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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Welcome to the Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Selections

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students: Please review these listings to ensure your student selects the appropriate course choices for next year. Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Pazdunkiewicz, Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Adams, Mr. Deck and class instructors can offer valuable guidance. We encourage you to take advantage of speaking with them. Selecting courses for the next year should be approached in a deliberate and serious manner. Philadelphia Academy has much to offer and selections should be made after considering your student's interests, goals, and academic pursuits. Please read the course descriptions carefully. Some courses have pre-requisites and/or require approval. Placement in honors level courses is based on test results, previous grades and teacher recommendations. Selection of courses does not ensure that students will receive a course in September. Final decisions regarding placement or level changes are the responsibility of administration. Insufficient enrollments may result in course cancellations. Please remember that all rosters are individually reviewed and approved by administration to ensure your student achieves a well-balanced roster. The selection process is the first step in decisions regarding courses for next year. Administration will make every effort to ensure that student requests are honored. Students will receive their roster in homeroom on the first day of school in September. Math and reading summer projects are given to the students in June before school closes and will be due the first day of school in September. These assignments are also published in the newsletter and will be available online at www.philadelphiaacademy.org. The Philadelphia Academy Charter High School administration and faculty are grateful to you for your continued support and encouragement of your student throughout the school year.

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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog Welcome to the Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Selections ............................... 1 Course Numbers ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Graduation Requirements/Senior Project ............................................................................................. 5 Senior Graduation Project .................................................................................................................... 5 Advanced Placement (AP) Program ....................................................................................................... 5 Post High School Education.................................................................................................................. 6 Levels ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Honors and Modified/Adapted Courses ................................................................................................ 6 Additional Information ......................................................................................................................... 6 Courses of Study - Grade 9.................................................................................................................... 7 Required Courses ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Elective Courses ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Courses of Study - Grade 10 ................................................................................................................. 7 Required Courses ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Elective Courses ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Courses of Study - Grade 11 ................................................................................................................. 8 Required Courses ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Elective Courses ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Courses of Study - Grade 12 ................................................................................................................. 9 Required Courses ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Elective Courses ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Graduation Requirements/Senior Graduation Project ....................................................................... 10 Elective Course Descriptions ............................................................................................................... 11 101 - Art I .............................................................................................................................................. 11 102 - Art II/III......................................................................................................................................... 11 114 – Photo Imaging ............................................................................................................................... 11 115 – Photography II .............................................................................................................................. 11 121 - Culinary Art I................................................................................................................................. 11 122 - Culinary Art II................................................................................................................................ 12 131 - Music Appreciation ........................................................................................................................ 12 151 - Technology I Microsoft Office .......................................................................................................... 12 152 - Technology II Graphic Design ......................................................................................................... 13 308 - Contemporary History .................................................................................................................... 13 602 – Health II ....................................................................................................................................... 14 705 - Robotics ........................................................................................................................................ 14 706 - Ecology ......................................................................................................................................... 14 711 - Anatomy/Physiology ..................................................................................................................... 15 Elective AP Course Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 15 205 – AP English Literature and Composition .......................................................................................... 15 Page 2 042817

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog 306 – AP US Government and Politics ...................................................................................................... 15 307 - AP US History ................................................................................................................................ 15 505 – AP Calculus .................................................................................................................................. 16 710 – AP Biology .................................................................................................................................... 16 Course Descriptions – English Classes ............................................................................................... 16 201 – English I ....................................................................................................................................... 16 202 – English II ...................................................................................................................................... 17 203 – English III ..................................................................................................................................... 17 204 – English IV ..................................................................................................................................... 18 206 – English LSS .................................................................................................................................. 18 207 – System 44 .................................................................................................................................... 19 208 – Read 180 ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Course Descriptions – History Classes ............................................................................................... 20 301 – World History I .............................................................................................................................. 20 302 – World History II ............................................................................................................................. 20 303 – American History .......................................................................................................................... 20 304 – US Government / Economics ......................................................................................................... 21 307 – US History .................................................................................................................................... 21 Course Descriptions – Language Arts Classes ................................................................................... 21 401 – French I ........................................................................................................................................ 21 402 – French II ....................................................................................................................................... 22 403– French III/IV .................................................................................................................................. 22 421 – Spanish I ...................................................................................................................................... 22 422 – Spanish II ..................................................................................................................................... 23 423 – Spanish III/IV ............................................................................................................................... 23 Course Descriptions – Mathematics Classes ...................................................................................... 23 500 – Algebra I A .................................................................................................................................... 23 501 – Algebra I B.................................................................................................................................... 24 502 - Geometry ...................................................................................................................................... 24 503 – Algebra II ...................................................................................................................................... 25 504 – Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus ............................................................................................................ 25 506 – Mathematics LSS ......................................................................................................................... 25 507 – Carnegie Math I ............................................................................................................................ 26 508 – Consumer Math............................................................................................................................. 26 Course Descriptions – Physical Education Classes............................................................................ 26 601 – Physical Education ........................................................................................................................ 26 Course Descriptions – Science Classes ............................................................................................... 27 703 – Chemistry ..................................................................................................................................... 27 704 – Physics I ....................................................................................................................................... 27 Page 3 042817

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog 709 – Biology 9 ...................................................................................................................................... 27 710 – Biology 10 .................................................................................................................................... 28 Course Descriptions – Modified/Adapted Curriculum Classes – Pre-Vocational I ............................. 28 870 – Pre-Vocational I ............................................................................................................................. 28 871 – Pre-Vocational II ............................................................................................................................ 28 Course Descriptions – Modified/Adapted Curriculum Classes – PAES Lab ....................................... 29 872 - Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES) Lab ..................................................................... 29 Course Descriptions – Modified/Adapted Curriculum Classes – Internship...................................... 29 873 - Internship...................................................................................................................................... 29 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................ 30

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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog Course Numbers Each course is assigned a number within a department. Course Number 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Departments Electives English History Language Arts Mathematics Physical Education Science

Available electives are listed under each grade level. Pre-requisites must be fulfilled. Department Chair and Administration approval required for select courses. Graduation Requirements/Senior Project All students must have a total of 24 units and have satisfactorily completed a Senior Project in order to graduate from Philadelphia Academy Charter High School. Units in the following disciplines must be earned: Number of Units 4 4 4 4 2 1 5

