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The interpretation of handwritten sentences is carried out using a holistic ..... part shown stands for the sentences “mil”, “mil uno” and “mil dos” (1,000; 1,001; ... (or manual) work needed to compare and eventually correct the results, is directly.
May 28, 2004 14:48 WSPC/115-IJPRAI


International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Vol. 18, No. 4 (2004) 519–539 c World Scientific Publishing Company


A. H. TOSELLI Instituto Tecnol´ ogico de Inform´ atica, Universidad Polit´ ecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain [email protected] ´ A. JUAN† , J. GONZALEZ, I. SALVADOR, E. VIDAL and F. CASACUBERTA Departamento de Sistemas Inform´ aticos y Computaci´ on, Universidad Polit´ ecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain †[email protected] D. KEYSERS‡ and H. NEY Lehrstuhl f¨ ur Informatik VI, Computer Science Department, RWTH Aachen, University of Technology, 52056 Aachen, Germany ‡[email protected]

The interpretation of handwritten sentences is carried out using a holistic approach in which both text image recognition and the interpretation itself are tightly integrated. Conventional approaches follow a serial, first-recognition then-interpretation scheme which cannot adequately use semantic–pragmatic knowledge to recover from recognition errors. Stochastic finite-sate transducers are shown to be suitable models for this integration, permitting a full exploitation of the final interpretation constraints. Continuousdensity hidden Markov models are embedded in the edges of the transducer to account for lexical and morphological constraints. Robustness with respect to stroke vertical variability is achieved by integrating tangent vectors into the emission densities of these models. Experimental results are reported on a syntax-constrained interpretation task which show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. These results are also shown to be comparatively better than those achieved with other conventional, N-gram-based techniques which do not take advantage of full integration. Keywords: Handwriting recognition and interpretation; hidden Markov models; stochastic finite-state transducers; preprocessing and feature extraction; tangent vectors.

1. Introduction The recognition of a handwritten sentence, i.e. decoding its symbolic representation in terms of characters, digits and/or words, is not the ultimate purpose in many ∗ Work

supported by the Spanish MCT under grant TIC2000-1703-CO3-01. 519

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tasks involving handwritten input. On the contrary, in these tasks, the handwritten text is often used just as an intermediate means to express some semantic message. The goal of an ideal automatic system in these cases is to obtain an adequate interpretation of the handwritten message, rather than achieving a good recognition of the individual text constituents of this message. This is clearly illustrated in two prominent tasks: postal address processing and bank check reading. A system for postal address processing uses knowledge about postal domains and tries to guess the correct destination even if only incomplete or contradictory information appears or can be recognized in the postal address. Here recognition would consist in getting adequate hypotheses about the words and numbers written in the envelope; interpretation, in contrast, should yield a unique entry to the postal database containing the right addresses. Similarly, a bank check reading system has to interpret the legal amount (written in letters) to determine the real numeric sum (and to optionally verify whether this sum matches the courtesy amount — written in digits). Here recognition would consist in getting adequate hypotheses about the written words, while the goal of interpretation is to come out with a numeric expression which, overall, reflects what was written in letters as accurately as possible. It is not of great importance whether all the words comprising the legal amount were correctly written or whether they can be exactly recognized or not; only the reliability of the interpreted numeric result really matters. From this point of view, the role of an interpretation system is to map input images into adequate target meanings and the written words or numbers should be considered just as intermediate results or hidden variables. Under this paradigm, accurate handwriting interpretation requires a tight cooperation of lexical, syntactic and semantic/pragmatic knowledge. Each source of knowledge adds valuable, possibly redundant information which is best exploited in conjunction with that obtained from the other sources. This is just the very same situation that appears in the field of continuous speech recognition.16 In this field, knowledge integration benefits are attained by following three basic principles: (i) adopt simple, homogeneous and easily understandable models for all the knowledge sources; (ii) formulate the problem as one of searching for an optimal path through an adequate structure based on these models; and (iii) use appropriate techniques to learn the different models from training data. These principles are actually the basis of those systems developed using finite-state devices such as hidden Markov models and stochastic finite-state grammars.17 Inspired by the success of finite-state technology in continuous speech recognition, several systems based on this technology have been proposed or adapted for handwritten input in the last few years (e.g. see Refs. 10 and 12, and the references therein). However, these systems often break the above-mentioned principles at the lexical or the syntactic levels. A typical example violating these principles at the lexical level is given by those systems based on the segmentation of sentences into single words (or even into individual characters). Clearly, it is quite difficult to

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Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation using Finite-State Models


