La Vileta-Son Serra Surgery. Tuesday 22nd September 2015 ... Slide 2. Page 4 of 14. Main menu. Displaying 150922 La Vile
rd 3 Clinical Session in English
La Vileta-‐Son Serra Surgery Tuesday 22nd September 2015 Jonathan McFarland CS Son Serra-‐La Vileta (Palma de Mallorca) 22th September 2015
Some comments
Slide 2 * “ To let something run its course” NOT “to leave “run its course” * [for something] to continue through its cycle of existence, especially a disease.
It is great to be proved …..
* I thought “Eminence based” was incorrect and it should be Evidence Based as in Evidence Based Medicine * But even so – I checked !!!!!
* Eminence based medicine—The more senior the colleague, the less importance he or she placed on the need for anything as mundane as evidence. Experience, it seems, is worth any amount of evidence. These colleagues have a touching faith in clinical experience, which has been defined as “making the same mistakes with increasing confidence over an impressive number of years.” *
Spelling * Counselling vs.Counseling * Paediatrician vs. pediatrician * Haemorrhaging vs. Hemorrhaging * Fish vs. fishes * The plural of fish is usually fish, but fishes has a few uses. In biology, for instance, fishes is used to refer to multiple species of fishes.
-‐less used as suffix * Window – windowless ( without windows) * Pain – painless ( without pain) * Penny – penniless ( without a penny!!!) * Clue – clueless ( without a clue !!!) * And here Jawless
The jaguar ……. * True story from an immigrant to the US: He parked illegally and thought it was okay because the sign said, "Parking Fine.”
Interesting vocab * Surgery * Mood * Guess * Seizure * Shedding * Varicella is the virus and chickenpox the disease ? A question for you? * Harm – harmful ( opposite of less) * Caregiver
* The last slide is fantastic !!!!!!
Contact * Remember you can contact me at *
[email protected] * Or WhatsApp * 670658862