that the (random) measure f..-. EO[Zt/(xt)IYt] has a density in S(R d ) .

Let .c y be the Ornstein- Uhlenbeck operator on the space of the Brownian motion (Yt;t E [0,1]). Then we have

J t

.cyZt =

z, ( -

It is also easy to see that


h(x 8)dY8

J t



Ih(x 8 W d s )

En p


51 - Hence Zt (W, y) E D( w, y), where D( w, y) denotes the space of test functions defined on the product Wiener space with respect to the laws of w and y. - The second point is that the operator EO[-IYt] is a continuous mapping from D;,k(W, y) into since £y commutes with EO[-IYd (for any p 1, k E Z). - Hence the map




is continuous from S' (R d) --+ D' (y). In particular, for fixed T E S', 3p > 1 and kEN such that T(xt) E Dp,_k(W). Since Zt E D(w, y),

ZtT(Xt) E Dp,_k(W, y) and Hence _ Hence

belongs to LP(y). Therefore we see that:

defines a linear, continuous (use the closed graph theorem for instance) map from S'(R d) into LP(y). Since S'(R d) is a nuclear space, the map



EO[T(xdZtIYt] is a nuclear operator, hence by definition it has a


e = L >'d; 00:; 00


where (>.;) E /1, (/;) C S(R Define

kt(x, y)




and (0:;) C LP(y) are bounded sequences.

>'d;(x)o:;(y) E S(R d )0 1 £P (Y)


where 01 denotes the projective tensor product topology. It is easy now to see that, for 9 E S(R d )


g(x)kt(x, y)dx


= EO[g(xt)' ZtIYt]. QED

Chapter VI

Positive distributions and applications Positive Meyer-Watanabe distributions If () is a positive distribution on n-, then a well-known theorem says that () is a positive measure, finite on the compact sets. We will prove an analogous result for the Meyer-Watanabe distributions in this section, show that they are absolutely continuous with respect to the capacities defined with respect to the scale of the Sobolev spaces on the Wiener space and give an application to the construction of the local time of the Wiener process. We end the chapter by making some remarks about the Sobolev spaces constructed by the second quantization of an elliptic operator on the Cameron-Martin space. We will work on the classical Wiener space Co([O,I)) = W. First we have the following: Proposition: Suppose (Tn) C D' and each Tn is also a probability on W. If Tn -+ T in D', then T is also a probability and Tn -+ T in the weak topology of measures (on W). Proof: It is sufficient to prove that the set of probability measures (vn ) associated to (Tn), is tight. In fact, let S D n Cb(W), If the tightness holds, then we will have, for v = w - lim V n ,



= T(tp)

on S.

Since S is weakly dense in Cb(W) the proof will be completed (remember E W·, belongs to S!).

e;(w,w·), ui"

Positive Distributions


Let G(w) be defined as


1 1

G(w) =





Then, it is not difficult to show that G E D and AA = {G( w) ::; A} is a compact subset of W (cf.[l]). Moreover, we have U AA = W almost surely. Let



.(G)) ---> 0 in LP for all i ::; [k] this is obvious from the choice of rp>.. Therefore we have proven that

which is the definition of tightness.

+ 1, but


Corollary: Let TED' such thai (T, rp) is a Radon measure on W.

0, for all positive rp E D. Then T


Proof: Let (hi) C H be a complete, orthonormal basis of H. Let Vn u{6h 1 , ... ,6h n }. Define Tn as Tn E[Pl/nTlVnl where P 1 / n is the OrnsteinUhlenbeck semi-group on W. Then Tn 0 and it is a random variable in some LP(p). Therefore it defines a measure on W (even absolutely continuous with respect to p!). Moreover Tn ---> T in D', hence the proof follows from the proposition. QED



Capacities and positive Wiener functionals

If p E [1,00[,0 C W is an open set and k Oas

• Cp,k(O)


: rp E Dp,k, rp

> 0, we define the (p, k)-capacity of 1 u-e:e. on O} .