locate individual characters or words in a sentence without considering lexical or syntactic knowledge. Moreover, it is even harder to recover from errors produced during segmentation and hence this approach is generally unreliable and the more recent, advanced systems do not rely on word segmentation1 (see also Ref. 9). Although adequate, homogeneous, finite-state based solutions have been recently developed for handwriting recognition, no such solutions have been yet proposed for the more general problem of handwriting interpretation. For instance, the approach followed by Kaufmann and Bunke7 for check processing is to first decode the handwritten legal amount into a word sequence and then translate this recognized sentence into a digit string. No attempt is made to do recognition and interpretation simultaneously and, in fact, it is difficult to do so since the authors use a translation scheme which is not easily amenable to integration into a finite-state framework. As in the case of systems relying on word segmentation, this is another example breaking the basic principles described above. In this case, however, these principles are broken at the semantic level, thereby preventing semantic knowledge to be fully exploited in the whole process. Other works (concerning legal amount handwriting recognition) which also break these principles in some way or another are worth mentioning. The approaches followed by Paquet–Lecourtier14 and Gillevic–Suen6 are directly based on recognition of previously segmented words (belonging to a restricted lexicon) using structural and morphological features. The former approach uses a template matching word classifier, whereas the latter uses a Bayesian word classier. Further, the approach proposed by Gillevic–Suen6 also supported the idea of the abovementioned three different levels of knowledge to get more accuracy at the interpretation level, but only preliminary results with integration only up to the lexical level were reported. In this paper, we propose the integration of handwriting recognition and interpretation via finite-state models. As usual, images of handwritten text are modeled at the lexical level by continuous density, left-to-right hidden Markov models. To achieve integration of recognition and interpretation, we advocate the use of stochastic finite-state transducers. The details of the proposed techniques are given in Sec. 3. A syntax-constrained interpretation task resembling legal amount interpretation for bank checks is adopted as an illustrative example. In Sec. 4, experimental results are reported showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach. This approach is also shown to clearly outperform a conventional, N -gram based scheme which cannot easily take advantage of full integration. Overall, the results constitute a significant improvement over previous (preliminary) results obtained for the same task.4 Apart from the benefits of integration, this improvement is due to two refinements: on the one hand we included elaborate preprocessing and feature extraction techniques (Sec. 2). And on the other hand, we introduced the use of tangent vectors in the emission densities of the hidden Markov models to help cope with the vertical variability of the input images (Sec. 3.3).

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2. Preprocessing and Feature Extraction Preprocessing of handwritten text lines has not yet been given a general, standard solution and it can be said that each handwriting recognition (interpretation) system has its own, particular solution. There are, however, generic preprocessing operations such as skew and slant correction for which robust, more or less equivalent techniques are available.15 But in many cases, other not so generic preprocessing operations are also needed to compensate for a weakness in the ability of the system to model pattern variability. In particular, this is the case of approaches like ours that use (one-dimensional) hidden Markov models for a handwritten text line image. Although these models do properly model (nonlinear) horizontal image distortions, they are to some extent limited for vertical distortion modeling. Therefore, apart from the usual skew and slant correction preprocessing steps, we have decided to include a third step aimed at reducing a major source of vertical variability: the height of ascenders and descenders. These steps are discussed hereafter. See Fig. 1 for an illustrative example. Skew correction processes an original image to put the text line into horizontal position. As each word or multiword segment in the text line may be skewed at a different angle, the original image is divided into segments surrounded by wide blank spaces and skew correction is applied to each segment separately. This is not to obtain a segmentation of the text line into words and it is not necessary for each segment to contain exactly one word. The complete skew correction process is carried out in four steps: (a) horizontal run-length smoothing of the segments comprising the original image (panel b.1 in Fig. 1); (b) computation of the upper and lower contours for each segment (panel b.2); (c) eigenvector line fitting of the contours (panels b.3 and b.4); and (d) segment deskewing in accordance to the average angle of the contour lines (panel b.5). Although this process involves significant computing time, we have found it to be more robust than other simpler approaches.5 Slant correction shears the deskewed image horizontally to bring the writing in an upright position. Following the procedure proposed by Yanikoglu and Sandon,18 the dominant slant angle of the writing is obtained by computing the slant histogram using Sobel edge operators. As said above, the third step is aimed at reducing a major source vertical variability: the height of ascenders and descenders (not that of the main text body). The reference lines computed for each image segment during skew correction are updated and joined together to separate the main text body from the zones with ascenders and descenders. Then, each of these zones is linearly scaled in height to a size determined as a percentage of the main body vertical size (30% for ascenders and 15% for descenders). This percentage was empirically determined through simple informal tests. Since these zones are often large, nearly blank areas, this scaling operation has the effect of filtering out most of the uninformative background. It also compensates for the large variability of the ascenders and descenders height as compared with that of the main text body.

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Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation using Finite-State Models



Fig. 1. Preprocessing and feature extraction example. From top to bottom: (a) original image (“four millions” in Spanish); (b) skew angle estimation and correction (block of 5 joint panels); (c) slant correction; (d) height normalization for ascenders and descenders; and (e) extracted sequence of feature vectors (normalized gray levels, horizontal and vertical derivatives). From top to bottom in the block of five joint panels describing skew angle estimation and correction: (b.1) horizontal run-length smoothing of the two segments (words) comprising the original image; (b.2) upper and lower contours; (b.3) eigenvector line fitting of the contours; (b.4) fitted lines; and (b.5) deskewed image.

As with any approach based on (one-dimensional) hidden Markov models, feature extraction is required to transform the preprocessed image into a sequence of (fixed-dimension) feature vectors. To do this, the preprocessed image is first divided into a grid of square cells whose size is a small fraction of the image height (such as 1/16, 1/20, 1/24 or 1/28). We call this fraction vertical resolution. Then each cell is characterized by the following features: normalized gray level, horizontal gray-level derivative and vertical gray-level derivative. To obtain smoothed values of these

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features, feature extraction is extended to a 5 × 5 window centered at the current cell weighted with a Gaussian function. The derivatives are computed by least squares fitting of a linear function. Columns of cells are processed from left to right and a feature vector is built for each column by stacking the features computed in its constituent cells (panel e in Fig. 1). This process is similar to that followed by Bazzi et al.1 3. Integrated Recognition and Interpretation via Finite-State Models 3.1. Probabilistic framework In order to develop a true holistic approach to interpretation, it is useful to think of recognition as a hidden process and start facing the basic problem, i.e. to search for an optimal interpretation tˆ = arg max P (t | x)



where x is the sequence of feature vectors extracted from an image of handwritten text, and P (t | x) is the posterior probability for t to be the correct interpretation of x in the semantic or target language.a To uncover the underlying recognition process, P (t | x) can be seen as a marginal of the joint probability function P (s, t | x), where s is a decoded sentence in the sourcea language. Using the Bayes rule and assuming that in practice, P (x | s, t) is independentb of t, we have X tˆ = arg max P (s, t | x) (2) t


= arg max t

P (x | s, t)P (s, t)



P (x | s)P (s, t) .



= arg max t



It is convenient to approximate the sum in Eq. (4) by the max operator to facilitate the search for tˆ: tˆ ≈ arg max max P (x | s)P (s, t) . s



Moreover, this simplification also permits to simultaneously search for both tˆ and its associated most probable decoding, sˆ: (ˆ s, tˆ) ≈ arg max P (x | s)P (s, t) .


(s,t) a In

the context of bank check legal amount interpretation a “target language” is any adequate formal representation of numeric amounts; e.g. decimal digit sequences (see Sec. 3.4) and the “source language” is the language used to write legal (worded) amounts. b That is the writing style of the source text is not conditioned by the overall numerical meaning.

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Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation using Finite-State Models


This optimization problem serves as the basis for our integrated approach to handwriting recognition and interpretation via finite-state models. On the one hand, we adopt conventional hidden Markov models, extended with tangent vectors for increased robustness, to estimate P (x | s) (Sec. 3.2). On the other hand, we advocate the use of stochastic finite-state transducers to model P (s, t) (Sec. 3.4). Thanks to the homogeneous finite-state nature of these models, they can be easily integrated into a single global finite-state network, and both recognition and interpretation can be efficiently performed at the same time by solving (6), using the well-known Viterbi algorithm (Sec. 3.5). 3.2. Hidden Markov Models Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have received significant attention in handwriting recognition during the last years. As speech recognizers do for acoustic data, 7,16 HMMs are used to estimate the probability for a sequence of feature vectors to be seen as an “image realization” of a given text sentence. Sentence models are built by concatenation of word models which, in turn, are often obtained by concatenation of continuous left-to-right HMMs for individual characters. Figure 2 shows an example of character HMM. Basically, each character HMM is a stochastic finite-state device that models the succession, along the horizontal axis, of (vertical) feature vectors which are extracted from instances of this character. Each HMM state generates feature vectors following an adequate parametric probabilistic law; typically, a mixture of Gaussian densities. The required number of densities in the mixture depends, along with many other factors, on the “vertical variability” typically associated with each state. This number needs to be empirically tuned in each task.

0.3 0.7

0.2 0.8

0.1 0.9

0.2 0.8

0.3 0.7

Fig. 2. HMM modeling of instances of the character “a” within the word “cuarenta”. The states are shared among all the instances of a same character class.

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The number of states that is adequate to model a certain character depends on the underlying horizontal variability. For instance, to ideally model a capital “E” character, only two states might be enough (one to model the vertical bar and the other for the three horizontal strokes), while three states may be more adequate to model a capital “H” (one for the left vertical bar, another for the central horizontal stroke and the last one for the right vertical bar). Note that the possible or optional blank space that may appear between characters should be also modeled by each character HMM. In many cases the adequate number of states for a given task may be conditioned by the available amount of training data. Once an HMM “topology” (number of states and structure) has been adopted, the model parameters can be easily trained from continuously handwritten text (without any kind of segmentation) accompanied by the transcription of this text into the corresponding sequence of characters. This training process is carried out using a well-known instance of the EM algorithm called forward-backward or Baum-Welch re-estimation.16 3.3. Tangent vectors in Hidden Markov Models Even with our treatment of ascenders and descenders described in Sec. 2, vertical shift variability remains difficult to model in left-to-right one-dimensional HMMs. As an additional effective method for coping with this problem we propose the use of tangent vectors.13 Tangent vectors can be used to enhance tolerance with respect to small variations of the input patterns in a classifier. Their name is due to the fact that they are computed as derivatives of these transformations and therefore tangential to the manifold a transformed pattern is described in pattern space. Tangent vectors have been successfully applied to various pattern recognition tasks, most notably (isolated) handwritten digit recognition. The method is especially suitable for integration into Gaussian models as can be shown to be equivalent to a modification of the covariance matrix in the Gaussian case.8 For the use of tangent vectors in our task, let µ denote a mean vector of one Gaussian emission density of one HMM state. Let further f (µ, α) denote a transformation of µ, e.g. vertical shift, that depends on a parameter α. This transformation can be approximated by a linear subspace for small values of α using a Taylor expansion around α = 0: f (µ, α) = µ + αv + O(α2 ) ≈ µ + αv .


The tangent vector v that spans the resulting subspace is the partial derivative of the transformation f with respect to the parameter α, i.e. v = ∂f (µ, α)/∂α. Using this first-order approximation, we obtain the probability density for an observation vector x: p(x | µ, α, Σ) = N (x | µ + αv, Σ) .


