... that you and your family have a restful Easter holiday. Best wishes. Ryan Davies. Headteacher. Page 2 of 2. 160321 -
Staff updates Dear parent/carer,
March 2016
As the end of term is rapidly approaching, I am writing to update you on a number of developments. STEPS and LEVELS Thank you for your support with our new behaviour system. The whole purpose of this is to ensure that learning can take place without interruption and should pupils not adhere to the expectations, there are a clear set of consequences. The vast majority of our pupils probably have not noticed any difference at all in that they have not received any points from the new system. For the minority who have, they have had to face the consequences of their actions completing teacher set sanctions, afterschool detentions and even Saturday morning detentions. New academic year
All pupils (years 7 – 13) will return to school on Monday 5th September. This may mean that those families who wish to take advantage of cheaper holiday prices during the final week of the holiday, may wish to do so! School uniform
Our Pupil Governors have recently discussed possible changes to the school uniform for September 2017 (there are no changes for this September). It is hoped that we can decide on a way of clearly identifying membership of each of the five houses through the new design. Changes will have to be agreed by our full governors with a timeframe of October 2016 to inform you of any changes for the following year. In the meantime, please remember that our uniform policy as it stands should be adhered to at all times. This includes: Plain black trousers/skirt – no jeans/denim Plain black shoes – not canvas One pair of stud earrings is permissible Thank you for your support in ensuring high standards of uniform. School production Our end of year production this year is We Will Rock You. Performances take place in the week beginning 11th July. Please help us to sell tickets and to ensure that each performance is a ‘sell-out’ – our pupils deserve this. Staff Sadly, we are saying farewell to two of our teaching colleagues. Miss Kirsty Jenkins who teaches maths is leaving us to take up a post at Pontarddulais and Mr Wyn Richards is leaving us to pursue other interests. We wish them well and thank them for their contribution to Bishop Gore School. Mr Michael John will be replacing Miss Jenkins and Mrs Ruth Williams and Mrs Rebecca Matthews will share the teaching of Mr Richards’ timetable until his permanent replacement (Mr Anthony Russ) joins us in September.
As the number of pupils attending our school continues to grow, so does the need to employ additional staff. We are currently undertaking a very successful period of recruitment and will update you further at the end of the next term.
Attendance and punctuality
It is important that pupils make every effort to attend regularly. If possible, please try to arrange medical appointments outside school time although it is recognised that, in some cases, this may be difficult. Pupils should arrive on the school premises by 8.40am at the latest. Our new behaviour system means that pupils who are late, are given a ‘Step 2’ (2 points). Pupils with poor punctuality quite easily find themselves on 10 points and having to complete a detention after school on Monday evening. Sixth Form
It is pleasing to be able to report that we have received a record number of applications to join our sixth form in September (135 to date). This demonstrates the faith that these pupils and their families place in us as a school. It also helps to ensure the sustainability of the sixth form with class sizes now being more viable. If this trend continues, the further expansion of our sixth form provision will be necessary. Examinations
Our y11, 12 and 13 (and some of our y10) pupils are busy preparing for their examinations. Easter is a particularly busy time as there are many revision sessions taking place in school with the timetable being available on our website. Many practical examinations have already taken place and will continue to do so on our return. The main examination period starts on May 16th and continues until the end of June. Results will be distributed as follows: AS and A2 results Thursday 18th August (from 9am) GCSE results Thursday 25th August (from 9am) Good luck to all pupils sitting examinations – they really are a credit to the school and deserve to do well. Summary of Key Dates:
Wednesday 23rd April Monday 11th April Monday 2nd May Monday 16th May+ Friday 27th May Monday 6th June Monday 11th July Wednesday 20th July Thursday 18th August Thursday 25th August Monday 5th September
Break up for Easter All pupils return May Day bank holiday Main examination period Break up for half term All pupils return We Will Rock You Break up for Summer A level results GCSE results School opens (all years)
Thank you for your support. I hope that you and your family have a restful Easter holiday. Best wishes