Monday, Oct . 3 "A" Day - Am erica Day Dress. - 4:30p - Soccer @ ... Caleb Kulick, Jordan Raflik & Nick Rosenthal ..
Pacelli Cat holic High School (Grades 9-12)
Weeks of October 3 & 10 1301 Maria Drive Stevens Point, W I 54481 P: 715.341.2442
UPCOMING EVENTS Week of Oct ober 3
Mr. Lawrence Theiss Principal
" Hom ecom in g Week "
Week of Oct ober 10 M on day, Oct . 10 "A" Day
[email protected]
M on day, Oct . 3 "A" Day - Am er ica Day Dr ess -
4:30p - Soccer @ PCYS Fields
OUR MISSION Continuing a tradition of inspiring the individual best from every student through a Christ-centered drive for excellence in academics, athletics, and arts.
Tu esday, Oct . 11 " B" Day
Tu esday, Oct . 4 " M odif ied" Day - Class Color s Dr ess -
4:15p - CC @ Mark Frey Farms, Spencer 7p - Soccer @ PCYS Fields 7:30p - Volleyball @ Iola Scandinavia HS
5p - Home & School Meeting in LLC
7:30p - Volleyball @ Port Edwards
Wed, Oct . 12 " C" Day
Wed, Oct . 5 " M odif ied" Day - Haw aiian Tou r ist Day -
OUR VISION Pacelli Catholic Schools is an environment that fosters the unique gifts of each student to grow as disciples of the faith and leaders for the world.
4:30p - Soccer @ PCYS Fields
Pict u r e Day
Th u r s, Oct . 6 " E" Day - Th r ow Back For m al M ass Day -
9:08a - Mass at the Convent 4:30p - Soccer @ Tower Road Soccer Field 7:30p - Volleyball @ PCHS
Fr iday, Oct . 7 " Pep Assem bly " Day - Su per Fan Day
Th u r s, Oct . 13 " D" Day -
4p - CC @ Bonduel HS
6:30p - DI Team Manager meeting in Room 105
PCS Core Values
5p - Homecoming Parade 7p - Football @ Goerke Field
Fr iday, Oct . 14 " E" Day
Catholic Discipleship Academic Excellence Personal Responsibility Creativity
Sat u r day, Oct 8 -
10a - Volleyball Pool Play @ TBA 8p - Homecoming Dance 10p - General Public Welcome for pictures
9:08a - Mass at the Convent
7p - Football @ Shiocton HS
Service Respect
The above athletic dates reflect only varsity competitions due to space limitations and are subject to change. For complete up to date athletic schedules including JV and Freshman games click here. If you have any other athletic questions contact the athletic department at 715.341.2018 or
[email protected] or 715.341.2442 or
[email protected].
PCHS 2016 Hom ecom in g Cou r t (alph abet ically list ed) Pacelli Cat holic Schools
Gir ls: Elizabeth Cisewski, Becca Formella, Julia Grygleski, Anna Koehl, Lexi Reeves & Kaitlin Rogers
Boys: Cale Jakusz, Ethan Jansch, Turner Kedrowski, Caleb Kulick, Jordan Raflik & Nick Rosenthal
Ju n ior UWSP Cam pu s Visit -
St . Pet er 's Rosar y Societ y Holiday Ven dor & Cr af t Sh ow
Who: Interested Juniors (Parents are welcome to attend as well.) What: Campus Visit Where: UW-Stevens Point When: Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
Permission Slips and $6.00 lunch fee are du e M on day, Oct . 17, 2016 by 11:45a.m . in the Counseling Office.
When: Sunday, October 8th Time: 9 am - 2 pm Where: At Pacelli Catholic Middle School Follow this link for more information:
Visit Time-line -
Hom e & Sch ool M eet in g- Tu es., Oct . 11
8:15 a.m. - Walk from PCHS to UWSP 8:45 a.m. - Students arrive on campus 9:00 a.m. - Admissions overview 9:45 a.m. - Student panel 10:30 a.m. - Campus tour 11:30 a.m. - Lunch at Debot 12:00 p.m. - Walk back to PCHS
This is our 1st Home & School Meeting of the year, we look forward to seeing all of you. Great things have been done and we hope to continue that. It is wonderful to get involved with our Home & School because everyone pitches in to get things done.
