1402 TS Lake Oswego Infographic.indd - Touchstone School

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throughout the year. ©2017 Nobel Learning Communities, Inc. #1402. iPad® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc. of s
Touchstone School


Elementary in Lake Oswego BY THE NUMBERS



in the Mountain Park neighborhood of Lake Oswego

of our families are likely to recommend our school


Top reasons why families choose our school:

of students participate in community service



are the focus of our character education program

1 2 3

5 specialty teachers for art, Spanish, music, technology and physical education


Quality of Teachers Personalized Instruction Ideal Class Size


enrichment classes offered, along with extended care throughout the year

® every iPad for in student grade 4th – 6th

A network of

29 14

K–12 schools in states

fostering student, teacher and principal collaboration

2 SW Touchstone Drive, Lake Oswego • touchstoneelementary.com • 877-959-3754

D E E P E N G A G E M E N T, D E E P E R L E A R N I N G ©2017 Nobel Learning Communities, Inc. #1402

iPad® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.