Now, by integrating out the parameter α and assuming that the distribution of α is N (0, γ 2 ) and independent of µ and Σ, we obtain the following expression8:

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Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation using Finite-State Models

p(x|µ, Σ) =


p(α) · p(x|µ, α, Σ) dα = N (x|µ, Σ0 ),

Σ0 = Σ + γ 2 vvT .



Here, we want the character HMMs to be robust with respect to small vertical shifts. This can be achieved by applying the following procedure to each Gaussian density N (µ, Σ) of each mixture of the trained HMMs: • calculate the tangent vector v as the vertical derivative of the mean vector µ; • modify the covariance matrix Σ by setting Σ ← Σ + γ 2 vvT , where the factor γ controls the variance along the tangent vector direction. The increased variance in the direction of the tangent vectors leads to emission densities which assign higher probability to slightly transformed feature vectors. This has the effect that the resulting model is more robust with respect to this transformation, in this case with respect to vertical variability. 3.4. Stochastic finite-state transducers As discussed in Sec. 3.1, in this work we propose the use of stochastic finite-state transducers (stochastic FSTs, SFSTs) to model P (s, t) in Eq. 6. Basically, a SFST is a finite-state network whose transitions are labeled by three items2,17 : (a) an input symbol (a word from the source lexicon); (b) an output string (a sequence of tokens from the target symbol set); and (c) a transition probability. In addition, each state has associated a probability to be an initial state and a probability to be a final state. If a SFST is unambiguous, P (s, t) is computed as the product of the probabilities of the transitions of the unique path that matches (s, t). Otherwise, it is the sum of the probabilities computed for all paths matching (s, t). In most cases of interest, this sum can be conveniently approximated by the maximum. FSTs can be automatically learned from training data,11 or they can be built by hand in accordance with previous knowledge about the task. A key factor of the difficulty of manually (or automatically) building a FST is the degree of monotonicity or “sequentiality” between source and target subsequences of the considered task.17 The simplest case is where translation may proceed from left to right, in a sequential sweep that considers only one source word at a time, producing a bounded number of output tokens. This kind of tasks can be properly modeled by Sequential Transducers,2 a kind of FST that is amenable to manual construction. If the required mapping source/target is more complex, Subsequential Transducers 2 can be used though, in this case, manual construction often becomes exceedingly difficult even for small, nontrivial tasks. For illustration purposes, let us consider a simple syntax-constrained interpretation task that will be also considered for the experiments reported in Sec. 4. It consists of interpreting the Spanish numbers from 0 to 1012 − 1, i.e. translating

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... doscientos +(200

sesenta +60


dos +2

mil )*1000 mil )*1000

mil +(1000)

veinte +20 ...

Fig. 3. A piece of the hand-designed numbers transducer. Solid-line edges correspond to a path that accepts “doscientos sesenta y dos mil veinte” (two hundred sixty two thousand and twenty), yielding “+(200 + 60 + 2 ) ∗ 1000 + 20 ”.

instances of these numbers in text form to their corresponding numerical representation. It will be referred to as the Spanish numbers task. The source-target mapping underlying this task is a typical case of Subsequential Transduction.17 However, we can slightly modify the task specification in order to allow for a simple sequential mapping. The source lexicon of this modified task comprises Spanish words such as “uno”, “dos”, “diez ”, “sesenta”, “cien”, “mil ”, “mill´ on”, etc. (one, two, ten, sixty, hundred, thousand, million, etc.). The target set of symbols consists of the ten digits plus four arithmetic operators: “(, ), +, ∗”. For instance, given the source (Spanish number) sentence: “doscientos sesenta y dos mil veinte” (two hundred sixty two thousand and twenty), the corresponding target sequence should be the arithmetic expression: “+ (200 + 60 + 2) ∗ 1, 000 + 20”. Clearly, from this expression the target (decimal) number (262, 020) can be readily computed. For this modified task, we wrote a simple sequential SFST that accepts any text Spanish number in the range given above and outputs an arithmetic expression giving its corresponding numerical value. A small fragment of this transducer is shown in Fig. 3. Its basic features are: 51 source words, 14 target symbols, 32 states and 660 transitions. Its source language (test-set) perplexity is 6.2. 3.5. Recognition and interpretation as a best path search Trained character HMMs and the SFST chosen for the task can be easily integrated into a global finite-state recognition network. To this end each edge of the SFST is expanded by a concatenation of the HMMs of the successive characters which constitute the source-language word of this edge. To deal with possible inter-word white space (as a complement to the inter-caracter blank-space modeling mentioned in Sec. 3.2), a blank (“@”) special HMM can be trained and also integrated in the network. This network expansion, illustrated in Fig. 4, realizes the integration, discussed in Sec. 3.1, of character, lexical and syntactic-semantic levels. Given an input sequence of feature vectors x, the pair (ˆ s, tˆ) in Eq. (6) is obtained by searching for a best path in the integrated network. This global search process is very efficiently carried out by the well known (beam-search-accelerated) Viterbi algorithm.16 This technique allows integration to be performed “on the fly” during the search process. In this way, only the memory strictly required for the search is actually allocated.

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Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation using Finite-State Models


u n m





@ s

o d

Fig. 4. A small piece of an integrated finite-state model, using three-state character HMMs. The part shown stands for the sentences “mil”, “mil uno” and “mil dos” (1,000; 1,001; 1,002 ). Output arithmetic-expression tokens are omitted for the sake of clarity. Table 1. Some details about the image database and the training and test partitions.