Discipline English Mathematics History Science Foreign Language Note: Reading may replace one year Physical Education/Health Electives Senior Graduation Project

In compliance with Title 22 of the Pennsylvania State Code Section 4.24 (a) Chapter 4 of the Academic Standards and Assessment, Philadelphia Academy graduation "Requirements shall include course completion and grades, completion of a culminating project, and results of assessments based on the state standards in reading, writing and math." "The purpose of the culminating project is to assure that students are able to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and communicate significant knowledge and understanding.” The project is under the guidance and direction of faculty and administration. Advanced Placement (AP) Program The Advanced Placement Program offers our high school students the opportunity to benefit from a cooperative educational endeavor between Philadelphia Academy Charter High School and colleges and universities. The College Board is pleased to announce that all of our AP course syllabi are authorized to use the AP® designation at Philadelphia Academy Charter High School. From the College Board site: "AP can change your life. Through college-level AP courses, you enter a universe of knowledge that might otherwise remain unexplored in high school; through AP Exams, you have the opportunity to earn credit or advanced standing at most of the nation's colleges and universities." Page 5 042817

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

A significantly more challenging, intensive college level course, the AP course requires a dedicated commitment of effort and time for assignments. The AP test is taken in the spring and is graded on a 1 to 5 scale by the College Board. A 3 is a passing grade. Many colleges and universities offer credit or advanced standing based on test scores. A test fee is required. Post High School Education We encourage all students to consult with the individual colleges, catalogues, handbooks, teachers and our guidance counselor as the following are only general guidelines: For admission, colleges consider a variety of items: SAT scores, grades, GPA, community service and, if required, teacher recommendations. Some colleges require SAT II subject tests so research into the individual college requirements is strongly encouraged. Typically, trade and technical schools and community colleges will administer their own aptitude tests and usually require a high school diploma. Levels To offer maximum student achievement, different course levels are offered to meet the needs of each student. Course level assignment is initially determined by Administration. Changes in these levels are made through teacher recommendations in consultation with parents and Administration. Final determination rests with Administration. Honors and Modified/Adapted Courses Enrollment into the honors course is determined by Administration and represents a more in-depth approach to covered course topics. Students who benefit from additional support including appropriate modifications in instruction techniques and testing procedures to achieve their academic best are enrolled by Administration into the modified/adapted courses. Additional Information Administration reserves the right to delete a course based on insufficient class enrollment and personnel availability. The majority of courses have pre-requisites, some include testing fees and some require approval. Please read the descriptions carefully and if you have any questions, please consult Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Pazdunkiewicz, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Deck or class instructors. Courses listing pre-requisites include prior grade level equivalents. For example, if a grade 10 student has taken English II, but is recommended for a grade 11 English III Honors course, the student would be admitted - after review and approval by Administration - as having met the pre-requisite prior grade level equivalent for English III Honors.

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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Courses of Study - Grade 9

Required Courses Department



English History Mathematics Physical Education Science

201 301 500-501 601 709

English I World History I Algebra I – Algebra I A – Algebra I B Physical Education Biology 9

Elective Courses Department


Language Arts Language Arts English

401 421 208

Subject French I Spanish I Read 180

Please note: Honors or modified/adapted course level placements are based on test results, previous grades, teacher and Department Chair recommendations. Final decisions regarding placement or level changes are the responsibility of Administration.

Courses of Study - Grade 10 Required Courses Department


English History Language Arts Mathematics Science

202 302 402 502 710

Subject English II World History II Foreign Language Geometry Biology 10 Elective Courses



Elective Elective Elective Elective

101 121 131 151

Subject Art I Culinary Arts I Music Appreciation Technology I Microsoft Office

Please note: Honors or modified/adapted course level placements are based on test results, previous grades, teacher and Department Chair recommendations. Final decisions regarding placement or level changes are the responsibility of Administration. Please see course description details. Some courses require Department Chair recommendations and Administration approval.

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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Courses of Study - Grade 11

Required Courses Department


English History Mathematics Science

203 303 503 703

Subject English III American History Algebra II Chemistry Elective Courses



Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective English History History Language Arts Language Arts Language Arts Language Arts Language Arts Language Arts Science Science Science Science Science

101 102 114 121 122 131 151 152 205 307 308 401 402 403 421 422 423 704 705 706 710 711

Subject Art I Art II/III Photo Imaging Culinary Arts I Culinary Arts II Music Appreciation Technology I Microsoft Office Technology II Graphic Design AP English Literature & Composition AP US History Contemporary History French I French II French III/IV Spanish I Spanish II Spanish III/IV Physics I Robotics Ecology AP Biology Anatomy/Physiology

Please note: Honors or modified/adapted course level placements are based on test results, previous grades, teacher and Department Chair recommendations. Final decisions regarding placement or level changes are the responsibility of Administration. Please see course description details. Some courses require Department Chair recommendations and Administration approval.

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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Courses of Study - Grade 12 Required Courses Department


English History Mathematics

204 304 504

Subject English IV US Government/Economics Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus Elective Courses



Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective English History History History Language Arts Language Arts Language Arts Language Arts Language Arts Language Arts Mathematics Physical Education Science Science Science Science Science

101 102 114 115 121 122 131 151 152 205 306 307 308 401 402 403 421 422 423 505 602 704 705 706 710 711

Subject Art I Art II/III Photo Imaging Photography II Culinary Arts I Culinary Arts II Music Appreciation Technology I Microsoft Office Technology II Graphic Design AP English Literature & Composition AP US Government/Politics AP US History Contemporary History French I French II French III/IV Spanish I Spanish II Spanish III/IV AP Calculus Health II Physics I Robotics Ecology AP Biology Anatomy/Physiology

Please note: Honors or modified/adapted course level placements are based on test results, previous grades, teacher and Department Chair recommendations. Final decisions regarding placement or level changes are the responsibility of Administration. Please see course description details. Some courses require Department Chair recommendations and Administration approval.

