17-07-039. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Conference.pdf. 17-07-039. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Conf
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region scHoots DtvtstoN oFFtcE City of Mandaluyong Tel. no. 956-2952625-3263 Fax. no.532-7!-17 E-Motll Address: sao.manaatuvono@aso€d.oov.otr Offi cial Website: deoedmandaluvons.wordoress,com
A g,F
OlC, Assistant Schools Division Superi Chief Education Supervisors, SGOD/ClD d-Education Program Supervisors uY SGOD fficials 'VDA Principals, Public, Elementary and Secondary Schools
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Conference
July 1 1,2017
ln connection with the Observance of the National Disaster Consciousness Month this July 2017, the field is hereby informed that the 3d Quarter Conference of the Division/School Disaster Risk Reduction Management personnel will be on Wednesday July 19, 2017,8:OOam- 5:00pm. at SDO Mandaluyong Conference Room.
The Participants are the following:
a. b.
c. d.
School DRR Coordinator Senior High School Focal Person SDO DRR Action Team Officers School Guidance Counselor
3. 4.
Punctuality must be observed.
Wide and lmmediate dissemination of this memorandum is desired.
See attached Program.
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region scHooLs DlvtstoN oFFtcE City of MandaluyonS Tel. no. 532-2396 tax. no.532-71-17 E-Moi, Address: sdo.m6ndatuwno6&ood.oov.oh
Official Website; deoedmandaluvons.wordoress.com
Objective : to update School program/Projects /School Monitoring Plan and Orientation on Disaster Prevention and safety Consciousness AGENDA
Part I Registration Part
- Mr. Arnold Abad Master of Ceremony
Manny Meneses
- Barbara P. De Guzman
National Anthem
- Lilian C. Maza
Welcome Remarks Message
Emma G. Arrubio Chief Supervisor SGOD
-Nerissa L. Losaria, CESO Vl Officer ln-charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Roll Call Part lll
D. Bagdoc P.D.O. IU DRRM
- Avelino
Conference Proper Disaster Preparedness Capacity of Mandaluyong Mr. Roald R. Arcangel - Admin. Training Head ,CDRRMO
. o o
Update on School Programs and Project ( you can use slide for your report) Division Monitoring Plan Bench Marking Submission of the following Report 1. 2016 School Accomplishment Report 2. 2017 School DRR Plans 3. Updated School Organizational Structure 4. Updated BERT Organizational Structure 5. Program/Activates in the school 6. School Evacuation Route MaP