11th International Symposium on Hearing - Research

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Eaton-Peabody Laboratory,. Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA. 1. Introduction. Continuous speech shows pronounced low-frequency ...
Neural coding of the temporal envelope of speech: Relation to modulation transfer functions B. Delgutte, B.M. Hammond, and P.A. Cariani Eaton-Peabody Laboratory, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA

1. Introduction Continuous speech shows pronounced low-frequency modulations in its temporal envelope. Modulation frequencies near the average syllabic rate of 3-4 Hz are the most prominent. Degradations in these low-frequency modulations reduce speech intelligibility (Drullman et al., 1994; Drullman et al., 1994; Houtgast and Steeneken, 1973), while speech processed to have minimal spectral information is intelligible providing that low-frequency modulations are preserved (Shannon et al., 1995). Thus, low-frequency modulations are both necessary and almost sufficient for accurate speech reception. The ability of auditory neurons to encode amplitude modulation has been characterized using modulation transfer functions (MTFs) (reviews by Eggermont, 1993; Langner, 1992). The MTF expresses, as a function of frequency, the complex ratio (magnitude and phase) of the modulation in the neural response to the modulation in the acoustic stimulus. Previous neurophysiological studies have rarely focused on low modulation frequencies most important for speech reception, and have not explicitly related the MTFs of auditory neurons to their response to speech. In the present study, we measured both MTFs and responses to a speech utterance for single units in the auditory nerve (AN), cochlear nucleus (CN), and inferior colliculus (IC) of anesthetized cats. We also developed a functional model for predicting the neural response to speech based in part on the MTF. 2. Method Electrophysiological recordings. Techniques used in our laboratory for single-unit recordings in dial-anesthetized cats have been described elsewhere (Cariani and Delgutte, 1996). Glass micropipettes were used to record from AN fibers, while parilene-insulated tungsten microelectrodes were used for single-unit recordings from the CN and IC. Acoustic stimuli were delivered through calibrated closed acoustic assemblies. For IC recordings, stimuli were usually presented binaurally (diotically), although monaural presentation to the most effective ear was occasionally used if this produced an appreciably stronger response. Stimuli. Two types of stimuli were used: modulated broadband noise for MTF measurements, and a speech utterance. The utterance was the IEEE sentence “Wood

is best for making toys and blocks” pronounced by a male speaker. The waveform and spectrogram of this utterance are shown in the bottom right of Fig. 4. The noise had the same long-term average spectrum as speech, and its intensity (not amplitude) was 100% sinusoidally modulated. For the data presented here, the sound pressure level of both the speech and the modulated noise was always 60 dB. 2.1 Measurement of Neural Modulation Transfer Functions (MTFs) The method for measuring neural MTFs is illusIDFT trated in Fig. 1 for an AN fiber. The same method Periods Modulation Frequency (Hz) Time (ms) was used for CN and IC F. Noise Burst Response neurons. B. Neural Response D. fm = 256 Hz Noise modulated at frequency f m (256 Hz in this case) was presented (Fig. 1A), and a period histogram Periods Modulation Frequency (Hz) Peristimulus Time (ms) constructed from the singleFig. 1. Method for measuring modulation transfer functions of unit response (Fig. 1B). auditory neurons. The complex modulation index at f m is a vector whose magnitude is twice the synchronization index, and whose angle is the mean phase (e.g. Rees and Møller, 1983). The MTF at f m is the ratio of the complex modulation index in the neural response to the modulation index in the stimulus intensity (which is always 1). This complex ratio has both a magnitude and a phase (arrows in Fig. 1C and 1D). This procedure was repeated for f m varying from 1 Hz to 512-1024 Hz in either octave or half-octave steps to obtain a complete neural MTF (circles in Fig. 1C and 1D). A Butterworth filter was least-squares fitted to the MTF magnitude (solid line in Fig. 1C), and a straight line (representing both a phase shift and a delay) fitted to the phase (solid line in Fig. 1D). Together, the 5 parameters of the Butterworth filter fit to the magnitude and the 2-parameter, straight-line fit to the phase specify a Model MTF. The model MTF was inverse Fourier transformed and temporally integrated to obtain the MTF Step Response (Fig. 1E). This represents the model neural response to an abrupt increase in intensity. In the case of this AN fiber, the MTF step response resembles the envelope of the neural response to a broadband noise burst (Fig. 1F). C. MTF Magnitude & Phase







