With the Liberals' track record around the country, CIT students and teachers should be very. nervous about a Liberal Pa
Andrew Barr Media Release
Two days to go and still no Lib plan for vocational educational With only two days until the election the Canberra Liberals have still not revealed their plans for vocational education and training after last month admitting they had left CIT out of their education policy. Last month the Liberals said they had left CIT and vocational education out of their education policy when quizzed on why there was a $400 million hole in their education funding compared to the budgeted funding for the coming four years. 1 At the time, the Liberals Treasury spokesperson Brendan Smyth refused to disclose how much funding the CIT would receive under the Liberals and would not be drawn on why CIT had been left out of the education policy. But with only two days to go until the election the secretive Liberals still won’t reveal their plans, and have not ruled out slashing funding to the CIT – as Liberal governments around the country are doing. Having made no commitment to fund the CIT, it’s clear the Liberals want to slash $100 million a year out of Canberra’s vocational education sector. With the Liberals’ track record around the country, CIT students and teachers should be very nervous about a Liberal Party that will not reveal its plans for the sector here in Canberra. The Liberal record on TAFE: 2 -
VICTORIAN LIBERALS: $290 million has been ripped from TAFEs resulting in course cuts and the loss of jobs
NSW LIBERALS: $80 million and 80 teaching jobs are being slashed and TAFE fees are increasing for students.
QLD LIBERALS: $78.8 million has been cut from training, tertiary education and employment and a report has recommended closing 38 TAFE campuses.
CANBERRA LIBERALS: $100 million missing from education policy for the funding of CIT.
ACT Labor supports the CIT and has committed to expanding it. ACT Labor has promised an expanded CIT presence in Tuggeranong. This new facility will provide expanded course options and a better study environment for students in the Tuggeranong valley. Not only have the Liberals not supported this expansion of CIT into the heart of Tuggeranong – they have failed to reveal to the Canberra community their plans for the CIT.
1: The Canberra Times 14/9/12 http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/libs-defendcit-omission-in-plan-20120913-25v24.html 2: The Conversation 20/9/12 http://theconversation.edu.au/tafe-cuts-will-affect-everyonestate-governments-should-think-again-9687 Date: Media contact: