11-11-2013 OLLI Board Minutes Present: Jay Shinn, Tom Kenyon ...

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Nov 11, 2013 ... Present: Jay Shinn, Tom Kenyon, John Songster, Carolyn Abney, Randall Abney, Rich Cary,. Cheryl Copeland, Betty Jean Craige, Helen Epps, ...
11-11-2013 OLLI Board Minutes Present: Jay Shinn, Tom Kenyon, John Songster, Carolyn Abney, Randall Abney, Rich Cary, Cheryl Copeland, Betty Jean Craige, Helen Epps, Joe Harris, Richard Lynch, Jill Read, Don Schneider, Nancy Songster, Katy Crapo, Zu Reuter, Richard Bouldin, and Jack Parish Absent: Margaret Anderson The meeting was called to order at 1PM. Mr. Lynch said that the minutes for October show three votes that were held without the results being noted. Ms. Abney stated that all passed unanimously. Ms. Craige made a motion, seconded by Ms. Epps, that the minutes be revised to reflect these items having passed at that time without objection. There was no objection to this being done. The consent agenda items were accepted as presented by email. President's Report - Jay apologized for holding this meeting on Veterans' Day, stating that his calendar had not reflected this. He summarized the history of Armistice Day, later Veterans' Day. He thanked Tom Kenyon and colleagues for a successful FUNdraiser at Halloween. He also thanked Jill Read for her work on the chart of functional relationships. Ms. Read noted how important it is to continue to create new volunteers as we continue to grow. Mr. Shinn reminded everyone that he proposed at the last Board Meeting that OLLI@UGA have a thank you reception for others at Rivers Crossing. This will be a Board Event on 12/9/13 from 9:30-12:30. Cathy Shinn and Karen Kenyon are helping source food and drinks for the 75 expected guests. Board Members were asked to take time slots to host and to be prepared to make a food contribution. He noted we will need a set up and clean up crew.

Executive Director's Report - Ms. Crapo noted that her report has already been circulated. However, she wanted to accent that we have already reached 1,000 members this fiscal year. She thanked Les Shindelman for his work on the CRAM Committee and Randall and Carolyn Abney for their participation in the outreach program held at the Georgia Club on 11/6/2013. Ms. Crapo wanted the Board to know that the Osher Board meeting is still in flux, and may not occur as expected on 11/18/2013. Acting Treasurer's Report - Mr. Songster summarized the report which had been circulated earlier. He said that he believes we are in a strong financial condition. He also noted that he has requested an extension from the IRS for our annual tax return. Mr. Shinn thanked him for a clear report. Curriculum report - Ms. Craige said that her report has been circulated. She said she is particularly pleased that there are already 45 enthusiastic members of the Madison group. Ms. Crapo noted that she has been thanked for the three classes we are presenting during the Fall term. Mr. Harris asked if there is a formal structure to the Madison venture. Ms. Crapo indicated that, to date, there is no formal arrangement; but that she knows we must craft a way to respond to enquiries about setting up affiliates as well as how to formally work with the Madison group. Mr. Shinn said that we must be clear on the University's position on other sites; right now we are informally presenting a few classes in Madison for OLLI@UGA members. It was agreed that