-10 -20 -30




Phase (cycles)

Discharge Rate



-2 -3










800 600 400 200





MTF Step Response






Discharge Rate (sp/sec)


fm = 256 Hz

Modulation Gain (dB)

A. AM Noise


50 100 150 200 250


50 100 150 200 250


800 600




3. Results 3.1 Comparison of neural MTFs in the AN, CN and IC Fig. 2 shows the MTF magnitude, phase, and step response for two IC units with similar characteristic frequencies (CFs) recorded in the same electrode penetration. Both units have similar, bandpass MTF magnitudes, but their step responses are clearly different. The left unit has a monophasic MTF step response, rapidly rising to a maximum, then decaying to a positive value after 300 msec (a typical syllable duration). In contrast, the biphasic step response of the unit on the right decays to a negative value.

Monophasic 1.5

-30 1




MTF Phase 0 -2 -4

Phasic = Ratio






-8 0 500


Modulation Frequency (Hz)

-10 -20




MTF Phase




-30 1

Phase (cycles)


Response Amplitude


MTF Step Response 1.6



Phase (cycles)

MTF Magnitude Gain (dB)


Gain (dB)


MTF Step Response




Time (msec)


0 -2 -4

Response Amplitude

MTF Magnitude



Phasic = Ratio



R 0.8



-8 0



Modulation Frequency (Hz)





Time (msec)

Fig. 2. MTF magnitudes, phases and step responses of two IC neurons. Left: Unit BD181-9, CF = 430 Hz. Right: Unit BD 181-7, CF= 550 Hz, IPD sensitive.

Response Amplitude

Modulation Gain (dB)

The MTF step response represents the neural response to an abrupt increase in intensity, as occurs at the onset of a tone burst or noise burst. Because it depends on both the magnitude and the phase of the MTF, it provides a more complete characterization of the neural sensitivity to modulation than does the magnitude alone. Because the two units in Fig. 2 have similar MTF magnitudes, the differences in step responses must reflect differences in phase. Indeed, the limit of the phase when f m approaches 0 Hz is 0.24π for the monophasic unit, and 0.44π for the biphasic unit (these differences are hard to see in Fig. 2). In general, we found a strong correlation between the MTF phase at DC and the shape of the MTF step response, with phase shifts greater than π/3 typically giving biphasic step responses. The phasic ratio (Fig. 2) is a simple measure that characterizes the shape of the MTF step response. It is smaller than 1 for monophasic responses, and greater than 1 for biphasic responses. Phasic ratios of AN and CN neurons ranged from 0.4 to 1.3, while ratios of IC neurons could exceed 2. Thus, while both monophasic and biphasic MTF step responses were found in the AN and CN as well as the IC, there was both a greater proportion of biphasic units and more strongly biphasic responses in the IC than at the other two sites. MTF Magnitude MTF Step Response In order to obtain a 2 10 representative MTF for Auditory Nerve Cochlear Nucleus each of the three recording 1.5 0 Inferior Colliculus sites, model MTFs were synthesized from the me1 -10 dian values of the 7 MTF parameters at each site. 0.5 -20 The resulting median MTFs are shown in Fig. 3. For all 0 -30 three sites, median MTF 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 1 10 100 1000 magnitudes are bandpass, Modulation Frequency (Hz) Time (msec) Fig. 3. Median MTF magnitudes and step responses for AN, CN, with broad tuning on the and IC neurons. low-frequency side. Upper cutoff frequencies are markedly lower for the IC than for the AN and CN. The modulation gain in the passband is higher for the IC than for the CN, and higher for the CN than for the AN. These findings are consistent with previous studies of MTF magni-