•• If A C W is any subset, define its (p, k )-capacity as


= inf{Cp,k(O); 0

is open 0::> A}.

• We say that some property takes place (p, k)-quasi everywhere if the set on which it does not hold has (p, k)-capacity zero. • We say N is a slim set if Cp,k(N)

= 0, '1p > 1, k > O.

• A function is called (P, k )-quasi continuous if '1£ > 0 I 3 open set O£ such that Cp,k (0£) < e and the function is continuous on • It is called eo-quasi continuous if it is (p, k)-quasi continuous '1(p, k). The following results are proved by Fukushima & Kanako: Lemma 1:

i) If F E Dp,k , then there exists a (p, k)-quasi continuous function F such that F = F u-e:e. and F is (p, k)-quasi everywhere defined, i.e. if C is another such function, then Cp,k({F::j:. C})) = o.

Positive Distributions

56 ii) If A C W is arbitrary, then

Cp,k(A) = inf{II 1, k O. Then, if we denote by vr the measure associated to T, we have

for any set A C W, where VT denotes the outer measure with respect to particular liT does not charge the slim sets.



Proof: Let V be an open set in Wand let Uv be its equilibrium potential of order (p, k). We have (Pl/n T, Uv)


Pl/nT UvdJ-l


PlinT UvdJ-l





IIP 1 /

Since V is open, we have, from the fact that


T(V ) .




vr weakly,

On the other hand lim (Pl/nT, Uv)

(T, Uv)


R d is a non-degenerate random variable, then for any S E S'(R d ) with S 0 on S+(R d ) , S(F) ED' is a positive distribution, hence it is a positive Radon measure on W. In particular £x(F) is a positive Radon measure.

Positive Distributions


Distributions associated to I'( A) For a "tentative" generality we suppose that (W, H, fl) is an abstract Wiener space. Let A be a selfadjoint operator on H, we suppose that its spectrum lies in ]1,00[' hence A- 1 is bounded and IIA- 1 1I < 1. Let

u; =


Dom(A n ) ,


hence H oo is dense in Hand Q' ......... (AOh, h) is increasing. Denote by H o the completion of H oo with respect to the norm = (AOh,h); Q' E R. Evidently =:: H - 0 (isomorphism). If r.p : W ---> R is a nice Wiener functional with r.p =


L: In (r.pn),


define the second quantization of A

= E[r.p] + 2: I n(A0 nr.pn). 00



Definition: For p > 1, k E Z, Q' E R, we define D;,k as the completion of polynomials (based on H 00) with respect to the norm:

11r.pllp,k;o = II(I + £)k/2r(A 1 / 2)r.pIlLPCI'J ' where r.p(w) = polynomialuihj , ... ,bh n), hi E H oo . If X is a separable Hilbert space, D;,k(X) is defined likewise. Remark:

i) If r.p = exp(bh -

Ih1 2) then we have

r(A)r.p = exp b(Ah) ii) D;,k is decreasing with respect to


IAhl 2 .

P and k.

Theorem 1: Let (W O , H 0, flo) be the abstract Wiener space corresponding the Sobolev space on to the Cameron-Martin space H o . Let us denote by WO defined by


and D;,k are isomorphic.

Remark: This isomorphism is not algebraic, i.e., it does not commute with the pointwise multiplication. Proof:

We have E[eibCAa!'hl]

= exp

which is the characteristic function of flo on W O •

= exp QED


i) For p > 2,

Theorem 2:






E R, k E Z, there exists some (3 > !j such that

n D;,k'

s lI'PII Dg'k


ii) Moreover, for some (3 > Q' we have

11'PIIDg,o . Proof:

i) We have n

II L(1 + n)k/2 ente-nt In«Aa/2)0n'Pn)tp . From the hypercontractivity of Pt , we can choose t such that p = e 2t + 1 then Choose (3 > 0 such that

IIA- 13 11

e- t , hence

II L(1 + n)k/2 ent l n(.. ·)112 <

P{l/n(BI)1 > c} P{ sup IE[ln(BdIBtll > c}

c}, tE[a,l]

where P is the canonical Wiener measure on C([O, 1], R") and Qt is the heat kernel associated to (Bd, i.e.