# # # # #

writers sentences words letters digits




18 298 1,300 9,220 1,543

11 187 827 5,852 2,480

29 485 2,127 15,072 4,023

4. Experiments The proposed approach was empirically evaluated on the Spanish numbers task described in Sec. 3.4. It was also compared with a more conventional approach based on a serial combination of word recognition using N -gram syntactic modeling, followed by text-to-number translation based on a perfect text-to-number transducer. To acquire a database of handwritten sentences of Spanish numbers, two independent lists of numbers were randomly generated: one of 10,000 items (L1) and other of 300 items (L2), and 29 writers were asked to write numbers from these lists. Each writer was given a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, and asked to write numbers in well-separated lines to facilitate their segmentation. Filled sheets were scanned at 300 dpi in 8-bit grayscale. After segmentation of the scanned sheets, 485 images of handwritten numbers were collected, from which 298 were transcribed from list L1 by 18 writers and 187 from list L2 by the remaining 11 writers.c Some examples are shown in Fig. 7. For the experiments reported hereafter, the 298 sentence images were employed as a training set and the 187 sentence images as a test set. Details about this database and the partitions used in the experiments are shown in Table 1. In addition, the text-only sentences of L1 were used to train N -gram language models in some of the comparative experiments described in Sec. 4.2. Two measures are used to assess the empirical results: Word Error Rate (WER) and Digit Error Rate (DER). Both measure the percentage of tokens that have to c The

acquired database is available upon request. To our knowledge, there are no publicly available databases of syntax-constrained handwritten text and thus it may be useful for researchers interested in handwriting recognition and interpretation.

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be substituted, inserted or deleted in the system hypotheses in order to match the corresponding reference sequences. Tokens are words for WER and decimal digits for DER. WER and DER measure recognition and interpretation errors, respectively. It should be noted that, for practical application to the proposed task, WER values are of little interest. In practice, the output of a legal amount reading system generally needs to be compared with the result of a digit recognizer, which provides a complementary hypothesis of the check sum, based on the courtesy amount. The automatic (or manual) work needed to compare and eventually correct the results, is directly related with the number of digit errors. Therefore, since this is a digit-by-digit comparison, it is the DER measure what actually matters. In principle, WER and DER are not directly comparable measures. For the Spanish numbers, for instance, the average number of words in a text sentence of our database is 5.6, while the average number of digits in the corresponding decimal representation is 8.3. So, at first sight, DER might be expected to be lower than WER. However, many typical single-word errors correspond to two or more digit errors. For instance, mistaking “diez ” for “dos” (a typical error in our system) in a sentence like “mil dos” corresponds to changing “1002 ” into “1010 ”, which entail two digit errors. And mistaking the word “noventa” for “millones” in a sentence such as “mil millones” corresponds to changing “1000000000 ” into “1090 ”; i.e. seven digit errors! On the average, for a good system, DER is expected to be somewhat lower than WER (for Spanish number sentences), the difference approaching to zero with increasing system accuracy. 4.1. Training feature extraction and HMMs parameters There are three main parameters that need to be adjusted to design an accurate Spanish numbers recognizer/interpreter in accordance with our approach. They are the vertical resolution (VR) for feature extraction, and the number of states (NS ) and Gaussian densities per state (NG) for each character HMM. Automatically determining optimal values for these parameters is not an easy task. In particular, it is difficult to determine independent, optimal values of NS and NG for each character HMM. For simplicity, we decided to use the same values of NS and NG for all HMMs. Taking into account previous (preliminary) results for the Spanish numbers database,4 we decided to test the following parameter values: VR = 1/16, 1/20, 1/24 and 1/28; NG = 8, 16, 32 and 64; and NS = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. First, we observed the influence of these parameters without using tangent vectors, which introduce an additional parameter, the variance factor γ. The acquired database was preprocessed as described in Sec. 2. Then, feature extraction was applied to the preprocessed database to obtain a sequence of (3 ·VR)-dimensional feature vectors for each handwritten number image (Sec. 2). As discussed in Sec. 3.2, left-to-right continuous-density HMMs of NS states and NG Gaussian densities per state were used for character modeling. These HMMs were trained through four iterations of the Baum–Welch algorithm. This algorithm

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Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation using Finite-State Models


NG=8 16 32 64



22 20














VR 1/16






NG=8 16 32 64


NS 4






Fig. 5. Test-set recognition word error rate (WER) as a function of the vertical resolution (VR), the number of states (NS ) and Gaussian densities (NG) per HMM. (Left) WER as a function of VR for NS = 6 and varying NG. (Right) WER as a function of NS for VR = 1/20 and varying NG.

was initialized by a linear segmentation of each training image into a number of equal-length segments (according to the number of characters in the orthographic transcription of the sentence). As mentioned in Sec. 3.4, both the sequential SFST and the lexical models were built by hand. For each test sentence, the Viterbi algorithm was performed on the integrated finite-state network (Sec. 3.5) to obtain an optimal decoding of the input image into a sequence of words (along with its corresponding interpretation in numerical form). The training and test procedures were implemented on the basis of the well-known and widely available Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK ).19 Since our interest here is tuning character and word-modeling parameters, only word recognition results matter. Figure 5 shows these results in terms of WER, for several selected parameter values. The left panel shows the WER as a function of VR for NS = 6 and varying NG. Similarly, the right panel shows the WER as a function of NS for VR = 1/20 (the best resolution) and varying NG. The best result in this figure is a WER of 5.8% with a 95% confidence interval20 of [4.3%, 7.6%], which corresponds to a vertical resolution of 1/20, and character HMMs of six states with 16 Gaussian densities per state. It is worth noting that this number of Gaussian densities is consistently the optimal one (or close to) for all vertical resolutions and numbers of states. 4.2. N -gram modeling Two experiments were carried out in order to compare the proposed integrated interpretation approach with a more conventional serial, first-recognition, then interpretation paradigm.

