Page 1 of 4. CARDINAL. WEEKLY UPDATE. Pacelli Catholic. High School. (Grades 9-12). 1301Maria Drive. Stevens Point, WI 5
Pacelli Cat holic High School (Grades 9-12) 1301 Maria Drive Stevens Point, W I 54481 P: 715.341.2442
Mr. Lawrence Theiss Principal
Weeks of December 5 & 12
UPCOMING EVENTS Week of Decem ber 5
Week of Decem ber 12
M on day, Dec. 5 "A" Day
M on day, Dec. 12 "A" Day
Tu esday, Dec. 6 " B" Day
Tu esday, Dec. 13 " B" Day
[email protected]
OUR MISSION Continuing a tradition of inspiring the individual best from every student through a Christ-centered drive for excellence in academics, athletics, and arts.
OUR VISION Pacelli Catholic Schools is an environment that fosters the unique gifts of each student to grow as disciples of the faith and leaders for the world.
PCS Core Values Catholic Discipleship
3:30p - Curling @ Stevens Point
6:30p - Girls Hockey @ S. Wood Co. Ice
Wed, Dec. 7 " C" Day Wed, Dec. 14 " C" Day -
Portage Co. Teen Leadership
Th u r s, Dec. 8 " E" Day - Holy Day Im m acu lat e Con cept ion -
9:08a - Mass
7p - Wrestling @ Almond Bancroft
Curling @ Wausau East
Fr iday, Dec. 9 " D" Day -
7p - Girls BB @ PCHS
7:30p - Boys BB @ Bonduel HS
Sat u r day, Dec. 10
Creativity Service
1p - Boys Hockey @ Ice Hawk Arena
4p - Girls Hockey @ Eagle River Arena
7p - Winter Ball in the FACC
PC Teen Leadership 3p - Faculty Meeting
Th u r s, Dec. 15 " D" Day -
TBD Girls Hockey @ Tomah Ice Center 7p - PCHS Christmas Concert In FACC Curling @ DC Everest 7p - Wrestling @ Almond - Bancroft
Fr iday, Dec. 16 "Adven t Pen an ce" Day -
1:10p - Penance Service 7p - Girls BB @ PCHS TBD - Boys BB @ Marshfield
Sat u r day, Dec. 17
Academic Excellence Personal Responsibility
5p - Girls Hockey @ Rhinelander 7p - Boys Hockey @ Ice Hawk Arena 7:30p - BBB @ PCHS 7:30p - GBB @ Witt. Birnamwood HS
TBD - Boys Hockey @ Marshfield 1p - Girls Hockey @ Hobbs Ice Arena EC 7:30p - GBB @ PCHS
The above athletic dates reflect only varsity competitions due to space limitations and are subject to change. For complete up to date athletic schedules including JV and Freshman games click here. If you have any other athletic questions contact the athletic department at 715.341.2018 or
[email protected] or 715.341.2442 or
[email protected].
Pacelli Cat holic Schools
Win t er For m al The Pacelli Dance Team is hosting the 3rd Annual Winter Formal on Saturday, December 10th from 7PM - 10PM. Tickets will be available for sale December 5th-9th during lunch and at the door. Tickets are $8 each or $15 for a couple.
Host Fam ily Oppor t u n it y The gphomestay is an educational service program that provides quality homestays for international students who attend American high schools. The program pair dedicated American families with international students to foster world harmony across the planet. The homestay program has several international students attending Pacelli high school during the school year. For this reason, we are looking for caring families to open their home to international students. A host family receives a monthly stipend of $700 to cover any costs that arise with having an extra person in their home. The host family can earn approximately $7,000 annually (10-month academic period). Additionally, the host families also have access to ongoing support from a local Support Service Coordinator. If you are interested in becoming a host or know someone who may be interested or looking to learn more about the program, please contact our local HRC at
[email protected] or 617-749-8505 or visit our website at
PCHS Ch r ist m as Con cer t
St . Pet er 's An n u al Cook ie Walk
Thursday, December 15, 2016 is our High School Christmas Concert. Please stop by and enjoy our band and choir 's beautiful gift of music at 7pm in our FACC.