Ms. Crapo, Ms. Craige, and Mr. Harris will look at the Washington documents as a resource for arrangements with other affiliates. Finance – Mr. Bouldin said that his report had been circulated. He offered for approval a revised version of the Statement of Policy & Procedures, which governs the Finance Committee; it was accepted without objection. He spoke to his attempt to add members. He noted that he has spoken with Becky Ford regarding the Investment Advisory Panel and specific potential investments. There was discussion of the types of investments and accounts that should be used by LIR, Inc. Mr. Bouldin thanked Mr. Loughner for his assistance with retrieving some documents. Mr. Shinn said that there have been delays in opening the account at Fidelity. This is due to questions about who should have the authority to access the account in order to effect transactions and for others to be able to access it for read only access. Fund Development - Mr. Kenyon noted that he had listed the members of the FUNdraising committee in his report, which had been circulated. 160 tickets were sold and more than 120 items were donated for the draw and silent auction. He felt that it was quite successful, especially as a first event. He noted that his goal had been a profit of $2,000; however, there was net revenue of $6,031. The members of the committee will each receive a free class certificate for their efforts. The next event will be January 23rd, the showing of a 1914 film at Cine. This event will be open to the public and most publicity will be done by Cine. There will be a mailing on November 15th for the annual campaign, called 100 for 100: the goal being 100 members donating $100. As of November 8th, the first SCRIP order was sent in, for $1060.Of that, $55.90 goes toward lowering the parking fees. Ms. Epps suggested giving free class certificates to each donor of items for the FUNdraiser event. This was not deemed necessary. Mr. Kenyon said that the organization has thanked each donor; first by the person who got the donation, then by Mr. Kenyon and by Mr. Shinn. Hospitality - Ms. Songster went over the facts about the Holiday Party, which will take place on 12/12/2013. There are 125 tickets available at $25 each. They can be sold to non-members as well as members. Tickets may be ordered online. The cut-off date is December 2nd. Ms. Crapo thanked Melinda Thomas for her help with arranging this. IT - Ms. Anderson was not able to be present, but Mr. Shinn said that the CRAM committee is working under the direction of Mr. Shindelman. Mr. Lynch asked about the status of the recent member survey. Mr. Shinn stated that we had more than a 30% response to the survey. The information must be compiled in a different format before it is of quick use to board members. However, if someone has a specific need/question, they can approach Ms. Anderson for help. Ms. Crapo said there must be policies established as to who has access to what part of the data gathered. Mr. Songster asked that committee chairs be advised of Ms. Anderson's offer to help make use of the data. Ms. Anderson will be asked to bring the Board up to date with her next report. Long Range Planning - Mr. Lynch said that his committee will next look at how we are doing on achieving the goals. He thanked the Committee Chairs present for the improved reports they

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are submitting. He also asked that attention be paid to including as many numbers as possible in these regular reports. Marketing Development - Mr. Abney reviewed the $20,000 sponsorship that had been approved at the last meeting for Talmage Terrace and said that the Board of Talmage had approved this last Friday. Income was $19,000 last year; the goal for this year is $60,000. He is currently at $29,000 in pledges. Mr. Abney also asked, in addition to there being no other assisted living facilities as sponsors, none be used for OLLI meetings, such as by SIGs, other than Talmage Terrace. Ms. Songster said that, if there are any committees or SIGs meeting at other such facilities, they not be asked to stop doing so. Mr. Songster said that he feels exclusivity should not be allowed to inhibit OLLI's functioning. Mr. Shinn said that Mr. Abney's request for the addition of a codicil to the agreement at the $20,000 level is for one year and for that level only. There was no objection to this being added to the contract. Mr. Cary suggested that sponsors be noted in a press release. Mr. Abney thanked him for the suggestion. Membership- Ms. Epps said that the committee had sent information to over 300 non-renewing members. She has had a response of over 10%. Some have renewed, some have moved away, and others had negative comments that she will address later, as responses are still coming in. She will attend the Athens Regional Senior Committee. Nominating Committee - Mr. Kenyon submitted four names of individuals who have agreed to serve on the nominating committee for the next 12 months: Connie Bruce, Terry Caven, Helen Epps, and Nancy Grayson. Ms. Epps was asked to leave the room. He made a motion, seconded by Ms. Copeland, that these people be approved to serve. This motion passed without objection. Travel Study - Mr. Schneider reported on the number of people who have signed up for trips to France, Costa Rica and Cuba. He also spoke to the flexible nature of the committee. He said that there is a conference call tomorrow re the financial arrangements between OLLI@UGA and Roads Scholars. Volunteer Coordination - Ms. Clark had submitted a report. Mr. Shinn asked that we all bring in food and contribute to the effort. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15.