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20 18 16 14 DER (%)

12 10

WER (%)

8 6


4 4










10 DER (%)




8 WER (%)


6 WER (%)

4 4



NG 32






NG 16



Fig. 6. Test-set recognition word error rate (WER) and interpretation digit error rate (DER) as a function of the number of Gaussian densities (NG) per HMM state for HMMs of six states and a vertical resolution of 1/20. (Top) Using a two-gram language model trained with the 298 transcriptions of the training set, followed by perfect number translation. (Bottom-left) Using a two-gram language model trained with 10,000 Spanish Number text sentences, followed by perfect number translation. (Bottom-right) Using the SFST for integrated recognition and interpretation.

In both cases, the HMMs and lexical models discussed above were used in conjunction with two-grams for word language modeling. In the first experiment a two-gram language was trained using the 298 text transcriptions of the 298 images of the training set. In the second the two-gram was trained using 10,000 text Spanish number sentences obtained from the L1 list. In both cases, training (with standard back-off smoothing) was performed using the “CMU-Cambridge Statistical Language Modeling toolkit”.d d http://svr-www.eng.cam.ac.uk/˜prc14/toolkit.html

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Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation using Finite-State Models


Using Viterbi search with these models, the test images were optimally recognized in terms of word sequences. The resulting sentences were translated into numerical form by means of the very same SFST used in our integrated interpretation experiments. Test-set recognition WER and the corresponding interpretation DER are shown in Fig. 6 (top and bottom-left, respectively). They are plotted as a function of NG for the best values of NS and VR found in the previous experiments (NS = 6 and VR = 1/20). As expected, the WERs for the two-gram trained with the small training set are clearly worse than those of the two-gram trained with 10,000 text sentences. It is worth noting that, in both cases, DER is systematically worse than WER. 4.3. Integrated transduction One experiment was carried out to assess the impact of integrated interpretation following the approach proposed in Sec. 3. This experiment is similar to the one presented in Sec. 4.1 for VR = 1/20, NS = 6 and varying NG. Here, integrated recognition and interpretation was carried out using the SFST outlined in Sec. 3.4 (the same used as a back-end in the serial, two-gram experiments). As in the previous subsection, both test-set recognition WER and interpretation DER are shown in Fig. 6 (bottom-right), plotted as a function of NG. WER results are similar to those obtained with the two-gram model trained with 10,000 text sentences. However, in contrast with the two-gram serial approach, here the DER is systematically better than the WER. The best result is a DER of 4.6% (with a 95% confidence interval of [3.6%, 5.7%]; this corresponds to a 3.6% of digit substitution errors, 0.7% deletions and 0.3% insertions). If compared with this result, the best DER of the two-gram serial approach was worse by 44% relative. Three examples of sentences recognized and interpreted by both the integrated system and the two-gram serial approach are shown in Fig. 7. The first one was perfectly recognized and interpreted by the SFST integrated system, but the

     !"$# %& *+ 1324 5

=+ *+ 1324 5

=+ *+ 1324 5


!!6& 7$!' 78)975 ;:'!)&9 !!>!$' ?8@A&9776 ;:6)9 7 ;D:& E8@!65 ;:'!# $$' ?5  6>)9' E8$F>7 G:'!6#) #)"76  6I$6'!A) #)"76  6"A&9A6>))J

'!() ! ,-.)/ 01. < ,-.)/ 01. -0/ 0.'B'/ 01 C < -0/ 0.-)/ 01)H H/ 000)/ -)HD1 H/ 000)/ -)HD1 H/ 000)/ .)HD1

Fig. 7. Examples of test sentences (correctly and/or incorrectly) recognized and interpreted by both the two-gram serial approach and the integrated system.

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A. H. Toselli et al.

two-gram recognizer produced a word sequence with a single word error (“treinta” for “trescientos”). This error, however, makes the sequence syntactically incorrect, thereby preventing the words-to-numbers transducer to provide an adequate numeric output. The second example corresponds to a rather bad-quality sentence which is missrecognized by both systems. Here the two-gram recognizer produces a syntactically incorrect sentence, with many (5) word errors, which can neither be adequately parsed into numeric form. In contrast, the integrated approach produces a syntactically correct sentence with only two errors and a corresponding digit sequence having also two errors. The last example shows a sentence that is correctly recognized and interpreted by the serial two-gram method but is slightly missrecognized by the integrated approach (with only one word and one digit errors). As these examples illustrate, a significant number of digit errors of the two-gram serial approach are due to the incapability of the words-to-numbers translator to parse syntactically incorrect word sequences. However, in some of these cases there are segments (typically the final parts) of the word sequences provided by the twogram recognizer which do admit some parsing. While this never leads to correct digit sequences, it would at least provide a few digit hypotheses rather than a null output. We have recomputed the DER for some of the best results in Fig. 6 (bottom, left) by parsing the two-gram word sequences in the above suggested error-tolerant manner. This produced noticeable improvements, but the best DER achieved was still larger than the corresponding WER and clearly worse than the best DER obtained with the integrated approach. 4.4. Impact of tangent vectors Starting with the above result, we incorporated the tangent vectors into the trained HMMs in order to increase robustness of the approach with respect to changing 6