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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog Graduation Requirements/Senior Graduation Project In compliance with Title 22 of the Pennsylvania State Code Section 4.24 (a) Chapter 4 of the Academic Standards and Assessment, Philadelphia Academy graduation "Requirements shall include course completion and grades, completion of a culminating project, and results of assessments based on the state standards in reading, writing and math." "The purpose of the culminating project is to assure that students are able to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and communicate significant knowledge and understanding.” The project is under the guidance and direction of faculty and administration.

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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog Elective Course Descriptions

101 - Art I Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 05152 None No 10-11-12 Art History introduces students to significant works of art, artists, and artistic movements that have shaped the art world and have influenced or reflected periods of history. This course emphasizes the evolution of art forms, techniques, symbols, and themes. Credit




102 - Art II/III Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 05170 101-Art I Yes 11-12 Art Portfolio offers students the opportunity to create a professional body of work that reflects their personal style and talent. Students are encouraged to display their work publicly. Credit




114 – Photo Imaging Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 11054 None Yes 11-12 The Digital Photography course exposes students to the materials, processes, and artistic techniques of taking artistic photographs. Students learn about the operation of a camera, composition, lighting techniques, depth of field, filters, camera angles, and film development. The course may cover black-and-white photography, color photography, or both. As students advance, the instruction regarding the creative process becomes more refined, and students are encouraged to develop their own artistic style. This course may also cover major photographers, art movements, and styles. Credit




Acceptance to course is based on an interview and essay process. 115 – Photography II Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 05167 114-Photo Imaging Yes 12 The Photography course provides students with an understanding of photographic media, techniques and processes. This course focuses on the development of photographic compositions through manipulation of the elements of art and principles of design. This course may also include the history of photography, historic movements, image manipulation, critical analysis and some creative special effects. Credit




Acceptance to course is based on an interview and essay process.

121 - Culinary Art I Code




Course Description

Approval Required 1.0 1 16056 None No Culinary Art Specialty provides instruction and emphasizes skills specific to a type of cooking or culinary style. Credit




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Available for Grades 10-11-12 particular

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog 122 - Culinary Art II Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 16055 121-Culinary Art I Yes 11-12 Restaurant Management and Operations provides students with knowledge and skills related to commercial and institutional food service establishments, with an emphasis on management. Credit




Course topics include guest service and relationships, planning, resource management, and other topics related to managing and operating restaurants. 131 - Music Appreciation Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 05118 None No 10 -11-12 Music Appreciation is designed to help students explore the world of music and to develop an understanding of the importance of music in their lives. Credit




151 - Technology I Microsoft Office Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 10999 None No 10–11–12 Technology I course is a certification course in the Technology Department at Philadelphia Academy Charter High School. The course highlights fundamental skills needed for professions in the real world and gives students a basic knowledge of Computer Applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Access. Microsoft Certifications are available for all Microsoft technologies. Achieving a Microsoft Certification helps provide the student with up-to-date, relevant skills that can help lead to a great college or a fulfilling career, while giving the student access to valuable Microsoft Certification Program benefits. The newfound range of basic computer skills forms a solid basis on which to build more computer literacy. Credit




COURSE GOALS: 1. Students master the fundamental concepts of technology. 2. Students gain self-confidence from knowing they can use a PC and today's most critical computer software applications. 3. Students will become a more productive citizen in our technological society. 4. Students will be well rounded in all the areas of computer application technologies that will prepare them for a job or college. 5. Students learn the value of technical/business competency for entry-level success and for educational/career growth and development. CERTIFICATION TESTS: Certification assessments provide a simple, low-cost way for individuals to identify their computing skill proficiency. Assessments are taken online, making the first step towards certification easy and convenient. Through the assessment, individuals can receive a custom learning path that includes recommended training, Microsoft E-Learning, and step-by-step handouts to help individuals prepare for the certification exams. Students that want to earn Microsoft Certification will be required to pay for each certification test. A test fee is required for each certification test.

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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

152 - Technology II Graphic Design Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 10999 None No 10–11–12 Technology II introduces students to graphic design and web development. Because of the students' prior knowledge gained in their Technology I course, the students will have the confidence to explore the graphic design and web development programs. The class consists of lecture and lab exercises. This helps the students develop basic design skills for the print and web medium. Students will produce creative projects following directional handouts and exercises. Student knowledge will be assessed by tests, homework, classwork, projects / presentations. Credit




In the first half of the course, students will develop a portfolio of graphics including projects completed in class. The design projects will include (but are not limited to): meaning of color, logo, flyer/poster, post card, book cover, CD cover, magazine advertisement, magazine cover, movie poster, package design, and newsletter/brochure. During the second half of the course, the students will be introduced to basic HTML and a graphical web editor application or WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) software such as Dreamweaver. Students will learn what effective web pages are and what are not. Student will create/edit a multi-page web site using Dreamweaver and add their graphical designs from the beginning of the semester to the pages. Their web pages will contain text, images, and links. In this course, the students have the freedom to learn through exploration. Students traditionally enjoy this class because they are able to display their individuality and creativity. Graphic Topics Covered

Meaning of Color Typography Color modes (CMYK, RGB, Grayscale, Black/White) File formats and extensions Design principals Image Resolution

Layering Shadowing/Stroke Creative experimentation and production of computer generated images Cropping, resizing, level adjustments Layout and positioning Image manipulation for the web Measurement WEB Topics Covered

HTML Layout Web safe colors Navigation Layers

Good vs. Bad web design Hyperlinks Image maps Tables Forms

308 - Contemporary History Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 04064 303-American History Yes 11-12 Contemporary History is offered to academically focused Juniors and Seniors planning to enter college after high school. Students with a deep interest in current events, international affairs, and geo-politics are also encouraged to sign up. This course is designed to expose students to the major issues confronting the United States and the international community today. The course challenges students to build a comprehensive understanding of a particular issue, analyze current U.S. policy, and develop original opinions. Credit




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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

602 – Health II Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 08051 None Yes 12 The Health II course embraces the processes of becoming an independent young adult capable of developing healthy, mature relationships with others. Credit




The Health II curriculum will provide focus on an overall concept of wellness. Students will develop an understanding of physical, emotional and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and how they support a healthy active lifestyle. Through exploration of personality development and self-image students will gain better understanding of pairing and commitment, family living, conception/parenting and sexuality. Students will learn medically accurate information about abstinence and contraception and living the skills to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS and unintended pregnancy. Through this learning process, students will have a better perception of emotional issues, stress/stress management and responsibilities accrued outside of the realm of academia. 705 - Robotics





Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 21009 None Yes 12 The Robotics course develops and expands students’ skills and knowledge so that they can design and develop robotic devices. Topics covered in the course may include mechanics, electrical and motor controls, pneumatics, computer basics, and programmable logic controllers. Credit




706 - Ecology Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 1 030031 None Yes 11-12 Ecology as described by Yale Universities' forestry college, field ecology is: "A field-based introduction to methodology used by ecologists in field studies. Descriptive studies, comparative analysis, modeling, and experimental approaches are explored using class or small-group projects relevant to major topics in ecology." Credit




Our Field Ecology course will be based around a strong teacher led lecture class housed in school for 4 out of 5 days. During the time spent in class we will be learning and discussing ecological issues of today. For one day a week the students will be out in the actual environment truly exploring and testing and learning about the ecosystems of Pennypack Park. In the field, students will use the Vernier LabQuest handhelds for data collection. The course will be graded on an array of different assignments both in the class and out of it. In class the students will use their text to learn and research various aspects of Ecology; this information will be assessed with tests, quizzes, critical thinking assignments, research papers, and in house labs. The outdoor aspect will introduce the kids to an entirely new array of field-based assessments including; service learning projects, personal projects, and a yearlong eco-log that will be observation based.

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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog 711 - Anatomy/Physiology Code




Course Description





Approval Required

Available for Grades

709-Biology 9 or Yes 11-12 710-Biology 10 Anatomy Physiology is intended for Seniors bound for colleges majoring in the biological sciences including nursing, pre-med, pharmaceuticals, etc. 1.0



This course will explore in detail the structure and function of the human body. This will be a rigorous course that will begin with the human body orientation, basic chemistry, cells and tissues, skin and body membranes, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and human body reproduction along with other concepts. Lab work will include dissection of a fetal pig as well as human physiology labs.

Elective AP Course Descriptions 205 – AP English Literature and Composition Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 3 01006 203-English III Yes 11-12 Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed to parallel college-level English courses, AP English Literature and Composition courses enable students to develop critical standards for evaluating literature. Students study the language, character, action, and theme in works of recognized literary merit; enrich their understanding of connotation, metaphor, irony, syntax, and tone; and write compositions of their own (including literary analysis, exposition, argument, narrative, and creative writing). Credit




This course adheres to the Advanced Placement guidelines. Students take the AP exam in May. Test fee required. Space is limited and placement will be offered to senior class members first. 306 – AP US Government and Politics Code




Course Description

Approval Available Required for Grades 1.0 3 04159 303-American History Yes 12 Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed to parallel college-level U.S. Government and Politics courses, these courses provide students with an analytical perspective on government and politics in the United States, involving both the study of general concepts used to interpret U.S. politics and the analysis of specific case studies. The courses generally cover the constitutional underpinnings of the U.S. government, political beliefs and behaviors, political parties and interest groups, the institutions and policy process of national government, and civil rights and liberties. Credit




This course adheres to the Advanced Placement guidelines. Students take the AP exam in May. Test fee required. Space is limited and placement will be offered to senior class members first. 307 - AP US History Code











303-American History

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Approval Required Yes

Available for Grades 11-12

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog The AP U.S. History course provides students with the analytical skills and factual knowledge necessary to critically address problems and materials in U.S. history. Students learn to assess historical materials and to weigh the evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship. Course Description

This course examines the discovery and settlement of the New World through the recent past. Follows College Board's suggested curriculum designed to parallel college-level U.S. History courses. This course adheres to the Advanced Placement guidelines. Students take the AP exam in May. Test fee required. Space is limited and placement will be offered to senior class members first.

505 – AP Calculus Code










Course Description


Approval Required Yes

Available for Grades 12

Approval Required Yes

Available for Grades 12

504-Trigonometry / Pre-Calculus Following the College Board's suggested curriculum designed to parallel college-level calculus courses, AP Calculus AB provides students with an intuitive understanding of the concepts of calculus and experience with its methods and applications. These courses introduce calculus and include the following topics: elementary functions; properties of functions and their graphs; limits and continuity; differential calculus (including definition of the derivative, derivative formulas, theorems about derivatives, geometric applications, optimization problems, and rate-of-change problems); and integral calculus (including anti-derivatives and the definite integral).

710 – AP Biology Code










Course Description


709-Biology 9 or Biology 9 Honors 710-Biology 10 or Biology 10 Honors Adhering to the curricula recommended by the College Board and designed to parallel college-level introductory Biology courses, AP Biology courses emphasize four general concepts: evolution; cellular processes (energy and communication); genetics and information transfer; and interactions of biological systems. For each concept, this course emphasizes the development of scientific inquiry and reasoning skills, such as designing a plan for collective data, analyzing data, applying mathematical routines, and connecting concepts in and across domains. AP Biology courses include college-level laboratory investigations. Course Descriptions – English Classes

201 – English I Code Course Note Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

201A English I None

201H English I Honors None

Adapted / 1 Assigned 1.0 01001 None Yes 9

Honors / 2 Assigned 1.0 01001 None Yes 9 Page 16 042817

201M English I Course description shown below Modified / 0 Assigned 1.0 S0091 None Yes 9

201R English I None Regular / 1 Required 1.0 01001 None No 9

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Course Description

Course Description 201M

English/Language Arts I build upon students’ prior knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, word usage, the mechanics of writing and usually includes the four aspects of language use: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This course introduces and defines various genres of literature, with writing exercises often linked to reading selections. 201M – English I - The goal of this English course is to experience the best works written by well-known authors. In addition, students will be required to write about these works, discuss them with their peers, and learn to cultivate the ability to critically analyze poetry, drama, novels, short stories, and non-fiction works from a variety of historical periods. Students will have the opportunity to increase their vocabulary and understanding related to literary analysis, improve their writing skills, and perfect their grammatical and mechanical skills. 202 – English II

Code Course Note Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

202A English II None

202H English II Honors None

202M 202R English II English II Course description None shown below Adapted / 1 Honors / 2 Modified / 0 Regular / 1 Assigned Assigned Assigned Required 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 K01053 K01053 KS01053 K01053 201 English I 201 English I 201 English I 201 English I Yes Yes Yes No 10 10 10 10 The English/Language Arts II course offers a balanced focus on composition and literature. Students learn about alternate aims and audiences of written compositions by writing persuasive, critical, and creative multi-paragraph essays and compositions.