Qt(X, A)

= P{Bt + x E A}.

From the Ito formula, we have t

QI-tfn(Bd = Qdn(Ba ) + j(DQI_.ln(B.), dB.). a By definition

Qdn(O) = j In(Y) . Ql(O, dy)


dy j In(y)e _.I1If. (21r)n/2 2

E[E[Pl/neplVn)) E[P1/nep] E[ep]

O. Moreover we have DQtf

= QtDI,




= j(QI_.Dln(B.),dB.) = Mtn. a


The Doob-Meyer process (Mn, Mnh of the martingale M" can be controlled as t


= o t


< J

= tllY'fnIlLOO(jjn)


< tllY' 0 a.s.,

J 00



P{F > t}dt.


The second part follows from the fact that 1Y'lIwlllH Remark:



In the next section we will give a precise estimation for E[exp AF 2 ] .

In the applications, we encounter random variables F satisfying

IF(w+ h) - F(w)1


almost surely, for any h in the Cameron-Martin space H and a fixed constant c > 0, without any hypothesis of integrability. For example, F(w) = SUPtE[O,l]lw(t)l, defined on Co[O, 1] is such a functional. In fact the above hypothesis contains the integrability and Sobolev differentiability of F. We begin first by proving that under the integrability hypothesis, such a functional is in the domain of Y':


Moment Inequalities

Suppose that F : W ........ R is a measurable random variable in Up> 1 LP (J-l), satisfying

Lemma 1

IF(w+ h) - F(w)1


almost surely, for any h E H, where c > 0 is a fixed constant. Then F belongs to Dp,l for any P > 1. We call such a functional H-Lipschitz.


Proof: Since, for some Po > 1, F E LPo, the distributional derivative of F, \! F exists . We have \! k FED' for any k E H. Moreover, for t/J ED, from the integration by parts formula E[\!k F t/J)

-E[F \!kt/J) + E[Fbkt/J) d - dt It=oE[Ft/J(w + tk)) + E[Fbkt/J) d - dt It=oE[F(w - tk) t/Jc(tbk))

+ E[Fbkt/J)

· [F(w - tk) - F(w) ) IIm-E ¢, t


where E(bk)

= exp bk - 1/2IkJ2.


IE[\!k F



clkIHII¢!!q, for any q > 1, i.e., \! F belongs to LP(J-l, H) for any p > 1. Let now (ej; i E N) be a complete, orthonormal basis of H, denote by Vn the sigma-field generated by be1, ... , ben, n E N and let 11'n be the orthogonal projection onto the the subspace of H spanned by el, ... ,en- Let us define

= E[P1/nFlVnL

where P1 / n is the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup at the instant t = lin. Then Fn E nkDpo,k and it is immediate, from the martingale convergence theorem and from the fact that 1I'n tends to the identity operator of H in the norm-topology, that v r; E[e-1/n1l'nPl/n v FlVn] - \! F, in LP(J-l, H), for any p > 1, as n tends to infinity. Since, by construction, (Fn ; n E N) converges also to F in LPo(J-l), F belongs to Dpo,l. Hence we can apply the Corollary 1. Q.E.D.


Lemma 2 ing

Suppose that F : W ........ R is a measurable random variable satisfy-

IF(w + h) - F(w)1 clhl H, almost surely, for any h E H, where c > 0 is a fixed constant. Then F belongs to Dp,l for any p > 1.



Let F n

= IFI/\ n, n E N.