4 0.001 0.01

γ 0.1





Fig. 8. Test-set recognition word error rate (WER) and interpretation digit error rate (DER) as a function of the variance factor γ for the vertical translation tangent vector for 16 Gaussian densities per mixture, HMMs of six states and a vertical resolution of 1/20.

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Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation using Finite-State Models


Fig. 9. Examples of new sentences which have been correctly recognized by the system: 5,225 and 5,457.

vertical shift within each word. Recognition results are given in Fig. 8 as a function of the variance factor γ. Using this method, the WER was reduced to 5.0% (with a 95% confidence interval of [3.6%, 6.8%]), which is a relative improvement of about 14%. The digit error rate could be further reduced from 4.6% to 4.1% (with a 95% confidence interval of [3.2%, 5.2%]) which corresponds to a relative improvement of about 10%. This accuracy can be considered as very satisfactory given the difficulty of the task. 4.5. Additional field tests The purpose of all the experiments described in the previous subsections was twofold. In the first place, they were aimed at showing the impact of the different system design choices and paramenters on the results. But, as a result, in the second place, we end up with a tuned system prepared to do real work in the task it has been studied for. This system recently underwent an informal field test in which 100 new images of Spanish number sentences (411 words)e were processed. These sentences were written by a large number of writters, completely disjoint from those in our database, and were scanned and segmented using scanners and segmentation software different from those used in our database. This resulted in images of much lower quality, as shown in Fig. 9. The results were encouraging. Only a couple of sentences failed in the preprocessing phase and more than half of the remaining images were perfectly recognized. Most of the misrecognized sentences contained just one word error. It should be mentioned that, by varying (some of) the recognition parameters, the accuracy did not vary significantly. This confirms that the values of these parameters, tuned throughout the experiments reported in this section, are adequate for using the system in real-world applications. 5. Conclusions Integrated recognition and interpretation of handwriting text via finite-state models has been proposed. We advocate the use of HMMs with tangent vectors for increased robustness with respect to vertical shift and stochastic finite-state transducers for their adequacy to globally model all the relevant constraints. A syntax-constrained interpretation task resembling legal amount interpretation for bank checks has e Provided

by a company potentially interested in this technology.

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been adopted as an illustrative example. Experimental results have been reported showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach. They constitute a significant improvement over previous (preliminary) results obtained in the same task.4 Apart from the impact of integrated processing, this improvement is due to the inclusion of elaborated preprocessing and feature extraction techniques. References 1. I. Bazzi, R. Schwartz and J. Makhoul, An omnifont open-vocabulary OCR system for English and Arabic, IEEE Trans. PAMI 21 (1999) 495–504. 2. J. Berstel, Transductions and Context-Free Languages (Teubner, 1979). 3. R. O. Duda and P. E. Hart, Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis (John Wiley, 1973). 4. J. Gonz´ alez, I. Salvador, A. H. Toselli, A. Juan, E. Vidal and F. Casacuberta, Off-line recognition of syntax-constrained cursive handwritten text, in Proc. S+SSPR 2000, Alicante, Spain, 2000, pp. 143–153. 5. D. Guillevic, Unconstrained Handwriting Recognition Applied to the Processing of Bank Cheques, Ph.D. thesis, Concordia University, 1995. 6. D. Guillevic and C. Y. Suen, Cursive script recognition: a sentence level recognition scheme, in Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 1994, pp. 216–223. 7. X. D. Huang, Y. Ariki and M. A. Jack, Hidden Markov Models for Speech Recognition, Edinburgh Information Technology Series, 1990. 8. F. Jelinek, Statistical Methods for Speech Recognition (MIT Press, 1998). 9. G. Kaufmann and H. Bunke, Amount translation and error localization in check processing using syntax-directed translation, in Proc. ICPR’98, Vol. 2, Brisbane, Australia, 1998, pp. 1530–1534. 10. D. Keysers, W. Macherey, J. Dahmen and H. Ney, Learning of variability for invariant statistical pattern recognition, in Proc. ECML 2001, Freiburg, Germany, 2001, pp. 263–275. 11. U.-V. Marti and H. Bunke, Handwritten sentence recognition, in Proc. ICPR’00, Vol. 3, Barcelona, Spain, 2000, pp. 467–470. 12. G. Nagy, Twenty years of document image analysis in PAMI, IEEE Trans. PAMI 22 (2000) 38–62. 13. J. Oncina, P. Garc´ıa and E. Vidal, Learning subsequential transducers for pattern recognition interpretation tasks, IEEE Trans. PAMI 15 (1993) 448–458. 14. T. Paquet and Y. Lecourtier, Recognition of handwritten sentences using a restricted lexicon, Patt. Recogn. 26 (1993) 391–407. 15. R. Plamondon and S. N. Srihari, On-line and off-line handwriting recognition: a comprehensive survey, IEEE Trans. PAMI 22 (2000) 63–84. 16. L. Rabiner and B.-H. Juang, Fundamentals of Speech Recognition (Prentice-Hall PTR, 1993). 17. P. Simard, Y. Le Cun, J. Denker and B. Victorri, Transformation Invariance in Pattern Recognition — Tangent Distance and Tangent Propagation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1524 (Springer, 1998), pp. 239–274. 18. P. Slavik, Equivalence of different methods for slant and skew corrections in word recognition applications, IEEE Trans. PAMI 23 (2001) 323–326. 19. E. Vidal, Language learning, understanding and translation, in CRIM/FORWISS Workshop on Progress and Prospects of Speech Research and Technology, in Proc. Art. Intell., eds. R. de Mori, H. Niemann and G. Hanrieder, Infix, 1994, pp. 131–140.