Course Description

Course Description 202M

Through the study of various genres of literature, students can improve their reading rate and comprehension and develop the skills to determine the author’s intent and theme and to recognize the techniques used by the author to deliver his or her message. This course participates in the Keystone exams. 202M-English II - The goal of this English course is to experience the best works written by well-known authors from around the world. In addition, students will be required to write about these works, discuss them with their peers, and learn to cultivate the ability to critically analyze poetry, drama, novels, short stories, and nonfiction works from a variety of historical periods. Students will have the opportunity to increase their vocabulary and understanding related to literary analysis, improve their writing skills and perfect their grammatical and mechanical skills. Through the study of various genres of literature, students can improve their reading rate and comprehension and develop the skills to determine the author’s intent and theme and to recognize the techniques used by the author to deliver his or her message. 203 – English III

Code Course Note Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

203A English III None

203H English III Honors None

Adapted / 1 Assigned 1.0 01003 201 English I 202 English II Yes 11

Honors / 2 Assigned 1.0 01003 201 English I 202 English II Yes 11 Page 17 042817

203M English III Course description shown below Modified / 0 Assigned 1.0 S0111 201 English I 202 English II Yes 11

203R English III None Regular / 1 Required 1.0 01003 201 English I 202 English II No 11

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Course Description

Course Description 203M

English/Language Arts III continues to develop students’ writing skills, emphasizing clear, logical writing patterns, word choice, and usage, as students write essays and begin to learn the techniques of writing research papers. Students continue to read works of literature, which often form the backbone of the writing assignments. Literary conventions and stylistic devices may receive greater emphasis than in previous courses. 203M-English III - The goal of this English course is to experience the best works written by well-known authors from around the world. In addition, students will be required to write about these works, discuss them with their peers, and learn to cultivate the ability to critically analyze poetry, drama, novels, short stories, and nonfiction works from a variety of historical periods. Students will have the opportunity to increase their vocabulary and understanding related to literary analysis, improve their writing skills and perfect their grammatical and mechanical skills. Through the study of various genres of literature, students can improve their reading rate and comprehension and develop the skills to determine the author’s intent and theme and to recognize the techniques used by the author to deliver his or her message. English/Language Arts III (11th grade) courses continue to develop students’ writing skills, emphasizing clear, logical writing patterns, word choice, and usage, as students write essays and begin to learn the techniques of writing research papers.

204 – English IV Code Course Note Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites

Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

Course Description 204M

204A English IV None

204H English IV Honors None

204M 204R English IV English IV Course description None shown below Adapted / 1 Honors / 2 Modified / 0 Regular / 1 Assigned Assigned Assigned Required 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 01004 01004 S0121 01004 201 English I 201 English I 201 English I 201 English I 202 English II 202 English II 202 English II 202 English II 203 English III 203 English III 203 English III 203 English III Yes Yes Yes No 12 12 12 12 The English/Language Arts IV course blends composition and literature into a cohesive whole as students write critical and comparative analyses of selected literature, continuing to develop their language arts skills. Students primarily write multiparagraph essays, but they may also write one or more major research papers. 204M-English IV – The goal of this English course is to experience the best works written by well-known British authors. In addition, students will be required to write about these works, discuss them with their peers, and learn to cultivate the ability to critically analyze poetry, drama, novels, short stories, and non-fiction works from a variety of historical periods. Students will have the opportunity to increase their vocabulary and understanding related to literary analysis, improve their writing skills and perfect their grammatical and mechanical skills. 206 – English LSS




Credit /Level



Approval Required

Available for Grades


English LSS




Earlier English requirements must be met



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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog This English course consists of three components: Vocabulary Development and Spelling, Grammar and Literature. Vocabulary Development and Spelling will focus on decoding skills, definitions, parts of speech, word usage, proofreading, thesaurus and dictionary skills. The students will create picture dictionaries and learn how to use the new words in their writing and speaking skills.

Course Description

Grammar will include the writing process, sentence constructing, syntax, semantics, and punctuation. Literature introduces the students to adapted short stories and multiple genres from the traditions of American literature. Comprehension strategies are enhanced with use of the EdMark Functional Word Reading Series, Pacemaker World and American Literature Series. The students will also be exposed to the Options Comprehension Matters series which encompasses the following topics” Main idea and Details, Cause and Effect, Context Clues, Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences, and Sequencing Skills. The students will engage in Practical English assignments such as grammar and punctuation. The students will be progress monitored utilizing the following Lingui Systems Interactive Software programs including: Reading Comprehension, Spotlight on Reading and Listening Comprehension, Spotlight on Vocabulary, No- Glamour Sentence Structure, Category / Definitions, Problem Solving, and Question Structure.

207 – System 44 Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

Course Description

207A -------

207H -------

207M -------

207R System 44 Regular / 1 Assigned 1.0 01068 Earlier English requirements must be met ---Yes ---9-10-11-12 The System 44 Program is a foundational reading and phonics intervention technology program for the most challenged readers who have not made adequate progress in the Read 180 Program. System 44 includes state-of-the-art reading technology that delivers direct, explicit research based foundational adaptive reading and phonics instruction as well as engaging, high interest print materials for student practice in reading, writing and spelling. 208 – Read 180

Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

208A -------

208H -------

208M -------




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208R Read 180 Regular / 1 Assigned 1.0 01068 Earlier English requirements must be met Yes 9-10-11-12

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Course Description

Read 180 is a research based intervention program that helps students improve their skills in essential areas such as decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. The program is divided into four major components: whole group instruction, interactive computer work, independent reading, and intensive small group strategy instruction. Course content will be determined by the needs of the students; however, general skills such as summarizing, finding the main idea, predicting, spelling and grammar will be addressed. The intent of this course is to build skills, increase confidence, and help students achieve in other areas, including state and district assessments. Course Descriptions – History Classes

301 – World History I Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

301A World History I

301H 301M 301R World History I World History I World History I Honors Adapted / 1 Honors / 2 Modified / 0 Regular / 1 Assigned Assigned Assigned Required 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 04051 04051 04051 04051 None None None None Yes Yes Yes No 9 9 9 9 World History—Overview provides students with an overview of the history of human society from early civilization to the contemporary period, examining political, economic, social, religious, military, scientific, and cultural developments. The World History— Overview may include geographical studies, but often these components are not as explicitly taught as geography.