A simple calculation shows that

hence r; E D p ,l for any p > 1 and IV" F« I ::s c almost surely from the Lemma 1. We have from the Ito-Clark formula (cr. Chapter V),

From the definition of the stochastic integral, we have

[(1 E[D.FnIF.]dW.)2] 1


E [11IE[D.FnIT.Wds]

< E

[1 ID.FnI2dS] 1

E[lV" r; 12 ]

c} --+ 0 as c --+ 00. Hence limn E[Fn] = E[IFIJ is finite. Now we apply the dominated convergence theorem to obtain that FE £2(p,). Since the distributional derivative of F is a square integrable random variable, F E D 2 ,1 ' We can now apply the Lemma 1 which implies that FE D p , l for any p. Q.E.D. Remark: Although we have used the classical Wiener space structure in the proof, the case of the Abstract Wiener space can be reduced to this case using the method explained in the appendix of Chapter IV. Corollary (Fernique's Lemma): 2

For any A
1 and U is a lower bounded, convex function (hence lower semi-continuous) on R. We have

E[U('{J(w) - '{J(z))]:S where E is taken with respect to p,( dw) x p,( dz) on W x Wand on the classical Wiener space, we have




:t 'V'{J(w, t)dz t



75 Proof:

Suppose first that Y' = f(6h l(w), ... ,6h n(w))

with f smooth on R", h. E H, (h.,h j ) = 6.j


We have





(2: 8;f(6h l(w), ... ,6h n(w))h.) .=1



2: 8;f(6h l(w), ... ,6h n(w))h(h;)(z)


(f'(X), Y)Rn




where X (Shl(w), ... ,6h n(w)) and Y (6h l(z), ... ,6h n(z)). inequality is trivially true in this case. For general Y', let (h;) be a complete, orthonormal basis in H,


Hence the

= u{6h l, ... ,6h n}

and let

Y'n = E[Pl/ nY'lVnl , where Pl / n is the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup on W. We have then

E[U(Y'n(w) - Y'n(z))l Let

7r n

:s E [U

be the orthogonal projection from H onto span {hI, ... , hn}. We have I, (V'Y'n (w))( z)


h (V'wE w[Pl/ nY'lVn))( z)


h(Ew[e- l/ n Pl/ n7r nV'Y'lVn))(z)


II (7r n E w fe-lin Pl/ nV' Y'lVn)) (z)

= e, [Il(Ew[e-l/nP{fn V'Y'lVnDIVnl where


is the copy of Vn on the second Wiener space. Then

E [U

(V'Y'n( w))(z)) ]

1 the inequality



is some positive constant.

Proof: Replacing the function U of Theorem 2 by the exponential function, we have

E[exp(cp - E[cp])]

< E w x Ez[exp(cp(w) - cp(z»] :S < e; [Ez [[exp E [ex p

(ii) and (iii) are similar with U(x)

= Ixl k • kEN.


Theorem 4: Let 'I' E Dp ,2 for some p > 1 and that V'jV'cpIH E £00(1-1, H) (in particular, this is satisfied if V'2cp E £00(1-1, H02H». Then there exists some A > 0 such that

E[exp Alcpl]
O. However Theorem 1 applies since

Corollary 3 then have

Let F E

E[exp AF 2]


for some p

V'1V'tpl E £00(/1-, H).


> 1 such that IV' FIH E £00(/1-). We

-< E [ VI - >,:)1 IV' FI1- exp ( + IV' FI )], 1-

for any A > 0 such that


IIIV'FIHIlIoo(ll) >,:) < 1.

Proof: Ley Y be an auxiliary, real-valued Gaussian random variable, living on a separate probability space (n, U, P) with variance one and zero expectation. We have, using Corollary 2 :

E[exp AF 2]

E 0 Ep[exp v!i\FY]

< E 0 Ep

[exp{ v!i\E[F]Y



+ IV' FI2y2 A:



where Ep denotes the expectation with respect to the probability P.


, Q.E.D.

An interpolation inequality

Another useful inequality for the Wiener functionals * is the following interpolation inequality which helps to control the LP- norm of V' F with the help of the £P-norms of F and V'2 F. *This result has been proven as an answer to a question posed by D. W. Stroock,





Moment Inequalities

Theorem 5: For any p > 1, there exists a constant Cp , such that, for any FE D p ,2 , one has

The theorem, will be proven, thanks to the Meyer inequalities, if we can prove the following Theorem 6:

For any p

> 1, we have

Proof: Denote by G the functional (I Therefore it suffices to show that

II(I + £)-1/2Gllp

+ £)F.

+ £)-1/2G = f(1/2) V2

= (I + £)-lG.



We have (f

Then we have F

100 r 0

1 / 2 e- t P



where Pt denotes the semigroup of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck. For any a write (f

[l f(1/2)

+ £)-1/2G = V2



r1/2e-t P Gdt t

+ [00 r


> 0, we can

1/2e- t P Gdt]

Let us denote the two terms at the right hand side of the above equality, respectively, by fa and t fa. We have

1l(I + £)-l/2Gllp

r(02) [II fa lip + Il IIallp] ·

The first term at the right hand side can be majorated as

1. Assume that there are constants c and d with c < 1 such that for almost all w E W,




1, moreover


I/\lvll J-l-almost surely.






, l-c

83 • For all bounded and measurable F, we have


= E[F(T(w)) ·IA u (w)1l

and in particular EIAul where Au

= 1,

= Idet2(I + V'u)1 exp -c5u -

1 "2lul1-,

and det2(I + V'u) denotes the Carleman-Fredholrn determinant of I

+ V'u .

• The measures u, 7'* J-l and S* J-l are mutually absolutely continuous, where 7'*J-l (respectively S*J-l) denotes the image of J-l under T (respectively S). We have

where Au is defined similarly. Remark As it has been remarked in [15], if II V'uII :S 1 instead ofllV'ull :S c < 1, then taking U f = (1- f)U we see that the hypothesis of the theorem are satisfied for UfO Hence using the Fatou lemma, we obtain

E[F 0 T IAull :S E[F] for any positive F E Cb(W). Consequently, if Au =F 0 almost surely, then T* J-l is absolutely continuous with respect to p: The proof of the theorem will be done in several steps. As we have indicated above, the main idea is to pass to the limit from finite to infinite dimensions. The key point in this procedure will be the use of the Theorem 1 of the preceding chapter which will imply the uniform integrability of the finite dimensional densities. We shall first prove the same theorem in the cylindrical case: Lemma 1

Let { : W


H be a shift of the following form: n

e(w) =

... ,c5h n)h i, i=1

with Cti E COO(Rn ) with bounded first derivative, hi E W* are orthonormal* in H. Suppose furthermore that IIV'{II :S c < 1 and that 1IV'{1I2 :S d as above. Then we have "In fact hi E W· should be distinguished from its image in H, denoted by j(h). notational simplicity, we denote both by hi, as long as there is no ambiguity.


Theorem of Ramer


= W+

• Almost surely W........ U(w)

is bijective.

• The measures J.l and U* J.l are mutually absolutely continuous. • For all bounded and measurable F, we have


= E[F(U(w))

for all bounded and measurable F and in particular


= Idet2(I +




• The inverse of U, denoted by V is of the form V(w)

= w + 7J( w), where



= L:,B;(fJh 1 , ••.



Proof: Note first that due to the Corollary 1 of the Chapter VIII, E[exp < for any A < 21c. We shall construct the inverse of U by imitating the fixed point techniques: let


7Jo( w) 7Jn+l(W)


We have

l7Jn+l(W) - 7Jn(W)IH

cl7Jn(w) - 7Jn-l(w)IH

Therefore 7J(w) = limn_oo 7Jn(w) exists and it is majorated by the triangle inequality


+ h) -


< + h + 7Jn(w + h)) + 7Jn(w))1 < clhl + cl7Jn(w + h) - 7Jn(w)l·

Hence passing to the limit, we find

17J(w + h) - 7J(w)1


-Ihl· 1- c

We also have



+ 7J(w)) =

w + 7J(w) + + 1J(w)) w + 7J(w) - 7J(w) w,


85 hence U 0 (Iw

+ "1)

