Apr 27, 2012 ... Syllabus for CRN 10253. ACG 3401 Accounting Information Systems (3 Credit
Hours). Spring 2012. Dr. Tanya Benford CPA. Assistant ...
Syllabus for CRN 10253
ACG 3401 Accounting Information Systems (3 Credit Hours) Spring 2012 Dr. Tanya Benford CPA Assistant Professor Department of Accounting Lutgert College of Business
[email protected] Office: LH 3347 Phone: 239‐590‐7342 Office Hours: Monday 1 ‐ 6:00 pm; and by appointment
Class Location: Holmes Engineering (HE) 402 Class time: M 6:30 – 9:15 pm
Course Description: Primary processes, or cycles, of organizations, and the risks associated with each event in the processes. Emphasis is placed on controlling risks and minimizing the potential impact they have on businesses. Topics include sales cycle, purchases cycle, payroll cycle, controls, general ledger architecture, and event based information systems. ACG 3401 Accounting Information Systems (AIS) covers accounting systems concepts needed by accountants to understand information flows in business events and processes, minimize risk to the integrity of data, and understand the structure of accounting data. AIS provides students with an understanding of small business accounting software as well as skills needed in auditing. Concepts taught build on material in introductory computing courses and introductory accounting courses. EPCK Learning Goal Outcome Assessment • Demonstrate knowledge of risk management techniques as they Understand the business environment apply to accounting. Assignments and Exams • Demonstrate knowledge of ethical issues as they apply to accounting. • Analyze accounting problems that Be effective problem solvers Assignments and Exams concern accounting practice areas • Interpret the relevance of Be effective communicators information. Assignments and Exams • Communicate reliable information. Have interdisciplinary business • Apply accounting theories/standards knowledge to accounting practice areas. Assignments and Exams • Have knowledge of all business areas of study Required course material: Romney, Marshall B. / Steinbart, John Paul. (2012). Accounting Information Systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall, ISBN 10: 0132552620 , 12th ed Teri Brunsdon. Learning QuickBooks 2010 Pro and Intuit QuickBooks Pro 2010 Student Trial Edition Software. Prentice Hall. ISBN‐ 10: 0132166585 NOTE: Students must purchase a new text to get the software license for QuickBooks. If students purchase a used text, then they may need to purchase QuickBooks software separately. The software is not available elsewhere on campus or in any lab.
Course Policies Grading Assessment Exam 1 – Conceptual foundations of AIS CH 1‐4 Exam 2 – AIS Applications CH 17 – 19 (REA Exam) Exam 3 – Access Exam Final Exam – Includes CH 5 ‐ 13 Access project Class Assignments (e.g. homework, in‐class activities, take home Chapter Quizzes (Romney & Steinbart) QuickBooks Quizzes Presentation Class Participation Total
Points 100 150 150 150 100 50 50 100 100 50 1000
Weight 10% 15% 15% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 10% 5% 100%
Grading Scale A 90% A‐ 88% B+ 86% B 80% B‐ 78% C+ 76% C 70% D 60% F