tude characteristics (AN: Joris and Yin, 1992; Hammond et al., 1996; CN: Frisina et al., 1990; IC: Langner and Schreiner, 1988; Rees and Møller, 1983). The MTF step responses reveal additional differences that are not apparent in the magnitudes. The peak latency increases from the AN to the CN and then to the IC, consistent with neural conduction delays. In addition, the median step response for the IC is biphasic, while it is monophasic for the AN and CN. Thus, both the distribution of phasic ratios and the median MTFs indicate that responses to modulations are more phasic in the IC than in the AN or CN. 3.2 Neural responses to the speech utterance Figure 4 shows neural responses to the speech utterance 6400 6400 4525 4525 for populations of neurons from 3200 3200 the AN, CN and IC. Neural re2263 2263 sponses are displayed as neuro1600 1600 grams, where each trace repre1131 1131 800 800 sents the average response of all 566 566 units whose CF spans a ½400 400 octave band of frequencies. The 283 283 AN response clearly shows ef200 200 0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000 fects of neural adaptation in that there is a rapid rise in discharge C. Inferior Colliculus rate followed by a more gradual 5 decay whenever the stimulus 6400 4 shows a rapid increase in inten4525 3 3200 sity near the CF of the neuron 2 2263 (Delgutte, 1997). On these slow 1600 1 time scales, the response of the 1131 0 CN is broadly similar to that of 0 1000 2000 3000 800 1 566 the AN. However, our sample of 400 0 CN cells contained few onset 283 responders, and consisted almost 200 −1 0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000 entirely of primary-like, chopper Time (msec) Time (msec) Fig. 4. Neural response to the speech utterance “Wood is and pauser neurons, so that this best for making toys and blocks” for populations of neurons result may be somewhat samplein the AN, CN, and IC. Neural responses (A-C) are shown dependent. as “neurograms”, where each trace represents the average The response of the IC PST histogram for all neurons whose CF was contained in population is clearly distinct one of 11 ½-octave bands. The center frequency of each band is shown at the left. The bottom right panels show the from those of the other two sites waveform and broadband spectrogram of the utterance. in that it is primarily restricted to brief burst of activity occurring at the onsets of syllables and bursts of stop consonants. Thus, the IC response to speech is more phasic than that of the AN or CN. This finding is qualitatively consistent with the greater proportion of biphasic MTF step responses found in the IC as opposed to the AN and CN. This observation raises the possibility that differences in responses to speech between the three sites might be entirely accounted for by differences in MTFs. This hypothesis was tested using a functional model of auditory neurons incorporating the MTF. B. Cochlear Nucleus

Characteristic Frequency (Hz)

A. Auditory Nerve

Frequency (kHz)

Characteristic Frequency (Hz)

Wood is best

for making toys and blocks

3.3 Functional model for predicting neural responses to speech Figure 5 shows a block diagram of a functional model based in part on the MTF and used for predicting neural responses to speech (Hammond et al., 1996). The three-stage model (e.g., Smith and Zwislocki, 1975) consists of the following elements: 1. A linear, bandpass filter (Gammatone) representing cochlear tuning (Carney and Yin, 1988; Johannesma, 1972). 2. An instantaneous compression and rectification (Sachs and Abbas, 1974) simulating the limited dynamic range of auditory neurons. 3. A linear, “MTF” filter whose impulse response is the derivative of the MTF step response. The model has two free parameters: the compression threshold, and an additive Instantaneous constant (“DC”) representing DC MTF Bandpass Compression Filter Filter the baseline neural response. & Rectification Predicted Speech These parameters are fitted to + Neural Signal Response the data by a least-squares algorithm. Models for AN, CN and IC neurons are identical except for the MTF filter, which is determined from the Fig. 5. Block diagram of a three stage functional model used measured MTF for each unit. for predicting neural responses to speech in the AN, CN, and IC.

