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Proposal to set aside $500 to allow Connie to convert web hosting from SquareSpace to. Wild Apricot. i. Connie will lead
MLUA Monthly Board Meeting September 25, 2016 Minutes


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Roll call a. Tony Lancette, John Nicholson, Tom Eliason, Tim Likes, Steve Kudebeh, Connie Sutherland Approval of August minutes a. John motioned, Tim approved, approved by vocal vote Treasurer’s Report, follow up on payments a. Fred will email bank statement around. It’s around $6,000. b. Dues should be coming in. c. Julie and Mike were both paid d. STX clinic – clinicians have been paid e. Tony giving Fred a list of observation fees and others f. We owe Rick money for tshirts i. Motion to pay by Tim, seconded by Tom, approved by vocal vote g. Bait Bucket observations – compensation for trainers i. $30 per hour at 18 hours = $540 ii. John motions, Emily seconds, approved by vocal vote Youth update. Game protocols. Rules. Fees. Table workers for tourneys, playoffs. a. Joni not present. Tabled for a future meeting. LEAD programs a. Julie wants to do some here. Maybe in Rochester. b. We can have our own – don’t need nationals. c. Chris Loving has access to fields, etc d. Need to follow protocol through national – paperwork, etc. e. Looking for returning officials. 1st-2nd year officials that need some more games. f. Goal is to build Rochester base of officials. g. Goal is to have one down there right at start of season. April 14th is when they can start scrimmaging. h. Can we use it for training requirement as well? i. Steve mentions that spring training works better than fall training in terms of retention. Youth Coordinator position a. Steve: Work on training and retention b. In the past have retained 10/40 c. Tony asks if we can use Arbiter to send out text messages d. Arbiter can send game reminder messages e. Steve thinks they may not read or acknowledge arbiter emails f. Personal contact will be important g. MLA is helping with more resources to go after the youth officials h. Steve thinks we need to re-examine the goal of what we’re trying to get





i. Our past goal has been to maintain them as officials through college and onward ii. Steve’s Seattle contact has seen them go other ways during college. iii. Maybe we should help them focus on resume and other benefits of short term. Website update a. Video uploads – JC providing YouTube clips. b. Current website is due to renew c. There’s a credit card on file that may have been charged? i. $192 fee was supposed to be charged on Sept 15th ii. Card belongs to Julie Carlson d. Wild Apricot i. $400 to set it up ii. Better interface for video posting iii. We could have multiple administrators with different segments of ownership iv. Connie is putting together a demo e. Proposal to set aside $500 to allow Connie to convert web hosting from SquareSpace to Wild Apricot i. Connie will lead that charge ii. Tom motions, Fred seconds, approved by vocal vote Dues – reminder out Mon. Electronic options. Non-metro fee, $30. a. Tony will send a reminder b. We don’t have an electronic option for this year. Maybe for next year. c. Definition of non-metro is on the website. d. Youth metro membership is $50. e. Anyone can reach out to Fred with questions National Convention stipend/scholarship. Publicize a. In the past we have had a $200 scholarship, but haven’t publicized it. It has been about 10 in past years. b. Let’s try to publicize it this year c. We’ll make it an application process d. Registration for convention is $100 e. We’ll offer a “limited” number this year. f. January 20-22, 2017 in Baltimore Ratings – what does it mean, how does it affect me? a. Still a lot of confusion out there b. COA and USL are two separate organizations c. If you get a COA rating, you are recognized by USL d. If you have a USL rating, you have to pay a fee and go to a clinic to get recognized by COA e. There will still be L1, L2, and L3 – all are good for three years i. Level 3 can do low-level college games and should be proficient at 3-person ii. No longer a clinic required for club lacrosse f. We need to put a document together for membership explaining the changes




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g. College (D1, D2), College Select (D3, N1, N2), and College Elite (N3+) are all considered L3 by USL h. Have to pay $100 to attend a transitional clinic Training update a. No update as of now. b. Steve and Tim will work on dates c. Try to keep dates consistent with last year MLA meeting on October 5th a. Initial assessment of what the two umpire groups need b. MLA rep, boys reps, Tony and Tim High school observation training program a. Emily, John, and Julie attended b. Emily has a lot of notes on effective observations. c. MSHSL has a form they want us to use i. Questions around what level of section and state play they should be officiating d. Feedback on what 1-7 ratings should be e. We need to be able to use them for our group f. Hard for us to devote significant people towards it Next meeting – October 30, 6pm Adjourn a. Motion by Tom, seconded by Emily