302 – World History II Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

302A World History II

302H 302M 302R World History II World History II World History II Honors Adapted / 1 Honors / 2 Modified / 0 Regular / 1 Assigned Assigned Assigned Required 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 04053 04053 04053 04053 301–World History I 301–World History I 301–World History I 301–World History I Yes Yes Yes No 10 10 10 10 Modern World History provides an overview of the history of human society in the past few centuries from the Renaissance period or later to the contemporary period – exploring political, economic, social, military, scientific and cultural developments.

303 – American History Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites

303A American History Adapted / 1 Assigned 1.0 04101 301-World History I 302-World History II

303H American History Honors Honors / 2 Assigned 1.0 04101 301-World History I 302-World History II Page 20 042817

303M American History

303R American History

Modified / 0 Assigned 1.0 04101 301-World History I 302-World History II

Regular / 1 Required 1.0 04101 301-World History I 302-World History II

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

Yes Yes Yes No 11 11 11 11 The U.S. History—Comprehensive course provides students with an overview of the history of the United States, examining time periods from discovery or colonialism through World War II or after. This course includes a historical overview of political, military, scientific, and social developments. Course content may include a history of the North American peoples before European settlement. 304 – US Government / Economics

Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites

Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

304A 304H 304M 304R US Government / US Government / US Government / US Government / Economics Economics Honors Economics Economics Adapted / 1 Honors / 2 Modified / 0 Regular / 1 Assigned Assigned Assigned Required 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 04151 04151 04151 04151 300-World History I 300-World History I 300-World History I 300-World History I 301-World History II 301-World History II 301-World History II 301-World History II 302- American 302- American History 302- American 302- American History History History Yes Yes Yes No 12 12 12 12 The U.S. Government—Comprehensive course provides an overview of the structure and functions of the U.S. government and political institutions and examine constitutional principles, the concepts of rights and responsibilities, the role of political parties and interest groups, and the importance of civic participation in the democratic process. This course may examine the structure and function of state and local governments and may cover certain economic and legal topics. 307 – US History

Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites

Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

307A ------

307H -------

307M 307R US History -Modified / 0 -Assigned -1.0 -04101 -300-World History I 301-World History II --302- American History --Yes ---12 -307M – US History provides students with an overview of the United States history examining time periods from discovery or colonialism through World War II or after. These courses typically include a historical overview of political, military, scientific and social developments. Course Descriptions – Language Arts Classes

401 – French I Code Course Level Type Credit ID

401A ------

401H -----Page 21 042817

401M ------

401R French I Regular / 1 Required / Elective 1.0 06121

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

---None ---No ---9-10-11-12 Designed to introduce students to the French language and culture, French I prepares students to communicate authentically in French by interpreting (reading, listening, viewing), exchanging (speaking and listening; reading and writing), and presenting (speaking, writing) information on a variety of topics. They introduce the relationships among the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking cultures. 402 – French II

Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

Course Description

402A 402H 402M 402R ---French II ---Regular / 1 ---Required / Elective ---1.0 ---06122 ---401-French I ---No ---10-11-12 The French II course builds upon skills developed in French I, preparing students to communicate authentically in French by interpreting (reading, listening, viewing), exchanging (speaking and listening; reading and writing), and presenting (speaking, writing) information on concrete topics. The French II course introduces the relationships among the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking cultures.

403– French III/IV Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

Course Description

403A -------

403H -------

403M -------

403R French III/IV Regular / 1 Required / Elective 1.0 06124 401-French I 402-French II ---No ---10-11-12 The French IV course prepares students to communicate authentically in French by interpreting (reading, listening, viewing), exchanging (speaking and listening; reading and writing), and presenting (speaking, writing) information, concepts, and ideas on a variety of topics, including connections to other subject areas. The French IV course promotes students’ understanding of the relationships among the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking countries and cultures. 421 – Spanish I

Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

421A ---------

421H ---------

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421M ---------

421R Spanish I Regular / 1 Required / Elective 1.0 06101 None No 9-10-11-12

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Course Description

Designed to introduce students to Spanish language and culture, the Spanish I course prepares students to communicate authentically in Spanish by interpreting (reading, listening, viewing), exchanging (speaking and listening; reading and writing), and presenting (speaking, writing) information on a variety of topics. It will introduce the relationships among the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures. 422 – Spanish II

Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

422A 422H 422M 422R ---Spanish II ---Regular / 1 ---Required / Elective ---1.0 ---06102 ---421-Spanish I ---No ---10-11-12 The Spanish II course builds upon skills developed in Spanish I, preparing students to communicate authentically in Spanish by interpreting (reading, listening, viewing), exchanging (speaking and listening; reading and writing), and presenting (speaking, writing) information on concrete topics. The Spanish II course introduces the relationships among the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures.

423 – Spanish III/IV Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

Course Description

423A -------

423H -------

423M -------

423R Spanish III/IV Regular / 1 Required / Elective 1.0 06104 421-Spanish I 422-Spanish II ---No ---11-12 The Spanish III/IV course prepares students to communicate authentically in Spanish by interpreting (reading, listening, viewing), exchanging (speaking and listening; reading and writing), and presenting (speaking, writing) information, concepts, and ideas on a variety of topics, including connections to other subject areas. The Spanish III/IV course promotes students’ understanding of the relationships among the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking countries and cultures. Course Descriptions – Mathematics Classes

500 – Algebra I A Code Course Note Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

500A Algebra I A None

500H ---

Adapted / 1 Assigned 1.0 02053 None Yes 9

-------Page 23 042817

500M Algebra I A Course description shown below Modified / 0 Assigned 1.0 02053 None Yes 9

