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the centre of MDN's work. Middle East Development Network (MDN) is an international. consultancy company specialized in


ABOUT MIDDLE EAST DEVELOPMENT NETWORK The acronym MDN forms in Arabic the word mudun, which means “cities”, and cities, urban management, local government, and local economic development are at the very core of MDN’s business. The same acronym also reflects the corporate principles of MDN: M for Mission; D for Dedication; and N for Neutrality. Building liveable, sustainable, and prosperous cities, strengthening and empowering local governance, and involving local leaders in promoting the culture of peace and harmony in the diverse cities of the Middle East, are the centre of MDN’s work.

Middle East Development Network (MDN) is an international consultancy company specialized in public policy and active in the fields of governance, international development and alternative diplomacy. With an innovative business approach and original methodology MDN defines itself as a “social knowledge enterprise”. It links academic research with policy consulting, and works to promote solutions for various social issues. Headquartered in Istanbul, at the world’s privileged meeting point, MDN has liaison teams in various Arab countries as well as in Europe and Asia, and has branches registered in Amman and Rabat. MDN website www.mdncorp.com is currently available in English, Arabic, Turkish and French.

Middle East Development Network’s unique solutions come from a multi-level approach, leveraging both a highly sophisticated intellectual philosophy and a very practical, grassroots level perspective. It has a unique business philosophy, worldwide network of professionals, and non-cookie-cutter solutions approach. MDN is a client-focused, solutions-based partner for governments, as well as those seeking to do business with governments - national and local - in the Arab world and beyond. [New European Economy, Summer 2014 edition] MDN is on the way to become the first international brand of its kind that originates from The Middle East, that is well rooted in its civilizational and cultural ground, inspired by the history of this region, and at the same time courageously transversal, as it embraces best international experience and ambitions to make substantial contribution to the development of standards and know-how. [StartUp Magazine, January 2015 edition]

The Middle East Development Network (MDN) has been created with a unique identity and built on specific principles. These had to be properly reflected in our corporate image. Harmony and complementarity in everything are our hallmarks, so we designed a logo that represents us. That speaks of itself with its colors, scripts and positions. To know more please read the page on “Our Identity and Principles” on www.mdncorp.com .

1 | P a g e w w w . m d n c o r p . c o m / [email protected] / V e r s i o n o f 2 5 A u g 2 0 1 5





Public administration, policy, public finance



Leadership and organizational development

Alternative diplomacy

Decentralization, federalism and IGR

Local development & clustering, Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

Local/city/regional paradiplomacy

Local government, urban management, global cities

Territorial branding & marketing & tourism

Public diplomacy and strategic communication

International migration integration policy


Higher education effectiveness, responsible science

Multilateral negotiations



Democracy engagement


Social inclusion, youth & women empowerment

Mediation resolution





SUMMARY OF EXPERTISE AND HIGHLIGHTS OF SERVICES The founders of MDN have extensive experience in various fields of public sector, prior to the establishment of MDN and since the start of its activities in 2014. The MDN leading experts stand out by hands-on experience in public institutions combined with academic involvement in the field. Main experience fields concern decentralization, local government, global cities, democratic/constitutional systems, international cooperation, higher education, youth, migration, anticorruption, public finance, informal economy, and others, gained through work in the related institutions in Europe, Turkey, Balkans, and the Arab world. 


MDN’s leadership team’s achievements contribution to institutional development, strategic planning and policy development of major institutions such Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, Istanbul Water and Sewerage Authority, Istanbul Transport Authority, Union of Municipalities of Marmara, Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe, North-South Center of the Council of Europe, Ministry of Local Administration, Relief and Refugees of the Syrian Interim Government in Gaziantep/Turkey, Mardin Artuklu University, and others. Policy development highlights also include global city and international outreach strategy development for Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality; expertise support to development of migrant integration/ harmonization policy to Turkish Directorate General for Migration Management (DGMM), in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Other examples are the consulting in knowledge transfer in PPP in the healthcare management field between Turkish and Ukrainian healthcare sector officials; or survey research and policy recommendations for municipalities in Istanbul, titled “Expat Friendly Public Policy for Istanbul: From Discourse to Action” published in Journal of Political Science, Marmara University. 


