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meetings, a training event, an awarding program, and white papers. ... FP7-ICT. June 2010. Availability of the action plan for better integration of EU12.
The overall aim of the SPRERS project is to improve the participation to European collaborative research activities of research teams involved in software services from new member states. This aim will be addressed by identifying the strengths of these teams and facilitate their collaboration through thematic workshops, expert meetings, a training event, an awarding program, and white papers.

At a Glance

Project: Strengthening the Participation of Romania at European R&D in Software Services (CSA) Project coordinator: Dana Petcu West University of Timisoara (RO) Partners: West University of Timisoara (RO) Duration: January 2010 – December 2011 Total costs: €0.464 M Programme: FP7-ICT-2009-4- Objective 9.4 Further information: http://www.sprers.eu

SPRERS Project 246839 – January, 2010

The demand The European Community can face a global competition if it fully utilizes resources available in all member states (EU27). The analysis of statistical data and results achieved by member States in FP IST/ICT projects demonstrates that the new member states (NMS or EU12) have achieved only a partial integration in the EC-supported ICT area. EU12 research potential is not exploited to the expected scale: NMS teams have insufficient participation in EC funded projects, low number of project coordinators, lowering success rates, and poor results in participation in big integrating projects. Special measures should be undertaken to all levels to improve the contribution of EU teams from NMS to the European Research Area. Skills, expertise and creativity offered by outstanding partners from EU12 can contribute to strengthening Europe’s ICT research excellence. Providing a solution A solution to improve the participation of EU12 at FP7-ICT programme is to increase the visibility of research groups from EU12 involved in special fields, like the ones sustained by Objective FP7-ICT-1.2 (Service and software architectures, infrastructures and engineering). This can be done through raising, first, their awareness of the need of improvements in their European collaboration, and, then, identifying the groups willing to cooperate and having the appropriate competences, and, finally, increasing their visibility at European level and facilitating their networking. Therefore the main objective of the SPRERS project is to improve and reinforce the cooperation between research teams from EU12 and EU15 in the field of software services, with a particular emphasis on the cooperation with Romanian teams.

SPRERS proposes a set of support actions that intends to lead to a better integration of NMS research teams involved in FP7-ICT activities, especially those specialized in software services, to the FP7-ICT work programmes. Expected results •An action plan for better integration of NMS in FP7ICT programme. •A white paper about the competences of EU12 teams in software services and their proposal for future developments in the field. •An expert group consisting of EU12 specialists in software services. •Reinforcement of cooperation between EU12 teams and EU15 teams through face-to-face meetings in a training event and three workshops. •Increase of the competitiveness and visibility of best teams from EU12 in software services through an European scientific awards program. •Reinforcement of cooperation between the Romanian teams and EU15 teams through secondments, RoNESSI and Ro-eIRG activities. Open invitation SPRERS invites researchers, organizations, initiatives to join its efforts through the following ways. For EU27: •Participate to the four scientific events related to software services to promote your recent activities and achievements in this field. •Propose actions to be undertaken and promote the action plan for a better integration of NMS in FP7-ICT programme. For EU15: •Use the outputs of the projects to identify EU12 teams in order to cooperate within future initiatives related to software services •If interested to cooperate with the project team in future initiatives related to software services, accept secondments activities at your institution for early stage researchers from coordinator institution. For EU12: •Join the expert group from EU12 in software services. •Contribute to the collection of input data, conception, and promotion of the white paper about the competences of EU12 teams in software services and their proposal for future developments in the field. •Propose your team or other teams from EU12 working in software service field for the scientific awards program. For Romania: •Participate at Ro-NESSI and Ro-eIRG activities. SPRERS Project 246839 – January, 2010

Scientific events related to software services Deadline


September 2010

Workshop on topics related to Software Services

December 2010

Training event on Software Services

December 2010

Awards for Software Services activities in EU12

May 2011

Workshop on topics related to Cloud Computing

May 2011

Awards for Cloud Computing activities in EU12

October 2011

Workshop on topics related to Software as a Service

October 2011

Awards for Software as a Service activities in EU12

Action plans for improving EU12 contributions to FP7-ICT and Obj.1.2 Deadline


March 2010

Meeting of EU12 NCPs and national experts to discuss the integration of EU12 relative to FP7-ICT

June 2010

Availability of the action plan for better integration of EU12

June 2010

Meeting of an expert group from EU12 to discuss the competences and strengths in software services

September 2010

White paper about EU12 competences in software services

Actions targeting Romanian teams Deadline


April 2010

First meeting of Ro-NESSI

June 2010

Green paper of Ro-NESSI

July 2010

First meeting of Ro-eIRG

September 2010

Green paper of Ro-eIRG

Actions targeting the coordinator Focusing on the development of collaboration between the coordinator and excellent research entities elsewhere in Europe, secondments actions were scheduled on the full duration of the project in order to contributes to the setting-up of strategic partnerships, enabling the coordinator to realize its full research potential.