500R ----------

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Course Description

Course Description 500M

Algebra I A includes the study of properties of rational numbers (i.e. number theory), ratio, proportion, estimation, exponents and radicals, the rectangular coordinate system, sets and logic, formulas, and solving first degree equations and inequalities. 500M - Modified Algebra utilizes Prentice Hall Mathematics Algebra I text which is used in the general education curriculum as well as the Pacemaker Algebra 1, which is designed for students and young adults who need extra help grasping new algebraic concepts. This full-color text teaches the key elements of algebra in a step-by-step approach, and helps prepare students for high school exit exams and state testing. Presentation of material and pace of instruction is strongly influenced by the individual needs of the student. New skills and content are reinforced through repetition and extra practice. Modified Algebra also reviews skills that have been covered in previous math classes that students may not have yet mastered, like multiplication or division and operations involving fractions, per cents, and decimals. 501 – Algebra I B

Code Course Note Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

Course Description 501M

501A Algebra I A None

501H Algebra I Honors --

501M 501R Algebra I A Algebra I Course description -shown below Adapted / 1 Honors / 2 Modified / 0 Regular / 1 Assigned Assigned Assigned Required 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 02054 K02052 02054 K02052 None None None None Yes Yes Yes No 9 9 9 9 Algebra I B includes the study of properties of the real number system and operations, evaluating rational algebraic expressions, solving and graphing first degree equations and inequalities, translating word problems into equations, operations with and factoring of polynomials and solving simple quadratics. 501M - Modified Algebra utilizes Prentice Hall Mathematics Algebra I text which is used in the general education curriculum as well as the Pacemaker Algebra 1, which is designed for students and young adults who need extra help grasping new algebraic concepts. This full-color text teaches the key elements of algebra in a step-by-step approach, and helps prepare students for high school exit exams and state testing. Presentation of material and pace of instruction is strongly influenced by the individual needs of the student. New skills and content are reinforced through repetition and extra practice. Modified Algebra also reviews skills that have been covered in previous math classes that students may not have yet mastered, like multiplication or division and operations involving fractions, per cents, and decimals. 502 - Geometry

Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

502A 502H 501M 501R Geometry Geometry Honors Geometry Geometry Adapted / 1 Honors / 2 Modified / 0 Regular / 1 Assigned Assigned Assigned Required 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 02072 02072 02072 02072 500-Algebra I A or 500-Algebra I A or 500-Algebra I A or 500-Algebra I A or 501-Algebra IB 501-Algebra IB 501-Algebra IB 501-Algebra IB Yes Yes Yes No 10 10 10 10 Geometry emphasizes an abstract, formal approach to the study of geometry; typically include topics such as properties of plane and solid figures; deductive methods of reasoning and use of logic; geometry as an axiomatic system including the study of postulates, theorems, and formal proofs; concepts of congruence, similarity, parallelism, Page 24 042817

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog perpendicularity, and proportion; and rules of angle measurement in triangles.

503 – Algebra II Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites

Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

503A Algebra II Adapted / 1 Assigned 1.0 02056 500A-Algebra I A or 501A-Algebra I B 502A-Geometry

503H 503M 503R Algebra II Honors -Algebra II Honors / 2 -Regular / 1 Assigned -Required 1.0 -1.0 02056 -02056 501H-Algebra I 501R-Algebra I Honors or 502R-Geometry 501R-Algebra I -502H-Geometry Honors or 502R-Geometry Yes Yes -No 11 11 -11 Algebra II topics include field properties and theorems; set theory; operations with rational and irrational expressions; factoring of rational expressions; in-depth study of linear equations and inequalities; quadratic equations; solving systems of linear and quadratic equations; graphing of constant, linear, and quadratic equations; properties of higher degree equations; and operations with rational and irrational exponents.

504 – Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites

Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

504A --

504H 504M 504R Trig/Pre-Calc -Trig/Pre-Calc Honors -Honors / 2 -Regular / 1 -Assigned -Required -1.0 -1.0 -02109 -02109 501H-Algebra I 501R-Algebra I Honors or 502R-Geometry 501R-Algebra I 503R-Algebra II -502H-Geometry -Honors or 502R-Geometry 503H-Algebra II -Yes -No -12 -12 Elementary Functions for the Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus course prepares students for eventual work in calculus, includes the study of relations and functions, including polynomial, logarithmic, exponential, rational, right trigonometric, and circular functions, and their inverses, graphs, and applications. 506 – Mathematics LSS




Mathematics LSS

Course Description

Available for Grades 9-10Assigned 1.0/0 SEUG None Yes 11-12 The Mathematics LSS course is based upon skills needed to: add/subtract, recognize and count money, work with time, work with basic math skills, and, work with manipulative and concrete idea resources in order to apply the ideas of mathematics into their everyday lives. Type

Credit /Level


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Approval Required

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog 507 – Carnegie Math I Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

Course Description

507A 507H 507M 507R --Carnegie Math ---Modified / 0 ---Assigned ---1.0 ---02002 ---None ---Yes ---9-10-11-12 -Carnegie Learning Bridge to Algebra is designed to remediate students who have completed a middle school math sequence of instruction but still exhibit gaps in their math knowledge and skills. The course covers the five major NCTM strands: Number and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Data Analysis and Probability. The course content is comprised of a consumable textbook and Cognitive Tutor Software. The problems and activities students encounter are designed to help students integrate conceptual and procedural knowledge needed to be successful when they enter an Algebra course. Approximately three days a week, students will be working with partners or small groups to develop skills to work cooperatively to solve problems and improve their reasoning and communication skills. Two days a week, students will work on the computer with Cognitive Tutor Software which individualizes and differentiates instruction based upon the student's prior knowledge and needs. 508 – Consumer Math

Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

Course Description

508A 508H 508M 508R --Consumer Math ---Modified / 0 ---Assigned ---1.0 ---02157 ---None ---Yes ---12 -The Consumer Math course reinforces general math topics (such as arithmetic using rational numbers, measurement, ratio and proportion, and basic statistics) and applies these skills to consumer problems and situations. Applications typically include budgeting, taxation, credit, banking services, insurance, buying and selling products and services, home and/or car ownership and rental, managing personal income, and investment. Course Descriptions – Physical Education Classes