= I w , i.e., U is an onto map. If U(w) = U(w'), = + ::;



which implies that U is also injective. To show the Girsanov identity, let us complete the sequence (hi; i ::; n) to a complete orthonormal basis whose elements are chosen from W·. From a theorem of Ito-Nisio [8], we can express the Wiener path w as

= L: 6hi(w)h i, 00



where the sum converges almost surely in the norm topology of W. Let F be a nice function on W, denote by JJn the image of the Wiener measure JJ under the map w ........ Ein 8h;(w)h;. Evidently JJ =-JJn x u, Therefore

1 a-

Ev[F'(w + L:(Xi

+ Q'i(X1

... ,

Xn))hi)IA IJJJRn(dx)

E[F], where JJRn(dx) denotes the standard Gaussian measure on R" and the equality follows from the Fubini theorem. In fact by changing the order of integrals, we reduce the problem to a finite dimensional one and then the result is immediate from the theorem of Jacobi as explained above. From the construction of V, it is trivial to see that "1(w) = L,8i(6h 1 , ... ,6h n)h i , i$n for some vector field (,81, ... ,,8n) which is a Coo mapping from R n into itself due to the finite dimensional inverse mapping theorem. Now it is routine to verify that hence 11\7"1112

< III + < (1 + C )d < (1 + 1- c =


VII2 0




1-c Q.E.D.

Lemma 2

With the notations and hypothesis of Lemma 1, we have 0

almost surely.


= -6"1 -




V) . \7"1,


Theorem of Ramer


We have




where the sum converges in £2 and the result is independent of the choice of the orthonormal basis (ei; i E N). Therefore we can choose as basis hI, ... ,h n that we have already used in Lemma 1, completed with the elements of W* to form an orthonormal basis of H, denoted by (hi; i EN). Hence




From the Lemma 1, we have 0 V = -11 and since, hi are originating from W*, it is immediate to see that ohi 0 V = Sh; + (hi, 11). Moreover, from the preceding lemma we know that 0 V) = (I + 0 V. Consequently, applying all this, we obtain 0



n 0

V, hi)(oh i + (hi, 11)) -




1 0


V, 11) +




\7 hi


V, hi) - \7 hi




1 n




011 + L(\7( 0 V [hi], \711 [hi])


011 + trace(\7( 0 V . \711),


-1111 2

where \7( [h) denotes the Hilbert-Schmidt operator u « H.



Since ( and 11 are symmetric, we have 11 0 U = -( and consequently

011 0 U Corollary 1

= -o( -

+ trace(\711 0 U) . \7(

For any cylindrical function F on W, we have

E[FoV) E[Fo U) Proof:

applied to the vector


The first part follows from the identity

E [F 0 V 0 U E[FoV).


87 To see the second part, we have E[FoU] =

E [F


U IA(to V




E[F IA(to V] . From the lemma, it follows that 1

since, for general Hilbert-Schmidt maps A and B, we have

= exp trace(AB) . det2((I + A)(I + B)),

det2(I + A) . det2(I + B)

(in fact this identity follows from the multiplicative property of the ordinary determinants and from the formula (e) given in [5], page 1106, Lemma 22) and in our case (I + \7e 0 V) . (I + \7TJ) = I. Q.E.D. Proof of the theorem: Let (hi; i E N) C W· be a complete orthonormal basis of H. For n EN, let Vn be the sigma algebra on W generated by , 8hn }, 7I"n be the orthogonal projection of H onto the subspace spanned {8h 1 , ,h n } . Define by {hI,


where P1/ n is the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup on W with t lin. Then -+ e in Dp,l(H) for any p > I (cf., Lemma I of Chapter VIII). Moreover en has the following form:



en = L

a i (8h 1 , ... ,8h n)h i ,


where have hence

ai are COO-functions as explained in the



1 n / E

Proposition 3 of Chapter IV. We

[P1 / nll\7ulllVn] ,

and the same inequality holds also with the Hilbert-Schmidt norm. Consequently, we have

