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Performing Arts Handbook  2016-2017   

    Anna Roy, Instrumental Director  Heather Schoppmann, Choral Director             

Welcome to the CHMS Music Department! We are very happy to have you as a part of our music program. As a member of our musical groups, there are certain expectations to meet in order to be a productive part of the team. The following pages outline some of these expectations as well as some of the things you can look forward to in the upcoming school year. Musically yours, Anna Roy and Heather Schoppmann

Some of the Benefits of Music Participation ● Teamwork and cooperation: ​No matter what you do in life, teamwork is essential. Musical ensembles are a great way to work as a group and learn to reach goals. ● Leadership:​ Students learn to become excellent leaders through performances and activities. ● Friendships:​ Many ensemble members make friendships that last. Musical ensembles are like a family where everyone helps each other out. ● Time Management Skills: ​ Students learn how to manage their time and make the most of it. ● Life Skills: ​Students learn dedication, commitment, perseverance, responsibility, acceptance of others, and how to compete in a friendly way. ● Extra Curricular:​ ​ ​ Colleges and Universities are impressed when students have participated in co-curricular activities such as band, chorus and orchestra. ● FUN!​: We have fun learning new music in different styles, languages and forms, and sharing it with others!

Performing Ensembles Bands 5​th​ grade, 6​th​ grade and 7/8 grade. Jazz Band- open to 7th and 8th grade by audition only. Students attend rehearsals Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 7:20. Chorus 5​th​ grade, 6​th​ grade and 7/8 grade. Select Chorus- is an a cappella singing group open to 7​th​ or 8​th​ grade students by audition only. Students attend rehearsals Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7:20. Orchestra Beginner strings and String Ensemble. The full string ensemble meets before school starting at 7:20, date TBD. Performing Opportunities ● All groups will perform in both a Winter and Spring concert. ● Jazz Band and Select Chorus:​ have opportunities to perform at the Jazz Fest, 8th grade Recognition Night and other events that come up throughout the year. ● District Music Festival: ​7/8 Instrumental or Choral Students will have an opportunity to audition for these ensembles. ● Other opportunities may include: ​District Jazz Festival, VCDA Choral Festival, CESU Festivals. Music Students may be assigned original copies of sheet music to use. This music belongs to CHMS and must be returned, in good condition, after each concert. Music not returned will need to be replaced at cost of music. Choral students will also be given a 3-ring binder to use for rehearsals. They may take them home to practice but they should be returned at the end of the school year in good condition. Binders destroyed or not returned will cost $4.00. Water Students are ENCOURAGED to bring water into the music classrooms. Grading Students will be graded on their daily participation in class, lessons and at concerts. PLEASE NOTE: UNEXCUSED ABSENCES AT CONCERTS WILL AFFECT A STUDENT‛S GRADE

CONCERTS ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED AT BOTH THE WINTER AND SPRING CONCERTS. Band and Chorus are performing classes. Class during the day is only one component of our learning. Therefore, it is imperative that each student sees how all of their hard work gets put together to create a final project. Each member of the group is also vital to the group‛s success and cannot be replaced. Excused Absences Students will be excused from a performance for a death in the family, religious observance, appearance in court, emergency or illness. Barring an emergency, if a student is unable to attend the concert he/she ​ If the absence is due to an illness, the student must present a note from the parent. For excused absences, a make-up assignment will be offered. Unexcused Absences Unexcused absences will automatically reduce a student‛s grade. Unexcused absences include, but are not limited to, non-school sport conflicts, family events, parties, outings, no ride to school or failure to remember concert date and time. Please look over the following concert schedule, and do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or concerns. It is our goal to create as positive a musical experience as possible for your son/daughter.

Concert Dress ● CHMS Polo shirt, TUCKED IN ● Black pants or skirt for girls- skirts should be longer than the knee so they look appropriate when on stage. Stockings or tights must be skin tone or black ONLY. ● Black dress pants for boys. ● Black shoes

It is important that all students wear the concert attire. Please see Mrs. Roy or Mrs. Schoppmann if you need help getting any of these items.