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WR 155,121-122 Course Standards

• CONTACT INFORMATION • Cornelia Paraskevas [email protected] 503.838.8477 Tandy Tillinghast-Voit [email protected] 503.838.8713 Josh Daniels [email protected] 503.838.8308

• COURSE DESCRIPTION • WR 115, 121-122 (4 credits each) WR115- Introduces the conventions and skills of college level writing; emphasizes clear writing and critical reading and thinking; bridges developmental writing courses and WR121. WR121- Emphasizes clear, detailed writing that employs critical reading and thinking, basic research skills, and introduction to argument. WR122- Focuses on the writing of logical, effective, argumentative prose; use of stylistic elements; awareness and consideration for different audiences; research and documentation skills; and critical reading.

• COURSE STANDARDS • TT The following are standards students will know and the assessments and tasks on which they will demonstrate their knowledge in order to earn credit. Standards 1 Outcome #1: Academic Discourse and Conventions [Maps to: OWEAC WR121, & 122 Outcome #1] ● Use writing and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating. ● Demonstrate comprehension of college-level academic vocabularies and structures. ● Evaluate and respond critically to a range of college-level texts. ● Manage prerequisite mechanical skills such as grammar, sentence variety, and appropriate word choice. 2 Outcome #2: Organization, Thesis and Development [Maps to: OWEAC WR121, & 122 Outcome #2] ● Develop and control an appropriate thesis. ● Develop paragraphs to serve a particular function in an essay. ● Develop ideas through sufficient support and structuring devices to achieve progression and build a reasoning pathway in an essay based on a thesis. 3 Outcome #3: Audience, Purpose, and Voice [Maps to: OWEAC WR121, & 122 Outcome #3] ● Develop writing that communicates successfully to others. ● Explain and support their position on a topic and anticipate audience needs. ● Edit their writing for accuracy, variety, and appropriateness according to the purpose of the writing task. ● Engage in fair and objective dialogue with others. 4 Outcome #4: Information Literacy [Maps to: OWEAC WR121, & 122 Outcome #5] ● Understand the purpose of citation and the concept of plagiarism. ● Use library resources to find and evaluate appropriate sources to answer questions. ● Demonstrate an accurate understanding of how to use and incorporate sources in their own writing. ● Employ proper MLA citation techniques.. 5 Outcome #5: Writing Process [maps to OWEAC WR121, & 122 Outcome #4] ● Manage and reflect on their personal writing processes. ● Demonstrate techniques for prewriting, drafting, and revising in order to transition between “writing for self” and “writing for others.”

Updated August 2016

Assessment Student Writing Portfolio: Students demonstrate sufficiency/ proficiency through the creation of a writing portfolio that includes the following attached assignments: 1) Written responses to TWO in-class, on demand essay prompts using provided resource material. 2) Further revision of ONE above essays to include: a) An annotated bibliography b) A polished "final draft" of the essay c) A writing process reflective cover letter d) Writing surveys (beginning and end)

Measurement Minimum Passing Standards Rubrics will be used to measure proficiency.

WR 155,121-122 Course Standards

• Level Expectations • TT

115/121 - Level Expectations: a) Annotated bibliography with 5 sources (2 of 5 sources provided) b) Essay: 4-5 pp. (~1,000-1,200 words)+ Works Cited page with 3 sources total chosen from the annotated bibliography (2 provided sources can be used, if appropriate and at least 1 research-based source) c) reflection: 2-3 pp., may be supplemented with process artifacts. d) All items should be dated and presented in MLA format. 122- Level Expectations: a) Annotated bibliography with 7-10 sources (2 of 7-10 sources provided) b) Essay: 5-7 pp. (1,250-1,750 words) + Works Cited page with 5 sources total chosen from the annotated bibliography ( 2 provided sources can be used, if appropriate, and at least 3 research-based sources c) reflection: 2-3 pp., may be supplemented with process artifacts. d) All items should be dated and presented in MLA format.

Updated August 2016

WR 155,121-122 Course Standards

• COURSE STANDARDS • TT The following are standards students will know and the assessments and tasks on which they will demonstrate their knowledge in order to earn credit.

Updated August 2016