This annual cookie walk will be held in Kolbe Hall on Dec. 10 from 8:30 until Noon (or sold out). Cookies and candy of many varieties are sold by the pound. Cookies: $8.00/lb Candy: $9.00/lb, containers will be provided for you.
" Jesu s is t h e r eason f or t h e season !"
It's like a yummy dream!
Ser vice oppor t u n it ies f or t h e r em ain der of t h e sch ool year Even t (s) Dat e(s) an d Tim es -
Win t er Ou t er w ear Collect ion Pacelli Main Lobby, November 28 through December 16th
Ch r ist m as Car in g Tr ees Locat ion s -
PCHS Main Lobby, PCS Central Office, BMO Harris Bank, Pioneer Bank, Stevens Point Health Center, and Wood Trust Bank in Plover
Set Up Monday After Thanksgiving (or earlier)
Gifts Collected until December 15th
Gift Wrapping Monday December 19th and Tuesday December 20th -
Lunch Hours and After School Room 110
Delivery of Christmas Gifts Wednesday December 21 3:30 pm
'Can' A St af f M em ber Non-Perishable Food Collection for Mobile Food Pantry February
Sen ior Cit izen Pr om at Oak r idge Wednesday April 26, 2017 12:00 - 2:40 pm
Wat er Pr oject f or St. Therese Fou n dat ion May 2-10, 2017
Fam ily Cr isis Cen t er M ot h er 's Day Gif t s May 4- 11, 2017
To be sch edu led yet collect ion f or t h e Por t age Cou n t y Hu m an e Societ y
Lu n ch M en u & Daily Bell Sch edu le Click here for the LUNCH MENU or the DAILY BELL SCHEDULE (Scroll to the bottom of the homepage to see the calendar.)
2016 Ch r ist m as Car in g Tr ees Pr oject This project provides simple Christmas gifts to more than 100 care center and homebound residents in our community 2016 Ch r ist m as Car in g Tr ee Locat ion s -
Pioneer Bank, 31 Park Ridge Drive, Stevens Point BMO Harris Bank, 1245 Main Street, Stevens Point Stevens Point Health Care Center, 825 Whiting Avenue, Stevens Point Pacelli Catholic High School, 1301 Maria Drive, Stevens Point PCS Business Office, 1301 Maria Drive, Stevens Point Wood Trust Bank, 1900 Plover Road, Plover
Needed: -
Ch r ist m as Wr appin g Paper - We?ll gladly take your left overs, ends, or ?Santa Paper ? Gif t Wr appin g su pplies- clear tape, gift tags, bows Gif t Bags f or bat h an d body pr odu ct s- M on et ar y don at ion s or SCRIP car ds t o pu r ch ase gif t s t h at ar e n ot r eceived f r om t r ees. Par en t volu n t eer s t o sh op f or m issin g gif t s between December 16th- 19 Gif t w r apper s n eeded December 19th and 20th Volu n t eer s t o deliver gif t s Wedn esday Decem ber 21st f r om 3:30-5:00 pm
Wh at t o Do: -
Select an ornament from any of the Christmas Caring Trees set up at the locations above. Purchase the item listed on the back of the ornament. Return the unwrapped item with the ornament, no later than 3:00 pm December 15th, to the collection box by any of the trees. Encourage your student to get involved.
Deliver y dat e w ill be Wedn esday Decem ber 21st at 3:30 Contact Mrs. Lorie Liss to help or with any questions
[email protected]
All Hom e & Sch ool Fam ilies! We are blessed to have such a dedicated staff; from maintenance men and nutrition team to the women in the main office to all of the teachers and the principal, guiding our kids through high school. To show them our appreciation, each member of the staff will receive a gift certificate from Pacelli Catholic Schools, along with a card from the Pacelli Catholic High School Home & School Association. We are having a PCHS Staff Christmas breakfast on Tuesday, Dec 21 and will give them the gifts for that celebration. Please watch your email for the Christmas Gift letter and the sign up genius breakfast item list which will be coming out soon.