Theorem of Ramer


p-almost surely and hence, each satisfies the hypothesis of Lemma 1. Let I + and let us denote by 1Jn the shift corresponding to the inverse of Un Vn = I + 1Jn' Denote by An and L n the densities corresponding, respectively, to and 1Jn, i.e., with the old notations


We will prove that the sequences of densities {An: n E N} and {L n : n E N}

are uniformly integrable. In fact we will do this only for the first sequence since the proof for the second is very similar to the proof of the first case. To prove the uniform integrability, from the lemma of de la Valle-Poussin, it suffices to show sup E [IAnlllogAnlJ < 00, n

which amounts to show, from the Corollary 1, that sup E [I log An






as nand m go to infinity, by the uniform integrability of (An; n E N) and by the convergence in probability of n EN). As the sequence (1Jn; n E N) is bounded in all LP spaces, this result implies the existence of an H -valued random variable, say v which is the limit of (17n; n E N) in probability. By uniform integrability, the convergence takes place in LP(p, H) for any p > 1 and since the sequence (V'1Jn; n E N) is bounded in UJO(p, H 0 H), also the convergence takes place in Dp,l(H) for any v > 1. Consequently, we have

E[F(w+v(w)) and

IAvlJ = E[F],

E[F(w + v(w))] = E[F


for any F E Cb(W). Let us show that S : W -+ W, defined by S( w) T : let a > be any number, then


p{IITo S(w) - wllw > a}


= w + v(w) is the inverse of

p{IIT 0 S - Un 0 SlIw > a/2} 0 S - Un 0 Vnllw > a/2}


E[IA u Il{lIT-U nllw>a/2}] + v(w)) -

< E[IAull{1u-Enl>a/2}] a

+p{lv - 17n! > 2)



+ 1Jn(w))1 > a/2}


Theorem of Ramer

as n tends to infinity, hence p-almost surely To S(w)

J.l{IIS 0 T(w) -

wllw > a} =

= w.


J.l{IIS 0 T - So Unllw > a/2} +J.l{IIS 0 U; - Vn 0 Unllw > a/2}

< J.l {IU



a( 1 - c) } 2c

+E[IAllnl1{lv-lInl>aj2})-> 0, by the uniform integrability of (A lln; n EN), therefore J.l-almost surely, we have = w. Q.E.D.

So T(w)

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Subject Index cylindrical, 10 stochastic integral, 2

number operator, 17 non-degenerate, 45

abstract Wiener space, 3

Ornstein- Uhlenbeck operator, 17

Cameron-Martin Theorem, 4 capacity, 55 Carleman-Fredholm determinant, 82 closable, 10 contraction, 62 coupling inequality, 73

Paul Levy's Theorem, 5

divergence operator, 14 equilibrium potential, 56 exponential tightness, 69 filtering, 50 Gross-Sobolev derivative, 11 H-Lipschitz, 72 Hitsuda-Ramer-Skorohod integral, 17 Hypercontractivity, 27 independence, 61 Ito formula, 2 Ito-Clark formula, 41 lifting, 44 logarithmic Sobolev inequality, 11 local time, 57 Mehler's formula, 16 Meyer inequalities, 19 Meyer-Watanabe distributions, 35 multiplication formula, 62 multiplier, 31

quasi-continuous, 55 quasi-everywhere, 55 Ramer's Theorem, 81 resolution of identity, 37 Riesz transformation, 21 second quantization, 58 slim set, 55 stochastic integration, 1 vacuum vector, 39 Wick exponentials, 5 Weyl's lemma, 37 Wiener chaos representation, 6 Wiener measure, 1

Notations Bt,1


det2(I + Vu), 82 Cp,k,55

38 S(Rn),4 S,lO S'(R d),44

D,35 Dp,k(X), 11 au, 82 D',35 D., 43 s, 14 Domj , 11 Domp(h), 14 £x,47 £(I(h)) , 5 /®mg,62

r(A),58 H,10 I(K), 1 Ip , 6

c. 17 u, 1 V,lO

V k , l1 0 0,39

r: 50

Pt,17 42 p.v., 19 1(',

W,1 W t,1

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