15 WORLD SANSKRIT CONFERENCE th. (to be jointly organized by IASS &
RSkS). 5 to 10 January, 2012 th th. ¯d. ¯d u lk/;fr dYiyrso fo| k. Kalpavçkùa ...
15th WORLD SANSKRIT CONFERENCE 5th to 10th January, 2012 (to be jointly organized by IASS & RSkS)
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Kalpavçkùa; Vesanagar, 3rd Century B.C.E., Courtesy : Indian Musium, Kolkata
olq/So Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Deemed University Under M/O Human Resource Development Govt. of India, New Delhi
15 WORLD SANSKRIT CONFERENCE 5 to 10 January, 2012 (will be jointly organized by IASS & RSkS) th
FIRST CIRCULAR (General Information) As agreed by the International Association of Sanskrit Studies (IASS) at its 14 World Sanskrit Conference held in Kyoto (Japan), in 2009, the 15 World Sanskrit Conference will be held at Delhi (India) from the 5 to 10 January 2012. The conference will be hosted jointly by the IASS and the RSKS [Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed to be University under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India), New Delhi.) th
Mode of operation at the 15 World Sanskrit Conference The 15 World Sanskrit Conference will operate in 18 thematic sections (with six sessions running concurrently) chaired by the conveners specializing in their respective fields. The conveners will determine the profile to their sections and select the papers for presentation. During the conference, they may personally preside as chairpersons over the meetings of their sections and/or nominate additional chairpersons, if necessary, for this purpose. The conveners of each section can partly modify the title of their section to highlight the theme of a specific panel. To preserve high scholarly standards at the conference, they may preselect a limited number of speakers in their section. Scholars wishing to present a paper should send the title and abstract of their paper to the secretariat in New Delhi. Papers will be forwarded to the relevant conveners who will review and make the final selection. All conveners will be expected to act as editors of the papers presented in the sections when the volumes of conference proceedings are prepared. th
The conveners will operate in close collaboration and consultation with the secretariat of the conference. As the secretariat is responsible for practical arrangements, scholars wishing to participate in the conference are requested to contact the secretariat and not the conveners in order to maintain uniformity in handling. Sections and conveners The following are the 18 sections and names of the conveners are mentioned against each section: Individual speakers and the titles of their papers will be announced on the web page of the conference and in the succeeding circulars as may be convenient. 1.
Veda 1.
Hans Henrich Hock
G.C. Tripathi
Sannidhanam Sudarshan Sharma
Shrikant Bahulkar
Linguistics 1.
Pierre Sylvain Filliozat
Jan E.M. Houben
S.P. Narang
Shriniruddha Dash
Epics & Puranas 1.
Adam Bowles
Simon Brodbeck
Alf Hiltebeitel
Rajendra Nanavati
Agama & Tantra 1.
Navjeevan Rastogi
Kamlesh Datta Tripathi 2
Vyakarana 1.
George Cardona
Madhav M. Deshpande
Saroja Bhate
Dipti Tripathi
Poetry, Drama &Aesthetics 1.
Rama Ranjan Mukherji
Natalia Lidova
C. Rajendran
Michael Hahn
Sanskrit and Regional Languages & Literatures 1.
Prof. Yigal Bronner
Robert J. Zydenbos
Konrad Meisig
Pankaj Chande
Scientific Literature 1.
Gy. Wojtila
P.C. Murlimadhavan
K. Ram Subrahmanian
Buddhist Studies 1.