Sen ior Ser vice Day an d 9, 10 & 11 Gr ade Ret r eat Seniors were serving at a variety of school, parish and community locations on Thursday, 9/29. In addition to the students pictured below there were seniors at Operation Bootstrap, PCMS, St. Steve's School & Newman Center. Grades 9-11 had a successful and faithful retreat led by the Spiritus team. We would like to thank the students for their attention and open hearts during the retreat and the seniors for their service work. We are also grateful to those who helped to make the day a success, and we look forward to seeing the benefits from the day as the school year continues.
Yard Work at a Local Community Member ?s Home
Outside Improvements at PCHS
9, 10 & 11 grades enjoying retreat activities out on the front lawn Painting and Set Work for PCHS Play
Su bst it u t e Teach in g Want to work in a fun, energetic atmosphere!?!? Sign up to be a substitute for Pacelli Catholic High School! Anyone with a four year degree can be a substitute. It's a great way to earn a little bit of Christmas money. Contact Terri Bucknell or Cindy Engebretson for more information, ph 715-341-2442.
Lu n ch M en u & Daily Bell Sch edu le Click here for the LUNCH MENU or the DAILY BELL SCHEDULE (Scroll to the bottom of the homepage to see the calendar.)
Raking, Car Detailing for Sisters of St. Joseph, Third Order of St. Francis
Hom ecom in g Even t s Det ails Homecoming THEME - Hit the Lights - A Neon Homecoming Su n day, Oct ober 2 4:00 ? 7:00 Class Hallway Decorating All Classes will have the general decorating theme of Hit t h e Ligh t s - A Neon Hom ecom in g. -
M on day, Oct ober 3 (Regular ?A? Day Schedule) America Day (Red, White, and Blue)
Tu esday, Oct ober 4 (Modified Block Schedule) -
Class Colors -
Fresh - Black
Soph - Neon Green
Juniors - Pink
Seniors - Yelllow
Hit the Lights
Power Buff Games in afternoon (65 minutes)
Wedn esday, Oct ober 5 (Modified Block Schedule) Hawaiian Tourist Day -
Th u r sday, Oct ober 6 (Mass Day) Th r ow Back For m al M ass Day
Fr iday, Oct ober 7 (Homecoming Pep Assembly Schedule TBD) Super Fan Day -
1:00 ? 3:00 PM Homecoming Pep Assembly and Court/Coronation
MS will arrive at 1:00 and stay until about 2:20
5:00 PM Homecoming Parade -
A Neon H omecoming
Powder Puff Game in afternoon (65 minutes)
Route -
4:15 Parade Line-up at St. Pete?s
5:00 Parade Begins
5:30 Parade Ends in Pacelli High School Parking Lot
5:30 Tailgating in Pacelli Parking Lot
7:00 PM Homecoming Football Game versus Iola-Scandinavia
Sat u r day, Oct ober 8 -
8:00 ? 11:00 PM Homecoming Dance
10:00 PM General Public Welcome for pictures
10:15 PM Homecoming Court Introductions and Coronation11:00 PM Dance Clean-Up
To the LEFT is a picture of the Homecoming Parade Route. The parade line-up will be at St. Pete Middle School. The Float Entry Form has been sent to students and staff as a Google Form.
Only registered entries can be in the parade. Only adults (not students) can drive parade entries.