Adopt -A-Kid f or Ch r ist m as pr oject Again this year, Pacelli students and staff are sponsoring an Adopt-A-Kid for Christmas project. It's a wonderful way to open our hearts to the gifts of Advents by providing simple and necessary gifts for children of families who are having difficulty making ends meet. Pacelli students never meet the children, but are encouraged to lift them up in prayer as they save to provide for their Christmas Gifts. It is a humbling and gratitude-building opportunity. Encourage your student to get involved. See Mrs. Liss for the list of available Adopt-A-Kids.
Win t er Coat s, h at s, m it t en s, gloves, or boot s Pacelli is a drop off site for Winter Coats, hats, mittens, gloves, or boots for distribution to children of all ages in our community. Place your gently used, or new donations in the large box in PCHS' main lobby after Thanksgiving.
CARDINAL SPORTS Hock eyThe Pacelli Co-op hockey team kicked off its season with a tournament in Sheboygan the weekend of November 25-27. In their first game the Cardinals lost to Kenosha 4-2. Scoring for the Cardinals were Brad Maes who had a goal and Richard Zupan who had an assist. Trevin Milbauer had 35 saves in the goal. In the second game the Cardinals lost to Brookfield Stars 7-2. Daniel Mitch had an assist in the game and Trevin had 43 saves. In their third game they lost to Ashwaubenon 4-3. Leading the Cardinals in scoring were Daniel Mitch and Richard Zupan both scoring a goal and had an assist. Seth Shulfer also had an assist. Trevin had 20 saves in the goal. On Tuesday 11/29 the Cardinals traveled to Green Bay to take on the Green Bay United Team. They lost 4-1. Richard Zupan scored the goal from an assist from Daniel Mitch. The Cardinals are currently 0-4 and their next game is Saturday Dec. 10th when they host Lakeland at Ice Hawk Arena, face-off is set for 1:00 pm. Gir ls Hock eyPacelli Co-ops with Wisc. Rapids Lincoln, SPASH and Marshfield. They are currently 2-1 on the season. We have one player on the team, Carolyn Storch. In the first game of the season we lost to Central Wisconsin 4-0. The second game they beat Badger Lightning 4-0. In the third game the girls hockey team beat Waupaca 8-2. In that game Carolyn scored 2 goals and had an assist. Their next game is Dec. 6th when they host Appleton United at the Marshfield Youth Ice & Recreation Center. Boys Bask et ballThe Pacelli Boys Basketball team opened it season on Tuesday Nov. 29th when they traveled to Stratford for a non-conference game. The Cardinals beat the Tigers 40-38. Leading the Cardinals were Andrew Blanker who had 18 points, AJFirminhac added 9 points. Garret Parks had 9 rebounds and AJhad 5. The Cardinals next game is on Friday Dec. 9th when they open up their conference season by traveling to Bonduel for a 7:30 pm game. Both the JV and JV2 teams lost to Stratford. The JV score was 64-22 and JV2 score was 39-20. Gir ls Bask et ballThe girls basketball team has two games under their belts this young season. In their season opener they traveled to Rosholt for a non-conference game and lost to the Hornets 26-24. Leading the Cardinals were Freshman Sarah Mueller who had 12 points. Senior Katherine Mueller had 7 Rebounds. On Tuesday 11/29 the Cardinals opened up their conference season by hosting the Wolves of Manawa. The Cardinals beat the Wolves 46-39. The Cardinals were led by Sarah Mueller who had 16 points including a pair of 3-Pointers. The team had 12 Offensive Rebounds. The JV Team also played those two games and they lost to Rosholt 30-27 and beat Manawa 33-32. The Cardinals are currently 1-1 overall and 1-0 in the conference. Their next game is Friday Dec. 9th when they host the Bears of Bonduel High School in a conference game. Tip-off is set for 7:30 pm.
Weigh t Room Hou r s Monday-Friday 6:00-7:15 am Monday-Friday 3:00-5:00 pm