3.4 Model prediction of neural responses to speech Figure 6 shows the neural response to speech pre6400 6400 dicted by the model for the 4525 4525 AN and CN. Predicted re3200 3200 sponses are shown as neurograms that can be compared 2263 2263 with the measured neuro1600 1600 grams in Fig. 4A and 4B. In 1131 1131 general, there was good 800 800 agreement between predicted 566 566 and measured responses for neurons with CFs between 400 400 400 Hz and 3000 Hz, the fre283 283 quency range where the 200 200 0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000 speech signal has most of its Time (msec) Time (msec) Model predictions Fig. 6. Model predictions of the neural response to the speech energy. utterance for the AN and CN. Predictions are shown as neuro- were poorer for both lower gram similar to measured responses in Fig. 4A&B. and higher CFs, where the neural response is weaker, and therefore more dominated by intrinsic variability in neural discharges. Characteristic Frequency (Hz)

A. Auditory Nerve

B. Cochlear Nucleus

IC Cell, CF=1200 Hz, 60 dB SPL

Gain (dB)

MTF Magnitude

MTF Step Response








0 BD177−43

−30 1




−0.5 0


Modulation Frequency (Hz)



Time (msec)

Measured Response to Speech 800


Discharge Rate (spikes/sec)



0 0







Predicted Response to Speech, Correlation = 0.32 150


Model predictions were considerably less satisfactory for IC neurons than for the AN and CN. Results are shown for a representative IC unit in Fig. 7. The unit had a biphasic MTF step response, and its measured response to speech was almost entirely limited to brief bursts of discharges. While the model did a fair job of predicting the times of onset of neural activity, predicted bursts of activity lasted considerably longer than actual responses. Overall, predicted neural responses tended to be less phasic than actual responses of IC neurons, even for units with biphasic MTF step responses such as that of Fig. 7.


4. Summary and conclusions 0 0





Peri−Stimulus Time (msec)



Not only the magnitude, but also

Fig. 7. Neural MTF and predicted and measured the phase of the modulation transfer responses to speech for a single unit in the IC.

function, as reflected in the step response, is an important determinant of neural responses to modulated stimuli. Neurons can have similar magnitude characteristics, but very different step responses (Fig. 2). These differences in step responses are related to small, but systematic phase shifts at very low modulation frequencies. Models that fail to take into account these phase shifts (or, equivalently, the shape of the MTF step response) can only give an incomplete picture of the neural coding of temporal envelopes. Modulation transfer functions of AN, CN and IC neurons have certain properties in common. Although their magnitude characteristics are bandpass, their tuning is very shallow on the low-frequency side, so that discharge patterns of neurons at all three sites convey the low-frequency (< 20 Hz) modulations most important for speech and music. Neurons in the AN, CN, and IC can have either monophasic or biphasic MTF step responses. Monophasic step responses in the AN are likely to reflect short-term adaptation (Hammond et al., 1996; Smith and Zwislocki, 1975). A possible mechanism underlying biphasic step responses would be a long-lasting inhibition following a brief excitatory phase. However, the finding of biphasic step responses in the AN, which receives no inhibitory inputs, suggests that inhibition is not always involved. In general, the MTF step response characterizes the processing of temporal envelope for the entire system from the cochlea to the recording site, so that there is no reason to expect a one-to-one correspondence between features of the step response and any particular neural mechanism such as inhibition. A major transformation in sensitivity to modulation occurs between the CN and the IC. MTFs of most IC neurons have more phasic step responses and lower highfrequency cutoffs than those of CN and AN neurons. A lower high-frequency cutoff means that the most important, low-frequency modulations are enhanced in the IC relative to higher-frequency modulations. These transformations are reflected in neural responses to speech, which are more phasic in the IC than at the other two sites.

A three-stage model incorporating the MTF provided good predictions of the envelope of single-unit responses to speech in the CN and AN, but was considerably less successful for IC neurons. This finding shows that temporal envelope processing at the level of the IC cannot be characterized by a unique, linear modulation transfer function. Accurate models of envelope processing in the IC might require nonlinear transfer characteristics (Møller and Rees, 1986) or spatio-temporal models involving interaction of multiple transfer functions among inputs with different CFs. The satisfactory model predictions obtained for AN and CN responses to speech, as well as qualitative agreement between features of the MTF and responses to speech in the IC are encouraging for a systems approach to the neural processing of temporal envelope. Acknowledgment. We thank B.R. Cranston for figure preparation, and S. Kalluri and M.F. McKinney for comments on the manuscript. Supported by Grants DC02258 and DC00038 from the NIDCD, National Institutes of Health. References Cariani, P.A., and Delgutte, B. (1996). Neural correlates of the pitch of complex tones. I. Pitch and pitch salience. J. Neurophysiol. 76, 1698-1716. Carney, L.H., and Yin, T.C.T. (1988). Temporal coding of resonances by low-frequency auditory nerve fibers: single-fiber responses and a population model. J. Neurophysiol. 60, 1653-1677. Delgutte, B. (1997). Auditory neural processing of speech. In The Handbook of Phonetic Sciences, W. J. Hardcastle and J. Laver, eds. (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 507-538. Drullman, R., Festen, J.M., and Plomp, R. (1994a). Effect of reducing slow temporal modulations on speech reception. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 2670-2680. Drullman, R., Festen, J.M., and Plomp, R. (1994b). Effect of temporal envelope smearing on speech reception. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 95, 1053-1065. Eggermont, J. (1993). Functional aspects of synchrony and correlation in the auditory nervous system. Concepts Neurosci 4, 105-129. Frisina, R.D., Smith, R.L., and Chamberlain, S.C. (1990). Encoding of amplitude modulation in the gerbil cochlear nucleus. I. A hierarchy of enhancement. Hear. Res. 44, 99-122. Hammond, B.M., Rabinowitz, W.M., and Delgutte, B. (1996). Modulation transfer functions of auditory-nerve fibers: Measurements and use in predicting the neural response to speech. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. Abstr. 19, 78. Houtgast, T., and Steeneken, H.J.M. (1973). The modulation transfer function in room acoustics as a predictor of speech intelligibility. Acustica 28, 66-73. Johannesma, P.I.M. (1972). The pre-response stimulus ensemble of neurons in the cochlear nucleus. In IPO Symposium on Hearing Theory, B.L. Cardozo, E. de Boer and R. Plomp, eds. (Eindhoven, Netherlands), pp. 58-69. Joris, P.X., and Yin, T.C.T. (1992). Responses to amplitude-modulated tones in the auditory nerve of the cat. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 215-232. Langner, G. (1992). Periodicity coding in the auditory system. Hear. Res. 60, 115-142. Langner, G., and Schreiner, C.E. (1988). Periodicity coding in the inferior colliculus of the cat. I. Neuronal mechanisms. J. Neurophysiol. 60, 1799-1822. Møller, A.R., and Rees, A. (1986). Dynamic properties of the responses of single neurons in the inferior colliculus of the rat. Hearing Res. 24, 203-215. Rees, A., and Møller, A.R. (1983). Responses of neurons in the inferior colliculus of the rat to AM and FM tones. Hearing Res. 10, 301-330. Sachs, M.B., and Abbas, P.J. (1974). Rate versus level functions for auditory-nerve fibers in cats: toneburst stimuli. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 56, 1835-1847. Shannon, R.V., Zeng, F.-G., Kamath, V., Wygonski, J., and Ekelid, M. (1995). Speech recognition with primarily temporal cues. Science 270, 303-304. Smith, R.L., and Zwislocki, J.J. (1975). Short-term adaptation and incremental responses of single auditory-nerve fibers. Biol. Cybernetics 17, 169-182.