17-08-022. Disaster Risk Reduction Reduction and Management ...

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17-08-022. Disaster Risk Reduction Reduction and Management Program.pdf. 17-08-022. Disaster Risk Reduction Reduction an
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region

scHooLs DrvrstoN oFFrcE City of Mandaluyong Tel. no. 956-2957/625-3263 Fax. no.532-71-17 E-Mai/ Add reSS i [email protected]. oh Off ic ia I We bsite : de ped ma nda I uvong.word press.com

OlC, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisors, SGOD/CID Ealr raa{ian t-vLrvcluvrr





Qr rnanrioaro rDraaram r|!rYr(ilrtr lrLrPgr Yrar\rra,

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SGOD Officials Principals, Public, Elementary and Secondary Schools Subject

Disaster Risk Reduction Readiness and Management Program


August 3,2017


The field is hereby informed that, SDO Mandaluyong in coordination of Red Cross and CDRRT\4O wi!! conduct Disaster Risk Reduction Readiness and Awareness Program on (Tuesday) August 15, 2013, 8:00-5:pm. at Mandaluyong High School Multi-Purpose Hall.


The Participants are the following

a. b.

c. d.

School DRR Coordinator School Scout Coordinator SDO DRR Action Team Officers Schoo! Red Gross Coordinator

3. Punctuality must be observed. 4. See attached Program. 5.




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Wide and lmmediate ciissemination of this memorandum is desired

ltErta IIEr\I

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Officer ln-charge Office of the Schools Division Su perinte(o ent

4. Att r ': .'

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region

scHools DtvtsloN oFFrcE City of Mandaluyong

Training Orientation on Disaster Risk Reduction Readiness and Management Mandaluyong High School Auditorium PROGRAMME






Ma. Elena Vic'toria Enriquez -DRR Coordinator MHS Lilian G. Masa - DRR Team Officer NDFES

Certificate Documentation Refreshment

Antonio Flores

DRR Team fficers - MES DRR Team Officers - ERIS


Arvin R. Cruz -

SDO - Mandaluyong DRR

Barbara P. Deguzman

Doxology Philippine National Anthem Welcome Remarks Message



Sec. DRR Team

Henrick Baio BSP Coordinator MHS Dr. Ervin A. Salazar Principal MHS Dr.Nerissa L. Losaria - Officer ln4harge ffice of the Schools Division Superintendent City of Mandaluyong Hon. Francisco O. Esteban Councilor - 2nd Distric Mandsluyong Chairman Education Committee

Presentation of Participants

and submission of reports.


b. c. d. e. f.

No. of Teachers/Students/Nonteaching personnel Training attendedlActivities Accomplishment Report 2016 Action Plan 2017-2018 Updated School DRR Organization Evacuation route map/No. of Hard Hat in your school


Seminar Proper

Avelino D. Bagdoc P.D.O./ DRR Chair SDO Mandaluyong

Note: Report in soft and hard copy use A4 Disaster Management Ms. Ria RiveraAdministrative Officer Red Cross Mandaluyong Branch DRR readiness and Awareness Garol Viray - CMDRRM Administrative Staff

Master of Geremony Henrick Bajo BSP Coordinator MHS