Broad experience in organizing technical study tours and overseas training sessions (starting from period prior to establishment of MDN and currently). Thus, since 2007, a large number of technical study visits have been realized for mayors, local government associations, public officials, ministers and politicians. These concerned both official delegations received in Turkey or sent from Turkey to Europe, Asia and Africa. 2 | P a g e w w w . m d n c o r p . c o m / [email protected] / V e r s i o n o f 2 5 A u g 2 0 1 5



Study tours funded by international donors include study tours for Iraqi Federal Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA), Jordanian Minister of Municipal Affairs (MoMA), Palestinian Deputy Minister of Local Government (MoLG), Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, number of parliamentarians, mayors, members of local councils, local government associations. The tours covered the areas of decentralization, local governance, metropolitan management, social policy, public-private partnership (PPP) etc. and were funded by USAID, BTC, World Bank, BMZ/GIZ, in projects implemented by Management Systems International/MSI, International Relief and Development/IRD, FHI360, Global Communities (CHF) etc. 


Extensive experience in program development and coordination of major local government congresses and EXPOs, including format of “mayors meet businesses”:    

1st Iraqi Local Government EXPO 2013/2014, under the USAID-funded Iraq Governance Strengthening Project (implemented by Chemonics), inaugurated by PM of Iraq; NEXPO 2011, the 1st International Balkan Municipal Fair held in Sarajevo (BiH), organized by the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe (NALAS), funded by German GIZ and Swiss SDC, and inaugurated by President of BiH; 1st and 2nd Eurasia Local Government Congresses in Istanbul (2008, 2010), organized by Union of Turkish World Municipalities, funded by Turkish International Cooperation Agency (TIKA) and inaugurated by Chairman of Turkish Grand National Assembly. 1st Istanbul Local Government Symposium (2008), organized by Justice and Development Party and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, inaugurated by PM of Turkey.

Organization of various international events in cultural and educational fields. 


Strong academic background in public administration, local government, strategic planning, quality management etc. MDN’s team is involved in various academic and research institutions like Marmara University (Istanbul), Middle East University of Jordan, the Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE) in KSA, US National Academy of Sciences MENA Education Institute on Responsible Science. It provides support to the establishment of public administration and local government studies in Arab universities. It has also substantial experience in alternative higher education methods, including university distance learning programs. MDN makes a strong emphasis on linking academic research with policy consulting. It strives to develop innovative solutions for various fields of policy. Examples of ongoing research efforts are: Strategies for Effective Youth Empowerment Policy for the Middle East and Vision for Business-Friendly Public Administration in the Middle East (both had got acceptance for presentation at the 2015 Annual Conference of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) in Paris). MDN has also a separate professional and research arm, the center for polling and statistical analysis SABR (www.sabr-sp.com) based in Gaziantep. With its experienced team, MDN/SABR is able to implement various public opinion surveys and data analysis in Turkey and Arab world to support public policy making. The realized studies include “Study on Syrian-Turkish Harmonization in Gaziantep”, “Inclusion of Statistical Analysis in Decision-Making in Non-for-Profit Organizations", “Risks in Decision-Making in Non-for-Profit Organizations”, “Need Assessment of Local Councils in Syria” (with Norwegian People’s Aid /NPA), “Monitoring and Evaluation of CSO Projects in Syria” (with IRD under British FCO fund).

3 | P a g e w w w . m d n c o r p . c o m / [email protected] / V e r s i o n o f 2 5 A u g 2 0 1 5




Rich experience in various fields of alternative diplomacy (paradiplomacy or city diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, public diplomacy etc), negotiations in multi-cultural context, and international cooperation. Since 2007, active involvement in paradiplomacy / international cooperation by local governments through Union of Municipalities of Marmara, Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe, Union of Turkish World Municipalities, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, Ministry of Municipal Affairs of Jordan, Petra Regional Development Commission and others. Intense interaction and lobbying in major sub-national government platforms such as Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, the EU Committee of the Regions (CoR), Assembly of European Regions (ARE), Assembly of Regional and Local Authorities of the Mediterranean (ARLEM), Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities (OICC), Arab Towns Organization (ATO), Arab Urban Development Institute (AUDI), Asian Mayors Forum (AMF) etc. 


Experience in project design and bidding for funding by EU, USAID, US Dept. of State, FCO and various national funding programs. Project highlights include activities in local governance, urban mobility, energy efficiency, migration and social policy, vocational training, civil society, covering Turkey, EU, Jordan, Syria, Moldova, Ukraine etc. Organizational and logistical support to international organizations or firms in operating in Turkey, facilitation of relations with the official institutions. OUR NETWORKING PARTNERS

“Our experts bring the experience of major international organizations and platforms from Europe and Asia” REGISTRATION FOR INTERNATIONAL AND GOVERNMENT FUNDS Middle East Development Network (MDN) is international consulting company registered with and authorized to participate in various international organizations and national funding systems: 

United Nations Global Market (UNGM) for Funding of UN Agencies

Data Universal Number System (DUNS) for United States Federal Government Funding

European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS PADOR) for European Union Funding

Electronic Public Procurement Platform (EKAP) for Turkish Government Contracts

Note: MDN group also includes various non-for profit entities registered in different countries. 4 | P a g e w w w . m d n c o r p . c o m / [email protected] / V e r s i o n o f 2 5 A u g 2 0 1 5



WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT MDN? Middle East Development Network (MDN) is a peerless initiative in the field of public policy consulting, training, research and leadership which brings together international ideas and standards delivered by best professionals from the region, with the local insight and cultural understanding. MDN’s unique methodology in the field of consulting and training is represented in four key dimensions; 

 

Expertise that combines both sound theoretical and academic knowledge of the subject, as MDN team represents academia and various other research centers, and practical, “hands-on” experience delivered by former decision-makers and executives from the field (e.g. former mayors, municipal councilors, directors in related public administration units); Transversality of its approach, as its team is well acquainted with the international standards developed by specialized organizations, and is able to present concrete examples from the local practice, with specific focus on the best practices from the region or from other countries that went through similar transition in the recent history; Ability as result of both an extensive network of professional relations in many countries, with capacity to reach out to key decision makers, and organizational and logistical skills gained through numerous successful activities on national and international scale; Ingenuity that blends intelligence and creativity, when a highly sophisticated intellectual philosophy is coupled with the capacity of innovation for non-conventional solutions. MDN Methodology Framework

EXPERTISE Theoretical Knowledge & Practitioner Experience

TRANSVERSALITY International Standards & Local Practice

[Sound grasp of the subject matter & Hands-on experience in the sector]

[Guidelines of international organizations & Best practices from the region]

MDN Methodology

ABILITY Network of Relations & Organizational Skills [Extensive network and reach-out capacity & Ability to organize events and coordinate logistics]

INGENUITY Intelligence & Creativity [Sophisticated intellectual philosophy & Capacity of innovation for nonconventional solutions]

5 | P a g e w w w . m d n c o r p . c o m / [email protected] / V e r s i o n o f 2 5 A u g 2 0 1 5




MDN AT A GLANCE RESEARCH AND STATISTICS MDN partners with a polling and statistical analysis center SABR (www.sabr-sp.com) based in Gaziantep, Turkey. With its experienced team, MDN & SABR are able to implement various public opinion surveys and data analysis in Turkey and Arab world as basis for informed policy-making.

MDN’s partners are various prestigious institutions such as Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE; mile.org) based in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or Westminster Explained (WE) based in London/UK. MILE is the flagship school in the leadership field in the Islamic world while WE is the training division of Dods Group that provides services to UK Parliament and Government since 1832.


Through frequent TV appearances, newspaper, magazine and academic articles MDN promotes the public debate on issues of governance, decentralization, human capital development and other.

MDN excels in organization of professional study tours in the public sector. For example, the 2014 study tour in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) to Turkey for the Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade and delegation of local and regional government officials was organized by MDN and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). 6 | P a g e w w w . m d n c o r p . c o m / [email protected] / V e r s i o n o f 2 5 A u g 2 0 1 5



7 | P a g e w w w . m d n c o r p . c o m / [email protected] / V e r s i o n o f 2 5 A u g 2 0 1 5