Shohei Ichimura
Geshe Ngawang Samten
Chirapat Prapandavidya
10. Jain Studies 1.
Paul Dundas
Peter Flügel
Jayendra Soni
J.B. Shah 3
11. Philosophy 1.
Arindam Chakrabarti
Oscar Pujol
Kamleswar Bhattacharya
G. Mishra
12. History of Religion 1.
Vachaspati Upadhyaya
Bettina Baümer
13. Ritual Studies 1.
T.S. Rukmani
Yugal Kishor Mishra
14. History, Epigraphy andArt History 1.
Anupa Pandey
15. Sanskrit in Technological World 1.
Miquel Peralta
Navjyot Singh
16. Modern Sanskrit Writings 1.
Jürgen Hanneder
Ramkaran Sharma
Mans Broo
Ramakant Shukla
17. Pundit Parishad 1.
18. Sanskrit Kavi Samavaya 1.
‘Abhiraj’Rajendra Mishra 4
PAPERS The time allowed for each paper is limited to 30 minutes including discussion. Papers offered without special invitation will be selected based on one-page abstract submitted in about 300-400 words typed in Times New Roman font in size-12 in A-4 size paper in double space. Abstracts should be submitted preferably in electronic form along with Unicode compatible Devanagari font if any used. IMPORTANT DATES S.No. Details
1. First Circular
16 January 2010
2. Submission of Abstract for those who need early decision on acceptance
30 June 2010
3. Submission of abstract by others 31 December 2010 (normal category and invited speakers) st
4. Information about acceptance/ rejection of paper those who require earlier decision on acceptance
30 April 2011
5. Information about acceptance/ rejection of paper by others
31 July 2011
6. Second Circular
31 July 2011
7. Third Circular
1 November 2011
Before 30-09-2011
After 30-09-2011
1. Non-members of IASS
2. Members of IASS
3. Bonafide Students
In case of voluntary cancellation or cancellation by the conference authorities Rs.500/- will be deducted. Mode of payment of fee and Banking details will be given in the second circular. The registration form and a sheet for abstract will be available on the website of the conference office in the near future. Conference venue The conference will be held in New Delhi. The detailed information about the accommodation will be announced in the second circular. Alternatively, participants can make their own arrangements for hotel accommodation and inform the conference secretariat. Information concerning the conference will be available on the official website of RSKS at www.sanskrit.nic.in. The second and third circulars will be sent to those who have returned a completed pre-registration form. Delegates coming with their partners or any assistant will have to pay the reception and hotel charges for the accompanying person. Organising committee Chair
Radha Vallabh Tripathi
Honorary members
G.C. Pande, Kapila Vatsyayana, Anita Bhatnagar Jain, Vachaspati Upadhayay, Sudha Rani Pandey
International members
V. Kutumba Sastry (President of the IASS) Ram Karan Sharma (Former President of the IASS) John Brockington (Secretary General of the IASS) Bruno Dagens (Treasurer of the IASS) Ashok N.Aklujkar T.S.Rukmani 6
Local Secretary Joint Secretary
: :
Ramanuja DEVANATHAN Prakash Pandey Shukla Mukherjee Somesh Mishra
Addresses Postal address
The Secretary, 15 World Sanskrit Conference, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Deemed to be University, Under MHRD, Govt. of India 56-57, Institutional Area D-Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 India E-mail:
[email protected]. cc :
[email protected] th
15 WORLD SANSKRIT CONFERENCE (Jointly organized by IASS and RSkS) Pre-registration form (Please fill in and return this form by July 2011) (This form is also available on the conference website) TH
Surname First name Designation Address for communication e-mail ID I would like to present a paper in section no Have you decided your title of the Paper, if so details Date Signature I prefer to have further circulars On paper (by post) Through e-mail In both formats Do not send the circulars; I will consult your website.
Other requirements/comments: I will be accompanied by ___________________ and I will make payment of her/his registration fee and hotel charges. · Please answer “Yes” or “No”Are you a vegetarian? Are you a self-cooking (Svayampakin) Do you have any special requirement? If yes, furnish details: 8
Please return to – The Secretary, 15 WSC, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Deemed to be University, Under MHRD, Govt. of India, 56-57, Institutional Area D-Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058, INDIA E-mail:
[email protected] cc :
[email protected] th
RASHTRIYA SANSKRIT SANSTHAN (DEEMEED UNIVERSITY) 56-57 institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110058 President Vice ChancellorShri Kapil Sibal, Prof. Radhavallabh Tripathi. Minister of Human Resource Development.
The Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan is a Deemed University under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. It is an apex body for propagation and development of Sanskrit learning in the country through teaching, research, publications, collections and preservation of Sanskrit Manuscripts, development of curriculum for traditional Sanskrit teaching. Presently, the Sansthan is the largest and the only multi campus Sanskrit University all over the world. At present Sansthan has eleven Campuses across the country including the Delhi campus. Besides the facilities of teaching at Graduate & Post Graduate level and Research at Allahabad, Jammu, Puri Guruvayoor, Jaipur, Lucknow, Sringeri, Garli, Bhopal and Mumbai, the campuses have got infrastructural facilities, including buildings, libraries, laboratories, staff quarters, hostels and like. Teaching and Research are conducted in Veda, Adaita Vedanta, Vishishta Advaita Vedanta, Navya Vyakarana, Prachin Vyakarana,Sahitya, Mimamsha, Nyaya, Dharmashastra, Sarva Darshan, Jain Darshan, Bauddha Darshan, Sankhya Yoga, Phalit Jyotish, Ganit Jyotish, Paurahitya, Puranitihasa. In all the Campuses, a two year buffer course of plus-two level called Prak Shastri is also conducted to facilitate students of modern stream of education to join the traditional Sanskrit stream. Sansthan also conducts Shiksha Shastri (B.Ed) programe in eight campuses and Shiksha Acharya (M.Ed.) programe in Jaipur & Jammu Campuses.These courses are recognized by the NCTE. In addition, Computer courses are also conducted as part of curriculum from Prak Shastri to Shastri, Shiksha Shastri at all Campuses. Sansthan is instroducing semester system and Choice Based Council System (CBCS) from the current accadmic year i.c. 2.10-11. 10
Implementation of various Schemes of the Ministry is one of the major activities of Sansthan. Under this, the Sansthan provides financial assistance to Voluntary Sanskrit Organisations engaged in the propagation, development and promotion of Sanskrit in the form of salary to teachers and scholarship to students at approved rates. Twenty four Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalayas including Shodh Sansthans are also provided financial assistance under a separate scheme according to which 95 percent of recurring and 75 percent of non-recurring expenditure is provided by the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. The Sansthan also gives honoraria to 125 retired eminent Sanskrit Scholars at the rate of Rs.6000/- per month to teach in the campuses of Sansthan and other Sanskrit Institutions for a period of two years under Shastra Chudamani Scheme. The Sansthan had started teaching of Non Formal Sanskrit Education at different locations by providing necessary assistance. This has proved a great success. Now, the Sansthan is conducting the Ninth round of non-formal Sanskrit Education. 2, 26,875 Sanskrit learners which include Teachers, Doctors, Engineers, Officers, Advocates, Retd. Persons apart from students have been the beneficiary of the programme. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan is also involved in producing Self Study Material in Five levels for Sanskrit learning which is called as “Teach your Self Samskrit”. So far, 1,26,000 copies of first level, 50,000 copies of second level, 2000 copies third level have been published. Productions of fourth and fifth levels material are in progress. Sansthan started celebrating Natyotsava since 2004 in which 63 Sanskrit Dramas has successfully staged which have received applause from various sources. Sanskrit Net Project was introduced in the year 2003. The Sanskrit Language Teaching Programme is telecast every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 5.00 P.M. on DD Bharati, time and days are same and on DD India Channel and everyday at 6:30 am to 7:30 am and 12:00 Noon to 1:00 pm on Gyan Darshan Channel of IGNOU. In this project 732
episodes have been produced. DVD Album of 120 lessons of Samskrit Bhasha Shikshanam, 38 lessons of Sankhsep Ramayan, 30 lessons of Vedic Maths, 10 lessons of Animated stories in Sanskrit with subtitled in Hindi & English , CD of Teach Yourself Sanskrit First Level, CD of Shabdakalpadrum, 20 best Sanskrit Dramas and 120 hours of Nyaya Muktavali in MP3 are also available . The Sansthan has brought out 292 publications and also 113 books under reprint scheme. For details, visit our website : www.sanskrit.nic.in. Phone : 011-28520979, Fax : 011- 28520976