Page 1 of 3. 12th International Conference on Romani Linguistics. September 14-16, Södertörn University, Stockholm. Dr
12th International Conference on Romani Linguistics September 14-16, Södertörn University, Stockholm Draft Program Day 1, Wednesday, September 14, 2016 The registration desk will be open from 8am. 9.00-10.00
Opening (tba)
Coffee break
Keynote 1 (joint with the GLS conference) Kimmo Granqvist: Romani Studies in the Nordic Countries: State of the art
Lunch break
14.00-14.30 14.30-15.00 15.00-15.30 15.30-16.00 16.00-16.30 16.30-17.00 17.00-17.30
Session 1: Psycholinguistics Evangelia Adamou: Sentence processing among Romani-Turkish bilinguals Pavel Kubanik: Teasing and prompting in two Romani families Coffee Break Session 2: Language change Anton Tenser: Grammaticalization in the Sinti sample from Poland Alina Moser: Perspectives on Catalan Romani (caló català) Kimmo Granqvist: Finnish Romani – a second take Gerd Carling: Scandoromani, Kale, and Swedish Kelderash. Lexical and typological changes during 500 years on Scandinavian soil Reception at Stockholm City Hall (joint with the GLS conference)
Day 2, Thursday, September 15, 2016 9.00-10.00
10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.00 12.00-14.00 14.00-14.30 14.30-15.00 15.00-15.30 15.30-16.00 16.00-16.30 17.00-17.30
17.00-17.30 17.30-18.00 19.00
Keynote 2 (joint with the GLS conference) Anne Minken: (tba) Session 3: Dialect classification Kirill Kozhanov: Dialect classification of the language of Servy Márton András Baló: Vlax Romani tribes in Hungary – do they actually speak different dialects? Yaron Matras and Daniele Viktor Leggio: The dialect of the Tandarei/Fetesti area Viorel Achim: About the origin of several texts in Romani from Romania in the nineteenth century Lunch break Session 4: Structural linguistics Michael Beníšek: Long vowels in Eastern Uzh Romani, with special reference to /ā/ Cristian Padure: The copula/subject clitic variation in Romani of Veracruz, Mexico: A quantitative approach Coffee break Andrea Scala: Romance phonological rules and Romani lexicon: the case of Abruzzian Romani Viktor Elšík: Coordination in Central Romani: overview, patterns, and borrowing hierarchies Julieta Rotaru: Peculiarities of the Romani language spoken in Wallachia and Moldavia in the 19th century Session 5: Sociolinguistics Dieter Halwachs: Romani protection at the European level Amelia Acercombie: Politics and purism in Romani language standardisation Banquet (joint with the GLS conference)
Day 3, Friday September 16, 2016 9.00-10.00
10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30
Keynote3 (joint with the GLS conference) Christina Rodell Olgaç: Romani students on campus: social mobility, academic capital formation and actions of inclusion Session 6: Romani language education Kati Dimiter-Taikon, Angelina Dimiter-Taikon, Mikael Demetri, Katalin Tuka, Éva Csorásné, Natalia Efremova, Martina Koptová, Anna Koptová, Christina Rodell Olgaç, Patrik Dinnétz and Alla T. Alzhanova-Ericsson: Mathematical and natural sciences’ terminology in Romani chib for compulsory comprehensive school translated into languages historically connected with Roma culture Yaron Matras and Charlotte Jones: Language awareness as an inclusion tool: critical reflections on approaches to Roma education Eleni Ntalampyra: Language and literacy competences: The case of Roma teenagers in Greece
Lunch break
Closing (joint with the GLS conference)