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and leaders for the world. .... competing at the Individual State Tournament. ... Cardinals were Connor Molski and Andre

Pacelli Cat holic High School (Grades 9-12)

Weeks of October 17 & 24 1301 Maria Drive Stevens Point, W I 54481 P: 715.341.2442

Mr. Lawrence Theiss Principal [email protected]

UPCOMING EVENTS Week of Oct ober 17 M on day, Oct . 17 "A" Day -

Week of Oct ober 24 M on day, Oct . 24 "A" Day

6:30p - Fall Fine Arts Concert in FACC


(Choir, Band, Art) Tu esday, Oct . 18 "A" Day OUR MISSION Continuing a tradition of inspiring the individual best from every student through a Christ-centered drive for excellence in academics, athletics, and arts.


7p - Soccer Regional Game 1 @ PCYS

Tu esday, Oct . 25 " B" Day Wed, Oct . 26 " C" Day

Wed, Oct . 19 "A" Day -



6:30p - Hoyas Registration In FACC



PCS Core Values Catholic Discipleship


6p - Soccer Regional Game 2 @ LaCrosse


8a - Juniors UWSP Field Trip

Tennis Team State


9:08a - Mass at the Convent

Creativity Service Respect

Tennis Team State


Make a Difference Raking Day


TBA Soccer Regional Game 3


TBA Soccer Sectional Game 1 @ PCYS


CC State


TBA Soccer Sectional Game 2

The above athletic dates reflect only varsity competitions due to space limitations and are subject to change. For complete up to date athletic schedules including JV and Freshman games click here. If you have any other athletic questions contact the athletic department at 715.341.2018 or [email protected] or 715.341.2442 or [email protected].

Par en t Teach er Con f er en ces Pacelli Cat holic Schools

9:08a - Mass at the Convent

Sat u r day, Oct . 29

Sat u r day, Oct . 22 -

Parent Teacher Conferences


Academic Excellence Personal Responsibility


Fr iday, Oct . 28 " E" Day

Fr iday, Oct . 21 " E" Day - En d of 1st Qu ar t er -

6:15p - DI Parent/Student Mtg In FACC

Th u r s, Oct . 27 " D" Day

Th u r s, Oct . 20 "A" Day Pacelli Catholic Schools is an environment that fosters the unique gifts of each student to grow as disciples of the faith and leaders for the world.

2nd Quarter Begins

When : Thursday, October 27th Where: Pacelli Catholic High School Time: 3:30p - 7:30p There will not be appointments for the conferences it will be a first come first serve. We look forward to seeing you!

Sen ior Ph ot os

Ju n ior UWSP Cam pu s Visit -

Who: Interested Juniors (Parents are welcome to attend as well.) What: Campus Visit Where: UW-Stevens Point When: Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016

Permission Slips and $6.00 lunch fee are du e M on day, Oct . 17, 2016 by 11:45a.m . in the Counseling Office. Visit Time-line -

8:15 a.m. - Walk from PCHS to UWSP 8:45 a.m. - Students arrive on campus 9:00 a.m. - Admissions overview 9:45 a.m. - Student panel 10:30 a.m. - Campus tour 11:30 a.m. - Lunch at Debot 12:00 p.m. - Walk back to PCHS

The deadline for those beautiful senior photos is NOVEMBER 21ST--the Monday of Thanksgiving week. All photos must be submitted in high-res (at least 300 dpi) .jpeg format. Digital copies are easiest for us to work with, so the preferred method of receiving the photo is through email at [email protected], or on a photo CD from the photographer. Please contact your photographer to discuss the submission of your student's photo. We can n ot accept ph ot os w it h ph ot ogr aph er logos or w at er m ar k s du e t o copyr igh t law s. If you anticipate a problem meeting the deadline or have any questions, please contact Mrs. Canny at [email protected], or at (715) 341-2442 EXT: 218 Remember to order your Senior 's yearbooks as soon as possible--these memories will last a lifetime!

PCS Cen t r al Of f ice is M ovin g! The PCS Central Office will remain open in its current location during regular business hours, 7:30AM-4PM, Monday-Friday through Thursday, October 27. Th e PCS Cen t r al Of f ice w ill be CLOSED on Fr iday, Oct ober 28 & M on day, Oct ober 31. The Central Office will re-open on Tuesday, November 1 in their NEW LOCATION: Pacelli Catholic High School, 1301 Maria Drive, Stevens Point, WI Parking at the new office will be available in the visitor spots in the main lot or in one of the designated 15 minute parking spots on Maria Drive. Entrance to the Central Office will be through the door to the right of the main high school entrance. Questions? Call 715.341.2445.

Su bst it u t e Teach in g Want to work in a fun, energetic atmosphere!?!? Sign up to be a substitute for Pacelli Catholic High School! Anyone with a four year degree can be a substitute. It's a great way to earn a little bit of Christmas money. Contact Terri Bucknell or Cindy Engebretson for more information, ph 715-341-2442.

Pacelli Blood Dr ive Do you want to help save three lives & help seniors get money for college? Pacelli is hosting a blood drive on November 2nd from 9 am - 2 pm in the gym. The more pints of blood we collect, the more money we will have available for scholarships for Pacelli seniors to apply for, but we need your help! Registration is appreciated; register at http://www.redcrossblood.org/ or by emailing [email protected]. Walk-ins are welcome.

Lu n ch M en u & Daily Bell Sch edu le Click here for the LUNCH MENU or the DAILY BELL SCHEDULE (Scroll to the bottom of the homepage to see the calendar.)

Car din al Spor t s Gir ls Ten n isDoubles teams of Anna Koehl and Julia Grygleski and Katherine Mueller and Kaitlin Rogers and Singles player Alliey Krusa are competing at the Individual State Tournament. Anna and Julia got a first round bye and will be playing on Friday. Katherine and Kaitlin and Alliey played Thursday and unfortunately they all lost. Alliey lost her first round match 6-2, 6-2 and Katherine and Kaitlin lost their first round doubles match 6-0, 6-1. Congratulations to Alliey, Katherine and Kaitlin, it is a huge accomplishment just to make it down to State, you made Pacelli proud! Gir ls Ten n is Team Goin g t o St at e Good Luck to the Pacelli Girls Tennis Team of Alliey Krusa, Jenelle Higgins, Stephie Vaughan, Morgan Kuckkahn, Anna Koehl, Julia Grygleski, Katherine Mueller, Kaitlin Rogers, Amanda Cisewski and Sophie Schroeder at Team State Championship on Friday and Saturday 10/21 & 10/22 in Madison.

St at e Bou n d!

VolleyballThe Pacelli Volleyball Team traveled to Wittenberg on Saturday 10/8 to compete in the CWC pool play. The Cardinals finished the day with a 1-2 record, their only match winner was against Weyauwega. The Cardinals ended up finishing second in the CWC-8 behind Wittenberg. On Tuesday 10/11 the Cardinals traveled to Port Edwards to take on the Blackhawks in a playoff tune-up non-conference game and the beat the Blackhawks 3-0. The Cardinals received a 4th seed in the playoffs so they will be hosting Auburndale on Tuesday 10/18 at Pacelli for the first round of the WIAA Regional playoffs. The match will start at 7:00. If they win that match they will travel to Stratford to take on the number 1 seed in the regionals on Thursday 10/20. Soccer The Pacelli Soccer Team hosted Newman Catholic in a conference game on Monday 10/10 and beat the Fighting Cardinals 7-2. Scoring for the Cardinals were Connor Molski and Andrew Blanker, both had a pair of goals and an assist. Also scoring for the Cardinals were Mathias Kroening, Corey Barron and Hayden Jurgella, each scoring one goal. The Cardinals are currently 12-8 overall and 7-3 in the conference. Their next game will be on Thursday 10/20 when they open up their post-season as they will be playing in the WIAA Regional Semi-Finals. The Cardinals got a #5 seed and will travel to LaCrosse to take on the Blugolds of Aquinas High School in a 6:00 match-up. Cr oss Cou n t r yThe Pacelli Cross Country Team traveled to Bonduel to compete in the CWC Conference Meet on Thursday 10/13. The Cardinal Girls Team finished in 4th place. Leading the way for the Cardinals were Elizabeth Cisewski who took 4th place and is 1st Team All-Conference, Chrissy Shafranski placed 11th and earned 2nd Team All-Conference, Grace Engebretson placed 14th and earned 2nd Team All-Conference and Grace Van Handel placed 21st and earned Honorable Mention All-Conference. Also placing for the Cardinals were Katy Czerwinski (24th Place), Abby Dahlseng (35th Place) and Dominique Jamison (38th Place). Congratulations girls on a great race. On the boys side the Cardinals finished in 7th place. Leading the boys team was Thomas Basala who was the Individual Conference Title winner as he took 1st place and earned 1st Team All-Conference. Also placing for the Cardinals were Trevor Frane (30th Place), Sam Franz (44th Place), Ben Formella (51st Place), Curtis Carlson (59th Place) and Mitchell Jensen (60th Place). Their next meet will be on Friday 10/21 when they travel to Edgar for the WIAA Sectionals. Foot ballThe Pacelli Football Team hosted Bonduel on Friday 10/7 and lost 41-7. They were led by Daniel Mitch who was 10 for 22 in passing for 149 yards and a touchdown. Ethan Jansch led the receivers as he had 3 catches for 86 yards and a touchdown. The Cardinals will end their season on Friday 10/14 when they travel to Shiocton for a CWC-8 Conference game. Game time is 7:00 pm. The Cardinals are currently 2-6 overall and 1-4 in the conference.