601 – Physical Education Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

601A ---------

601H --------Page 26 042817

601M ---------

601R Physical Education Regular / 1 Required 1.0 08001 None No 9

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Course Description

Physical Education provides students with knowledge, experience, and an opportunity to develop skills in more than one of the following sports or activities: team sports, individual/dual sports, recreational sports, and fitness/conditioning activities. Course Descriptions – Science Classes 703 – Chemistry

Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites

Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

703A Chemistry Adapted / 1 Assigned 1.0 03101 709A-Biology 9 or 710A-Biology 10

703H 703M 703R Chemistry Honors Chemistry Chemistry Honors / 2 Modified / 0 Regular / 1 Assigned Assigned Required 1.0 1.0 1.0 03101 03101 03101 709R-Biology 9 or 709M-Biology 9 or 709A-Biology 9 or 709H-Biology 9 710M-Biology 10 710A-Biology Honors or 10709R-Biology 9 710R-Biology 10 or 710H-Biology 10 Honors Yes Yes Yes No 11 11 11 11 Chemistry involves studying the composition, properties, and reactions of substances. These courses typically explore such concepts as the behaviors of solids, liquids, and gases; acid/base and oxidation/reduction reactions; and atomic structure. Chemical formulas and equations and nuclear reactions are also studied. 704 – Physics I

Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites

Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

704A -------

704H 704M 704R Physics I Honors -Physics I Honors / 2 -Regular / 1 Assigned -Required 1.0 -1.0 03151 -03151 709R-Biology 9 or -709R-Biology 9 or 709H-Biology 9 709H-Biology 9 Honors Honors 703R-Chemistry or 703R-Chemistry or 703H-Chemistry 703H-Chemistry Honors Honors -Yes -Yes -12 -12 Physics involves the study of the forces and laws of nature affecting matter, such as equilibrium, motion, momentum, and the relationships between matter and energy. The study of physics includes examination of sound, light, and magnetic and electric phenomena. 709 – Biology 9

Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade

709A Biology 9 Adapted / 1 Assigned 1.0 03051 None Yes 9

709H Biology 9 Honors Honors / 2 Assigned 1.0 03051 None Yes 9 Page 27 042817

709M Biology 9 Modified / 0 Assigned 1.0 03051 None Yes 9

709R Biology 9 Regular / 1 Required 1.0 03051 None No 9

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Course Description

Biology provides information regarding the fundamental concepts of life and life processes. This course includes (but are not restricted to) such topics as cell structure and function, general plant and animal physiology, genetics, and taxonomy.

710 – Biology 10 Code Course Level Type Credit ID Pre-Requisites Approval Required Available for Grade Course Description

710A Biology 10 Adapted / 1 Assigned 1.0 K03051 709A-Biology 9

710H 710M 710R Biology 10 Honors Biology 10 Biology 10 Honors / 2 Modified / 0 Regular / 1 Assigned Assigned Required 1.0 1.0 1.0 K03051 K03051 K03051 709R-Biology 9 or 709M-Biology 9 709R-Biology 9 709H-Biology 9 Honors Yes Yes Yes No 10 10 10 10 Biology provides information regarding the fundamental concepts of life and life processes. This course includes (but are not restricted to) such topics as cell structure and function, general plant and animal physiology, genetics, and taxonomy. This course participates in the Keystone exams.

Course Descriptions – Modified/Adapted Curriculum Classes – Pre-Vocational I

870 – Pre-Vocational I Code




PreVocational I


Course Description

Credit /Level 1.0/0


Pre-Requisites None

Approval Required Yes

Available for Grades 11-12

This course prepares the functional and academic skills of the students who are preparing to transition to the work force. The students will learn job readiness skills to work within various careers and industries. They will develop a career portfolio documenting their skills. They will gain exposure to various careers and occupations. They will learn to search for jobs, participate in informational interviews in the community. They will participate in weekly volunteer work both at school and in the local community. They will learn self -advocacy skills and conduct investigations related to the field of their choice. The students will be assessed through rubrics and customized community based assessments to help identify the success of their goals. They will participate in the activities directly related to their employment goals.

871 – Pre-Vocational II Code




PreVocational II


Credit /Level 1.0/0


Page 28 042817

Pre-Requisites None

Approval Required Yes

Available for Grades 11-12

Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Course Description

The Pre-Vocational II course is designed to enhance the transition skills of students as they prepare to transition to into adulthood and the workforce. They will focus on metacognition skills such as identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and interests. They will set goals, develop communication skills, learn to handle stress and change, and identify ways to stay safe and healthy. They will learn to become a wise consumer by learning banking, budgeting and money management skills. They will study ways to become a good citizen by identifying laws, completing forms, and getting to places. They will learn to function independently. They will participate in the following functional activities: PACHS Café Snack Stand Hoagie Sales Travel Training Community Shopping Trips Lunch at Restaurants Library Trips Cooking for Aid for Friends Food Bank Community Outings Cleaning – Home Care Laundry Services Telephone Skills Time Management and Scheduling Complete medical forms Read Safety Labels Follow written directions Read directions to make things Meal Preparation

Course Descriptions – Modified/Adapted Curriculum Classes – PAES Lab

872 - Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES) Lab Code




Course Description


Credit /Level



Approval Required

Available for Grades

Assigned 1.0/0 SEUG None Yes 11-12 The Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES®) Lab provides students the opportunity to learn and explore over 264 jobs in five different work areas. Developed by Dr. Judy Swisher over 30 years ago, the curriculum provides students with special needs exploration through hands-on experiences in a variety of careers/vocations in the areas of business/marketing, consumer/service, construction/industrial, processing/production, and computer/technology. The job coach reviews their workday and scores it for a comprehensive report useful in writing their post-high school goals and objectives for the transition IEP. It also helps prepare the student for their entry to the work environment. Course Descriptions – Modified/Adapted Curriculum Classes – Internship 873 - Internship





Course Description

Credit Approval Available ID Pre-Requisites /Level Required for Grades Assigned 1.0/0 SEUG None Yes 11-12 Miscellaneous-Independent Study courses, typically organized as a mentorship with a teacher or outside professional, enable students to conduct investigations related to their field(s) of interest. Type

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Philadelphia Academy Charter High School Course Catalog

Bibliography National Forum on Education Statistics. School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Version 3.0. Retrieved from https://nces.ed.gov/forum/SCED.asp

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