17:30 17:45 S. Mereghetti. Ultime notizie sulla nana bianca massiva in HD49798/
RXJ0648.0-‐4418. 17:45 18:00 E. Nichelli. The Swift gaze at the Milky Way.
17:00 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30
17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 19:00
Martedi 13 dicembre 2011 Welcome coffee break and registration S. Mereghetti Ultime notizie sulla nana bianca massiva in HD49798/RXJ0648.0-‐4418 E. Nichelli The Swift gaze at the Milky Way L. Stella Effetti di Radiazione in Campo Forte S. Campana A Christmas comet falling onto a neutron star T. Belloni How to give a talk
A. Riggio A. Possenti Coffee C. Pernechele R. Campana Y. Evangelista L. Stella A. De Rosa G.L. Israel M. Feroci
Mercoledi 14 dicembre 2011 Update on the HiTRUn Survey for pulsars: the diamond planet and other discoveries Optical companions to binary millisecond pulsars in globular clusters AGILE observations of gamma-‐ray flares from the Crab Nebula A Fermi pulsar and its puzzling X-‐ray tail On the X-‐ray behaviour of Fermi/LAT pulsars Completing the census of Fermi pulsars Unambiguous proof of the cosmic-‐ray origin from Supernova Remnants MHD models of Pulsar Wind Nebulae: dynamics and non-‐thermal emission Sub-‐arcsecond location of IGR J17480-‐2446 with Rossi XTE The role of SRT in studying compact objects A single-‐shot optical linear polarimeter Scientific objectives and performance of the LOFT mission The Large Observatory For x-‐ray Timing: mission overview LOFT Working Groups overview LOFT Working Group on strong gravity LOFT Working Group on ultradense matter LOFT opportunities: open discussion
9:00 9:25 9:40 9:55 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15
P. D'Avanzo G. De Cesare A. Tarana Coffee S. Motta P.G. Casella E. Virgilli M. Del Santo
D. De Martino A. Paizis Coffee L. Zampieri F. Pintore M. Caballero F. Pizzolato C.A. Lombardi N. La Palombara C. Ceccobello
Low frequency oscillations in BHs: a spectral-‐timing approach to the case of GX 339-‐4 Beyond X-‐ray timing: fast multi-‐λ variability from the vicinity of compact objects Peculiar behaviour of the transient black hole candidate 4U 1630-‐47 Long term monitoring of Cyg X-‐1with INTEGRAL
Giovedi 15 dicembre 2011 Dyamical studies of Accreting Millisecond X-‐ray Pulsars Very Faint X-‐ray Transients: the "burst-‐only" connection NS LMXBs studied by INTEGRAL: last outburst of 4U 1722-‐30
XSS J1227-‐4859: a misterious LMXB with a FERMI/LAT association Unveiling the nature of IGRJ17177-‐3656 with X-‐ray, NIR and Radio observations Ultraluminous X-‐ray Sources: Recent Advancements and Open Questions X-‐ray spectral states and the accretion flow in Ultraluminous X-‐ray Sources NGC 55 ULX: evidence for a super-‐accreting black hole Clumpy accretion and the variability of the Super Giant Fast X-‐ray Transients Evidence of Black hole in the X-‐ray binary system Cygnus X-‐3 Pulsar Be persistenti a confronto: il caso di RX J0440.9+4431 Numerical solution of radiative transfer equations and application to compact objects
9:00 9:25 9:40 9:55 10:20 10:45 11:00 11:15
9:25 9:40 9:55 10:20 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:45
P. Esposito R. Turolla G.L. Israel Coffee N. Bucciantini N. Sartore A. Sartori
Venerdi 16 dicembre 2011 Magnetars: the fiercest beasts of the INSs zoo Is SGR 0418+5729 a waning magnetar? Recent results on magnetar transient phenomena Short GRBs with Extended Emission: a new case for a millisecond-‐magnetar engine Spectral Monitoring of RX J1856.5-‐3754 A time-‐variable, phase-‐dependent emission line in the INS RX J0822–4300 Concluding remarks