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Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation using Finite-State Models


20. B. Yanikoglu and P. A. Sandon, Segmentation of off-line cursive handwriting using linear programming, Patt. Recogn. 31 (1998) 1825–1833. 21. S. J. Young, P. C. Woodland and W. J. Byrne, HTK: Hidden Markov Model Toolkit V1.5, Technical Report, Cambridge University Engineering Department Speech Group and Entropic Research Laboratories Inc., 1993.

Alejandro H. Toselli received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Universidad Nacional de Tucum´ an (Argentina) in 1997 and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia (Spain) in 2004. Dr. Alejandro is a member of the Spanish Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI) and the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). His current research interest lies in the areas of pattern recognition, computer vision and human language technology.

Jorge Gonz´ alez received the M.S. degree in computer science from the Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia (UPV), in 1999. He has been a graduate research assistant from 2000 to 2003. Now he is under a contract on a research project. His research interests are in the areas of speech recognition and machine translation.

Alfons Juan received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia (UPV), in 1991 and 2000, respectively. He is a Professor at the UPV since 1995. Dr. Juan is a member of the Spanish Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI) and the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). His research interests are in the areas of pattern recognition, computer vision and human language technology.

Ismael Salvador received the M.S. in computer science engineering from Polytechnic University of Valencia in 1999. He started his Ph.D. studies in pattern recognition in 1999. In 2002 he obtained the Advanced Studies Diploma. He worked for 3 years on a computer vision system to recognize identification digits in containers and he is currently researching fast nearest neighbors methods. His research interests are in computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition.

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Enrique Vidal received the Licenciado degree in physics in 1978 and the Doctor en Ciencias F´ısicas (Ph.D. in physics) degree in 1985, both from the Universitat de Val`encia. From 1978 to 1986 he was with this university serving in computer system programming and teaching positions. In the same period he coordinated a research group in the fields of pattern recognition and automatic speech recognition. In 1986 he joined the Departamento de Sistemas Inform´ aticos y Computaci´ on of the Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia (UPV), where he is until now serving as a full professor of the Facultad de Inform´ atica. In 1995 he joined the Instituto Tecnol´ ogico de Inform´ atica, where he has been coordinating several projects on pattern recognition and machine translation. He is coleader of the Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology group of the UPV. Dr. Vidal is a member of the Spanish Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI) and the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). His current fields of interest include statistical and syntactic pattern recognition, and their applications to language, speech and image processing. In these fields, he has published more than one hundred papers in journals, conference proceedings and books.

Daniel Keysers received the Dipl. degree in computer science (with honors) from the RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in 2000. Since then, he has been a Ph.D. student and research assistant at the Department of Computer Science of the RWTH, where he currently is the Head of the Image Processing and Object Recognition Group at the Chair of Computer Science VI. His research interests include statistical modeling for pattern recognition, invariance in image object recognition and computer vision, and (medical) image retrieval.

Francisco Casacuberta received the Master and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Valencia, Spain, in 1976 and 1981, respectively. From 1976 to 1979, he worked with the Department of Electricity and Electronics at the University of Valencia as an FPI fellow. From 1980 to 1986, he was with the Computing Center of the University of Valencia. Since 1980, he has been with the Department of Information Systems and Computation of the Polytechnic University of Val`encia first as an Associate Professor and from 1990 as a Full Professor. Since 1981, he has been an active member of a research group in the fields of automatic speech recognition and machine translation. Dr. Casacuberta is a member of the Spanish Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI), which is an affiliate society of IAPR, the IEEE Computer Society and the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (AEPIA). His current research interest lies in the areas of speech recognition, machine translation, syntactic pattern recognition, statistical pattern recognition and machine learning.

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Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation using Finite-State Models

Hermann Ney received the Dipl. degree in physics from the University of Goettingen, Germany, in 1977 and the Dr.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the TU Braunschweig (University of Technology), Germany, in 1982. In 1977, he joined Philips Research Laboratories (Hamburg and Aachen, Germany) where he worked on various aspects of speaker verification, isolated and connected word recognition and large vocabulary continuousspeech recognition. In 1985, he was appointed head of the Speech and Pattern Recognition group. In 1988–1989 he was a visiting scientist at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. In July 1993, he joined RWTH Aachen (University of Technology), Germany, as a professor for computer science. His work is concerned with the application of statistical techniques and dynamic programming for decision-making in context. His current interests cover pattern recognition and the processing of spoken and written language, in particular signal processing, search strategies for speech recognition, language modeling, automatic learning and language translation.