Car din al Spor t s Gir ls Ten n isThe Girls Tennis Team traveled to Kohler for a tournament on Saturday, 9/24. In their first match they lost to West Bend East 6-1. Pacelli?s lone winner was Amanda Cisewski and Sophie Schroeder at #3 Doubles 3-6, 6-3, 10-2. In their next match they played Kohler and won 4-3. Getting wins were Alliey Krusa at #1 Singles, 4-6, 6-1, 10-6, Stephie Vaughan at #3 Singles, 6-1, 6-0, Anna Koehl and Julia Grygleski at #1 Doubles, 6-1, 6-3 and Katherine Mueller and Kaitlin Rogers at #2 Doubles 3-6, 6-2, 10-8. In their third match the Cardinals played Sheboygan North and lost 6-1. Getting the only win were Amanda Cisewski and Stephie Schroeder at #3 Doubles 6-2, 6-3. On Thursday, 9/29 the Cardinals traveled to Neenah to take on St. Mary Catholic and beat the Zephyr ?s 4-3. Getting wins were Jenelle Higgins at #1 Singles 6-3, 7-5, Anna Koehl and Julia Grygleski at #1 Doubles 6-0, 6-2, Katherine Mueller and Kaitlin Rogers at #2 Doubles 6-2, 6-2, and Amanda Cisewski and Sophie Schroeder at #3 Doubles 6-3, 6-2. The Cardinals will open up their post-season as they travel to Lakeland to compete in the WIAA sub-sectionals on Monday, 10/3. VolleyballThe Pacelli Volleyball Team lost a tough conference match to Wittenberg 3-1. The scores were 19-25, 25-16, 14-25, 13-25. That was the Cardinals first conference loss of the season. The Cardinals were led by Andrea Pisarski with 13 Kills and 15 Digs, Maddy Hintz had 13 digs and Karah Kluck had 24 assists. The JV team also lost to Wittenberg 2-1 and the JV2 team lost 2-1. Their current record is 14-6 overall and 4-1 in the conference. The Cardinals next game is on Tuesday, 10/3 when they travel to Iola for a CWC-8 match-up. Game time is 7:30 pm. Soccer The Pacelli Soccer Team hosted Tri-County in a conference game on Monday, 9/26 and beat the Penguins 6-0. Six different Cardinals scored goals and they were, Corey Baron (Brad Maes assited), Paul Pack, (Andrew Blanker assisted), Nick Hasler (unassisted), Brad Maes, (unassisted), Ray Matera, (Tim Shulfer assisted), and Cam Cloud (unassisted). Connor Molski was 4-4 in saves in the goal. The Cardinals then took a break from conference play as they hosted Mosinee on Tuesday, 9/27. They ended up losing to the Indians 4-0. On Thursday, 9/29 they traveled to Marshfield to take on the Columbus Catholic Dons in a conference game and lost 5-0. The Cardinals are currently 9-8 overall and 6-4 in the conference. Their next game will be on Monday, 10/3 as they host Northland Lutheran in a conference game at the PCYS Complex. Game time is 4:30 pm. Cr oss Cou n t r yThe Pacelli Cross Country Team hosted their Invitational at Iverson Park on Saturday, 9/24. The Girls took 2nd in the meet by 1 point, as Elizabeth Cisewski placed 4th, Chrissy Shafranski placed 11th, Grace Van Handel placed 12th, Grace Engebretson finished in 13th place and Katy Czerwinski placed 29th. On the boys side Thomas Basala won the race with a time of 17:03.4. Trevor Frane came in 24th place. Their next meet will be Tuesday, 10/4 when they travel to Auburndale for their Invitational. Racing begins at 4:15 pm. Foot ballThe Pacelli Football Team traveled to Iola for a conference game on Friday 9/23 to take on the Thunderbirds. They lost to the T-birds 48-6. Pacelli?s lone touchdown came in the second quarter as Daniel Mitch threw a 29 yard touchdown pass to Ethan Jansch. Mitch was also the leading rusher with 60 yard and was 3-12 for 72 yards. The Cardinals are currently 2-4 overall and 1-2 in the conference. Their next game is Friday, 10/7 when they host Bonduel in their homecoming game at Goerke 7:00 pm start.
Fall Weigh t Room Hou r s: Mondays-
6:00-7:15 am & 3:30-5:30 pm
6:00-7:15 am & 5:00-7:00 pm
6:00-7:15 am & 3:30-5:30 pm
6:00-7:15 am & 5:00-7:00 pm
6:00-7:15 am & 5:00-7:00 pm